Summary: Phillip's parents go on vacation leaving him with his younger sister. Her friend comes over with a mysterious board game. Phillip may no longer being in charge.
He is losing control as the girls grow into the most beautiful women
First story. I appreciate it if you all had any suggestions.
Categories: Giantess,
Teenager (13-19),
Young Adult 20-29,
Adult 30-39,
Mature (40-49),
Body Exploration,
Breast Enlargement,
Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes,
Instant Size Change,
Mouth Play,
New World Order,
Slow Size Change,
Vore Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.), Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.), Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.), Mega (501 ft. to 5279 ft.), Mini GTS (16-30ft), Tera (101 mi and up)
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.), Dwarf (3 ft. to 5 ft.), Munchkin (2.9 ft. to 1 ft.)
Size Roles: F/m, FF/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences, This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 25
Completed: Yes
Word count: 123783
Read: 460368
Published: October 09 2020
Updated: September 23 2022
1. Chapter 1: The Game is afoot by thegreatrizzo
2. Chapter 2: The game didn't stay home by thegreatrizzo
3. Chapter 3: Into the thick of the game by thegreatrizzo
4. Chapter 4: Toys are a game as well by thegreatrizzo
5. Chapter 5: Pleasure is the name of the game by thegreatrizzo
6. Chapter 6: Take every shot you can to play the game by thegreatrizzo
7. Chapter 7: The game is more fun with more people by thegreatrizzo
8. Chapter 8: Phillip's game plan for rebellion. by thegreatrizzo
9. Chapter 9: Every game has winners and losers by thegreatrizzo
10. Chapter 10: It is dangerous hunting for big game by thegreatrizzo
11. Chapter 11: Adult and Children Games by thegreatrizzo
12. Chapter 12: A game you play behind the house by thegreatrizzo
13. Chapter 13: A cheat code for the game by thegreatrizzo
14. Chapter 14: Foreign Game by thegreatrizzo
15. Chapter 15: Trickery is not a good strategy for the game by thegreatrizzo
16. Chapter 16: Psychological games create problems by thegreatrizzo
17. Chapter 17: The Long Game by thegreatrizzo
18. Chapter 18: Beach Games by thegreatrizzo
19. Chapter 19: Witch game should we play? by thegreatrizzo
20. Chapter 20: The game you always come back to by thegreatrizzo
21. Chapter 21: Move the Game Outside and Play There by thegreatrizzo
22. Chapter 22: Father-Daughter Games by thegreatrizzo
23. Chapter 23: A Game for Old Friends by thegreatrizzo
24. Chapter 24: A Game that should not be played by thegreatrizzo
25. Chapter 25: The Goddess Checkmate by thegreatrizzo
Chapter 1: The Game is afoot by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Parents are leaving. Phillip is left in charge or so he thinks.
“We are going to be gone for two weeks are you sure you don’t need Mrs. Stevens to watch you.”
“We don’t need Mrs. Stevens to watch us. I am seventeen and I know how to cook.” Phillip replied.
“Okay. call her if you need anything. We will be in Europe so there will be a time change for any communication so email us if you need money.” Mom said as she was patting herself down looking for her keys.
“Dad has them and he is in the car waiting for you.”
Realizing this, Mom looks up and says “Your right, better leave now so we don’t miss the plane.” as she hurries out the door to the car.
Phillip closes the door and walks away smiling. He has been grinding on the new first person shooter to raise his level. Nothing was going to stop him except maybe school and homework. Phillip was an introvert. At 5’6”, he was decently athletic, not much muscle and only a little fat on him, but not enough to work really hard for a sports team. He did not do anything for his short brown hair because that would be too much work. He was interested in sci-fi movies but not too much into being in the geek squad. He viewed himself as a balance between geek and cool. He had some friends and they were going to be on his squad for the game. He had finished his homework so he could play to midnight. He got in front of the tv and turned on the console.
“-are Mom and Dad gone?” a voice said
Phillip looked up at the stairs. Of course, he completely forgot about his sister.
“They left a little while ago.”
“Dang! I was going to ask about having Judith over.” Lily said coming down the stairs. Coming in front of Phillip.
Phillip knew that if Lily, his ten year old sister, was going to be here with him. She was going to bother him as he played his game. Judith was one of Lily’s only friends from school because she did not pick on her for wavy red hair. Lily was small too which didn’t help with the bullies. She was probably going to be 5 foot like her mom. Judith was into occult stuff which means she was an outcast as well.
“Judith can come over tonight if you want to. Just leave me alone with my game.” Phillip said to her.
“Great, she found a board game in her grandma’s attic that she wanted to play with me. Can she stay the night as well?” She beamed.
“Sure, we have tv dinners in the freezer.” he replied, returning to his game.
“Yay!” she said running up the stairs.
“Gosh.” Phillip said. He put his headphones on and went to start a match. He wondered what sort of board game Judith would bring over since she was into that spell and hexes stuff.
An hour passed, and a knock happened at the door with two loud thuds and three small ones. Lily came rushing down the stairs and opened the door.
“Judy, you came! I thought you weren’t coming! Did you bring the game? She squeaked.
Judith was eleven with short black hair and glasses. She definitely looked the part of what she was interested in. She lifted up her glass slightly. “I did bring the game. I promised that we wouldn’t stay up too late for school.”
“Sweet. Can I have a look at it!’ Lily replied.
“Take it up stairs and be quiet!” I yelled at them. Peeved at how annoying their conversation was going to be.
Lily turned around and glared at me with her blue eyes. “We were just about too.”
They went up stairs with what looked to be an old board game that did not recognize at all. It did not matter to me because I was playing my game.
Several hours had passed and it was now eight o clock. The girls had come down to eat and were finishing their meal. I had just finished a match with the boys and was ready for another one.
“That last round was rough. I know we can take them out this time.” Phillip snarled into the mic.
“That was my last round. I have to complete my homework before tomorrow.” Beefydude25 replied.
“Same here.”
“You guys are just going to leave me hanging here. I can’t play by myself.” I replied.
“Sorry man, but I have to go.”
With that everyone signed off one by one. I did the same thing because random teams would let me use the rocket launcher or the sniper leaving me to charge in with a machine gun. I leaned back and placed my hands on my face, I had the whole night with nothing to do. What would I do?
“Are you done with your game?” Lily asked curiously.
“My friends haven’t completed their homework for the weekend so I am left with nothing to do.” Phillip groaned.
“You can join us for our board game. It requires at least one boy and one girl” Judith said, peering over her glasses. Her dark brown eyes looked black and mysterious when she said it.
I pondered it for a moment and wondered why that rule and then I thought that I had nothing to lose and my friends had abandoned me.
“Sure, why not. I have to eat dinner first and read the rules.”
“Yay, I will go get the game set up.” Lily said.
Lily went upstairs to get the game while Judith handed me the rulebook and went to heat up my dinner.
The rules said the game was called “Stars and Boots.” The board looked similar to a candy based game but said it was for 30 and above. It looked like an old time Las Vegas on the design and a black screen appeared in the top left of the board. The way to move was using a single six sided dice. There were six different colors of tiles. Red, pink, tan, light blue, dark blue, and black. The game appeared a little sexist as certain color tiles would benefit you by gender. Red and pink were good for girls and bad for boys and opposite for the blue colors. Tan was to affect everybody and black was a bad one to fall on.
I finished up my meal and went to the living room. Lily and Judith had set up the game. There were four pieces like pawns. I chose the gold color while Lily chose silver and Judith chose black. The game looked like it was made during some time when Hollywood was big in either the 30's or 50’s.
“The oldest goes first is what it says in the rules.” Judith said in a monotone voice.
“That would be Philip.” Lily replied with a smile.
I picked up the dice and stared at Lily. “yeah I heard her loud and clear.”
I rolled a five on the board and moved my piece five spaces to a dark blue.
“Hey, I landed on blue. That is good for me.” I said looking for a deck of cards but there was none. “I think you are missing some parts of the game.”
“There are no other pieces in the box.” Lily said, also looking.
“Look! The screen on the game is turned on!’ Judith yelled. It surprised us both but we looked at the screen on the game. It had turned gray like the black and white films with a countdown going to zero from three. We waited until it reached zero and text suddenly appeared on the screen.
$Your workout for the last six month has finally paid off. Enjoy your body.$
That was a weird message. I haven’t been working out for the last six months. I leaned back and put my hand on my stomach and was going to tell the girls it was messed up. I felt my stomach suddenly molding and changing under my hand that I lifted up my shirt. There was a glorious six pack on my abs glistening.
“When have you been going to the gym!” Lily yelled, staring at her brother's impressive abs. She was blushing as she said it.
“I havent-nt been going to the gym at all.” I stuttered. I was just as confused as her at the recent development.
“It is the board game that did it.” Judith said. “The board game has magic that can change one’s body. This got interesting.”
“If this is what it does it should be fine but what happens if something bad happens. We should stop playing the game.” I said. This could get out of hand. I was happy with the abs but was worried if things suddenly went worse. I normally was unlucky when it came to board games so I hoped nothing would--
I looked at Lily and realized she had rolled the dice. It was too late to stop anyone. The game had begun as Lily moved her piece to a pink spot. The screen lit up and did the countdown.
$Role accepted because of a shared drink with a director. Enjoy a cup.$
I wondered what that meant and then I heard a gasp from Lily. Her shirt was getting tighter as her chest was increasing. She did not wear a bra at this age but it was clear that her breasts were forming and swelling into an A-cup. She looked down after the swelling was done because it looked like she was gasping for breath when it happened.
“I got tiddies!” Lily shrieked. “I got breasts just like an adult.” she hugged herself with such glee. I was shocked and did not believe what happened. She looked pretty cute with her smile.
“I guess this won’t be too bad since it seems we are all getting something nice.” I said, still dumbstruck of what happened to his sister.
“Four.” Judith said.
She moved to a light blue tile on the board and waited for the screen word to appear.
$You enjoy being a stick in people’s ass so now you can fit a stick up your ass.$
That did not sound good. There was a little “ooh” from Judith as she started to rub her ass up and down her crack.
“My butthole seems to be bigger.” Judith said.
Lily, looking concerned for her friend, said. “Are you okay? Do we need to check it? Do we need to stop the game?” standing up now in Judith’s face.
“I am fine. We do not need to stop the game and I can check it later. It is your turn to roll the dice, Phillip.” Judith said
If that was the only sort of bad thing to happen this shouldn’t be too bad. Judith was fine with the results. I picked up the dice and rolled.
I moved to a pink space and read the screen.
$Looked to young for a roll because you have a baby face.$
I suddenly felt any hairs on my face suddenly return back into my face. I had been hoping to grow a beard but that was all gone as I looked in the dark reflection of the tv screen to see that my face looked like I was in my tweens.
“You look like you're in middle school.” Lily laughed. She was pointed at my face as she did this.
“It’s not funny! I can’t be looking like this. I went through puberty for nothing.” I was angry at the board game right now for looking like this. I would be laughed at by the school as well when I went tomorrow.
“I believe everything would be returned to normal once we finished the game.” Judith said. She said this probably knowing I would probably throw the game.
“We should probably stop before this gets out of hand. We--”
“Four” Lily said as she moved her piece to the black tile. This was not going to be good. Black was the bad tile so anything could happen. We waited for the countdown. All of us were anxious and what it was going to say. What was to happen to Lily.
$You were called grandma by the young folk. Age twenty years.$
We were stunned by what the screen said. Judith and I looked at each other before we heard a moan for Lily. We were awestruck at what we saw.
Lily was wiggly in her seat as she was growing taller. Her green shirt was getting tighter than before as it was becoming too small. Her shorts were also creaking from the sound as her ass was becoming rounder. She was four foot six when her face started to change. It started to lose any child fat as it matured. Her teeth straightened out and a plump lip followed suit. Her eyelashes grew longer and her freckles disappeared and were replaced with smooth skin. Her hair grew straight down her back with some waviness with no poofiness. The other body parts grew and changed as well. Her waist started to slim down and become flat giving an appealing belly. Her butt grew rounder and toner until it was a fine ass stretching her shorts. Her breast started to swell tremendously with her growth. As she reached her final height of five foot. Her shirt ripped along the seams with her breasts popping out revealing a D-cup.
“That felt so good..” she said in a rasping voice not caring for what happened to her clothes.
“You look amazing!” Judith said. She stood up and went to Lily's side. She was smiling at her friend’s sudden growth.
I was agape with my mouth open at my sister. She had just grown into a fully mature adult in about half a minute. She was stunning. No longer was she an annoying brat of a younger sister but a sexy adult with me looking like a rebellious younger brother. I finally recollected myself, covered my eyes and said. “You need to put a shirt on.”
Lily looked down at her body realizing she was naked and gave me a devilish look. “Why? Do you like what you see? She said in an enticing voice.
I peeked through my fingers to look at her again. I did like what I was seeing. A thin waist and a big butt. Her breast really caught my eyes. They were round and plump with nice nipples at the tip. I turned bright red.
Seeing my embarrassment, Lily giggled and stood up. She was foot taller than Judith who was standing right next to her. “I will go borrow clothes from mom, I am sure she won’t mind. You go roll the dice Judy.” She left the room with her hips swaying back and forth.
“Gosh!” I thought. “She is so sexy.” Her ass movement was so sexy and she gave a slight glance back when she went into mom’s room. I definitely got a boner from that.
“Four” Judith said, as I was brought back into reality.
Judith put her piece on a pink tile and read from the screen.
$the movie you starred in made you look mature. Gain five years and a cup in celebration.$
It was Judith’s turn to gasp as she fell on the floor clutching her stomach and gasping. I had to stand up to her on the ground and she had already grown a lot by then. She was wearing baggy clothes compared to Lily and she was curled up. so I couldn’t see a lot but it was getting tighter. Her hair grew a little past her shoulder from it’s previous neck height. Her ass and waist remain slim. She grew longer than Lily. The growing stopped and she stood up. She was taller than me. At 5’10” and b-cup that stretched her shirt to the limits. Her shorts were tight on her ass as they were slim and thin like her waist. Her face was thin and her lips bright red. She definitely fit the gothic sort of girl if she decides to put makeup on.
“That felt good.” Judith said. Looking over her body that had become a teenager, a year younger than me. “I will need to change as well.” she left into the same room as Lily.
I definitely had a boner as two lovely ladies had suddenly appeared in front of me. I marveled at how lucky I was. This game isn’t too bad. More good things than bad. I picked up the dice and rolled smirking at myself. I rolled a two and moved to light blue tile and read the screen.
$The stunt double training allowed you to survive an accident. Enjoy greater endurance and stamina.$
A warm feeling swept through me as my body became a little more toned and durable. It felt good. I looked over myself feeling refreshed and like someone could swing a metal baseball bat at my head and I wouldn’t break anything.
Judith suddenly came out of the room a white tshirt and sweats from my dad’s closet. She walked back to her chair gracefully like a model. She was wearing a bra from my mom because she was the same size but my dad’s clothes because he was six foot. What came out next stunned me.
Lily walked out in some tight jeans and a blue blouse. The jeans hugged her as making it stand out because she had a bigger butt than mom. Her blouse was unbuttoned on the top but still pressed against it because she also had a bigger bust than mom. She walked back to her seat as well moving her hip back and forth. With Lily being thirty now, she really made the clothes show her sexy body. She looked at the dice, then at me, and sat down. She definitely saw my boner pushing on my pants. She gave a slight smile and stared at me with an improving glance.
“You rolled the dice so now it is my turn.” as she picked it up and rolled. “One.”
She moved to the red square and read the screen.
$You movie became a hit and you an even bigger star. Grow two feet.$
I was dumbstruck again at what it said. I looked at Lily as she moaned in a loud sexy voice.
She started to grow again but unlike last time her body portions stayed the same as she grew. Her jeans she just put on were under great stress as her plump legs that were stretching it before it started to tear it apart from the crotch out. She brought her left hand down to her pussy and started to play with it as she grew even more and moan more. Her breast started to press against her blouse due to them growing bigger. They stayed the same portion to her if she had her d-cup at five foot but they were no longer d-cups because she was getting bigger. The button started to pop off when she reached six foot. They continued popping off until her breast once again spilled out at 6’6”. She groped her breast with her right hand as she continued to grow even more. It had been a minute of this with her groaning and moaning. We rubbed her breast and masturebated in front of us as she grew. She reached 7 feet, she lurched backward with an orgasm.
“That was amazing and I feel so sexy.” She said as she looked down at us. She stood up to see her true height compared to us.
Judith looked so happy that she jumped up and was again looking over Lily's body. Feeling the breast and butt.
I stood agape again and just looked at my sister's new body. She was an amazon. Tall, big ass and breast and totally slim waist. Her hair reached down to the tip of her butt. The nipples and areola were pink. Her mature body just made it all the better. She was the dream girl for many and me. There was no doubt that I had a boner and precum coming from the tip.
Lily stared down at me knowing fully well what was going on in my head and body. I was totally into her. She put her hand on Judith’s head and spoke.
“No one’s clothes will fit me in this house and Mrs. Steven definitely doesn’t. So I will have to play like this for the rest of the game.”
“That is totally fine with me. Your body looks so sexy and hot. I believe Phillip thinks the same.” she beamed turning to me.
I turned red as they looked at me with my dick pressing against my pants. Lily gave me a smug look like this was how it was going to be. There was definitely no clothes for her that she could wear and it was only going to be until the game was done.
“Uh that sounds fine. Yes , Lily looks very sexy.” Embarrassed, I looked away.
“It is your turn Judy.” Lily said. She sat down crossed her legs and arms in such a sexy way I had to hold my body in check.
“six. “ Judith said and moved her piece to pink and read from the screen.
$The beaches were nice today with plenty of photographers to see your nice tan.$
Lily and I glanced at Judith as her skin turned tan that would make photoshop master cry at how perfect the tan was. No longer was she able to be a goth girl but could join the cheerleader squad.
“It looks so good on you, Judy.” Lily said leaning forward.
“It clashes with my whole style. How am I going to return to my hamlet looking like a girl from the beach.” Judith replied.
“No worries, you will think of something out. It is now Phillip’s turn.”
I rolled the dice hoping for something like biceps and fast reflexes. I just stood still as the two rolled and I landed on black.
$A movie was needing munchkins so they hired you. Lose three feet.$
I felt dizzy as my whole world spun around me. The ceiling was getting farther away and my clothes were slipping off. I fell over on my side and everything went dark.
Next thing I knew, I felt as though someone was taking my clothes off me. That turned out to be correct. I was staring up at giantess and goddess. My sister had taken off my shirt which had surrounded my body. Lily then picked me from my waist lifting me up. My pants and briefs fell off as I flew in the air. I was held above her head which was so high. I was scared as everything was so far away but I had the best view of Lily’s breast. I was completely naked.
“He is so cute!” Lily squeaked.
“He is just like a toddler. That is very high for him so he is probably scared.” Judith said.
Lily brought me down and squeezed me against her breast. They felt so soft and warm. I was in the best place in the world. “Your right. But he's just so cute!” she held me out again to get a look at me and I got a look at her again. She was so hot. She pulled me in between her breast and squeezed again. That was enough for me. I blew my load.
“I think he went and did his load on you.” Judith said, not at all surprised. She knew it was coming eventually.
“Aww! Did little brother have something in his peepee.” Lily cooed as she held me out. “I guess we have to clean him up.
She brought me to her face, more specifically, my dick. She engulfed my entire dick in his mouth. I moaned as it entered her mouth. Rubbing my dick was tongue so masterfully getting the cum. She brought it to the balls and then outside. Consuming all the cum in big gulps. She pulled me away after cleaning me.
“If you need to use the peepee again like that just tell me and I get it right away.” Lily said like she was talking to a baby.
“I am your brother, why would you do that! I am not a kid, I am your older brother. You-!” I yelled but couldn’t finish it as she put her finger on my mouth.
“You are the one who blew your load on me. How I see it, you did it first and I get to decide what I want to do with it. Also, I am thirty right now and you're a seventeen year old who looks like a toddler. So I am in charge now.” She said with authority.
I realized my situation. I was small, she was older, bigger, and sexier. She had the power over me. All I could do was finish the game and have everything return to normal. I will be big again but I will miss Lily’s sexy body.
Lily put me down on the chair and grabbed my shirt. She wiped my cum off of her with my shirt and put it next to me. I tossed the shirt away because I did not want my cum on me. I turned back to the game to see the most wonderful ass in front of me. She was bent over the table so I could see everything. Everything was cleanly shaven and glistening. “Man,” I thought, what would it be like to have my face in that pussy and ass.” As I focused on the ass I did not hear Lily roll the dice.
“Three, That is light blue.” Lily said and then read the screen.
$you were such a big and sensitive pussy at the party. Your pussy will be bigger and more sensitive.$
I was paying no attention to what she said. I just suddenly noticed the most wonderful ass get better. The pussy got larger in front of my eyes. It kept swelling until I believed I could put most of my head inside of it. I reached for the pussy but I fell off the chair to the ground. I was not used to my new size. Both of them hadn’t noticed what happened as I stood up. Lily had straightened up and was standing above me now legs apart. I was once again staring up her pussy as it was brightly glistening. I was shocked again on how huge she was. I was barely above her knees and almost a third of her height. My dick had hardened once again.
“Anything weird or a problem, Lily.” Judith said
“Nothing at all, must have been like your butthole. Bigger and a little annoying but we can manage.” Lily replied as she moved back to her chair.
I jumped back into mine naked. I was not thinking about putting my pants on at that time. Lily was back in her chair with legs open wide, showing all her glory. I could only stare and have an erection. Lily knew that, that's why she was leaving her legs apart. She had grown in her sexual knowledge when she aged to thirty and she knew how to use her body. She was going to be a tiger when she actually grew up. She looked down at my erection and gave me a wink with a smile.
“One,” Judith said after she had rolled the dice and landed on a tan tile.
$The party was great and you were all lovely, You just have to join in tomorrow for the afterparty. Wait until tomorrow night before playing again.$ the screen read.
I was shocked. I had school tomorrow and so did Lily and Judith. I was small. I will be laughed at. Judith was a teenager now, how was 5th grade going to work out. heck , Lily was in a bigger problem being an adult and amazon. I had to skip school tomorrow.
“I guess we have to turn in for the night.” Judith said.
“We have to order some clothes for tomorrow as well I have nothing to wear.” Lily replied. “Some websites have same day delivery. So measure me tonight and we can order it.”
“Same here. We have school tomorrow. Let's order it tonight and expedite it for early morning.”
Lily stood up and stretched. I was too shocked to even look at the beautiful scene. “Sounds good with me.” She walked to the stairs with Judith and then stopped. “You go on ahead I have to pick up Phil.”
“Don’t get too caught up. I will open the website.” Judith said
Judith went up the stairs but Lily walked to me in her sexy walk of swaying the hips. I did not register her at all in my conscious mind but my unconscious mind made my dick shoot straight up. She toyed with it a little but did not get any reaction from me. She picked me up and carried over her shoulder. She put me on my bed in my room just staring at the ceiling. She moved over and kissed me on the lips. She stood up with her full height above and I was in awe. My tongue moved out to lick where she had kissed. She smiled at me when I did that. I rolled over and started to go to sleep. She walked out of the room and stopped and said. “I hope tomorrow night is even spicier than tonight.”
End Notes:
This is my first story. I hope you all like it. Please give me advice and suggestion
Chapter 2: The game didn't stay home by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Phillip is coming to the realization of what the game has done to his life>
Phillip woke in the morning feeling strangely refreshed. He was planning for some more matches with his friends tonight cause he finished his homework for the week during the first part of the weekend. He was going to enjoy this week to the fullest with his parents gone. He got out of bed, put on some briefs, and went to the door. He remembered last night that his friends left early because they did not complete their homework. So what did he do for the rest of the night. He reached up for the door knob to open it.
“I reached up for this??” He thought.
Suddenly everything came back to him last night with the boardgame. Hu pulled the door open and rushed to the stairs and down. He had nearly tripped down the stairs but caught himself and adjusted to his new height. He ran into the living room to check the game. It was still there where he left it. The screen in the corner read
“You came down pretty fast after sleeping in.” a sweet voice said behind him.
Phillip turned around to see the most beautiful woman he had ever seen behind the counter in the kitchen. He could not see all of her because the counter blocked the view from his height. She had red hair flowing down her back. She was seven feet tall and a few feet away from the ceiling. She had big breasts that would be F-cup on a normal size person but were D-cup for her size. I could see that she was wearing an apron. The smoke from what she was cooking made her smoking hot
“Judy has already left for school about five minutes ago. You do not have enough time for the first bell but we can get in by second for attendance.” Lily said as she was cooking.
