A vegans shrunken fart slave by Bigbutts69

This is about a woman called Rachel that bought something off a black market website.  She just so happens to be a vegan, and they are usually known for having bad smelling gas.  We will see how her being a vegan makes this more interesting.  

(I fixed the format)

Also please leave some critisism or gratitude if you like.  All is welcome.

Categories: Giantess, Young Adult 20-29, Adult 30-39, Body Exploration, Butt, Entrapment, Humiliation, Insertion, New World Order, Odor, Slave, Violent Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 3195 Read: 68211 Published: August 13 2020 Updated: August 15 2020
Story Notes:

Disclaimer this has ideological sensitive themes.  If you are easily triggered please do not read.

This story containts bondage, smells feitsh, fart fetish, ass fetish

1. A new toy by Bigbutts69

2. Toilet fun by Bigbutts69

3. Getting sewn in by Bigbutts69

4. Gym torture by Bigbutts69

A new toy by Bigbutts69
Author's Notes:

Okay what I have not released yet is this woman is called Rachel and she wen to Hilda to pick up her purchase she made.  Hilda realized she was dealing with a woman with a quite intense fetish, and he soon will find out why.

A new story arch for you guys to look forward too. We now have Samantha, Andrea, Sonia, and now Rachel to look forward too. This will be part 1, like always when I feel all the stories are caught up the next part will be released. 
Rachel walked into her apartment very eager to play with her new purchase that was made. She took no time waiting to open up the new box. In the box was a man that was taped up with his body completely head to toe and a red ball gag was in his mouth. Rachel laughed at the idea of how he was completely tied up and was not able to go any where. She then reached down to pick him up and he was squirming to try and wiggle free. 
“Aww your so cute all tied up. Your going to be my little slave to worship me.” 
The man started to squirm a little bit more hearing those words out of her mouth. 
“You see I paid for you, so you will do everything I asked. Do I hear a some tiny screams trying to speak out with your little ball gag. OMG they are so cute.” 
The man started cringe getting a whiff of her breathe that did not smell that great to be added into this situation. 
“Okay lets get this going actually. You see I could make you live with the suspense of everything being progressive more exposure to your new life, but I get excited telling you.” 
The man was starting to get really nervous now. 
“You see I am really into eating healthy. I really take pride in my appeareance and hard work ethic. The problem is with my healthy diet I get really gassy. My vegan farts smell so bad, and I felt I wanted to have a little fun. I always masterabated to giantess content, but now it will be the real deal. It will make me happy knowing that now I can force a shrunken man to smell my stinky vegan farts. And they get so smelly after a while.” 
The man started to cry hearing that statement come out of her mouth. She started to laugh knowing that she was in total control and he really had no way of escaping. 
“Aww… please do not cry, Just imagine all the different aromas you will get to inhale. It sounds like a dream come true. I promise you it will be fun. I am a very fun woman and this will be no exception. I know you probably want to go back to your family, but no no this is your life now. And we have not even gotten started yet.” 
Rachel then let out a nice loud fart that had some little sour smell too it. 
“Oh excuse me my bad, I love my broccoli it really adds a tint to the stench.” 
She could see her slave could smell it and with the ball gag in his mouth he could not get away from it. 
“Oh you really can not get away from it. Sorry that I purposely made you have a ball gag, but I really wanted you to be able to break down the different textures of what I ate. That is only a sneak peak of what is to come. Wait till your sewn into my panties when I go to the gym.” 
The man started to squirm a lot in her hand trying to get free. 
“Oh you seem very horrified to be in that situation. It will be so much fun. You will love sniffing my asshole all day long.” 
She then started to walk over to another room that was her bedroom. She started to open a drawer next to her night stand and put him inside. “I need to run a few errands, but when I get back oh it is going to be so much stinky fun.”


End Notes:

Yes this will be a good story.  I also am not done so this story will be updated throughout the weeks.

Toilet fun by Bigbutts69
Author's Notes:

This is a pretty intense chapter.  I would not read if your not into toilet fetishes.

(This story is kind of sadistic. Turn back if you are not into it) 

The man was cowering in the corner not be able to move only able to think of the unthinkable. Eventually Rachel came back, and eh was terrified. She started to pluck him into the air as he was fidgeting to try and get free. She laughed knowing he was so scared and it turned her on. 

“I can not wait to have our stinky fun today. You seem scared, I know you probably do not want to do this. You probably have been begging for you mommy since you were captured, but no one is going to save you now.” 

The man started to cry again that she was reinforcing his eternal suffering. She could see her shapely body that looked in very good shape and could not imagine what she was going to do to him. 

“Now because I just bought you I have to test you out first, which really is not going to be fun for you anyways, but it will be toned back for the other things I am going to do to you.” 

Rachel then started to lower the screaming man near her stink ass with the leggings on. The man could feel the smell radiating off her ass and he instantly started to gag from the stench. 

“OHH it smells, so bad back there. I can smell it from here.” 

