Reviews For Nyotaivorgy
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Reviewer: TerryLarka Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 07 2025 12:19 AM Title: A Gentle Coda - Part 5 - Family

I’mma apologize in advance because I’m sure this review won’t do this story justice. I want you to know the coda, like the entire story preceding it, was expertly well-written, and I mourn every little detail and instance of clever wordplay I’ll surely gloss over in my attempt at praising the big moments that stood out to me. The amount of thought and effort that went into each line and every word is extremely apparent, and I want to make sure that goes appreciated. Now that my opening spewage is over, let us begin …

Cass! I was so happy to see her return. And what an entrance! Her Doordashing herself with a bunch of Plan-V was so cute, and the exchange was only heightened by the revelation Beth exposed her naked apron to that oh-so-fortunate, pimply delivery guy. As others have mentioned, I didn’t put together how nude Beth was until Cass pointed out. What a great character/reader sync-up. You handled that masterfully.

Ok, so Cass was only away visiting her parents for a couple weeks. The fact Beth was straight up mourning her, going so far as to cook meals she wasn’t there to eat, is so hopelessly adorable. I love how much Beth cares for her beloved and how load-bearing of a pillar the little lady has become for her (they were obviously already super close, but the Establishment incident has made them more inseparable than a digested prey is to her Pred). Beth’s search history is my favorite gag from the whole story. I love her being so desperate to see Cass again that she humored the possibility of “safely” kidnapping her from Tiny Town all while reducing property damage and casualties to only the necessary minimum lol.

There’s too much to love during all the sexy bits. Beth’s awkward belly dance attempt was both cute and oddly enthralling. Cass’s big speech was somehow equal parts horny and stirring. I loved seeing all the ladies get into their preferred positions and the emphasis on Beth watching all these ladies traverse and go to town on her body really elevated the smut for me. Cass and Beth having that heart-to-heart where Cass explains how much Beth means to her was so heartwarming, as was the part in the prior chapter where Beth insists on a public wedding to show all the assholes in the world that not only is a tiny good enough for her, the little lady is better than every larger option on the market. So much of this coda intentionally flies in the face of the false goddess’ views on tinies, and it makes such a compelling theme for the epilogue. 

I also loved the emphasis on the group of tinies as a family, or a Sisterhood of the Stomach’s Salvation lol. They all share such a unique bond, and I expressed this in my previous review (I think), but it’s wonderful seeing them all eke out a new life together, one that finally cloisters them from this fucked up world. Beth’s speech to Summaya at the end was so moving, and really atones her character in my eye. I loved Beth from beginning to the end, but I didn’t really view her as a good person until this moment where she shows not only her resolve to be better but her acknowledgment of how monstrous her beliefs and actions were up to this point. This is my last official chance to say this, so I’ll say it once more: I fucking love Beth.

Summaya’s plight (and the peek at those last characters in the end) is a good reminder of how brutal and terrible this world is to its smaller inhabitants, and I think those both work as a palate cleanser of sorts to the overwhelming wholesomeness of this epilogue. Not that I’m slighting the wholesomeness (I will never slight wholesomeness lol), but these characters and Summaya’s trauma really helped ground the narrative in this final act.

Suffice to say, this story was such a wild ride and I loved every second of it (even the parts that nearly had me breaking down into a sobbing mess lol). Obviously, take all the time you need, but I will be looking forward to more Small Investments when the time comes (you just had to leave it on a cliffhanger, didn’t you? XD) and anything else you may write in the future.

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 08 2025 3:45 AM Title: A Gentle Coda - Part 5 - Family

Hey, don't sweat taking a month to respond to my last review. It's taken me weeks to get this one out!

So yeah, in my last couple of reviews, when I dared to dream that all the tinies survived in Beth's stomach (but didn't think they actually would), this is still so much better than the life I had envisioned for them! That first coda chapter was fucking awesome! From the particular sleeping arrangements to Beth's morning workout routine to breakfast and yoga, it was so great seeing all the girls (except Cassidy and, well, Valerie) enjoying their new lease on life. And, throughout the coda, everyone seemed to have a role to play, and all 13 tinies had their time to shine, which is really impressive (and fun!).

The irony of Dulce, who feared that her previous roommate secretly wanted to eat her, now enjoys Beth openly teasing her about eating her isn't lost on me. That scene in the kitchen between those two was fantastic!

And Adeya leading them all in yoga was so fucking adorable. Even Sumayya poked her head out of the house for it, which was kind of gratifying to read in its own right, given what she's been through and what we learned about her time since moving in with Beth and the sisterhood.

Of course, you had to try to fool us into believing that Cassidy didn't make it out of Beth's stomach alive. But as soon as we saw those early snacks start showing up in the apartment, it became harder and harder to believe that Cassidy had somehow succumbed to the stomach of her sexy spouse-to-be (see, I can do alliteration too ... kind of). Still, the way Cassidy made her entrance into the coda made me smile, and I was no less happy to see her than I would have been had I really thought she had died. I love her, and it was great to see her again!

That naked apron bit was hilarious, especially since, the way it was written, I didn't notice it either! This was greatly disguised, and it made me laugh really, really hard! I love the duality of Beth: She's so sexy, but she's also such a dork!

Learning about Beth's search history about navigating the tiny city and how to remove a tiny from a house without hurting them almost makes me wish Cassidy's parents had been a bit more resistant to the idea of their daughter marrying a big (or did they have a problem with Beth specifically?).

Just reading all the tinies gathered around and cheering for Beth during that sexy dance she tried really hard to do melted my heart! That Beth now has her own cheering section is just adorable! And, as usual, the language you used throughout the back three chapters really sets the tone for the sexy-time fun being described. The little details you throw in there, like noting how the shadow of Beth's panties sailed over the group, only to use that opportunity to snatch up the twins and put them on her nipples, were brilliantly executed. This was a peep show I could see in my head, and I thank you for it!

Cassidy's speech before unleashing the pleasure army was incredibly! I absolutely lost it at the Gladiator reference! Also, the way Beth "deployed" the troops with her stockings was an awesome idea! I loved how she took her time between the two "waves."

I liked your decision to show some tiny perspectives in chapter four. It gave us a more personal look at Pushpa, probably the least known to us among the girls, given how quickly she got swallowed in the main story. The love and gratitude she had for Beth and Cassidy was so endearing. Then there's Alma, our little voraphile. The slight jealousy she felt at Isabella going first was cute, and all of her flowery thoughts on Beth's lips and stomach made me want to see her get swallowed, not just for my sake but for hers, too. And that kiss with Cassidy, again showing that love and gratitude, was so nice. I think breaking your rule was great for the sexy details it provided, but maybe even more importantly, it gave first-hand insight to just how these girls all feel about their gracious hosts. Sure, you could tell they loved Beth and Cass before, but to see it first hand ... it's an intense feeling, and you conveyed it so well!

Speaking of Isabella, she was the one I was most eager to see outside Beth's stomach. Between the language barrier and how she was tied up and just blatantly forced to be eaten from the start (no tricks, just knots), I thought she'd be the most hesitant to live with Beth. Shit, am I ever glad I was wrong! For her to have developed a whole fetish over this? Incredible! And her slowly breaking through that language barrier was satisfying to read. She absolutely shined every time she was mentioned.

Getting to know about Beth's former life was a bit eye-opening. She was someone who was working so hard that she let life pass her by, and she was too busy to realize how miserable she was. Then Cassidy shows up, and her priorities changed. Now she's making way less money, but she's able to enjoy her life. That's really sweet. It also helps make what she did at The Establishment make a lot more sense. I think people like that, who suddenly realize that they were rotting away and wasting their life, tend to jump headfirst into new adventures when given the chance. And given how Catherine seems to view tinies (more on that in a second), it doesn't seem so weird that Beth could date a tiny and be cool with eating other tinies. It's just kind of accepted, even by those who don't inherently view tinies as inferior.

So, to me, it makes perfect sense that she could go into her meal without thinking about guilt or what she was actually doing to these women. It also makes sense that, unlike someone like Catherine, Beth wanted to get to know them and began to feel like shit once reality hit her. She didn't have a social life before, so she was eager to chat the tinies up, and they made an impression on her that she could have never imagined when she got out of that taxi cab.

The Nashwa and Sumayya stuff in chapter five were my favorite parts of the whole coda, though. Seeing Nashwa go through being in that awkward spot where she's not the trauma victim herself but it affects her through her partner made me feel so bad for her. All she wants is to help Sumayya, but she has no clue how to do that. The way she reacted to Beth and Cass making sure she knew she had their support and that they would do whatever they could to help was beautiful. And Beth swallowing the Nashwa and Cass together like that (I love that she practiced with a fucking cucumber, by the way) was the perfect metaphor to show that support.

But it was Beth getting up and going to Sumayya was the best part of the whole coda for me. That one-sided initial conversation, letting Sumayya know that she was there to help and admitting that she was hiding because of the shame she felt over what she almost did to her new family was perfectly done. I didn't expect to see Beth reflect on her actions at this point, given how light most of the coda has gone, but her doing so with Sumayya was so touching.

The fact that she's afraid she's a monster is exactly why she's not one. Not really. She just has a dark fantasy, and she jumped at the chance to live it out without really thinking about it. Shit, she even made each tiny's "last moments" as pleasurable as possible and committed herself to getting to know her prey and remember the so that they could become a part of her. That's not what monsters do. Just ask Kelsey. She'd know.

But anyway, seeing Sumayya decide to interact with Beth was awesome (I was really hoping this would happen), and I immediately fell in love with Sumayya at this point. She's terrified of Beth and being eaten, but she doesn't want to be alone. She sees how much the others love Beth, and, after that heartfelt, honest speech, she deecides to show the normal-sized girl some trust.

Beth's patience and even her wanting to call the whole thing off as to not pressure Sumayya was so sweet and considerate. But Sumayya going off and telling Beth that she "needs to be pushed" was just a phenomenal scene. To see her no longer want to be a victim and be so bold as to allow herself to be eaten to enjoy an orgy in Beth's stomach was a powerful moment. I also like how, despite that, Sumayya still panicked, screamed, and even briefly tried to escape once. As brave as Sumayya was in that moment, it would have felt a just bit hollow if we didn't see any signs of the fear she was fighting.

Ending the Beth part of the story with Nashwa happy, like there's a real shot of having something approaching what she had before with Sumayya at some point in the future, was great! I like that Sumayya panicked inside Beth but managed to get control of it and still enjoy herself. It's still going to be a long road for Sumayya, I would think, but this was such a hopeful note to end their story on.

And Beth dreaming about what tomorrow has in store for her family kept that hopeful vibe going. You know, a small part of me was worried that this was going to end with Beth waking up, sad at having that dream again, then getting up for another depressing day at her old job as she cries once again over she did to all those girls, including her beloved Cass. I'm really, really, really glad you didn't go that route! I'll be honest, that would have hit me pretty hard.

Finally, we have Catherine and Kelsey. I found Catherine to be pretty interesting. She seems to genuinely like Cassidy, yet she has no problem with Kelsey kidnapping a tiny and threatening to eat said tiny if she doesn't go deep enough inside Catherine and get her off. This is another reason I'm not so hard on Beth for what she did in the main story. This seems like the standard position in this world. There are bigs who will talk to tinies like people and even be friends with them, but their lives just don't seem to be worth anything to them. I don't even think this is cruelty, necessarily; I just don't think the bigs give it any thought.

Also, the way Catherine toys with Kelsey's emotions is something I enjoyed, but that's mainly because I immediately hated Kelsey (which I was obviously supposed to). Kelsey is what Amy was pretending to be during her session with Beth. She's a big supremacist through and through, to the point where she hates Beth for treating "her" tinies like people. And for being hotter than her despite being older. Kelsey seems like a spiteful person in general, now that I think about it. God, what a monster. Someone show Beth so she can feel better about herself.

