A Night in Seventh Heaven (RP Log) by Ty975

A mischievous tiny voyeur takes his little sister out for her first experience exploring a sleeping human. Their target is the infamously beautiful Tifa Lockhart, friendly and gorgeous bartender of the 7th Heaven Bar and dedicated Avalanche rebel. Things go well, until a simple shift in her sleep spells disaster for one of the two. Now the other must venture inside the gorgeous Tifa to rescue their sibling.


Categories: Giantess, Teenager (13-19), Adventure, Body Exploration, Butt, Gentle, Incest, Mouth Play, Unaware, Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/f
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 18230 Read: 14581 Published: May 17 2020 Updated: May 17 2020
Story Notes:

AN: I wrote this a while back with a friend when I first got into RP and writing size stuff in general. With the remake coming out recently, thought it appropriate to bring this one back while venturing onto new sites. Hopefully this scratches the Tifa itch I know, like me, most of you have ; )

Chapter 1 by Ty975

 __PART 1___________________________________________________________________



A new moon left the city of Midgar to it's own luminous design, the lights of the city challenging the stars themselves as the cogs and commerce of industry and struggling poverty marched through the slums of Sector 7. Above a ramshackle but otherwise well-kept tavern, the 7th Heaven, a young woman with long brunette hair that reached down her back to the end of her shorts, pulled a small brown tie from her locks and let them flow freely as she prepared for bed.


It was a blistering, humid summers night, and her skin was already graced with a light sheen of sweat as she undressed, unstrapping the tightly wound suspenders which snapped over her shoulders, unburdening her beyond average-sized bosom before coming to rest across her denim clad bottom.


A nearby window that looked out over the street was purposefully blocked by a set of brown, rugged curtains to protect the beauty's privacy. She paid it little mind, as two, unexpected visitors pulled back the inner lining of the fabric, crawled underneath and snuck inside. Two, quite small, visitors.


The first, a lean boy with messy brunette hair, broad shoulders, and hazel eyes scoped out the scene to judge it's safety. His name was Fel, and his heart skipped a beat upon seeing their mission for tonight going about her business. He saw Tifa begin to reach for the bottom of her shirt, to which he whispered quickly to his sister,


"Hey, it's clear! And you're gonna wanna see this!"




Peeking up from behind the curtains,Fel's younger sister,Mallory looked out and shyly gazed at the giantess who stood in the middle of the room,close to her bed,partially undressed. "Wow,shes beautiful  Fel!" Mallory was careful not to make to much noise but spoke this louder than she meant to as she was clearly captivated at first size with the gorgeous giant woman. She has agreed to come along not sure what was all in store for tonight's fun and was worried they'd get caught or stepped on by someone on the way over here. She was sure  glad she came now though as she stood beside her older brother. Mallory wore a light blue dress that ran down her pale skinned body,with her long black hair put up in a pony tail.Short and rather petite she was dwarfed by her brother's size and frame but always felt safe around him to protect her. "What do we do if she spots us?" Mallory asked,worried how the woman might react to finding 2 tiny ease droppers in her bedroom like this as she began to pull down her short black leather skirt next




"Shhhhh...just appreciate the spectacle at work sis.."


The words left his mouth as the infamous bartender's skirt was swiftly removed from her well-toned legs, revealing the simple, light grey panties they'd concealed through the day. They didn't match with her black bra above, but then again this was just a normal night for Tifa, no reason to match underwear on a casual evening. Fel thought about whether he would've preferred a matching set, but couldn't complain witnessing this goddess in such an intimate way.


"She's getting ready for bed. Once she's down, listen to her breath. If it's slowed down, that's when we move." He patted his sisters shoulder. She seemed nervous to join him on one of his escapades, but when he shared the name of the woman he was visiting tonight, his sister uncharacteristically requested to tag along. Not that he minded; he was intrigued to see Mal's kinkier side.


Still having their full attention, the gargantuan brunette stretched out her arms above her head and let out a sweet, resounding yawn. There was a picture she briefly picked up from her dresser, seemingly of a younger Tifa and a blond boy posing together. She sighed, and replaced onto the table before turning to bed. Unfortunate that she only moved to remove her brassiere with her back to the two tinies. But the small glimpse of side-boob they saw around the right of her torso revealed the weight of her chest finally released from it's confinement creating an astounding, if not hilarious, womp against her torso.


She snuck under the covers of her queen-sized bed, and dimmed the lamp to the night stand on her left side. The only light glowed through the sealed curtains the two were now hidden under as Tifa nestled in on her side, legs sprawled under the covers, one hand under her cheek, and began dozing off. Her light breath still loud enough for the tinies to here her sweet exhales, even from what was to them hundreds of feet away.




Mallory was memorized by the sight of Tifa undressing,it was incredible to see such a beautiful giant woman up close like this,and one who was removing her clothes unaware of there watchful eyes on her every second as she did.Though her back was turned,the removal of her bra still left Mallory stunned as even a side boob view was more than she had even come to see from a woman of Tifa's standards. Mallory was so stunned and entranced by the experience that she stood out in the open instead of hiding like her brother as Tifa turned to face that direction briefly. If not for Fel quickly pulling her out of sight once again there cover might have been blown but now Tifa was laying with her eyes close,resting softly as she looked so peaceful in her sleep after what was no doubt another long day at the bar for her. Mallory yearned to be closer to Tifa and was excited for Fel's plan of action he shared with her, when it came time to make there move Mallory was going to be sure to make the most of tonight in Tifa's bed



The two waited an appropriate amount of time, gauging the rhythm of the sleeping girl's breath to determine if she was asleep or not. Any sound they made in this new, deathly silence had more of a chance to wake their host. After around 12 minutes, her snores grew heavy and constant. She was finally out.


"Alright, follow my lead," Fel said, leaping down from the windowsill. Their tiny forms allowed them to fall reasonable heights and jump slightly higher than humans, had they similar proportions. The two snuck across the dusty wooden flooring toward the foot of the bed. Fel wasted no time grabbing hold of a knot in the wooden frame and beginning his climb to the mattress proper.


Mallory followed suit, less experienced but still as capable as her elder. A few minutes passed before they reached the peak of the wood. Fel demonstrated their next plan of ascent, jumping up onto the sheets a good ten feet and climbing from there. Mallory wasn't as used to climbing sheets, but she made do until the both reached their anticipated, linen clad destination.




Mallory felt short of breath as she made the climb,her brother trailing behind some to wait up for her. However she gained a burst of energy as she felt her imagination growing of what they could do with the giant sleeping bartender once she made it up there and with that she hurried up to the top of the sheets at last. Her arms ached but she put those feelings aside as she took in the sights of the sheet covered woman who was a giantess to them both. This was the closest she has been to someone this big before and no other woman even came close to being as alluring and beautiful as Tifa was. Mallory had eyes for few woman but she felt already captivated by Tifa from first sight. "Okay Fel,now what" she said,still disciplined enough to wait for further instructions and not wander off on her own just yet.




"Now," he playfully shrugged, "we take the tour."


He started their journey by walking over to the closest reach of the girl's body; her sheet covered feet. Walking up close enough to the form, he gestured for his sister to join him. He didn't know his sisters tastes quite yet, but wanted to see if he could have some fun at her expense while discovering her particular interests along the way.


"Check this out, and get ready to step back just in case," he brought his index finger towards the sheets where the sole of her foot would be, and pushed in until he was well within range to make contact. Looking back to Mal and giving her a wink, he proceeded to tickle the foot.


What followed after a few moments was a massive bulk of smooth and calloused skin with wiggling toes rearing its way out of the covers, knocking over Fel and crushing his two inch form under the side of her right foot. The appendage covered such a wide area, Mallory had to step back or risk getting batted by the sleeping girls foot by just a few inches to her diminutive perspective.




"Fel are you okay!?" Mallory asked once more in a louder than expected voice as she panicked seeing the giant foot come down on her brother. Tifa had been on her feet all day in the summer heat with those boots of her.She may be gorgeous but even woman that look like her still have smelly feet after sweating in her socks all evening. The scent coming from a foot that much bigger than Mallory caught her off guard and while she was able to avoid the actual foot from making contact with her as she stumbled back on a fold of the sheet,tripping over in the process,she still held her nose over how strong the scent of Tifa's larger than life feet were. The smelly aroma kept Mallory at bay for the time being,she felt unable to get much closer till she built up a bit more tolerance to it but still called out to her brother once more,this time in more of a whisper hoping he was okay "Fel? Fel? you okay?"




A moment passed following Mallorys worried call before a small arm pulled itself out from under the sweaty mass. The arm was followed by a grinning face trying not laugh his heart out. With the pliancy of the mattress, he easily removed himself from beneath the rigid foot. He looked over to his sister expectantly, and on seeing the look of disgust on her face, learned that, luckily, feet weren't her thing.


"That, sweet Mallory, was an example.." he pulled his last restrained leg from the blanket of skin, now fully free, "of what happens when you get too touchy." 


"Not to say you can't touch," he brought his hand back to her little toe and gently placed it flat on it's surface. Mal flinched, waiting for the foot to react again, but was surprised to see it continue at ease, "You just have to be gentle. Specific. Subtle," he said, now slowly rubbing the skin with his whole hand.





Mallory slowly approached closer,wanting to touch Tifa's foot as well. She was not against her feet but just taken by surprise as well as not taking into account how strong they'd smell at this size. she reached out,her hand waiting a moment as she was nervous,before touching the close to the same spot on her little toe as well.The irony of calling a toe bigger than her entire body little did make her smile some as well. The skin on her foot felt real soft,and Mallory was tempted to hug it even now,it was so warm. The smell did linger but she put it aside and against her brothers warnings she gently and slowly wrapped her arms around it,wanting to snuggle to it some as she felt comfortable with it knowing it was attached to someone as incredibly attractive as Tifa.




