Date: December 11 2017 10:41 AM Title: Searching For a Pet
Date: December 14 2011 1:34 PM Title: Searching For a Pet
Please do :)

Date: December 13 2011 4:46 AM Title: Searching For a Pet
Great story. I want to see what the giant does to the tiny couple. Again, great job!
Date: September 30 2011 9:02 PM Title: Searching For a Pet
Please write more! The combination of SM and SW seems promising.

Date: September 16 2011 10:47 PM Title: Searching For a Pet
I hope you'll add to this story. It was a great start and I think you would be able to turn it into something awesome.
I really liked the other story you posted as well, and am wondering if you have any others that you will be adding shortly. I certainly hope so!
Date: August 16 2011 9:46 PM Title: Searching For a Pet
This story is a blank slate. You can go in any direction from here. So much potential. My suggestion is that you just hammer away on your keyboard when you have writer's block. Maybe something will develop. I'll be checking in for updates!
Date: July 11 2011 12:02 PM Title: Searching For a Pet
Wow, thanks. I'm glad you enjoy my writing. I was hoping to have another story up by the end of the week and another shortly after. If you don't mind me asking, which story was your favourite (I noticed you didn't review any)?
On my computer I've got a stories folder and within that I've got two subfolders called 'completed' and completing'. In the completing folder I've got stories I'm currently writing and various ideas, so starts of stories bascially, which aren't high on my list of priorities but want to finish writing someday. If we exchanged e-mail addresses I'd happily to show you the stories that perhaps you could try continuing as since they already have a grounding they might help to aleviate your writers block. The main characters are already there especially since a couple are sqequals so all you would need to do is write them and I'll help you edit them if you need me to since it would be best to keep everyone in character.
One story I've been meaning to write for ages is a parody of the cartoon 'Tom and Jerry' for giantess fans and another thing I've wanting to do for ages is colaborate with someone. Since the story would contain a series of random chapters that do not have to bear any relation to each other (like in the real cartoon) I think it would be ideal as a suggestion so perhaps we can work together on that and alternate between chapters since I know you're a mean giantess, or at least I think you are.

Date: July 11 2011 12:21 AM Title: Searching For a Pet
Hi Anna,
This isn't too bad. A little short but I like it, although I'm not usually one to be into mean giantesses so whether I review the next chpater remains to be seen, but you're a good writer by giantessworldstandards and good writers are hard to come by.
I actually wrote a story about keeping humans as pets but its more of a guide as to how it should be done, and plus it has the humor this lacks. Since I was away from giantessworld for quite a while I haven't had a chance to expand on it but since coming back it seems I've been missing out on so much. Writers block...I can sypathize with you there. I'm not the sort of person who want to whip a chapter in 10 minutes. I feel I have to write something with depth and develop the plot. Anyway, enough of my stories. So when do you hope to update your story?
P.S. Please don't make me have the same fate as the humans in this story. I'm a good human, kinda. Then again, if you find you enjoy my stories I'll probably need some discipline to force me to complete the unfinished one and write more.
Author's Response: I actually have read your stories and I think that you're awesome. I usually try to update my stories every 2 days, but sometimes I just get a very bad case of writer's block. I do have some more ideas for this story, but if you have suggestions as to what you would like to see, I'd be happy to hear them.