Date: March 24 2023 5:33 AM Title: Breakfast & Follow-Up Plans
Probably going to get him on a exercise program. With the way the girls are treating him he will never walk again. He will start losing muscle mass.lol
Author's Response:
Fair point to consider. The idea was actually entertained (albeit comically) in the anime at one point in a very brief daydream which Honoka had. In any case, the next chapter (posted as of this writing) should somewhat address that to some extent.

Date: March 04 2023 6:43 PM Title: Bathtime & the Morning After
I was wondering if it was going to be a longer or short process. And have all the girls gotten bigger now? Talk talk about a no adjustment time. We will be lucky if his brain doesn't turn much when he sees all the girls.
Less see what happens next. And keep it up
Author's Response:
Glad you're amused by these latest developments.
I considered waiting things out a bit, but decided for the sake of moving the story along to push fast-forward a bit on the growth elements. I'll have some explanation laid out in the next chapter. And as for Honoka, yeah, he's in for quite the shocker in the upcoming chapter.
Thanks for the review. They keep me going and motivate me to keep my stories alive.
Date: March 04 2023 6:40 PM Title: Bathtime & the Morning After
The ending was certainly amusing!
I now wonder whether Kasumi will end up SURPASSING Ayaka and her mother in height!?
It would certainly be interesting if the two reignited their love rivalry over Honoka now!
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoyed it.
Interesting theory you've propositioned. Dunno if you'll find what I have in mind to be amusing or not, but I guess we'll find out either way. Thanks for the review.

Date: February 20 2023 5:11 AM Title: Further Developments
First let me tell you you're doing a great job.
I think Honoka needs his own time out to think about everything. A little vacation from everyone. Where he is not been smothered or babied all the time. And you could have all the girls running around for a little bit of comedy or something. I might help them how they might be smothering him.
It's just an idea. Anyways keep up the good work. Look forward to the next one.
Author's Response:
I appreciate that. It gives me something to think about regarding the direction of the story. Thanks for the review.

Date: February 04 2023 7:51 AM Title: Even More School Life
Love the fluff in this chapter.
It is interesting how much Ayaka has grown when it's Honoka who is giving affection compared to when it was only Ayaka who gives. It's exciting to see the changes once they take it to the next level.
Great work as always
Author's Response:
Thank you. I appreciate that. The overall vibe of this piece is that Ayaka's libido grows alongside her body. From what I gather, she was already smitten with Honoka from the get-go; now she's simply acting on those feelings with no reservations, especially as she grows larger. That was my intention behind this little fanfic anyway.
Anyway, thanks for the review.

Date: February 03 2023 5:20 AM Title: Even More School Life
WOW. I wonder how he is going to act in the next chapter. We know that he loves her. But how long will he last at been so much smaller than her.
Author's Response:
Glad you're amused by things so far. Given that this is a story involving magic, the possibilities are rather sizable (pardon the pun). Anyways, thanks for the review.

Date: February 03 2023 4:56 AM Title: Breakfast and New Developments
Well I'm enjoying this story. keep it up.
Author's Response:
Thank you.

Date: December 18 2022 5:10 AM Title: Getting Settled In
Great story.I really enjoyed the size difference. I hope she doesn't get to much taller than 15'. I like the snuggle size. I believe in my opinion if she gets to tall she would crush him. Anyways your story have fun.
Author's Response:
Haven't really made up my mind completely on what size I'll have Ayaka grow to just yet. For now, I'm planning on keeping it at somewhere under 15 feet in height, but that could change depending on where I want the story to go. Anyways, glad that you enjoy it.
Date: December 03 2022 12:32 PM Title: Explanations & New Developments
Let me guess
With this chapter devoting a whole section to it, I'm pretty sure that Kagari's mother's half of the seal will not hold, causing all of Evermillion's magic power to go into Kagari alone and turn her into a goddess-like being while her mother shrinks back to normal.
Kagari then uses memory-altering magic to make all of humanity believe she was ALWAYS like THIS, causing everyone to worship her in a similar way her classmates do now.
Personally, part of me still hopes to see a scenario where Kagari's mother tries to scold her daughter only to have the tables turned on her as she finds herself hopelessly outmatched by Kagari in turns of size, strength, and magic power.
Author's Response:
I'm amused by how you think this story may or may not play out, though I fear I'm probably going to disappoint you in the long run. I already have a set path (more or less) for how things will work out regarding Ayaka's (and Kazane's) stewardship of Evermillion's power, and I honestly don't intend to diverge from what I have in mind. If you're looking for a brawl or clash of wills between Ayaka and Kazane, I'm afraid to say that's not what I have in mind, so apologies in advance if that becomes a major turn-off for you regarding this story. Still, I appreciate that the chapter intrigued you enough to post a review.
Date: November 28 2022 1:45 PM Title: After-School Meeting
I was wrong about my theory that reality would change to where everyone, save for Takamiya, would think that Kagari was always THIS tall.
However, I do like the idea of her magic power increasing with her height!
With her mother growing as well, I now hope that Kagari will overtake her at some point.
Or even better: due to Kagari embracing her growth and her mother rejecting it, the other half of the sealed power transfers itself into Kagari, causing her to grow even more while her mother shrinks back to normal; if not shorter.
As a result, Kagari's mother steadily loses control of her daughter as she is increasingly utterly outmatched in size, strength, and magic power.
Author's Response:
Interesting theory. I don't want to spoil it for you by giving away what I have in mind for Ayaka's mother in the midst of all this, so I guess we'll find out what you think about it once I post the next few chapters.