I know both Catherine and Kelsey don't care about what happens to tinies, so they'll probably be fine, but if The Establishment can find it in its heart to fuck over Kelsey like they tried to do to Cass somehow, I'd be eternally grateful.

On a slightly more serious note, are you planning on doing something with Catherine and Kelsey at some point in the future, or did you just include them here to give us a slightly wider view of how the rest of the world views tinies? They're inclusion here isn't unwelcome by any means, but their scene at the end definitely has a different vibe from the rest of the coda, so I'm curious about why you decided to put those two in it.

So yeah, wonderful job as always! Thank you for making my unlikely hope come true and doing it better than I could have thought it up! I look forward to seeing how Small Investments rounds out once you get to it. No rush, though.

Author's Response:

Oh my goodness, this is twice in a row that I didn't get a notification for your review!!!  I'm so, so sorry for the delayed reply, and thank you so much for taking the time to leave such an in-depth review!

I'm glad, proud, and relieved to hear you enjoyed the coda. I was afraid the happy, upbeat tone might feel like a cop-out after that emotional ending to the main story, but this was the happy ending I kept imagining as the best-case outcome, and it was too cute not to share.  I loved the idea of Beth embracing all the tinies she would have consumed, making them so much more a part of her through their relationships than consuming ever could have. And I loved in turn seeing the tinies changed by their own experiences of that night, and the lives they came to live in its wake.  For some of them, it was embracing their experiences to awaken to new interest.  For others, like Adeya, it was accepting the others for who they were, and helping them to improve in the ways they could.

You mentioned my little play on Cassidy's fate, and I'm not sorry that I had fun playing with it.  I didn't expect anyone to believe that Cass was dead, but the question of her absence was a nice little mystery to keep folks wondering.  I don't think I played it out too long; I'm quite happy with how it turned out.

I'm so happy the naked apron was a surprise!  It kinda crept up on me too, to be honest. When I was editing what at the time was an amalgam of parts 1 and 2, I realized she was still in just an apron and panties when the doorbell rang, and I hadn't caught it in the initial draft.  I had an evil hand rubbing moment and edited to double down on the scenario.

I feel like Beth's search history alone could tell a story (and now I'm wondering if I COULD tell a size story with a search history... I may have to do that!!!).  And no, Cassidy's parents weren't particularly averse to Beth (they don't really know she's a vorephile), but rather that marrying a big means their daughter will be living with gigantic murderwoman, because that's how most tinies see bigs in this world.  With good reason.

I'm glad you enjoyed the attempted striptease.  I played into both my own strengths and the character's for that scene.  I doubted I could describe a professional-level striptease, and dorky Beth probably couldn't pull one off, so she gave it her best, most earnest attempt, and her being gigantic, attractive, and increasingly naked carried the scene for her adoring tinies.  Plus, audience participation really gets the crowd going wild.

I'm glad the sexy-times to follow were a tantalizing, titillating treat.  I couldn't hold off from the tiny perspectives any longer.  Things are just so much more visceral at that size, and there's only so much you can convey about care, adoration, and even love from the point of view of the object of that love.  You need to see the subject's PoV to get the full story, outside and in.

I wasn't sure how Beth's life in the time before Cassidy would go over.  To the smut it's a needless detail, but to the characters, it explains so much.  I'm not sure if I did the main story a disservice by not including it there, or if this gentle and intimate coda was the correct place to add it.

Thank you for validating the scenes with Sumayya.  I was so concerned that they would come across as "interrupting the good stuff," or as a cheap attempt to make Beth more sympathetic, or as breaking with the otherwise fun and lighthearted tone of the code for no good reason.  To me, this is the whole point of this coda.  The night when Beth and Cassidy decided to have a night of fancy and frolic was no small thing.  It was a night that changed all who experienced it, except perhaps for those who are a part of the Dark Establishment itself.  But for Beth, and for Cassidy, and for their new-found family, that night had lasting repercussions that have changed all of their lives, and not all for the better.  Change can be, and often is good, but it never comes without cost, and here Sumayya more than anyone (still living, that is) payed the price.  And she's still paying it, and even if it's not obvious, so is the rest of the family, even if it's in small, personal decisions that add up.

And Beth realized that.  That's part of why I love her character so much - both her potential for growth, and her willingness to ACT on it.  And that's what we got to see with her approaching Sumayya, be it for Sumayya's benefit, or Nashwa's, or even Beth's own desire to be a bigger - or better - person.

Changing gears a little, there was never a time where the gentle coda was going to end with it as a dream, waking to a nightmare reality.  I might have gone with a pleasant dream twisting to a cruel nightmare only to wake in a lonely apartment IF I had gone with a cruel ending, but that is not the story I wanted to tell here, and I wouldn't bait and switch like that when I said up front it would be gentle.  I write for entertainment and sexy times, and I want my twists to keep you interested and excited, not depressed or stressed.

Your take on Catherine and Kelsey is pretty spot on.  Bigs may accept tinies as fixtures of the office, or as entertaining diversions, but just because they can carry a scandalous conversation about a dozen sexy new roommates while standing on the balcony, that doesn't make them people!  Perish the thought!  They're like trained rats, for goodness sake.  Kinda cute in their own way, and they can be trained to perform mindless tasks like crawling, squeaking, and data entry, but you wouldn't cry if someone stepped on one.  I mean it's gross, and maybe a bit sad, but the only tragedy is if you can't get the bloodstains out of your shoes.

One quick aside, I was expecting you to comment on the strippers Cassidy was considering.  It might be a coincidence, but there's enough there for the last chapter of the main story to cast a shadow over both potential options.

As for your question about future plans for Catherine and Kelsey, that's a bit of a yes and no answer.  Their visit to the Establishment is a story I would love to read, if not write, but though it is on my "To Write" list, it is far down on my list of story ideas at present.  I do not have any plans to write their story in the near future.  That being said, if someone else wanted to take a stab at it, I would be most welcoming, so long as it doesn't try to undermine the existing content for the setting.  I believe I set up a moderated Series for The Dark Establishment setting here on the site, should anyone else like to write in it.

Once again, thank you so much It Was Me for your incredible reviews!  Even if it was just for you and Terry, I would keep posting to this site as thanks.

Reviewer: TerryLarka Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 23 2024 2:07 AM Title: A Gentle Coda - Part 1 - Morning Routine

Dude, I thought you were writing a quick epilogue, not a whole ass sequel! Not that I am complaining. Far fucking from it. I’ve only finished the first chapter, and I’m already in love!

This is so wholesome and cute! After how harrowing, and emotional, and unbelievably sexy the main story is, this gentle coda is turning this already excellent tale into a well-rounded masterpiece and easily among my favorite stories on this site. The amount of love and attention that clearly went into just the first chapter is so evident in every line. There is so much clever word play (Momo and Anzu keeping Beth “abreast” of her rep count while sitting between her breasts for example), and even more sexy as all getout scenarios crammed into this simple morning routine.  

I love Beth becoming a boarding house for these lost little ladies, and it’s a joy seeing how happy they all are with their new lives. I’m shocked all of them survived, even Pushpa who got ate up first, but fuck it, I’m never going to complain about a happy ending. The twins are the standout for me this chapter; they had the most screen time save for maybe Bella or Dulce, and they’re just so adorable in their infatuation with Beth and her breasts. All the sweaty details of Beth’s morning workout were delightfully delectable, and the breakfast sequence was a treat in itself (I particularly love the five girls cramming into Beth’s coffee cup. God, what I’d give to either be there to see that or be there to join them lol). 

Sumayya sounds like she’s having the rough of it and understandably so. She helps to remind us of how brutal this world and story still are despite the wholesomeness of this coda. I hope things can work out for her and Nashwa.

I love how playful Beth is with all them and how much they reciprocate that, teasing about eating them (Alma and Dulce especially), and I loved the little detail that she still actually eats them on occasion with their approval and all the Plan-V they could ever need. 

As for Cass … Listen, man, you ain’t fucking fooling me. I know she ain’t dead. I see through all your tricks. I have no idea where she is or what she’s doing, but I won’t believe for a second she ain’t alive and well. I mean, Pushpa for godsake’s survived and she was the first one down. Unless Adeya put Cass in a chokehold and broke her neck, I don’t see how she could have been the only death inside Beth’s gut. So yeah, I’ll play your games and wait with bated breath for her to return, and until then I’ll just enjoy the Japanese beauties playing with Beth’s own buxom beauties.

But seriously, excellent work. I can’t wait to read further. I know you lament how overboard you go writing “short stories” and “brief epilogues,” but the results are some truly incredible stories with so much thought and effort poured into them, and I’ll gladly take that every single time.

Author's Response:

Thanks so much Terry!  After the emotional rollercoaster of writing that potentially devestating open ending, I felt like I needed sweet and wholesome to salve my aching heart.  I did consider giving Pushpa mostly-healed chemocal burns, Isabella some breathing issues due to both repeated oxygen deprivation and the caustic atmosphere of the stomach, and a couple others reduced motion in a joint or two that got a bit tweaked or crushed, but I decided I wanted this to be really sweet and wholesome, the ostensibly best potential outcome.

That's not to say there are no lingering traumas, but rather that they're focused differently for this ending.  Part 5 especially.

And as for Cass, well, I guess you'll just have to read and find out!  XD

Reviewer: ProbablyIX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 22 2024 8:55 AM Title: A Gentle Coda - Part 3 - Alone Together




Author's Response:

Hahaha, indeed! 

Her genitals call for aid!

And tinies shall answer!

Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: SuperDuperSecret101 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 22 2024 5:39 AM Title: A Gentle Coda - Part 5 - Family

One of the most thrilling, inventive and sexy stories to ever grace the size genre and I say this without any hyperbole at all.

Love this universe, the characters all flow so naturally and sensually, the way it throws at you indulgent displays so thick and fast its overloading in the best way possible, despite dealing with so much in so little time the pacing is perfectly taut.

I'm so relived Beth and Cass got their dream ending and a lovely happy little cult of followers to join with them, absolutely splendid!

And then you threw in a bonus voracious milf & kitten couple?? Yes please! (Keep them away from Beth's gals they've suffered enough haha!), love how they've been sent up as the far crueller counterparts to Beth/Cass, can't wait to see the havoc they wreck in future on whatever group of unsuspecting tinies fall into their lap, I suspect it won't end so kindly.

This will be a story I'll frequently be coming back to in future, fantastic!

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review!  I'm honored to receive such praise for my work.

I'm gladdened to hear that the dark universe and lighter counterpoint for the coda worked.  I absolutely love this crazy, sexy little family Beth and Cass are building for themselves.

And yes, I think the idea that even in their happiness Cass unwittingly endangered more tinies just through casual conversation with the neighbor was a powerful reminder of just how dark this world is... and frankly I think Catherine and Kelsey have the potential for a very hot, indulgent, and far less restrained story in this world.

It will be quite some time before I'm back in The Dark Emporium universe, as I have Small Investments to finish, and a list of 17 other stories on my list, but if you ever want to make use of the setting, I believe I have the series set to Moderated. More entries to this world are very welcome!

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 10 2024 5:28 AM Title: Epilogue - A Tiny Hope, and a Glimpse Behind the Curtain

I meant to write this review a lot sooner, but I kind of got caught up in some other stuff and just now got a chance to come back to it. At least it looks like I beat the coda (I'm really looking forward to that, by the way!).

But man, after reading chapter seven, I realize you must have been laughing pretty hard when I DM'ed you my prediction for how this was going to end. I was really close! I just didn't realize that not having the VIP band would lead to Beth being forced to eat Cassidy (I thought it was more of a safety assurance thing than a security thing). That was a brilliant twist, and you absolutely got me with it!