At the tiny girls adorable embrace, the toe lightly stirred, but didn't cause quite a havoc as before, "Yeah, that's the trick. This is still a woman. Treat her right, she'll return the favor. Worst case scenario, you get caught under somewhere you can't slip out and she finds you in the morning. So tread lightly," he said, affectionately rubbing his sisters shoulder blade before continuing onward.


"Now we have a choice," he said, lifting the edge of the sheet now shifted up to her ankle, "do we go over, or under?"




Mallory was beginning to really enjoy this night as she jumped for the chance at going under the sheets to see Tifa's lower body up close like that. "Uh,I really wanna go under..plus it will conceal as a bit better even if she wakes,unless it really bothers her shes likely not to wake up and check to see if there's ants in her bed or anything. " Mallory knew the view down there would be better but tried to justify it with logic,still having not let go of her toe for the time being before finally heading over to where her brother was




He held his arm with the sheet overhead, his left gesturing Mallory to enter the white tunnel. Trepidatiously, she walked into the sheets. What she hadn't expected was the heat radiating from the giant's body. A long wall of creamy white tan flesh ran into the deep, deep tunnel on the little girls left, ending in blackness that her night vision hadn't quite yet adjusted to see.


Fel dropped the sheet, diminishing the space between the covers and the immense leg. The two were now mere inches away from contact now at all times.


"Let's move along, shins are nice, but not worth much," though he had to admit. He'd seen worse shins, none that compared to the silky, firm surface before. But he knew, and Mal would learn, it only gets better from here.


"Ok, thigh time! Let's go"




Mallory wiped her brow a little as the collected heat under the sheets was feeling like a furnace for  the moment against her tiny body. She was determined to reach the sexy giant thighs and the area past that as well as she followed her brother further.Even though her shins were nothing in comparison to what remained up ahead,Mallory was still too tempted not to sneak over to them and give them a touch.Placing her hand gently on them before giving them a slight affectionate kiss as well. Hoping it was soft enough not to cause any trouble for them but she was slowly becoming more and more attracted to Tifa the more she got to see her and get this close. Few men ever got the chance to share the bed with Tifa and it was doubtful beyond some of her gal pals that any woman shared it romantically with her in the past. What they had seen already from her undressing was more than most ever got to see and any guys she caught doing so likely got a straight beating from her fists as well for there troubles. In fact,the last time someones face touched Tifa's shin like this was likely when she slammed it into there nose in a battle or a beating. Mallory knew how lucky she was to be here able to hug her toe and now kiss her leg and she wanted to make the most of it,knowing it was a once in a life time moment for her to enjoy




It took more effort than he thought to navigate the narrow, drooping corridor of their own creation. Eventually, they reached the end of the lower leg, rounding the large, rough  orb of her knee. Before them was a compressed, plush block of flesh that, for the first time in their expedition, betrayed the voluptuous body of the woman they were exploring.


He held his hand out to get his sister to wait, listening for the distant breath for safety. Satisfied they were still unknown to the goddess, he slowly made like his sister and embraced the wall. Fel nuzzled his face into the giving flesh, and planted a few kisses of his own, sneaking a small like at the end. He thought about his sister and paused briefly.


"Uh, sorry. I'm not quite used to guiding these ventures... you don't mind that I express myself a bit?" He shook his head, "You know what, siblings and all. Tonight will be about you." He stepped back to let her interact with the soft thigh-skin.




Having moved on along with her brother she could see Tifa's knee before them,almost like a hill or small building in size comparison to them as her brother enjoyed himself,kissing her soft fleshy thigh and decided to join him near it. Kissing it some as well,taking time to really embrace just how warm and soft it was. She had tone legs,she used them much in her battles and could jump high into the air with her powerful thighs but they still had soft spots where some healthy dough like skin and minor body fat built up along those areas the higher up they went past her legs. Nearing the top of her thigh area was like a gold mine for soft flabby areas to hug onto. Though she'd never wanna be caught calling anywhere on Tifa's body as chubby or doughy for fear of how shed react. She realized as well they were ever getting closer to the giant brunette bartenders crotch as well. Mallory blushed bright red at this, but was also very excited to reach there next. Recklessly she moved on ahead of her brother,gesturing for him to come along but not waiting as she hurried against her brothers warnings to take it slow and carefully.




Fel was happy to see Mallory enjoying herself. He forgot how much she/s been growing up. It's a weird thing seeing your little sister start becoming just as big of a perv as you. He was surprised when she started moving ahead without him.


Farther up her leg, there was no room between the sheets and the lightly sweating limb. The temperature would only increase as they moved closer to her core. Fel wiped the sweat that started to precipitate on his forehead. Save for the view, maybe under the sheets wasn't a good idea.


Having to move right against the leg, he thankfully reached an opening created by her bodies natural posture. Before him, he saw Mal frozen in awe at the wide, dark grey canvas that concealed the gorgeous fighter's intimacy. This was always a highlight, but he'd always saved this for the grand finale. No matter what you did, there was NO touching a sleeping giant directly on the vulva, as much as he often desired the extra risk.


"This is an unfortunate exception of 'Look but don't touch.' I've never been able to safely pull that magic off." He finally got to see the wonder on her young face, not even slightly deterred by his discouragement. As if just being within a few human inches of the deep, velvety vagina, clothed or unclothed, was enough to fill her soul with joy.


"It'll be a shame for the boys back home to hear about your true allegiance, sis," he chuckled, "But can't say I blame ya."




Mallory made her way over close enough to be within touching distance of her underwear but maybe to her brothers surprise Mallory shyly pulled away last moment,still a bit too nervous at this time to interact with another woman's privates when it came to one she was so bedazzled by,her shyness seem to be stronger than her eagerness to give into her sexual urges. What if she woke up and plucked up little Mallory up to her face and confronted her about being on her crotch or in her underwear,how could she explain herself to the giant woman. Embarrassment alone would be too much if she got busted for it at this size and having snuck into her bed like this. For now at least,she hung back and moved over ot her brother once more. He mentioned saving it for last so that gave her some time to work up her courage. Kissing thighs was one thing but she knew it would take time to muster up the gusto to go as far as climbing into Tifa's panties, "okay brother,lets do it your way for now I uh...am feeling really nervous suddenly"




"That's normal. Every time, trust me," he patted her back affectionately, "you never forget that they don't know you're here. And if they did, it'd mean a hell of a load of trouble."


He perked up recalling a memory, "Ya know, I once had a buddy who's friend got caught by this flower girl in Sector 8. Apparently she was so pissed, she ate the guy."


He saw his sister tense up at his story, her already shy demeanor now nearly melting in the sauna that was their chamber with the lovely Tifa's groin.


"Hey, don't worry! Very rare case. Anyway there's still a way to survive, don't think you'd like it though..."




Mallory listen to her brother story with only partial attention as though she was shy about it,she kept glancing back over at Tifa's hips and below. It was hard not to just admire and gaze at them even though her brothers warning of a story. It was shocking as Mallory seem to know who the girl he was mentioning was and could not picture her doing that but then again she had never seen this flower girl in a situation like that. She would not mind paying her a visit like this one day if the night went well with her bro and Tifa. For now she stuck close to him,wanting to avoid any unnecessary trouble but she was curious on the way out once someone got eaten as he mentioned. "okay I'll keep following you for now.You seem pretty good at this Fel"




"Being a creep? Absolutely! My specialty. Now c'mon," he pulled her arm for the two to continue their trek. Beyond her waistline, there was much more room due to her right arm lying delicately and bent in front of her torso. The two continued until they were met with her expansive abdomen. Farther down, they began to catch their first thankful glimpses of the massive breasts, softly heaving with her breath, with the twin, pink nipples just barely visible under the head of the sheets.


The entire torso moved like in organic sequence, like a machine. Listening carefully, the two heard distinct gurgles emitting from with the titanesse's guts, processing whatever she had to eat that day through her lengthy bowels. The farther they walked, the sooner they heard a faint heartbeat within the girl's chest. This part of the trip always had the most life to it, and Fel noticed his sister's knees go weak taking in the wide sensory overload. Reminded him of his first time.




Mallory once again could not contain herself and rushed on ahead. Against all warnings and advice,she bravely and recklessly began to climb up onto Tifa's giant chest area. a little below where her breasts where Mallory carefully clung to her side,gripping the soft and slightly flabby skin around her side to make her way up. Tifa was firm and tight but still carried body fat in this spot thankfully and at this size even that less than 8% ratio was still enough for her to grab onto and get up onto her chest. From there she tip toed her way over to the giant left breast of Tifa and clung to it,giving it a passionate hug as she could not help herself. Waking Tifa was still something she feared but her fear was pushed aside by delight as she give the breast a dozen time her size kiss after kiss on the lower parts of it. Some boob sweat had collected there and though it carried a scent all of its own,Mallory did not worry to much about it as her desired came out for her brother to witness. She has been shy about discussing her increased like for other females in the past but tonight and in these moments she did not hold back making it clear how she felt. Same size or tiny she was spell bound by the brunettes beauty and nothing else seem to matter when the allure of her at this size and this up close and personal with her became too much.




A low moan echoed from deep in that same chest Mallory was embracing up to Tifa's unseen mouth. The rumble it caused shook Fel, and Mal even more so. Without a moment to regroup and ease off, the whole body around them began to shift!


The slight sag of the hefty breasts began rising up from the mattress. Her entire torso was moving to face up.


"MAL!" Fel shouted against his better judgement to his little sister. So concerned for his siblings well being, he didn't notice the arm behind him start moving as well. In her sleep, Tifa was sweating up a storm, and was unconsciously removing her sheets to ease the summer heat.


As her arm raised up, Fel had no time to move before he was squeezed between her forearm and biceps in the crook of her elbow. Her massive figure continued shifting until her body was faceup. The covers now only covering most of her right leg.


While being dragged over the fit, curvy torso, Fel at least caught a glimpse of his sister. She looked shaken but safe. Now he just needed to wait for this grip to release and reunite with her on the now exposed chest.