I was dumbstruck as this hot woman just last night was my younger sister. She had become an adult and was prepping breakfast. She noticed that I paused for a moment staring at her in unbelief. She saw this and smiled at me.
“I am the adult around here for the time being because of the game.” Lily said. “So you have to listen to what I say until the game is over. I have to apply to jobs later since I am jobless and you have to go to school. So eat your breakfast while it is warm.”
She walked over to the table carrying she had on the stove and placed it on a plate of pancakes on a table. I was once again left agape by my sister. She was only wearing the apron, nothing underneath. Her back was to me and in full view once she wasn’t blocked by the counter. The ass was big as well and plump. I had a boner immediately. She peered over her shoulder, happy at the result and went back into the kitchen. I went over to the table and pulled myself up to see that it was pancakes and sausage.
I was hungry and so ate up the food quickly. I wonder if she meant any ideas by the sausages and pancakes. Once I was finished, I turned to the kitchen to see Lily just standing there in the apron. The apron went just above the thigh and barely around the rim of the breast. She looked smug about herself. Then I saw her raise her hand up, she had a large peeled banana. She puckered her lips at the tip of the banana and peeled almost all of it away. She tilted her head back and pushed the banana down her throat. She had swallowed it whole.
Lily had transformed from the annoying brat when she was younger to a sexually active predator adult. She was a lioness hunting for prey and I wonder if I was it. I walked over to the sink to put my dishes away. I had to step on a stool to put it in the sink. I turned around still on the stool to see Lily behind me. I was caught.
“Judy and I last night, after checking sizes, we checked the other parts of our body that had changed from game.” Lily said as she put one arm under her breast and the other to her cheek. She would have looked smart and sexy if it wasn’t for the apron. “We wanted to know what it did. And do you know what happened?”
I just stared up at the giantess, in awe. She had so much power over me at my size of 2’6”. All I could do was mutter. “What happened?”
“Judy checked her asshole because it got bigger and I checked my vagina.” Lily beamed. “My one felt so good because it was so sensitive but Judy just pondered over her ass. We then decided to see how big each got. We got a water that was a foot long and put it inside of ourselves. I completely got the water bottle up my pussy before pulling it out. The water bottle went really far up Judy’s ass that she had to push really hard to get it out.”
Judith had become a teenager during the game and I had become small. Lily was so proud of the fact that she had something about a foot in her pussy. She had become a sexuall addict. I put my head down and left the kitchen and went upstairs. I was tiny and was going to be laughed at the school. I was so mediocre before that no one bothered me or paid much attention to me, now I was being this small. I went to the bathroom, went on my stool, and stared at my reflection.
It was a good several minutes of me staring that I did not notice Lily coming up in the apron with some clothes for me.
“You have to go to school, so get ready. The shower won’t take you that long. I can drive to the school when you're done.” Lily said.
“I am not going.” I replied
Lily looked back into the bathroom. Seemingly shocked that I talked back to her. “You are going to school. I am in charge.”
“I am not!”
Lily went into the restroom I was in, taking a good section of it. She put the clothes down on the sink and put her hands on her hip as a sign of dominance.
“You are going to school. Judy has gone already. She is living normally with these changes and so will you. If you do not get dressed, I will make it so that you want to take a shower.” angerly
“I am not going.” I pouted
“Last warning” Lily said, waving her finger.
Lily suddenly grabbed the back of my head with one hand and lifted the apron with the other. I saw her pussy glowing with her juices and it appeared she had been waiting for this. I forgot for a moment as my face was getting closer to it, Lily was pulling me to it. I couldn’t raise my hands in time as my face rammed straight into it.
“Ohh Yeah!” Lily moaned “That is the spot.”
Lily kept her hand on the back of my head as she humped my head. She was made so sensitive from the night before that this felt amazing to her and me. She kept pushing with her hips and hand of my head into her pussy. I slowly felt the pressure increasing around my head as my ears went in. She was trying to take my whole head into her.
“You are just the right size for this. I can’t believe I didn’t do it last night.” Lily voice echoed from inside her.
She had position herself completely over me by now. The stool had brought my head to the level of her pussy. She paused for a moment before giving one hard push at the back of my head. That is all it took for my head to go in.
“AAAHHHH!” Lily yelled.
I heard her voice as she yelled. Her heartbeat all around me. Her fold pressing my head. He juices filling my lungs. I was enjoying every bit of this as I felt her close to climaxing. I felt my feet go out from beneath me but I did not fall out. A hand grabbed my arm to keep me there. I suddenly heard her moan, the walls collapse, and a lot of her juice filled my stomach. She had cum.
Lily was feeling proud and strong at the same time. She was in charge of Phillip while mom and dad were gone and his entire head was in her pussy. This game had given her so much that she didn’t want to finish it. She returned back to her pussy that had gripped her smaller brother. She was having jolts of pleasure course through her body from her pussy. She was going up and down his head on the stool. It felt so good. She decided to kick the stool away to have her pussy carry him. It did. Philip wass left hanging from her vagina. She felt so powerful having a man in her pussy but she wasn’t feeling the same pleasure as before when she was humping. Lily grabbed his arm and started to pull him up and down. This is what she needed. She let a loud moan as her pussy pushed down on her brother's head.
She sat down on the floor with Phillip’s head still inside her . This was the best orgasm she ever had. She only had two so far but there was a lot to look forward to. She felt Phillip’s hand along her thighs as he was pushing himself out. With a loud smack, Phillip’s head popped out covered in her juices. He looked cute and disappointed at the same time. She had completely dominated him with her pussy. He was downcast realizing that she had total control of him. The cuteness was her opinion.
“Why did you do that? I am all messy now.” Phillip said as he rubbed the cum out of his eye.
“I did exactly as I said. You have to take shower to clean it off.” Lily said standing up. “Now take your shower.”
“Yes Ma’am” Phil said dejectedly.
Lily started to leave the bathroom but turned around and gave one more glance at Phillip. He was licking his lips and put his fingers in his mouth that were covered in her cum. Lily smiled knowing she was getting him addicted to this as well.
Nobody stared at him when Lily dropped Phillip at school, but they stared at Lily as she drove off in his car. Phillip walked to class like normal. His appearance did not affect anyone. His desk had been changed to match his height in all of his classes. After lunch, Phillip went to his locker that was next to one of his friends from last night. He waved as I approached him.
“Last night's match was so close. If i did not charge across the open field to the enemy base we would have won.” Phillip's friend, Greg, said.
Phillip was surprised that Greg was treating him regularly as if he wasn’t small.
“You need to teach me to look out for where snipers hide.” He continued, “If I am a charger I need to know where they are so I can shoot them first.”
“yeah , I will give you a few tips. But change of topics, do I look different to you? Phillip changed the topic to what mattered to him.
“Nothing unusual. Did you grow a little? I know you are touchy about that subject.”
“Do I appear shorter to you?” I asked again.
“Nope, usual height for you.” Greg replied.
Everyone viewed me as a short person. They treated it as normal. I was way taller before the weekend. I looked back up to Greg to ask him another question.
“Is it okay if I talk with Phil alone?” A voice said behind me.
I spun around to see Judith standing over me. She was in a black blouse that did not match her tan body. Remembering what happened last night, Judith had grown into a teenager with a nice body.
“Sure thing, I leave you two alone with your magicy stuff.” Greg said as he grabbed his books and left down the hallway whispering. “Hot sister and tan goth girl. Man he has it.”
I looked back up at Judith and said “What are you doing here aren’t you in elementary school? How are you in high school?”
She lifted her hand up to stop me even though it was pointing down. She spoke of the insight she had received.
“When we woke up this morning, the universe changed itself to match our current forms. The clothes we wear all change to our size so we didn’t need to order anything. Our minds changed along with it, I suddenly had the knowledge of a teenager and Lily of an adult. You practically only changed in size so your situation wasn’t as drastic as ours.”
I stared up at her in shock. It totally made sense. The universe changed to match us. That is why my clothes fit and everything at school accommodates my size.
“How do we get back to normal and how long is this going to stay?” I asked
“I do not know but I believe we have to finish the board game to find out.” She replied. “So do not talk about this with anyone else besides Lily and me. So wait until tonight.”
Judith walked off after that. She got several glances from several guys as she walked away. I closed my locker and went back to my normal day being short.
The rest of the day went by fast. Came home in the bus with Judith. We walked in to see Lily on the phone talking to someone. She looked up and saw me.
“Job call, be with you soon. Mom left a voicemail on your cell phone.” Lily said returning to the phone.
I went upstairs to my room to find my phone. I left it here because I was distraught about being small. I picked it up and went to voicemail.
“Hey son, hope you are doing well. We arrived safely in Rome and we're taking a train to the alps now. Your dad has had a slight cough since coming up. He says it is the cold but I hope it is nothing. Remember to listen to your big sister. She might be jobless right now but she is an adult. I am so glad we took this trip. See you in a while, little prince.” Mom said over the voicemail.
My mother viewed me as small and helpless as well. The game had changed everything. Lily was bigger and older than me.Early today she showed me how much power she had over me. My head in her pussy was frightful and terrifying but at the same time exhilarating and pleasurable. Her love juice smelled and tasted really good. Her heartbeat all around me. Gosh! I had to stop thinking about this. I curled up on my bed and went to sleep.
I woke up with Lily calling me for dinner. I got up and walked downstairs. I had gotten used to being this small in this short time period. Lily had cooked some casserole for all of us to eat. Judith was staying one more night before she had to spend a night at home. Judith was still wearing her black blouse with white slacks. Lily looked amazing as always now. Wearing a red soccer shirt with dark blue soccer shorts. Her breasts were pressing against the shirt that he could see the design of the bra. After eating the meal we put the dishes away. The sky was dark now. Lily turned around to us and said.
“Ready to play the game?”
End Notes:
willing to take suggestion and advice for how the story goes. First story. updates might be fast or slow. What is going to happen to Phillip?
Chapter 3: Into the thick of the game by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Philip continues the game with his sister and friend. Will it get worse or better. Does Phillup have what it takes.
Each person went to their respective spot around the board. Lily was on the couch now and I was leaning over the board. Judith was sitting in the same chair as before.
“It is Phillip’s turn to roll.” Judith said
I did not like this. I was having my bad luck with board games again and this time it could change us. I grabbed the dice with trembling in my hand and tossed it.
“Three” Judith said.
It was a tan space. Were we going to have to wait for tomorrow again? I did not like where this was going as the screen turned on.
$you all invested in a broadway hit. Collect 50,000$ into your accounts.$
I sighed into relief as it was something good. I looked up to see Lily and Judith on their phone.
“Yep, we got 50,000$ dollars straight into our bank accounts.” Judith notified me.
“Yeah!” Lily chirped, “Now I can do something with my life.”
I was a little surprised by that remark. We are supposed to get back to normal. Why was Lily making plans. Lily then picked up the dice and rolled.
Lily moved her piece to the red spot. This was a good spot for girls.
$you movie was bust or nothing, you went bust. Enjoy three cheers.%
We stared at Lily as she leaned back with a smile on her face. Her breasts started to swell again. They were getting really huge on her body. There was a snap and her breasts jiggled as her bra broke and fell off. She was leaning far back as her breasts peaked from underneath her shirt. The breast’s stopped growing and she sat back down. Her breasts were massive on her with her body. There was a lot of under cleavage hanging out. Her areola was just barely visible.
I was left awestruck of the beauty that was my sister. Last night she was younger than me but now she was a goddess. I could easily be sandwiched in between the two at 2’6”. Judith had gone to get a measuring tape to measure her size.
“68 inches.” Judith said rolling the tape up.
“Wow, my breasts are bigger than Phil's body when he was normal.” Lily said.
I was just in awe of her size. Seven foot tall and some of the largest breasts in the world. Lily looked at me with a gleam in her eyes. She grabbed both her breasts from below and started to lift them up and down at me.
“Don’t worry I let you play with them soon. They are your size.” Lily said giggling.
I could only blush. She could have her way with me and I knew she was. I needed to get back to normal as soon as possible before she squished me with her boobs.
“Four.” Judith said
Judith then moved her piece to the same space as Lily. We waited to see what the screen said as i just stared at Lily’s breasts
$double feature, two actress create iconic sensual walking away scene. Such a nice ass$
I jolted as I heard a moan from both Lily and Judith. They were both clinging their butts as they got bigger. I quickly looked over at Judith
Judith hadn’t experienced this growth as many times as Lily but she was moaning in pleasure all the same. Her ass was bulging against her pants. Her baggy white slacks were no longer loose. Her bubble butt pressing tightly. The thighs and calves were nice and thick. She looked like she could be a runaway model. She didn’t want to but she could. She slumped down in her chair with a sigh.
“That was great. I could get addicted to this.” Judith said. “What about you Lily.”
Lily’s growth had done even more wonders to her. She was leaning on the couch with her ass facing us. She had already gone through her growth and all we could do was witness the beauty. Her butt was hills compared to me before, now they were mountains. Her blue soccer shorts had stretched over her butt cheeks to now form her underwear. Her panties had snapped and were hanging from the shorts. The shorts did nothing to cover her as it was like a thong, displaying her massive pussy. She reached over and pulled the ripped panties out.
“Ooh yes! I can definitely get addicted. We are so sexy and big.” Lily moaned.
“You're the one that is big. I am pretty regular size myself.” Judith replied
Lily flipped over back on the couch to a sitting position. “I am sure you guys will fawn all over you. The whole high school gawked at me when I dropped Phillip off and the grocery store.”
“You're just a wonder that no one can help but look. Maybe you should be one of those social media influencers on metube and picto book? I don’t want any of that spotlight.” Judith said
“Maybe I will do that, it sounds like fun. I will be a movie star or something. It is Phil's turn so he should roll the dice.” Lily reached over and picked up the dice. I just stood there with my mouth open as my sister leaned over to me. I was just staring at her and her beauty. She placed the dice right in my open mouth. She smacked her lips like a kiss which woke me from my trance. The dice rolled out my mouth to a one.
$your nude scene was a hit now everyone wants a piece of your dick.$
I looked down to see my dick pressing against my pants. It was going farther than it ever had before. I had to take my pants off because it was pressing so hard. My dick was big and thick. I stood there just staring at it with my pants down. Judith had grabbed the measuring tape again and put it on my dick.
“10 inches.” Judith said “it is a whopper”
“What am I going to do now? My pants won’t fit.” embarrassed I tried to cover it before them.
“We are all in the same boat here. Your pants will adjust tomorrow. Besides we are all flaunting our stuff here. You don’t have to hide your glorious rod.” Licking her lips. She definitely wanted to try my dick, eating or riding.
Judith stood up and looked down at me. “She is right you know. We don’t have to hide anything among us during the game.”
“Beside, it is no longer a peepee. It is a grown man’s dick.” Lily said, “a one. We are rolling low today.”
She moved her piece on the pink tile. She waited for what the screen was going to say.
$you played a spectacular monster in a kaiju movie. Fill that roll$
Lily moaned again as she started to grow taller. Her shirt moved up her growing breast to show her nipples. They are so pink and fluffy now. I really wanted to suck them. The shirt did not rip but stayed on her breasts. Her short, thong piece now, snapped at the pressure. She spread her legs apart for this so I could see her massive pussy that had swallowed my head earlier. She gasped as she stood up to see how tall she was. Judith handed her the measuring tape because she couldn’t reach.
“This is how you do it little brother. Much in the open as possible.” Lily said. “7 foot six. Not much of a growth as before but oh well.” Handing back the tape.
Lily was now three times my height and more than five times my size. She was becoming more and more like a goddess. I was truly worshiping her as I stared once again. Knowing that I was staring. She put her hand on her hip leaning to the side with another hand massaging her breast.
“You know maybe these boobs will be bigger than you soon. Then I can show you some motherly love.” exoticly while rubbing herself.
“Uh uh” was all I could say. Lily would eat me alive if she got bigger. She was already a demigod to everyone else but to me she would totally be a goddess. I wanted it but I was scared.
“Finally some action” Lily said sitting back down with her pussy in view of everyone.
Judith had moved her piece on my tile. I was waiting for something bad to happen to her.
$Double feature. Your TV show ratings are going down. Lose a foot of height.$
I looked at Judith to see her shrink but I didn’t. I had fallen below the view of the table. I was a little disoriented that I did not lose consciousness. My shirt was loose on me so I had to crawl out. I had shrunk again. This time, I couldn’t see, reach or climb up the coffee table. I shrunk with Judith I thought. I walked over to the side with Judith which confirmed my suspicions. She was smaller as well. She had shrunk to the size of 4’10”. I was amazed. People landing on the same tile got the same effect. This happened with Judith when she landed on Lily. This could be bad if Lily lands on it. I was suddenly lifted in the air again like last night.
Lily was holding me up in one hand above her. I could see her beautiful face looking at me. I was looking down a mountain as I gawked. Her breasts were bigger than me and her butt could definitely eat me. I couldn’t see anything else but her face and breast.
“He's so tiny and cute!” Lily chirped “I knew my breasts were going to get bigger than you. I did think you would shrink to make it happen.”
“You are bigger than before and you didn’t again. Both Phil and I shrunk on this tile.” Judith remarked.
“You are totally right.” Lily said while sitting down. She laid me down on her breast and examined my body. I saw her look down on my crotch and smiled wickedly. “His dick is still pretty big.”
She slid me along her breast to her open mouth. I shrieked a little as my 18 inch body was once again pushed to one of her mouths. She split my legs at the mouth so she could suck my dick. It felt so good. It was hot and moist on my dick. I started to moan as she started to use her tongue. My dick filled her mouth very well but there was still plenty of room. My dick was 6 inches while she was a giantess. She then pushed her tongue out along my back. She reached down my lower back. The taste buds are rubbing and scratching my body. I could take it anymore, I had to cum. I blew once and then again spraying the inside of her mouth with my semen.
She moaned when I did this. She pulled me out of her mouth. I was gasping for breath with what I just did. I looked back at her and she had her mouth wide open. Lily was showing me my work. She closed her mouth and tilted her head back with a gulp consuming all of it. I was in awestruck of what she just did. I couldn’t say anything against her. She was so beautiful, powerful, and gorgeous. She could do it again and I couldn’t stop her.
“Did you enjoy your treat.” Judith said
I turned to Judith just in shock at what Lily did. I tried to speak but no words came out. Lily turned and spoke for me. “It was very nice and Philly thinks so too. He is just too flabbergasted to speak.” She cooed.
“Well do not have too much fun it is his turn.” Judith replied.
“Your right, Philly needs to go.” Lily said, picking me off her breast and placing me on the table. I just looked back at Lily and asked “Philly?”
“It’s a nickname. Mixing Phillip and little together you get Philly.” she said using hand gestures. “Now roll the dice.”
I picked up the dice in both hands and tossed it into the air. The dice is so large now that I felt vibration on the table when it hit.
“Three,” I said. I went to my piece and moved it to red. This was bad. I looked at the screen.
$you had to play the uncle for the film, gain five years and lose next benefits$
I was shocked as this was good. I felt my stubble grow back from my attempted beard. I looked in the shine of the table to see that I still looked pretty young. I had turned 23 but my face looked like it was before the baby face roll.
“That is pretty good for that roll.” Lily said, picking up the dice. “You got something back to normal.” and she rolled the dice for a six. “Wooh, big numbers.” She moved her piece to pink.
$you were complimented on your youthful appearance. Lose 5 years$
We looked at Lily as her face became a little bit younger than before. She still had her maturity about her so this didn’t change much.
“Now I am closer to Philly’s age” Lily giggled.
Judith rolled the dice after Lily was done. “Three” Judith moved her piece with mine. This was good, it would be a double feature.
$You have won an academy award. You're a bigger star now. Lift a glass.$
I knew this was growth and I had been waiting for it. I would be able to do my own things. I stood there in excitement but nothing happened. I realized that my previous roll had wiped out any benefits. I turned and stared at Judith as she moaned loudly.
Her pants had become baggy from her shrinkage. Her legs were growing longer. They had filled white slacks again but this time pushing past it. They ripped along her crotch as she grew showing her pussy and ass. Phillip could see how big of an asshole she had. It was bigger than a light bulb. The part along her legs didn’t rip but appear to form leggings for her. She maintained the same slim waist and belly while she grew. Her breasts, which were B-cups before swelled to C-cups. Her breast pushed on the blouse that two buttons popped off. She arch backwards and yelled as she had her last growth spurt.
Judith sloped down in the chair with gasping and sighing. Lily grabbed the measuring tape and went to Judith. Judith stood up when Lily came and Lily measured Judith.
“6 foot 4. I told you. you were going to get bigger again.” Lily hugged Judith. Lily squished Judith on her breast but that didn’t bother her. She was glad she was close to Lily in height again.
“I thought it was too, I didn’t think it would be so soon.” pushing Lily away to see her fully.
Phillip just was stunned at the turn of events. He hadn’t grown. He was stuck at 18 inches. The only benefit was that he was watching a giantess and a goddess. He was going to be played around with those two, especially Lily. She was a sex fiend as an adult. What would change her when she actually got older. He could ponder this long as Judith turned to him.
“Your turn, Philly.”
She called her that as well now. Guess there was no stopping that nickname. He picked up the dice and tossed it.
“Two’’ Phillip went and moved his piece to tan and waited for the message.
$the party was totally crazy tonight. You should get a room together until tomorrow.$
Phillip knew that this message meant that he was going to have to wait for tomorrow to finish. He felt a tingle in his crotch as he looked down his dick. It was erect!
He knew now the message meant more than waiting tomorrow. He turned to see that his idea was right. Both Judith and Lily were breathing heavily and playing with their crotch. It was sex tonight.
Lily turned to Judith in her raspy voices as she was panting. “Rudy, you can take him tonight. I will have him in the morning.”
“That sounds good with me.” Judith replied. “I do not want to but I feel like I must.”
Judith went over and picked me off the table and onto the couch with Lily. She spread her legs apart and lifted them up. She put me down in front of this view. I wanted to run away from this but my body wouldn’t let me. Judith’s pussy glistened with her juices but that wasn’t the big eye opener. Her giant ass butt crack was in front of me. I walked to crotch and positioned myself in front of the ass. She understood this and moved her butt up to my dick. I inserted my dick in the huge butt hole.
“This feels so amazing! Yes more! Deeper!” Judith moaned.
I was pushing and humping as hard as I could. Her asshole was too big for me to go in any deeper with my dick. I kept my rhythm up because it felt so good and I knew that Judith felt the same.
“I know how he can go deeper.” Lily said as she leaned over Judith.
“Yes! Make him go deeper!” Judith cried in a passionate moan.
Lily went down and grabbed me with one hand and lifted me off my feet. She then proceeded to use her other hand to lock my legs in place. I was confused at what was going on until Lily pointed my feet at the asshole.
“Wait! I am not ready for this!” I yelled to no avail.
Lily shove me up to my torso in Judith ass. I remember from earlier that the girls had checked their hole size and depth. Judith had the possibility of being massive.
I was stuck in the asshole push with my arms to get out and kicking my legs to find some ground. Her ass was tight and not letting me go. My kicking wasn’t helping the situation, just making it worse. This was pleasing Judith a lot. She grabbed the couch with her hands as she lifted her hips up.
“YEESH! SO GOOD! GO DEEPER!” Judith screamed as she orgasmed.
Her buttcrack opened suddenly. My arms were caught as she pulled me deeper. I was up to my shoulders wiggly to escape. I felt another lurch as she orgasmed again. Her butt opened again, dragging me to my face. I could smell the stench from here. I was retching. I was not used to this smell so I would pass out soon. I stopped my movement cause that was making me go deeper. She calmed down after a little bit and was breathing heavily. She had tired herself out. I thought I was saved. I was wrong.
Her butt started to constrict as it was no longer inflamed. The asscrack started to close around me. I was being pulled in. I was going past her sphincter and straight into her colon. I looked out one more time to see my sister waving to me. The world went dark and the stench unbearable that I passed out.
End Notes:
Philly has to deal with Judy's ass for the night. What will happen in the morning with Lily. Advice and suggestions welcomed.
Chapter 4: Toys are a game as well by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Phillip wakes up inside Judith from the night before. Will Judith have her fun in the morning or will Lily have her way.
Phillip woke with a jolt. He was in a dark and stinky spot. He remembered quickly that he had been shoveled up Judith’s ass by his sister last night. Judith who was six foot four now because of a game. Her asshole had enlarged as part of the game too which is the reason for him being in her. The colon was large for his 18 inch body, benefits of the game. This did not change the fact that it reeked here. He was going to move to get her attention but his world shook as it appeared that she had gotten up. He got himself some bearings with his body and was again going to move hard to get her attention but his world shook again. What was going on?
