Reviews For Omega: Tough Love
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Reviewer: Barrowman Signed [Report This]
Date: February 05 2016 10:41 PM Title: Cold

That is a interesting type of species. An Alpha with Omega like abilities. Her akward position in the family and this world is interesting.

Reviewer: Barrowman Signed [Report This]
Date: January 15 2016 1:54 PM Title: Cold

I'll say that I'm surprised no one has asked if having an Omega's genes even as an Alpha doesn't grant that Alpha something.

But I digress. I hope this chapter is enjoyable, and I thank you for reading.

Ok, I have to ask. ;) Does that grant that Alpha something like a longer life?

Author's Response:

Heheh. It ultimately grants a few things :P. And you're on an accurate track with that one.

Reviewer: Barrowman Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 06 2015 1:20 AM Title: Cold

Indeed tough love. They all did it out of love and it was believable and honest. Ashley learned her lesson without any real damage to her. They prepared her for the real sessions, because it's unlikely that her mother and other Omegas will let Ashley of the hook that easy.

It's good to see the difference in character between Melody, Claire and Jenna. Claire seems the most level-headed and Melody is the most gentle one. I wonder if Melody has it in her to be just as cold to Ashley as Bridget was to Alexandra, if Ashley was accused of the same crimes as Alexandra. Bridget totally failed that test of friendship/sisterhood. Is Melody's bond with her sister stronger than that of Bridget?

The Omega system is very good.


Reviewer: Xkcd0088 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 15 2014 8:42 PM Title: Cold

I liked the fact that this chapter made it clear that Ashley's captors/friends were cognizant of the possibility that they could of destroyed their relationship with her...But I disliked how they were also aware that said relationship was something they were willing to sacrifice on their altar of 'behavior correction'.   It at once makes things better - because they're not oblivious little ogres of authorities - and worse - because they're willing to put their job before their humanity, if only to a small (to them perhaps...) degree.   The measure of their respective characters at this point is what they do to heal the damage they've certainly, knowingly caused....perhaps the Omegas have a rehabilitation policy for the people they've already 'rehabilitated'? 

To the point of Alphas avoiding Betas to avoid the possibility of being put in an Omega's 'correction camp', I'm kinda leaning towards agreement...the cost-benefit analysis here has a pretty clear winner. If corporal punishment is the norm, even for accidents, then I'd say most people would be best served by simply removing themselves entirely from the setting where a mistake will get you tortured.  People can only be so careful, can only employ so much foresight...eventually a mistake will be made and it's a craps shoot as to what's going to happen to you when something goes sideways.   It's an even clearer decision from the perspective of a Beta: why expose yourself to an environment where you can be accidently maimed or killed? Is the payoff really worth that? I'd think that one could minimize the potential costs while maximizing the benefits by only exposing oneself to Alphas in scenarios that are strictly controlled in terms of the Alphas you're meeting at the environment you're meeting them in.  Doing this would lose some of the 'exciting' (in a fear of imminent death sense...) spontaneity/randomness, but would gain much more assured safety (for all parties involved!).  Why a beta would be walking in soccer field frequented by potential pancake machines I do not know...And no, this isn't a "she shouldn't have dressed like that!" scenario, it's a "she shouldn't have crossed the freeway on a damn bicycle!" scenario.  You can only expect the people in positions of power over you do employ so much care before the fault shifts from them to you, regardless of how imbalanced the empower may be; humans are literally only capable of devoting so much mental energy to a task such as safety/awareness, which is why "inadvertant manslaughter" can be attributed to a truck driver who runs over a toddler. 

I will definitely stay tuned to see what happens next, because at this point I'm really interested in how this universe's ethics turn out...definitely a cliffhanger for me, in a philosophical sense. 