And how about that ending! You made me cry and everything! That was such a tragic end (although maybe not, based on the epilogue) for our main couple. I have to admit that I didn't expect Val to straight up assault Cassidy for the band, although that level of desperation is certainly understandable. I actually thought Cassidy would give the band up willingly, so the fact that she decided not to risk being safe as a paying customer made the fact that she ended up being eaten anyway that much more depressing, because despite how accepting Cass was at the end, we know that she wanted to live.

Even the fact that Cassidy was at peace with becoming a part of her lover was incredibly sad. As we saw a couple chapters ago, tinies in this world have a huge confidence issue. That's part of the reason why most of them came to terms with the reality that they were going to be eaten by Beth. But like Beth realizing that the five tinies didn't even consider the possibility that they would be able to get her off and win the bet, Cass accepting that being a part of Beth is good enough feels like she's selling herself short and doesn't realize how amazing she is. The fact that Beth takes no comfort in this is a good sign of how much she really values the lives of tinies (odd to say, given the nature of her reason for visiting the establishment, I know).

I do get that this language (becoming a part of your lover, always being with them, and so forth) is at the heart of vore's appeal. But given that the theme of weighing just how much the life of a tiny is worth is so prevalent throughout the story, I can't help but think that Cass's words before being swallowed are more a reflection how beaten down by society tinies are than something to be romanticized.

That very theme culminated in chapter seven in a couple of interesting ways.

First, that moment when Beth noticed that the activity in her stomach had mostly stopped and she briefly considered throwing them back up before being interrupted mid-thought really stuck out for me. This made me think back to Cassidy's warning to Beth in that memory Beth had from before they left, where Cass was concerned that Beth would feel guilty at some point during the evening and Beth dismissed it. This was that moment, I think. Beth had made this experience out to be romantic and dignified, but once the vorgy stopped, the terrible reality of just what she was doing to those poor tinies finally started to truly sink in. If any of those tinies end up not surviving once Beth takes that Plan V drug, I really believe that their deaths are going to weigh heavily on Beth for the rest of her life (which, ironically, will preserve her memory of them more than the fun they had before she ate them).

Second, when Beth realized Amaterasu was wrong as he watched Cass dominate the scene with Dina and Val was just incredible! Indeed, any doubt that Beth may have been harboring in the back of her mind melted away as she realized that it was Cass that got her going, who she is and how she carries herself, not just dominating her like a toy or pet. That line by Amaterasu right after Beth ate Dina really made the point hit home, as her admitting that the whole scene was hot as fuck clearly disproved the sun goddess's whole point!

Speaking of Amaterasu, what a fucking twist in the epilogue! Now knowing that this whole thing was a production and that she was playing a role changes the way I view certain things she did, such as ignoring Beth's words as she went through her spiel about picking the VIP band wearer (that feels like a nice, generic description to put in a script in place of [insert victim's name here]). At first I thought she was just being stuck up and talking over Beth in annoyance of being interrupted. Now I can see that she was just trying to stay on-script and that said script didn't account for the feelings Beth was expressing there, so she just tried to ram through her lines and be done with it.

It also makes those moments when Amy was acting sincere feel that much more real in retrospect. Given that this was a "lovers to predator and prey" scenario initially, she must have been taken aback by how dedicated to Cass Beth really is, and those moments of sympathy, of "breaking character" as Master Hearth and Madam Hospitality noted, were signs that this actually touched her.

I know you said you were worried about what people would think of Amaterasu after the reveal in the epilogue, and I can see why. However, even despite those nice words I just said about her above, I feel like this new information actually makes her more evil. Before she was a misguided person whose feelings on tinies unfortunately matched too many people in society who was trying to do Beth a favor in her own mind. Now we know that she's a person who doesn't necessarily think less of tinies (she's working for at least two of them, after all) but still has no qualms about eating them. It makes me wonder if she would kill a normal-sized person if she could get away with it as easily as she could with a tiny. There's something uniquely evil about a big who recognizes that tinies are people but is cool with killing them anyway.

So yeah, the epilogue upgraded her as a villain in a big way!

But Hearth and Hospitality are intriguing villains as well! Tinies who are just fine with having other tinies killed just to profit off of these dinners and sex videos? Even without knowing the details, they're already pretty despicable! Not only that, though, but they also use their fellow tinies as sex slaves as well and even feed them to their big employee once they've outlived their usefulness.

That usefulness thing was interesting, too. I didn't fully understand it (I don't think we were supposed to?) but from what I gathered, Val's mom lost her usefulness because they knew Val wasn't getting out of Amy's stomach alive. Sumayya is still alive because they still don't know for sure that Nashwa is dead. From the sound of it, if either Val or Nashwa survived the night and kept Beth quiet about what happened, both they and their loved one would have been freed after a month, meaning that the Establishment is holding on to Sunayya to assure Nashwa's silence should she survive. Based on what Nashwa was trying to say before Beth swallowed her, it sounds like she (and presumably Val) knew this to be the case.

If that's the case, it frames Val's actions from throughout the night in a whole new light. As we were seeing things from Beth's perspective, Val's "annoying" desperation to survive came off feeling a bit selfish (even though it was actually perfectly reasonable). However, now it seems that Val wasn't just fighting for her life but the life of her mother as well. It's much easier to see why she beat the shit out of Cass and stole the armband like she did, and I can't even be mad at her for it (part of me was pissed that she did that to Cass, even if I understood that it was a survival thing). It's so unfortunate for her that things turned out like they did (although I can't feel too bad for her, as I want Cass to survive. Gah! These feelings are complicated!).

Backtracking to Nashwa, holy shit did her vore scene get my eyes a little watery as well. I forgot to mention it in my last review(s) (that's right, two reviews and I still forgot to mention shit!) that the story of Sunayya and her was so heartbreaking and aggravating! That spilled over to here, with Beth and her going from teasing each other to Beth trying so hard to comfort her. The irony of Beth's words about Nashwa being reunited with Sunayya now that we know Sunayya is, in fact, still alive, cuts even deeper thinking back on that scene. I really hope Nashwa survived her time in the belly of the Beth (I mean, I hope they all survived, but I find that pretty unlikely).

Foreshadowing as a tag! I knew Sal would be there, even if I didn't know his name at the time. When Hearth mentioned how long it would take for Beth to sprint to the nearest pharmacy, I remembered Beth's words to Sal about coming back if he was short on fares. You drew it out just long enough to make me feel slightly unsure that I was right, then he came in to save the day.

We didn't see much of Sal, but he's a pretty interesting character. He seemed really concerned about Cassidy (both at the beginning and at the end), and this is actually a little bit odd, given what we know about this world. Each of the dozen girls on the menu (except for Val, as I don't recall getting her story at all, probably due to the suddenness of her being eaten) had stories about how humans screwed them over or wanted to eat them. Each story helped to illustrate a world in which tinies were technically considered people but not really (except for Beth, pretty much). So Sal being so concerned for Cass's well-being, his willingness to drive unsafely to ensure they get to pharmacy on time despite not even knowing exactly what's happening, was really, really touching!

I'm sure there's more I could mention from these last two chapters (and if I think of them, I'll just write another review), but I think I hit on all the things that stuck out to me the most. These two chapters were a fantastic ending to a phenomenal story that could have easily just been a bit of vorey smut to commemorate vore day. That you put so much effort into this (and are even writing a coda to let us see how things turned out instead of leaving things vague) is something I want to express deep appreciation for. 

So thanks for sharing this incredible story, and hopefully you see fit to revisit this world again at some point (that epilogue opens up a lot of new avenues, I think)!

Author's Response:

Oh my god, how did I leave this unresponded to for OVER A MONTH?!?!?  I’m mortifie…

I do have to admit, I wrote that ending fighting through tears.  I didn’t have a definite ending in mind, and while I had a picture in my mind of a happy ending, the idea was to leave the story open-ended for the reader to decide.  The thought that none of them would make it out alive for many readers… Gahh, such a bittersweet feeling, smothered with a heavy dose of tragedy and dramatic irony.

Like you said, this world in which I set The Dark Establishment is… not a nice one for tinies.  The coda gives us a look at a couple of new normal characters, one of which is fairly par-for-the-course for your normal sized citizens, and another who reflects the less progressive minority - which is sadly still a large portion of the population in this world.

You touched on basically all of the themes I tried to bring together in the last chapter, and I’m glad to see that they all landed, more or less. And thanks for letting me know how you felt about Amy at the end.  I’m glad it didn’t negate her character, but rather showed all her actions in a new, arguably more sinister light.

As for Val and her mom, I didn’t want to dig too into the weeds on the details there - Amaterasu knows there were too many other characters, themes, and elements of world building I was trying to tie together there - but the idea was that Val’s mom was a lush, a druggie, and a gambler who got deep in debt with the wrong people, and those people recouped by kidnapping her and selling her to the Establishment.  At that point, the drugged out, but still moderately attractive woman was only useful for them as base entertainment, or as a snack for their best employees / contractors, except that Val had soon followed in her mother’s footsteps.  More coherent, with a nice body and the ability to listen to instructions, for the most part, Val’s mother became leverage to make sure Val cooperated with the scenario.  Once Val was gone, her mother became a disposable asset, and she was promptly used as a bonus for their favorite contractor.

Something similar might have happened to Sumayya had Nashwa been confirmed dead then and there, though she was still put together enough that she might have simply been drugged and used as an appetizer or part of an entree for another dinner down the road.

And speaking of Sumayya, I’m half-glad, half sorry that it cut so well.  I wanted to tie these dark backstories back into the present, and Nashwa and Sumayya were the perfect way to do that.  That parting cry as a distraught Nashwa is sent to what may well be her tomb was meant to, well, do exactly what it accomplished.  It really sucks to be a tiny in this world.  Hopefully, that knowledge helps make what Beth and Cass have so much brighter.  Well, what they had.  Dammit, I’m tearing up again!

Hahaha, I’m loving how much mileage that foreshadowing tag got in chapter 1.  It’s a little cheap to use it so flagrantly, but I knew when I started that I wanted Sal, the caring taxi driver, to play a part in the end.  Whether that part was driving them to safety, or consoling Beth in the end, I knew that kind old man was going to come back to check on his foolhardy fare.  As I was posting, I realized that starting the story in his cab was such strong foreshadowing, I couldn’t help but tag it.  I didn’t have a detailed backstory for Sal, but I pictured him as someone who occasionally drove tinies around in his youth, and despite his prejudices, he treated them well enough.  Eventually, either he falls for a tiny girl, or one of his kids does, and there’s a coming to the crossroads moment when Sal realized just how wrong he was about everything.  Rather than continuing on as he had all his life, he turns off and dedicates himself to making sure his tiny passengers get the care and respect they deserve

So, thanks again for leaving such an incredible review.  It makes me glad I take the time to add the foreshadowing, the background plots, and keep playing to the themes for the story.  I really hope the coda is to your liking.  I know it was a warm comfort for me during these stressful, chaotic weeks of the holidays.  I hope in some small way, it can be the same for you too.

Reviewer: TerryLarka Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 03 2024 5:45 AM Title: Epilogue - A Tiny Hope, and a Glimpse Behind the Curtain

If you need an indicator regarding how much I love this story, I’m pretty sure I missed my chance to play the Monster Hunter Wilds beta to finish this instead. And goddamn, it was worth it.

Tongue spanking. Huh. That’s a new one. I like it.

I’ll have you know, the end of chapter 7 nearly had me crying. I felt that in my gut, the crushing sensation of raw despair. I’m still tingling from the aftereffects. Holy hell. I don’t know how good or coherent this review will be given the mess that is currently my emotional state, but I’ll try my best to give you at least a modicum of the praise you deserve. Know that you really knocked it out of the park with this one.