Judith had awakened to the wonderful sensation of Philly in her colon. He moved so well there and she felt full with him inside her. She felt Phil wake up when she did. She knew he was going to move around to get her attention to let him out. She wasn’t going to do it yet. Lily would have him once he was out as part of the deal. She was going to have some fun with him. He was on the left side of her colon and she wondered if she could get it to the right. She would have to bend all over the place to get him there. When she grew to a teenager, She practiced yoga to keep flexible. She pulled out her mat to begin.
She started her simple poses to get herself flexible for the more intense parts. All the while she felt Phil squirm in her colon. There was a lot of up and down motion with twists to shake him up. After fifteen minutes of this she raised her left leg up for a standing split. This squeezed him to the top of her colon and did not allow much movement. She leaned to her right to perform a cartwheel. That did it. Philly was in the top part of her colon near her torso. He was squirming inside her, he knew he went farther in. She tried to cartwheel again to move him again but he stayed in the same place. She could feel his hands pulling himself back from where he came. She did have much control of her body as her ass so she continued doing yoga to move him farther in.
Thirty minutes had passed and he was still in the same place. None of the yoga had budged him. She laid down on her back on the mat and stared down at her stomach. She could see the bulge on her belly where Phillip was. He was crawling his way back to her ass. He felt so good. She reached and patted the bulge. The bulge started to thrash about as if he was about to go deeper. She couldn’t help but moan and giggle at his struggle. She wanted him to stay there forever.
“Judy, breakfast is almost ready.” Judith heard Lily yell from downstairs.
Judith suddenly realized this couldn’t last so she got up and started to change and take a shower. Phil was thrashing all the way through this until he got to her left colon. He pushed down until he was at the sphincter. He kept poking at which tickled Judith. He could push past that point. He needed her assistance to get out. So she walked downstairs to greet her best friend.
Her friend Lily was a goddess. 7’6” with red flowing hair down her back. Her ass was huge and bouncy. Her breasts were some of the largest in the world. Anyone would be enraptured by her.
“The eggs and sausage are ready so we can enjoy ourselves.” Lily said as she put the last dish in the dishwasher.
“Looks great I will dig in.” Judith replied.
Both her and Lily had been elementary kids just two days ago. The board game had changed them both. Judith is a 6’4” tall sixteen year old that any highschool girl would be jealous of now. Lily was an adult at 25 looking for a job. Their lives had changed so much. She did not want it to end. Did they have to finish the game? She knew Phil wanted to as he moved in her bowels. She was going to keep that to herself for now.
She went into some small talk with Lily about school and her job searches. They were talking about living a normal-ish life like this. Judith finished her plate and put it in the sink.
“I have to go to school now so see you later.” Judith waved as she headed to the door.
“Wait just a minute!” Lily yelled as she stood up and walked to the door. She was in a business attire so she felt very formal and mature. “I believe you have what is supposed to be mine for today?” Lily said inquistly.
Judith almost got away with Phil in her ass all day. She couldn’t go against Lily at all. She moved back into the living and took her pants off. She sat on the ground as she pushed Phil out.
Phillip suddenly felt a lot of pressure around him and the door that was closed earlier opened up. Phillip poked his head out and breathed the fresh air in. He had gotten used to the smell while he was in there but something about clean air was sweet. He got his hands free and started to push. He was stuck around his waist. He pushed really and felt that Judith did the same. He came out with a splurch he felt so relieved at his freedom. He had patches of her shit on his body but he was out in clean air.
“He’s out, can I go now?” Judith said standing up, pulling her pants up.
“That is good. You can go to school now.” Lily replied as Judith went to the door and left.
The door shut behind Judith leaving only Lily and Phillip. Phillip had aged to twenty three so he did not need to go to highschool anymore. The universe had bent to the game to make this normal. Phillip stared up at his view of his goddess, his sister Lily. Lily was a tower compared to him. She reached down and picked him up in one hand.
“You are all messy and stinky from your time with Judy. I guess I have to wash you. Lily said as she carried him to the kitchen sink. Lily turned the warm water on and put me under. I gagged underneath the water and her hands. She used rags and soap to make sure every spot was clean. No piece of Judith’s crap was on me.
“You are all clean, ready for me.” Lily smiled holding me up. I got a good look of her from my view. The formal business wear made her a very imposing force to reckon with. I decided not to get on her bad side today. She brought me to her face and kissed me on my face. Her lips covered my entire face.
“I have several chores and applications to fill this morning and then I have some errands to run later. So I have to put you somewhere until then.” Lily said
She started to unbutton the top of her shirt to reveal her gorgeous mounds. Each one was bigger than me. I was about to have the closest view of them again. She squished me in between her breasts with my head sticking out. My feet could feel the bottom of her bra so I couldn’t be straight up engulfed by them. She tilted her head down towards me and gave a cute smile. I was facing her in the breasts so that I could see her head. I knew I was in for a good time.
I gave Philly a disarming smile so he would not know what I had planned for him. He was going to have comfortable time in my breasts for the morning but everything was going to switch later on.
“Just stay right there and enjoy the view as I work today.” I said as I left the kitchen.
My boobs jiggled all around as I walked to the office to apply for some jobs. I looked down to see Philly gasping. I looked down and gave him a concerned look.
“Is everything okay? I asked.
“Everything is great. That was a great ride. Your boobs kept squishing me but I got a roll that made me very sturdy.” He said with a happy smile.
I was glad he told me that. I could do crazier things to him and he will just be okay. I smile back hiding what I was plotting. “”Good, so when I do the chores there will be no problem.”
“Yep” Philly gleamed back.
I continued work on applications in the morning. It was uneventful until a video call came in. I had to press Phil into my boobs for that. He was very happy with that when he squirmed his way out. Lunch was approaching so I left the office to work on chores. Phil stayed in the breasts for the whole thing with my breasts swaying. His boosted durability made it so that I did not have to worry about him. Lunch time had arrived and it was time for my next step.
I made a quick sandwich and started to eat it. The crumbs fell down to breasts where Phil was. Phil was happy to lick any of the crumbs that were on my breasts. After I was done, I grabbed a small plate of food I had prepared beforehand. I went to the living room and placed it on the coffee table. I pulled Phil out of my breasts and placed him on the table. He looked sad for leaving my boobs.
“I have to change my clothes for the errands I am running. This plate is made with your new size in mind. So when you are done just wait here.” I said to him.
He nodded his head and said, “Yes ma’am,” and began eating the food.
He paid no mind to me as I left him there. His back was turned to me as I went to the parent’s room. I had planted my change of clothes already in here so it will be quick. I put on my bra and shirt but left my underwear and pants in my hands. I peaked out the door to see how it was going. Phillip was still sitting on the table eating his food. It took three more minutes for him to finish. He looked back at the stairs believing that is where I would come from. He pushed his plate aside and started to wave his toes over the side. Five minutes went by and he looked over to the stairs again. He was getting impatient a little bit so he stood up on the table tapping his foot. This was my chance.
I tiptoe out of the parents room not making a sound. I reached the table and put my leg on the other side. He did not notice as he was staring outside.I skirt over the table until I was above him. He stood there for thirty seconds until he noticed my leg. He looked up to see me with no panties on above him. When he saw me, I acted fast.
I plunged down on top of him with my pussy. My pussy was made big by the game. I had swallowed his head yesterday. Today I was going to eat his whole body. The sound of him entering my body made a Squench sound. My vagina had eaten my brother. I could feel him squirm inside me. It felt so good that I did not want it to stop. I stood up to see his feet dangling out. I grabbed them and tried to push farther in but I couldn’t. His head was against my cervix uterus. I couldn’t push him yet but I wanted him there. I put my panties on and pulled them up trapping Philly inside me.
“This is the place I am going to keep you for the errands so behave well.” As I patted my stomach.
This did not quiet him at all. He thrashed about trying to escape. My pussy was just too strong. He did exceed in hitting my G-spot. I sat on the couch as orgasmed with him inside. It felt so much better than the others.
“If you keep doing that, I might keep you in longer cause you feel so good.” I said exoticly.
He didn’t listen to me and hit the G-spot again.
This got the message across as he stopped squirming. I had orgasmed twice with him inside. I was going to keep him longer than expected. Judith couldn’t come back until friday evening so I had Phil all to myself for the week. I pulled my pants over my soaked underwear and went to the door. This was going to be a blissful week.
End Notes:
what is going to happen to Phillip. He is stuck inside his sister and she has the whole week to mess with him. First story. So i am opened to suggestions and advice.
Chapter 5: Pleasure is the name of the game by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Phillip is stuck with Lily for the week. What is he going to think spend so much time with his goddess sister.
Phillip had been completely eaten by his sister’s pussy. She had tricked him with her gigantic breasts. Leaving everything in place for her to come down on him. He struggled at first but that caused more problems as she had an orgasm when he jolted about in the pussy. This was followed suited by a rush of fluids into his lungs. The liquid was sweet, refreshing and a lot of it. He stopped after his second try felt like he would drown. He was made sturdy by the game but didn’t think that applied to his lungs. Phillip felt the pants go up trapping him inside Lily. He could hear her heartbeat all around him. It was soothing, comforting, and felt more like home. Lily’s walking was a much smoother ride in Judith’s ass. I found myself falling asleep in there.
I awoke to a finger pressing down on me. I looked around to find where I was. I was still in Lily’s pussy. I tried to grab it but pushed me back in and went out.
“Just checking to make sure you are alive.” I heard Lily’s voice boom around me.
She was checking to make sure that I could survive inside her and I oblige unknowingly. I moved my head around to take in the surroundings. Light penetrated through her skin to light it enough to see a blurry image of my hand in front of me. All else I could see was dark pink fleshy walls surrounding me. I reached up to the cave walls and felt it give a little. My hand came back with a sticky substance on it. It was the same sweet nectar that I had tasted before when only my head fit. I licked up my hand and placed my other hand against the wall to get more. I was eating it up like a bear who found a honey nest. I was getting intoxicated on this stuff. I breathed in the smell of this cave and found it to have a sweet coconut smell. I liked coconut. I found myself more and more drawn to this place. I was rubbing the walls and eating it as fast as I could. Lily clearly felt it with my movements in her pussy.
“You seem to be a bit more lively down there. Can you keep it down a bit? I do not want to cum in front of a group of people.” Lily said.
I had stopped my rapid strokes of her pussy and went for a slower, gentler one. I was still sucking the nectar off my finger into my mouth.
“That is much better. I like the gentle touch to keep me stimulated but not overboard. We can do more when we get home.” She cooed.
I felt like her voice was so sweet when she spoke to me. I wanted to please her more. I was so intoxicated with the cave, I was glad Lily tricked me into it. I lost track of time licking the nectar.
I suddenly felt a pinch on my feet as I was suddenly pulled out of the oasis. I was covered in Lily’s juices as she lifted me to her face. I was once again in awe of this goddess in front of me who happened to be my sister. She was seven foot six with wavy red hair down her back. The largest breast one probably would see followed by her ass. Her blue eyes penetrated me and seemed to know my desires.
“Did you enjoy your time inside?” She asked.
“It was amazing!” I replied. “The walls were so soft, the nectar I could get drunk off, the heartbeat so soothing, and your voice oh so sweet. I wish I could stay in there longer.”
Lily just grinned at me. This was exactly what she wanted to hear. Phillip was becoming addicted to her body. She was becoming something he could not live without. She needed a few more days with him all alone with only her to make him her property. She would be like a true goddess to this little man.
“We can do that but first we need to clean you before bed.”
Phillip realized that she was wearing a black bra and panties. Outside the window it was dark. Night time had fallen and he was in her pussy since lunch. He turned back to Lily but could not see her as everything went dark. He was wondering what happened when he suddenly felt a strong wet appendage wrap around him. He was in her mouth.
Lily was licking Phil's upper body all over in her mouth. All that was left outside was his leg and crotch. His huge dick had an erection as it stood 6 inches in the air towards her nose. She brought her tongue out to lick the ball sack. The penis started to twitch at this and then it released it’s load over her face. She was glad that he seemed to lose his inhibition earlier. The sibling thing seemed like it was no longer a problem for him.
She wiped the cum off her face and pulled Phil out. He breathed the word “wow” and just stared at her. She beamed back at him and lowered him back to her crotch. She lifted her panties out of the way so he could come in. He was wiggling his arms in joy as she moved him closer to her ravenous pussy. He slid back in again with only his feet outside and he was jumping and wiggly about inside her. She moaned and had an orgasm as he was fighting to please her from inside. He paused for a little bit, he was letting the fluid leak out so he wouldn’t drown, and then started up again.
“OOOHHH YEAH THAT IS GOOD!” Lily yelled from another orgasm. “KEEP IT COMING!”
This went on throughout the night until both of them fell asleep from exhaustion. Lily in the bed and Phillip inside her.
Lily started Wednesday with Phil still inside her pussy. She began her work later than normal because of the last night antics. As she went through applying for jobs and phone calls, Phillip just felt too good that she had to take him out. She rotated between putting him in her breasts and her ass cheeks throughout the day. At the end of the day, Phillip told her that he preferred the breast over the butt cheeks. He said it reminded him too much of Judith’s stinky colon. This bummed her because she wanted to try that tonight. She decided to wait for another time to do it. She put Phil back in her pussy for the night and he went right away to please her.
Thursday she awoke late again. She pulled Philly out and put him in her breasts again. She kept him there until chores. Lily wanted to walk around in all her glory. She closed the blinds to the house and she took off her clothes and pulled Phil out of her breasts. Phillip was once again awestruck with her body that he got an instant boner. She brought him down to her pussy and shove him in until his feet. He gave a shiver as he was inside her. She felt a slight drop come from his midsection. He had cum inside her. She viewed it as a sign to clean the house like this. She had cleaned the upstairs and moved downstairs. All that was left was vacuuming. She vacuumed until the last room was the living room. As she was vacuuming she noticed the game that had made all this possible. She realized it was her turn. She could still roll for herself cause only Philly was here. Judith and Phil did it without her before so why could she do it now.
She turned the vacuum off and went to the board. Phil’s feet were sticking out of her vagina so it counted for two. She was nowhere near the finish line so she didn’t worry about finishing the game She rolled the dice.
“Five” She said. She moved her piece to red. This was going to be a good one.
“Five” Phillip thought from inside Lily. he would have been pulled out if there was a phone call. The only reason she would say that number if she was playing the game. If she was playing the game with him inside her. What was going to happen to him.
Lily looked at the screen to see the results
$box office sales went through the roof. You go to the ceiling.$
Lily moaned passionately as her body grew. There were no clothes in the way. Her legs grew, her ass grew, and her breasts grew. She didn’t stop until her head hit the nine foot ceiling. She plopped her big ass on the floor. She took up so much room. She was becoming closer and closer to becoming a goddess. She looked down at her pussy. Phil had gone through this inside her. Phil's legs could not be seen from her pussy. She looked at the table to see if he had fallen out. Lily suddenly felt a tingle from her crotch. She grinned as she knew it happened. Phil was completely inside her with nothing sticking out.
She brought her hand to her pussy and reached inside. She pulled him out again by his feet and dropped him on the floor. He turned around to see what she had done. He was in awestruck again. She was ginormous. He was barely above her ankles in height. He could fit perfectly in her breasts and be surrounded by it. Her thighs were thicc and could crush him. Her beautiful head with the red hair was so far above him even though she was sitting. Her legs were spread apart so he could see the glorious pussy from where he came from and the asshole that was nearly as big as Judith’s ass.
“Does this please you?” Lily asked.
“You are the most beautiful thing.” was all he could say.
Lily giggled at his response. She knew she was getting closer to being his goddess. He was no longer her brother to her. He was a servant. She wanted him to be smaller or her to get bigger. Once that happens, he would be just a lifeform dependent on her.
“My servant response pleases me. For that I will reward you.” Lily said “You please me from inside until tomorrow. The universe will then change to match me.”
Lily picked up Phillip and brought him back to pussy. She parted her lips apart for him but this time she put him feet first. Phillip was happy as he was placed inside her. He took one last look outside before pushing the lips closed. He was completely inside her. He started to move around inside to please her. He heard moans so he knew it was working. The walls suddenly pressed against him as he knew that the orgasm was coming. Her juiced came rushing in from the back of the vagina. Phillip prepared himself for possible drowning but it never came. He was smaller than before, he could find the pockets of air easier now. All he had to worry now was the pussy walls. They had squeezed tighter than normal, Lily was bigger so she must be stronger as well. Phillip went back in earnest to please Lily, his goddess and sister, knowing that he can make her cum in faster sessions.
“YES! MY SERVANT! MOVE IN MY VAGINA.” Lily yelled. She was so big now that her voice seemed to shake the house. Lily felt her servant moving faster than before causing her to orgasm again. This was going to be a good day. Lily orgasmed with Phillip inside her in the living room until night when he seemed to pass out inside. Lily still had a little bit left in her before she would pass out. She moved her hand to the pussy and started to masturbate with Phil still inside. She knew he was made of tough stuff so he should be okay. Lily came several times before passing out in a pool of cum of both her and her servant.
End Notes:
Lily is getting closer and closer to her dream. But Judith comes tomorrow. What will she do?
First story. Suggestions and advice are appreciated.
Chapter 6: Take every shot you can to play the game by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Judith is seeking some action with Phillip but Lily is not giving her a chance during the game
Judith had gone the entire week going to school waiting for friday evening. She was having no problem adjusting to her new life. Plenty of boys had asked her out, some were even her type, but she turned them down. She wanted Phillip. She would have to contend with Lily, who was a demigod of beauty. She only had a small chance of beating her. She was okay if Lily won but she just wanted some more time with Phillip before she moved on to another guy.
She walked to Lily's house and was surprised a little. Lily’s house was bigger than anyone's house on the block. She rang the doorbell, which was taller than before, and waited as she heard footsteps coming. She was shocked to see the new Lily. She was the tallest person in the world. She was 9 feet tall with the biggest breasts and butt. Her thick thighs and her waist was thin giving her a nice hourglass figure. Her white crop top and dark green low-rise shorts only helped her look better. She was glistening from sweat as it appeared she had been exercising, Judith didn’t think that was the case. It was getting hard to compete.
“Are you ready to play the game?” Lily said.
“I have been waiting all week” Judith said as she entered the house. The house and furniture was huge now with the new size. It didn’t bother Judith much with her height of 6’4”. She walked into the living room to see that Lily had moved already. She expected as much with Lily’s new size. She sat down and picked up the dice. She realized that Phillip wasn’t here.
“Where is Phillip?”
“Oh yeah. I need to take him out for this.” Lily perked as she reached into her pussy. She pulled Phil from out of herself and placed him on the table. He looked surprised when he came out but looked around and saw what was going on. It clicked in his head that it was time for the game. He looked disappointed. She did not know if it was that he left Lily’s pussy or that they were playing the game. All she knew was that she wanted him for herself for a little bit again. She rolled the dice to start the game again.
“Three” Judith moved her piece to the light blue tile. This could be good or bad. The game had a weird way of doing things. The game was for 30+ and they started as kids playing it.
$You were not fit enough for a sports movie, gain some pounds$
Judith looked down to see and feel the swelling in her belly and thighs. She grunted as this pressure was building inside her. She wasn’t slim anymore but she wasn’t unappealing. The weight gain changed her from the cheerleader look to more of a pear shape.
“You still look very lovely,” Lily said to me. She was concerned that I was bothered by the change.
“I am totally fine, Lily. This might stop all the date requests I get from jocks.” The change wasn’t bad. I didn’t want to be associated with cheerleaders so this was fine. I was worried about what Phil was going to think of me.
“Two” Phillip said and moved his piece to dark blue. He had completely ignored Judith after the growth. He wanted to get big again. Judith was disappointed with him. She wanted him to be interested in her a little.
$The photoshoot was amazing, it showed your toned muscular body.$
Judith stared at Phil as his body became toned and muscular. His shoulders had broadened and his chest puffed out. His ass tightened up too. He appeared as if he had a swimmer's body at 18 inches and a 6 inch dick.
“You look so strong now, like a man.” Lily said as she reached over and tapped his head with her finger. He winced a little when she hit him. Her entire hand was bigger than his body. She appeared to use this to tease him about his size. Lily picked up the dice next to him and rolled
“One” she said and moved to pink and waited for the screen.
$your workout got you that great shape, keep it up$
Judith looked at Lily as she gave a little moan while she put her hand on her stomach and stretched. Her stomach wiggled at little before showing small signs of a six pack. It was not as pronounced when you compared it to Phillip’s abs. Her back also became a little more muscular. Lily’s back side was already eye candy with her ass, this just made her an eye popper. She slumped back down in her seat satisfied with the change.
“That felt good. I wish there was more. Hopefully that was a good enough show for now” Lily sighed. Phillip just clapped after Lily said that. Lily smiled back at him for his adoration. Judith felt like she was the third wheel in this, she wanted some time and adoration from Phil. Judith picked up the dice and rolled.
“Three.” Judith moved her piece to the red square. This should make Phil look at her and not Lily.
$You were a prefect fit in the movie for the roll as volleyball team captain, Tall and strong$
Judith groaned as the warmth overtook her body. She started to grow and change. First thing she felt was her stomach shrinking to it’s normal slim size. What she wanted was growth. Her legs got longer to give her a more athletic look with her thick thighs. She was wearing oversize jeans and a metal band t-shirt for this day in preparation for growth. Her jeans went from too big into skinny jeans and her t-shirt into a crop top. She put her fingers in her pussy and stretched out for the last bit of growth. She fell back into the chair that fitted her much better now.
“That felt amazing. It must have been a good show.” Judith said as she looked down at Phil. He was just gazing at her with wide eyes. Judith had caught his attention, She was happy now that she could compete with Lily for Philly’s attention. She turned to look at Lily to see her response.
Lily was just looking at Phil with a disappointed look. Lily wasn’t happy with what Phil was staring at. Judith knew that Lily wanted Phil all to herself and her growth had put a wrench in the plan. Lily picked up the dice and pushed it into Phillip a little, she didn’t want him looking at Judith too long.
Judith wanted him to look a little bit longer. She felt that her hair had grown too. She quickly pulled a hair band out of her purse and pulled her hair back. She pushed her C-cup breast out as she leaned forward to accentuate them. Her black hair was straight so it made it easy to put it in for a ponytail. This worked the charm as Phil still was staring at her with Lily pushing the dice onto him. Lily didn’t like this so pushed the dice a little harder pushing him back a little. This worked for Lily as he recognized the dice and grabbed it. Judith got what she wanted as he rolled the dice.
“Four” he said and moved his piece to tan. We were all about to get something from this as we looked at the screen.
$dreams can come true in the showbiz. Go get your dream job.$
Judith’s dream job to open a small coffee shop slash bookstore. Did that mean she was going to get in the future or did she have it now. She wondered what the others' dream jobs were.
“What are all your dream jobs?” Judith asked Phillip and Lily.
“I wanted to play videogames for a living.” Phillip replied. That was a typical response for him. He wanted to do that before he got small. Phil was planning on doing that for a while before the game. He was expecting to go back to it once this board game was over. Judith knew he couldn’t play at this size.
“I am going to keep mine a secret.” Lily said. “I just have to apply myself to it now.”
Judith wanted to know what Lily wanted. She pondered what was going through Lily’s head. Why should she want to keep it a secret. She was going to see it soon because Lily was an adult. She was the closest probably to getting a job. Lily picked the dice up and rolled.
“Two” Lily said.
Judith knew it was light blue. This would be bad for Lily. Judith was happy because this meant Phil would probably look at her more. They looked down at the screen.
$you couldn’t keep your udders under control for the set. There were wet spots on the dress.$
Lily gave a little “ooh!” after the screen turned off. Dark spots were appearing on her crop top where her nipples are. She pulled the shirt off to show her massive breasts. She leaned forward to reach behind and unhook a white exotic bra. This made her breasts stand out even more, Phil beamed as she did it. When the bra fell off, a stream of breast milk squirts out her nipples. Lily was lactating now. The stream quickly turned to a drip as her nipples had darken and puffed up with this.
“Are you okay? Phil asked Lily. Phil hadn’t asked her when she gained the weight for a little bit. She was feeling hurt by that.
“I am fine,” Lily said. “There is a slight pressure and I have to worry about my shirts getting wet. I will buy pads and a pump with bottles tomorrow. Do you want to try?”
“Yes!” Phil said excitedly.
Lily put her hand on the table and Phillip walked right on it. She lifted him up to her left nipple. Phil stood on her palm and greedily grabbed the nipple in both hands and stuffed his mouth with it. The nipple filled the entirety of his mouth. He started to suck with vigor.
