tourist trap by gts_anna

when you shrink in a shop and a tourist thinks you're a product, things can get dangerous quickly

(alt. Hard vore ending out now. Soft vore ending out now!)

Categories: Giantess, Entrapment, Feet, Humiliation, Insertion, Mouth Play, Unaware, Violent, Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences, This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 13520 Read: 84064 Published: January 05 2022 Updated: August 23 2022

1. shopping in london by gts_anna

2. hotel hell by gts_anna

3. getting out by gts_anna

4. out and in by gts_anna

5. back to square one by gts_anna

6. A meal to die for by gts_anna

7. Heaven or hell? by gts_anna

8. Relaxing by gts_anna

9. Morning of the last day by gts_anna

10. Checking out by gts_anna

11. Wishes (alt true ending (hard vore)) by gts_anna

12. Airline food (soft vore alt ending(hard digestion)) by gts_anna

shopping in london by gts_anna

It was a beautiful day in London, the sun beaming down through scattered clouds, a cool breeze blowing across the lawn. you were walking through st. James's park and decided you needed to go to a shop and get a drink. you wandered through the morning streets eventually reaching the small Tesco near Piccadilly circus, walking in under the blowing air at the door you were met with the inviting rows of shelves and aisles. you went to the drinks and grabbed a bottle of coke before making your way to the tills, passing through the fresh foods section. as you passed the racks of fruit and veg you began to feel off, light headed and slightly dizzy. chalking it up to dehydration you continued, but a few steps later you passed out.

Like blinking your eyes you woke up on the floor an instant later to you, but clearly some time had passed. a worker was now standing by a cage nearby who wasn't there as you walked. you then realised something was wrong with her, she seemed strange. you went to stand up, but as you did your view barely moved, then you saw the truth, you were small, very small. before you had time to panic the woman worker started to come over towards you, her arms grasping a green tray of spring onions. her black trainers stomping towards you, you sat frozen as the shadow of her left foot passed over you, the sole coated in stones slammed into the treads, some dirt sprinkled down over you as the shoe soared by above.

Her foot landed on the same tile as you, knocking you over with the impact. she slid the tray into an empty spot above, but as she went to walk back to her cage she spotted something in her peripheral vision, your bottle, now the size of a building to you. "what are you doing there" she mumbled to herself. She crouched quickly, she speed shocking to you as her ass plummeted towards you at a speed beyond what you could comprehend, 'something so huge shouldn't move like that' you thought.

in your daze about the ass above you you didn't notice her attention switching, you were snapped out of staring at her ass as she said, "oh, hello there little guy". you turned around, and saw her upside down face staring at you. she places her immense hand on the ground and indicates for you to climb onto it. you walk towards it but it takes too long, her other hand now coming and pinching your waist and lifting you to her hand, leaving your stomach behind as she stands up. "what are you doing down there" she asks, her voice cute yet loud. "i...i was just shopping and then i was there" you shouted up to her, unsure of if she heard you or not. "you know products should stay on the shelf, here lemme help" she said, grabbing some spare elastic bands from the tray she just had.

She first snapped a band around your arms, twisting it and tightening it around your body, the rubber pulling at your skin, not painful but very uncomfortable and making you very aware of the lack of clothing you had. next she pulled a band around your ankles and tightened it, again your skin being pulled by the tight rubber, this time leaving slight friction burns as she pulled and twisted the band. finally she got the price tag from a bundle of the spring onions, detached it and brought it to you, slipping the band around your arms into the slot, fastening it to you. "there we go haha, perfect" she laughed as she lowered you. suddenly your stomach was gone again as she whipped you back up to her face, "I'm only kidding, I'm gonna help you, first lemme take this all off of...oh, shit" she said before holding her hand to the headset she had on, her finger going for the button. "yeah, on it...sorry, i gotta go clean something up, I'm just gonna put you here ill be back soon" she said before dumping you carelessly into an empty green tray on the shelf before walking away to do her job, leaving you tied up and completely helpless.

You lay there in that tray for what felt like an eternity, hoping the 20 something worker would come back. a shadow then overtook your existence, a woman had stepped in-front of the spotlights that lit up the vegetable section. she was wearing an unbuttoned faded grey jean jacket with a plain black top on underneath. she surveyed the shelves, not looking for anything in particular but looking anyway. then her eyes passed over you, moving on for a second before snapping back and fixating on your bound form. her lips pursed with a smile as she reached for you. "ooh, and what are you? gosh, England's weird haha" she said as she flipped you over back and forth in her hand, her accent familiar, she was an American, and by the sounds of it she was from the west coast, and now she was holding you. "well, i did come her to experience England i guess" she said to herself before tossing you carelessly into her basket.

you landed on your legs luckily, the large plastic rungs of the basket offering little protection from the impact as you rolled over and hit a large leathery object, her purse. with your arms and legs strapped down all you could do was wiggle weakly as the giant American swung you in her basket below her hips as she wandered the shop. Every item she picked from a shelf was a threat, if she chose to take it she would drop it in, allowing it to land wherever it did, lucky for you, every object she chose missed you, until she got to the snacks aisle. she wandered down, and every time she stopped, a new item entered from the heavens, then a bag of potato crisps fell in, to her it weighed nothing, but as it fell directly above you she had no idea the danger she had pit you in. The bag landed on your chest, pushing the air from your body, the woman starting to walk again as you now scrambled to breathe under its weight. on one side of you was the woman's purse, a hulking pink leather wall, to the other side was a collection of cans, towering above you, the bag of crisps crushing you leaned on the cans. you attempted to wiggle it off but the weight was too much. you half passed out as she headed towards the tills...

End Notes:

leave a review and expect more soon.

hotel hell by gts_anna

The journey to the till was a blur of shapes and sounds, your oxygen deprived brain not able to understand anything. finally, after standing in line for a while the American woman was called forwards. she slammed the basket onto the counter and greeted the woman serving. "hey there, can i get a bag?" she said before moving to one side. "sure, here you go" the woman serving responded before starting to scan items. luckily she pulled the bag of crisps from on top of you early on, freeing you to breathe again. Your last hope was that this worker was as kind as the first and recognised you as a person, as she scanned item after item the basket emptied until only a couple items were left around you. Her giant hand then came for you, fingers wrapping around you tightly before rocketing you upwards.

When her eyes landed on you you could see confusion come over her face, she flipped the tag at your side and saw the barcode. Your heart dropped as she shrugged and you heard a deafening *beep*. You were then tossed towards the American, her hands rapidly grabbing each item and dropping them into her plastic bag. you stopped staring into the wooden counter and a few seconds later, a familiar grip ripped you upwards and moved you towards the bag, the American woman the released you, allowing your bound up body drop into the plastic bag. Landing on the same bag that had been crushing you earlier you then slid down against the slightly see through side of the bag. With the last few items entering the bag the woman payed. you watched as she slid her card into the reader and waited. A few moments later she pulled her card out, and with a simple signature she made it official, she had just bought you.

You had no time to think on the implications of this before she lifted the bag, pulling the plastic tightly against you, pushing you against the crisps behind you. the bag was lowered and she began to walk out of the shop, you were rubbed and bounced against her thigh as she walked, the bag offering no protection. the sounds of the street drowned out by the bag rustling and the impacts with her body.

Eventually she stopped, standing still before saying "uh, now wheres my key?". a few seconds passed before she responded to herself "oh, there you are". another seconds pause before *beep*. her hotel room door opened and she stepped inside, swinging the bag onto the bed, luckily leaving you on the top as it landed and she closed the door, breathing out softly as she relaxed a little. she walked over to somewhere out of view before you heard her say "ugh, stupid remotes broken", her footsteps thundering in the small room. "hi, its Jackie in 308, uhu, the tv remote isn't working, uhu, thank you" she said, clearly on the phone, her voice sounding annoyed but kind at the same time.