There's not going to be an 'ideal' system of justice for a long time (tens of millenia assuming no more Dark Ages and/or asteroid extinctions....), but as technology improves society's criminal justice system will as well.  One of the biggest things that stuck with me here is that the existence of telepathy in this particular universe has very big implications (being able to 'perfectly' determine innocence/guilt & being able to avoid the selection of poor candidates for positions of power to name two big ones) that that apply to both criminals and the authorities.  The criminals need not fear being wrongfully persecuted and treated with a level of 'punishment' outstripping their crime; the authorities can be staffed with intelligent and non-psychopathic people (I see through your act Jenna,  you little sociopath you!).   However, upon rereading some of this universes' other stories it may be that the system is set up imperfectly for a reason: the head Omega had gained power but hasn't left her human failings behind (lust for revenge, feeling the need to 'reward' powerful authorities, knowingly appointing less than ideal individuals to power, etc.), so your point about flawed people yielding a flawed system is well taken. (Though it kind of strains my suspension of disbelief when someone who can read minds still has the 'selective empathy' problem that's plagued us since caveman can someone who knows what it's like to be tortured or executed ever condone such a thing when there's even the slightest possibility of being able to pursue an alternative?) .  This doesn't answer your question because it's easier to point out perceived flaws in a narrative than come up with your own, but in short an ideal justice system would improve on past failings, not replicate them to a greater degree. 

The "Jenna divides into two groups" deal wasn't meant to be taken in the 'racist' (sizeist?) sense, but in the 'tribe vs. non-tribe' sense:  Jenna seems to have that (admittedly very common... ) failing whereby she can mentally rationalize the hideous treatment of another person as long as that other person is moved out of her 'people deserving of common decency' category and into the 'non-proprietary undeserving of empathy' category.  This is an evolutionary trait that allowed humans in the ancestral environment to raid/rob/rape/kill other tribes of cavemen for resources, because that's what it took to survive at the time.  This trait is an anachronistic holdover that, IMO, has no place in the modern world.  It infuriates me when people justify terrible abuse of other people just because they've been arbitrarily classified as a 'type of person who deserves abuse'...It's the "no true Scotsman" situation taken to the sickening extreme.  That's what I meant by my "two groups" comment...the fact that someone like Jenna who's capable of visiting such horrors on a fellow human (putting aside the fact that she's mentally ill to the point where she enjoys it) is in a position of power is frankly scary as hell, because it uncomfortably reminds you that that's how things are today.

Finally, the notion that "any system devised by human is flawed because we're flawed" is one I find fatalistic and not worth spending time pondering. The time to label a system as flawed and needing improvement is after one proves itself to be broken, not before you ever make the attempt.  Saying that imperfection exists is like saying the universe will experience heat death some day - it's not something that should factor in to our future plans unless we can so something about it. We my not be able to do anything about the latter (yet!) but we can address the former by steadily removing our flaws such that our future attempts at utopia get closer an closer. One great way to do this is to learn empathy, which quite a bit of forced thinking an trial/error before it begins to stick. (Another good way is to read some philosophies other than Nietzche.....) 

Author's Response:

While it's your prerogative to interpret things as you wish, I really was hoping that their comments to Ashley in this chapter would make it clear that this was about more than just "behavior correction" to the girls, that they legitimately wanted to make sure that Ashley never did something like this again because they want her to never have to experience an actual, unrestrained session, as well as try to limit the probability of her feeling the devastation of taking a life out of carelessness later on.

I also kind of want to go into this whole "accident" thing, because some people seem to be focusing on that and I think they're getting the wrong idea as to how the consequences of an accident play out (especially since I haven't really done a story with a legitimate, full-blown accident): The Omegas aren't stupid. They know that accidents can and will happen to people who are ~3 inches tall, regardless of how much they try to limit them or how much care a person thinks they're taking.  When such an accident happens, there is no session involved. Full-stop. They may do an investigation into it to be thorough, to make sure someone isn't covering up a more malicious act by claiming the accidental, but they aren't going to put someone through the wringer over it unless malicious intent is found. The reason Ashley is in trouble for this is because she, and she alone, put that boy in a position to be hurt by her carelessness. She is the one who created the situation. I said this in an earlier comment, but she essentially kidnapped him. That is what would have landed Ashley in hot water. She didn't JUST hurt him, she abducted him, even if she did let him go later, and that abduction lead to that boy getting hurt.

