Date: May 17 2024 7:18 AM Title: Chapter 36
Fantastic. I have no words. Kinda felt sad for Naomi tho. I was enjoying her motherly punishments. But my blood boiled when i read she started hanging out with cheryl again. Bitch. Still tho its understandble. God bless Alan. He held his promise. The Big Boss himself.
Date: May 13 2024 12:45 AM Title: Chapter 27
So, you're probably wondering how I got here. Well, last I remember I was feeling kind of in the mood to relieve some stress 3 days ago. I thought "lets try one of those stories, how bad can it go?". How naive I was. Thinking I would just have a nice "organism" and move on... but no. I am here, AWAKE at 3:25 AM, currently in chapter fucking 25. Yup, I've read all those. For the past 3 days, instead of jacking my shit to visual drawings of feet or giantess stuff, I am here, reading this psychopatic genius Cayce's story about a very, very unlucky yet resilient small man. Now, as you can see I should be sleeping. But I am not. Why you ask? Well I am too indulged in this fucking piece if shit story thats why. All I wanted was to beat my fucking dick and I would be the happiest. But these past 3 days, I came, I gasped, I teared, I screamed, I got angry, I got emotional, I got sleepless and yet again, I came... a lot of times. This isn't beating my shit anymore. This is literature now. And let me be honest: I HATE literature. Yet I am here, at chapter 25. Yet I am sleepless, wondering how our little Ray will end up. I've begin to think about this story a little too much. I started philosophically pondering on it. This shouldn't have happened, but here we are. I have to be at my uni at 9 am tomorrow but no, I am too curious and indulged to sleep. First I was complaining, I think it was chapter 2 or 3. "What the fuck this shit is boring. Where is the feet and slave stuff I wanna blow." Then I kept reading. And I slowly stopped jacking off. I am reading this shit now. And I hate reading. I hate books. Yet I am reading this. My heart is pounding so hard when Ray is about to escape. I dont remember it pounding this hard before. It's like I'm watching a movie. The moment he was out I fucking screamed out loud: "HELL FUCKING YEAH HES OUT MY BOY IS FUCKING FREE". sure he wasnt that free but I was still happy. Then I came to my senses, what in the actual fuck am I doing here? How did I end up here- No, how did I end up like this? What was the last time I read a book I cant do that I hate reading. Well, then why am I here? I don't know. My eyes are open in a way I can't describe. The pursuit of control and freedom Ray chases, the sheer will of his soul, the fact that he gets desensitized after being in hell. All too philosophical. I am not beating my shit anymore, I am beating my brain off here. I want to say so many things to you but I cant. I am not as skilled in words as you. And I feel desperate like Ray. I wanna tell you that I hate you for trapping me here but I cant. Just like Ray I cant hide my want to keep reading this. Cayce, if I saw you in real life, I don't know what I would do. At the 4th chapter I would beat you for making this fetish story this long. At the 20thish chapters I would try to kill you because you made me feel so sad for Ray. I felt so sad I was angry at you. And now, at chapter 27, I would just stare blankly at your eyes, not knowing what to do. I only wanted to get my seed out. Now I'm getting my tears out. I hate you Cayce, but at the same time I can't. I only fucking hope this story ends good when I get to the last chapter. Or believe me, I am going to be very sad, and will try my best to find you. I don't know what I would do but just take this threat from me. I will be reading, and skipping classes of course. Thanks to you.

Date: January 27 2024 3:40 AM Title: Chapter 36
Good shit, thank you
Date: January 11 2024 4:52 AM Title: Chapter 1
I cant help it. I come back to this story time and time again. I first read it in 2015!
The story, the characters, the plot. Sublime. I only wish there was more to these characters. A where are they now? I’m sure it’s a long shot, but I thought I’d ask anyway.
Thanks for everything Cayce!
Date: December 06 2023 5:41 PM Title: Chapter 1
Hello, there was one story of yours that was an extension of 'Now and then'. Why was it removed?
Date: October 25 2023 10:45 AM Title: Chapter 1
Is there any chance that we will see new story from you? Maybe continuation of story based on “Now and Then”?