I was kinda right with Val taking the wristband and Ammy swallowing her by mistake. I’m kinda surprised things worked out as well as they did and in the way that they did. I’ll admit, it bothers me that Ammy stresses she is stating her terms in such a way as to not possibly be misinterpreted, and then instead of specifically referring to Cass by name, opts to call her “the tiny with the VIP bracelet.” I was convinced in that moment that she was purposefully setting up events to play out as they did, so when she wound up swallowing the wrong tiny by accident, the loophole felt kinda forced. The events playing out the way they did was fine, even the vagueness in her terms is appropriate on its own, my umbrage lies in her actively declaring her terms as unambiguous when they are so obviously vague as to seem intentionally so. In retrospect, it makes her look dumb in that moment.

Sorry, that’s literally my only complaint, and it’s really just a nitpick, but those kinda things bother me.

I’m really glad Beth got to eat Cass. That’s how things ought to end between them, and I cannot express enough how that scene tore my heart out. Cass is such an incredible woman, truly devoting herself to and believing in her partner like no other. I understand why she means so much to Beth. I loved her putting on that show for Beth and how that cleaved through the doubts the larger GF was facing, how Cass proved that she could dominate the room as well as any big could.

Val really interests me, and I think you did an amazing job with her. Pre-epilogue revelations, Val is an innocent woman attempting to avoid an unjust demise by sacrificing one of the people responsible for her current situation. Why should she entertain her soon-to-be-killer and her pet slut with unbridled enthusiasm? Her attitude and the actions she took were completely justified. And yet, you had me rooting against her the whole time. What a killjoy! Beth and Cass deserve better than her lol. Though, I guess her saving Cass’ life is fitting atonement enough. 

When you first presented me with this story’s premise and we were talking about potential endings, I expressed my hopes that Cass would make it out alive, given my penchant for favoring happy endings especially among romantic partners. Once I started reading the story, I regretted sharing that sentiment. As much as I love her, Beth is not a good person, and by extension neither is Cass, and after devouring a dozen tinies, Beth losing the one that matters most would be such fitting comeuppance. They signed up for this, they should pay the consequences, and that would be a very fitting end for this incredible story. That being said…

Fuck all of that nonsense! I am so relieved Cass is okay. I was distraught, dude. That last kiss goodbye, Beth huddled and crying as Ammy helped dress her, Beth collapsing in the street and staring at the engagement ring. The end of chapter 7 and those moments throughout the epilogue (like the rest of this story tbh) was paced perfectly. I mentioned in my last review how perfect your dialogue was at making me feel a certain way, but here you use your deft expertise to make me feel very different, but still very powerful, emotions. When Beth felt that tapping in her gut, I actually felt the weight lift off of me. I’m usually all for the open-ended, up to the reader’s interpretation kind of conclusion, but thank fucking Christ you’re writing a Coda. I need some wholesome to wash the pain away.

The epilogue revelations were pretty interesting, the stuff regarding Nashwa and Summiya especially. I was wondering if Ammy was going to have a face turn there at the end, but nah, her and the masterminds all still seem pretty evil lol. Shame about Val’s mom, I guess. If Beth ever risks it as a repeat customer, Imma be upset lol. 

I hope I’ve made it clear how much I love this story and how grateful I am for having had the chance to read it. It blew me away at every paragraph, every twist and turn, every goosebump inflicting line of dialogue, every impressive vocab word I had to google, every sudden break I had to take, every instance of one girl going into another’s pussy, and out of a pussy, and back into one, and back out of one, and then into a mouth, and then down the throat, and then repeat for the eleven other tiny women. Phenomenal work!

Author's Response:

Oh no, I pulled you away from the beta?!  I feel truly honored.  Capturing tinies is a simple matter of patience and half-decent hand-eye coordination, but capturing an audience is an achievement I am proud to be able to claim.

You're not wrong that the loophole was kinda forced, and I probably did a poor job of making it clear in the epilogue, but it was kinda intentional.  To some degree, Amaterasu was playing off some pre-prepared scripts that would allow the Establishment to further profit off of this dinner by selling recordings.  As part of that, she used phrasing that was intended to imply a closing of all loopholes, while still leaving a small one to allow the twist.  Even so, the way it was worded ensured Amaterasu got a tiny, and that Cass wouldn't be allowed to leave until she was in someone's stomach.  Thanks for pointing out the inconsistency as written, it's something to keep in mind for the future.

Yeah, writing that scene tore my heart out as well.  I ended up leaving what I would consider the canonical ending (whether Cass survived the events of this night) to a heavily weighted random number generator, so I wrote this scene with the full understanding that Cass probably wasn't going to survive.  As you said, they played stupid games, and were rightfully on the chopping block to win stupid prizes... but I didn't want Cass to die!

Sal was my safety relief valve, my ejector seat, my OH SHIT! button that I slammed like a mother when I reached the end, and realized there shouldn't be a practical way to save Cass.  But I had set up a caring stranger in Chapter 1, and pulling him in to potentially be their white night was such a delightful moment to write.

I am so glad you found this story a joy (and sometimes emotional rollercoaster) to read.  I'm only about 15% of the way through writing the coda, so that's going to be a little bit longer as I consider a few implications and logistics moving forward, but it will definitely be out before the end of the year.  My goal is to have it done before Thanksgiving.

Reviewer: TerryLarka Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 03 2024 2:44 AM Title: Chapter 6 - The Final... Four?

 I mean no hyperbole when I say this is one of the hottest stories I’ve ever read. I just finished chapter 6, and I should have the finale and epilogue finished within the next few hours, but I just wanted to leave some thoughts while they’re still relevant in my head.

What makes this story so remarkable to me is how layered all the interactions are. Gentle and cruel, willing and unwilling, degrading and respectful, vore and, well, more vore, this entire narrative weaves together disparate elements of this fetish so beautifully well that it enhances what is already extremely hot smut to greater heights.

Best example is Beth’s time with Cassia towards the end of chapter 5. All these tiny women have fucked up circumstances that led them here, all of which show how awful this world treats its smaller denizens (and as someone who spends a lot time writing mixed size utopias, the worldbuilding in these backstories are especially intense), but Cassia’s hit especially hard for me in how it involves a tiny reclusive society completely ruined by the introduction of bigs into it. It enforces an idea that the two sizes cannot mix well without one of them, the obvious one, coming out on top and oppressing the other.

The fact Cassia enjoys being treated worse than dirt only makes it more tragic. I’m not sure if this was your intent with her character, but it comes off as a defense mechanism, a way of rationalizing the immense cruelty of the world she lives in, to enjoy the abuse she’s put through because it’s been beat into her that this is the natural order, the way things are meant to be, and this how she copes with that.

And Beth recognizes that and takes full advantage for both of their pleasures. In case it needs to be said again and again, Beth is still absolutely incredible. The way she respects and listens to each tiny while simultaneously plotting how best to toy with them is such a delectable blend of traits I’d expect from a woman who both loves a tiny to death and derives intense gratification from dominating and devouring them. The fact she was able to deduce Cassia’s masochism already is a testament to her understanding of little people, and then uses that deduction to fully dominate Cassia in body and mind shows how dangerously skilled she is at wielding it.

Beth is a lot more gratifying as a giantess than most of your run of the mill sadists because of this. It’s like she’s using all the tricks from the gentle giantess’ playbook for evil, and that makes her actions so much more compelling than the “step on someone and call them a bug” routine. The juxtaposition of her caring and monstrous demeanor, using Cassia as a cum rag in an exemplary showcase of Macro/micro CNC, made that scene so goddamn hot, enough to standout in a story packed to the brim with ungodly pleasurable prose. Seriously, Beth’s dialogue there was fucking perfect, this review can’t even do it justice.

And speaking of perfect fucking dialogue, Amaterasu’s monologue in chapter six is hotter than most actual sex scenes. As a gentle romantic, I vehemently disagree with her thesis statement, but even my soft heart can’t deny her delivery was unequivocally provocative. I’m very excited to see the places she goes in the finale.

Narratively speaking, the tiny coalition’s failure to bring Beth to orgasm comes at no surprise. I chalk that up to Beth’s feelings of fear and guilt clouding her judgment more than anything (that and Cass really didn’t seem to be trying too hard lol). Amaterasu’s monologue was so convincing (and really, I cannot blame Beth here) that I think it got in her head and turned the bet into a self-fulfilling prophecy. All her observations during and afterward came across to me as confirmation bias. And even if Beth’s pleasure comes from what she can do to Cass rather than what Cass can do to her, then so what? Not all couples express their love in the same way, and if that’s how they enjoy each other physically, then who’s to tell them otherwise? And that’s not even factoring in the fact there’s more to a relationship than just sex, and that tinies, while only questionably people (grumbles in tiny rights activist), have the emotional capacity to be a supportive partner. Dammit, Amaterasu! Why must you make being wrong look so sexy?!

Speaking of activism, Beth considering turning over a new leaf and being more supportive of the tinies’ plight after eating a dozen of them is such a shitty thing for her to think lol. I’m picturing her support amounting to a couple tweets and a signature on an online petition. Y’know, some real atonement for all the extra fat in her tits. lol

I have no clue where the story’s headed. Amaterasu wanting to snack on Cass is so obvious from the description let alone the actual content that it’s probably a red herring, but I’m still uncertain if the little lady is going to make it out of this alive. Val’s been eyeing that wristband, and there’s the knocking about and shouting inside Beth’s pussy. I was convinced at one point that she was going to steal the wristband thinking it’d make her immune to consumption, only for Ammy to mistake her for Cass and eat her, but I’m now thinking the goddess is probably more perceptive than that. Even is she thinks nothing of tinies, she’s probably still able to distinguish between them. So yeah, I don’t know what’s going to happen, and that’s really exciting. It’s rare, in size smut and in general fiction, to have no sense of whether the hero’s going to survive or not, and I am thrilled to find out what all’s left you have in store for this wild ride.  

Author's Response:

Thank you so much Terry!  It's incredibly affirming to hear this from an author as talented as yourself.  Cassia's story is one that I went into with a simple premise, and the more I thought about it, the more the situation informed the character, and then the new details I had for the character brought me to adjust the situation, until it fit a spot that I thought hit the right amounts of Overprotective Bigs, Controlling Government Propaganda, Corrupt but Well-Intentioned Religious Organization, and sexy, slutty tinies who know they're oppressed, but will make the best of the situation.

I really enjoyed writing Beth.  She is protagonist, antagonist, villain, and lone beacon of hope in this dark setting.  She is manipulative, but also able to be manipulated.  She is willing to take risks, yet still rails against the consequences of her own actions.  She wants everyone to have a good time, and she's willing to make it happen, but she's making the effort because it enhances her own pleasure.  She's just been a blast to write across the board.

I'm glad Amaterasu's dialogue was so evocative.  I've had some DM discussions about her arguments, and how they're so attractive on the surface, but everything she does is false and misleading.  She gives the tinies a harsh and arbitrary time limit, she has poisoned Beth's mind with worry and confusion to take her out of the mood, and she makes Beth self-conscious about how she derives pleasure from interacting with tinies.  Then, after a short, five minute window when the tinies are starting to get Beth going, Amaterasu uses a pleasure aid AND THE BODIES OF HER COMPETITION to jump in on the coattails of their little efforts, and just dominate the contest.  She made use of several artificial advantages denied to the tinies, after poisoning their efforts three ways from Sunday.  it's an almost entirely empty argument, but by tying it to fresh experiences and sexual release the argument gains so much emotional weight that it cannot help but persist.

I'm glad at this point I had you still guessing.  I went into this story with a very clear goal, but I really didn't want the outcome to be telegraphed until the final moments.  This is a big relief to hear.

Thanks again for taking the time to read my writing.  I really appreciate the feedback you've given me.  I see another review came in after this one, and it just warms my heart that these silly little words I typed onto the screen connected enough with my audience that they felt the need to respond in some way.  That someone of your caliber is willing to offer so much insight is a true honor.