Unfortunately, the arm didn't bring him down to the mattress as he had hoped. Instead, it's grip released on his minute form mid-swing, and propelled him out and over the twin peaks his sister was regaining her senses upon.


He soared through the air only briefly before landing hard on a plush surface. Tensing up for the worst, he cautiously opened his eyes to see where he wound up...


Just to receive a blast of air from two nostrils, larger then his own body laying down, in front of him. He now recognized the soft flesh he was now sprawled on....




Mallory could not help cry out,it was like a earthquake on her body,and a storm of sheets all around as the giantess activity was massive for both siblings. She held on not just for affection now to Tifa's breast but also for support during this massive shifting and adjusting Tifa was causing in her sleep. The hidden safety of the sheet lost in the process as Mallory was worried Tifa would wake at any moment "Fel,where are you!?" she cried out in worry that he had been rolled over on or crushed some how as she looked up just in time to see him soar through the air,landing on Tifa's face right below her nose. For a moment she had feared he would some how land right in it or be inhaled inside it as her breathing and soft snoring seem strong enough to do that to someone as small as they were. He was still dangerously close to her mouth,which slightly opened before him like a draw bring retracting. Fel was at risk of falling in now too as he seem to be regaining his bearings all while being unaware of what was taking place in his surroundings. all it would take was Tifa to slightly move her head to knock him forward into her now slightly but open enough mouth to consume her brother down into depths. "Fel,watch out!" she cried again, moving upwards while using her grip on her breast for support to get a closer look and make her way over to hopefully get there in time to provide help for her sibling




Fel was now sweating from more than the heat. He was in a precarious position right above her upper lip. Her sweet, minty breath washed out like exhaust from her depths as she gently snored.


Luckily, this meant the giantess hadn't woken up yet. His minuscule form not even large enough to stir her on impact. He was relatively safe, he just needed to pick his next actions wisely. He carefully stood up on her cupids bow and turned around properly to face her slightly parted lips. Their pink, ridged surface gently pulsed with her breath. The air brought into her body hauled past the miniature boy, into the dark recesses of her body, until releasing with joyous exhaultation from having survived the trip and back. A trip Fel would most definitely not survive.


Looking over the pouting mouth over the ridge of her chin, he just barely saw his sister looking towards him from atop the left breast. He sighed in relief, she was at least ok. Now they'd just need to regroup and decide whether it was time to leave or not. 


He looked back to the lips, and thought about his position. He'd never been able to stand over a womans lips before. He's certainly stolen a kiss from the side, but never this up front. The sight of her slightly open jaw was both an omen and yet intriguing site. The briefly visible outline of her white teeth, proudly on display then shying away with each motion of her breath. Within, he could barely make out the slithering tongue lightly undulating in it's lair.


The human mouth was a scary place, but he;d be a sinner if he said there was no appeal with it presented right before him. But he had no intention of going in. He wasn't suicidal, and he wouldn't take such a risk without a backup plan.

He remembered his friends story. She told him that being swallowed is a death wish, unless you had someone on the other side. Once in the stomach, there's no getting with one exception. The way she described it, she would have a friend go up through the intestines from the ass, then pull them through the inner sphincter to safety. She'd never done it herself though; it was just a theory.


One that he wouldn't have his newbie sister forced to endure on her first night out. No point thinking about it. Still, he thought he might as well take this rare chance to kiss an out-of-this-world beauty like Tifa.


He squatted down, with both hands on her warm, buoyant lips. The air from her mouth was still violently pushing against him, but he endured enough to lean down and lay a long, passioned kiss directly at the crux of her two plush pillows.


After a moment he pulled away, and began to stand up to leave.


Tifa, unbeknownst to both of them, had different intentions.


Without warning, her large, slimy tongue surged out of her mouth, and ran itself along the length of her lips unconsciously.  Fel, with no way to dodge in time, was caught in it's onslaught and pulled with it towards those powerful lips.


He bared his arms against them, and the tongue thankfully retreated without it's surprise snack. Fel now found himself standing on her front tooth with his arms on both pairs of lips. His body was just big enough to reach across the relatively small gap parted. 


Then worse came to worse. The pressure on both sides shifted, and the lips of their host clamped down on Fel's waist while he feebly attempted to lift himself out. Tried as he might, he couldn't free himself from the powerful vice of this innocent bartender's cute, plush lips.


"MAL!" he cried, ignoring the risk of shouting so close to her hearing range, "MAL QUICK!"




Mallory froze for a moment as she watched in shock as the worse case scenario played out before her. She was already calming down thinking her brother had adverted trouble up to this point before the chaos of Tifa's tongue all but cause him to be consumed by her mouth he now reached out to her for help. Mallory reacted finally,hurrying up along Tifa's neck and up onto her face just above her chin " Hold on Fel I'm coming!" she shouted as well,not caring at the moment the risks that might have if Tifa came too during this panic ordeal they were both facing. All she had to do was yawn in her sleep and her brother would be swallowed up for sure at this rate and at the angle he was at. He'd drop right down into her mouth for sure. Mallory had made it to him in time,but at there size as she grabbed onto his arm she had no idea how she could free him even with there combined efforts. She tugged and struggled, using all her energy that her small petite body could even with the help of adrenaline did not allow for much assistance to save her brother from this. "what do we do Fel? I can't get you out!"




The lips pursed around his form while the two effortlessly struggled to free him. It became clear that there was now getting out of this. A surprising pulse briefly eclipsed his body as her lips instinctively suckled on the foreign obtrusion.


"Mal! You need to listen to me carefully!" He shouted before the lips swelled up around his face again, smothering his speech. Coming down, there was a single string of saliva dripping from Fel's shoulder.


"I'm not getting out! I'm going down! Calm down, focus, fo--listen to me!"


He grabbed his sisters hands earnestly, imploring her attention.


"There's only one way out of the stomach. You gotta pull me out," another suckle broke the contact between their arms, forcing Mallory to fall back and roll down the small slope of the lower lip.


Fel didn't let their separation deter him, "If you go up through her intestines, you can pull me out from the stomachs exit! Ok!? I can't get out unless you pull, please tell me you understand!"


He gauged the look on her face, he couldn't recognize anything beyond her disbelief and horror for this grim turn of events.


"Please tell me you understand! GO UP HER--"


The jaw only needed to part so slightly, just slightly enough for the lips to ease off of Fel's waist. For her teeth to draw apart from under his feet. For him to slide down into the dark depths of her mouth.


Tifa, meanwhile, had no idea of any danger happening on her person, let alone committed by her person. As she peacefully slept, finally having taken care of the over bearing heat, she drifted further into her dreams, and lightly sucked the squirming boy on her tongue to the horror of the small girl on her chin...




Mallory was losing hope as her brother tried to explain that there was no saving him from this,not like this at least. She felt like she had failed him as she fell bad and looked up at him,there grip broken at last as more of him vanished into Tifa's mouth. She listened to him inform her of what to do but it was all too sudden and shocking to take in. Mallory was not ready for things to have taken this type of turn and though she could hear his voice,most of what he said did not register. She let out a loud gasp of shock as at last her brother was swallowed up and out of sight. She looked back at Tifa's through and could even spot the small lump in it going down past it that made up the form of her older sibling. She watched it vanish out of sight into the depths of her stomach no doubt and could not believe what had taken place so quickly. Her brother was gone,there was nothing she could do to .....no wait,she thought about what he had said suddenly. Playing the memory back in her mind,she went over it more clearly and focused this time. When she was in shock she did not listen but now she was remember he did give her a plan on how he could save him. It would require her entering Tifa's body as well which was something she didn't feel ready or prepared to do but she had little choice now. She had to save him from this fate. Hmm,how to get in and save him without ending up just as stuck as he was. She could not go in through her mouth like he had fallen victim to. that would only lead to more trouble for them both. Perhaps if she made her way through the other.....she blushed incredibly red at the thought of it. "oh,I think I know where I need to enter her body from now" she said to herself out loud,hopping down off her chin and onto the bedding. She was going to make her way down south from here and she needed to hurry




The incessant suckling of her tongue relentlessly knocked Fel from any sense of direction or place he once had. After merely a few seconds of being sloshed and savored by the merciless pink beast, he felt himself forced backward further into Tifa. A wet tendril knocked into his back between the shoulder-blades, running up his head, like a lover reaching for one last goodbye as he departed on a train leaving home.


The tongue surged against him with a less forceful push, followed by a brief slide into a tube of tight muscles that welcomed him with a soul-shattering




Inhumanely powerful, peristaltic flesh kneaded his small form deeper into the unaware brunette. With no room to think, his world became the slimy smacks against his person, the vacuum of her lungs pumping air in and out, and her heart beating slowly, gently. Her body worked in perfect natural harmony as it conveyed Fel to his potential doom.


A strong ring of muscle halted his descent before he was painfully squeezed through. Once his chest had passed, his whole body slid down the mucus-laden wall until coming to a stop in a small pool of viscous juices. His landing must've caused some reaction, since a loud groan decided to accompany his arrival, shaking the undulating walls that closed in on him.


For most tinies, you had to understand there were many ways to do die. But painfully digested within a woman who would never even know you existed until completely disintegrated, erased from Gaia?


He hoped beyond all odds that Mallory understood what he instructed, but had to accept the probability she didn't. He didn't even know if he'd want his sister to suffer through crawling into an ass and traveling through the endless labyrinth of Tifa's guts to save a creep like him.




Another ominous growl tremored around him as he hung his head between his arms, at least trying to get comfortable for his demise. Suddenly, the room begin to shift, throwing Fel against the opposite wall as the giantess turned in her sleep....


Outside, Tifa was indeed changing positions, rolling over to her right, where little Mallory was still trying to come up with a plan. The looming form of the massive fighter began falling toward the girl, before coming to rest on her stomach. The wall of flesh just inches from her person.