She, Jackie, came back over to the bag, pulling the handles to either side, opening it. "okay, time to get this all away" she said before indiscriminately pulling items out and carrying them away, after a few things were taken you fell onto your back, now seeing her, Jackie had taken her jacket off now, just wearing the black top now. as you stared up at this, now that you thought about it quite attractive, giant American her eyes landed on you. she reached down and pinched you between her perfect fingers, lifting you up to her face, "hmm, weird" she said to herself, no acknowledgement of you being alive. she turned and walked to the mini fridge behind her, sitting on the desk next to the tv, she slid you in onto a shelf and took a last look at you before turning back to the bed.

You immediately felt cold, the fridge was humming around you as Jackie continued to load stuff into it. Then the inevitable happened, she was finished unpacking her shopping and she knocked the door shut with her hip. Slowly it swung closed as you heard her footsteps thunder towards the bed, then darkness. Time passed differently in the cold dark of the fridge, only the thumps of Jackie's steps for company in the hum of your prison.

Brightness consumed you as the door opened and Jackie's face emerged from the light, a small smile on her face. "hmm, lemme try this thing" she said, again just to herself. her hand reached in and grabbed you, you tried to get away but could only roll over as her hand gripped your whole body. the warmth was welcomed until you remembered what she said, then panic set in. Jackie's face grew larger as she brought you up towards it. suddenly you were flipped upside down, her fingers pinching your chest as she brought your legs up towards her lips, you felt something sticky on your foot, her lipstick smearing off onto it as she slid your legs inside. You felt something hard on your shin, your heart rate skyrocketed as you realised it was her tooth, reality really set in now, you were now just a snack to this American woman, you had no choice. You felt her tongue force itself across your legs. "mmh" she moaned, the vibration shaking your whole body, your shin in pain as her tooth grazed it on the way out, finally your legs were free from her hot and wet mouth, coated in saliva now. "not bad actually" she said, once again not to you, as she quickly returned you to the fridge and shut it before you could settle your heart rate at all. as you struggled to flip yourself onto your back you felt something, your leg slipped inside of its rubber band, Jackie's saliva had lubricated your legs. you now had something you didn't have before she tasted you, you had a chance of escape...

End Notes:

leave a review and let me know what you think of jackie

getting out by gts_anna

after a long time of wriggling and struggling you got one saliva soaked leg free from the rubber band, loosening it enough to slip the other one out. you stood up, able to walk for the first time since before Jackie bought you. now you had to figure out your next obstacle, the fridge itself. first you had to decide what direction the door was, when Jackie tossed you back in you didn't get a chance to see what direction you were facing before she shut the door. your legs started to get colder and colder as her hot saliva cooled, leaving them just wet in the cold air of the fridge. you walked, still unable to free your arms from the tight rubber around them. finally you reached a wall, pushing against it you soon discovered it was the door. the sound of Jackie stomping around the room louder now than when you were still tied up.

You tried pushing the door, but it was sealed tight, too heavy for you to move at all. Suddenly the door did move, fast, Jackie had come over and opened the fridge. As she pulled the door you were sucked out, falling before she could see inside. Luck wasn't on your side however as you fell directly onto her sock-less foot, bouncing once before becoming stuck within the thin layer of sweat from her mornings walk through London. she closed the fridge high above, not having actually taken anything, it was then you finally noticed what you were looking at. Above you were two long, lightly tanned legs leading up towards her exposed vagina and ass, covered with a towel she had wrapped around her body, clearly not expecting anyone to be directly below her. before you could admire your incredible view of the American goddess above you, Jackie took a step.

This was a sensation you didn't want to feel as soon as it started, like riding a rollercoaster that was falling apart. as her foot soared through the air, you were battered with hurricane like winds, to her just a normal step, to you a threat to your life. Her foot then landed, the impact crashing through you, your organs thrown about inside your body. You looked up, watching her impossibly massive thighs slide against each other as she took her next step with the other leg. 10 terrifying steps later she entered the bathroom, un-looping the towel from around herself before hanging it from the now closed door. You could now see your "owner" in full, the floor to ceiling mirror in-front of her as she tied her hair up into a messy bun on-top of her head. From your foot based vantage she still looked incredible, if you weren't currently under constant threat of death by her you would be extremely attracted to her, but as Jackie finished tying her hair up, you were reminded of the danger she could put you in with ease.

She stepped towards the giant glass door of the shower, leaning forwards and spinning the lever, releasing a torrent of water into the room. You watched as her other titanic foot flew into the waterfall, spraying car sized droplets everywhere as she let out a small breath, "ooh, too cold". The now glistening foot slammed back down next to you, before rising up and slapping against her shin far above you, she was scratching an itch as she waited. Water dripped down her foot, you watched in horror as it reached the end of her big toe and then...*drip*.

As the droplet fell you didn't have time to make a plan, Jackie's simple action had put you in the path of disaster. As it landed on you water forced its way into your nose and mouth, you were forced to swallow it as fast as it could get inside of you, the crushing weight blowing all the air from your lungs in an instant. Now in extreme discomfort you took time to recover. As you could finally breathe normally again the monolith of a foot below you began moving, Jackie was getting into the shower. As she stepped in you noticed an immediate problem, the droplet had freed you from Jackie's sweat, meaning as she put her foot down inside the shower you slid towards her toes, unable to stop yourself with bound arms you fell between her big and second toe with a splash.

As Jackie closed the door you were slammed with water, the torrents flowing off of her perfect body flooding towards the drain, dragging you with the current. panic set in as the drain grew closer, and Jackie's feet uncaringly slammed down all around you. Looking up you saw her ass and thighs jiggle slightly as she stepped back and forth, then you watched as her foot swung over you towards the drain, your destination. your attention went back to her impressive ass high above, the water dripping down across it. then you saw her thigh tense, before you could turn to see you were slammed in the side by her big toe, knocking the wind out of you. You went soaring across the shower from her accidental kick, just the action of moving her foot forwards was enough to make you slam into the glass side wall. As you slumped down onto your knees you threw up, only the water you were forced to swallow coming out.

After recovering from the impact you looked up, shocked by the vision in-front of you. The fully nude American tourist, her body now glistening in the light, surrounded by steam and water droplets, and she was touching herself. Jackie's hand rubbing sensually across her labia as the other worked itself from her toned belly upwards, bumping her breasts, sending a spray of water with each cycle. Her eyes closed and her mouth hanging open as she breathed heavily. when you woke up this morning you didn't expect anything like this show of womanly grace and pleasure, but here you were, in Jackie the tourist's hotel shower, mistaken for food by her and now being distracted. you realised that this display of her body's beauty was stopping you from escaping, you tried to snap yourself out of it, trying to remember that the orgasming goddess above you was possibly only hours away from eating you. but as you went to start running, she grabbed a breast and moaned. you turned and saw her fingers disappear inside of herself, standing at the lip of the door as she got more vigorous. She was a woman on a mission, the excitement of her first trip to England clearly getting her into this state, you could tell from the moment she brought you into her hotel room she was exploding with anticipation of her time in London. in your daze of watching her hand pleasure her pussy you didn't see her other hand leave her breast and lean on the door handle, gripping it, with a twitch of ecstasy she bumped the door open for half a second, but the pressure from inside the hot shower was enough to blow you through the gap, tossing you out onto the towel mat down below.

