Reviews For Slow Morning
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Reviewer: diesel Signed [Report This]
Date: January 04 2020 4:53 AM Title: Chapter 1

I still think Sarah would eventually put John into an aquarium and build a little world for him. The risk of Sarah just stepping on him is too great. Will there be more interaction between Carol and John? Would she ever babysit him? Love Sarah as a character.

Author's Response:

Thank you, I'm glad you feel that way about Sarah, I'm fond of her too. I never intended for Carol and John to interact too much, I envisioned her as someone who feels uneasy around shrinkees.

As for the story, I planned it as a one-shot. But should I ever come back to it to write something more with those characters, I'll keep your ideas in mind. I particularly like the aquarium one, nice touch.

Reviewer: diesel Signed [Report This]
Date: January 03 2020 5:04 AM Title: Chapter 1

That was cool. Loved the description from her point of view. Will she keep him in something now? Will she use tweezers to hold him?
Cool writing,

Author's Response:

I don't think she will. She's the kind of person who would let him roam freely, as she did when he was still a bit bigger (and even then too small to be on the floor). I like the tweezers idea. I imagine she would have to resort to that once she realizes how fragile he is now.


Thank you for reading and for the review. I'm always happy to get a feedback and to hear someone enjoyed my story.

Reviewer: LittleRomance Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 01 2020 8:48 PM Title: Chapter 1 sweet....I love giantess and tiny romance so fucking mucj!

I see you did the idea you talked about.  I've got a story idea it's just taking forever how I want it to go.....I dunno might just forget about it  and stay a lurker.

Anyway great story! Keep it upa

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading and the starts, happy to hear you've enjoyed it. : ) Every once in a while a fuzzy love story is a good thing to go with.

And if you have your own ideas for stories, don't hesitate, try writing them out. It's nowhere near as hard as it would seem. : )

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