Mallory had begun making her way down  on the bedding besides Tifa's chest and towards her stomach when the ground began to shake all around her once again,causing her to fall to the side but still remain mostly upright as  Tifa's belly  lifted up until she began to roll over,Mallory looked up to see a shadow forming as the giantess 's stomach attempted to come down right on top of her. She ducked down into the soft lining of the bed and hoped that she would not be crushed under the same stomach that likely housed her very own brother by this point. the thought seem so crazy to her but also motivated her to safe him as soon as she could. Tifa's abs came to rest right on top above Mallory,sparing her from being crushed as she now laid on her stomach and Mallory was forced to army crawl out from under them. As she got free from that path she made her way quickly over to the back of Tifa's thighs. The sweaty undies must have gotten stuck to her butt in the rolling process as they partially seemed to have gotten pulled down. Mallory blushes as she looked up to see both of Tifa's giant bare butt cheeks exposed for her to see .Her destination waiting as it seem like fate had given her the opportunity to make it into her body by removing the only article of clothing in her path out of the way just enough to allow her entry as she slowly approach the 2 fleshy buns that acted like a gateway inside. she did not thing at her size she could part them but she figure she could squirm her way between them like a lock pick fitting into a lock at the very least. It was going ot be where no woman had gone before most likely as Mallory approached close enough to be within touching distance of Tifa's ass. It was time to make her move and work her way inside. "I can't believe I am about to do this" she said to herself.


__PART 2______________________________________________________________



Now finally situated in a comfortable position, Tifa, who had slightly roused herself from sleep with her turning, nestled into her firm but forgiving mattress. Her warm, gentle face lightly smirked surrendering to her pillow. 


While slipping back into hibernation, she felt a slight itch on her left buttocks. Instinctively, she raised her left hand and lazily scratched at the light irritation. Not feeling it anymore, she brought her arm back to rest.


Then again, a slight annoyance, now at the center of her crack. Too tired to move her hand again, and not desiring to dirty her fingers, she simply squeezed her cheeks together. A simple flex, both cream colored mounds compressed together for a few tense moments before relaxing with her into the bed once again. The itch was certainly gone now. Without having even opened her eyes, Tifa returned to her well-deserved rest after a long day working the Heaven. Meanwhile, her trim, soft belly, muffled between the body and the mattress, issued a handful of small gurgles.




Mallory made her way up along the side of Tifa's plump butt cheeks. Again she thought how male patrons at her bar likely gave her rear a passing slap as she walked by,only to be thrown out after she took her frustrations out of there face with her fists. It was quite the privilege to be touching Tifa's butt like this and even though her mind was determined to rescues her brother she still had her own thoughts. She had hoped even if they were the same size,that a butt touch from another woman would be met with less hostility but that hardly mattered right now. She must have gripped a little too tight as she climbed up the butt cheek as Tifa's giant hand came swooping down suddenly in her direction. Mallory hurried up to the top of the cheek just in time to avoid being swatted like a bug. She stumble and fell into her destination ironically which was both a convenience as she stumble down into her crevice that made up Tifa's large butt crack.Sliding in between her cheeks at least provide her some shelter from Tifa's swipes which had ceased for now as Mallory took a moment to rest only a few inches above her where closed butt hole resided. It was her unfortunate and unbelievable point of entry and Mallory wondered how she was going to open it up enough to fall into her hole without waking the sleeping giantess.Though it was not a issue for long as Tifa once again stirred in her sleep,her butt being a sensitive spot after all caused her to react to any tickles on it or in between the cheeks much more commonly than when the siblings had touched or even kissed other area's along her body.-----

This time however her hand did not seek to sweep away the irritation that Mallory's small body was causing her but instead it took hold of her right butt cheek,easily spreading it and bringing it shut suddenly,the inner side of it slamming into Mallory without warning and knocking her right on top of Tifa's still closed chocolate  star fish. It did not stay closed for long though as more adjusting of her ass cheeks forced Mallory down into the hole itself as it slightly open and puckered up with each spreading,naturally opening with the spreads just like it would if Tifa was sitting on her royal throne at the ladies room. Mallory fell in right away face first. her head entering the ass of the sleeping warrior as her upper half slid in next. it did not take but one more little tuck and suck of her asshole to consume Mallory whole. This was the plan after all but as Mallory----

found herself standing up and gaining her bearings a bit she blushed as red as humanly possible over the realization she really had just gone up a woman's ass. Not just any woman either,one who was incredibly hot and who Mallory had all but fallen for in one single nights encounter.  Mallory needed to hurry to save Fel but for that moment she simple stood there in Tifa's  sphincter unable to move over the embarrassment of being up her crushes butt! The natural and expected smell in there was not something Mallory was quite ready to begin moving through as well.It was not Tifa's fault her ass had a strong smell to it after all it was totally normally for that to be the case,never the less Mallory's eyes watered a little bit as her nose wrinkled as this was another thing she was forced to take in. Suddenly her feet didn't seem like they smelled that much in comparison to where she was now




The cramped cave Mallory had crawled had thankfully been vacated before Tifa went to bed. Though the smell pervaded every slick surface and molecule of the enclosed rectum, there thankfully no obstructions as she began her journey. 


Tifa, meanwhile, felt that tickle again. However, what used to be an irritation was now giving her small sparks of pleasure. As popular as she was, she'd experimented to a certain extent with the lovers she'd bring into her chamber. Anal play was a more recent addition to her exhibition, but she had warmed to the possibilities enthusiastically.


Her tight, toned rear smoothly shifted back and forth in a subconscious, grinding motion. A secret smile spread from her peaceful face. 


"Hirp", a light hiccup escaped from her lips. She smacked her lips and followed with a yawn. If one looked closely, they would see movement of her eyes darting to and fro under her heavy eyelids as her groin machinated sensually into the mattress. Her dreams were about to take a dramatically erotic turn.





Mallory slowly began making her way through Tifa's digestive tract one shy step at a time. Even determined to find her brother it was still hard to believe she was up Tifa's ass like this.This was her first time she had ever been this close to another woman like this as well,she had never been so lucky to have slept with a woman like her and much less be inside her body of all places.this was a rescue mission but Mallory could not deny this was a fantasy of hers she was living out as well.Though up her ass was not what she expected she was still in her new crushes body. She began to hurry a little faster through her intestines but at her size the trip felt like miles and miles before she'd be able to reach Fel in here. the walls came closing in some crushing  her a bit  but only enough to give her a tight hug like squeeze as she stopped for a moment to give the walls a little hug back in the meantime




Much, much farther down the the gastrointestinal tract Mallory was excavating, Fel was trembling amid a more substantial pool of gastric juices. He'd yet to feel any kind of burning, but a light tingle began irritating his skin where has body lay against the dank, hot stomach lining. The two folds he found refuge between pulsed around him, churning the beat of Tifa's heart thumping somewhere to his left.


He thought he'd try  taking advantage of her horizontal incline to relocate the valve that led back to the esophagus he came down, but in the darkness every gushy wall felt the same. He swore at some point he came across the stomach wall adjacent to her lungs. He pushed his hands into the surface, the sound of her powerful, feminine breath no vibrated his being at the contact. He shivered at the sensation, fully coming to appreciate the scale of this divine creature he had unwilling become a guest of. He closed his eyes, and imagined her soft, kind face, whiling away the hours on a humid summers evening.


A hefty contraction rebounded from where his hand was placed, knocking him backward to splash in what was now a pond of thick, slimy liquid. He quickly surfaced, now learning his feet couldn't find the 'ground' so easily anymore. He swam as best he could back to safety.


A rolling groan roared from somewhere below Fel, quaking the organic room like a sack of produce. Reaching the proverbial shoreline, he began to notice Tifa softly moaning far above him. At least he now knew the direction of her head, and could orient himself again. Despite the walls gently shifting from some new movement outside, Fel at least had a good idea where he was now.


His night vision had been difficult to access with the constant motion and stinging gases in the corrosive atmosphere, encouraging Fel to mostly navigate with frequently closed eyes.


However, his vision had finally come through, and he could dimly see the wrinkled, squishy walls undulating all around him, jostling the small lake of stomach acid he'd just evaded again. At another full stomach contraction, he tensed up and steadied himself by grabbing a flabby fold to his left.


He noticed in that contraction that a sizable amount of chyme had started leaving the stomach. This caught his attention for one reason; the stomach was naturally removing it's liquified contents, and he know found his exit.


Carefully maneuvering around the edge of the diminishing pool, though unceremoniously being churned into the slop several times. Finally, he saw the puckered sphincter that efficiently oozed the goopy muck out into the duodenum through the intestines. Despite his 1 inch height, he knew the orifice wouldn't let anything still solid through, tried as he might to pry the revolting valve open. Frustrated with his failure, he moved away just in time for another flood of juices to surf by him through the meager hole.


There wasn't much of a hope. He decided that he might as well just sit back, get as comfortable as he could, and prolong the end as best he could.

But he'd stick close to the sphincter. Maybe, beyond all possibility, Mallory was somewhere in that maze of guts making her way through to save him. If she was, he'd couldn't decide whether to praise her intuition or mock for her hidden perversions almost getting them killed.


He hoped his friends theory was true. There was always the possibility of her finding her way to the opening a few feet to his right, reaching in to help him, and then getting stuck with him as well...


For the larger part, he hoped she just went home, where she'd at least be safe, and he could list away with his regrets knowing his stupidity didn't get her killed too...