Looking up you saw her silhouette through the foggy glass of the shower. her moans resonating with the thunder of the water flowing off her body. The fall snapped you out of your Jackie based trance and brought into perspective how little she had to do to threaten you. You started towards the closed bathroom door, slipping under the crack as her massive footsteps began to get louder and the shower sound died out. She was out of the shower and was a danger again. As you popped out of the other side of the door she swung it open inwards, the rush of air sucking you back into the bathroom, you flew between her damp legs and under her towel before landing on the now wet towel mat you had walked from before. You watched as her massive form casually stomped out of view. Feeling relatively safe, lying in a particularly damp patch on the towel, clearly in the massive foot print she had left, you decided to rest as Jackie thundered around in the main room. After a short break in her footsteps you saw her stop in the bathroom doorway, now fully dressed, wearing tight dark blue jeans, high heel black open toe shoes, a white top and the same jacket she had on when she first dragged you into this nightmare. after a beat, she clicked off the light and headed for her hotel room's door, heading out for the afternoon. with her departure you had freedom to try and escape, you had 2 tasks now you were free from the fridge, get out of her room, and get your arms free of the rubber band.

End Notes:

leave a review, and expect more very soon

out and in by gts_anna

After a long walk you finally got back to the bathroom doorway, the room shockingly quiet since Jackie left. looking out into the room you saw her row of building sized shoes, a mix of comfort and elegance, each as terrifying as the last. You walked towards the door but as you arrived you saw that it was sealed down to the floor, no way under. This was a setback, now you had to find another way out. Before you could get far the door latch clicked and the door flew open sucking you out into the hallway. Looking up expecting to see Jackie  you were relieved when it was just a maid going into Jackie's room to clean. You were out of the room, still tied up but free to never see Jackie again.

Before you could celebrate however, a shadow fell over you. the excitement made you ignore the growing thumps as a young woman walked down the hallway, her fila disruptor now hanging above your head, and falling quickly. Her white sole slammed down, your days bad luck didn't continue fortunately as your body slid into the groove on the shoe, you felt the rubber band around your body grip the rubber of the shoe as her foot lifted to take a step. She walked to her hotel room, a few doors down from Jackie's, constant carpet burns being inflicted on you as her feet smashed you to the hallway floor.

She got into her room with a beep and a click, finally pulling her shoe off and dumping it opposite her bed. Finally you could actually see her. Early 20's, light brown hair, pretty face and a septum piercing, she sat onto the bed, you watched as her minimal weight still bent the mattress under her. "ahh, shop then out" she said to herself before pulling out her phone. She scrolled and tapped before hopping up, a rumble through the floor rattled you as her socked feet came down. She put her phone down and stepped across to her small suitcase. The dial tone rang out on the speaker as she started to change into something less appropriate than her jeans and jumper combo. The girl on the phone picked up "heyyy kirsten, ready for tonight?" she said excitedly. Kirsten, the girl in the room responded in a quiet shout "yeahh, just gotta get some shopping then im there!". she then took her t-shirt off, revealing her lack of bra underneath, her largish breasts swung as she reached for a white top. pulling it on before pulling her jeans off and replacing them with short black shorts, showing her magnificent thighs to the world. Her eyes then locked onto you, well, the shoe you were involuntarily a part of now, she nodded and made a face to signify her agreeing with herself that the disruptors were the right choice for her outfit.

She stood up and walked towards you, your heart sunk as her grey socked foot swung out and knocked your prison over, putting it sole down. The weight above you increased sharply as she pushed her foot inside and got it comfy. She stomped around her room, the giant white shoe above you not offering any padding from her footfalls. Finally she walked out of her room, stomping down the hallway and into the elevator, the cold metal stinging your skin as Kirsten stood casually above you, unaware of your existence. She stepped out of the elevator and left the hotel, your first step onto the cold concrete of the outside world was awful, since the morning it had clearly rained a little, the ground now damp. As the young woman walked to a shop you were crushed onto the moist ground, until finally she decided to take a shortcut. Your vision was lifted from the concrete, but the view quickly changed from grey to brown as Kirstens foot came down onto mud, the shoe sinking in and coating you in wet dirt, each step threatening to force mud into your mouth and stop you breathing.

She eventually got to the shop, stepping in onto the hard tile was an unwelcome change from the mud, from nearly drowning in dirt to being slammed into unmoving cold tiles for 20 minutes, Kirsten often stopping to tap her foot as she decided on what to buy. She payed and the horror continued as she mulched her way back through the mud, barely noticeably wet to her, finally forcing some into your nose as she stepped back onto pavement. The rubber band showing no signs of letting you go from her shoe, she continued walking. Suddenly you couldn't breathe at all, Kirsten had stopped at a crossing, her foot stood in a tiny puddle, she had no idea it was even there, and if she did, she couldn't of cared. You held your breath as the cold water forced your body into shock, finally being forced to breathe in under the surface. As your body was forcing you to drown under this twenty something woman, Kirsten stepped forward and freed you to breathe again, between steps you threw up water and began to breathe what little air you could get from under her uncaring foot. You felt the floor change again as she walked back into the lobby of the hotel, as she did she wiped her feet on the large branded mat at the door, you felt her shoe's grip weaken as she did, and as she walked across the lobby you flew out from her shoe, rolling to a stop in the middle of the floor. you looked over and watched her stomp away, tapping her room key on a door and disappearing through it. You had to rest a moment, as you lay on your back you looked up, your vision instantly consumed with a massive net full of orange boulders coming slamming down onto you...*wham*

End Notes:

don't worry, if theres enough interest in kirsten, she'll get a spinoff story starring her.

leave a review and expect more soon

back to square one by gts_anna

The net of oranges bounced off the tile floor of the lobby, you were trapped between the strands of the net as it finally settled. A second later the net lifted and was swung as its owner walked into the hotel. Walking into the elevator and riding it upwards, through the halls, to their room door. They stepped into their room and headed towards a familiar location, the fridge. They pulled it open and lightly tossed the net inside, as it landed you bounced free, rolling until you came to a stop in the middle of the floor. You then saw something awful...a rubber band.

You looked to the open door and there she was, Jackie, you had went on a long and painful round trip back to her mini fridge. She put a couple more items in from a bag on the floor then stood and stared in, finally her eyes landing on you. "oh, you got a band off, thats okay, out you come" she said so casually, but it terrified you, was this it, time was up? Her perfect fingers pinched around you as the other hand collected the band from the fridge. "I've never seen anything like you, so weird. If we had these back home you'd sell out so fast" she said, still under the impression you were a normal product. "When i was in the shower earlier, all i could think about was you in my fridge, all mine" she continued as she casually wrapped the band back around your feet as she spoke, undoing all of the progress the last few hours had provided. "So I've decided i cant just eat you, i have to make the most of you. i couldn't find any more in the store, I guess they ran out so ill just need to make you last, make eating you so much better" she finished before walking to the bed and sitting.

"Okay so, i bought some things to make enjoying you easier" she said as she pulled a bag up onto the bed. "first, super glue, I cant let your screaming and shouting ruin my fun, this bitch needs her quiet" she said poking her finger to her chest. Jackie brought the tube of superglue from the bag up to your head, her tongue stuck out from the corner of her mouth as she concentrated, a drip of fluid came out and immediately you felt your lips bind together like cement. "nod if you can still breath little...hmm, cant really ask you a name now huh...little snack it is then" she said with glee, proud of herself. You defeatedly nodded, breathing the glue fumes in through your nose and feeling dizzy. "hmm, i gotta get changed, i got this lil tub to put you in so you cant roll anywhere" she pulled a tiny plastic tub with a lid out and popped the lid off in her teeth, dropping you inside, she replaced the lid, snapping all the sides shut. "Okay, good, back to the fridge" she said, staring at you through the side of the tub before standing up and carrying you to the fridge, placing you back inside, squeezing you past a few items and taking one last look before closing the door. You were now completely stuck, the band back around your legs, still wrapped by the other band on your arms, and now, with Jackie's help, you had a useless mouth and a plastic prison.