“I can feel the milk flowing out of me. It's so good, don’t stop.” Lily purred.
Judith could only stare at Phillip for a minute while he sucked Lily’s tit. She wanted Phil to please her. She couldn’t do that with Lily here humming with delight. She picked up the dice and rolled a one. She moved her piece to pink. She heard a moan from Lily when she read the screen.
$you played the princess in the tower so well. Your hair was the perfect length.$
She felt the weight on the back of her head slowly get heavier. Judith stood up once the increasing weight stopped to check the length. She now stood at 7’4” with recent growth. She grabbed the ponytail and had it brush against the back of her, she felt it on the back of her knees. She didn’t think this would impress Philly that much but she looked back at him to see if it did.
Phil and Lily had not paid any attention to her. Phillip was glued to Lily’s nipple sucking it hard. Lily had her eyes closed while humming with delight. She was nearly as tall as Lily but Phillip seemed to give little regard to her. During the week, Lily had gotten Phil hooked on her. He was devoted to her. Judith had to find a way to break him from this so he could satisfy her for a little, so he might be normal.
Judith picked the dice up and handed it to Lily.
“It is Phillip’s turn.”
Lily opened her eyes and grabbed the dice in her right hand. She held it in two fingers as she brought it to Phillip. “You need to roll the dice.” Lily said. Phillip popped his mouth off Lily’s nipple with breast milk drizzling down and lifted the dice. She laid her palm out and he tossed it in. He rolled two and twisted back to suck on Lily’s nipple.
I moved his piece to the dark blue tile for him. He would have been happy to see that he landed there. He could get some height back. I looked down at the screen.
$The underwear scene really highlighted your junk. Now everyone wants it.$
Judith felt a grunt from Phillip and gasp from Lily. Phillip had fallen down on his butt with him arching backwards and was sitting on Lily’s palm. Lily had brought right hand to mouth looking the same as the sound she made. Phillip’s dick was growing and throbbing. His dick went straight up as he had an erection the whole evening. His ball sack was getting so large that it reached the bottom of his feet. His shaft finally stopped growing at a huge size, It was 18 inches and thick.
“That’s what I am talking about. Give me that big man’s cock.” Lily howled.
She grabbed his member that was as big as Phillip and rubbed it up and down. It didn’t take long for him to ejaculate. It was a mammoth of a load. It soared thick and creamy in the air and landed atop of Lily’s hair and breasts. She didn’t mind at all as she licked a big swab that was near her lip. Lily cupped him in her hand and pressed him against tits while continuing to knead the dick.
“I hope there is more where that came from.”
I sighed as I wanted a part of Phillip and his wonderful rod. I definitely wasn’t going to get him at this rate. I saw movement in the corner of my eye as I saw Lily’s piece moving on the board. Lily had dropped the dice when she gasped. The board would move your piece if no one moved it. Lily had landed on light blue. I was excited as I read the message.
$You didn’t get the role because of a little bump in your pants.$
Judith looked at Lily to see what would happen.
Lily gave a loud wail as she spasmed. I looked down at her crotch to see what was going to happen. Lily’s clitoris had started to slowly grow. It pushed past her clean shaven lips to a length of two inches. It did not seem much but it was going to make it hard for Lily to wear pants for a little bit. Lily was probably just going to walk around without them which would just please Phillip more.
Judith wasn’t happy with the roll and the pleasure the two were having. She picked up the dice of the ground as Lily continued to leak milk and climax. I rolled the dice on the table.
“One,” I murmured. I was going slow. If I couldn’t have only one more ecstasy with him, I would try to finish the game. I moved my piece to the tan space and watched the words pop up.
$this an amazing party you all are throwing, you really blew the roof off.$
We all yelled at the same time. I quickly sat down and grabbed my crotch. Lily brought her right hand down to her crotch as well and put her fingers in. Phillip clutched his cock that was as big as him. This was the best climax I had ever had. Lightning seemed to course through my body with pleasure. I was sure this was the same for the others. I arced backwards and closed my eyes when the last wave of pleasure passed through my body. I was panting from how amazing I felt. I turned to Lily and Phillip to see how they were doing. I was met with a favorable sight.
Lily was passed out on the couch with her head to one side. Her breasts, face, and hair were drenched in Phillip’s thick semen. She was so soaked in that it looked like she went to an orgy and all the guys ejected on her. I declined my view to the tip of her huge mammaries that were still dripping milk slowly. I went farther down to see what I wanted.
Phillip was on Lily’s thighs in a pool of breast milk. Lily must have spew out a lot with her orgasm. There was a trail of cum from the tip of his dick to Lily’s breast’s. The dick started to slump over as I quickly saw the reason for it going down. Phillip had passed out as well. They must have been having sex all day for them to fall asleep.
I knew this was my only chance to have Phillip to myself. I needed to bring him to my house tonight. I picked up Phillip from Lily’s lap and placed him in my purse. I pushed his dick in so I could zip it up. I bought a piece of paper into the living room to write a note for Lily. I was going to spend tomorrow with Phillip but I would bring him back tomorrow evening for the game. I was willing to play the game more now that I had Phillip. I knew she wasn’t going to be happy with this cause she couldn’t leave the house at this size.
I walked to the door with Phillip in my purse. I turn back to see Lily snoozing away on the couch. Phillip was going to be hers from now on after I had spent my day with him. I was fine with that, I could find another guy but Lily couldn’t really. She was sex object in men’s mind. I closed the door as I left and walked home, ready to spend time with Phillip.
End Notes:
Judith finally has Phillip all to herself. She is going to have her time with him but there might be a problem.
Suggestion and advice are appreciated. It will help make the story better.
Chapter 7: The game is more fun with more people by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Judith has Phillip at her house now. She will try to break Lily's control over him and give him some freedom.
Phillip woke up on a soft surface that did not feel like Lily, it was linen. He was on a bed and he was staring at a wall. He rolled over to the otherside to see where he was. When he did, a huge fleshy rod flipped over with him. He remembered from last night that his dick had grown to his size of 18 inches when fully erect. It was right now a limp hefty piece of flesh in front of his face. He had to hoist his head over it to get a view of the room.
The room was dark and lit by neon green glow. A lot of bookshelves with lava lamps and books on them and scattered on the floor. The books were a lot of fantasy and potion books that could start a library. He pushed himself to get a better view of the room. There was a desk by a window with black curtains limiting the light from coming in. The desk had a laptop that was on and showing a muted video news broadcast about a virus. A black cauldron was next to the desk with a wooden ladle. He had an idea where he was. He heard a flush, He turned to a door that had some light underneath. He heard water running then it stopped when the door opened. He was correct with his assumption
Judith walked in from the bathroom that lit the room a little before she turned the light off. She was a giantess. At 7”4’, she wasn’t as tall as Lily but still imposing. Her ass was nice and round that toned, thick long legs flowed down. Up from the butt was a slim waist with C-cup breasts. She had her hair in a ponytail that went down to her knees. The green light gave an eerie sensation to it all as it bathed her tan skin.
“You sleep late on the weekends. It is almost lunch time so I thought I wasn’t going to spend any time with you.” Judith said.
I could see that she was wearing a red lingerie with straps along the breasts and along the side of her waist from her hips. He looked good on her in the spectral lighting. I felt my rod twitch a little from the view. I quickly recollected my thoughts to what I wanted. I wanted to know where Lily, my goddess and sister was.
“Where's Lily?” I asked.
Judith leaned down, giving me a good look at her breasts. They were big compared to me but not larger.
“Lily is still at your house. She has given me you until this evening when we play the board game again. You can have fun with me for the day.”
I looked down in disappointment. I want to be with Lily inside her giant pussy. Her heartbeat all around me and her sweet fluids to eat. I did notice that Judith had turned around and moved the lingerie away from her butthole. I glanced up to see the sight of her ass coming towards me.
“Wait, wait! I don’t want to do this.” I shouted, waving my arms. “I don’t want to use the asshole!”
Judith stopped and turned her head back with a dishearten look. “Was it that bad before.”
“Yes! I passed out the last time I was in there.” I said angrily
Judith was saddened by that, her asshole was massive and long. When she was smaller, She completely stuffed me into her colon. I didn’t want to go in that stinky wretched place again.
Judith didn’t want to put Phillip anywhere he didn’t want to do. She wanted to be kind and nice to him so she could break Lily’s control over him, even if it was a little. She wanted a chance for him to choose her. She knew her odds were slim, but this was her only chance to do so. She pulled the lingerie back over her asshole, turned and stood up.
“What do you want to do then?” She asked
“I want to be with Lily and inside her snatch.” Phillip said.
Lily still had her clutches on him even if she wasn’t there. She wanted him inside her, even if it only was his dick. She couldn’t put it inside her as it was limp. Lily’s body had enticed him so much that her body couldn’t do the trick. She needed to please him somehow to stop him from thinking about Lily. She had an idea.
She got on her knees and leaned her head over him. He just stared as he wondered what she was doing. She opened her mouth wide and fell down on the limp dick and started to suck. She used her tongue to massage the shaft. This was getting him excited. She felt his member harden push against her mouth. It became so big that it couldn't fit inside her mouth. She grabbed the lower part with her hand as she went bobbing up and down over the tip. She felt it start to twitch and tasted precum, he was going to release his jizz. Judith pushed her mouth down hard, she felt the rod go to the back of the throat. He spewed the jizz down her esophagus, she felt everybit gush down until it hit her stomach. She needed a new approach if she wanted anymore.
Phillip groaned as he released his load in Judith’s mouth. It felt good, Judith's mouth squeezed all around his dick. Lily’s mouth was huge and it was mostly Lily’s tongue and lips doing the work when Lily would do it to him. Judith had to use everything in her mouth to take him. It was a tight grip and pleasant.
There was a loud “SMACK” as Judith pushed Phil’s rod out of her mouth. Phillip laid on his back wondering what was going to happen next. He looked to see Judith grabbing the front of her bra to unsnap it. Her boobs fell out when the bra came off. The C-cup boobs were beautiful with the pink nipples. “NO” I thought and looked down. “I belong to Lily’s breasts and body.” I looked back at Judith to see her leaning over again spreading her breasts open. She slammed them shut on my dick.
I moaned as she massaged my dick with her tits. I was soaring with pleasure as she rubbed, squeezed, and went up and down. Lily had never done this to me. It felt so good. Judith was just pleasing me and I did not have to do anything. “Wait, I can’t do this, I have to wait for Lily.” I thought. I was about to ask her to stop but the words never reached my mouth.
Judith had started to nibble at the tip of my dick. I moaned at how sensitive my tip was. It was pleasant. It was getting harder to resist Judith and her charm. Could I betray Lily like this? What would she think? Judith started to suck in more of my shaft making it hard to hold out against her. I lasted fifteen minutes before I came.
My cum filled her mouth as it puffed her cheeks and leaked out of her mouth. She pulled her mouth off my dick still maintaining a cute chipmunk face. She bobbed her head and then tilted her head back. There was one big “GULP” as she swallowed all my cum at once. I was enamored with Judith at the moment.
“That was delicious,” Judith said as she stood up.
She moved over to the head of the bed where her pillows were. I flipped over on my side with a lot of effort to where she went because it was hard to move with this erect dick. Judith spread her legs apart and out so that they surround me. She looked stunning. The green lighting gave her a supernatural look. Her long, straight black ponytail was over her shoulder with no frills. Her C-cup breasts were perked up with erect nipples. She was still wearing the red lingerie over her crotch. I wanted to see her pussy.
“You can do whatever you want with me.” Judith said in a exotic voice.
“Anything?” I asked.
“Anything,” She repeated, “to me.”
Judith had given me the choice of what I wanted to do. Lily didn’t give me really a choice when I was with her. Judith was giving me some freedom. I realized that the board game had been changing my psyche. I had to finish the game to get back to normal. I wasn’t going to let Lily control me forever. I was going to get back to 5’6” at the end of this and I was going to enjoy what my size was to the very end.
I tried to walk towards Judith but I tripped on my dick. I couldn’t walk properly with this. I had to scoot on top of my shaft which was taking a long time.
“Do you need any help? Judith asked.
“Yes, could you take me to your pussy.” I answered.
“It would be my delight.”
She picked me up and carried me to her loins. She moved her lingerie out of the way so that I could see it. It wasn’t as large as Lily’s vagina but was still bewitching. I pushed the tip of my dick into her. I was rewarded with a pleasant.
I kept up with pushing in deeper with grunts of pleasure from Judith. I kept going until I hit a wall. I bumped it again and it registered in my brain what it was, it was her hymen. Judith was still a virgin and I was going to pop her cherry. Lily didn’t have one when I went inside so she must have broken it herself. Judith must have been waiting for me to do it. I pushed harder but I couldn’t break it at my size. I looked up at Judith for help.
“Could you push me in a little bit.”
Judith looked down at me with blithe, “with pleasure.”
She grabbed him from behind as she shoved him in. He felt the hymen film tear as his dick went past it. He saw blood drip from vagina’s side confirming he had taken her virginity. She gave a small “oof” of pain as her validation of the act. She took her hand away to play with her nipples as he marched his dick farther in. His dick wasn’t fully in when it hit another wall, the cervix.
Judith moaned when he hit it. He wanted to push past the cervix but again he didn’t have the strength to. He did not want to ask her again to help him, Phillip needed to do it for himself. He saw her clit in front of him under her folds. He could barely get a grip on it as he reached for it but he could rub it. This had the desirable effect he wanted.
Judith wailed, “AAHH!”
She had orgasmed which caused the cervix to open up to release it’s fluid. Phillip used the opportunity to push his rod into the opening in the back. He felt the cervix close around the tip of his dick as it closed, he was in the womb. He started to hump back and forth feeling her tight walls on his rod. He was experiencing so many good feelings that he couldn’t contain it. He lurched forward and cum in her womb.
“Yes! Shoot your semen into me. I will take it all!” as Judith squealed with delight.
I was going to oblige to her demand. I wanted to fill her up. I seized the clit as it was in reach now and knead it in my hand. This made her arch back in pleasure again and cum. I saw her cum start drizzle over my dick that was left outside. I scraped some up and licked it. It was bittersweet but still delicious. I continued to hump as hard as I could. I could go for a while.
Judith gave a little “humpfth” as Phillip ejaculated inside her again. They had been doing this for the afternoon. She was getting tired and she knew Phillip was as well. They both needed a break and she was sure he was hungry.
“I think we should stop, break, and get some food.” Judith said
“That sounds like a good idea.” Phillip replied from a pool of her cum.
“I can make you a PB&J or ham and cheese sandwich?”
“PB&J sounds good with me.” he pulled his dick out of her cunt as small wads of his cum fell out.
She felt satisfied with her interaction with Phillip. She got to spend one last time with him before Lily would probably take him away forever. Her womb was feeling content with all his semen.
She stood up and grabbed some tissues. She wiped his cum that was leaking out of her and the bed. She picked her red bra that she had dropped earlier and snapped it back on. She put a pair of black pants and a metal band t-shirt. She left him on her bed as she left the room and headed downstairs.
She could smell something cooking in the kitchen as she presumed it was for dinner. She went into the pantry and grabbed the ingredients for a sandwich. She started to make it when she heard her mother’s voice.
“Are you doing anything this afternoon?”
I turned to see my mom in the dining room door. She was five foot six and a little on the plump size. She had her black hair in a ponytail as well but slumped over her shoulder, mine was straight down my back. Her ponytail was on top of D-cup breasts and her hands on her wide hips.
“I don’t have anything planned until this evening.” I replied.
“Good, because I need someone to take some food over to Sally’s grandparents house. Grandma busted her hips so now she can’t cook. I need to be here for this other dish that is for Juliana’s parents who are in the hospital with some virus.” my mom said.
“Can’t Joe do it?” I said back.
“Joe can’t drive yet so you have to do it.”
“Can I eat some food first?”
“Yes but as long as it doesn’t spoil dinner.” my mom retorted.
I carried the sandwich upstairs to my room. I had to leave him in my room for a little as I did my errand. I opened the door and brought Phillip the sandwich so he could eat. I told him my situation, he would be here while I delivered food and that I would be back shortly. He understood and said he would wait for me. Once he finished the sandwich, I walked towards the door while he put his legs under the blanket and leaned against the pillow. I reached my hand down and rubbed my butt cheek as I left. He had an erection as I left.
Judith had left to go deliver food to a family friend of hers. I was stuck in her room fantasizing about her. I was thinking about actually stuffing my rod up her asshole. It was the only thing on her that could take my entire dick. I was dreaming about it with a full erection above me for a few minutes. I heard the door open, I looked over to see who it was. I quickly perceived it wasn’t Judith by the obvious height difference. I had to do something fast so I lifted the pillow up and covered myself with it.
Judith’s mom, Margaret, had entered the room. She was checking to see if Judith had left any weird thing in her room to rot. Judith would often forget to clean up after these potion making sessions leaving a foul smell through out the house. She did a search around the room to find nothing. She was about to leave when something on the bed caught her eyes.
There was a huge dildo standing straight up on Judith's bed. From some stains on the bed, it looked like she recently used it. She was disappointed that she was doing this because her son and husband watched porn. She believed that Judith was going to be different from those two. Margaret thought that Judith’s grown friend, Lily, was having a bad influence on her and had given her the dildo. Judith was going to have limited interaction with Lily from now on. Judith was going over tonight but it would be a few weeks before she could go back.
Margaret looked at the dildo again to see that it was big, thick, and realistic, she wanted to try it. Her husband, who seemed to become dissatisfied with her since he started to watch porn, had fallen asleep before she could cum last night. There was already a mess on the bed so it wouldn’t be that noticeable if she had a round. She went on the bed and positioned herself above it. She pressed down hard on it.
“Mmmhhhmmm!” she moaned.
She couldn’t take the whole dildo into her because it was huge. It felt pretty good having something so large inside. She was humping up and down until it pushed through her cervix. This felt amazing. She went up and down a few more times before pushing really hard down pushing it farther into her womb. She hit her climax as she did this. She detected when she slammed down that something came out of the dildo. Judith must have left some fluid in there and it would come out if you pushed really hard.
Either way she felt satisfied with the results. She came off the dildo and pulled her pants up. She had to see where she could get one like this. She still had to punish Judith for having this. She had to go deliver the food to her friend so she left Judith’s green room.
Phillip had just blown his load in Judith’s mother. He was shocked that she would ride him. Phillip just remembered that the game had made his dick almost irresistible. He had to be careful with it, a ton of women clawing at his dick frightened him a bit. The deed was done with Judith’s mom but he didn’t have to tell Judith about it.
Judith had returned home from her errand of food delivery. She needed to be quiet about coming so that her mom wouldn’t make her do another chore. She tiptoe up the stairs, she scanned her surroundings to see that her mother had left. She was by herself with Phil. She turned toward her room when she heard a familiar voice.
“That it is how you eat dicks.”
It was Lily’s voice, she wouldn’t be able to fit in this house. She turned around to see Joe’s dark bedroom door open with a blue light shining in it. She quietly walked over to his room and pushed the door wider without making a sound. My brother was watching porn and masturbating but that didn’t surprise me, it was what was on the screen.
Lily was on the screen wearing a red bra that had holes on the nipples and red garter panties. Her large 9 foot height and perfect body on complete display. The thicc thighs and huge ass protruding from the tight garter panties. Going up the slim waist up to the largest breasts in the world. The bra accentuating her boobs to greater levels. At the holes on the nipples part of the bra, There were little silver beads that were on top of nipples that I couldn’t understand how they stayed on. Lily had brought some of her red hair over her shoulder. She was leaning her head to the side sucking a huge dildo. She was pulling it in and out while her other hand massaged her breast.
“That is good but it is not as delicious as the real thing.” Lily said after she pulled the dildo out. “So lets try one out.”
Lily then leaned towards the camera to turn it around. I was surprised at what I saw next.
Mr. Hubert, our fifth grade teacher, was tied up on a chair blindfold. He was completely naked with his penis twitching in the air. I did not believe that she would go this far. I needed to know what was going through her head.
“Are you ready for this Mr. teacher?” Lily cooed as she tapped his dick.
“Yes! Please take it Guinevere. I am all yours” Mr. Hubert yelled.
“I think I shall.”
Lily got on her hands and knees and crawled over to him. When she reached him, Lily leered at his blindfold face. She was at the same level sitting in a chair when she was on her hands and knees. Lily let out a big breath directly into Mr. Hubert’s face. He twitched and ejaculated up into her face. She circled her tongue around her lips to pick up any cum that was near it.
“The appetizer is scrumptious,” arousingly, “but it is time for the main course.”
Lily slammed her mouth onto Mr. Hubert’s shaft. He gave a loud moan as Lily started to suck. I heard a moan from the room I was in as well. Joe had blown his load watching Lily eat her fifth grade teacher’s dick. I couldn’t watch this anymore, I quietly walked out of the room without Joe noticing. I had to ask Lily what she was doing.
I walked back in my room to see Phillip wait for me on the bed. He looked at me as I entered and grabbed the pillow. Once he saw it was me, he smiled.
“Did the delivery go well?” Phil asked.
“It went smoothly.” I replied. “We have two hours by ourselves until dinner. What do you want to do?”
“I was hoping to put my dick up your ass.” Phillip said.
I was thrilled to hear him say that. I took all my clothes off until I was stark naked. I grabbed a remote on one of my bookshelves and hit the button. The neon green light turned to violet neon light. I put the remote back where it was and started walking towards Phillip with a huge swaying of my hips.
“Let’s get started then.”
I pulled my car into Lily’s driveway. I stepped out and grabbed my purse that contained Phillip. As I was heading to the door, I received a text message as I was walking up to the door from Lily. “you can let yourself in.” I put my phone back into a pocket of my purse and walked in.
Lily was sitting on the stairs in a yellow minidress. The dress went down to mid thighs. From my view, I clearly saw looking up that she had no underwear on giving me a clear look of her pussy. Lily put her phone to the side and looked down at me.
“Did you bring him?”
“Yes, I did but I have a question for you.” I said.
“Give him to me and I will answer any question.” Lily retorted.
“How do I know if I give Phillip to you that you just won’t answer my question.” I countered.
“I pinky dog promise that if you hand him to me I will answer your question.” Lily said as she raised her pinky up.
This was the promise rule that we made as kids. Anyone who made it couldn’t go back on their word. I went up the stairs and grabbed her pinky with mine.
I unzipped my purse and grabbed Phillip out and handed him to Lily. Phillip was just pondering what the interchange between us was. Lily looked down at Phillip dick to see that it was limp, she looked a little disappointed.
“What activities did you all do together?” Lily inquired.
“We started with cock sucking followed by pussy humping and lastly ass thumping.” I answered.
Lily stood up and put a hand on my shoulder. “I am so happy for you. This was your first time riding a dick and a big one at that. How did it feel?
“It hurt a little bit at first but it quickly got better and better as he cum inside me and filled me up.” I rubbed my belly as I finished talking about it. Lily got the message and smiled. I quickly remember that I had a question to ask. “Before I forget, I have a question to ask you.”
“Ask away.”
“What were you doing in that video online?” I grilled into her
Lily's face became disheartened with what I asked.She knew I had seen the video. She recollected herself and straightened to her full height of 9 feet.
“Do you remember the roll we had about dream jobs?” Lily asked back.
“Yes, if we chase after our dream job we would get it.” I said. “Why does that matter?”
“My dream job was to be adored by a mass of people. I wanted people to fawn over me and love me.” Lily said.
Lily wanted people to like her when she was young back in elementary school. Everyone would tease her for her dark red hair. Her small size made her an easy target for the taller girls in the class to pick on. She had no one to play with besides her. She was wanting attention all that time.
Lily continued. “I could have become a pop idol or movie idol but then I thought about the one thing this game gave us. Sex appeal.”
Lily wasn’t wrong there. We had grown into some of the most beautiful women on the planet.
“With that conclusion, I could only think of becoming one thing, a sex idol.”
Lily’s thought process had brought her here. She was someone who everyone wanted but couldn’t have. People would travel miles and do anything for her just for a kiss. She had given herself to the sex life. She was going to have millions of admirers down this path. In fact, I could probably do it as well. Having hundreds of fans looking over your body, I felt it appealing but not for me. I couldn’t blame her for going down this road.
“How many views have you had.” I asked
“Three million views and 500,000 subscribers.” Lily responded.
That was a lot in one day. She was going to be popular fast. I could only congratulate her.
“Wow, that is a lot. Congratulations on getting so many.” I said
“Thank you very much,” Lily replied gleefully.
“I know this is changing subjects but we should play the game.”