Mallory pressed on even though the smell in Tifa's Large intestine but still had the entire small section to go as well,though she was making progress having made it out of her rectum in what seem to take at least half a hour on foot when she was only a inch tall. The Large intestine was living up to its name as more time had gone by with no exit in sight. Mallory was forced to hold onto the side of the fleshy wall of the tunnel she was in for support as being this small inside such a large body even the slight shifts Tifa made still could knock her over in here as well as all the natural gas passing through and gurgles in her digestive tract was making the air foggy and difficult to breathe in. Mallory began to wonder if Tifa passing gas was becoming her sole source of air at this point.She felt woozy from inhaling it as much as she had and hoped to be nearing her stomach soon to save her older brother. At least one section of thing tunnel seem to break off into a even thinner more narrow tunnel which likely made up the area of her small intestines. Mallory began to pick up the pace now that she felt ever closer to reuniting with her swallowed silbing


The tunnel  she was in now went from being roomy like the large section and now began to squeeze down some more,forcing Mallory to begin to crawl on her hands and knees. Her progress slowing even more. Solid foods did not really pass through here so even being only a inch,she was still whole and something more foreign  to this section of Tifa's body . Up ahead the sound of sloshing liquid could be heard as suddenly a steam filling her intestines came rushing out  down into Mallory,soaking her entire body in smelly juices and coating her in some mushy digested left overs. Even a half piece of corn pushed itself by from Tifa's previous meals. Mallory could not help but giggle a little at this as it just made her feel that much  smaller to be bullied by a piece of corn in a girls digestive system. "hang on Fel I am almost there"




An hour had passed since the two secreted through the giantess' window. As Mal got closer to the stomach, the walls became much finer, and lined with near microscopic tendrils; Tifa's villi.


 They brushed forcefully against her petite body, making her progression through the small intestines all the more difficult, but also stimulated her with each organic push from her inhospitable surroundings. Some motions tried pushing her back where she came. Others somehow pulled her sporadically, though these movements were rare.


Without her knowing, the delicate villi had been eating away at the easily absorbed fibers in contact with them. Her clothes. The farther she moved along, the more garments she lost, and more skin was revealed to rub against the silky intestinal walls.




As if being washed with the remnants  of her last meals was not enough,Tifa's bowels had seem to be reacting to Mallory's presence in them as well. They knew something was up stuck in there that needed to be flushed back out into her butt and out the back door she had entered in from. Mallory began to worry if the activity in her ass might cause Tifa to stir and head to the ladies room and undo all of her progress up to this point. She needed to hurry and get out of here before her bodies natural defenses sent her back the way she came or bugged Tifa enough to wake up. Being lodged in her tunnel pretty tight may be causing gas to build up and creating a feeling of ingestion for the sleeping bartender as well  so even having to race against the clock to save her brother was a issue,now getting out of here before Tifa got back up was a new threat that loomed ahead.





Fel, meanwhile, was much worse for where. He had resorted to meticulously counting the length of his breaths so as to conserve the little oxygen he had in Tifa's gut. After a disheartening discovery that the more carbon dioxide he produced, the more likely she was to burp out his precious air supply, every second had to carefully strategized.


He wondered what the point was for all this effort. His clothes by now had dissolved away, and the minimal itch he felt where the acid most frequently touched him was beginning to burn. He might've been grateful that the lack of food in the stomach when he arrived and her sleeping led to the organ being relatively inactive during his imprisonment. But his clock was running out with every minute spent in the shifting sac of death.


Was that correct to say? He thought. In truth, this wasn't designed to be an instrument of doom, but a giver of life. The food that had long since been processed by her all went to provide energy for the lovely girl.


He thought back to her gorgeous face. Her elegant arms and hands, more than ample breasts. The trim of her hair as it fell down her back. Her unfathomably long legs considered both a danger and gift to those who appreciated them. Even her dainty feet, not his most desired part of the female form, spoke volumes to her overall essence that came together to divine her beauty.


But above all, she was a normal girl. She worked hard, struggled, and fought to make her way through this bleak world. And for the most part, she did it on her own. Sure, she had her friends, but also a warriors spirit that kept her from backing down. That ferocity, loyalty, and all around good soul would be the benefactor of Fel's sacrifice.


And maybe that made it okay.


Unbeknownst to him, merely a few feet away, if not still behind several layers of internal flesh, his sister was coming ever closer to the duodenum. By now, the much stronger villi at this close a range to the primary digestive organ had left her covered in mere slips of her former outfit. The kneading, insistent flesh massaging her entire being aroused sensations she'd never experienced in her young life.


Then, just ahead, the cramped tunnel let up and opened just slightly wider. Her few of the new pocket in her path framed a small, puckered orifice.




Mallory looked ahead as she reached her destination at last. Most of her clothing has been wiped off and she was in strips of what remained of her blue dress. Not that it mattered. After what felt like hours of moving through her intestines it had seem like all that had reached its end. She saw a  small opening ahead of her and began to crawl faster and faster. Weakened by her journey and lack of proper air she went as fast as she could before calling out to Fel. "are you there brother? Can you hear me!?" the fleshing orifice was within sight and only a meet more seconds worth of crawling ahead but with that Mallory stopped and laid still for a moment.she heard no response at the time and her output has been run dry.  She had hoped her efforts were not for nothing but in her weak state she felt she could go no further. Whatever had become of Fel was likely to be washed down and out of Tifa's butt along with Mallory at this point,there was no doubt all this activity in her belly and bowels was going to upset her tummy enough for her to wake for a trip to the bathroom at some point. "what do   I do Fel? I tried to save you" Mallory had lost all hope,worried she'd never see her brother again




Fel had shut his eyes leaning back into a deep fold. He hardly had the will to move. He was forced to breath at twelve second intervals, but the effort was strained as he grew light-headed.


"As long as... Mal is..." he whispered to himself, sinking deeper into the warm, caressing flesh washing the acids over him.


".....fel.....you there....brother"


His eyes strained open, and he looked toward the source of the muffled call he was sure had been a hallucination. However, the source of the muted cries came from just behind the exit to the stomach.


She couldn't have. Feebly, he pulled himself from the layer of grime that had blanketed him, and hobbled over the the pink ring of muscle with growing haste. Smacking limply into the thing, he began banging his weak arms against it. His throat was too raw from the gastric air, he couldn't utter a word. But if by some miracle Mallory had genuinely come for him,...


He banged against the wall with all of his remaining  might.




Mallory heard the sudden light but  rhythm thumps.She thought it might just be gas or any normal digestive churnings  but it seem to be so constant it caused her to wake back up. It had to be Fel it just had to be. She had no proof but the believe and hope it was drove her up back into a crawl. She began to move faster and reaching the slight near by opening. She pushed her arm through and slid inside with some of her head and upper body. Looking around it was hard to make out where exactly she was or if her sibling was among the contents of Tifa's stomach but she called out once more in the hopes he would hear here. "Fel!?"





"Me-Mel," he didn't think he'd see another face again. And here, in the strangest circumstances, his sister had emerged from traveling through what must have been miles of nasty intestines. All to save him.


Then he saw more of her body slipping through, "wa...wait....wait..DON'T!"




Mallory spotted her brother calling out to her and the urge to come for him was too much,she began squirming her way through little by little as her entire top half made its way out of the pathway into Tifa's belly. She could hear his voice but not make out what he was saying,she had come all this way and was not about to give up now. "i'm coming Fel don't you worry!"




"Mal! Sto COUGHS Stop! You won't make it back...." He was now grabbing his sisters arms and trying to push her back through the hole. If it sealed behind her, they'd bothh be trapped.


It seemed she either couldn't hear him or he wasn't doing enough of a job to stop her, as her strength for once was greater than his weakened, near digested state. But he couldn't let her get through. He wouldn't let her die too.




Mallory could feel herself slipping in more as it finally dawned on her that she was the only thing holding the exit for them to escape out the way she had come. she needed to go back but it was almost if Tif'as body wanted to consume them both now as her lower half begin to slip free as well. "Oh no Fel,I'm slipping we have to push me back!"




In his weak condition, there wasn't much more Fel could give. His head was painfully splitting from the dehydration and exposure to the toxicity. Against his will, he passed out briefly, sliding to the curved floor. 


Without her brother to buffer her, Mallory's body slipped entirely into the stomach. Tumbling down into her brother, she turned back just in time to see the slimy orifice shut for good...




Fallen out and now into her belly as well,Mallory landed with a solid splat,laying right besides her brother. She had failed to save him,but at least she had made it to him.She did not want him to be alone and there fun exciting night to end like this. There had to be some way out,but for now she simply laid there in defeat,moving over to hug to her sleeping brother "Fel,forgive me" she said




The defeated boy's eyes blinked open to see the concerned face of his sister. He smiled briefly, before coming to understand what her presence meant. He sat up in the pulsating mire looking at his sister. He was certainly in much more worse for wear, but his sisters shambled dress and exhausted body language told a harrowing physical endeavor. After hours of enduring the nastiest the human body has to offer, no matter that it was coming from one of the most beautiful woman either had ever seen, it all ended with her here, to suffer the same fate as him. 


"You just....heh...don't listen, huh?" he tried to feign a smirk, and embraced his sister in the strongest hug he could bear.

He was heartbroken that this would be her end to, but in a selfish way, he was happy she had come to him.




Hugging to her brother she apologized profusely upset that she had let him down and had not been able to save him. Again and again she denied it being the end for them and thought about there having to be a way to escape still. "wait  Fel,we may be just a inch tall but were in her stomach. were the same size as a pill,maybe we can do something in her to cause some sort of reflex in her belly to get her to spit us back out or send us back out of her butt maybe?"




"I don't think... I've tried. If she hasn't noticed us now...." his resolve had finally broken, as tears streaked down his mucus covered face. He looked to his kid sister, so much ahead of her, so happy and caring. Not a bad bone in her, and he let his vices be her downfall.


"I'm...sorry...can you just hold me?..."


It was an alien thing to both of them to see Fel in such a weak disposition. The confident, adventurous man reduced to a shaking vessel of nutrients for their host's voluptuous body.


The chamber groaned around them, many heavy gurgles echoing from each direction. The stomach floor was shaking violently, closing in around the two tinies.


Both gazed in horror at their surroundings, and embraced each other for the inevitable....



...until a strong heave from the surface beneath them carried the two back to the sealed pyloric sphincter, which hungrily ushered them beyond it's barrier on impact. Mal was squeezed through first, followed by Fel, accompanied by a generous stream of chyme. No both laid dazed in the duodenum, the liquid rushing past them until the two were alone in each others arms.




