Date: June 03 2023 3:31 PM Title: 11am
Really liked this story BN. Well written and I liked how he remembered snippits at a time of the previous day/night and the interaction between them. Also, the very plausible nature of the MILF to want to remove any evidence of her deed. One wonders if she had done this before. She could have a series of stories - perhaps even taking a similar liking to her daughter’s college boyfriend during a holiday visit.
Date: September 18 2015 2:17 PM Title: 11am
Hey, sorry I deleted your second review of my story-I was trying to delete a duplicate response I'd accidentally made. Unfortunately, I'm still quite new to this and I haven't quite figured out how everything works on this site. (P.S. I'm going to leave this message on your first review of my story too, in case you miss this)

Date: February 22 2015 1:56 PM Title: 11am
I loved the time skip aspect of this story, which made it very unpredictable. Of course, knowing your work, I suspected how it was going to end. However, you left me with an inkling of doubt, which really helped draw me in.
Your an awesome author Black Neptune, glad to see another story from you.

Date: February 18 2015 10:53 AM Title: 11am
Was about to make a 'Wow, really great debut'-type comment, but then clicked your tag and saw you've been at it for a while.
Like the sense of humor in this story, and the old-adult-vid setup.
Author's Response:
Thanks! Yeah, I changed my handle recently, but I've been around for years.