Reviews For Magna Gratia
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Reviewer: imaybegae Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 06 2023 4:48 PM Title: Part 3 - Chapter 33

I find it interesting how both Jeannine and the Lillis themselves (or at least, Nick and Ori) seem to view the saved Lillis as something like a statistic. For instance, they focused on rescuing Remnants instead of those in pet stores because it was more efficient that way. In this chapter, Ori and Jeannine seemed to imply that it didn’t matter if others were killing Lillis; they just had to save more than were killed.

Also, I’m sorry if this is a stupid question, but how would you imagine the economic system in MG works?

Author's Response:

It was certainly a tough decision for them. As much as the group would like to help others, they are limited in what they can do. Remember that buying Lillis on the black market is both dangerous and expensive. Jeannine is a university student with very limited funds. I'm sure she would do both if she could. As for Ori, she wasn't saying that it didn't matter, but rather that Jeannine's mother could not be stopped by force. In that case, it would be better for Jeannine to focus on making a difference on her own rather than trying to change someone who refuses to do so. None of the mother's actions are being dismissed.

It's not a stupid question. I imagine their society to be capitalist. Imperialism was the driving force behind the invasion of their country, so there is also that.

Reviewer: kenrios Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 05 2023 11:10 PM Title: Prologue - Chapter 1

Please men, use Google Translator. English is not my mother language :D

Y aquí está. Supongo que esa es la razón de la actitud de Jeanine hacia los Lilis. Lo maravilloso de todo esto es que mientras lo estoy leyendo siento cada una de las emociones de la chica como si fueran mías. Es un arte ¿sabes?, atrapar al lector de esa manera es algo que pondero de tus escritos, amigo. Maravillosa obra que te pone a reflexionar y te hace desear seguir leyéndola para ver que sucederá a continuación.

Admiro el personaje de Jeanine. Es capaz de mantener sus principios incluso si eso la lleva a contradecir los de su madre. Sigue así, hombre. Te apoyo desde aquí.

Author's Response:

I hope this translated correctly! Forgive me if there are issues here.

¡Gracias por tu reseña de mi historia! Me hace muy feliz que disfrutes mis escritos. Jeannine es un personaje que me gusta mucho. Estoy feliz de que puedas relacionarte con ella. Espero que sigas leyendo mi historia hasta el final. ¡Su apoyo es muy apreciado!

Reviewer: kenrios Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 23 2023 2:13 AM Title: Part 3 - Chapter 31

Sometimes I find it hard to believe that people are inherently evil. We all have evil and good within us. The important thing is the decisions we make or what we believe is right and wrong and the path we choose. Jeaninne's mother's genocidal tendencies did not take root in her daughter despite everything. But I always believe that there is a reason in everyone to act in some way, beyond doing it because we can. Otherwise it would be a true barbarism. As I'm sure it was the war between Lilis and Brods

Author's Response:

Well said. I agree, people are blank slates. We are the products of our decisions. I'm glad the chapter could provoke such introspection :)

Reviewer: ro1994 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 15 2023 7:10 PM Title: Part 3 - Chapter 30

After previous chapter, I was wondering if we were going to have the first 'incident' soon. Now it's starting!

Looking forward to her coming back to 'fix' and accidentally messing things up even more---

Author's Response:

There's more to fix than just the physical. Not everything that is broken can be fixed.

Reviewer: ro1994 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 15 2023 7:09 PM Title: Part 3 - Chapter 29

This feels like the calm before the storm.

Perhaps we are going to have some lethal accident from this gentle 'goddess' soon?

Author's Response:

Jeannine's pretty careful, but not immune to mistakes. She's avoided hurting those small than her thus far. Who knows?

Reviewer: RedSplotch Signed [Report This]
Date: February 16 2023 6:15 AM Title: Part 3 - Chapter 26

Some have been asking for a romantic relationship between Nick and Jeanine, but that is really unworkable and a trope of giantess literature....

so I really like what you did with some light flirting and hip-checking the table. great stuff; story keeps getting better!