Reviewer: ProbablyIX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 30 2024 5:11 AM Title: Epilogue - A Tiny Hope, and a Glimpse Behind the Curtain

This story was a blast from start to finish, really well done. 


The ending especially is perfect, considering the rest of the story. Having Beth be the one who had to consume Cassidy was a spine-tinglingly good choice, and the hint at a happy ending lets the story have its cake and eat it too (pun intended). I'll be eager to read the Coda whenever it's ready. 

Author's Response:

Thanks so much!  I'm so glad you enjoyed it!  I'm also glad the ending landed.  I was very concerned it would feel too contrived, or undermine Amaterasu's character throughout most of the story.

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 23 2024 6:17 AM Title: Chapter 6 - The Final... Four?

I realized I forgot a couple of things, so here, have more stars! This story is definitely worth more than five anyway.

But yeah, there were two things I forgot in my first review for this last chapter.

First, Cassidy's words when she told Beth that she didn't want to hold her back in life made me a little emotional. That was a sadly touching moment, and it's interesting to wonder if Cassidy is right to think this way. It's clear at this point that Beth's whole world would shatter without Cassidy. So while I get what Cass is saying here (she's kind of backing up Amaterasu's point) the way Beth behaves in this chapter strongly implies, at least to me, that Cassidy is wrong and that Beth's relationship with her is part of what makes the normal's life so great! Again, this defeatist attitude by the tinies is as heartbreaking for me as it is for Beth.

Of course, I also have to wonder between that and Beth having something she needs to talk to Cass about after the dinner if these things are just setting up a more emotional death for Beth's tiny girl. You could also be "faking the fake" (don't make me break out the iocane powder again!) and using these powerful tropes to trick us into thinking that Cassidy is doomed. I really don't know at this point. You've done a masterful job of keeping us guessing about her fate.

Second, while I noted how much I loved Dulce's scene at the end, I forgot to point out how much I appreciated the little stutter you gave her there. She's brave and she wants to go out on her own terms, but that doesn't mean she isn't scared. It was a small thing that wasn't even noted in the narrative, but I love little touches like that, and I felt like that alone was worth coming back and leaving a second review for the chapter (let alone the other thing I forgot).

Oh, also, I lied.

Third (and last for real), God damn was it cute as fuck when the final five questioned the vorgy before making their decision. That shit made my heart melt. It also bummed me out, knowing the (likely; I'm still holding out a small sliver of hope that they'll be saved somehow, even though I know they probably won't be) horrible fate that awaits those inside Beth's stomach once those antacids wear off.

These thoughts just hit me randomly, so I hope you don't mind me dropping these extra thoughts off with no rhyme or reason days later.

Author's Response:

There's even more!  You are a saint, and a scolar!  Thank you for all the feedback!

Self-doubt is something we all deal with.  My personal brands tend to be imposter syndrome and a focus on every past failure I can remember, particularly the ones no one else can remember.  How could a tiny in this world not feel self-doubt?  I wanted to show that Cassidy very much feels thouse doubts too, and it is despite those doubts that manages to be such an incredibly possitive and assertive person.  I absolutely love her character, and I think she's my second favorite OC, behind Titania, but just barely.  I really don't want her to die, but in some ways the story (and the meddlesome characters there-in) writes itself.

I'm glad Dulce's stutter came through.  In my li.ited experience, no one wants to die.  Death is only pursued when it is percieved as a less-awful alternative to existence.  Dulce didn't want to be eaten, but she was not leaving that room outside of a stomach, and she was offered a chance to go out on her terms.  She was able to take her skills and experience, and cook up a culinary farewell that would leave an impression (and savory aftertaste) with the people with whom she spent those final moments.

I'm SO so glad that scene played well.  I didn't want to overplay the tinies on the outside questioning the dearly devoured, but from a conceptual level, if not in prosaic execution, that scene was a chef's kiss moment for me.

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 22 2024 1:40 AM Title: Chapter 6 - The Final... Four?

Yeah, after reading chapter one, my initial thought was that the VIP band would be a red herring and that it was the contractor's agreement that would pose the real threat. Although, now that we're here, I'm not 100 percent sure the role of the band is quite done yet ...

So after saying that, it should come as no surprise that I was kind of expecting the sun goddess herself to be the villain of this story. Still, I wasn't necessarily prepared for her to be quite so vile (which is a compliment for a villain, by the way). Her self-centered view on tinies is awful, although I suspect that a lot of normals at least somewhat share her opinion on them. Her monologue laid it all on the table in an elegantly revolting manner befitting an evil goddess such as Amaterasu.

I love Beth's extreme panic at the revelation that Cass is very much in play with Amaterasu's arrangement. Not that I had any doubts about how Beth felt about her tiny girlfriend before, but the early part of the chapter really drilled down just how important Cassidy is to her, which makes for quite the stark contrast with Amaterasu's "they just exist to help us get off and/or taste good" mentality. I do think Beth is deluding herself a bit in thinking that she can convince the sun goddess that one of the other tinies is more appealing, given how determined Amaterasu is to make Beth see that her relationship with Cass isn't really a relationship at all.

That does make me wonder what Amaterasu's motivation is here. Is she simply anti-tiny and feels annoyed to find a "bleeding heart" who can't accept the truth? Is she trying to make Beth see that she's wasting her time with Cass and help her find real sexual bliss? Is she trying to become Beth's girlfriend (or at least occasional lover)? Or is she just fucked up and enjoys watching Beth squirm?

Who knows, maybe this is just what she does for fun. But I still haven't quite figured her out yet.

I'm not sure why Beth allowed Amaterasu to not only decide that they would play the five-minute game but allowed her to set the terms for it as well. It seems to me that Beth is needlessly putting Cassidy's life at risk here and is fortunate that the other four didn't decide to push one of the ones that paid for their demise to top of the menu. Or does Cassidy's VIP band still protect her here. If that's the case, this would make a lot more sense to me, especially since Beth seemed so surprised that the tinies couldn't get her off on their own.

I thought Beth's thoughts on the tinies' self-confidence was really profound. It made me wonder if they lost the game because of their size or if it was really just a self-fulfilling prophecy. Tinies can't have that much confidence in this world, certainly not when dealing with normals. Did the tinies even give it their all? Val probably did, but I feel Cassidy wasn't too worried about winning and just wanted to have a good time. I kind felt that way about the other three too, but to a lesser extent.  So I'm wondering if they might have proven Amaterasu wrong had they truly given it their all and believed that they could do it.

The guilt Beth felt when she realized that it was dominating Cassidy rather than Cass herself that had gotten her off all that time was a nice touch to throw in there, too. She truly loves her tiny girlfriend, and she's horrified to learn that making Cass seem less gets her going. It's was a bit sad to read, but I'm curious where this is going when mixed in with everything else going on in the chapter.

Back to the game, though, damn did you sell what Amaterasu was preaching! That shit was intense!  What a hot scene! And Beth being so enraptured that she momentarily forgot about Cassidy, that she didn't even realize that she could feel this way before, briefly made me think the sun goddess had won. But the way Beth immediately worried about Cassidy after she came back to her senses, going so far as to push away the woman she had just asked for a second round, shows that Amaterasu lost. Yeah, she was right about the tinies not being able to get her off, but Beth seems more in love with Cass than ever despite that. And everything Beth thought after that leads the reader to believe that she actually thinks more of tinies now than she did before.

And Beth wanting to join a tinies rights organization may seem hypocritical given her actions so far during the evening, but I really liked that she's moving in that direction. Even in eating the girls, she's learning their stories and showing them a level of respect that most bigs wouldn't even consider. So I could see her coming out of this dinner with a real drive to help tinies in the future.

I'm loving that Beth is starting to waver, and the way in which this feeling builds throughout the chapter is masterfully done. At first, the gravity of Cassidy's situation hits Beth hard and makes see the worth of the lives she's taking in a whole new light. Rather than feel guilt, however, she wants to keep eating the tinies but has a deeper respect for her meal (she was already pretty respectful for a big even before this revelation). But later on, we see her questioning what she's doing again, this time assuring herself that it's fine because even Cassidy thought so! This sounded less like a real assurance on her part and more like she's starting to grasp at straws to justify what she's doing.

Of course we've mentioned before that part of the reason that Beth is so okay with this is that shit like this happens to tinies all the time. Hell, that's probably why so many of them here have come to terms with their fate in her belly. She's indulging in this dark fantasy of hers because if they were surely going to end up eaten at some point anyway, and it's not like she can save them all. But now that the one under her protection isn't quite so protected anymore, it only makes sense that her empathetic side would start to have more pull. Between that and the heartbreaking stories these girls have, how could she not start to feel guilty.

I don't think the story will end this way, but a small part of me is hoping that Beth ends up having a change of heart and decides and/or finds a way to save the other tinies from her digestive tract after leaving the restaurant (if they make it that long). Either way, I'm pretty sure Beth is going to feel really shitty about what she did at this meal in retrospect. Honestly, I'll be happy if just Cassidy and Beth survive the night (I'm not sure what the penalty for breaking a contractor's agreement is, but I assume it wouldn't end well for Beth).

If Cass is going to make it through this, I'm pretty sure whatever happened between Val and her inside Beth is going to be the reason for it. I'm really curious what went on in there, especially since you were setting Val up for something last chapter.

Finally, I thought Dulce's demise perfectly culminated who Beth is. She allowed the tiny to go out on her own terms, preparing herself as a feast for the eyes, nose, and mouth. That touching exchange between them just before Beth ate her sums up what I've been saying Beth's position about eating the girls has been all night. This line in particular:

“In all honesty, I am glad it’s you. There are many normals I can think of who would have me screaming and fighting, but with how you are with Cassidy, and-and even with us, I’m glad its someone who at least respects us tinies, even if you show it by trying to swallow us whole.” 

Beth views them as people with lives and dreams, and she does respect them. I think that's also part of the reason most of them are coming to terms with her eating them. There's a certain dignity in how she's treating them (well, except for maybe Isabella), and I'm glad Dulce was able to verbalize that.

Her joke about Cecilia was pretty funny, though.

So yeah, another awesome chapter here! I'm at the edge of my seat (literally, not just as an expression!) as I ponder what fate awaits Cassidy in the climatic chapter.

Author's Response:

Thank you again for another incredible review!  I'm so sorry it took me literal days to respond.  I'm loving the questions you're asking, and the insights you've given me all story into how the characters are coming across!

I'm curious what suggested the VIP band was a red herring early on, or of that was more of an expectation based on how you would have taken this story.  I'm wondering what made you change your mind on that stance?

Your insights into Amaterasu are quite intriguing.  I'm very curious to hear your thoughts on her after reading the epilogue.  I'm honestly hoping that the final bits of context don't undermine Amaterasu's perspective here, mostly because I think there is a degree of validity to the argument, even if I personally reject the conclusion whole-heartedly.

Beth's reactions took a lot of nuance I really hope played well here.  It's difficult to maintain a sexy, somewhat romantic atmosphere while threatening the love of the PoV character's life.  I think I walked the knife's edge between thrilling danger, deep concern, soul-crushing guilt, and sexy: full steam ahead here fairly well, but I suppose things like the game came off a little oddly.  I saw that more as Amaterasu stepping in to keep things exciting while Beth was still trying to navigate all of her roiling emotions.  I'll have to think more on that for future works.

As for Beth's outlook on tinies, despite setting this story in a world where the size disparity is static, I very much intended for this to be a growth story... just, framed as personal growth rather than size.  I wanted Beth to grow as a person, and her outlook on tinies to grow as well.  I'm glad to hear Dulce's demise was a solid benchmark for that progress.