“You are right, give me fifteen minutes though.” Lily stated as she went upstairs with Phillip.
“What are you doing with him?” I implored.
“I am going to have him shoot his semen into my womb before anything changes.” she replied heading to his room.
I couldn’t condemn her. This game could change us in any way. This was her chance for Phillip to satisfy that desire of hers. I walked into the living room and waited. I knew this round could possibly determine the fate of Phillip. I pulled out my phone to check the news. In a little bit, I heard and felt the house shake with Lily’s moans.
End Notes:
Did Judith really break Lily's control over Phillip. is Phillip going to resist Lily or still be enamored with her?
Suggestion for different types of growths or shrunking are appreciated. I am trying also to think of a variety of different interactions. more people join in, different toys, and crazy situations are welcomed opinions to make the story better.
Advice and grammer corrections are appreciated as well.
Chapter 8: Phillip's game plan for rebellion. by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Phillip is being tested by Lily before the game to see if he is still hers. Will he succumb or remain strong?
I was carried from downstairs to upstairs and into my room in Lily’s hand. Lily had become a porn star in one day while I was gone. Her childhood, which was less than a week ago, filled with children mocking her appearance and size had created a desire of attention. This game had giver her an option she did not know that she could use to get attention, sex. When she got older and I had ogled her body, she knew she was pretty. When she got bigger and I ejuculated to her, she wanted to have sex. When I got smaller and I adored her, she became a goddess. I had encouraged all this behavior with my actions. Judith had given me insight at my situation with some freedom. I, Phillip, had to make a stand for my humanity or else I would become a fanatic to her.
We entered the room with Lily having to lower her head. Everything was so spaced out in my room and all my posters were smaller and lower to the floor. Lily walked over to my bed and scooted it out into the middle. She laid me down on it and squatted over me. Her yellow minidress suddenly fell to the ground all around me and my bed. I could see her glistening clean shaven pussy waiting to eat my dick but I did not give her an erection. I was going to fight this.
I squatted down a little, expecting to collide with my slave’s dick but it never came. I peered over my breasts to see what was going on. I saw him on his back just staring at me with his limp dick on top of him. He wasn't going to give me this pleasure. He was making a stand against my rule and authority. I was disappointed in him.
“I am ready for you. Go, and put your dick in.” I said.
“I don’t believe we should be doing this.” He responded.
I couldn’t believe my ears. My slave had rejected me. I, Guinevere, the pinnacle of beauty, had been denied by this boy who should consider me his goddess. Judith had done something to him when she had him today. Judith had undone most of my work from the week to make him mine.
“We have done more than this before and that didn’t bother you. Why would you not want to do this little thing?” I asked gently.
“I have had some clarity and I do not think brothers and sisters should be doing this.” He replied.
I was furious. He was starting to think for himself and this whole situation. He aimed to finish the game and go back to normal. I would be back to be small again and I did not want that. Judith had allowed him to dream again. I want to squeeze him in the clutches of my hands right now but he would tell Judy what had happened if I did. She would definitely take him away then for good. I couldn’t let Judy have him again. I remained calm and gave him a cute pouting face.
“Can you Pwetty pleeze play with me?” I said like I was ten again.
He blushed at me and turned his head to the side to hide it. I saw that his dick had moved a little bit. There was still some attraction to me, I was an amazing sexy woman. It would be hard to resist me for long. I lowered my body down a little until my pussy was delicately on top of his wet noodle and slowly began caressing it. I felt it slowly start to rise, I was winning.
I was trying to hold out against Lily as best as I could but she was making it hard with her brushing my dick with her pussy. Her entire lap was all I could see. Her ass and thighs had encompassed my whole bed. My dick was getting harder and longer with each stroke. After two minutes, my erection was standing upright and primed for Lily’s vagina. She chuckled, she went up a little, position my dick to her vagina, and rammed her body down on it.
I was almost crushed by her when she came down. It was like I was being hit by a semi-truck. She stopped when my cock reached the back of the vagina. I thought it was going to break with all this weight but it withstood. I had about an inch or two of dick outside the pussy. Her pussy was huge and I could attest to it. I was stuffed in there when she was 7’6”. I was bent and twisted with feet hanging out. It was the same with her at 9 foot but I could fit entirely inside while being crumpled. It was very pleasant there but I did not want to go back inside. I did not want to give her the pleasure of having my seed inside her womb either.
“AAAHHH!” Lily moaned.
She had just climaxed. This opened her uterus to let fluids out on me. She did not miss this opportunity. She shoved down harder, forcing my dick into her womb. This caused the rest of my shaft to be pulled inside and her full weight to fall on me. I got the wind knocked out of me as I quickly comprehended that our difference in size could crush me. I experienced more weight as Lily was adjusting her posture from squatting to a W sitting position. Once she finished adjusting, she commenced to rub me into the bed. I heard the bed frame creak and then crack as the head board and legs break underneath me. I was left laying on the mattress on the ground as my only cushioning from her weight.
I was resisting as much as I could not to cum. I would not grant her the satisfaction of it. She was trying hard herself to make me. Her labia was kissing and rubbing my balls and abdomen. My dick was being kneaded and massaged by her vagina walls and I could feel with my tip her womb. Her juices were also drenching me in her sweet and intoxicating smell. I was losing this fight but I could still win the war. I tried to hold out as long as possible. I lasted 10 minutes.
I felt my servant’s dick explode and a muffled “mmpfft” from my crotch. I had finally done it. I had stimulated him enough for him to ejaculate inside my womb. I raised my body up to see how he was doing. He was exhausted as he was panting for air from being crushed by my crotch. He opened his eyes and leered up at me. He was still fighting me. The fucking of his dick did not work, he still had hope that the game would end soon.
The clock suddenly grabbed my attention. The fifteen minutes were almost up. I had told Judith that would be down to play the game by then. I wanted to punish my slave back into obedience but I to wait. I reached down to pull my yellow minidress back on. I felt that the pads on my nipples were almost full of milk as I pulled the straps over my shoulder. I yanked them out and tossed them aside. I had to go with nothing to stop my breast milk for the game. I went down and picked the defiant slave up. I had lost this battle but the war still raged on.
I carried him out of the room and down the stairs. Judith was in her chair on her phone waiting for us. She looked at me as I entered the living room.
“Finally you’re done. My mom put a curfew on me tonight so we need to get in as many rounds as possible.” Judith said.
“Sorry about that. If I had known I wouldn’t have borrowed him.” I lied. I would have still done it.
Judith put her phone away and motioned for me to come. “That’s okay. We are here now so let's play.”
I put my servant on the table and sat down on the couch. Judith looked at him to see what sort of shape he was in. His penis had gone back to a resting position which allowed him to stand. He still had a defiant look on him on the table, Judith seemed content about that. She had given him strength to defy me and put herself in the picture of his love. I wasn’t going to let that be, this night was going to determine who owned him. I reached over and handed my servant the die.
“It is your turn to roll.”
End Notes:
The game is back on. What is going to happen tonight. Will Judith save Phillip from Lily? will Lily regain her control? or will Phillip start coming back to normal?
Shorter chapter otherwise next one would be very long. I broke it up at what I thought would be a good transition
Advice and suggestion are appreicated.
Chapter 9: Every game has winners and losers by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Long Chapter.
the group has return for game. Phillip is fighting to finish the game but what are Lily and Judith fight for?
I grabbed the dice that Lily had handed me. I had lost to my instincts to my sister a little while ago but I had kept my mind. I still had my dignity. I was going to make this board game work for me and give me some of my humanity back. I threw the die away from me and waited to see what it was.
“Two” Lily said.
I was left in horror. It was a black tile. That tile had created all my problems for me when it shrunk me. It could do anything to me. Make me very small, gain a bunch of weight, and maybe a second head, “Gosh!” that would be so weird. Lily moved my piece to the black tile and read the message
$you got the role as the feminine man because of your small pecker.$
I winced as a strong contraction erupted from my groin. I peeked through one eye as I was undergoing this weird sensation. My dick was shrinking before my eye. I had seen it grow in front of me straight up from me with vigor. It was now just slithery down towards me in little spurts. When the reduction stopped, the dick had gone back to a normal size on me. My dick had gone back to the point of when we started.
“Aaaawwww. The dick disappeared.” Lily said in a sad voice. “At least we got our chance to use it.”
“Yes, it is a bummer that it is gone but we had fun with it while it lasted.” Judith added, rubbing her belly. She still had some of his semen in her womb
“It sure was fun.” Lily giggled. “I hope he is not bummed from losing that pillar of a dick.”
“I am totally fine. The dick was getting in the way of me moving around. I can walk now.” I said moving back and forth on the table. I wish I had kept some length of the dick but I couldn’t complain because I had my mobility back. I glanced up to the women in the room. They were both staring at my dick with lust. My dick still had a charm spell on it from a previous roll.
“It is good that you are okay. We just have to find a way to use it at this size.” Lily stated as she picked up the die.
“Three” Lily read from the dice. She moved her piece to red and went over to the screen to read from it now.
$Won an academy award singing in the mountain.$
Lily sat back down and howled “AAAHHH!” Her breasts had begun to expand again. They were already huge but they were becoming mammoths. She was gasping hard and each breath seemed to make them bigger. Her yellow minidress was crawling up her body with the ballooning that it no longer covered her hips. Lily inhaled on last time as her breast surged. Lily looked down at her breasts in glee. She grasped the side of her yellow minidress that had become a spaghetti top and ripped.
Her mountain size breast cascaded out when she tore the shirt apart. Lily stood up at her full height of nine feet, completely naked to show the true size of the growth. They were truly massive. They had a nice bell shaped and they reached down to her belly button. I could not see her face from where I stood on the table. I saw the breast squished at the cleavage and pour over past her shoulders. I could easily get lost inside those whales. I stood in awe for a moment and came quickly back to reality. I had to fight against my sister’s control over me for my freedom.
“You got bigger again. Will you ever stop growing?” Judith remarks while leaning on the armrest.
Lily encircled her boobs with her arms to make them appear bigger as she started to speak. “Why? Do my breasts make me ugly?”
“No No No. I was just saying that you have been growing a lot with your rolls.” Judith replied, waving her hands back and forth.
“I guess I have been pretty lucky with the game. That wasn’t quite the answer I was looking for. Phillip, are these big breasts ugly or pretty?”
Lily had turned to her side so that she could see me. She was still squeezing her breasts with her arms. She was clearly a top heavy hourglass now. They definitely look sexy and amazing on her. I did not want to enter this conversation because I need to resist her and get my life back. I also did not want to be rude to her.
“Your breasts look very good on you.” I spoke.
“Yeah! Thank you very much.” She giggled as she hopped up and down. This caused her body to start jiggling. Her ass cheeks and thighs wiggled with ripples coursing through them and her breast were like waves on the ocean. You could hear the milk that was swooshing inside as the milk started to ooze out and soak her arms. There was also the ground shaking from her hopping. The table was vibrating and I was losing my footing.
“You better stop bouncing or Phillip is going to fall off the table.” Judith stated.
Lily stopped hopping and sat back down. “Oops. sorry about that.” she said as she picked up her torn minidress to wipe the milk off her arms and breasts.
“Don’t worry about it.” I said. I had to worry about it. She looked adorable doing it. She would do that when she was ten when you would give her a gift or treat. I felt a boner start to rise when she was hopping but I quickly pushed those feelings down along with my dick.
Judith picked up the die and rolled, “One.”
She moved her piece to the next space to light blue. This was bad for her as she read the screen.
$The movie was looking for someone who wasn’t slightly taller than the hero. Lose six inches.$
We looked at Judith as her body started to dwindle. Her black pants which were tight before became a little loose. Her metal band t-shirt that was already baggy on her became closer to an oversized t-shirt. Her reduction did not last long and didn’t take much from her. She had fallen down to a height of 6’10” from her previous height of 7’4”.
“Fuck! I wanted to get bigger, not smaller.” Judith roared. She looked down at her body and was pissed.
“You are still pretty big and attractive, Judy. it could have been worse. Gosh! You could have grown a dick.” Lily tried to console her.
“I wanted to become a true giantess like you. Now I am more like a normal person. Your right, growing a dick would be awful. Guess I have to be happy with what I got.” Judith calmly recomposed herself.
“It’s good that you are counting your blessings. But why do you want to be as big as me? That would bring you all sorts of unwanted attention.” Lily asked. She leaned forward for Judith’s response.
“I can learn to deal with lustful eyes. I was wanting the power that comes associated with the size.” Judith replied.
“Aye! It is pretty great. I hope that you do get bigger.” Lily smiled at Judith. That was a lie, Lily did not want Judith to get bigger and compete against her.
“This conversation could get long,” I thought. I walked over to the dice. It felt so good being able to walk again. I picked up the die and threw it into the air for my roll.
The girl's attention came back to the game once I spoke. I carried my piece to light blue. Was I having a comeback? I went over to the screen to read it.
$Your escaped your magic act of being trapped underwater in a glass cage just in time. You got some strong lungs.$
I felt my lungs in my chest tingle a little bit. I inhaled deeply to feel my lungs expand and really fill up. I blew the air out in a long breath, it took about fifteen seconds for all of it to leave.
“Is that it?” Judith asked.
“Doesn’t seem like much.” Lily followed.
It did not seem like much at all. This only helped me if I was a swimmer. My body was that of a fit swimmer from the game so I could see about becoming an athlete. I pondered for a moment for something else.
“I have an idea.”
I inhaled deeply again and filled my lungs.
Both Lily and Judith flinched when I shouted. My voice was louder now when I yelled. Judith spoke first.
“Oh my, that was loud for your size.”
“You can definitely make a ruckus with that. Your right, we should get back to the game.” Lily stated.
Lily located the die and rolled. The lung strength wasn’t much of a gain. I was still small. The die roll was in the right step though. We needed to keep those coming.
“Two” Lily said
She moved her piece over to the tan tile and read the message.
$You all made blockbuster movies and received movie awards. Double the next roll.$
This was great, the message could mean two things. One, the number we rolled could go for double the value and we could finish the game sooner. Second, the next roll benefits could be doubled the value. I could gain a lot of height back if I landed on a blue.
“Nothing this turn.” Lily said. She leaned back on the couch.
“It's not nothing, Lily. this next round will be a game changer.” Judith remarked.
“It really is.” I said. “Our positions can change with our next rolls. Heck, I might even get big again.”
We all looked at each other. We all had our desires for this next roll. I wanted to regain my height, Lily wanted to control my life, and Judith wanted to compete for my affection. Each of us also had horrors for the next roll as well. I could become smaller. Lily could become normal, and Judith could be without something from me.
“Well, here we go.” Judith picked up the dice and rolled. “Two.”
This was the second black tonight and Judith hand landed on it. This was bad. Judith was trembling as she moved her piece to that cursed spot. My dick had returned to normal when I landed on it. There might be something nice or it could go horrible.
$You were not able to land any roles because of your baby bump.$
Judith just shrieked as we looked at her, grabbing her hand rest with a vice grip, as a bump on her belly began to emerge.
I had shrieked loudly as the semen that was left over from my sex with Phillip earlier that day, shot straight up into my ovaries. This wasn’t like anything I had felt before, the semen was bustling about inside each ovary trying to find an egg. Once both had found an egg, each one carried a fertilized egg down the fallopian tube to the uterus. There were two eggs inside me and once they hit the wall and attached, they grew. I grabbed my belly and could feel the heads get larger. Arms and legs started to develop and push along my sides.
“AAAHHH!” I moaned. Lily and Phillip were staring at me with concerned faces.
They increased in size even more until they were slightly pushing on themselves. It felt so amazing to have them form inside my womb. Once they stopped growing after a minute, I sat there for another two catching my breath. I looked down at my belly that was carrying my twins, these were Phillip’s children as well.
“Are you okay?” Phillep asks concerningly.
“I am fine.” I gasped. “I just need to reposition myself. Oommpf.”
It was hard trying to move into a comfortable position. The extra weight on the belly made everything a hassle. I could deal with it, these were mine and Phillip’s babies.
“Do we need to go to the doctor?” Lily asked. “It looks like you're about to give birth.”
“I am not about to give birth. I believe I am about six months pregnant. I am carrying twins.” I said while rubbing my belly. My clothes that had become saggy when I shrunk, were now filled out by my pregnant body. My outward belly button was peeking out by how large the babies had made me. My hips and breasts had gotten a little bigger during the ordeal.
“Twins!? You are carrying twins!?” Phillip was shocked.
“yep . I felt them both grow inside. They're not identical though, that would have been cute.” I said. “Plus, they are your children. It was your seed and my eggs that were used.”
He just stood there shocked at that revelation. I wouldn’t blame him, I would be baffled if I was 18 inches and I made a 6’10” woman pregnant. The scientist would have to ponder that one.
I was just happy right now. I had something from Phillip that Lily didn’t have, babies. Lily had her sex appeal to win over Phillip. I was no slouch in that department but Lily would probably shoot past me with how things were going. I was okay with losing to Lily now, I had something she couldn’t take away. I still wanted Phillip but Lily could have him if he stuck with her. I had these babies from Phillip and that all that matters to me right now.
Lily was reaching over to touch Judith’s belly. I was just standing there ajared with the sudden revelation. The sex I had today with Judith had resulted in me being a father. I had not expected it to happen so soon. Was I going to be a good dad? Would it be two boys, two girls, or a boy and girl? And am I going to be this size to them? All these thoughts of being a father rushing into my head.
A new thought suddenly popped into my head. What about Lily? I had sex with her an hour ago. (against my will). Would she become pregnant by the game or later? Heck! Even Judith’s Mom is a possibility. I couldn’t tell them about the quick session with Judith’s Mom. that would ruin the mood and probably have Judith hate me. She would definitely leave me in Lily’s clutches.
“Your turn to roll, dear.” Judith said.
“Huh? oh yeah. My roll,” I said while recovering from my thoughts. Judith just called me “dear.” She must have thought we were a couple now because of the babies. She wouldn’t be wrong with that assumption but we were far apart in age. She was 16 and I was 22 and our actual age was 11 and 17. Would I get in trouble for this? Those were definitely my kids in her.
Lily had reached over and handed me the die. I was now pondering my situation with Judith that I didn’t pay enough attention to Lily. I did not get a good grip on the die that it slipped through my hands when Lily dropped it into them. It had rolled to a four.
“oops , my bad. Let me pick it up and roll.” I said.
I just picked the die back up when I noticed my piece moving on it’s own. I did not know that the game could do that. I watched as my piece moved to pink. This was bad. It was a double round and I landed on pink, the girl’s good color and guy’s bad color.
$Played the bumbling sidekick to the impressive hero, Shrink 6 inches$
“NNNOOO!” I yelled.
I was gasping for breath from shock and the dizziness as I felt my body start to dwindle. My nightmare was coming true. I fell on my knees as I saw the die in front of me get bigger and bigger. When the shrinking stopped, I was breathing hard with my stronger lungs.
“Heck, why do I even need larger lungs?” I thought. “These have no benefit to me at all.” I stared up at the die in front of me, it was like a moving box to me. This round had destroyed me, we had to finish the game to get everyone back to normal. I couldn’t mourn in my pity long as two soft trees clamped onto my side and lifted me up.
“Woahh!?” I howled.
“He is so adorable now!” Lily giggled. “All the girls are going to want you now.”
I had risen so fast from the table that I was disoriented for a moment. When I came back to my senses, I was right in front of Lily’s face. It was all huge as she smiled at me. Her perfectly straight white teeth shining bright behind a full plump red lip. I could see her duchess nose nostrils constrict and relax with every breath. Her cheeks were smooth with only a slight hint of freckles. Her sky blue eyes were just penetrating my whole body with lust.
“You are really small and just the perfect size.” Lily continued. “We just have to play with you sometime soon.”
“You are scaring him.” Judith said. “I don’t think it is good or safe for him to be at that height.”
“You are just saying that because you want him too.” Lily countered. “See, he is so cute.”
I was scared. I was six inches tall. Any person could have their way with me. Lily wanted me all for herself. It would be hard to go against anything she said. It was also harder to resist her beauty at this size. She continued to seem more and more like a goddess as I stared at her. I had to fight against her will even if it meant being a heathen to her. I was getting a better view of her body as I started to move away from her.
Lily was carrying me over to Judith. She reached out and placed me on Judith’s belly. I glanced up to look at Judith’s face. Judith was a goddess as well. Her tan body and her big breasts were enchanting. Her long black ponytail coming down her left shoulder added to her charm. I was starting to get a boner.
“”He is kind of cute now that I am looking at him closer.” Judith said. She grabbed her ponytail and swished it behind her.
With that movement, I felt her whole body shift. I just remembered that I was on her stomach. I was on top of our children. I inclined my head to the side and put on the belly. I could hear three heartbeats, Judiths and the twins. It was comforting to hear them and slightly moving about, even if they were bigger than me.
Judith was also very happy, she was glad I was taking interest in her babies. She was winning this fight against Lily, he was getting an erection on her. She had a good chance that Phillip was going to choose her now. Judith had a plan to get Phillip out if he chose her. Judith had left her purse open so that he could crawl in and she could sneak him out past Lily. If Phillip did not go into her purse, he had chosen Lily over her.
Judith picked Phillip off her belly and placed him back on the table. “We need to continue the game though.”
She was correct, we needed to continue the game. Lily and I were getting closer to the end. We would be done with this cursed game and our lives would be back to normal.
I stared back up to the two goddesses before me. Judith’s body was ready with our children and it was hypnotizing. She was a bewitching witch that had casted charms and hexes on me. Lily’s body was gloriously ready for sex and it was enthralling. She was a divine being that was awe inspiring and calling to me. Both of them were so hot and beautiful that I was getting an erection just looking at them.
Lily reached down to me to grab the die and roll.
“Three” she said.
She moved her piece to a black tile.
This was it, Lily could be brought back to a normal size. I could resist Lily’s sexy charm and domination if she became smaller. I waited in exciting anticipation.
Judith was gnawing on her fingers. This could be anything, Lily could get a baby which would compete with hers. What would Phillip think if the baby was born right away? Judith waited in nervous anticipation.
Lily leaned over to read the screen.
$Your agent got you the wrong role in a kids show. It was embarrassing standing above so many children.$
Lily shrieked as she slammed down on the couch, breaking it. She was getting bigger. The game had chosen height for her punishment for being taller than children. She brought her left hand down to her two inch clitoris and started to play with it. She took her right breast and brought it to her mouth to suck her own milk out.
“MMmmMM” she moaned.
She had grown to 11 ft in a minute before she lurched in an orgasm. She let go of her breast with an “AAHH!” and tilt her head back displaying her massive breasts. She was clawing ground on her back in pleasure.She squeezed her legs together as another wave of ecstasy went over her. She lifted a leg up which hooked the bottom of the coffee table and flipped it. I was sent flying at the tv as the table bounced on the floor and spilled the game over.
I hit the tv with a “SPLAT” then I peeled off the screen. I hit the tv stand and ricochet off to land on the floor. I was dazed by the toss. The increased durability that I got from earlier in the game allowed me to survive. I looked back to Lily to see what was going on.
Lily was continuing to get larger. Judith had gone to Lily’s side as she seemed to be in pain and pleasure. After a minute, a sudden spurt of growth happened on Lily making her bigger. She howled at every spurt of growth. She was looking even more and more divine as she was getting bigger. Another minute, another growth spurt and then another growth spurt. I noticed that her legs and ass were getting closer and closer to my side of the room. I could see Judith’s head above one of Lily’s breasts that was leaning over on Lily’s side. Judith was located on the wall so that meant Lily’s head was there as well. Lily’s growth was heading towards me. Another minute, another growth spurt that brought her legs to touch the wall. I was trapped in between Lily’s massive legs. The next minute, another growth spurt and Lily’s crotch was right on top of me. Her pussy and asshole were standing over me, glistening. A powerful liquid and aroma were being emitted from her. It was the nectar that she created was leaking out of the pussy. It was so enticing. There was another surge of growth and her ass buried me underneath to my waist.
Lily’s body was crushing me. Her body must weigh over a ton now and it felt even more me. Lucky, her ass cheek was soft that I was able to push my body from underneath. As soon as I pulled myself out I heard a loud.
“OOHH YEAH” in a booming voice. I turned around to see a waterfall coming down on me.
Lily had orgasmed with her final growth. The fluids caming rushing out of her vagina. I was directly underneath it when she released it. I was knocked down to the ground by this torrent of love juices. I stood back up completely soaking wet my her nectar. The smell was so intoxicating. I was being drawn back to Lily’s warm embrace in the pussy. I was bringing my hand up to my mouth to suck on it. I paused before it even reached my mouth.