Embracing her broken spirited brother Mallory held to him,she hated seeing him in need like this but she would be here for him till the end. They held each other as a sudden rush of activity in Tifa's belly began to shake and toss them around. Before she knew it,they we both being led out the way she had just entered. the orifice opening back up to swallow them both through along with a thick layer of digestive liquids all around them,washing them over enough to lube them up for there trip back into her small intestines where she had just came.All hope had felt lost and now they were back past what seem like the previous point of no return. On top of each other in a single persons crawling room only space they were held quite compact and against one and other "Fel,its a miracle!"




"Huh..." he weakly uttered with a healthy grin, "I guess Karim was full of shit." His joke didn't translate to her confused but happy aura, "Oh, uh, she's the story friend. Friend with the story... about stomachs..." he rambled off as he passed out again. The tunnel had no room for the two siblings, but managed to squeeze them along pressed fiercely into one another. Fel melted into the comfort of his sisters presence, and surprisingly enjoyed the sensations of the fine villi brushing over his back. Now working with the intestines machinations, the pair were moving along much more smoothly




"I found you Fel,I really found you" Mallory said,they had both lost hope at different times but now in a almost romantic fashion seem to be being pulled along there way out.Ironic that romance could happen in the tunnel of a woman's bowels. "were moving pretty quick,she must need the ladies room soon huh?"





"Uhhh, that's gonna be an experience," he responded, only betraying a little how much he appreciated the novelty of coming out of Tifa's shapely behind. He tried picturing her casually going about her day with the two tinies coursing through her. Though she was asleep, he pictured her feeling the sensations inside her urging her to relieve herself, finding a toilet, pulling that tight black skirt down her shapely legs, and bringing her full rear down to deposit her hidden stowaways. 


He didn't think to much about the consequences of letting his mind wander to lewd ideas until his limp penis began stiffening against his sister's abdomen. Cutting himself from his acid-addled reverie, blood rushed to his cheeks, and he desperately tried to adjust his member away from Mallory, much to his embarrassment making it harder. The constant stimulation from the intestinal walls certainly weren't helping.




Mallory could feel his brothers uh...privates rising and brushing up against her. Surely he was imagining Tifa or some other girl and was not thinking of his own sister like that.Mallory wasn't against it but just didn't ever think her brother would think of her like that as well. She could hardly compare to the Tifa's of the world who had unrivaled beauty after all




"I...uh...it's not what it looks like Mal," he pleaded just before the walls forced him into her again, "This is just a bit much for me"


It didn't seem like this unwanted erection was going to naturally go away. He had an idea though, "Ok, this'll be tight, but lets both turn around if we can."


Mal nodded, and the two tried adjusting themselves. Fel tried not to think of his sisters petite breasts while they briefly compacted his groin in the midst of the two struggling to turn away and protect both of their modesties.




Mallory shifted a long with him,it seem like the best idea now that the attention had been brought to her that she was nearly naked with her assets pressed against his body as well.Almost all her breasts were exposed at this point and she blushed bright right as she turned and shifted so he could not see and so that she could not see his erection either "uh,yeah that's a good idea Fel" clearly just as embarrassed by all this





The two awkwardly shifted opposed from each other, until successfully planting into the wall of Tifa's innards. The gentle caress of the smooth, slippery flesh had Fel and Mallory's full attention. As the two slipped deeper feet first, the smooth texture glided directly over Fel's fully erect penis. After the traumatic experience he'd barely survived, it didn't matter so much that his sister was still pressed into his backside.


Needless to say, the immeasurable pleasure their host unknowingly provided was taking him to heights he'd never felt before. Far in the back of his lust clouded mind, he hoped that his sister was getting as much out of this as he was. They'd earned it.




As the two writhed in building ecstasy, neither had any idea that the dim morning sun had started to shine through Tifa Lockhart's covered window. Her internal clock helped her wake up bright and early so she'd be sure to have the bar up and running in time for breakfast. Her eyes gingerly opened with her right cheek squished comfortably into her old worn-out pillow. Of course she'd knocked her sheets off again, feeling the crisp morning air nip at her mostly naked body. She'd hoped the humidity in Midgard would've gone down by the end of summer, but the heat was breaking records as each new day went by. 


No doubt the soulless bastards at Shinra had a hand in the temperature rising, their vast Mako reactors kept the skies constantly filled with smog and green vaporous shrouds. Surely that exhaust did nothing good for the environment.


She rubbed a stray bogey from her eye, shrugged off her internal radical freedom fighter, and hefted herself out of bed. The dim light shined across her sweaty figure while she stopped towards her restroom to wash her face and get the shower running, her shapely rear pivoting back and forth in what was to her normal, but to others a hypnotic display.




"woah!" inside her butt Mallory could feel all the shaking and shifting of Tifa's hips and felt weightless almost as she got out of bed and carried the 2 tiny occupants around in her ass,unaware of there presence  as Mallory could fairly hear the sound of running water through her muffled rear end. "Uh oh,I think shes awake Fel.what do we do is she figures out somethings up her butt and she farts us out right into her palm or something?"




"Please...give me a minute..." the walls were bringing him closer to the brink. The giantess' swaying body around them had shifted, and now gravity was helping along with the bodies peristalsis to push the siblings through. Fel couldn't keep his mind straight. Having somewhat recovered from the effects of his time in the stomach, his thoughts were eclipsed by the building pleasure he couldn't hold back if he wanted to.


Suddenly, the two rounded a sharp turn, and there was now an end to the tunnel in sight! As they were worked closer by the muscular walls, Fel was about ready to burst.


In one fell swoop, the two spurted out from the small intestine into their much roomier proceeding stop. The last, assertive squeeze from the villi laden walls as they spilled out pushed Fel over the edge at last. Hitting the ground, his cum violently shot into the slimy floor and walls of the large, ribbed tube.


The two were silent save for Fel's panting and the continuing symphony of gurgles they'd grown so accustomed to. When the aftershocks settled within Fel's loins, he let out a long, hearty sigh.


And stiffened out of pure shock that he'd just had the best orgasm of his life, with one very unfortunate witness.


".....uh.....well.... that happened."




Mallory got up to her feet in the now much more spacious confines her Tifa's Large intestines as she looked back and blushed brightly at the sight of her brother. she looked away at first,hiding her face some with her hands,but began to peek through with her fingers slowly" Uh,Fel are you okay?" she didn't really wanna embarrass him anymore and it was hard for her not to blush and feel shy about seeing her older brother like this as well as she slowly made her way over to him. Offering a hand to help him up,awkwardly as this all was he was still her brother and could accept that he was incredibly turned on by both Tifa most likely and herself as she kept one hand across her chest to conceal her petite breasts and perky nipples.




"Ye-yeah...but," before her eyes, the same goofy brother she'd known all her life shook himself out of his stupor and stood up, "I need to get a cigarette. Like, right fucking now. C'mon," he gestured to his sister to move with him further down the large organic hall. 


The flesh here was pliant, but gave much less then their previous residences. This helped them keep their footing as the moved forward. Ahead, the saw the sharp turn into the upper third of the corridor.


Then a thought occurred to Fel, "Mal. If this is the first stretch of the large intestine," he turned to her, "How come we're able to walk like it's flat."


Being so used to walking over a reliably horizontal plain, the two hadn't noticed the strange orientation they'd been traversing within a vertically aligned human body. 




As it turned out, Tifa had drawn a bath and had recently stepped, letting the warm tap water soak into her, wiping away the oily sheen of a nights rest. She was surprised to see her crotch was lightly sticky from the night upon disrobing, so she was taking quick, particular care to clear the gunk from her modest patch of pubic hair.


She sighed to herself, "It was a nice dream though." She thought back to her vision, finally getting to spend time with her long time friend, still absent after all these years after joining SOLDIER. Her fingers briefly tickled her sensitive labia, simply daydreaming of the same scene her mind had conjured the night before. She swore she could feel a slight, butterfly sensation in her gut as she laid back in the tub.


Unfortunately, it was a work day. As much as she'd appreciate the release, she didn't have the time before she'd be needed downstairs. Instead, she laid back and simply enjoyed an uneventful bath.




"if we don't come out of her butt at some point during the day are we just gonna wind up stuck in here?" Mallory asked, It seem Tifa was laying back or relaxing for the time being with them inside her but what if she headed to work without revealing herself of them,they could not escape into her underwear in the middle of her work shift after all. She'd likely feel them wiggling around in there at some point or they'd fall out with how hectic a place it is and her running around all day.  "don't think your gonna be getting that cig until we make it out big brother" Mallory said with a slight smile.they did not have much further to do before they'd reach her rectum once more




"Yeah yeah, lead the way then Amb-ass-ador Mal," she grimaced at his wordplay and the two proceeded toward the turn.


Tifa, meanwhile, was about finished with her bath. Carefully, so as to not get her dried hair hanging over the side of the tub wet, she started lifting her soaked, nimble frame from the water.


The ground groaned beneath them, the two heard the flexing of distant muscles, and their floor began to tilt up, risking to send them falling back to the beginning of the large intestine.


Exchanging a knowing look, they both sprinted across the red plain toward the increasingly steep clifftop ahead. Mallory was a natural sprinter, and Fel still hadn't physically recovered from his endeavor as he mentally had. When the incline passed the forty-five degree angle, Mal was already running past the ledge. Fel was much farther behind, just barely jumping towards his goal as Tifa stood completely upright. 


He was lucky to latch inside one of the intestine's ridges, hanging right beneath the ledge he'd missed. "MAL! You got a second!?" He cried, slowly losing his grip on the slippery surface.