I seriously hope you enjoy the last bits of the story - now that they're posted, I'm riding an anticipatory adrenaline high just waiting to hear how folks feel it turned out!

Author's Response:

Thank you again for another incredible review!  I'm so sorry it took me literal days to respond.  I'm loving the questions you're asking, and the insights you've given me all story into how the characters are coming across!

I'm curious what suggested the VIP band was a red herring early on, or of that was more of an expectation based on how you would have taken this story.  I'm wondering what made you change your mind on that stance?

Your insights into Amaterasu are quite intriguing.  I'm very curious to hear your thoughts on her after reading the epilogue.  I'm honestly hoping that the final bits of context don't undermine Amaterasu's perspective here, mostly because I think there is a degree of validity to the argument, even if I personally reject the conclusion whole-heartedly.

Beth's reactions took a lot of nuance I really hope played well here.  It's difficult to maintain a sexy, somewhat romantic atmosphere while threatening the love of the PoV character's life.  I think I walked the knife's edge between thrilling danger, deep concern, soul-crushing guilt, and sexy: full steam ahead here fairly well, but I suppose things like the game came off a little oddly.  I saw that more as Amaterasu stepping in to keep things exciting while Beth was still trying to navigate all of her roiling emotions.  I'll have to think more on that for future works.

As for Beth's outlook on tinies, despite setting this story in a world where the size disparity is static, I very much intended for this to be a growth story... just, framed as personal growth rather than size.  I wanted Beth to grow as a person, and her outlook on tinies to grow as well.  I'm glad to hear Dulce's demise was a solid benchmark for that progress.

I seriously hope you enjoy the last bits of the story - now that they're posted, I'm riding an anticipatory adrenaline high just waiting to hear how folks feel it turned out!

Reviewer: TerryLarka Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 19 2024 4:12 AM Title: Chapter 5 - Tiny Sampler Platter for Two

I'm currently halfway through Chapter 5, but I figure I should get my current thoughts out now because who knows what's coming in these last few chapters. Sorry it's taking me so long to catch up. Never has a story required me to take so many breaks while reading, if you catch my drift. You've really outdone yourself with this one!

First off, the prose is absolutely oozing with sensuality in every sentence. Word choice, alliteration, dialogue (Oh my God the dialogue), everything comes together to put the reader on the wildest ride of their life. A standout moment is in I think chapter 4 where Amaterasu whispers into Beth's ear and there's an entire paragraph dedicated to how her breath feels on Beth's ear and that's just one of many examples of next level smut writing on display here. No stone is left unturned, no sensory detail left untouched. This story is constantly blowing me away.

I believe I said it in my last review, but it needs saying again that Beth is incredible. Now that I've gotten into the meat of the vorgy, she makes such an excellent pred. There's so much depth to her, a woman who is madly in love with a tiny gal and eager to mercilessly devour other little ladies in the same breath, and that complexity adds to every tease, every threat, every justification, and every empty promise that drips out of her ravenous mouth. The way she manipulates her snackrifices into fearing her in the exact way she wants, the way that best serves her libido, is a sight to behold, and I love the way she justifies killing them by rationalizing her gluttonous indulgence as giving them a chance at achieving ultimate pleasure before they die. It's not that she's doing them a service by eating them, but if they're going to die for her pleasure, they may as well enjoy it. It's twisted, compelling, and extremely hot. And the fact it contrasts so hard with how caring and gentle we see her act towards Cassidy (gentle in the streets, maybe not so much in the sheets) further heightens her character's appeal (at least to me, the reader, maybe not so much to the people she's eating). When Alma called her a monster that hit so hard, because she is one and yet you have me rooting for her unapologetically. Their little lives be damned, I want to see Beth satisfied!

That insight into Cass' backstory, talking about how she met Beth, did a lot to flesh out her character. The fact she at one point was so despondent she actually wanted Beth to eat her, to serve a greater purpose as extra fat on her tits, really stuck with me. Initially, Cass came off to me as a callous nympho, someone who doesn't care about loss of life if it gets her and her giant girlfriend off, and I guess that's kinda still true, but the fact she doesn't value her own life to begin with really clarifies why she's eager to feed her sloppy seconds to her lover. She's not exactly a hypocrite if she's willing to share in their fate! And I love Beth having to tell Cass that she has to hold back with her, that tonight the cravings might become too strong and she does the unthinkable.

Also, if I ever have to explain to someone what the appeal of getting vored is, I'm showing them Cass' explanation from chapter 4. It so perfectly sums up the fantasy and what I love about it in a way I'm not sure I could accomplish on my own, at least not as well worded as this.

I'll admit that race play isn't usually my cup of tea, but I think having the tinies all be flavored based on their heritage works really well here (Pushpa tasting like Indian food, the German girl reminding Beth of Oktoberfest, etc.) Tinies having distinct flavors is always a treat, and it also serves the additional purpose of making the ladies easily identifiable which is no easy feat when there's like a dozen of them. I also like how they each react differently to imminent threat of being devoured. Momo accepts it early on (I loved that tender moment with her sister as she poked out of Beth's lips and the giant woman pushing her twin against her throat as she swallowed), Adeya fights it the whole way down, Alma freaks out, then accepts it, then relates to Beth through the game they both play, only to return to freaking out once she's actually travelling down the esophagus. The range on these minor characters is incredible and adds layers to what would be literal fodder in a lesser story.

On a semi-related note, I need to know what kind of game Gut Slut Grotto is. I'm guessing some mobile gacha crap from the things the characters said, but what's the gameplay like, and how can I get an actual developer to make it a reality?

I think I covered most of what I wanted to say, though I'm probably forgetting a bunch of praise worthy points, but I guess there's still three and a half chapters left, so expect another review or two down the road. This story is really outstanding, and I'm so glad your PC is back to get it uploaded (and I'll let you know I am dying to read more Small Investments. Why'd your PC have to break on a cliffhanger, dammit?!)

Author's Response:

I'm not gonna lie, I'm not giving this review the response it deserves.  I just spent an hour and a half overloading my brain, trying to figure out how to properly thank It Was Me for that glowing review on Chapter 5.  I finally hit a point where I don't feel like complete crap for failing to appropriately address all of the details mentioned, so I hit Submit on the response - only to see this incredible review pop up.  I feel like an anime character who just came out of the mid-season finale, clothes torn, one arm hanging useless, 8 people's worth of my blood laying splattered on the shattered stones behind me, only for the boss of the next arc to show up and pull off a grandmaster-tier technique that blasts me through a mountain, just to show me how freaking far I have yet to go before I might have a chance of meeting them on the field of battle.

Screw it.  Shonen power of muscle-headed determination, activate!

I'm glad the sensuality hasn't gotten stale.  As several of the tinies find out next chapter, too much of a good thing is a thing that happens, regardless of whether you still want more afterwards.  I'm doing my damnedest to make sure it's still fresh and enjoyable, but after enough chapters of almost non-stop sex, that natural sensitivity boost could easily become grating.  As for the whispers thing, I feel like the sensuality of the intimately spoken desire is an element of erotica that is criminally underutilized in size fiction.  I very much wanted to make use of it here, particularly during significant high points, or potential turning points.

I'm glad Beth is still flying high in your eyes.  She's definitely not a self-insert character, but she is definitely serving as a vessel for those intrusive thoughts and desires that, should shrinking/growing ever become possible, I expect I would be too principled to act on, but would be torn up inside by the allure of the taboo.  I have loved taking the hollow justifications and strawman arguments I've made playing devil's advocate in my own head, and filling them out and expressing them through this ravenous, yet empathetic temptress.  That monster comment was one I agonized over for a while.  Not whether or not Alma would call Beth a monster, but rather how she would handle it.  In the end, taking it in stride seemed like the right call.  Beth has seen what normals do to tinies, and has second-hand experience through Cassidy of what it can be like.  She has acknowledged her desires are monstrous, and accepted that she is, in some ways, a monster.  That doesn't mean she can't still love Cassidy, nor does it mean she has to hold herself back from her deepest, darkest desires.  She has accepted that she is a monster, and as such, she gets to have more fun.

Ah, the appeal of Vore.  I rewrote that explanation like 3 times.  It's such a strange thing, how it plays with our instincts in a way that's almost counter to evolution.  I'm glad it landed, and if you ever do actually use it to try and explain the appeal of vore, I hope it serves you - and any other readers who might try the same - well.

I'm with you on raceplay.  It's not a major factor for me, but rather I do find the cultural differences, and the different perspectives they each have, to be appealing.  Those cultural differences just so happen to tend to come with some aesthetic physiological differences that can help visually remind the reader of those cultural differences in the context of this story.  Plus, I know some people are into that, so I play it up a little here.

Ah, Gut Slut Grotto.  I 1000% pictured it as a sizey gatcha game with a focus on collecting the various gut sluts, ostensibly to flush out a story, much like an interactive visual novel.  Different GS's would have different stats, and which ones you used in different circumstances would give different story arcs, and eventually different endings.

Once again, thank you so much for taking the time to comment.  Once I'm done with posting this story, I'm going to take the time to dive back into Twin Sizes and Roomies, before I do my Small Investments readthrough.  I'm looking forward to checking in on the excitement of the cute tiny with a HUGE personality, her quiet, giant sister, and of course, the shenanigans of the infamous love rhombus.

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 17 2024 4:28 PM Title: Chapter 5 - Tiny Sampler Platter for Two

Damn, I'm too slow (in my defense this chapter is even longer than one of mine)! I see that you got the next chapter up, but I just finished reading this one. I've got a lot to say about it, though, so I'm not going to peek at the new one until I'm done writing this review.

First and foremost, your word choices! That's it. That's the sentence!

I don't know if it comes naturally to you or if you agonize over most of the words used in a given chapter like I do, but holy tits did every God damned word in this chapter seem carefully crafted to make the subject matter they were being used to describe as sexy as humanly possible. I'm talking about the words used, the way they all seem to work in concert with one another to paint just the right picture the reader, the creativity in which some word definitions are stretched just enough to make them fit, and even the words in different languages! This isn't unusual in your work to a certain extent, but my mind was blown by how much you stepped up your game here. Impressed isn't a strong enough word.

There are so many descriptive phrases that I love scattered throughout the chapter that I can't name them here. It would take too long.

Then there were a couple of times in this chapter that left me repeatedly asking myself, "How the fuck did he do that?" There's so much going on all the time, and you balance out all the action so well, so clearly and easy to visualize, and with personality bursting from each character throughout all of it. I'm reading these scenes and yet I can't comprehend how you not only kept all of this together but made every part of it seem so special and unique.

I'm still loving the fuck out of Beth imagining what the vorgy is like inside her stomach! Some of them aren't even based on what she's feeling in there, like how she was so sure that they took Alma as she was screaming and put her face in someone's pussy to calm her down. It's so fucking cute in the hottest way possible! Between that and you being on point with her feeling them shift around with her movements, and we don't even need to see the vorgy to know how hot it is inside Beth!

The depth of the stories from the tinies continues to amaze me. You've put so much thought into each of these characters, a lot of them not getting a ton of "screen time" aside from their scene before being eaten. The level of detail you've put into each and every character is not unappreciated.

My impression of Amaterasu is that she doesn't think too highly of tinies. The way she teased Beth about being a tiny herself certainly implies that she looks down on them in a nonliteral way as much as a literal one. While the main reason the sun goddess gives for this is Beth devoting so much attention to her feet, her first two cited reasons are a bit demeaning for tinies. Amaterasu seems to take slight issue with Beth both dating a tiny and allowing the 12 other tinies to enjoy a literal orgy of sexual pleasure first (and afterward, theoretically) instead of merely eating them. It seems as though Beth's plate for the evening feels as though tinies aren't worth the time that Beth is putting into this.