I remembered that I was trying to fight against Lily’s control. This was just going to bring me back under her reign. I walked under her thicc thigh while rubbing her cum off of me. I went over to the hallway that led to the front door to survey how big Lily had become.
Lily truly had become a goddess. She was scrunched up in the living room at 17 feet tall. Her breasts were sprawled out to her side and were bigger than I was when I was at my normal size. Her body stretched out from the broken couch with her ass near the wall with the tv screen. Her legs were spread apart so they could fit in the room but they could crush several watermelons between them. Judith was on the other side of her with Lily hand around Judith's arm from the growth. She was absolutely the biggest, most beautiful person in the world. I was in awe of my sister.
I was also terrified. Lily wanted me. She wanted me to have sex with massive body. She wanted to control my life with her immense body. She wanted me to worship her colossal body. I did not know if she would be gentle with me if I gave into her and devoted myself to her or would she abuse her power. She would definitely mistreat me into submission if I disobey her. If I stayed, I would have to fight her and if I ran away, I could find freedom. I chose to run away.
I ran to the front door to escape. It was a long way for someone at my height. When I reached the door I had recognized my mistake. I could not reach the door handle at all and I could not squeeze underneath because of a water seal. What was I going to do? I turn to my side to see the stairs. I ran to them and jumped to the first step. I pulled myself up and repeated with the second step. I went up four steps that was the platform where it turned. I looked up to see the long way I had to go. I continued about this mountain of steps. My increased endurance, strength, and lungs made what would be impossible. Possible. As I was nearing the top, I heard an “AAAHHH!”
They were continuing to play the game without me. I was fine with that. I reached the second floor and ran to my room. The door was still open from my sex with Lily earlier. I ran inside and turned to push the door shut. It took me a minute for it to close. After it was shut, I looked around to find an escape route. All the windows were too high for me to climb up to. I was trapped and exhausted running and climbing here. I walked to my mattress that was on the ground where Lily and I left it when my bed broke. I plopped myself on it and fell asleep. I had completely forgotten about the escape plan with Judith.
Lily was squeezing my arm during her growth. I, Judith, was doing my duty as a friend as Lily was in pain and pleasure from her development. When she had stopped growing and had her climax, She was panting and glowing in her sweat. I had seen Phillip go to the other side of Lily to examine what had happened. I was surprised to see what Phillip did next. He ran up the stairs.
I had lost. Phillip had chosen Lily over me. He did not get into my purse like we agreed on if he chose me. I was sad of losing Phil to Lily but that was that. I was going to have to be content with the babies that were in my womb that Phillip had given me. I wish I could have some more time with him. He said that he was willing to go inside my anus again.
“That was amazing, Judy.” Lily huffed. “I hope I didn’t squeeze your arm too tight.”
I turned back to Lily. “I am alright. You did not squeeze too tight.” I had given her a half truth. My arm was totally okay but my heart was broken. Lily had Phillip, all I could do was hope he changed his mind soon and come back down. Otherwise, I would have to ask Lily if I could borrow him.
“That’s great. I knocked the table over into the corner with my growth. It is your turn.” Lily said.
“Okay.” I said weakly. My bummed attitude was leaking out.
I stood up and started to head to the coffee table that was its side. I had to push one of Lily's mammoth of a mammary out of the way to get by. I heard “mmm” escape her lips as I did it. I picked the game up and noticed that all of our pieces were still in the same places like they were glued to the board. I went back to Lily’s side and placed the board game on her abs.
“Are you sure I didn’t hurt you?” Lily asked concerningly.
“Yes I am fine.” I replied. “I am just bummed that I did not grow taller like you.” I lied for the second part.
“Okay. if you are fine that is good. I just want to let you know that if I hurt you. You are free to tell me or if anything I did is bothering you. Please tell me.”
“I am fine and if I had a problem I would tell you.” I lied again to her. I couldn’t tell her I was disappointed that I lost Phillip to her. She would be sad for me but she wouldn’t give Phillip to me. Lily wanted to have some time with Phillip before that. I would have to wait until next week to ask for Phillip. I did not know how Phillip would be next week but he had made his choice. I picked up the die and rolled on Lily’s belly.
It was a dark blue tile. This was not going to be fun. My day was going to get worse.
$You weren’t able to get the role as the hero’s mother. You don’t look like a single mom$
I grabbed my stomach as the babies inside of me started to change. I fell to the ground and stared at my belly as it was bubbling. They were pressing against the side of the womb with their growth. When they reached their peak, they split apart. I leaned back and gave a loud.
I put my head forward to see that my stomach had not been torn apart. My belly was significantly bigger than before.
“Are you okay?” Lily asked. She had her head pointed towards me and her face looked concerned.
“I am fine.” I gasped. “The babies inside my split into two. I am carrying two sets of identical twins.”
“wow , That’s amazing.” Lily perked up. “It was so exciting when you got the first set of twins. Now another, that's super amazing! That is very rare. Can I feel the belly?”
“You sure can.” I said. I lift Lily’s hand and put it on my belly. Her hand was so huge that it covered my entire stomach. As her hand was on my belly, one of the babies kicked the side, giving me a little jolt.
“One of them just kicked. It's so cute with you being a mother.” Lily said in gleefulness. “It must feel great. I wish I had something wiggling around in my womb.”
“It does feel great, Lily. I am sure you will have a baby sometime soon.” I said.
With what Lily was doing, it would be in no time at all for some random guy to get Lily pregnant. My only question was will she find a big enough dick at this size. I hope it wasn't going to Phillip, This baby thing was going to be our thing.
My phone was going off in my purse. I had to push myself up off of Lily. Lily didn’t seem to mind as she knew it was hard for me to move. I walked over to my seat with the purse and turned an alarm off. It was my curfew alarm. I set it so that I wouldn’t be late at all getting back.
“That was my alarm for curfew my mom gave me.” I stated. “I have to head out.”
“Aww. it was just getting good. Well, we just have to wait until next time.” Lily said. She lifted the game off her belly and carried it to the top of a bookshelf where Phillip couldn’t reach. She then lifted her legs up so I didn't have to climb over them to the door.
“I had a great time tonight.” Lily remarked. “When will you be back?”
“I don’t know. My mom was very stern about the curfew tonight. I will text you when I know.” I replied. I turned to the door as I heard one last question from Lily.
“Where is Phillip?”
Phillip had run upstairs and I had seen it. Phillip had chosen Lily. I couldn’t go upstairs and steal him because Lily would notice. I could go to the window in my state. I wanted him and he rejected me. I was content though, Phillip had given me four children. Lily had defeated me but I had not lost because of these babies. Phillip would be left in Lily’s care.
“He went upstairs, he looked very tired when he went up.” I replied.
Lily grinned from ear to ear. “Thank you very much. I wanted to know if he was safe. I didn’t want to squish him.”
I smiled at her and went out the door as Lily was masturbating. I slowly went to my car and looked up at Phillip’s window. Phillip had chosen this path and I was giving Lily permission to take care of him.
End Notes:
Lily has won the battle on a technicality. Judith still wants Phillip. What will Lily do to Phillip? Will Judith come back for him?
Long chapter. I aprreciate suggestion and advice.
If it seems I have made a massive grammer error. Please point it out. I want this to be a good story.
Chapter 10: It is dangerous hunting for big game by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Phillip has to fight against Lily for control. but there is more to Lily's advance than it seems.
Phillip woke up quite refreshed. He looked at the clock that was midway up the wall and saw that it was nine o’clock in the morning. He got off his mattress that was surrounded by his broken bed. He clearly remembered what happened last night. He had gotten smaller, Judith got pregnant, and Lily became bigger. He was sure that Judith went home last night leaving him alone with Lily. Lily was gigantic compared to him, her vagina fluid had nearly drowned him last night. He needed to stay away from her or else he would have to fight against her charm.
“Grrowwl,” his stomach growled.
Phillip was hungry. He did not have any snacks up here because his mom didn’t like eating upstairs. He would have to go downstairs to the kitchen. I decided then I would go down but had to be careful about it.
I went to the door and squeezed under it a little bit. I looked right and left to see if Lily was there. I pushed the rest of my body through to enter the hallway. The hallway was the same size as before when I went through it last night but I didn’t pay attention to that. I clung close to the walls as I went to the stairs. I had to pass by Lily’s room to get there, her door was closed. I waited by it to see if any shadows passed by or if I could hear her. After a few minutes of nothing I peaked under to see if she was there, the room was empty. I continued on to the stairs. When I got there, a pole was to the side of the stairs with its own stairwell. The universe had added these stairs here for me because of the game.
I went down this stairwell a little bit so that I could peek into the living room. The couch was still broken from last night when Lily grew to 17 feet tall and the coffee table was still in the corner where she knocked it. Lily was nowhere to be seen. I went downstairs, still clinging to the walls and peeking around every corner, Lily still wasn’t there. I went to the kitchen to see if she was there. It was completely empty. There was a ladder from the ground to the countertop, another one of those the universe changed the world for my convenience. I climbed to the top and surveyed around. There was nothing on the countertop near me and still no Lily. I looked to the far end of the counter where the fridge was, I was a little surprised but not much. There was a tiny fridge and pantry with a table by the big fridge. I walked over to the little kitchen on the far side of the counter. I opened both to see that the fridge and pantry were stocked.
It had taken me a long time to get here but my hunger was going to be satisfied. I grabbed a small bowl and some cereal. I then went to the fridge for milk and poured it over the cereal and put it back. I took my first bite and I quickly realized, This was Lily’s milk. I knew because I had it before, it was sweet and delectable. This was sure to be leading into a trap, I stood up and looked around for Lily but I couldn’t find her. When I couldn’t see her, I went back to the table and went back to eating. This was the only milk in my fridge, Lily had an excess amount so they just probably gave it to me. I finished my bowl of cereal, when I heard some rumbling.
Lily must be coming down here from her room. I was in the middle of the counter when I saw the back door open, she was coming from the garage. Lily entered the house by crawling in, her divine head with its wondrous dark red hair and voluptuous breasts. She was talking on the phone.
“I know it is a big offer for the house. It’s just the perfect spot for me though. Part of the money is so they can start tearing down the second floor so I can fit. I would-” Lily stopped talking. She had noticed me running to the ladder on the counter. She quickly reached over and slammed her hand on top of me. I was trapped.
I had just caught Phillip under my hand. I was pretty happy about this. I could no longer go upstairs because of my size so I couldn’t get him but he had come downstairs.
“Sorry about that interruption, a wasp flew in and I had to kill it.” I stated. “Where were we?”
“The part about tearing down the second floor.” the realtor remarked. “That is still a pretty big sum even for those changes. Are you sure about it?”
“I am pretty sure about it.” I said. I lifted Phillip up and cusped him in my hand. There was no way he was getting out. He was struggling very hard against my hand. I pulled my butt and legs inside and into the living room. The talk went on for another fifteen minutes with the realtor.
“Okay, thank you very much. Bye”
I was alone with Phillip now. I have wanted him to be mine for so long now. I had fallen in love with him for a while now. A few months back, he stopped some bullies from harassing me on my way from school. He walked me back so I wouldn’t be alone. He was dependable and caring, even if he was rude to me a little at home. He was my big brother and I loved him.
Everything changed when I got older, he gave me something I never thought he would give me, lust. He thought I was pretty and I was so happy about that. Someone in the world thought I was pretty. I teased him a little bit, at the time I thought that was a bad thing so I tried to move my body so that it seemed mature. It worked, he was blushing and getting an erection. I was going to be a great older sister to him. When I got bigger, he was still giving me those lustful eyes. I was going in the right direction. When he became small, he was so cute. I was trying to be a good older sister but he cum on me. I knew then, all he had for me was lust. He did not seem to view me as his little sister anymore, I was a sexy object to him. If that is how he was going to view me, I would give him sex.
I was going to do my best to make myself sexy and have sex with him. He did not want to do it willingly at first. He was holding on to the idea that I was his younger sister but I wasn’t anymore. I was a fully mature woman and his body kept having an erection when he saw me. There was no hiding what was in his head, I just had to push my position over him to make him realize it. Once he succumbed to his desire, he went after me hard. All he could think about was sex and my body. He seemed to worship me. If that was going to be the love I could receive from Phillip I would take it. Soon I felt the power that was associated with being his goddess and fell prey to it quickly. I had to control his life and he just had to be devoted to me. Judith had broken his devotions to me.
I needed to get it back but Judith had shown me the errors of my way. I had to give him some freedom and outside enjoyments besides me. I was still going to be his goddess, I wasn’t going to give that up. I needed to make him love me again. My breasts were what he liked before I was going to use that. If that wasn’t going to work, I would need to break him and put him back together.
I moved the tv out of the way so I could put my head there and stretched my legs into the kitchen. I pulled my shirt off and my breasts moved to the side of me as I laid down leaving a huge valley in between. Phillip was still squirming in my hand as I lowered him on my chest. He was dazed for a moment but he turned around to face me.
“Where is Judith? And what are you going to do to me?” He pleaded.
“Judith went home last night with two more babies inside her.” I said. “And for you, I was going to give my little brother some sisterly love.”
He was in a daze again from that revelation. It was like hearing he was going to be a father again. He looked back at me and stuttered, “Th-that is great. I wish I could have seen it. B-but I don’t think we shou-”
“Nonsense” I cut him off. “Siblings should love each other. I am just doing my part to show my love and you should do yours.”
“That still doesn’t mean we have to do this. Brothers and sisters shoul-”
His voice was cut off as I slammed by boobs together.
My world went dark as two trains collided into me. Lily was giving my entire body a tit job. Judith had given me one yesterday and it felt good. Lily’s mammary was just amazing. Feeling the softness and warmness all over my body was otherworldly. I was getting excited here.
“No” I thought, “I have to fight this or else Lily would control me over again.”
Lily continued to knead me into her breasts. It was so pleasurable. I had a boner but I was not going to blow my load.
Suddenly, the mountainous tits split apart and I was in the valley between them. I looked to see Lily’s face. She was sucking on her lower in anticipation for me to ejaculate. She saw that my dick was excited so she knew I was attracted to her, who wouldn’t be. She banged her mammary glands back together on me to get me to blow my load. I resisted and did not blow my load for the hour that she held me there.
I continue to massage, bang, and knead my breasts into him to make him cum but he didn’t. This tactic wasn’t working. I need to come up with a new idea. I remember that he would always cum when I sucked on his cock. I couldn’t do that now because he was so small and I was so big. I opened my breasts and peeled him off my left breasts. He was gasping for breath when I picked him up. I turned him to make sure he wasn’t looking at my face but my breasts. I opened my mouth up wide and stuck out my tongue. I placed him flat on his belly on my tongue, he quickly realized what was going on when he shouted.
“Hey wait, Lily. NONONO-”
I shut my mouth close with him inside. I started to move Phillip around with my tongue. Twirling it around his small body, I made sure I was playing with the dick a lot. It felt so good with him there that I thought for sure he would cum.
He didn’t. It had been ten minutes and still no cum. Why wasn’t he cuming? He definitely found me attractive with his cock alway erect. He had no respect for me at all. I needed him to respect and fear me if I was to get his love. I knew what I had to do. I did not want to do it, I just wanted to shower him with love but he kept refusing it. I had to show him that my love was better than the alternative.
I opened the door to my parents room and put my arm in it. I reached over to my mother’s sewing box and pulled out a roll of thread. I put my shirt back on and moved to the back door and squeezed out. The garage had become bigger during that night while the house did not. I quickly realized that this was my new room. We entered the garage together. It was completely furnished for me and my new size. I sat down in a chair that was perfect for me. I stuck Phil’s lower torso out onto my lips. I made a loop around my finger to make sure I could tie a secure knot. Once I knew that I could, I tied a loop around Phillips torso with the thread. I pulled Phillip out of my mouth by string and saw him swinging there looking at me.
He could see that I was wearing a plain white t-shirt with no bra. Dark spots were directly over my nipples by my lactation. I was wearing black low rise shorts that hugged my crotch and thighs. He was trying to untie the thread on him that close to a rope for his size.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. It is a big fall down to the ground from here and that is going to be your lifeline.” I said. Phillip stopped and looked at me. “Since you didn’t show me any brotherly love, I thought I would show what sisterly anger could look like. I am not angry at you, just disappointed. As we do this, I want you to think and know that you brought this on yourself.”
I lifted Phillip above me and I tilted my head back. I opened my maw so that he could have a full view of the prison he was going to be locked up in. He was trying to grab the string and climb up it to escape. He started to scream.
I ignored his pleas as he entered my mouth. There was no way I was going to stop this, he needed to learn that my love was better. When he hit the back of my throat, I clamped my mouth shut and swallowed.
“Gulp” as a lump moved underneath the surface of my neck into my chest.
I could feel him wiggling about in my esophagus as it pushed him to my stomach. I sense when he burst into the stomach and hit the bottom. I pulled on the string until he pressed against the top of my stomach. I pulled a gag ball that had holes in it out of a drawer. It wasn’t a big gag ball but it should stay in one place in my mouth. I pulled the thread through one of the holes in the ball and tied a knot. I placed the gag ball in my mouth and pulled a clasp to the back of my head. Phillip was going to be suspended in my belly until this evening.
I went throughout my day with Phillip in my stomach. I was going to treat him really nice after this. I did not want to do this, I just wanted Phillip to love me. I had to break his spirit so that he could only see me. Judith could borrow him sometimes but I want him always to seek and love me first.
Lily had just swallowed me and I was moving down her throat. It was so wet and tight going down. I did not want to be here, was she really going to eat me? The tunnel finally ended and fell to the bottom of her stomach. I had closed my eyes when I came in and it was a good thing that I did. Lily’s stomach acid burned when I hit it. I tried to swim to the side to escape being digested. I was suddenly pulled into the air to hit the top of the stomach. A little jiggling was happening on the line and then I was stuck suspended in the air. Very soon, some liquid poured over me from above. Lily had drunk something and it had washed all the stomach acid off of me. I rubbed my eyes so I could see. It was an even darker cave than Lily’s pussy. All I could hear was Lily’s stomach churning, her heart thump, and her lungs expanding. The air was very acidic in here, if it wasn’t for my stronger lungs I would have probably died. Even if I wasn’t going to die, it was still gut wrenching awful. I grasped my stomach as it was so gross and threw up my breakfast into Lily’s bile.
I do not know how long I have been in here but it has been a while. I had been thinking a lot down here. There was nothing I could do to stop Lily. The only ones who could stop Lily were Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad were coming back on Saturday morning, I could hold out to then. This prison would have broken my spirit if I hadn’t thought of them. If I didn’t have them, I would get rid of these inhibitions and go after Lily. Lily was a big, sexy mature woman and everything I could want. I was letting the sibling bond get in the way. If I was stuck in my situation with any other women, I would have chased after them so hard. Lily was freely giving me her love and I had not reciprocated it. I was going to love her once I got out of this prison if Mom and Dad didn’t come.
Suddenly, I experienced the rope get tighter and I was pulled to the top and out of the stomach. I was going back up the throat. There was a final squeeze and I popped out of Lily’s mouth. I was carried over to a desk that was next to her bed. I looked up to see that Lily was completely naked in front of me. She looked absolutely like a divine being. I was at my breaking point of losing my resistance to her.
“Sorry, about that Phillip.” Lily said. “I just wanted to show you what could happen if someone else was taking care of you. I did not want to do this, I just want your love. You had been such a kind man to me when I was younger that I was in love with my big brother for a while. I knew I was annoying because I wanted to spend so much time with you but you would push me away. When I became bigger, you showed so much interest in me and my body that I wanted to give it all to you. I was so happy when you would just adore my body. Then Judith took you and brought you back, you would not show me any love without me forcing myself on you. I am okay with you loving Judy but I want some love as well.”
Lily was so sincere when she said that. She was bowing her head and had her fist on her knees. She would always do that when she would apologize for real. I had completely ignored her feelings this entire time. She had bottled her feelings up for so long that she burst at the opportunity when it came and the opportunity led to sex. I felt sorry for her. I wanted to give my love to her and I would too. Mom and Dad were coming back soon, so I could hold out to saturday. Otherwise, this sibling bond would be torn and I would love her like a couple, like a lover, like a goddess.
“As a token of my apology, I had prepared this.” Lily continued.
She had lifted up a white sheet that was on the desk to reveal her gift. Underneath was something I wanted. It was a 10 inch screen with it connected to my video game console. A small gaming chair with a mini controller, the controller was still a little big for me but it looked like I could use it with my entire body. Next to that was a small LED monitor and keyboard connected to my computer. I also had a new bed with nice bedspreads. I was glad to accept Lily’s apology.
“Thank you very much for this. I thought I would never be able to do this again but you made it happen. I have forgiven you.” I said as Lily looked up with tears in her eyes. She was truly sad about her apology and happy that I had forgiven her. “Could I play with some of my friends for a little bit first and then we can hangout. I feel bad about treating you that way. I want to make it up to you soon.”
Lily rubbed the tears out of her eye. “Sure. can I watch you though as you play?”
“I would enjoy that.” I replied.
I walked over to my computer so I could message my friends for a game. Lily went and put her breasts on the desk so she could lean over and watch me play. I didn’t mind at all because I wanted her to enjoy herself. I woke up my computer to message them when I saw that I had an email. It was from Mom and Dad, I opened it up and read.
“Hey Phillip, bad news. The cough Dad had turned out to be the virus thing that has been going around. He is in the hospital right now. He is doing fine and looks like he will make a full recovery. The problem is that the country has gone on lockdown. I was able to find a place for your dad and I to stay when he gets out. The lockdown is supposed to last a few months to get rid of it. I sent you and Lily some more money so you can live there for a little bit. Lily is planning on moving soon because of her job as a model. Either you could go with her or stay home by yourself, the choice is yours. With much love, Mom.”
They were not coming back. I was stuck here with Lily. I felt a small pop in the back of my mind. It was my inhibition and my resistance to Lily. I was going to become Lily’s lover and I no longer had a problem with it. I recalled her sweet embrace. The milk was sweet and the breasts soft. Her pussy was warm and the nectar from it intoxicating. I stood up and turned to Lily and walked over to her.
“Mm, what is Phillip? Aren’t you going to play your game with your friends?” Lily inquired.
I just walk up to Lily’s nipple on the desk. I reached up and grabbed it. I could no longer put my mouth or hands around it. All I could do was grab where I could and with my mouth, lick and suck for her milk. I was hers.
Lily watched as Phillip walked to her. She asked her question but there was no reply. He just went to her nipple and sucked.
I was so happy. Phillip had lost his spirit and had chosen me. I was going to care for him and love him. I would have to be nice to him if I wanted him to stay mine for good. Judith had one night with him like that and he was hers for a little bit. It felt so good feeling little drops being licked up from him. I was feeling empowered with him adoring my nipple. I couldn’t let this go to my head yet. I need him to become more devoted to me before I become his goddess.
“That feels so good. You can stay there as long as you like.” I softly spoke to him to comfort him. He was mine.
End Notes:
Lily has been in love with Phillip for a while. is Lily going to stay true to her feelings or will the goddess come out again?
There is another round of the board game coming up. I want to have readers input on what should happen.
Advice and suggestions are always welcomed
Chapter 11: Adult and Children Games by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Lily gets to spend some quality time with Phillip. But she comes across some older bullies of hers. What is she going to do?
Lily and Phillip stayed very close together for the week. The only times they were not together was when Lily recorded a video for her channel. Phillip would go inside the house and play his video games. When she was done, Phillip would go into the kitchen and Lily would pick him up. Lily only used her breasts to play with Phillip. She was going to take it nice and easy. They continued this routine until the weekend when Judith text that she couldn’t come over because her mom had forbidden her. This left Lily and Phillip at home together for the weekend alone.
I woke up Saturday morning from my bed to see Lily waking up as well. She was stretching while sitting and raising one arm high into the air. Her breasts were jetting out from her body, fully exposed, in such a sexy way. I instantly had an erection from the view. Lily stood up, with only a black laced underwear, and walked to the fridge that was in her room, which was the garage. She grabbed a gallon of milk and carried back to her desk that I was on. When she got to the desk, she placed her naked boobs on the desk and I ran to them. I clinged to the nipple and started to suck as she drank her milk from a jug as well. Once I had my fill from Lily’s breasts, I moved to her cleavage to play with her there for the rest of the day. I turned around to see what she was working on before I entered.
She was working on posting and editing the video she made the previous day. She had one guy on top of her head while she sucked his dick. He was trembling from how many times he cum in her mouth. The screen then switched over to a guy whose whole face was inside Lily’s snatch. I remembered how amazing it was to be inside Lily’s pussy. We haven’t done that in a long time, I wanted to do it again.