Now in a plastic tub, the world was muffled, Jackie's booming footsteps now sounding distant, while their vibrations reminded you of her closeness at all times. The cold didn't hit quite as hard this time, the box stopping the cold floor of the fridge from chilling you as fast, as you started to shiver the door burst open, Jackie smiling as she reached for your box. You were brought back to her bed and the lid was removed. The first thing that hit you was the smell of perfume, then it was Jackie's outfit, elegant and stylish, what was she up to? She dug through the bag of 'playthings' she had bought with you in mind until..."aha, perfect". She held a small chain in her hand and reached for you with the other, she dangled you above her as she sized up something in her head. "Im going for a nice dinner, you will be my toy between courses" is all she said before clamping your feet into something at the end of the chain, it didn't hurt but when she let you go the snap of gravity made it clear your comfort wasn't on her mind. She slid the chain around her neck, fixed her hair, then straightened you out so you hung below her collar, dangling between her breasts in the dim light of her cleavage.

With you between her breasts it was clear she was excited, her heart rate increasing and her body heating up. as she walked about her room her breasts moved side to side, even contained in a bra they had a mind of their own. She pulled rings onto her fingers, added another necklace and then, it was time to go. She stepped to the door, flicked out the lights, adjusted her bra and pulled the handle. Her slight adjustment slammed you against both sides of her canyon, unable to scream you had to suffer in silence as each step bounced her chest and smushed you as the breasts came together over and over, the click of her heels signifying she was in the lobby and on her way out.

End Notes:

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A meal to die for by gts_anna

The walk was long, bouncing between Jackie's breasts with the blood rushing to your head. Finally she arrived at her destination, the sounds ape outside of her top changed to a quiet atmosphere, clinking of plates and indistinguishable chatter. She was seated in a booth and as she looked at the menu she brought her hand to your chain. Her fingers twisted and pulled on it, yanking your legs and sending you spinning and bouncing in her cleavage, up above whenever you could see up to her chin you could tell she had a satisfied smile, subtle to the outside world but clear to you, her captive. She ordered and a few minutes later her drink arrived, your first event of her dinner.

In her booth Jackie had privacy, all alone to bring you out to play. She pulled your chain up and you were exposed to the room, the air cold compared to the heat of her body. "a little preview of your future snackie" she teased, licking her lips. Her next action was less innocent, she dunked you into her drink, holding you by the latch on your feet and swirling you around. Just before you drowned she lifted you out, letting you drip a bit before bringing you to her mouth. Her gorgeous lips parted and you were presented with her incredible teeth, huge and perfect. The white monoliths slid up under the lips and she brought you forwards, slipping you onto her tongue. Even though it looked smooth from a distance, the rough surface of her wet tongue ploughed across you, coating you in thick and sticky saliva, Jackie's moan of enjoyment rumbling around you before she pulled you back out, banging your chin on her bottom teeth as she did.

"mmh, so good" she giggled before letting you go. you fell then swung, slamming into her chest before she quickly tucked you back down her cleavage as the waitress brought her food. You were stuck listening to her body as she ate, the sound from within her setting the scene for what your final moments might sound like. Finally it sounded like she finished eating, which was a bad thing for you. Immediately her fingers invaded your space, gripping you by the legs again and ripping you upwards. Her face glowed in the afternoon sun now setting through the window as she looked down at you and smiled. "Forgot about feeding you , snackie" she said innocently, not realising how much it crushed you, her casual reference to you as food destroying your morale each time. Jackie broke the seal over your mouth in one slice, her immaculate finger nail cutting the glue apart, your lips still coated, but with a hole now opened between them. She then lowered you towards the plate, a few tiny scraps left, and a thin film of juices from her meal. You were planted face first onto the plate, Jackie's finger resting on your lower back, bending you as she pushed you against the wet surface, the flavour of meat forced into your mouth as she started to slide you about. 

Small pieces of the steak she had were forced into your mouth but before you could do anything to them you were flying upwards towards her face. "I hate waste" she said in a slightly threatening way before a familiar feeling overtook you, the feeling of being pushed along her tongue, this time was slightly different however. Jackie's lips sealed tightly around your hips, the pressure they could excert shocked you as you felt your bones bend with the power her soft and sexy looking lips were putting out with ease. This new pressure was for one reason, you barely felt the pain at your hips as Jackie began to suck on you. Your ears popped instantly, and within seconds the pieces of food in your mouth were sucked out, along with all of the air in your lungs, unable to breathe as the giant American thoughtlessly sucked on her toy. You felt the steak juices run along your skin as your eyes started to hurt, your tongue was beginning to feel strange and your ears were on fire as she continued to suck and suck, vibrations at your hips were the only indication of sounds from her lips as they made a seal around you. With no end in sight your vision began to fade, Jackie's sucking continued as her tongue began to get involved, bumping and beating against your slowly dying body, with one final slam against your head you passed out, unsure of when...or even if you would wake up.

End Notes:

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Heaven or hell? by gts_anna

You woke up in shock, looking around it was dark, was this what being dead was like? You were still in pain from Jackie sucking on you, but slowly your hearing faded back in and you heard a familiar hum, the fridge. You tried to stand but remembered the bands around you, causing you to simply flop over onto your front as your attempt failed. The door opened and you had all the evidence you needed that you were still alive, the afterlife wouldn't be this cruel. Jackie stood there smiling as she looked at you, "oh good, finally awake, so lazy!" She teased before pulling you out. "Just gotta get my glue again and we'll be ready" she said as her hand dropped into a drawer and the tube of glue was brought to your mouth. One small squeeze later and you were back to just your nose for breathing as she sat on the bed.

"Ive been thinking of what to do with you, and i remembered my amazing shower yesterday" she said with a knowing grin, unaware of the fact you knew what she did in that shower. You then noticed her other hand rubbing slowly against the crotch of her black leggings, and your heart skipped. "Mmh, best trip ever" she moan whispered as she closed her eyes and brought you towards her mouth. As you slipped between her lips you were coated in slippery saliva, clearly her goal as you were quickly withdrawn and began a journey down her body. Her other hand slipping the bands off your saliva coated body as you were hovered over her breasts. As you reached the waistband of her leggings you were slammed down onto her hot skin, smooth and slightly moist with her excitement. Jackie's other hand stopped rubbing and moved upwards, grasping the waistband and pulling the elastic to make a tunnel big enough for you.

As she pushed you under the arch of tight clothing until you were squeezing between skin and polyester as you were forced across her clean shaven pubic area. You felt the ground, her body, start to arc downwards as you approached the source of the heat you could feel, finally your skin met something wet and soft before your face swung forwards and became stuck in dampness. Her finger left you and the leggings were released to force you against her pussy, quickly helped by her hand returning to its place on the outside, rubbing slowly on the bulge in her tight clothing. The near silent wetness to her was deafening to you as her hand forced you around, the clothing making a perfect grip for her manic fingers as they made you squelch across her pussy. Stifled moans echoing in your ears nearly drowned out by the fluid being forced into them with each change in direction. For over an hour she sat like this on her bed, watching a show and slowly rubbing herself, but eventually her body decided it craved more.