I do thank you for reading and commenting, though. You generally give me an interesting read. And while there are some places where we may differ philosophically, I do believe you are right in a good bit of what you say (and I smiled at your comment on reading philosophies other than Nietzche).


Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: April 15 2014 1:23 AM Title: Cold

She could hurt them emotionally, they may be immune to physical harm from her but emotions have no such barriers. They are just as fragile as she is when it comes to that. 

 If she chose to hate them forver then that would certainly hit them hard and they can't force her to like them anymore than she can. Not without physical force which would be abuse on their part. Just asking, who watches the Omegas?

Author's Response:

They do a fair amount of self-policing. When it comes to this new generation, they generally answer to parental and institutional authority. Kayla also keeps an eye on things, but she's not omnipresent.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 15 2014 1:13 AM Title: Cold

"please don't take all of this as some order to stay away from Betas, to avoid them..."


Yeah, no...

I reciprocate my previous statements: were I an alpha in this universe I'd steer clear of betas.


As for this chapter, I'm glad you decided to wrap it up even if you didn't need to. Otherwise the story may have been left on a sour note that would need to be addressed later. I hope this means we can finally go back to the main story soon!

Author's Response:

That would be your prerogative, but you could also miss out on some wonderful friendships in doing so!

I'm hoping I can as well. Finals are approaching, though, and that is going to be a factor in my writing speed. In any case, thank you for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Reviewer: Nostory Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 15 2014 12:39 AM Title: Cold

This is a good ending. I actually expected Ashley to be hysterical and everything but this suits the story. Well done.

I hope her mother doesn't do anything to her when she finds out, those three girls better shield Ashley from her. The girl has already suffered enough and since she doesn't hate them but she has learned her lesson, I can only hope they stay friends without too many repercussions in the future. 

Author's Response:

Thank you for the review. I briefly considered having Ashley be in hysterics at this point, but I decided that a quiet reflectiveness brought on my emotional exhaustion would fit better.


And Melody is a big, strong girl even excepting her status as an Omega. She can be a damn good shield :)

Reviewer: sithlordnergal Signed [Report This]
Date: April 04 2014 4:33 PM Title: Cold

Well, first off you were right. I was pre-judging Jenna when she doesn't deserve it. I loved how this chapter turned out. It's wrapping up very nicely, and it really put Jenna in a wonderful light. You are doing an amazing job. :D

Author's Response:

Really glad you enjoyed it, and I'm hoping I can put a nice enough bow on things. Thank you for the review.

Reviewer: Xkcd0088 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 04 2014 4:19 AM Title: Cold

And which one of those three stooges decided that Jenna would be the one to 'gently' impart life lessons while Melody is the one to abuse her sister and burn those associated bridges? Did it never come up in conversation that it might be best to cast the already-feared Jenna in the role of the scapegoat?  Why on Earth would they go out of their easy to crucify a familial relationship? Did these children somehow think that destroying it would help drive their message home,  a la "if you in any way break our rules we will break your life"?  If so this speaks of a pretty vicious undertone of'd almost think that Omegas were selected on the basis of how cruel they could be when they believed themselves 'justified'. 

This is what comes of a control structure where average people are afforded absolute power: eventually an average person gets their hands on the controls, at which point innocent people will inevitably be casualties.  

Reviewer: Xkcd0088 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 04 2014 3:56 AM Title: Cold

Notice how Jenna's naive demarcation of people (specifically, weaker people she has power over) into groups either deserving of her psychotic tendencies ("criminals", "monsters", "evil") or not (those arbitrarily classified as "good") perfectly justifies any sort of torture she decides to engage in....because of course, no *true* Scotsman would ever behave badly enough to warrant her attention.