“Can we do some pussy action?” I asked.
Lily stared down at me and smiled. “I love to but I need to finish editing this video and load it up. Also, I thought brothers and sisters are not supposed to have those sort of relationships.”
“You know that I don’t think that we are that way now. I think we are more like a couple. I understand that you need to get this done. When do you think you will be done?” I replied.
“Close to lunch is when I should be done. That will give you plenty of time to digest my milk.” Lily said.
“Lunchtime it is then. I will just wait in your boobs until it is time. I can not wait to eat some of your cum.” I entered her cleavage on the desk and started to wiggle around. I was stimulating her and myself inside her breasts. I would cum and everytime I did, I would hear from all around me, Lily’s voice would go “mMm.”
Lunchtime came and Lily walked to her bed with me still in her boobs. She leaned down to remove her panties and lay on her bed. She brought her hand into cleavage and scooped me out on two fingers. She put me on top of her crotch so I could look down at her pussy. She spread apart a little bit so I could fully see her clit and the opening to her vagina.
“I want us to do this a little gently at first.” Lily stated.
“I will do my best.” I said.
I stared down at the open lips that was before me. I went on my belly and crawled to the clit that was just erect there. I started to lick it, knead it, and twist it. Her body was shaking as I played with one of her most sensitive parts.
“That's good, Phillip. That is really good.” Lily was moaning as I continued. She was about to reach a breaking point when I decided to bite down hard on her clit. She lerch up a little with an “AAHH.”
She had cum. I could see a rush of fluids exit the vagina. It made her pussy lips shine and glow and smell so intoxicating. It seemed to have an aphroditic effect on me. I got up and put legs up to my knees inside her vagina. She let go of the lip so that the lip squeezed me right there. I continue to play with her clit. I would move my feet a little inside her to tickle her walls. More fluids came out coating my body. I kept getting rewarded with “mm mm MM” as she got closer again to cuming. I felt the walls suddenly clamp on my feet and I heard her yell.
“Here comes a big one!” Lily yelled.
Suddenly the walls that were squeezing my legs pulled. I was sucked to where only my hands were outside. I tried to grab the lips to pull myself out but a torrent of her juices pushed me out. I was now hanging out of her pussy with my lower torso still inside. I started to lick the juice that had soaked my body. It was still the intoxicating nectar as before. The pussy lifted me up and I heard an “nnff” from Lily. I was then swallowed whole by Lily’s vagina with a “SLUUURP!”
I was inside Lily's pussy again. It was a whole lot better than her stomach. The warmness, the sweetness, and the comfortness of it was so good. It was way bigger than the last time I was there. I tried to move about but Lily’s convulsing walls kept tossing me around. Her walls were now stronger than me as they hugged and shoved me. Lily really wanted me there and I wanted to be here. It was easier to find air pockets when she would cum. I hit a round bulge that I had come to know very well, her G-spot.
“Ooh, that's the spot Phillip, keep hitting it!” Lily moaned as she had cum when I first hit it.
I knew what I had to do. I moved my body around in her pussy and until I was directly in front of it. I punched it and I continue to punch it. This had the desirable effect as I heard.
“OOH! OOH! FUCKING YES!” Lily moaned.
A flood of Lily’s fluids covered me from head to toe as her walls banged me around. It was like a bumpy wooden roller coaster that just tossed you every which way. My head was a bit dizzy from the thrashing but I quickly found the g-spot again and punched. I got the same reaction as before. I came back to the spot again and punched. This time, Lily’s juice and orgasm pushed me almost outside of her. My lower torso was hanging out but Lily quickly with one finger, grabbed in between my legs and shoved me back inside. I knew what I had to do, I dug myself back in deeper to the G-spot and repeated.
“You are doing such a good job, keep it up.” Lily wailed.
We kept it up for three hours before we needed to take a break.
Phillip was amazing for the past week. Ever since we started doing the pussy again it has been lovers paradise. Monday we started mouthplay again. On wednesday, Phillip spent the entire day within my vagina. Today was Friday, Judith couldn’t come this weekend either so we were trying to find a time for her to sneak over.
I was in my room in the garage standing up and leaning against a wall with one hand. My other hand was in my pussy pulling Phillip in and out.
“Ah ah ah ah, AAHHH!” I moaned as I cum.
I turned and put my back against the wall. I turned my head to the side and looked out one of the few windows in the garage. I wasn’t expecting to see what I saw.
In our back neighbors backyard, two girls were playing. I recognized them instantly. They were Samantha and Rachel, two of my biggest bullies from elementary school. I was wondering what they were doing at home on a school day at 10 am. I had to recall that today was a half day for our school district. The two of them were going to be here alone with no adult supervision until at least 3 pm. An idea popped into my head.
I walked to my bed and pulled Phillip out of my pussy. He was a little bit confused as to why he was out of her pussy.
“You were great down there, Phil. I just want us to try a different hole. Are you okay with that?” I asked.
Phillip perked up from my statement, he knew where this was leading. “Sure, I would love to try you ass.”
“Good, since we haven’t done it, I am going to need you to guide me going in.” I said.
I turned around and sat on my knees. I bent over, spread my butt cheeks apart, and lowered my butt closer to bed. He walked over to my waiting butthole and started to lick it.
“Mmhm,” I sighed, “you know how to tease a girl, don’t you?”
Phillip just kept licking my butthole and stimulating it to pucker it out a little bit. After five minutes, it was getting harder for me. I wanted him inside my ass. I slammed my ass together and rubbed for a second before pulling them apart again.
“You might be teasing a bit too much. Sometimes the girl wants the action right away.” I remarked.
Phillip got the picture. He stuck his arms inside my asshole followed by his head. With his head inside, I pushed down on the bed a little to have him go up to his hip.
“That is much better.”
I lifted my ass high into the air and lowered my head to the bed. Phillip was kicking his legs wildly and beating his arms on my sphincter. It felt really good. I wondered why I didn’t do this before. I reached up with my hand and pressed a finger on his butt within my butt and shoved him a little bit. My finger sank into my asshole and I pulled it out leaving only his feet by his ankles on the outside. I tensed up and gave a little “hmmpfth” and used my rectum to pull him inside completely.
“Ooh, move around some Phillip. This feels really good.” I said.
Phillip started to move about my rectum and tickle it. It did not take long for me to climax. It was a great feeling having something wiggle around in the bowels. We continued to do this for an hour until it seemed that he was getting tired.
“Are you doing okay in there? I said. “Knock once if I need to pull you out right now and two if you are okay.”
I felt two knocks.
“Can you breathe in there? Knock one for yes and two for no.”
One knock.
“Can I leave you in there for a little bit longer? Knock one for yes and two for no.”
One knock.
“Okay. do not move around a lot. I need you to be well rested for later. I am also about to record a video so I do not want too much stimulation from you.” I declared.
I opened a drawer and pulled out a butt plug and shoved it up my ass. I did not want him to fall out with what I was about to do. I grabbed a camera and put it at the window pointed outside at the neighbors back yard. I started to record. I put on some cut off jeans and a white shirt that said “Milk” on it. I picked up another camera with a tripod and started recording as I walked out of the garage. I placed the camera in the yard and moved over to the fence where Rachel and Samantha were.
“What are you girls doing out here? Isn’t it a school day? Are you playing hookie?” I asked.
The girls stopped playing and turned to face me.
“No, Ms Lily. today was an early dismissal. We got out of school early and so we are not skipping school.” Samantha said.
Samantha was my neighbor. She had blonde straight hair. She would tease me about my wavy red hair and say that it was that way from killing animals. I hated that a lot because I really loved animals. The other kids then started to call me “blood hair” because of it. I wanted revenge on her. I knew that her parents were having some fighting. I knew where I was going to get my revenge.
“I am going to need to call your parents to confirm that this is true. What are your father's numbers?” I requested.
“I don’t think we should be giving our parents numbers away. We don’t really know you.” Rachel said. Rachel was just staring at me with eyes of wonder, she obviously thought I was pretty.
Rachel had curly brunette hair down to her shoulders. She was often tying makeup on to make herself look pretty. She would often make fun of my freckles and say that I had chicken pox. Everyone would stay away from me believing that I was always sick and that they could catch it from me. She was pretty vain about herself being pretty and cute and I was going to use that for my advantage for my revenge against her.
“I am Samantha’s neighbor so there shouldn’t be a problem. Any good neighbor would be concerned if their neighbor’s kids aren’t at school.” I hypothesized. “So it should be a problem to get their numbers.”
“I guess you are right about that.” Samanth said. “My dad’s number is ########.”
My dad’s number is ######.” Rachel followed suit.
“Thank you very much.” I said. I put their dad’s numbers in my phone. I was going to message them later to have them come by. I need to get Rachel’s and Samantha’s attention for what I wanted to do.
“Dang it, another message from that guy. That is the 27th time that he said I was sexy and beautiful.” I remarked.
“Aren’t you beautiful?” Rachel asked. She was nibbling at the bait.
“I am beautiful. I had to work very hard to get here. The exercising, the diet, and drinking a lot of milk. I wanted to be pretty and I became pretty. Now, I have this attention. It is a little much for me. I want them to see me for who I am.” I stated.
“That is a bummer for you to have that much attention. I want to have a lot of attention with my friends. What sort of exercise and diet did you do?” Rachel inquired.
“I had to do some running and chest compressions. I had to eat a balanced diet of vegetables and meats. The biggest part was the milk, it had to be breast milk.” I answered.
“We have to drink breast milk. Do we have to drink it from our mommies?” Samantha asked. She was getting interested in the conversation as well.
“It does not have to be your mother’s milk. Anyone’s milk will do. I had to order mine online.” I said.
Samantha and Rachel looked at each other. They were taking the bait. “Let’s go and order some breast milk so we can be pretty.” Rachel declared. They started to go back to the house when I spoke up.
“You have to be older than 18 to order breast milk online.”
They both stopped. They were clearly sad at that statement. They really wanted to be pretty. I put my arm underneath my breasts and started to shake them a little bit.
“I have some breast’s milk if you want some?” I said.
They turned around with hope in their eyes. They saw what I was hinting at with me accentuating my boobs.
“We are allowed to try some?” Rachel asked nervously.
“Of course, who wouldn’t help out two cute little girls.” I said as I stepped over the fence. They had taken the bait and were hooked.
I moved over in their yard where I was in between them and the house. I knew where to get on my hands and knees so that both cameras could see me and the girls. They were going to be a part of my next video. With the girls in front of me staring up, I straighten up with my knees on the ground. I crossed my arms and grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it off. My boobs bounced out with a small stream of milk. I tossed my shirt into my yard. Rachel and Samantha were gazing at my body hungerly. I bent down to my hands with my breasts hitting the ground. I adjusted my breasts so that my nipples were facing them.
“You can now get some milk.” I cooed.
Rachel charged my left nipple and Samantha my right. They sucked as hard as they could. My milk was gushing out into their mouths. Phillip would only get drips when I would breastfeed him. They just greedily ate my nipples and milk.
It felt so good. Their tongues kept wrapping around the tip and their teeth gnawing at my areolas. I couldn’t believe how sensitive my nipples were. They were stuffing their bellies on my milk for five minutes. The girls who were my bullies, were going crazy for my breasts.
I shuffled a little bit to prepare for what I was about to do next. I pushed myself a little bit forward, Rachel and Samantha were so busy draining my boobs that they didn’t notice them get closer. With a sudden, “hmpth,” I bulldozed my breasts on top of them burying them underneath.
They flail about under my breasts, each one weighing more than them. I was getting even more and more excited as they punched and shoved my boobs. They could budge these melons if their life depended on it, and it soon would be. I was coming close to climaxing. I wanted to do one more thing which would push me over the top. I pressed down a little bit harder and shook my globes around. They were furiously trying to escape from the ride I was given. This stimulated me just enough to cum.
“mmMMmm” I moaned.
I lifted my breasts up and saw Rachel and Samantha crawl out.
“Why did you do that?” Samantha cried as she was gasping for air.
“You looked so cute and adorable that I just wanted to hug you.” I said as if I cared for their well being.
“We were being crushed by your tiddies.” Rachel whimpered.
“I am sorry about that.” I lied. “To make it up to you I will let you drink some more milk.”
“That sounds good with me.” Rachel wiped a tear from her eye.
“I agree with Rachel.” Samantha said.
“Okay, let us do this.” I replied. I grabbed my nipples and squeezed inward on my boobs. Streams of milk sprayed out towards them. They open their mouths and greedily try to catch the streams of milk with it. They did not care that they were starting to get soaked by my milk. They slowly started to walk my udders to get to the source of my milk.
It felt so empowering to have the two of the girls who bullied me in elementary school clinging to my boobs. The ones who called me ugly were coming to me to become pretty. They would do what I say just to get my milk. I was going to corrupt their lives for what they did to me. I was going to use Samantha’s dad to create a rift in their family. Rachel’s vanity to be pretty will cause her to come to me for advice and I will just lead her down to the life I have right now, a porn star. I felt so much power as I was taking control of their lives.
I turned around to see where the sound came from. It was Samantha’s older brother, Henry. Henry was twelve with blonde hair and coming out of his house. It was also early dismissal for middle school as well. I could tell instantly that he was going through puberty. He blushed and grabbed his crotch. He was getting excited by the sight of me breastfeeding his sister and her friend. I was going to use his crush on me to stimulate me even more.
“Do you want a piece of the action as well?” I asked.
His face turned red like an apple and all he could do was nod his head.
“Don’t worry, shy guys like you are very popular. So come over here to my butt.” I pulled down my cutoff jeans to expose my ass. I spread apart my legs so he could walk right underneath me. He walked underneath me so that his body was aligned with my wet pussy.
“You may lick it.” I said
Henry started to lick my lips. His tongue was smooth and gentle. It felt amazing having his tongue massage my pussy. The stimulation was working as I orgasm after a minute of him doing it. This flooded his face full of my juices. He coughed a little with surprise that something came out. He recollected himself and started licking my pussy furiously.
All of this was being caught on camera. Rachel and Samantha drench in my milk and clawing at my tits to get more. Henry eating my pussy with me on top. Their lives will never be the same after this. Samantha’s brother and father were going to lust after me. Rachel was going to become a porn star trying to follow me. It felt so good.
I wanted more. I want to show my power over them. I bent my arms a little so that my breasts would push down a little more on Rachel and Samantha. They fell on their backs but that didn’t bother them. They sucked at my breast even with more energy. I spread my legs apart a little more and lowered my waist down. This shove Henry’s head entirely inside my pussy. This didn’t bother him either as he just continued to lick inside my vagina. After five minutes of this, I orgasm again.
I felt like a goddess. Rachel and Samantha were just worshipping my breasts. Henry was devoted to my pussy. Phillip was in my ass completely surrounded by me. It was so intoxicating. The power I had over their lives. Samantha family’s doom by sex with me and Rachel’s corruption to the sex life. Phillip, who just adored me and my beauty, was under my control inside my ass. They did not know he was even there. He was slipping farther and farther into complete devotion to me. I was also slipping more and more away from Lily and into Guinevere.
I came again on top of them. We were going to make this last as long as possible.
Lily has been so in a really good mood since last weekend with sex play date with the neighbors. She glowed with a radiance of divinity that I couldn’t take myself away from her. It was hard when she had to do her job or when Rachel came over to drink milk. I had to go to my room where I would just lie there mastubating to the thought of Lily.
Monday was a long session video for her channel. She started in the morning with some random guys. I had the afternoon with her but when evening came. Samantha’s father came over.
Wednesday, Lily insisted that I call her Guinevere when no one was around. That was easy to do because I no longer thought of her as my sister. I was stuck inside Guinevere’s ass the entire night.
Today was friday. It has been three weeks since I last saw Judith. I didn’t care much though. I had Guinevere. Guinevere had just finished her recording around 12 pm and I came back to the garage to see her.
I wasted no time crawling on top of her labia to lick her clit. It was working as I heard a “mMm” from her. I was enjoying myself immensely just worshiping her. She suddenly picked me up and brought me to her face. I was hoping for some licking from her.
“I got a new toy in the mail yesterday and I want to try it out.” Guinevere said. “Are you okay with that.”
“Of course. Anything to please my goddess.” I replied happily.
“I am glad that I have such a willing servant.” Guinevere spoke.
She lifted out of a package box a huge black silicone dildo. She placed me on the tip of the dildo and positioned it towards her pussy. She was breathing hard.
“Huh, huh, huh, HUH!”
She shoved the dildo into her pussy. I was carried all the way to the back of the vagina to the cervix uterus. Guinevere had custom ordered this dildo to reach the farthest reaches of her pussy. She pulled the dildo out and I slipped off it right against the cervix. She pushed the dildo back in slamming me against the back of the vagina. She continues to do this back and forth action with the dildo just hitting me over and over again. After a few minutes, she cumed. When she did, the cervix opened up and I could see inside her womb. This was the place where babies come from. It was brighter than her vagina. There was also more space inside that I could easily walk a little inside. It felt so warm and terrifying.
I did not want to enter inside there. I felt like my entire being would be consumed in her womb. The cervix closed up after the fluids came out. I wanted to get far away from there. I was heading towards the front of the pussy when I got hit by the dildo returning. Guinevere was still continuing with the dildo action.
“Wait, Guinevere I don’t think we should do this with a dildo. It is dang-” I yelled.
My voice was caught off as the dildo slammed me back against the cervix again. There was no way that Guinevere would hear me inside her vagina. I tried to fight against the dildo but it was a losing fight. She thrust the dildo in one more time as she pinned against the cervix. She orgasmed again with the dildo in place. The cervix opened and her cum came out. I was clawing and trying to get a grip on the dildo but it was very slippery. The cervix slammed shut on my lower half. I was trapped with part of my body inside her womb. I put my arms to the side to try to push my way out. The dildo retreated out. I was scared that it would return and finish the job. I became eccentric with pushing myself out as if my life depended on it.
I pulled the dildo out from another orgasm from it. My servant couldn’t fill my vagina entirely because he was so small. That is why I ordered the dildo. The servant was fun as it could move back and forth inside me. The dildo was so that I could feel full with him inside. I was about to plunge it back in when I felt a tickle in the back of my vagina. The servant had gotten stuck in my cervix. I did not want him going in my womb yet. I wasn’t ready for that. I could reach far enough with my fingers to reach him. I needed help.
“I need your help ASAP!” I texted.
I wasn’t going to do anything until help arrived. He was making it harder with his thrashing about. The phone suddenly rang.
“Yes, Judy. it’s Lily. Phillip is stuck in my vagina and I need your help to get him out.”
End Notes:
Phillip almost entered Lily's womb, I mean Guinevere. Judith is coming over to get him out. Will they play the game again.
Yes they are about to play the game again. The next chapter is going to be another round of the game. I want the readers to decide what is going to happen next round.
Thank you very much for reading. Suggestion and advice are welcomed
Chapter 12: A game you play behind the house by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Judith has finally returned. Now everyone is here to play the game. Who comes out on top this round.
I do not know how long I was stuck in Guinevere’s cervix. I was contemplating just giving up and going inside her womb. To be in a place where Guinevere provided everything for me. I could be worshiping her forever inside. I didn’t want to go in yet. I had so many things I wanted to do and I enjoyed the freedoms that Guinevere was providing me.
As I was pondering what to do, a bright light suddenly illuminated her vagina. A wire with a light and camera had entered my section of the vagina. It caused Guinevere’s fleshy cave to turn into a shiny glistening pink cavern. It was a beautiful sight to behold the eighth wonder of the world. I wasn’t able to gaze long as a pair of tweezers followed soon afterwards and grabbed my upper torso. Guinevere’s cervix quivered as I was pulled out. I was pulled out completely out of Guinevere’s pussy to come face to face with another woman.
It was Judith. Judith had finally come over after three weeks of being absent. Her tan face with the long black ponytail falling down her back. I looked down to see a very pregnant belly with D-cup breasts. Her wide hips were connected to some thick thighs. She was wearing some maternity jeans and black and white striped blouse. She placed me in her palm and sat down in a chair facing Guinevere. Guinevere stood straight up and pulled some black panties on to match her black bra. She sat back down on her bed.
“You shouldn’t be using Phillip with a dildo, Lily.” Judith lectured. “He could have been pushed farther inside or worse, crushed.” I remember that I had to call Guinevere, Lily, when I was with other people.
“I’m sorry. I am really sorry. I did not think that would happen. I will not do it again.” Lily repented.
“Now that you have apologized and thought it over. I had to pretend to be sick so that I could leave school early. With that I believe I deserve an explanation of what have you and Phillip been doing?” Judith inquired.
“We started out with breast action for the first week. We moved into mouthplay and pussy action the next week. Last week we did ass and the dildo. The dildo turned out to be a bad idea as you have just seen. When I have been busy with work or he wants alone time, I bought him a small screen and computer so he can play by himself.”
Judith looked down at me in her hand. “Is this true?”
“Yes, it is true.” I said. “Lily and I have been doing those things and she bought me a computer and screen for my video games.” Lily and I didn’t mention the part where she nearly ate me or videotaping the neighbor’s kids.
Judith looked satisfied with the response. She was checking to make sure I had not fully become devoted to Lily. She expected the freedoms that Lily gave me would give her some fighting chance for my love. Our babies in her womb really increased her odds of doing so.
“That is good. I did not want you to miss out of having a normal life at this size.’ Judith said.
She was concerned for me which was nice. I did not think I was going to have a normal life. I was pretty content with my bizarre lover's life with Guinevere.
“On a different note, how has the past three weeks been for you at school, Judy.” Lily asked.
“It has been going pretty well. The school is worried that they are going to have to close soon because of the virus.” Judith responded.
“Any news about any boys?” Lily dug deeper.
“There is one boy.” Judith replied. “He stood up for me when some girls were picking on me because I was pregnant. He then helped me with a potion I was trying to make. He said that I was missing an ingredient and that purpose was wrong from what was in the book. It was a stomach cleanser not a wart remover. The potion actually turned out to work out for once after I made it.”
“That is interesting. Sounds like a real catch for you. What does he look like?” Lily continued.
“He is well-built at 6 feet tall. He has blonde hair and looks like a delinquent but is totally sweet. You would not have guessed it from the way he dresses.” Judith said.
“Wow, you should really go after this guy. He is really up your alley. What's his name?” Lily remarked.
Judith’s face became a little depressed. “His name is John. I would go after him but he is leaving soon to go to England to transfer to a school there. I won’t be able to see him anymore.”
“That is a real bummer. I hope things work together with another boy.” Lily said. “I know what would cheer you up, the board game. I left it where you last saw it. Can you go get for us?”
“Of course, I would be happy to play it. That is one of the reasons I am here. We need to get through a few rounds before my mom knows that I was here.” Judith got up and handed me to Lily. She left the garage to go to the house to get the game. When she left, Guinevere spoke to me.
“If Judith is still feeling depressed from not getting the boy. I am going to let her borrow you for a little bit so that she will feel happy. Are you okay with that?”
“I am. I want Judith to be happy as well.” I said
“good, just remember that you are mine and that I am only letting Judith borrow you if she wants to.” Guinevere insisted.
“You are always my true love, Guinevere.” I answered back.
Guinevere grinned at that statement. Judith returned with the game and came over to the bed. Guinevere had become Lily again.
“It was Phillip’s turn last time. So here is the dice for you.” Judith said.
I grabbed the dice to roll. I remember how this game had caused it all. If I wanted to have any chance of a normal life again, we had to finish the game. I tossed the die in the air and it landed on Lily’s soft bed.
Lily reached for me to move my piece to dark blue. We looked at the screen to read the message.
$Your generosity makes you a lovable star. Let your gifts be full of blessings.$
I waited for something to change in me. I was wondering what the message meant. We waited for a minute but nothing happened.
“Do you feel any different?” Lily asked
“I feel the same as ever.” I replied inspecting my body to see if anything was different at all.
“I guess that means that roll was a dud.” Judith chimed in.
“I guess so. That was a bummer. You could have been a little taller.” Lily said as she picked up the dice. She sounded concerned about my current height. I was pretty sure she just wanted me bigger so she didn’t need a dildo to feel full. Either way it would have been a win-win for both of us.
Lily moved her piece to the same space as mine. It was a double feature. We were both going to get something out of it and it was probably going to be bad. Dark blue was not good for women. Lily leaned over and read the screen.
$double feature. You couldn’t get the roll as the hero’s parents because you were not mature enough$
Lily and I stared at each other to see what was happening. I saw Lily’s face start to become more childish. It still had some maturity to it but she now looked like she was starting college. I felt the hairs that were my stubble start to recede. I was 22 at the moment. I needed to see the results.
