Reviews For One Year Lease
Reviewer: imaybegae Signed 

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Date: June 29 2022 4:02 PM Title: June
Author's Response:

Date: June 29 2022 4:02 PM Title: June
Author's Response:
Reviewer: latke Signed [Report This]
Date: June 28 2022 4:22 PM Title: June
Author's Response:
Date: June 28 2022 4:22 PM Title: June
Well that was a really well done climax, probably one of the most action packed ones I've read in your stories. Aside from that, I really appreciate how this story feels like it treads new ground for your stories(like with its month-a-chapter format, minor male antagonist, shrunken female character, etc). I think that's partially why its quickly become one of my new favourites of yours(aside from your great writing/character dynamics, of course).
Author's Response:
I wanted to break out and try some new stuff with this story, it's really nice to see it noticed, thanks!