That's something that I think contrasts really, really well with Beth's approach, especially in this chapter. Beth is immensely enjoying being a predator, but at the same time, she's acknowledging the humanity of her prey. At first I thought that was just for manipulative purposes, but over the course of the story so far (and especially in this chapter), it seems clear to me that there's something more going on here.

Beth wants to know these girls' names and their stories. She wants to remember them. True to the symbolism vore represents, it seems as though she truly wants them to become a part of her, not just in body, but in mind and soul as well. I think this is most clearly demonstrated in her reaction to Dulce's story. She feels bad for the itty bitty Italian for moving halfway across the world just to experience the same fate she was fleeing (which is really fucking sad, by the way).

Beth seems moved by this and wants to make sure Dulce isn't the one Amaterasu chooses as her payment. Beth wants it to be her that does in the tiny woman. This isn't because of some perverse pleasure she hopes to feel about the irony of the situation. Unlike Dulce's concerns about Cecilia, Beth wants the little woman to choose to be eaten by her, to accept it and want it. In fact, Beth seems determined to win over someone she could simply take between her fingers and stuff in her mouth. Why is that? While we're at it, why would someone like Beth, who is madly in love with a tiny herself, even entertain an evening such as this in the first place?

Between the stories told by Beth's meal, what we know of Cassidy's own story, and Amaterasu's actions thus far, it seems like tinies have it pretty rough. This society seems to pretend to care about them, but it's a poorly kept secret that the life of a tiny is meant to be just a thing for a big to enjoy however they see fit. So I think Beth is indulging a deep, dark desire, here, but I also think she sees these tinies she's eating as fucked either way. Why not give them a the time of their lives before they succumb to their inevitable fate. Add into account that Cassidy herself has asked to be eaten before, and this doesn't even seem that far-fetched an idea for Beth to have.

Back to evidence about Beth's motivation, Cassia seems to be another prime example. Upon hearing the Greek's tragic story of running away from religious zealots intending to do the same thing to her that Beth herself is doing (although the sex part seems much more big-oriented than it is here), Beth is momentarily loses her drive to go through with this, only gaining it back when she realizes that the tiny only ran because she didn't want to die via a sexed up and probably hungry elderly nun (I mean, haven't we all been there?). Beth was even perceptive enough to pick up on Cassia wanting to be talked down to and obliging her, which was really touching even despite the cruelness such words and actions would normally carry.

And, of course, Beth wouldn't eat her without knowing her name. It's so much harder to remember someone when you don't know their name.

So yeah, despite consuming them, I think Beth's opinion of tinies is much higher than the average persons and that these manipulative games that she's been playing throughout the night are a sign of respect for her prey rather than simply something she's doing for her own enjoyment (although, that's most certainly a thing, too!). The fact that envisioning the vorgy inside her and finding joy in doing imagining the girls enjoying their final hours on Earth seems to back this idea up as well.

Beth's perspective may be a bit twisted, thinking that she's giving the tinies one last hoorah before they suffer an unavoidable fate anyway when she's the one acting as their executioner, but I get it. Some of the tinies do, too, as most of them seem to come to terms with it and just try to enjoy the opportunity presented to them. That's pretty telling, too. I was worried that the story was going to get a tad less interesting once Beth revealed her intentions to the remaining tinies, but my intrigue has been ramped up quite a bit since then, and I feel like my understanding of the situation has increased significantly!

The Alice in Wonderland stuff with Alice was great, by the way! The way you kept referring to that "Cheshire grin" was pretty slick, and there was a moment when Beth bent over the tiny and talked to her from behind that made me think of that particular cat's movements. Beth's playful references were so much fun! This was a phenomenal scene!

It also seems as though Beth is starting to feel as though Cassidy might be in danger. Her reluctance to put her tiny lover in Amaterasu's mouth even at Cassidy's own prompting shows an uneasiness building in the back of her mind, although her instruction to the sun goddess made my heart melt! I also feel like Beth putting Cassidy inside her before asking Amaterasu about her choice was a subconscious way of trying to protect her tiny girlfriend. I've fallen in love with their relationship in such a short amount of time (and even without a ton of interaction between them), which makes my all the more concerned about Cassidy's fate.

Speaking of that, I loved the way you played around with Valerie and the VIP wristband. I think the wristband has always been a red herring meant to distract us from a much greater danger, but having Beth observe this and keeping a close eye on the situation even during her orgasmic bliss again shows how much she cares for Cassidy. I thought noting that Cassidy rubbing her wrist wasn't normal and that she was playing with her wristband in a moment of guilt was a nice touch, and it helped hit home why Beth was suddenly very eager to get Valerie down her throat and out of the way. That interest in Val's story seemed to go away as soon as Beth saw Cassidy considering something stupid.

Man, Amaterasu sure did want Beth to gobble down another tiny really quickly. I'm guessing her count on tinies remaining doesn't quite match Beth's ...

Yeah, it might be time to panic about Cassidy.

Then again, you mention this "additional coda" that would show Cassidy's life weeks after the story, which very strongly indicates her survival. No mention of Beth, though. Again, much like the foreshadowing tag, I find myself wondering about the true intent of this announcement. Either you're extremely clever or I'm extremely paranoid. Or this could be a classic "both" scenario.

In any case, you've got me running circles around in my own head over this! So thanks for that (I mean this both literally and sarcastically at the same time, if that's possible)!

Oh, and that's wonderful news on Small Investments! I assumed you were going to come back to it at some point, but it's great to see confirmation! Take your time rereading and immersing yourself back into the story. You might enjoy the ride as a reader almost as much as you did writing it!

Author's Response:

I'm literally blown away.  At 1,840 words, I'm pretty sure you doubled the median chapter length on the site.  From the depths of my being, THANK YOU for this review.

I might have mentioned this previously, but I started this story when I had an entire afternoon free to write.  My first instinct was to work on Small Investments, but I had taken so long in writing it that I wanted to do a full re-read of the previous chapters to make sure I maintained continuity, and didn't overlook small but crucial details.  I have a list of 13 story ideas I intend to write some day, but they're longer form, so I decided to write a truly short story.  I'd had this vague idea for a Mixed-sized couple where the big was a voraphile, and the tiny was a bit of a nympho who could look past her partner's dangerous tastes if she got in on the action before her lover got her lips on the tinies.  I wanted to keep it compact, so it would be a meal, and then I decided to throw in the idea of Nyotaimori to make the whole thing an exotic, sizey twist on a taboo.  I figured it would be a quick grab and gobble, and it would shake off the rust on my fingers.  That was like half an hour of my writing session gone to brainstorming, and by the time the afternoon was done and I had a couple thousand words on the page, I knew there was so much more potential to this story than I could extract in one sitting.  And so, on my long commutes to and from work, I brainstormed ideas for this story, a story that was fresh and new, and therefore completely malleable because I hadn't established anything yet to an audience.  I'm very much of the opinion that an act is so much more meaningful if  it is personal, if you understand what the consequences will be for both parties, and even moreso if you're invested in both parties.  And so, I decided to flesh out the backstories of the tinies, revealing them as our MC ate her way through them.  And with ample hours of commute time, it grew from there.

When it comes to word choice, it's very much a matter of getting the chapter written, and then going back through, start to finish.  If anything feels off (based on a couple decades of reading experience) I start rewriting paragraph by paragraph with a thesaurus handy.

As for the society of this world, the sense you're getting fits the concept I had in mind.  I'm glad that is being communicated properly.

Thanks for all the feedback on how I've portrayed Beth, Amaterasu, and the tinies, as well as your sense of their intentions, goals, and likely next steps.  It seems everything I intended to communicate is sensible and understandable, and I didn't seriously mess up anywhere.  My intentional points of ambiguity don't seem to be causing any trouble.  This is great to hear!

The one thing I want to clarify about the coda (which is totally going to be written, I can't tease it and not complete it) is that I did say it would take place a couple months after the fallout of this story.  I neither see nor recall mentioning Cassidy, or any other character by name.  (If I did, it was totally an accident, so we should ignore it and pretend it isn't there)

And yes, Small Investments is definitely next on my To Write list.  A full re-read, then finishing the story, and then I'm going to take a break from size writing for a while.  Years ago I started a fantasy series I plan to eventually publish under a different pen name, but I had some issues with my MC coming across as boring, vanilla, unsatisfying, and frankly without a meaningful character flaw.  Working on my character writing was a large part of what pushed me into size writing.  Anyway, I'm going to take some time to get that story edited and ready for my beta readers (read college friends and one VERY [Seriously, VERY] persistent co-worker), and then I'll be back.  I have quite a few story ideas in the tank, I'll probably pick my top 5, and write a chapter 1 for each, and see how they feel.  Maybe I'll post them and let folks on the Discord chime in, see what they're interested in.  That will probably be sometime next summer.

Anyway, this response has digressed far enough, likely due to my shock at this incredible review.  Thank you so much for both being a reader, and for providing so much incredible feedback.  I hope my writing continues to be worthy of the time you have invested in it.

Reviewer: Cameron99 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 17 2024 8:01 AM Title: Chapter 6 - The Final... Four?

The prediction I was anticipating is that she'd indeed choose Cassidy as her tiny lol. Though part of me hopes I'm wrong even though this seemed to spell it out. She wanted to just put the fear into the couple but doesn't actually pick her, now that she taught her the lesson she wanted to anyway.

But I suppose we'll see haha

Author's Response:

Without giving away anything, I like the way you think.  Solid prediction, let's give it a 9.5 / 10.  As for the actual events, they'll be up this weekend for your viewing pleasure.  I'm about halfway through my line edit of Chapter 7, once I finish that and the epilogue line edit, we will see just how right you are!  Is this a case where I should be saying, "I hope you're right," or, "I pray for all our sakes you were wrong?"

Reviewer: Musukaiser Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 15 2024 10:24 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Setting the Table

Another amazing chapter, glad to see your back. Sucks what happened with your pc that’s just unlucky. I gotta say this has to be one of the best written stories I’ve read on this site and would love to read more like what happens after the story ends. Beth and Cassidy are honestly such well written characters, and I love how the side characters are well and truly fleshed out.

Author's Response:

Aww, thank you!  The PC crashing was rough, but the time away has brought me back roaring and ready to push forward!  I'm glad the story and characters are both landing, and I've definitely thought about an after-story.  Since there's interest, I think I'll add a Coda chapter to my to-write list, something for after the epilogue.  Maybe I'll set it a month or so down the road from the end of this story, from whatever that end may be.

Thanks again for the glowing review, and feel free to check out Chapter 6, which was just posted!

Reviewer: Cameron99 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 15 2024 4:06 AM Title: Chapter 5 - Tiny Sampler Platter for Two

Just finally got around to reading this one. Wonderful story so far, an absolute delight. I'm really looking forward to seeing the remainder of it. I have a prediction on something I'm curious to see if happens. Thank you for the really unique and well written tale 

Author's Response:

Thanks for leaving a review, and I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying the story! 

Ooh, I'm curious to hear what you think is going to happen!  Feel free to send me a DM on Discord with your theory, you can find me there under the pen name I use here.

Chapter 6 was just posted, I hope you continue to find it to your liking.

Reviewer: shadow93 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 12 2024 4:25 AM Title: Chapter 4 - Late Arrivals Should Be Presentable

Love this story so far, and I hope it is still ongoing! It seems clear which tiny Amaterasu wants, but maybe you will surprise me. Looking forward to how Beth reacts if I'm right.

Author's Response:

Thanks so much!  It will definitely be concluded (and in short order).  It's been written, but I had some serious technical issues that prevented me from accessing the completed chapters.  I'm back up and running, and will start posting the remaining chapters soon, after I give them some spot edits.

Reviewer: TerryLarka Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 12 2024 10:59 PM Title: Chapter 2 - Dinner is Served

So, my plan was to get caught up before leaving a review (which as of now would be chapter 4), but chapter 2 proved so good that I need to get some thoughts down now while they're fresh. 