Mallory struggle to make it,her breath growing short as they rushed to reach her rectum in time for safety,her brother falling behind as she looked back to reach out for her "Fel,take my hand,I got you!" so much peril came from there night of adventure inside the body of Tifa she began to wonder if it was worth it to have snuck under her sheets like this to begin with,they had spent more of there night inside her then in her bed by now and so much risk was involved.escaping her body was taking everything they had and they still were not out of her yet. She grabbed onto her brothers arm,but both there bodies were slick with bowel moisture as well as sweat from the heat inside,she struggled to maintain her grip




Tifa moving around getting ready for her morning wasn't helping matters. Now toweled off, she strode to her dresser and grabbed another black bra and tan underwear. She brought her arms through the straps on each side and strained to hook it against the healthy resistance from her bosom. Successfully clasping it, she checked the nearby mirror to admire/survey herself. 


She saw that her left cup was a bit crooked, so bringing her hand to her strap, and probably for her own playful benefit, she bounced her whole body from her toes, letting her breasts spring up and smack down, not properly adjusted. Tifa smiled at the goofy act, and continued dressing.




Inside, the siblings still struggled over the chasm they'd recently trekked when a unavoidable jump launched them up into the air together. On the descent, they luckily found themselves shaken past the ledge and into the parallel part of the intestine. They had an instant to thank their stars before more sudden movements shifted their world. Tifa was becoming very active, and they needed to get out before they'd end up forced to stay longer inside her.


They ran down the length of the easy stretch, reorienting to different sides of the intestinal walls as the giantess got dressed, contorting her body to fit into her clothes like any other day.


At the end of this section, they were greeted with a straight shot down the final portion of this leg of the tour. The drop was far, but they felt confident they could handle it. Grabbing each others hands, they hopped over the ledge and careened down the length of the pit until bouncing on the spongy floor below.


The two laughed briefly at the ridiculousness of it all. Enjoying a slide toward someones rectum was hardly what one would consider fun. But these two were now bonded in a strange new way.


"Honestly, I think that was more fun than the orgasm," Fel joked.




Mallory paused for a moment as her brother moved on up ahead shortly after. there incredible journey was nearing its end,well Tifa's rear end at least. Falling behind a bit Mallory walked slowly as she could feel herself becoming more aroused by everything that had taken place today. I mean here she stood 95% naked by this point inside the ass of one of the most beautiful woman she had ever seen . she had been in bed with her,touched her lips,seen her undress, had not only snuggled her little toe but even side of her breasts and now she had spent hours and hours in her body from her colon to her belly. Mallory's own crotch becoming warmer and warmer as she recalled the moment she was inches away from touching and hugging to Tfia's in her sleep,so tempted to climb up into her undies and kiss on her giant vagina before her brother had snapped her out of the trance setting her sights on it had put her into. Staying behind her brother and slightly out of sight she reached down into what little remained of her own bottoms,her dress ripped down there and her underwear torn in places all over.

Reaching in to finger her pussy with her index and middle finger her walk slowed even further. There was a low gurgle as Tifa's anus passed gas once more,allowing for the sound to cover Mallorys sudden moan as she fingered herself even more. The rancid smell did not phase her and even turned her on as a reminder of where they were,inside her body and still in her bowels. Mallory had been to shy to ever confide in anyone just how much the thought of going up a woman'st butt had secretly turned her on and here she was now living it all out. She was shy and embarrassed to have entered it earlier tonight to save her brother as then was no time to be turned on when she was s worried about his safety but after sharing a laugh and being reunited  with him and there escape nearing its end her urges began to kick in more and more,she could not help herself and hoped her brother would not notice or that it was dark enough inside her butt that he would not see what she was doing about 10 steps behind him




The rectum was much more compact than she had remembered. Having relieved herself before going to bed, Mallory had a much easier time sliding into Tifa's posterior. Now, the walls were more closed in, and the shifting masses of her glutes directly outside ground the walls back and forth. There was hardly any room for anything to get through. Just barely, Fel could make out the interior outline of the puckered asshole they'd need to reach.




Outside, Tifa was already downstairs minding the bar. She'd only minimally cleaned house the night before, and was stubbornly washing through several used pints, shots, and various cocktail glasses. Work was tedious, but honest, which kept her diligently preparing the venue before Barrett came around at 10.


A stirring inside her groin and rear led her to believe she might've needed some of that alone time in the tub she'd deprived herself of. As she rummaged around, the sensations became more potent by the second. Only the blush of her cheeks betrayed any hint of arousal while she dutifully prepped the 7th Heaven for another long, hot day.


She reached her hand to the soap dispenser to nab anther dollop for a particularly grimy mug when nothing squirted from the bottle. Briefly annoyed, she exhaled a calming sigh, and bent over under the cupboard to find the spare dish soap.

The two tinies were still trying to formulate a plan of escape. Well, one was.




"Alright, I think if we time it just right, we can-- hey!" he had finally noticed his sister had fallen behind at the end of the large intestine, her hand reached under the paltry remains of her blue summer dress fingering herself incessantly.


His gaze startled her, and Fel covered his eyes, but couldn't hide a sly smile, "Now young lady, there's a time and a place! Now I reckon you found a pretty good place, but can you work with me here?"


Out of no where, the once near horizontal slope steeply inclined itself, knocking both siblings off their feet. Fel was heading towards the anus, which in this new horizontal position was somehow spread wide open for him. He was easily wedged in the brown pucker himself, wiggling out with minimal struggle and falling down into the tan silk fabric enclosed around Tifa's bottom.


Fel righted himself, "Well that's one way to do it." He stood back up as best he good on the smooth fabric and tried to look up for his incoming sister, "Mal! You goin?"


He saw her cutely sliding down the same way as him, and it seemed their problems would soon be behind him. Still, as history has proven, it just wasn't their kind of day.


The titanic woman, having retrieved what she bent over for, leaned back up, her ass cheeks returning to their compressed state of rest. Fel was lucky to be pressed against the inner lining of the panties between the crest of each round hill. Mallory, to his concern, was no where to be seen.




Among all the shifting and commotion Mallory had lost sight of her brother. Had her fallen back deeper into her colon or back to her intestines or had he fallen out. Mallory's vision was beginning to blur from her fingering as she laid back and her toes curled in ecstasy as her masturbating took all her focus,the rest of the world a hazy blur around her as she reached her climax,cum running down her thighs as she shouted out inside Tifa's butt. Lucky she was tiny and inside there or Tifa for sure would have heard,maybe even heard regardless. "Oh god yes!" Mallory cried out before sighing and almost reaching a level of bliss beyond any she had felt in years maybe ever. This was not like any other day for her and she'd never forget having pleasured herself in the ass of a giant goddess like Tifa. She was worried about where her brother had gotten to but also was grateful for the privacy as she hoped he had not heard her cries of joy and that he had no seen this. She figured by now that he must had fallen out,she would have felt or seen him slide back past her,she was trailing behind him after all.Soon it be her time to come out,it wa almost as if she did not wanna leave after what being in Tifa's ass had done for her sexual desires. I guess up a girls ass is a incredible place to get aroused" she thought to herself. she was sure to re live this memory in her bedroom alone for months to come,it would be the only time she pleasured herself in a butt,but it would not be the last time she pleasures herself about the memory of it




The tickling in Tifa's ass had intensified. She didn't know if she had lint trapped in there or accidentally got a pebble lodged in... but it felt a little good. Her natural response would be to simply remove or take care of the irritation immediately, but in her presently semi-aroused mood let her to try something different. 


She purposefully flexed her upper thighs and cheeks to condense and crush around the sensation in her rear. She felt the inner walls of her rectum clasp around one solid object.


'Mmmhhhmmmm..." she quietly moaned, biting her lip to hold back any more aroused noises. She began flexing her ass in a rhythm around the strange intruder. To her, it was a pleasant secret. Even with no one else in the bar with her, she reveled in the small pleasure she found for herself in the most casual of settings. All the while her cheeks kept churning, and kneading, and grooving....


Whatever this thing was, shewas gonna milk it for what it was worth.




Mallory was already rubbing her vagina again to all this. It  was almost like she was having sex with Tifa at this point. It did not matter if the giantess knew what she was doing was rubbing up and down the inside of her ass along a tiny girls now fully naked body,the last of her clothing pulled off like her ass had stripped her before massaging and caressing its walls around her. 

oh Tifa!" Mallory climaxed again,but did not even stop herself though. She was going and going with no end in sight neither one she wanted or was being given. Tifa continued to press her ass into her and Mallory kept on pleasuring herself over and over to it. "best.. night ...ever" she said out loud in between breaths. She already felt like she could move in with Tifa full time now,talk about a ice breaker of a night with her. And now she was all but having sex with her from within her. She felt like she was Tifa's tiny love and play thing after all she was being put through. How many more times could she cum she wondered.




Fel was speechless, watching the massive checks grind into each other. He knew enough to understand when a girl was worked up, but was too worried for his sister to appreciate the spectacle.




Tifa brought her hands to her head and pull back her hair, bringing her palms to her cheeks suppressing another moan. Maybe it had been longer than she remembered last spending a night with someone. Or perhaps memories of her estranged childhood friend had stirred something primal in her that she hadn't known about. Whatever the cause, she ran her hands down her neck before bringing them to the counter in front of her, supporting her body as she leaned over, continuing to mash her buttocks.

Until she felt a small spasm in her rear. There wasn't just something there. It was alive.


Tifa actually tensed up with disgust, her ass clenching one final time before she started making her way to the restroom.




"uh oh" Mallory said to herself. She was busy finishing up in Tifa's ass but the sudden moving and shaking did not bode with with her. it was like a omen,a sign of something coming. Mallory rolled over and begin trying to crawl to the exit her brother fell out of moments ago,the smell of Tifa's gas mixed with the hot air seem to be stirring up spelled disaster as well.She had wondered when she'd need to use the bathroom again and it sure smelled like it was about time for her to go once more.




Tifa shut the door behind her, quickly undid her suspenders and belt to pull down her skirt and panties. Fel from his vantage point was slowly descending from the giant rear, catching a full view of her puffy pink vulva as well before stopping just around her knees.