Without warning her motion changed from its slow rhythm to heavy, crushing pressure repeating rapidly on your back, then a second's pause as the pressure left. The damp cloth on your back was suddenly peeled away as her hand forced its way roughly in and started to push you downwards. You felt your legs hit a gap and with a pleasureful spasm of her whole body  your legs slid inside with eases, her uncaring fingers continuing to force you further. Over the next few minutes your whole body was carelessly forced inside, only your head occasionally breaking the surface of her body before being forced back into the soaking cave by her fingers. Hopelessness set in as she continued, Jackie's moans making it clear she was enjoying your suffering inside of her. With one last crushing pulse of her pussy she orgasmed. Her fluids threatening to force themselves into your nose her fingers pinched your head and you slid out and were pulled from her soaked leggings. 

"Mmmh, im so happy i bought you snackie, i cant wait to eat you later" she breathed before sticking your legs between her lips, and you felt the sucking start again, this time no threat of suffocation but your body was still being brutalised by her tongue as she 'cleaned' you. A quick lick up you face that nearly broke your nose and she was satisfied, standing up and walking towards the bathroom with you, setting you down in a dish on the counter she started to strip, pulling her soaked clothing off and dumping it in a pile on the floor before turning to leave the room now naked.

End Notes:

Review and comment!

Relaxing by gts_anna

Jackie returned to the bathroom, now carrying a fresh set of clothing and dumped it on the counter next to you. "Okay snackie, I'm going to shower, you're going to climb into my clothes, okay good" she said, accepting your confused look as agreement before turning her ass towards you and stepping into the shower as she turned it on. Scared of what the giant American would do to you if you didn't do as you were told you started towards the pile, feeling annoyed that her cruel carelessness was conditioning you to follow her every instruction in fear of what she might do.

You walked to the base of clothes mountain and began climbing as you listened to Jackie in the shower, water splashing off of the body you were inside of moments earlier. A glance over revealing her figure in silhouette, the thought of being inside her excited you in a twisted way you didn't like, she was growing on you, becoming your ideal woman in your head, her ownership of you was starting to take effect. You found an opening, a small tunnel of fabric you could squeeze into. You lifted one side and began crawling inside, following Jackie's instructions. About a minute into crawling inside you met a dead end, possibly the fabric folding under itself, then the shower shut off and you heard the thumps of Jackie stepping out and the whoosh of a towel being thrown around her body. "Good, now i get to find you" she said in a tone that conveyed excitement, she wanted a game.

You felt the weight above you lessen with each item of clothing she removed, she stated the name of each piece as she checked it, "hmm, not my shirt, not my panties, hmm, nope, not my sweater" she listed before she lifted whatever you were in. "Ooh, fun!" She goggled before you felt a dropping sensation, then light from above you blinded you until it was blocked out by something...her foot. "My sock then" she said before forcing her foot in beside you, the mass of it pushing you along the floor of the sock before stopping, her toes wrapped around you as she put her foot on the floor, the arch of her toes preventing her from crushing you instantly, but still allowing her weight to be very noticeable. You were swing and stomped as she continued to get dressed, then she started to walk back to the main room, sitting onto her bed and swinging her foot up onto it.

"Mmh, I've been doing so much walking this week, you feel so good down there, give me a massage and ill reward you little snack" she demanded, no joke or cuteness in her voice. Again your easily manipulated brain responded to your American goddess and began the process of wriggling you down to the heel of the foot you were trapped with. Luckily it was clean from her shower, thinking back to the first day when you fell and got stuck in her sweat, the smell not unbearable but worse than this now. Her body's heat was making it hard to breath as you mashed your hands into her smooth skin, hoping this was what she wanted. It took a long time but finally she acknowledged your progress, "good, almost done" she said plainly before continuing whatever she was doing, whatever little nothing she had going on was more important than anything you could possibly do now.

Another age passed until finally she brought her foot upwards and pulled the sock down to the heel. You flopped out, bouncing off her ass below before she extended her leg back out and dropping her thigh down onto you, covered in mint lounge pants, matching the rest of her outfit. "There, your reward is to climb to my chest, where ill decide what to do next" she said, fake kindness masked her cruel fun. You forced your way under her thigh, crawling under the crushing weight of powerful muscles before emerging in a familiar area. Looking up you saw the strings from her waist band, hanging down across her crotch, the heat from within bringing flashbacks from your last experience in this location.

Grabbing the huge string you began climbing up, finally getting to the top and seeing her legs stretch on for miles in the distance. You began the long walk up her body, the climb up her breasts tiring you out before you finally got to your destination at the peak and could rest. This break didn't last long as you saw Jackie's naked face staring down at you, still beautiful, her hazel eyes piercing you and making you feel smaller than ever. "Good, your reward is sleeping here tonight, lucky you" she said, her excitement clearly much higher than yours as she grabbed you and brought you to her mouth, giving you a kiss on the body, her wet lips leaving you coated in a film of saliva before she reached for the rubber bands on her night stand and began to tightly wrap you again before splashing a tiny drop of the remaining glue on your back and slipping you into her top, sticking you to her breast, right on the edge of her left nipple.

End Notes:

Fear not, this story will have a few alternate endings, leave a review and let me know what you want to see from future stories too, thanks for reading.

Morning of the last day by gts_anna

The night was hell for you, Jackie's natural heat making you permanently uncomfortable and her motion as she got comfortable causing your landscape to shift. It all got much worse when Jackie rolled onto her side, her breasts becoming squished with their own weight, you stuck just on the edge of being consumed by her left side as she slept, unaware of the danger her body was putting you in. Eventually Jackie settled down and slept mostly still for the rest of the night, allowing you to fall into a sleep of pure exhaustion.

You awoke in pure terror, it was bright, and you were no longer lying on your back. Your eyes finally adjusted and you saw what was happening. Jackie was now standing in the bathroom, no clothes at all, and in the mirror you could see yourself, not even a notable feature next to her imposing nipple. You then looked up to her face, and saw her hair, a bun, which could only mean one thing. Before you could think your next thought, Jackie turned and as your prison bounced on her chest she stepped towards the shower, turning it on and stepping in. Water started flowing across her breast, crashing against your body and falling to the floor as she began go wash, pouring a bottle into her hands and beginning to handle her body, lathering it in soap, her hands coming to your prison and grabbing. Clearly having a quick play as she washed, Jackie's hands moved and pulled on her breasts, coating you in stinging soap as they got dangerously close to crushing you. Suddenly her hand stopped and pinched you, ripping you free of your gluey bond, you were brought up towards Jackie's face. "Oh! I totally forgot about you lil snack, oopsie" she said with no care in her voice before reaching forwards and dropping you onto the metal soap shelf. "Hope you like the show" she teased before bringing her hands back to her breasts and starting to play again, this time clearly enjoying having a captive audience, swinging her city sized hips side to side and occasionally flicking her building sized hazel eyes to you seductively, a smirk on her deadly lips.

Finally deciding she had had her fun Jackie quickly grabbed you and stepped out of the now drying shower. As she dried herself you sat on the counter, feeling down knowing the absolute power this oblivious American had over you. She grabbed you again and went to the main room, setting you next to the fridge on the counter. You surveyed the room, noticing a suitcase, almost full, lying open on the floor. You turned your attention back to Jackie as she pulled a pink top on over her braless breasts, the material stretching slightly as it settled on her body. You watched as she continued to dress, finally pulling on a pair of casual shoes and looking up at you. "So its my last day her in England, so i wanna make the most, and you're coming too lil snackie" she said, not realising the threat she had just given you, you had 1 day to live, and to her that wasn't even important. She picked you up and brought you to her lips, her monster of a tongue pushing out and spreading saliva across you as she tasted you. "Mmh, i cant wait!" Jackie said excitedly before shoving you into her back jeans pocket, plunging you into darkness as you disappeared into the tight blue material hugging her ass.

