Reviews For Evolvement
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Reviewer: dunnere Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 05 2022 11:08 PM Title: Chapter 18: Apex

I tried to read a chapter a day, but I couldn't put it down. I loved the dynamic between the livers, and no matter the size of our slimy heroines, I felt a sense of scale that was perfect for the genre

Reviewer: Jessica Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 01 2020 10:44 PM Title: Chapter 18: Apex

Hi there! So first off, this story was absolutely fantastic and I really enjoyed reading it. I am not normally one for growth stories, so this type of thing was well outside of my strike zone. That said, I still had a wonderful time and enjoyed reading every word. I am a hopeless romantic and so seeing the dynamics between Aoi and Yoshimi were absolutely lovely, and really the heart of the story for me. I found myself very compelled in them and their trials, and to see where the story would take them.

In terms of content, I definitely thought there was a nice smattering of a little bit of everything. Some of the slime aspects were definitely a bit to get used to, but I don't think that's a bad thing. It was a unique experience. Thank you again so much for writing it!


Author's Response:

Hello Jess thanks for reading my story and sharing your thoughts!

I'm happy you enjoyed the romance content. It was very fun to write! It's some of my most loved content as well.

When I first started writing this, couples stuff wasn't planned actually. Very early on, though, I realized it'd both make sense and have the potential to be fun. I'm happy it seems to have worked out!

Reviewer: Inwiththebooks Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 30 2020 5:01 PM Title: Chapter 1: Crater

Another rather lovely story of yours! I quite enjoyed it. You do an excellent job of empowerment stuff, possibly better than anyone I've seen here.

In regard to your remarks as to where you notice you could improve you pretty much nailed my only critical stuff. You do at times tend to tell rather than show a good bit, and at times sometimes how you word things can come off as stiff but it doesn't detract from the overall prose too much. Speaking as someone who generally writes more RP than Prose these days I always get the feeling your ideas work for both. 

All in all, very enjoyable stuff as always.

Author's Response:


Thank you so much! You're an amazing writer, so if you're enjoying my stories then I must be doing at least something right. Empowerment is one of my favorite themes, so your comments on that mean a lot.

And thanks for the constructive feedback. Right now my plan to improve is just by reading and writing more. I find that helps me notice flaws even if it still takes me a bit to correct them (assuming I do correct them. In all honesty I probably could've edited this piece a bit more before release, but that's probably true of all my works.)

It's interesting what skills transfer over from RP to story writing well and what doesn't. Some ideas work in one medium, but not the other. I'm happy this one seems to have worked well. Part of why I wrote this was to explore some more 'out-there' interests in a story setting.

Anyways thanks again for reading!

Reviewer: Coolman30000 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 30 2020 7:41 AM Title: Chapter 1: Crater

I feel like this has some similarities to nanomachines yet oddly unique, pretty impressive stuff I must say, wouldnt be far to say you're one of the best writers in the gts community

Author's Response:

Thanks so much for the comment! That's very high praise; I'm flattered! I do notice a lot of areas I can improve my writing though. In particular, I need to work on my prose some more, and this work in particular has a lot of telling-instead-of-showing and stuff like that.

That said, I really do appreciate it. Even one comment that someone enjoyed a story brightens my day and makes having written the story feel even more worth it.


There are some similarities to Nanomachines, true. It can go with the themes of undeserved-power/ascension that I do enjoy quite a bit (I've done many an RP along those themes, for instance). I was hoping the more fleshy aspects and couples content would help set it apart, among some other facets.

Reviewer: Ashycute Signed [Report This]
Date: September 30 2020 1:10 AM Title: Chapter 1: Crater

Oh my, this story is amazing b25;

Author's Response:

Thank you very much! I'm happy you've enjoyed the story!

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