She then started to pull apart her elastic waistband and she dropped the little man inside. 

“Oh sorry about that your it is about to get dark too, but you will not need to see anything only smell and hear.” 

She then snapped the elastic waste back and then she was off walking to her kitchen. The man was trying to move as good as possible but being tied up really helped a ton. Every minute she would berade the man for his terrible situation for him to be in. 

“Oh Hilda was right they really do not squirm that much when they are taped up that was a smart idea. 

She then started to make her protein shake and have some yogurt to eat her snack after going out to the store. It did not take long for her stomach to start to rumble the man could not fully hear it to because of his other senses working over load. Rachel let out not a loud but muffled hot fart. After the stench hit her nose she started to gag at it. Rachel remembered she was not trying to muffle them she just wanted to torture the man. 

“On that one felt so hot I hope it does not burn your nostrils with that gag in it.” 

The man stated to thrash smelling her Brocolli fart from earlier that she warned about. Rachel knew he was probably begging and tears were running down his face to be let out, but she had too much fun enjoying this. 

“You have got to be sniffing, because that is your only supply of oxygen so far.” 

Rachel then started to grind her ass on the chair to see his durability to the crushing that was going on. Hilda said he will be invincible, but he will still feel the pain. Which made Rachel have more of a power trip. A thought was cut off when Rachel decided to go to her bathroom. The man felt his body get moved around have no on idea what was going on. He then felt her pluck him out of there. The man took in a sigh of relief that he was able to get cleaner air for the moment while she had him over to her face. She then started to put the man on counter of the bathroom, and the queen took a seat on her throne. After about 45 second she released a huge log that was crazy in size compared to him. She then picked up the man and brought hi up to her face. 

“I want you to look at this princess master piece.” 

She started to move the man near her toilet and he could see a log that would destroy building at his current size. She then began to bring the man back by her face. 

“Now I am going to put my finger over your chest and if you do not sniff like you ever sniffer before your nose is going to touch it. Ready it starts now.” 

She then started to move the man more near her steamy dump, and panic struck in. He was horrified of smelling it and he was trying to avoid it as much as possible. Rachel could not feel him sniffing so she started to lash out. 

“NO you going to sniff right now!!!” 

He then started to sniff harder and he could smell the stench more and more as he got closer. 


The man now was bout 3 inches away from the log and he started to hyper ventilate. With that she then brought up the man to her face again seeing that he was sniffing so hard. 

“Good you fuckin cunt, my princess dump smells so good doesn’t it.” 

She then flushed the dump and decided to walk out of her bathroom. She now started to walk into her bedroom now in her apartment. In front of her dresser was sewing kit and black pair of satin panties 

“You ready for actual servitude now. I hope you like the smell of my ass crack, because your getting sewn right there.

End Notes:

Yah this was intense and it will only pick up from here once he is sewn into her panties.

Getting sewn in by Bigbutts69
Author's Notes:

So this chapter is when he gets sewn into the panties.  So you could only imagine what comes next.

So this chapter is when he gets sewn into the panties.  So you could only imagine what comes next.

Rachel walked over to her bedroom while holding her shrunken man in her right hand. She could feel as he was squirming and could even feel his tiny tears crawl down his cheeks onto the side of right thumb. It made Rachel have more of an appetite for her adventurous side of this fetish. She walked over to her desk now and on there was a piece of black panties. It seemed like they were already placed on the dresser just for her little slave to look at. She then started to hold the crying man next to them and she ordered him to sniff.

“Yah take a nice deep breathe they probably smell so good right now.”

The man was confused because it did not smell bad at all, but could not control his emotions or senses at all.

‘Yah you smell that. Hmmm nice fresh linten. I want you to smell that, because it will not smell like that for long. It is going to be nusselled right into my crack and it will feel so dirty.”

The woman then started to put the man down right in the middle of the panties. She then started to walk away.

“Don’t go anywhere. I realize you can not with the taped around your whole body, but be a good boy and stay still.”

She started to walk to the other side of her room as the shrunken man stared at her toned butt cheeks. When she returned she now had a sewing kit. The mans facial expression was on the lines of please I am begging you not to do this, he wanted to go home now. She then started to pick the man up again to probably beraide him one more time before his life was officially over.

“Aww look at you don’t be so scared. Everyone farts you know. Woman have delicious scents that are unique that you get to smell for now on. It is shame that you have a gag in your mouth. Your probably screaming MOMMY MOMMY. You will not see your mommy again. Get used to your new life as my fart slave. Honestly you serve no purpose no cleaning or anything I just wanted to purchase one to fuflifll a kink for my desires.”

She let out another airy fart that she cringed her face a little bit as it came out.

“The airy ones are from the beans in my burrito I eat, and sometimes when I have some steak or chicken to go along.”

She could see the man squirming again and crying.

“Your tears bring joy to my face knowing that your not enjoying this at all. Just know that your never getting away from my asshole.”

