Date: February 03 2025 8:37 AM Title: Petal’s Dew
I should've known this one was yours...!
Petal is adorable, the size-play mechanics mixed with detachable body parts is such a fun combination that's rarely played around with, you managed to do it without it becoming unappealing which I imagine was a hard line to thread through but you pulled it off spectacularly.
Now write the rest of the century the two had together ;)
Author's Response:
Thanks so much for the review! I'm glad to see you enjoyed the story.
Yeah, detachable body parts is a huge part of body horror, so using it in a sweet but spicy way was a bit of experimentation and a lot of prayer, but I'm glad it landed well enough for my intended audience.
No dice I'm afraid on the rest of the century, but I will be working on something for Valentines Exchange, so maybe I'll have something sweet-cute to add here within the next month!

Date: February 01 2025 7:01 AM Title: Petal’s Dew
Wanted to share what I already said on the discord here, both so that it doesn't get swept away by time, and because you deserve more reviews <3
This story is so damn good. I adored its fantasy atmosphere, and the creativity on display all throughout.
You make incredible use of classical fae ideas in such a delightful way. All the stuff with names and bargains, and the rule of hospitality really help give the story an inviting depth, really making it feel like this world and its characters existed long before the story was loaded onto my computer. I also loved other little details, like Petal's collection of flowery (ha ha) curses, and how the story dipped into rhymes here and there.
The moment Shorna was revealed as a dullahan I was excited, and you certainly didn't disappoint. You expanded her abilities in incredibly creative ways, and each new bit that popped off was a delightful addition. When her clit popped free I knew right then this was top-tier smut. I couldn't've asked for more. I'm curious if you read my story with Lia and Faen beforehand, or just happened to perfectly nail my tastes by chance, since some of the events are oddly similar lmao. Petal is adorable as well. Her role in the wider fae ecosystem (can I call it that?) is really fun and well-communicated, and you did a great job not just telling, but showing. The consistent allusions to gardening and flowers though the prose really help solidify her character, as well as building character for the piece itself. Painting a character through prose is something I vaguely brushed up against in my own piece, and you've absolutely blown me out of the water in that regard. I'll definitely be taking notes from that when I'm writing my own future stories. Hopefully she comes to appreciate the next hundred years of her service haha. (I know I would)
Thanks so much, again, for writing this. You went above and beyond. <3
Author's Response:
Thanks so much for taking the time to post this review! I'm so glad you liked it. This is the kind of affirmation that keeps the self-doubt and imposter syndrome at bay, allowing me to keep posting.
Fey are such a wonderful, terrible distillation of things and people half-understood. The rules and traditions give us a framework on which to drape the mysterious legends of the fair folk until it resembles something we can understand, but at the same time, that means any interpretation of the fey we can see is distorted by our limited understanding and interpretation. I find that to be incredible and excting to write around, and I want to thank you for giving me an excuse and a purpose to write of the fey.
Petal's character grew on me quickly, and I love her positive, caring, soul, especially with her tiny, yet stormy temper.
Shorna, on the other hand, was where I feared this story could fall apart. Dullahans have been established as unseelie fae, which nicely puts her at odds with Petal's seelie nature, and that supernatural conflict was a great framework on which to structure their entire relationship. Shorna could not simply help Petal, but once accepted into her home, the rules of hospitality protected the sweet little pixie. Mostly. Tricks are, after all, a fey specialty. But I'm rambling.
Let me simply thank you again for the inspiration for this story, and for the delightful directions this sexy soiree proceeded. I am overjoyed to hear you enjoyed this gift.