First, the premise is very creative and inherently hot as fuck. I remember an old gts video in which two women eat tiny toys off each other's bodies while drenching them in honey. This story is like that, but dialed up to 11 and written by an absolute master of the size arts. 

Beth is one hell of a big. I love the glimpses of her we get in chapter one, how protective and loving she is towards Cass, and just generally comes off as a sweet gal. And then comes chapter two. Once she gets her hands on other tinies, we get to see that inner domme come out and it is a more delectable treat than an aroused Japanese twin covered in chocolate. Her attitude towards the other tinies is so tastefully domineering without ever feeling over the top. You can tell she sees them all as objects for her and Cass' pleasures from the way she talks and not just by what she says which is really impressive. Her pressing Momo against Amaterasu's sole and reminding the tiny of her place was the cherry on top of the human table sundae.

I have less to say about Cassidy at the moment (other than I love their names). She's a nympho and a puny firecracker and you know how I love my puny firecrackers, but that's about all I've gotten from her so far. I'm hoping to see more from her character in future chapters (again, I'm only finished with Ch. 2, so that's probably likely).

Chapter 2 is such a tight package. I felt the edging irritation Beth felt every time she had to put a tiny down so Cass could get a taste. All that anticipation building to the end with Pushpa was so satisfying. The use of foodstuffs, Amaterasu wearing candy lingerie, adds so much to the smut. It's appealing to two types of cravings simultaneously and reading about Momo getting spread across a chocolate covered leg and foot is an image that will stick with me for a lifetime.

Knowing the premise and knowing you were the one at the helm, I went into this expecting an incredible ride, but I wasn't expecting my expectations to be met by the second chapter, so here's to looking forward to everything that comes next because it's sure to be masterclass.

Author's Response:

Thank you Terry for leaving another review!  It's always a joy and an honor to hear from you.

First - that video sounds hot as fuck.  I need to get my Google Foo on point and locate that.

I'm glad Beth is coming across as a Big worth feeding - I mean meeting.  She was a bit of a discovery character, growing from a couple loosely-defined character concepts, but I like where she's going, and I hope you enjoy where she ends up by the end of the story (which I promise will be out soon, now that my PC is working again!)

You're not wrong in that Cassidy starts out with a fairly light presence, as she's quickly off doing her own thing while Beth tastes the appetizers.  I hope her scenes in the coming chapters gives a better feeling for the character, and that you find more than just her name and personality archetype to your liking.

As always, thanks for the review, and I hope the coming scenes continue to meet or exceed your expectations!

Reviewer: Musukaiser Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 12 2024 8:46 PM Title: Chapter 4 - Late Arrivals Should Be Presentable

Man another amazing chapter, after seeing how much Cass and Beth love each other I really hope Cass doesn’t end up in her stomach for good now. Like that’d actually suck and be a bit cliche 

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review!  I'm glad to hear you're invested in Cassidy's well being.  We'll see soon enough just how that turns out.

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 12 2024 8:24 PM Title: Chapter 4 - Late Arrivals Should Be Presentable

Holy shit! This story is fucking amazing and may be the hottest vore story (maybe even story in general) that I've read on this site. I'm enjoying the narrative quite a bit as well, and the story you're telling around this orgy only serves to enhance its more erotic parts.

But first, I have to admit that chapter one's foreshadowing tag is fucking with me. I can't decide if Cass is going to end up in someone's stomach. The foreshadowing tag, combined with what I felt were several clear hints that the love of Beth's life would end up devoured (that assumption or simple oversight line, the explanation of how private contractor agreements work, and the way the contractor's offer is explained, for example), makes it seem pretty obvious what's going to happen to Cass.

But I'm also familiar with your work, and I almost feel like this was too transparent to be what it seems.

It's like we're sitting at a table with two glasses, one filled with iocaine powder, engaged in battle of wits. Are you the type of man who would drop such blatant hints on purpose or use them to deceive the reader. A clever writer would use this as a narrative trick, knowing that only a great fool would reach for the obvious conclusion? I'm not a great fool (I hope), so I clearly can't choose the happier ending in front of you. But you must have known that I was not a great fool (or confirmed that I am. Shit!), you would have counted on it, so I can clearly not choose the obvious, darker ending in front of me!

But the recently dropped fourth chapter, at first glance, seems to imply that things are moving in the direction hinted at in chapter one. Amaterasu's terms, which are not subject to the Establishment's rules, never specified that Cass was off limits, so that rubber band she's wearing now seems to mean nothing. And the sun goddess seemed so sure that Beth wouldn't eat her desired tiny delicacy before it came time to collect her payment. There's only one tiny in the room that Amaterasu could know that Beth isn't going to eat.

And what a horrifying turn of events that would be for Cass. She's even said she would be okay with being eaten, but I'm pretty sure that only applies to Beth at this point. To be digested in the belly of a stranger, one who, as far as we know, hasn't taken the same precautions to ease the suffering of her meal, and die knowing that she never got to become a part of woman she loves. Just brutal. Not to mention that she'd get left out of the orgy in Beth's stomach, which would also be a serious blow to her!

And let's not forget Beth. If this comes to pass and she's informed when there are four tinies left, being unable to tell her lover of her fate ... fuck, that's heartbreaking to even think about. She would have to make the most of those final moments before she has to watch her goddess swallow the love of her life down, Beth's own treat serving as little consolation, most likely.

So am I ready to conclude that Cass's fate is sealed? It seems you've shown your hand, but, then again, you did best my Spaniard ...

But aside from that back-and-forth going through my head as I'm reading this, the way you've framed these orgies is so sensual, so stimulating, and, maybe most importantly, so personal. In such a short span, you've let us get quite familiar with each of Beth's treats so far and even made them endearing to us in different ways. From Pushpa's super cute broken English and polite eagerness to Adeya's confidence bordering on arrogance and the unique blend of terror and lust it brings her, we get to know these tinies pretty quickly.

More importantly, Beth gets to know them.

It became clear from her first interaction with Pushpa that Beth's fantasy wasn't just to eat the tinies, but to get to know her prey a bit first. She wants to understand those she consumes. This makes a lot of sense for someone in love with a tiny. She doesn't just see them as food. It's the fact that they're real people that is part of the rush for her. Knowing that gives us a deeper perspective into her, and, at least to me, magnifies the intense eroticism of her predatory actions tenfold!

I'm also a fan of Beth's manipulative nature when it comes to luring in her prey. She could easily just pick them up and eat them at any time, but, again, she wants more than that. She needed Pushpa to beg her for it, even when the tiny didn't know what was coming. It wasn't enough that Isabella knew what Beth had in store for her; the normal needed Val to bound and gag the unwilling tiny, not only for the stated reason of providing Beth's meal with toys but because watching Val unwittingly torment Isabella before sending the latter down her bullet was an incredible sexual tease for Beth.

And back to Cassidy, you've made her the most lovable character of all! Despite the depravity of the couple's sexual exploits and the tiny girlfriend's eager acceptance that her own kind is on the menu, there's an innocence to Cass that really makes you want to root for her. Adorable little details like Beth having to use her finger to make a dumbstruck Cass nod in agreement of the rules only help this perception. And the way she was able to reason with Alma and get the other tiny to accept her fate and maybe even look forward to it a little bit was so sweet and endearing. I love this character, and, based on what I'm leaning toward believing will happen to her, I'll be reading the final chapter of this story through gaps in my fingers as I try to cover my eyes!

Your detailing of the action throughout the story so far is incredible, as always. You really have a knack for painting a clear picture that stays in the reader's mind. And you put that to good used, too. Like in chapter two, where you made it so clear to me what food items and which tinies were positioned throughout on Amaterasu's body, then simply referenced a stray detail here and there as Beth plucked tinies up to examine them, relying on the totality of your past description to keep the image fresh in the reader's mind.

Also, I love your love of alliteration! You had a couple of longer ones in here that I really liked, too!

I also wanted to compliment you on your narrative choice and the way that you've handled it so far. Keeping things strictly from Beth's perspective couldn't have been an easy choice, especially when you've got an orgy going on inside her. The temptation almost surely had to be there to switch to different tinies' perspectives at times, adding details that only they could provide (I can't imagine Isabella was having much fun in Beth's mouth when the normal was talking, for example). But I think that would have ended up being a really tedious to write and maybe even a bit tedious to read, and you'd have spent so much time balancing things out that it would take forever to move anything forward.

Also, you really hit on details that Beth is experiencing that make seeing everything through her eyes feel truly special. Her feeling her tiny meal shifting around in her stomach when she bent down to speak to the sun goddess and the way she could tell that her "belly laugh" shook their world were both really sensual, unique things to note from her perspective. And the way she envisions how the orgy in her stomach is going is, in some ways, even more alluring than us being made privy to what's actually happening in there. That also kind of plays into that "getting to know her prey" thing I mentioned above. She has insight into their personalities, and that only serves to feed her (and our) imagination!

Oh, and the way you turned the whole concept of the meal on its head at the end of chapter three, when Beth ate a willing Momo in front of everyone, was pretty fun as well. That shift from unwitting prey to terrified victims gave the story a whole new feel. The way all the tinies screamed, cursed, and vainly tried to resist each time Beth cleaned them was perfect! They don't know if this is the moment she'll swallow them or if she's being honest about just cleaning them. of course, for two of them, she didn't end up being honest, even if she initially meant what she said.

I look forward to seeing how this terror-driven meal plays out from here.

So yeah, this story is pretty spectacular! Don't let the lack of reviews get you down or make you think otherwise! I'm really eager to see where you go from here, even if I'm scared for Cass.

Author's Response:

It Was Me, you are a living legend.  Your reviews are a thing of art and beauty, and thank you so much for your continued interests in and feedback on my stories.  I'm sorry there has been such a gap in posting.  My PC died about 2 days after I left my iPad at a friend's house several states over, and I've had no way to access the remaining chapters.  I'll probably include some more context when I get Chapter 5 posted.

As for your comments, I'm deeply honored by your words here.  This site has a ton of vore stories, so even to be counted among the top is high praise.  I'm glad to see that the foreshadowing tag is doing its part, and keeping readers on their toes.  I certainly don't aim to be predictable, but it would seem a tiny in a vore story either survives, or gets eaten, so I can only be so creative in the outcome.  Though, the idea of inoculating oneself to the danger is an interesting one.  I won't keep you waiting long to find out.

I'm glad my decision to make the tinies people, rather than snacks is paying off.  My initial intent with this story was NOT to end up with another significant narrative, but rather to churn out a 2 or 3 chapter smut story about a mixed couple enjoying a fun twist on a taboo dinner party.  Then I wanted to know who these tiny women were, and how they go there, and... well, you've seen what it ballooned into thus far.  I really enjoy the personal angle for each of these women, and moreso, figuring out how Beth can twist their circumstances into a mentality that can accept their inevitable fate, and preferably frame it in an enjoyable manner.

As for my unhealthy obsession with the artistic application of alliteration... I'm glad someone can appreciate it.  To me, alliteration flows so well, but I am well aware I over-apply the technique.  Still, I guess it isn't be a MicroThaumaturge story until a tender, trusting tiny is thrust deep into the wonderous, weeping womanhood of a gorgeous, glamorous giantess.

I'm glad keeping the PoV hasn't irredeemably removed the spice from this story.  I think the tiny PoV's for this could be a lot of fun, and I'm considering (ONLY considering) writing a series of mini-scenes from this story from the tiny PoV's, and posting them in a compilation called Side Dishes.  But before I do that, I need to finish Small Investments.

Thanks again for your continued interest and support!  Reviews are the only thing keeping me writing these days, when I can scrounge up the time (and when my computer isn't bricked).

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