Author's Response:

This isn't a romantic story, considering how impractical a relationship between a Brob and Lilli would be. The latest chapter was my way of answering the people asking for that. I hope I didn't disappoint them too much! I think Jeannine and Nick's relationship is a strong, emotionally intimate one, despite being platonic. There's definitely love there, just not the kind that leads to anything physical.

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed their teasing and banter :D  

Reviewer: antrohimecas Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 12 2023 4:41 AM Title: Prologue - Chapter 1

I love this story, especially the parts where the story feels like a city building simulation but with the help of a 10 km giantess, somehow with your attention to detail when you are writing these sections you have made a giantess that feels more powerful when she is building stuff instead of destroying things randomly and I think that deserves praise.

This might sound silly but is it possible for you to tell me the heights of the main characters of this story if everyone was of the same race? because I keep wondering if Jeanne is a tall or short person for brob standards or how tall she would be in comparison to the lilis if she was their race. 

Author's Response:

That’s all I hope for. I want my story to show how fun a helpful/gentle giantess can be. There isn’t enough of that, in my opinion. 

I never thought about that. I guess I can come up with some numbers for you. These are for the ‘important’ characters. I’ll probably need to update this as new ones are introduced:

Jeannine 6’0”, Nick 5’9”, Ori 5’10”, Daedalus 5’6”, Icarus 6’2”, Sara 5’11”, Louis 4’2”

Reviewer: RedSplotch Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 02 2023 3:43 PM Title: Part 2.5 - Chapter 24

I cannot wait to see the lilli reaction to that encounter!

Author's Response:

It might not be as extreme as you expect :0

Reviewer: DarcKage Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 02 2023 12:05 PM Title: Prologue - Chapter 1

So it ended up happening after all, although by accident!

I like the way you write Sara, it's very easy to get annoyed with her ignorance and disregard, but not enough to hate her because she's trying to at least understand a little bit, even if it's more for Jeannine's sake.

Author's Response:

Jeannine isn't the type to reveal a secret like that, no matter the circumstances. As much as she would've liked to, it would be selfish and irresponsible of her to put so many people in harm's way without their say. As you've seen, she's serious about making everyone feel important, reminding them that they are people. Their say matters, especially to her.

Thanks! She's a complicated character. I leave it to the readers to judge her. I'm only concerned with keeping her realistic as opposed to 'good' or 'bad'.

Reviewer: Macroscope Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 02 2023 11:06 AM Title: Part 2.5 - Chapter 24

Oh wow, when I made that prediction in my previous review, I didn't think it'd happen so soon! I was reading this chapter with bated breath, which I think says a lot about how invested I am.

Glad that that panned out okay, though I imagine there's going to be some fallout from this development. It's one thing for Jeannine to forgive her best friend, but I imagine Nick and the others won't be so quick to trust given what he's seen her do (and what she threatened to do immediately after discovering them)... This will require some delicate diplomacy on Jeannine's part.

Author's Response:

The fallout won't come immediately. Despite the scare, nothing actually 'happened' to the tinies thanks to Jeannine. It'll be up to her to keep things stable.

Reviewer: fleant86 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 27 2023 8:38 PM Title: Part 2.5 - Chapter 23

This is the best size story I've read yet! You're very good at this, keep up the good work!!

Author's Response:

Thank you, I will!

Reviewer: Macroscope Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 26 2023 2:34 PM Title: Prologue - Chapter 1

I love this story, been quietly following it for some time. Very admirable balancing between worldbuilding, establishing characters, dialogue, and action.

I'm anticipating some point in a future chapter where one of Jeannine's Brob acquaintances visits her without warning and discovers her 'little' project. I'd expect Sara since so much dialogue is spent convincing her that Lillis are people too. It'd be the ultimate test to see if Sara has taken Jeannine's words to heart, and if Jeannine can protect her tiny friends from her big friend. It'd also be interesting to see how the Lillis respond to that situation.

I also can't help but wonder how Jeannine envisioned the future. She's not going to be a student forever. What if she has to move out of her apartment? Will she just uproot the entire city and take it with her?

Author's Response:

Thank you, it always makes me happy when someone enjoys my work.