How unsurprising that the same underevolved thought processes that Alphas use to victimize Betas ("my victim isn't actually a person") are the ones employed by the terribly flawed 'peacekeepers' in this broken little world. I guess all that can really be said here is that it's good that these kinds of infantile arguments are so vapid, else they might become commonly accepted. 


Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: March 30 2014 1:34 AM Title: Cold

I think that if I lived in this universe and was an Alpha, I'd stay the fuck away from Betas. I've had people piss me off before to where I could snap and smack them or something; what if that was a Beta? Yeah, no thank you. I think I'd steer clear of them as much as I could!

Author's Response:

I will not deny that this would probably be a good idea.

Reviewer: sithlordnergal Signed [Report This]
Date: March 29 2014 11:36 PM Title: Cold

Hmm, this certainly was not what I expected from Jenna. Everything we've learned up to this point about her personality speaks of a much...crueler individual to me then this. In fact, she managed to raise my opinion of her just a bit since she is showing Ashley just how little effort is needed to hurt a Beta.

I would like to know what happened to their relationship, and I want to see how it changed. Because even though they are being easy on Ashley, they still shattered her original belief that she's their equal. And I would be very surprised if that belief ever returns. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it had the same repercussions as the ones Ashley thought of when she was thinking about that Beta boy, and how she effected his life.

Author's Response:

I wouldn't be surprised if it never returned, no. If it doesn't, it's a question of how they deal with it afterward as to where it leads.

Reviewer: riczar Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 29 2014 9:18 PM Title: Cold

I can just imagine that Ashley is going to have trouble be around Omegas for a while.  And even when she gets past that, she'll probably have some level of trauma.  You're right.  This will probably change their relationships forever.  I look forward to more from this series.

Author's Response:

Guess we'll...have to see! It will stick with her, though. Thanks for reading.

Reviewer: sketch Signed [Report This]
Date: March 23 2014 5:10 PM Title: Cold

"On Jenna, she received those reactions due to being frank. She herself took no pride in any of that and I was hoping it would be apparent that she really did not want to be proven right on her assertion. It's also important to note that that that lack of confidence came from the fact that she was dealing with a criminal that almost killed a dear friend of the her's, and even then she tried to impart a lesson onto Naomi that she did want the girl to take to heart."

Reader feed back time:  It doesn't read like that, at least not to me.  Obviously I don't have all the info you have, but rereading that part it sounds more like she takes for granted she's right, and there's a sense of satisfaction in being proven so.  She doesn't rub it in because she knows it pisses the other two off.  (She still manages to let how she feels slip out in front of both of them though.)

Also your readers don't know what Jenna's true intention was because she got caught off guard and had to adlib a lesson.  She's pretty much just causing Naomi pain when Claire catches her.  Keep in mind your readers had already identified with Naomi.  This is our first impression of Jenna.  It's what needs to be overcome if you want us to see her as something different. 

Aside from that encounter, we know Jenna is not athletic, likes westerns, is a sadist, second of her friends qualified to handle betas, had a sad story with a beta friend who was harmed by an alpha, practically thinks all alphas are the same and that betas should be segregated for their own safety, and is a strawberry blonde.  That's pretty much it, (not counting review responses).  This story it's been one step forward and one back for her.  Just something to consider if you want to change the perception of Jenna since the next chapter will be hers.


P.S.  I hope this doesn't sound like I'm being too harsh on your character.  I look forward to the next chapter.

Reviewer: sketch Signed [Report This]
Date: March 22 2014 11:29 PM Title: Cold

Yeah, not me.  People like that are hard to get to know on the same level.  Justified or not, it leads to being stuck up.  Ironic, because that's not at all how I've read Claire's personality from Consequences.  I actually expected you to tell me Ashley's interpretation was off due to her own inferiority complex.