Date: June 03 2023 1:01 AM Title: Chapter 36
I have been coming back to this story since 2015 it's just so damn good It makes it hard to find others near it's level. If you are still looking at reviews do you have any recommendations?
Author's Response:
Appreciate it, Drxgon!
Here are some favorite stories, in no particular order.
- She Keeps Them in the Attic (from the Traders series), by Nemo
- A Bad Day for Shopping, by Branford
- A Little Blackmail 4: Big Sister Diaries (from the A Little Blackmail series), by Jacksmith
- The Isle of Glass (from The League of Homunculi series), by Pixis
- Greg's Bizarre Experience, by Black Neptune
- The Wish Giver, by Unsung_Hero
- Atlas of the Bitches, by the legendary Chimp Howdy (this site mistakenly lists the author as ChuckCJC, who wrote the excellent Monica XL)
- Mediation, by Ecstacy
And dozens of others that I'm sure I'll recall as soon as I click "Submit."

Date: April 27 2023 12:25 PM Title: Chapter 1
I have nothing nice to say. I regretted spending as much time as I did reading it.
Author's Response:
That's adorable.

Date: February 20 2022 8:49 PM Title: Chapter 36
Good story.
Author's Response:
Appreciate it!
Date: February 20 2022 8:07 PM Title: Chapter 34
What's your problem with white working-class people? Seriously the number of times you said white trash is ridiculous
Author's Response:
What can I say? I wrote this thing 20+ years ago when I was in my teens.

Date: November 29 2021 8:35 PM Title: Chapter 1
I read this story when I was 13 years old on my 3DS over the course of 8 hours, it truly was an adventure. This was my true introduction to this community and I just wanted to come back as a 21 year old and applaud it once more.
Author's Response:
Thanks, Pollex!

Date: August 24 2021 5:53 AM Title: Chapter 1
This is a classic on this site and the first story I read here. Without a doubt an absolute masterpiece that I wish people outside of the fetish knew about.
Date: June 16 2019 2:30 AM Title: Chapter 1
Well I must say, this was a great story. Besides the fetish, this was actually really well done! I had a good time reading it, although......the deus ex machina actually felt a bit rushed......I must tell you that you did an excellent job. Great Story!

Date: March 14 2019 11:00 PM Title: Chapter 1
Best story ever!! It's hard to believe it was written so Damb long ago ..

Date: September 13 2018 7:44 PM Title: Chapter 1
I mean what can I say other than holy shit? Like seriously holy fucking shit! I come from a family much like this one and my mother is basically Naomi. I read this story and it triggered me hard. I honestly don't know what to say other than even for someone who likes feet the feet thing did get a little bit repetitive after a while. But this story really is a cut above most other GTS stories.
Date: December 01 2017 1:21 AM Title: Chapter 1
Omg this story is amazing! Have you ever considered writing an actual novel and getting published? I would love to read whatever story you write! If you do ever decide to write, let us know what name you'll be writing under. Can't read your book if I don't know the name it's written under.
Date: May 14 2016 3:37 AM Title: Chapter 1
I wrote this review under my 'favourites' list a while ago but never got round to posting it here. Frankly, it's crazy a story this good only has 57 reviews...
Homunculus by Cayce.
A roller-coaster of a story that dragged me kicking an screaming along for the ride - I stayed up until 6 'o' clock in the morning to finish it as I couldn't rest until it was over. It's possibly the greatest GTS narrative I've ever read; full of twists and turns, realistic characters, very moving, very clever, incredibly 'real'. Ironically, the size ratio and preoccupation with feet is not 100% to my tastes, but 'Homunculus' was simply so good that it transcended the sexual side of this fetish for me, and forced me to consider the contemplative, philosophical side of what being tiny would be like. My life would genuinely be poorer if I hadn't read this masterpiece.
Date: May 05 2016 12:00 PM Title: Chapter 36
Excellent story. Enjoyed it very much. There was a part of me that wanted him to end up in the lab.
Date: October 23 2015 11:09 AM Title: Chapter 1
Hey I thought you did leave gts communtiy! Are you back in writing?
Author's Response: I just lurk occasionally. Haven't written any GTS stuff in years...
Date: August 27 2015 12:33 AM Title: Chapter 1
I have never understood why so many stories are always centered around how the main character has a foot fetish I for one don't enjoy that at all whatsoever I'm the kinda person that likes reading stories in the gentle category I don't care if there is a bit of foot stuff but when the whole premise of the story is that it's pretty annoying
Author's Response: Sorry if my story wasn't up to your usual high standards of free wanking material.