She then started to put the man back down in her panties and started to sew his little body into the region by her ass crack. She saw as the mans feet were getting sewn he started to squirm even more, but next his chest would be and then his belly button and then he now was apart of her panties. She brought the man in front of her face for her to see her creation.

“Well now those are going into my drawer and you will be used in a 2 hours. Oh the stench might be strong to around all the other panties radiating too.”

End Notes:

So yah this is where I am right now.  I will be getting a chapter 4 out soon. I do not know what soon is.  It could be this night, tommrow next week.

Gym torture by Bigbutts69
Author's Notes:

This chapter has to do a lot with the giantess using him at the gym.  She works out and then she goes home.


This chapter focuses on smelling, farting, unwilling fetish

Rachel looked at her little creation she created.  Her very in shape frame standing around 5ft 6 also made it look that much better of an image for people to see.  Her fingers are started to wrap around the now panties that he was sewn into.  He did not see her monsterious looking eyes from his perspective.  He worried when ever he saw those eyes what would be coming next.  Eventually her eyes did lock onto him, but he was very eager to watch his fate, also being scared to death. 


“I wonder how the broccoli and cauliflower is going to add a texture stuck up my stinky ass crack. You know?”


The slave reaslizing he could not do anything and just cry for help as much as possible.


“No one will be able to hear you.  Just imagine I will be walking around the gym doing squats, doing some leg raises, benching, curling and they will have no idea a man with a gag in his mouth is sewn into my panties where the ass crack lies.  They barely know of my eating habbits, how stinky it will smell.  Oh god I can not wait.”


She then started to shift her panties to around her ankles and he knew what was coming next.  Slowly he could feel his body being raised and eventually he would see some bronze toned legs would be coming through the holes of her panties.  Then he saw her big ass and he realized he was going towards that stinky monster.  When his face was met with her ass.  It felt like his mouth was being squished against her ass hair that she did not trim the best either.  It was a real unique experience of being her panties.  And still very infatuation, but terrifying.  He then felt her hand from the back side to adjust everything and pat her captive on the back for his new home.


“Well I hope it is all tight and snug, and remember to keep sniffing.  We need you to get a lot of oxygen so when the farts fill up my panties your not begging for air.


(About 25 minutes later)


Rachel began walking into her membership area, where the front desk lady was.  Every step she took was also squishing her little captive more and more.  He could not squirm either.  It was a win win for Rachel she is filling out her fantasy and she is also being healthy.  She got to the front desk lady greeted her and then went on in.  The squat area was at least for the most part pretty empty.  She did her little stretches to make sure she did not pull anything.  The stretch obviously would create tension on her little captive for sure.  She would also let loose a couple farts with the warm up which would be a good indicator to her little captive that she was stretching with her ass hole beign stretched.  She would do her warm up sets, but would still want good form so she would have to squeeze her butt cheeks hard together.  Every set the man would feel his bones getting crushed but they can not break because of the serum.  After the first set the man staretd to notice another thing he never imagined even about with the crying.  Her booty really started to sweat, and the sweat would get in his eyes and the tears would automatically activate.  He now had to worry about that.  And the mixure of her farting every now and then with sweat would blow the sweat all over his face.  He kept on trying to move his head, but he could not do it because of the restraint she made for his neck.  He would start to hyper ventilate trying to rationalize what he could do in this situation.  Rachel eventually would need to put on more weight and that would mean her ass would need to be held tighter together.  He really would feel the weight when she put 225 lbs on the bar now.  Every squat would start to feel like his arm would be dislocated from the pressure.  Rachel really enjoyed having the ball gag in.  There were other people going along with their lives having no clue what she was doing.  Did she feel bad?  Yes she had to have some kind of empathy, but she really got off to this later in her bed with no one around.  She really had no idea she would enjoy this so much.  She also fanatasized during sets about turning him into a cuckhold.  She props her panties up on a hook while he watches her take it doggy style.  Rachel really did think this would be a fun thing to do.  Eventually she needed to move on and staretd to to do some leg raises.  Today was leg day so he was lucky to not have any bench presses while his face would be between to her soft cusions.  She imagines when ever she raised her leg that his little body was getting pulled apart from beign stuck between her stinky ass crack with the sweat beign sticky holding him in place.  And then when he got tired a fart would wake him up.  Rachel really enjoyed this little game she played.  She just knew he would be tired, but what he does not know is he is just panties now.  When Rachel walked over to her car she released a huge stinyk fart finally being in her own private vaccinity.


“Did you hear that one little guy it really is smelly and gross.  Well I really need to do some other things tonight, and honestly thought about it.  I need to break you in slowly you need a rest from all that squishing around.  I rather have you awake and worship my ass then asleep.  So your going in the hamper.”


The man really could not speak up , and she really could not hear anything at all.


“I really do not know how you feel about that, but I assure you, when your trained you will be in my stinky ass crack 24/7.

End Notes:

So yah this is the ending of this chapter.  I do not know if I am going to make a 5 th one.  I will always keep it open to come back too.

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=9545