The reason Jenna gets so much hate I think is that we haven't seen a whole lot redeeming about her.  When we first meet them, she made Melody want to hit her, we learn Claire has hit her, and neither has the greatest confidence in her supposed self restraint.  The three of them still being friends isn't a vouch for her character.  If anything it reads like they're childhood friends still together out of habit.

Author's Response:

It's honestly a thin line to me. I think Claire generally veers more toward confidence than arrogance, but she's certainly capable of the latter (mainly when it comes to soccer, which is usually what I consider with her when I associate her with arrogance). When it comes down to it, it's also been two years between stories and it's seen Claire shift from a more high school environment to a professional one where she's no longer at the center of everything and some of her more immature tendencies may have simmered down.


On Jenna, she received those reactions due to being frank. She herself took no pride in any of that and I was hoping it would be apparent that she really did not want to be proven right on her assertion. It's also important to note that that that lack of confidence came from the fact that she was dealing with a criminal that almost killed a dear friend of the her's, and even then she tried to impart a lesson onto Naomi that she did want the girl to take to heart.

Reviewer: kringles31 Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 22 2014 2:12 PM Title: Cold

Speaking honestly even though I seen the consequences story and know how this plays out. I think if the report on Ashley was false then that would create a lot of drama down the road after receiving her punishment, creating an unconfutable relationship with the sisters and gilt with Melody, Claire, and even Jenna. But after going through the 4 chapters so far I'm glad it took this direction, and it seems theres no need to torcher any of the cheracters more than already.

As for the alternate chapter if it doesn't fit the character you've already established, then it doesn't matter how well written it is and should be left out. I don't know the extent on how different it is, but if it's something you don't want collecting dust then you should use it for another characer all togerher. 

Reviewer: sithlordnergal Signed [Report This]
Date: March 22 2014 7:26 AM Title: Cold

Well now, Claire managed to majorly redeem herself a lot in this chapter by explaining to Ashley what she did wrong, why she's being punished, and what she should do in the future. She even helped Ashley out by giving that little story about how she tried to take over her brother's life. I'm happy and sad Jenna didn't interrupt. What Claire told her will help Ashley realize that her "God-Like, perfect sister" and her friends are not infallible. However, I kind of wish Jenna had interrupted and poor Ashley never found out what the punishment was for. ^_^;;;

I'm also glad to see hints on how Ashley will see Melody and the others in the future after this. ^_^ 

And to answer your question, I would really like to see that chapter. =D

Reviewer: riczar Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 22 2014 4:34 AM Title: Cold

A very good chapter and further insight into Claire's character and what methods she uses to rehabilitate her charges.  I dread what Jenna has in store for her, since we now know her true character from the other story.  I don't think there's any way to get around that the relationship between the sisters WILL be changed by this ordeal.  It must be in order for the lesson to stick.  And it must be in order to maintain any kind of realism.  I think the chapter is fine the way it is.  If you must post the alternate chapter, please wait to the story's conclusion to avoid confusion and maintain story flow.

Author's Response:

Yeah, chapter's sticking in my pocket I believe.

And there will be a change in the relationship, but I won't vouch for the volume. There are certain things I know of that must change between them, and it's anyone's best guess as to whether or not it sticks as those things.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: March 21 2014 1:10 AM Title: Cold


Well I thought it was a good chapter. Good as in well written, but it WAS kinda depressing as fuck.

Reviewer: sketch Signed [Report This]
Date: March 20 2014 12:55 PM Title: Cold

Sorry, that was a knee jerk reaction to when she called out Ashley trying to make a brake for it.

Author's Response:

I'd ultimately consider that move to be arguable as to who it really helped, because I briefly considered letting Ashley scurry under the couch. The way that thought ended was that Melody and Claire got up, and Melody proceeded to simply lift up her end of the couch above her head while Claire fetched Ashley and they continued on from there. I honestly felt that would have been even worse.

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