Date: November 19 2022 10:36 PM Title: The Morning After
Nothing less from you i guess, great chapter and yeah lucky bast*rd honoka :v
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoy it. It might be a bit repetitive, but I basically intend for Ayaka to be a very thirsty girl when it comes to pursuing Honoka throughout this fanfic, especially as she gets bigger.

Date: November 18 2022 11:31 PM Title: Bedtime
Another 5 inches gain, now im curious what others have to say about kagari's growth. Or maybe the others also growing? :v. Great chapter man
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoy it. As for the reactions among the other characters, it'll be something of a mixed bag without going into too much detail. Hope that the following chapters will keep you amused. :)
Date: November 18 2022 12:38 AM Title: Character Introductions
Kagari does notice her growth, in a way. She just does not seem to care.
The only question now is: how will other characters react to her growth?
Personally, I still think that, other than Takamiya, no one will really take notice of Kagari's abnormal growth and come to revere her more and more as she gets taller.
I also still hope that Kagari's mother will not take notice of anything being wrong (since I do not want her to throw a wrench into things).
Personally, I hope that, as Kagari grows, her relationship with her mother will begin to change, with Kagari slowly becoming the dominant one while her mother increasingly becomes uncharacteristically intimidated and submissive toward her.
Author's Response:
I hope you don't end up hating this story, given that you're interested/invested enough in it to post these reviews. I say that in advance because chances are good that I'll have plot events and characters reactions that you may very well take issue with. Regarding how other characters react to Ayaka's growth, it'll be something of a mixed bag (given that I don't want to give plot points away and that it'll take forever to list how each character may react).
As for how things go between Ayaka and her mother, it's not going to be exactly as you're hoping for, but probably not the exact opposite either. Being that they're both witches, Ayaka's mom is practically guaranteed to notice her "not-so-little" girl growing up, and there's likely to be some amount of clashing between the two of them (more figurative than literal, so to speak). I have a general idea of how things will pan out between them; whether you'll like it or not, I I honestly cannot say. Hope that doesn't bum you out too much.
Date: November 17 2022 1:08 AM Title: Dinner and a Bath
Let me guess!
Except for Takamiya, no one will notice Kagari's growth and think she has ALWAYS been this tall, even Kagari herself.
Also, with how uncharacteristically obedient Takamiya's sister was toward her, I'm guessing that, as Kagari grows, others will come to revere her, even those who normally don't.
I'm most excited to see the new Kagari interact with her mother!
Personally, I would have her grow A LOT more before introducing her mother! However, when she finally does appear, I would have her not notice her daughter's growth just like everybody else and actually have her become uncharacteristically intimidated by Kagari.
Author's Response:
Interesting theory on where you think the story is headed. Given that I don't want to spoil the surprise, I'm obviously neither going to confirm nor deny your guesses. I do hope that you're amused by what I have intended between Ayaka and her mother.

Date: November 16 2022 7:50 AM Title: Dinner and a Bath
1 day and almost 4 inches gain...but only mc noticed it makes me wonder
Author's Response:
I have a plan regarding that sort of thing. Given that this fanfic involves the existence & use of magic, it gives me a lot of wiggle room to work with. Thanks for the review.

Date: November 14 2022 1:45 PM Title: School Life
Another awesome series from you again...thx man
Author's Response:
Glad you're enjoying it.
Date: November 13 2022 8:55 PM Title: Character Introductions
Very nice so far! Inspired me to add the anime to my list. Can't wait to read more
Author's Response:
I'm happy that I've made you consider partaking of it. Dunno if you'll like the anime/manga or not, but in any case I'm glad that I've opened your mind somewhat to the Witchcraft Works universe.