You felt every step as Jackie walked out of the hotel, her ass tensing and moving, worrying you for if and when she decides to sit down. Then, after a long walk, it happened. You heard the humming of a bus then your pocket tightened to the point you could barely breath, then with a massive impact all of the air was pushed from your lungs as Jackie settled into her seat. Luckily for you Jackie was feeling generous and just before you passed out beneath her ass she pulled you from her pocket and up to her face. "I cant decide, i sooo wanna eat you right now but i wanna make it special, you're my lil treat. Ughh!" She said, clearly battling her self control, with your life in the balance. She looked at you hungrily, then her mouth started to open, a decision clearly made in her mind...

End Notes:

Coming up on the main finale (alternate endings will come too) please review and stay tuned for my next story to come soon :)

Checking out by gts_anna

Jackie brought you to her mouth, using a single finger to snap the rubber bands around you, showcasing how powerful she was compared to you. As you hit her tongue you felt her massive fingers leave your body, the wet ground beneath you was in control now, your body stuck to the moist surface as the light slowly faded. Looking up you saw the outside world become framed in lips and teeth as Jackie brought you into her mouth, a loud moan echoing around you. "Okay, I'm just gonna suck on you for now i think" her voice boomed all around you, your body thrown about as her mouth moved to make her non committal statement, clearly still unsure of her own intentions. Immediately after that she began sucking, the familiar unbearable pain of her mouth going to work on you, pressure building as she pushed you against the roof of her mouth with her tongue.

The next hour was hell, Jackie switching between heavily sucking on you, popping  your ears and making breathing nearly impossible, and pushing you against her front teeth with the tip of her tongue, rubbing you along them as she went about her day. Eventually she relented, dropping you slowly through her lips and onto her hand. Her massive face staring down at you with a slight smile was unsettling, knowing you had just been inside of that smile seconds earlier.

"Mmh, you are just so yummy, but i gotta have lunch now so i guess i gotta wait." She said bluntly before dropping you into her handbag, letting you tumble past her phone, makeup and cables, finally stopping as you landed in a pile of spare change, mostly American coins with a few familiar British ones scattered occasionally. Looking up you could see her hand grip the bag and close it over, only a dim light from the ends where the bag didn't close fully. You sat listening to the sounds of a cafe, clearly having been placed to the side by Jackie, her voice as she spoke to the waiter distant but clear. Then something started to happen, her phone started to rumble and light up, she was getting a call. The rumbling caused everything in her bag to begin moving and shifting, a large bundle of cable fell from its position, landing across your legs trapping you as the room lit up, Jackie was grabbing the vibrating monster, you watched as the massive apple logo flew into the sky and listened as Jackie spoke.

"Hey babes....yeah! Its so nice here!.....hows my bestie doing?....oh good!.....yeah, so many weird!....haha yeah! no, the food is okay know i found some weird thing they eat no, its like, a lil person....yeah like a real one.....not yet, i was going to today, but it tastes great!....i guess i could....if i can find another one sure, i think they're popular, i only saw the one i no, if i find another one ill bring them home....but I'm eating one today.....yeah! Tomorrow night.....cant wait for my own bed again you girl...byee!"

She hung up and carelessly dropped her phone back into her bag sending quarters and dimes flying. After a while she lifted the bag and began walking, continuing her day out sight seeing. Finally you heard her talking. "Oh my god! They got more, and its the last one. Oh, no tag, oh well." She sounded very excited, eventually reaching a destination. "Hi there, this didn't have a tag but the last one i bought here was like 40 pence i think?" She said, a muffled response from a woman was responded to by Jackie with joy, "oh thanks! So nice". After another few seconds Jackie's hand burst into the bag and grabbed her purse. Eventually, with the rustling of plastic, the purse was dropped back into the bag, narrowly missing your head as it slammed in.

The familiar sound of the hotel door beeping signalled your return to Jackie's room. She opened the bag and grabbed her phone, then her eyes fell onto you and she smiled before pulling you out from under the cable. She pulled a piece of gum from her bag and put it in her mouth as she walked around the room holding you, forcing you to watch as she chewed. Then, after a while of her sitting on her bed, you in one hand, her phone in the other, she looked at you and smiled, still chewing. She stood up and walked over to the counter and reached up to her lips, pinching the gum and taking it from her mouth. Jackie put you down on the counter then pushed the gum onto your body, the hot, soaking lump welding you to the faux wood as Jackie leaned over to the fridge and opened it. You heard something odd as Jackie closed the fridge again, then you saw her, another tiny person, kicking and screaming between Jackie's fingers.

"Look snackie, i got another one! And because you've been so good I'm taking you home, so this lil snack girl gets to be my treat instead! I love England" she said with a level of excitement you hadn't seen from her all week. Stuck in her gum you stared at the struggling girl, and had a moment of recognition. In an instant you knew who she was, she was the young woman from the shop, the one that first found you when you shrank, how was she tiny now too, you thought to yourself. You watched as Jackie brought the tiny teen up to her lips and began the torment, slipping the legs inside and in one subtle motion, snap. The tiny screamed as Jackie began chewing, a look of pleasure across her face. The tiny woman was then fully pushed between Jackie's lips, disappearing as Jackie continued chewing, the sounds of wet crunching coming from her happy face making you feel sick, knowing you just watched a murder, and saw what Jackie was planning to do to you until moments ago. With a small gulp Jackie finished, swallowing the mush that was a woman moments ago, then she looked at you, looking innocent and happy as she reached towards you. "Oooh, wow! I get why you're so hard to find" she said as she pulled the gum off of you and tossed it into the bin. "Well, i have to pack now, then have dinner and get to the airport, sooo" she trailed off before pinching you and lifting you over to her suitcase, clearly in two halves, mostly clean things on one side, and worn stuff on the other. She carelessly shoved you into a pile of underwear and socks on the worn side, mumbling about keeping you safe. Unable to move you watched as she packed other items in, her jackets and jeans, some shoes and a bag, then the lid swung over and with no ceremony at all you were sealed in, condemned to being forced away to American with her...A painful day later you looked up as the suitcase opened, your eyes adjusting in time to see Jackie smiling in front of you, and a new room surrounding you, her bedroom. "Welcome home snackie!"


When sarah found a tiny man at her work it was a shock, her devious mind immediately deciding to break the tension by pranking this little person. Using what she had near her she wrapped rubber bands around them and attaching a spare tag from one of the products in a box. Then a call on her headset meant she had to leave, extending an apology to the tiny and leaving him in a place she could come back and help him from in a few minutes. When she did come back however, he was gone, no trace except for the bottle she found him next to. After a quick look sarah decided he must have escaped on his own and ran away. She went over and grabbed the bottle, returning it to its place on the shelf and returning to her cage of green trays, lifting one filled with bags of salad and walking to the shelves with it. Then she felt odd, placing the salads onto the shelf she then blacked out.

*a few days later*

Sarah had adapted to being tiny fairly quickly, she found a place to hide while she figured out what to do and made a plan to get food, only venturing out into the sea of green trays at night when the shop was closed. Then an issue happened, she got trapped. While out a few hours before the shop opened she was trying to free some food from a plastic container, but as she pulled the wrapper free she lost her balance, falling down to a lower level, a tray with a few apples on it. As she landed one of the apples rolled over, trapping her leg under it. She couldn't get free and soon the shop came to life with shoppers.

