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Reviewer: Pixis Signed [Report This]
Date: October 13 2007 1:53 AM Title: The Gift

Hey, cool! GTS + comic book characters. I love this kind of stuff. I'll be keeping an eye on this story. Interesting that he can alter the size of others as well as himself.

I'm guessing this is an "Elseworlds" type scenario since Gambit and Colossus are generally good guys. As for the others, I was definitely hitting Wikipedia for Skids and Blindspot. Not familiar with those two.

Author's Response: Not necessarily "Elsewordls" but a continuation of the X-Men Evolution cartoon series, in which Colossus and Gambit were still with the Brotherhood... well, ok at the end they joined the X-Men, but we can overlook that small fact.  Thanks for the encouragement.

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