You bring up some good points. Rest assured, I already have plans to address them all in future chapters, we're just not there yet. As for 'uprooting' the city, that was already avoided when she constructed the plot all the way back in the early chapters. The entire thing from the bedrock to the buildings is built atop a tray-like foundation. It's something solid enough to allow the city to be moved, if necessary. There would be damage, but it wouldn't outright destroy it. Jeannine's always planning ahead.

Reviewer: Lupin Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 26 2023 1:24 PM Title: Part 2.5 - Chapter 23

 Jeannine and Nick chapters are my favorites. I Can't get enough of their chemistry. I'll be surprised if they're not dating by the end of the series even with the size difference. Keep up the good work!

Author's Response:

Their relationship is platonic but you're not the first to bring that idea up. I think they work better as friends but who knows? Thanks for the stars!

Reviewer: DarcKage Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 19 2023 5:31 PM Title: Prologue - Chapter 1

Loving the story so far, there's nothing quite like it on this site and that makes the premise more unique.

I'm very curious if Jeannine will eventually decide to trust Sara or Myra or anyone else with seeing Magna Gratia, or if she just decides to keep it her secret.

Author's Response:

Glad to hear it! I'm happy that Magna Gratia stands out in a good way.

Who knows? Sharing a secret isn't a problem when it's your own. When a secret belongs to so many, it becomes harder to make a decision like that.

Reviewer: RedSplotch Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 12 2023 1:49 AM Title: Prologue - Chapter 1

Forgot to give stars.

Author's Response:

Thanks! I appreciate it when reviewers go back to do that. Really helps <3

Reviewer: RedSplotch Signed [Report This]
Date: January 12 2023 1:40 AM Title: Prologue - Chapter 1

I'm not sure if you realize this, but you have created a GTS community classic- a "one in a million story".

I'm usually not a fan of gentle but the interactions are so realistic and it is so well written I can't help fall in love with the story and its characters. 

Author's Response:

Wow, thank you! I really don't think my story is that good, but I'm glad you think so. 

I hope you'll continue to love them as the story continues. Personally, I think the best stuff is in Parts 3 and 4. I hope you'll leave me another review when those chapters are out! :)

Reviewer: Wholia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 06 2023 9:54 AM Title: Part 2 - Chapter 20

I'm super loving this so far. Like, really, we need more stories like this. Thank you so much. <3

Author's Response:

Thank for all of your kind reviews, Wholia! I'm so glad you're enjoying my work. You're very welcome :)

Reviewer: RoseBuddy77 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 01 2023 1:01 PM Title: Prologue - Chapter 1

Great story so far! Am I missing something or has Part 1 Chapter 8 been partially deleted somehow?

Author's Response:

It was missing, apparently. No clue how that happened...

Thanks for letting me know, and for the kind review. I hope you enjoy the fixed version!

Reviewer: Raviouli Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: December 29 2022 8:38 AM Title: Prologue - Chapter 1

I love the story, and the emotions are great, but the size of the liliputans doesn't make sense. You say the are a quarter of a milimeter which would mean you would barely be able to see them, or not see the at all. But in your story you act as if they are quarter of a centimeter, half a centimeter, or even a centimeter. I love the story but this is just a nit pick, and a suggestion to go back and make the height a little taller.

Author's Response:

The size of the Lillis remains consistent throughout the story. It is possible to see things that are 0.25mm with the naked eye, even more so if you are leaning in close. As for making out their expressions without the aid of a magnifying glass, I can see why that might not be as believable. That is why I described Jeannine's ability to 'see them' as more of her picking up on body language, such as waving their arms around. You make a valid point, but be mindful of the wording in the scene. I'm very committed to realism, and I hope that shows!

Reviewer: Lupin Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 24 2022 12:20 AM Title: Part 2 - Chapter 15

What a rollercoaster of events. I really enjoyed seeing Jeannie and Nick spending a day out together even if tragedy struck almost instantly. It really makes me just want to see more chapters of them together. I know theyre just friends right now but I'm hoping to see their relationship take a more romantic approach if they get past this hurdle since their relationships alongside the politics of this world are what keep me engaged. 

Author's Response:

It won't be the last time the two of them go out. I hope you'll continue to enjoy the story as I develop the world some more. Expect a lot of changes in Parts 3 & 4.

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