Over the course of the day she struggled but couldn't get free, slowly people bought the apples around her, and finally in the evening the problem was taken. Sarah's new freedom was short lived as she found herself still stuck in the green tray and the shop was still open. Her problems got worse when she was grabbed by surprise and an american accent boomed out behind her, "Oh my god! They got more, and its the last one. Oh, no tag, oh well.".

Sarah got flipped over and saw the woman who now held her, she was carried to the till where she was dropped onto the counter, looking up she saw her colleague Mary. "Hi there, this didn't have a tag but the last one i bought here was like 40 pence i think?" The American said, to which Mary responded "yeah sure, no clue what it is anyway" clearly tired, trailing off at the end of her sentence. "oh thanks! So nice" the American said, pulling her purse out and paying before grabbing sarah and dropping her into a large shopping bag she had.

The giant American got to a hotel and when she entered her room she pulled sarah out and dropped her into a large black fridge. A few Minutes later she was pulled back out and brought to the woman's mouth. "Look snackie, i got another one! And because you've been so good I'm taking you home, so this lil snack girl gets to be my treat instead! I love England".

The woman started sliding sarah's legs into her mouth as sarah began to scream and tried to break free from the massive fingers holding her. Suddenly a sharp pain followed by a loud snap forced her into a panic as the American bit into sarah's legs removing them with ease. Her panicked screams were cut off as the woman then pushed her in between her lips, sarah now covered in saliva and her own smashed legs. The woman started to chew again, immediately crushing sarah's chest between her molar's, the next crush of her teeth smashing sarah's skull, finally ending her suffering as the American enjoyed every second. With a simple gulp, sarah was erased from existence by the clueless tourist, who was now satisfied and ready to head home from her trip go England...

End Notes:

The end (for now) please review and expect more from me soon.

some alternate endings to this story may come soon too so come back for them, thanks for reading :)

Wishes (alt true ending (hard vore)) by gts_anna

Jackie brought you to her mouth, using a single finger to snap the rubber bands around you, showcasing how powerful she was compared to you. As you hit her tongue you felt her massive fingers leave your body, the wet ground beneath you was in control now, your body stuck to the moist surface as the light slowly faded. Looking up you saw the outside world become framed in lips and teeth as Jackie brought you into her mouth, a loud moan echoing around you. "Okay, I'm just gonna suck on you for now i think" her voice boomed all around you, your body thrown about as her mouth moved to make her non committal statement, clearly still unsure of her own intentions. Immediately after that she began sucking, the familiar unbearable pain of her mouth going to work on you, pressure building as she pushed you against the roof of her mouth with her tongue.

The next hour was hell, Jackie switching between heavily sucking on you, popping  your ears and making breathing nearly impossible, and pushing you against her front teeth with the tip of her tongue, rubbing you along them as she went about her day. Eventually she relented, dropping you slowly through her lips and onto her hand. Her massive face staring down at you with a slight smile was unsettling, knowing you had just been inside of that smile seconds earlier.

"Mmh, you are just so yummy, but i gotta have lunch now so i guess i gotta wait." She said bluntly before dropping you into her handbag, letting you tumble past her phone, makeup and cables, finally stopping as you landed in a pile of spare change, mostly American coins with a few familiar British ones scattered occasionally. Looking up you could see her hand grip the bag and close it over, only a dim light from the ends where the bag didn't close fully. You sat listening to the sounds of a cafe, clearly having been placed to the side by Jackie, her voice as she spoke to the waiter distant but clear. Then something started to happen, her phone started to rumble and light up, she was getting a call. The rumbling caused everything in her bag to begin moving and shifting, a large bundle of cable fell from its position, landing across your legs trapping you as the room lit up, Jackie was grabbing the vibrating monster, you watched as the massive apple logo flew into the sky and listened as Jackie spoke.

"Hey babes....yeah! Its so nice here!.....hows my bestie doing?....oh good!.....yeah, so many weird!....haha yeah! no, the food is okay know i found some weird thing they eat no, its like, a lil person....yeah like a real one.....not yet, i was going to today, but it tastes great!....i guess i could....if i can find another one sure, i think they're popular, i only saw the one i no, if i find another one ill bring them home....but I'm eating one today.....yeah! Tomorrow night.....cant wait for my own bed again you girl...byee!"

With that the massive phone was dripped back in, Jackie's carelessness finally catching up with you. The phone landed on your ankle, shattering everything from your right shin down to your toes. Your scream would have been heard for miles if you weren't the size of a gummy bear in this American tourist's bag. As it was, not even Jackie heard it as she zipped her purse closed and finished her lunch. As your heart rate slowed and the pulsing pain in your leg started to calm down slightly you felt the bag start to move, Jackie was going somewhere new. Soon you learned where as the bag was dropped and the zip opened. 

The familiar view of the hotel room's roof was quickly blocked by Jackie's face as she reached for you. She had clearly got changed and was comfy for her last night in London. It was dark outside, clearly you had passed out a few times during the day and hadn't noticed how much time had passed. Then she spoke "well little snackie, i said i was eating a tiny today, and, well you're the only one i've found" she licked her lips subconsciously as she walked over to her bed and turned on the room tv to a horror movie "oh i love this one! You'll make the perfect movie bite snackie!".

She simply held you for ages as she watched the film, her fingers playing with your body as she was consumed by the tv, then, without warning it started. Jackie brought you to her mouth slowly, not looking at you for long before looking back to the tv, her mouth lazily dropping open. She flipped you over and then you felt her tongue sliding over your crushed leg, the acidic saliva sending a shivering pain through your body. You took a tentative look towards her gaping lips just in time to watch her teeth closing, with searing pain and a weak snap her jaw closed, her teeth easily piercing through your thigh and slicing part of your pelvis off in one motion. You screamed for a second before being brought away from her mouth. You watched as her jaw started to open and shut as she chewed your leg, the corners of her lips curling subtly into a satisfied smile.

She held you on her lap for another hour before she became hungry again, but this time she wasn't sliding your leg inside of her mouth. Your face began sliding across her tongue as you passed through the gateway of lips and teeth into her mouth. You were too weak to fight back as you felt her teeth start pushing against your belly. You felt her jaw suddenly snap shut, for a second the feeling of her teeth quickly sliding through your abdomen with no resistance was blindingly painful, but then her tooth hit your spine and split it in two with ease, her hand puling your remaining leg and pelvis out of her lips as she started to chew your body. You felt her tongue bump you about and her teeth begin to slam your head between them. She wasn't trying to kill you, to Jackie she was just eating food, not killing anyone. Before her teeth could give you any rest a massive pressure built and soon you were in her through, the sound of her heart beat rumbling your remaining chest cavity. You screamed out as you hit the lake of acid that was her stomach. The pain of floating in the volcanic soup proved too much and soon you found yourself hallucinating visions of your life with Jackie...her finding you, her using you to pleasure herself, her losing you to that girl for a day. And the feelings of her biting you. Then you were brought back to the reality of the situation as your smashed up leg was dripped into the goddess' stomach. 

By the time the movie had ended you were dead, Jackie had eaten your whole body and without so much as a thought, she had killed you. She didn't even think about it again as she went to sleep. In the morning she woke up happy and satisfied, "well snackie, you were great and i loved how good you really tasted. I wish i could eat you forever!" She said as she gathered her things to leave the hotel. In the lobby she quickly went to the bathroom to freshen up a bit and took one last picture of herself in London to send her friend. She messaged it to her then wrote about her last meal "wow! Those little people taste so nice, that one i told you about is inside of me right now! So delicious, especially its legs! Wish i could find more for you to try a few! See you soon babes!". Then she walked outside and got a taxi to the airport, unaware of the fact some wishes do come true sometimes, and that very soon you would be seeing her again, and again, and again...

