Date: August 13 2024 10:30 AM Title: 1
yeah it only appears as
would like to read this...
Date: June 09 2018 4:26 PM Title: 34
For some reason it only shows a period instead of the story
Date: October 10 2017 5:04 PM Title: 34
I can't rrad the story ;-;
Date: September 05 2016 4:57 PM Title: 1
exploration stacy's body again

Date: September 04 2016 10:25 PM Title: 32
If I were to compliment your writing anymore, I would "ass"kissing

Date: September 04 2016 10:15 PM Title: 31
Another great chapter! I love how they act like nearly getting crushed is normal and get right back to tv
Date: September 04 2016 10:07 PM Title: 30
Nice Job! My computer broke for a good few months before I got a new one so I did'not notice the wait (full time short story authors take weeks and there professional) a I love your work and think you should do sereous authoring (if that's a real word
Date: July 17 2016 6:02 AM Title: 32
He smells like shit cuz your butt Lauren! Nice to see you back, I loved both chapters!
Author's Response:
Thanks Nostory! Always a pleasure seeing a review from one of my favorite authors on the site. Glad you enjoyed!
Date: July 11 2016 2:29 PM Title: 1
Great to see this story return! Did Ryan refuse to sleep on Stacy because of the rough play?
Author's Response:
Not exactly, I just felt that it'd be more sweet if her slept by her face in that specific moment. I tried writing it the other way, but things didn't click :P
Date: February 21 2016 12:39 AM Title: 29
I wasn't the biggest fan of mouthplay but lately its been growing on me. I love it here, its a great show of power and sexual dominance. I should really put it in my future stories.
Author's Response:
I know, I wasn't either. Somehow, while I was writing the chapter it just worked. This was the first time I'd ever tried it and I somhow gained a liking of it in the process. Good luck trying to add it in, I'll be sure to check it out when you do!
Date: January 28 2016 10:49 AM Title: 29
Ive been a fan since the first story and I love your work! The way you manage to have detailed erotic sequences blend in so well with the deep story is amazing! you are my favourite author and i hope that the story continues even after shrunken with anni!
Author's Response:
Thanks so much! I appreciate your feedback and I'll keep it up. The next chapter has been taking longer than expected but I'm really trying to make it interesting. Stay tuned for more!!

Date: January 22 2016 6:12 PM Title: 29
Is it weird that I would want way more Stacy and Ryan action?
Author's Response:
Not weird at all, we all have our preferences. Theres still one more chapter with Stacy before we move on. Keep an eye out for chapter 30!!
Also, I'm open to ideas so if you want to request something do it soon please!

Date: January 10 2016 12:30 AM Title: 28
best story on site
Author's Response:
Thanks! I'm glad you like it so much. I hope you've checked out the first part too!
Date: January 08 2016 9:55 PM Title: 28
No thanks on foot or punishment
Author's Response:
Personally, they aren't my thing, but I'm gonna include them since so many people enjoy that. I hope to make it something we can all enjoy!

Date: January 06 2016 11:02 PM Title: 1
Great last few chapters😍😍 and I think Lauren is best suited for the butt part and punish him with her booty!! I'm ready for the giantess booty and for the chapter to be long and descriptive d84;a039;🍑
Author's Response:
I agree! And don't worry, I haven't forgotten about your suggestions. That chapter will be uploaded as soon as its completed!!

Date: January 01 2016 5:17 PM Title: 27
Very good!
Now that he is left alone shrunk, one of the women could be bad and punish him in some way.
Author's Response:
Something like that... I will say that I'm not doing anything violent or brutal but it'll be punishment nonetheless!!
Date: December 30 2015 3:41 PM Title: 27
I hope all the three women's have turns now to shove the little Ryan into her pussies and keeps him there for a day or two, he deserve all their love ^^
Author's Response:
LOL! I'll make sure Ryan gets a "giantess" amount of love. Tune in for more and keep reviewing!!
Date: December 30 2015 10:40 AM Title: 1
I like that he regrew the women but it sucks for him that he can't get back to normal now. At least the next chapter will have plenty of giant women around for him to play with.
Author's Response:
Keep reading, there will be some interesting developments...
Also, thanks for reviewing again! Love your stories to death!! :D
Date: December 25 2015 9:29 PM Title: 1
Hope the next update won't take too long, even if I am also guilty of not updating regularly at this point in time.
Author's Response:
I feel ya. I'll put it the next one out soon. No more than another day or two...