Tifa bent over, her ass hovering above the toilet in case any unwanted 'debris' came out. She brought her right hand around back and reached for the source of the irritation. A few moments with her index and middle finger feeling around her rectum, she found something weird. Pinching it gently, she brought her arm back around to inspect what the creature in her ass was.




"Ahh!" Mallory cried out in shock as she spotted 2 giant fingers appearing in Tifa's butt all of a sudden. her cover was blown for sure,why else would she be reaching in her own ass like this! Mallory tried to move away but it only took seconds for her fingers to pinch around her entire 1 inch body and begin pulling her out. Mallory could only shake and nearly fake in worry as light filled her eyes once again. Tifa had captured her and the fear she held on of being discovered all night and day had finally come out. Being lifted up before Tifa was all but ready to spot her in between her fingers,how could she possibly explain herself out of this after spending the entire night up her ass!.




Fel watched the colossal bartender gracefully carry his sister from her bottom to her construed face. She narrowed her immense, brown eyes at the speck, which opened wide at the discovery of a small, naked girl.


Her eyes narrowed, brow creased above, and a vindictive scowl painted her billboard-sized face, "What do you think you were doing up my ass!"


Tifa's booming voice barreled into little Mallory, the wide mouth that had consumed her brother hours ago no spitting anger at her.


The tiny was brought away from the giant's face, being held out like an insect in her fingers. She applied more pressure around the girl causing her to squirm, but not enough pressure to hurt her. Despite maintaining her stern interrogation, the gentle heart in her took exception to the sudden, cruel treatment. Still frowning at the intruder, she placed her down on the center of her left palm, and returned her to eye level.


"You better have a good reason for being down there kid. 'Cause I don't need any more of tiny slummers sneaking into my room all the time..."




Mallory shook in her palm not just from the size difference between them but cause she was so horribly embarrassed.  she was so unable to speak as she looked up at her,still reeking of a night spent up her butt and quite covered in different juices through out. she use hand to cover her own  crotch and one to cover her chest as she stood there unable to explain herself for the time being. She hoped Tifa might show her mercy and let her go but likely would need some kind of explanation first. "I uh..I i just you see I had...uh " Mallory stumbled over her words constantly. how do your explain being up a gorgeous woman's ass,this was a nightmare,she felt so busted and wanted to just curl up in a ball in her palm and close her eyes in humiliation






Some shouting from down below barely recognizable to Tifa's ears drew her attention down to her underwear. She had sat down on the toilet after discovering her harasser, and now found another, male tiny laying on the canopy of her panties and framed by her two bare thighs.


She let out a cute gasp, and quickly grabbed him as well out of the view of her crotch. She held him in her other hand from Mallory, now even more angry from this escalation of events.


"Why do you little perverts keep coming to me!? I swear, I have to throw out a dozen of you a month," she stood up and turns to move her hand over the toilet bowl, ready to release Fel into the watery drain.




She scoffed and brought him closer, "Alright, lay it on me, big stuff," she spat out at him.


Fel, hanging several hundred feet in the air pinched between the delicate, sweet smelling fingers of the giant Tifa, collected his thoughts before speaking,


"Uh, first off, hi! My name is Felain, that," he gestured to his shivering sister on the distant palm, "is my llittle sister, Mallory." The grimace burning into him from his audience remained strong. 


"Look, my sister is pretty young. She's been dealing with a lot of big feelings recently, things she can't exactly talk about with most people. 'Adult' feelings" he needed to gauge her reaction to the following, "toward, well, women."


He saw Mallory tense up, she'd never outwardly brought it up with Fel before, or mention it to anyone. Of course he knew now after what they'd been through, but he continued as if he'd been aware before the fact.


"You see, she has the huge crush on you after seeing you in town a few weeks back. Yesterday, she found the courage to ask if I'd take her to see you."


The giantess' intensity lessoned on hearing Fel's story.

"It takes a while for us to get anywhere, so by the time we got here, you were already asleep. I thought there was no sense in disturbing a sleeping human, but she begged me to get her closer."


The giant eyes strayed over to the girl in her palm inquisitively.


"Now, I need  to apologize after the fact; we are horribly sorry for getting invading your privacy."


"What did you do?..." she murmured, the hot breeze whipping his messy hair out of his face..


"So, we climbed up to the rafters to get a look, at a distance, of course. And you'd turned onto your back," this part would require her memory of her sleeping pattern last night, "you were facing upright, and she got a look at your face. She asked if she could stay a while, and I couldn't say no to that face she does."


Tifa's body language was softening, her gaze adopting a kinder attitude. The rigid fingers surrounding Mallory softened as well, loosely bordering her field of skin like protectors rather than captors. "Go on."

"Well, the next part is a bit uncomfortable. You see, being as small as we air, it doesn't take much to move us around," he continued, waving his arms like a breeze, "and a strong gust from the street outside blew me over the edge. You were sleeping, so I don't hold it against you. But I feel directly onto your lips."


"I tried to get off, but you opened up in your sleep and... you sort of... ate me."


Tifa's eyes widened larger than they'd seen, "I...actually... but you're still here?"


She finally brought him down to join Mallory on her hand, the two siblings reunited, Fel felt better about their chances.


"That I am! Lucky you just swallowed me down. And my sister here," proudly butting his hand on Mallory's shoulder, "Dove in after me to save me."


"But how would that be saving you?" her dark eyebrows rose up in confusion.


"Funny, that's what I told her!"




Mallory stepped forward a bit,feeling to need to explain herself some from this point on " you see,I love my brother very much and i would do anything to help him so when he fell into your mouth and got swallowed I did the only thing I could to help him get back out.I uh....went in too....through the uh...other end of your body. Where uh...food you ate um...comes back out" She blushed incredibly about this though Tifa had just pulled her out of her ass moments ago and likely could figure out where she was going with all this " I did it though, against all odds I saved my brother. we didn't mean for anything like this to happen we swear it"




"We are both horribly, horribly sorry. I know our kind gets a bad wrap, but we truly meant no harm. Mal just wanted me to show her a beautiful woman,"


Tifa's was contemplating their story, but admittedly blushed at the last thing he said.


"If... if you're being sincere, then you two have certainly been through a lot," the frown she had punished them with had slowly evolved into a plaintive pout as she listened, but now rewarded them with a beaming smile. Her pretty pink lips no longer spelled their doom, but promised everything was gonna be okay for the two shaken tinies.


"Yes, and I'm about ready to head home, if that's fine with you," he left it to the titanic beauty on their ultimate fate.


"Oh, of course! Just, hold on," she placed them down on the nearby sink counter. Her skirt and underwear were still down, but she seemed to be less ashamed letting them see her half-nudeness before she proceeded to put return them to her waist and rehook her suspenders. 


The small reprieve was welcome to the tinies. Fel laid down against the cool, marble surface, letting loose a sigh he'd been saving for the last few hours.


With Tifas clothes back on, she offered her hand to the two, "Would you prefer if I took you outside?"




Mallory stayed close to her brother,they were almost home free,however she decided she could not part ways with the woman she has shared so much intimacy with in one night without letting her know how she felt "uh...before we go I just wanted to say. You truly are one of the most beautiful  woman I have ever seen,I uh...would it be okay if even though after the whole embarrassing incident tonight if maybe you came to visit me from time to time?" Mallory didn't know what her response would be and it may not have been the best time to ask but she had all but fallen in love with her in a single night and thinking of this being the last time they spoke or saw each other was too much for her to bare,she had to see her again,maybe they'd never interact again like they had tonight but even just being able to see her at all would be such a blessing




The tiny girl was rewarded again by that kind smile, gracing them from Tifa's caring visage, "Well, I'm awfully busy most nights as of late. Most of clientele are the opposite of what I'd want a cutie like you to be around."


She opened the front door of the seventh heaven, the early morning crowds just beginning to weave through the slum streets. 


Tifa looked warmly at the girl, "But I suppose, if you get my attention, I can spare some time for my biggest fan."


The palm beneath the pair rushed up towards the monolithic face, and Mallory was escorted right into the crease of her upper lip for a mega-sized, full body kiss. While a simple kind gesture to the giant woman, the light suction of those pursed lips gripped Mallory's whole being, pulling her into their immense embrace before releasing her to fall on her butt back into Tifa's hand.




Mallory all but swooned over in a faint onto her palm from the romantic,at least to her,kiss from her big crush. How could this be not a dream it was so heavenly. She did really wish she had some close on though,thinking about how Tifa's giant lips kissed basically her entire naked body made her shy and blush bright red once more. her worse fear of being caught by Tifa had been completely extinguished by now. she really was a angel from heaven and appropriately worked at a bar with heaven in its name. She looked over at her brother and gave him a soft smile as she was nearly falling asleep peacefully from the euphoria  of the kiss "I am so glad I came with you tonight big brother" she said, it had seem like at one point his story to bail them out was putting all the blame on Mallory but it seem to be the perfect story to tell,as it only seem to further allow Tifa to extend some compassion towards her 1 inch captive female. Her big brother had saved her from trouble once again just as she had saved him. Together they could get through anything,tonight had only reassured her of that fact,one that she had sometimes questioned but deep down always knew




Their new giant friend placed the two down on the porch, her massive body audibly shifting the air as she stood back up. She gave them a light wave paired with a friendly grin, and went back inside, the booming from her boot-clad steps being the last of her they heard once she was out of sight.


"You know, I might take break from these expeditions for a while." The two hopped down the rickety wooden steps to the street proper to begin their journey home.


Both had been changed, for better or for worse. Fel wouldn't soon forget the night he nearly melted in a giants belly, as well as reach orgasm within their innards. Mallory would never forget the horror of possibly losing her brother, but realistically, her mind was more focused on her pleasure in the giantess' rear, and the new relationship she had made with the lovely 7th Heaven barkeep.


Fel was convinced that he was done messing with giants for a while, where Mallory knew she was just getting started.


This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=9251