End Notes:

Please review and let me know what ideas you'd love to see in a sequel ;)

Airline food (soft vore alt ending(hard digestion)) by gts_anna

Jackie brought you to her mouth, using a single finger to snap the rubber bands around you, showcasing how powerful she was compared to you. As you hit her tongue you felt her massive fingers leave your body, the wet ground beneath you was in control now, your body stuck to the moist surface as the light slowly faded. Looking up you saw the outside world become framed in lips and teeth as Jackie brought you into her mouth, a loud moan echoing around you. "Okay, I'm just gonna suck on you for now i think" her voice boomed all around you, your body thrown about as her mouth moved to make her non committal statement, clearly still unsure of her own intentions. Immediately after that she began sucking, the familiar unbearable pain of her mouth going to work on you, pressure building as she pushed you against the roof of her mouth with her tongue.

The next hour was hell, Jackie switching between heavily sucking on you, popping  your ears and making breathing nearly impossible, and pushing you against her front teeth with the tip of her tongue, rubbing you along them as she went about her day. Eventually she relented, dropping you slowly through her lips and onto her hand. Her massive face staring down at you with a slight smile was unsettling, knowing you had just been inside of that smile seconds earlier. Jackie then picked up her phone and brought it to her ear as she span you between her fingers.

"Hey babes....yeah! Its so nice here!.....hows my bestie doing?....oh good!.....yeah, so many weird!....haha yeah! no, the food is okay know i found some weird thing they eat no, its like, a lil person....yeah like a real one.....not yet, i was going to today, but it tastes great!....i guess i could....if i can find another one sure, i think they're popular, i only saw the one i no, if i find another one ill bring them home....but I'm eating one today.....yeah! Tomorrow night.....cant wait for my own bed again you girl...byee!" The whole time her thumb and forefinger crushed and teased your body, rotating you and squeezing you between them, Jackie talked to her friend and smiled at you the whole time, then as she hung up, she spoke to you..."i think i'm gonna save you for the airport tomorrow" she said softly before leaning over slipping you into her rear pocket. As she settled back into the seat you felt the entire weight of her ass crushed down on you.

The weight eventually eased as she walked around London, for hours in the heat of the day you were stuck, pressed against the American goddess' ass. Eventually she returned to her hotel room and relieved you of the pressure, she placed you on the counter in a glass before heading into the bathroom. Some time later you saw her walk out...with only a pair of panties on. She walked over to her suitcase and pulled out a fancy looking top. She walked over then saw you staring at her nearly nude figure. "Like what you see Snackie?" She took a moment to pose in what she clearly felt was a sexy way, before she pulled on a bra then the cream top. She finished the outfit with a pair of dark trousers that hugged her ass and hips then led down to loosened ankles where you saw her feet, strapped into black heels.

"Okay snackie, i have one night left to enjoy London before i go home, so heres what i'm going to do. I'm going out and you are coming with me." She smirked before lifting your glass and tipping you onto her palm."make sure I have fun Snackie" she said in a strangely menacing way before pulling the front of her panties open and with little care for safety she shoved you deep between her labia, the boiling heat overwhelmed you and by the time Jackie had reached the restaurant she was going to you had nearly passed out, her taking her seat was then end of the night as her weight knocked you out. The next few hours went by in flashes, weight and heat, thumping of music, then the moans of passion as Jackie pleasured herself once more with you inside of her.

The morning went by just as blurry, but eventually you came back to the world. Jackie was in the back of a car, a taxi or something, and she was holding you. She smiled as she saw you wake up then brought you to her face "you did great last night, i'm so glad i decided to eat you today snackie, i dont think you would have went well with the fish" she whispered to you, trying to be subtle so the driver didn't see her playing with her food.

Eventually she made it to the airport, slipping you into her purse before yanking her suitcase out and beginning the long walk through security. You diddnt get confiscated, much to Jackie's joy as she sat down at the gate and pulled you out. "I've been looking forward to this snackie!" She said with subdued excitement before bringing you to her mouth. She slipped you in between her lips and began sucking on you. Slowley to begin with, the tip of her tongue dancing across your head. Then she beagn sucking harder and harder. Your brain began to feel heavy and your eyes were behinning to feel empty. She was beating you with her tongue, your body bow fully inside of her mouth, her fingers just barely holding your ankles as she continued.

You felt her teeth dancing across your legs and back as she lightly teased them against you, not close to doing any harm, but enough to make their presence well known to you. The sucking continued, your throat felt like it was coming out and your lungs were collapsing as she moaned slightly, Jackie liked your taste more than she had ever indicated before. The feeling of your eyes being deformed and splashed with saliva was driving you crazy as she crushed you to the roof of her mouth with her tongue. Then she pulled you out between her lips, your vision was blurred and you could barely focus on anything, you tried to look up at Jackie but you couldn't pick which face to look at...

"Mmh, you really are delicious snackie" she breathed but was quickly cut off by the attendant at the gate "gate 38, priority boarding". Jackie quickly tossed you into her mouth without a second thought and jumped to her feet. As she reached the gate she finished savouring you and, with a simple flick of her tongue, she swallowed. You were crushed down her throat and quickly found yourself lying in the dark pit of acid in her stomach. It burned your skin but not badly, you felt every movement, and every heart beat thumping above you. The sounds of her breath like giant air sacks inflating and deflating. You heard her voice echoing around you as she thanked the attendant and asked where her seat was.

Your skin was itchy and if you weren't in pitch dark you would see it turning red. About an hour into the flight Jackie was having a cold soda started pouring in onto you, causing you to go into shock. The sudden movement alerted Jackie to you still being alive, but to your horror, she seemed to like it. "Ooh, you're still quite lively in there" was all she said, mostly to herself, before she went back to ignoring you. Another hour of misery and light tingling pain went by before you heard a horrible sentence echoing around you..."oh id love the mac and cheese thanks". A while after the first splashes of cheap airline macaroni started piling in on top of you, mushed up by Jackie's mouth before being unceremoniously dumped on top of you. It was hot and thick, mixed with her saliva and now crushing you deeper and deeper into the acid lake. You were left up to your neck in her acid, your legs and lower body trapped in chewed pasta under the swirling surface.

Hours of slowly dying later and Jackie was getting of the plane. Each one of her steps splashed acid onto your face and sloshed the soupy mix around you. As your hearing faded you heard her greet her friend who was clearly here to pick her up. "Biiitch! I'm home!...yeah! I ate it before the flight!...oh god it was so tasty...i wish i had found more!...oh if they sold them here you have no idea how many i would eat!...oh you'd love was lovely over there yeah! no, next time you're coming with me!...for sure! Lets go then, got all my stuff here...". You couldn't hear the friend, but as the two hugged your body finally succumbed to Jackie's. The extra pressure and movement of the hug crushed her stomach and, in that moment, you accidentally swallowed a mouthful of her acid. You screamed in agony before your vocal chords melted, followed by the feeling of your lungs beginning to melt. Soon you felt searing pain in your abdomen and the acid started to eat through and flow onto your chest cavity. Very quickly you were dead and beginning to mix with the rest of Jackie's food, since you were nothing more than a snack to her.

End Notes:

Thats it for alt endings just now, buuut, there is a sequel in the works (for the original timeline where Jackie brings you home) and it will begin soon (ish) please leave a review and let me know what sorts of things you'd like to see Jackie do to you in the sequel.

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