“Does anyone have a mirror or something?” I pleaded to the girls.
Lily reached into her purse on the nightstand and pulled out a portable make-up mirror. She opened it so I could see my reflection. I looked like I was when I was fifteen. I was a freshman.
“This can’t be. I have to start high school all over again.” I groaned.
“You are not the only one.” Lily said as she was now looking over herself with the mirror. “I have to go to college and I do not know what to major in. The only benefit from this is that my boobs have stopped leaking.”
Lily then unbutton her bra from the back and lifted it off. The bra had some wet spots where the nipples were located from her lactating. We waited for five minutes and did not see a single drop form.
“It is a bummer that I can’t give Phillip anymore milk but the pressure was killing me.” Lily continued on. “I just have to try to get myself to lactate later on so I can give you something.”
It was a bummer that she wasn’t lactating anymore. Her milk was sweet and full of nutrients. I was glad she was concerned for me though that she would try to produce some for me.
“That is a real bummer but it is my turn.” Judith said as she leaned over to roll the dice. She gave a “oompfh,” when she leaned over because of the babies.
Judith moved her piece to red and fell back down in her chair.
“Could you read it for me?” Judith asked us. Lily bent over to read.
$you were able to get the role as the hero’s mother. Enjoy your motherly looks.$
There was a “mmm” from Judith as we looked at her. Her hips were widening a bit to give her motherly look there. Her face got older and matured. She was now in her mid twenties ready to become a new mom.
“That felt pretty good.” Judith said as she stood up. She was rubbing her butt to feel the new development. Lily handed her the mirror so she could look at herself. She rubbed her face as she marvelled at her new age. “I guess I am the oldest person and the fully grown adult here now. You all might have to listen to what I say. Plus, these hips really help distribute the weight so my lower back doesn’t hurt.”
“You are really rocking that new mom deal.” Lily said. Judith turned to the side and stuck her butt out towards me. It was pretty big now that I could probably stand up on them while she was standing as well.
“Yeah.” I said. “That ass is really great on you.”
“Thank you for the compliment. I might even let you try it sometime soon.” Judith replied as she sat down.
It was tempting to take up her offer. I was sure I would get the chance to if Judith asked for me. Lily was going to let her borrow me because she didn’t get a boy in highschool. I'm pretty sure she could get him now because of the age difference. That did not matter to me as I picked up the dice to roll.
Lily once again picked up my piece and moved it. I had landed on a tan tile. This was going to affect us all as me and Lily read the screen.
$the movie was a box office success. You all are now engorged on some cash for the weekend.$
I felt a tingle in my cock as I heard a groan from both Lily and Judith. I started to look back and forth as both Lily’s and Judith’s breasts were getting larger. Judith’s breasts were growing from D-cups to F-cups. Lily’s breasts, which already mountains, enlarged until they reached her thighs.
“Oh! The pressure!” they both said in unison.
Lily fell on her back on the bed. This caused the bed to shake and toss me in the air a bit. I looked back at Lily after recollecting myself to see that her breasts had truly become a mountain range. My view was suddenly blocked as something came up from the ground.
It was my dick. My dick was getting larger in front of me. I hadn’t paid attention to the itch from earlier to notice my cock and ball were getting bigger. Each of us was getting engorged on a certain body part that could produce something. My rod was getting pretty large as it had surpassed me. I was pretty sure it was 18 inches again as the pressure was just build inside. I couldn’t hold it in.
“AAAHHH!” we groaned altogether.
I ejaculated a dumpster amount of cum to cover my section of the bed. Judith was just soaking her shirt and pants in her milk. Lily was on her back as she just shot out milk out of her breast like they were geysers. This went on for two minutes until everything stopped. Lily’s and Judith's breasts went back to their normal size. My shaft went down until it was two inches long on me.
“I think we are going to need to deal with lactating for this weekend.” Lily said as she leaned forward. She was absolutely drench in her own milk. “I have several breast pumps to make this easier.”
“That would be great. I am not used to lactating yet.” Judith answered back. She had taken her soaked shirt off and started to wring it out. She put it over the back of her chair so that it would dry out.
“Here you go then.” Lily said. She handed Judith four sets of breasts pumps.
“Isn’t this too much. Do you need some?” Judith inquired.
“I have a dozen more pumps, when I was constantly lactating. I have plenty for this weekend. You are the one who needs it.” Lily responded.
Judith grabbed the pumps. “Thank you very much then.”
Both Lily and Judith attached a set of pumps to their breasts. This would catch the milk coming out and prevent their boobs from getting too big. I was wondering what would help me. I could feel my dick getting bigger and more semen forming inside.
It took several minutes for Lily to show Judith how to use the pump and the bottles. When they were done, my dick was now six inches long. I could no longer stand. I fell on top of my dick on my corner of the bed. I was about to speak up for someone to help me but Lily spoke up first with her roll.
Lily moved her piece. I couldn’t see which color she landed on. She just smiled as she read the screen.
$They did not think you could rise above this level of stardom, but you did.$
Lily moaned and leaned back onto the bed. This caused me to go into the air again. I fell back down with my growing dick on top of me. My legs were facing the board game so I had to push my rod to the side and leaned the other way to see Lily.
She was growing again. It wasn’t the sudden spurts of growth as last time. It was a slow growth. It did not seem much to her immense size already but the bed creaked under her. Lily was masturbating through the entire ordeal. When it was done after a few minutes, she whimpered as she orgasmed.
“How much did I grow by?” Lily asked.
“Not much to you.” Judith answered. “I think it was two feet.”
“Your right, it isn’t much for me. I guess I have gotten pretty big.” Lily said.
Judith stood up and moved towards the game. “Big is an understatement. I have to define you as huge. Six.” Judith had rolled the dice. I needed to speak up as my dick had grown to about a foot now and started to stand straight up erect. The pressure was building and I had to communicate with them but Lily interrupted me again.
“I am huge now. It will be hard to find someone to satisfy me now.” Lily said. Judith then read the screen.
$you are a rising talent that can compete with the best. Grow two feet.$
I heard Judith groan but I couldn’t fully see her because she was behind my dick. All I could see was her ass cheeks poking out of the side of my rod. I saw the ass getting higher and higher along my dick as elbows started to appear. With a final “AAHH!” Judith’s arms and shoulders appeared from side and her head popped over my head.
“That felt amazing. I like to do that again.” Judith huffed.
“We both do.” Lily replied “You look amazing as well, Judy.”
“Thank you. I hope I can continue to get as huge as you. As long as you don’t keep growing.” Judith said.
“I am keeping no promises.” Lily countered. “I plan to keep growing and become an adult again.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Judith said.
Judith walked back to her chair and back into my sight. She was absolutely big. She stood at 8’10” with one of the biggest asses you have ever seen. Her belly had gotten bigger as well with the growth. I was pretty sure our children were going to be born pretty big. She looked very pretty. She sat down in the chair, she looked very mature.
“I think it's your turn-” Judith stopped. They had finally noticed my predicament. “I think we should stop and help you.”
“I would appreciate it very much.” I remarked.
They both looked very greedily at my dick. It was getting close to 18 inches and trembling.
“I don’t think we can play the game with him in this state.” Lily said.
“I totally agree. I have to be leaving soon so my parents don’t know I was here.” Judith responded.
“Good, we can resume the game after the weekend after this has passed over.” Lily observed.
“I agree.” Judith answered. “I just have one question. Can I have him for the weekend?”
“Of course you can. How about I let you use him for the week. I have some stuff that I need to pack this week so it is perfect. Once Friday comes, either you come back over or I will get one of my guys to bring him back in a box. If you don’t say anything I am sending the guy over. Just make sure he doesn’t see Phillip.” Lily smiled.
Judith perked up. “Thank you very much. I will bring him back next week.” Judith reached over to pick me up but Lily stopped her.
“Just one thing. I want to play with him for fifteen minutes before you go home. I have some clothes up in my old room. Your clothes are soaked right now.”
“Good idea.” Judith replied. She moved to her chair and took the pump off that was on her boobs and put a new one on. She then walked out the garage.
“Great. Now I have you all to myself.” Guinevere said. She moved over to the other side of the bed and picked me up. She put me on a chair that was meant for her size. She put me sideways from the front of the chair so I could see her.
“The last time we did this with your dick so big, you were reluctant to cum for me. I do not think that is the case this time. I want you to be patient though. Do not cum until my pussy is on your dick. So, in the meantime, enjoy the show.” Guinevere giggled.
Guinevere’s butt started to twirl around in circles and swing to the sides. She suddenly stopped. Her ass cheeks started to jiggle and go up and down by themselves. Guinevere was twerking. I was enjoying every second of her dance. I felt precum leaking out of my tip.
“You are about to cum from this. I expected that much. Please don’t. Wait for the finale.” Guinevere said.
“It’s just so hard. The dance is just so sexy.” I groaned.
“I know. Just hold on until then.” She giggled.
Guinevere kept twerking and getting closer to me. It was getting harder and harder not to blow my load. When she was on top of me, she continued to make her ass dance for a minute.
“I thought I would only have one chance to fuck your big dick. Who knew it would grow bigger so I can be satisfied.” She said. She reached under her and grabbed my dick. She rotated it so that I was now aligned with her body. She then slammed her pussy down on me.
“AAHHH!” Guinevere moaned.
My dick had gone entirely inside her pussy. I felt her walls tighten and pull my rod deeper in. I didn’t know that my dick was so sensitive. It didn’t take long for me to cum
Thump thump thump.
The sound of my dick releasing the pent up load. Guinevere followed quickly after that.
Squish squelch splash.
Guinevere had orgasmed as well.
“Ooh! Fucking yes! Keep the fucking up!” She wailed.
“AAHH!” I yelled as I shot another load into her.
“Mmhm. that is great. Keep fucking me.” Guinevere moaned.
“Nnrrgh” I groaned. This load was definitely not as big as last time and I felt my dick getting smaller.
“Yes! Keep it up!” Guinevere moaned again.
My cum was starting to leak out of her and onto me. She realized that every time I cum, my dick would get smaller. She was going to get everybit she could. She started to slam her ass down on me repeatedly.
It felt like the moon was falling on me over and over again. It was painful but I enjoyed it. She didn’t mean to crush me in her excitement. I was glad I had my increased durability. Any other man would have been squished.
I gave my final offering into Guinevere pussy. She recognized it as well. She stood up to see my dick shrink down to more normal size for my height. She picked me up to examine me. I was covered in my own cum from it leaking out of Guinevere. I was exhausted as well.
Guinevere then tossed me into her mouth. She started to suck the cum off of my body. She was giving me a bath. It felt really good inside there. It was like a wet sauna. The tongue wrapping around me to wipe every crevice of my body. It felt like a wet brush as I could feel her taste buds on my skin. I convulsed inside from excitement as a few drops of cum came out of my dick.
“Mmmm.” She hummed. She knew that I had cumed in her mouth.
Guinevere pulled me out and placed me on her palm. She was just so huge and beautiful. I couldn’t help but worship her. She moved over to the door as Judith walked in. I would be borrowed by Judith for the week. I was okay with that. Judith was a beautiful woman as well. I knew I would be back with Guinevere by next week.
“Your clothes were only a little big for me. I found a belt to make sure it doesn’t fall off.” Judith said. “Are you alright with me taking him?”
“Yes. I got movers coming to get most of my stuff for my new house. It would be hard to explain to them if they found a tiny man.” Lily replied
“That makes sense. Okay, I am heading home then. I will give him back next friday.” Judith said.
Judith walked to her hummer as she placed me in her purse. Judith drove off with me and the breast pumps. Lily waved goodbye and went back inside to use her breast pumps for the building pressure inside her boobs. None of us noticed that Lily was just a little bit taller.
End Notes:
Judith now has Phillip for a week. Is he going to love it? is Judith going to break Guinevere's control? or is something else going to happen?
Advice and suggestion are appreicated.
Chapter 13: A cheat code for the game by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Judith has Phillip for a whole week. they first have to get passed the weekend with both of them needing to be milked. What is discovered in the process?
I walked into my room very giddy. I was going to have Phillip for an entire week. I sat my purse on the bed that had Phillip in it. I was about to open it up when I felt a little ping in my breasts. My breasts were full of milk again. I took off the clothes I had borrowed from Lily and placed the pumps on tits. I waited for a few minutes for my boobs to drain. I dumped the milk into the sink and walked back to bed naked. There was a bump forming from inside my purse.
Phillip’s dick was getting bigger inside the purse. I had forgotten that he was hit by the same effect as us. I opened it up and pulled him out. His dick was throbbing and huge. I had to release the pressure as soon as possible. I rammed his dick into my mouth.
“AAHHhh!” he moaned.
He was quick to blow his load. I knew it was going to happen so I shoved it to the back so it would shoot straight down my esophagus. It was like a hose had been placed there by the amount of cum that came out. I was slowly pulling his dick out when he came again.
“Mmfpth” I mumbled.
This time the cum filled my mouth. There was still a lot. I tried to swallow as much as possible but it was too much. I coughed his cum up.
“Cough cough, hack.” I choked.
I pulled Phillip out of the way so he wouldn’t get spewed on. Once I was done coughing, I looked to see that his dick had become small again. I enjoyed it but I couldn’t keep it all weekend. I would milk him when I could or want to. I just needed a solution when I wasn’t there or when it was too much.
“We need to find out how long you can last before you need to cum again.” I said.
“That sounds okay with me.” Phillip said.
Phillip was a little bit over thirty minutes before he would cum on his own. He said it was painful but he could endure the pain if need be. I could last forty five minutes before I started to spray milk. Next thing we need to do is figure away that we could leave Phillip be for a while if I had to run an errand. After an hour, I found a pillow that could be placed on a wood plank with his dick hanging down to catch the cum. I could stuff socks into my bra to soak up the milk for an extra fifteen minutes before I needed to pump.
“I think we can deal with this for the weekend” I remark.
My phone went off. It was a text message from my mom.
“We will be having dinner at 7pm. So glad you could join us for dinner tonight. We have something special tonight.”
Dinner would be a little later than usual. That meant I had two hours with Phillip alone. I turned to him on the bed.
“We have alone time, just the two of us for two hours. Do you know what that means?” I sweet talked to Phillip.
“We get to have fun for two hours.” Phillip replied. His tiny dick became erect. It would be huge in thirty minutes though.
“Yes, we are going to have some fun.” I said. I sat down on the bed completely naked. I put my hand on my pregnant belly and scooted my crotch forward. With my other hand. I pushed my ass cheeks aside to show my asshole. “Go ahead try it.”
Phillip came up and started to lick my asshole. It tickled. I pinched my nipples as the stimulation from his tongue became intense. I was definitely turned on and so was he. After a few minutes of licking, his dick became bigger and so he pushed it into the asshole. It was still small compared to my 8’10” height but I could feel it. He continued to hump my ass for close to thirty minutes. His dick was huge now and ready to burst.
“Let it go. I can take it.” I cried.
“AAHH!” Phillip yelled as he released his load.
My asshole had been made huge earlier on in the game. My ass ate up his cum that none leaked out. I could feel that there was still plenty of room inside. I had to wait for later to use it.
“That was great, how do you feel?” I asked.
“I am doing great as well. It feels super to get all that pent up cum out.” Phillip responded.
“That’s terrific. I now need to release mine.” I stated.
I lifted him from my ass and brought him on top of my breasts. My breasts were now engorged on milk. I attached the pumps to my nipples and turned them on. I could feel the suction pulling the milk out.
“It is great to release the stress. I see how it feels super to let it out.” I remarked.
Phillip was still standing on my breasts as they started to decrease in size. Phillip’s dick was slowly getting larger with his build up. I picked him up and brought him to my face.
“So it would be a good idea to get yours out wouldn’t it.” Phillip just nodded. “It might be a stress relief for you. For me, it is dessert and I am okay spoiling myself before a meal.”
I bit down on his dick and started to suck. We were not going to have a problem with our milk. We would keep the stress down until dinner.
It was dinner time now and we had taken our seats. My seat was especially big. I guessed that the universe had already begun to change itself for us. We were having a nice pork roast for dinner. It would be totally amazing if I didn’t bring something amazing myself.
Phillip was in my panties in my ass crack right now. His dick was aimed straight for my asshole for when he needed to cum. Dinner lasted around an hour so I was expecting him to blow his load twice. I stuffed my bra with some large rags to make it would last a little longer than an hour. I was going to enjoy this family dinner with Phillip.
“How is your bookstore doing?” my mom asked.
I was an adult now and I owned a bookstore. It was my dream job. I had no knowledge of it yet. I needed to go to sleep to gain it. I would have to lie about how it was doing.
“It is going well. The books just keep coming off the shelves that it is hard to keep it stocked.” I replied.
“That is good.” My mom remarked. “We doubted at first but it has turned into one of the finest bookstores. You even have several popular authors coming to sign books there.”
“Yes I do have several popular authors coming. I have the author of that popular wizard series coming soon.” I lied. I had no idea if she was coming or not.
“Oh. the jerry plant series.” My father chimed in.
“Yes. that’s the one.” I responded. Phillip’s dick was getting pretty big in my ass.
“That is cool.” Joe, my little (used to be older) brother joined in. “I have to come to the store when she visits. Can you make sure to save a spot for me?”
“I am sure I can.” I said. Phillip was about to blow. I had to find a way to hide the fact I was about to have some pleasure coming my way.
“I am glad to hear that you are doing well.” My mom said. “How is your house doing?”
I had a house now. I didn’t know where it was or what it was like. I needed to make it up. This also gave me an opportunity to mask my pleasure. I squeezed my ass cheeks to stimulate Phil. it worked as he immediately shot his cum into my asshole.
“Mmm” I hummed. “It is such a nice house. Big ceilings with a big yard in the back. It is two stories with a jacuzzi in the master bedroom.”
None had noticed that Phil had just cumed in me. I had hid that moment pretty well.
“That is very nice.” my dad spoke up again. “It must be very expensive though.”
“It is. I have someone renting a room to help with the cost.” I replied.
“Who is this person?” My dad asked.
I dug myself a little hole there. I had to make someone up again.
“She is a little Asian woman. She is a senior in college who works part time in my bookstore. We do not see each other often with her at school and her filling in for my gaps at work.”
“She sounds like she is very dependable.” My dad said.
We talked about other stuff for the rest of dinner. I didn’t have to make anything else up. We cleaned up quickly and got dessert out. We were almost done with dessert when my mom grabbed my dad’s hand.
“We have an announcement to make.” My mom spoke.
Me and Joe stopped eating and waited for the announcement.
“We are expecting a child.” She said.
I was going to have a younger sibling. I am hoping for a younger sister. I was going to congratulate them when I felt a shift in my ass. Phillip was moving around. I presumed that he wanted to get a better position. I had a few minutes before he would cum. I quickly went back to my conversation with my family.
We were so happy with the news. We put our dishes away. Phillip blew his load again and I was able to hide it with everyone being so happy. I needed to pump my breasts though.
“Even though I am so happy for you all. I am a little tired so I am going to hit the bed early.” I said.
“I understand.” My mom answered standing next to my dad. “I know how tiring it is to carry children.”
“Thank you very much.”
I left to go upstairs. As I was leaving, I noticed that my mom seemed a little bit taller and younger. It must be something to do with the game changing the universe.
I entered my room and took off all my clothes except for my panties. I grabbed a pump and started to milk myself. It took awhile for me to get all of it out. Phil’s dick was getting big again. I reached down into my panties and pressed two fingers to his back. I made his body go in circles around my asshole.
“MMhhmmM!” I moaned.
I was playing with Phillip. He was going to shoot his load in about five minutes. It felt so empowering to have his tiny body in my ass crack. He finally blew his load inside me. It felt so good filling my bowels with his cum. Once he was done, I pulled him out of my ass and onto my belly.
“We can’t do a lot of things that I want to do with you until after the weekend.” I stated. “We just have to do what we can with what we got.”
“So, what are we going to do then?” He asked.
“Wait and see.” I countered.
He waited fifteen minutes with him on my belly. He would try to listen to our babies inside me. While he was doing this, his dick and my breasts were getting bigger with our milk. I squeezed my breast together on his dick. He jolted back to me at the sudden constraint on his cock. I began to rub my breast up and down his dick.
“OOHH!” he moaned.
We were both getting excited from this. After fifteen minutes, the tip of his cock was poking out of my enlarged breasts. We took no time to free our milk. Phillips flew high into the air and it all landed on my breasts, face, and hair. I squeezed my boobs to spray my milk on the bed.
“That was amazing.” Phillip said.
“It sure was. Want to do it again?” I asked.
“Yes!” Phillip smiled.
We did this several times before we went to bed. I placed Phillip in his bucket contraption while pulling out a cauldron to catch my milk. We went to sleep without noticing that my breasts were a little bigger, my hair longer, and I was a little taller.
I woke up in the morning a little tired. I had to empty Phillip’s bucket of cum several times. He just kept cuming through the night. His bucket overflowed several times by the amount he created. I also had to empty my cauldron with milk in the tub during the night.
My mind had been filled in with all the major changes that had taken place in the universe. I owned a bookstore, had a house, and a roommate. I would need to check out the house before I visited my bookstore to see what it was like. I got up, put some clothes on and dumped Phillip’s bucket. I was going to need to buy more of these. I fed Phillip my milk and left him in my room for my breakfast. I came back and showered. I put some maternity clothes on and looked to find a purse I didn’t like. I put Phillip in it and told him he could cum in it if he needed to. I drove off from my parents house. I stopped by a store to buy several buckets before going to my house.
It was exactly how I mentioned it to my parents at dinner. High ceilings and doorways, the backyard was pretty big along with the house. There were two stories and a jacuzzi in the master bedroom. My roommate had a room upstairs. I didn’t plan to go up there much because I had everything downstairs. I was about to pull Phillip out of my purse in the kitchen when I heard footsteps coming down.
It was the roommate. Her name was Mulan and she was around 4’9”. Her black hair didn’t even reach her shoulders. She was as flat as a cutting board and had very little ass to speak of. She had the appearance of a child but was 22 years old.
“I am heading off to work.” Mulan said. “When will I see you there?”
“I will be at the store this afternoon.” I answered.
“Coming at the shift change as usual. Bye then. See you later.” She said as she left.
I needed to prepare for work. I went to my room to see what I had. I put on several outfits to see how I looked in a full length mirror. The top of my head was barely in it and my ass was too wide for it. Once I picked out my clothes I walked out back into the kitchen.
My purse on the counter was fatter now. I realized that I left Phil in there. I quickly opened it and pulled out his slimy cum covered body.
“I am so sorry. I was getting ready for work that I forgot about you. I am so sorry.” I pleaded.
“I am fine.” he said. “I am just glad you got me out before I drowned in my own cum. That would be first for anyone. I just need to clean myself off first.”
“I can take care of that.” I placed him in my mouth. I sucked and moved my tongue over his body. I moved back to my room with him in my mouth. I started to play with my pussy with him in my mouth. There was so much power to be experienced. With my tongue wrapping around his body like a snake, I could see how Lily had a power trip from doing this.
His dick was getting bigger in my mouth and my breasts were too. I took off my shirt and bra. I placed the pumps on my boobs and turned them on. She then adjusted Phillip in her mouth that he was outside my lips and the dick inside. I would kiss his body with my lips on the outside and strangle his cock with my tongue on the inside. When his cock started to push him out more, I would chew on his cock and move him around in circles. We were both about to climax. I drove his cock to the rear of my throat. He shot his cum down my throat and I orgasmed as well.
“AAHH!” He groaned.
“MMhmm!” I moaned.
His dick was getting smaller and my pants were wet. As his dick was getting smaller, I clung to it so that he would draw closer to my mouth. Once he was at my lips, I pushed my tongue out and scooped him inside.
I got up and walked to my laptop. I had to do some work. I had to switch my pumps out for another one at the desk. Phil’s cock was beginning to rise again. We repeated where he came out, cums, and I brought him back inside. We did this for a few hours.
It was 2 pm when we stopped. I had to get to work. I placed him on his bucket and grabbed a new set of clothes. I gave myself a bath in the jacuzzi. I put on my new clothes on me, in front of a full length mirror. I noticed that the top of my head was no longer in the mirror but that didn’t bother me at the moment. I went over to Phil’s bucket. He had cum twice but it did not fill it even a quarter full. I picked him up and brought him to my face.
“We have to go to work right now. I want you to behave while we are there. So no funny business.” I lectured.
Phillip nodded.
I pulled down my pants and placed him in my ass crack. I pulled my pants up and squeezed my cheeks together. I felt so powerful. Phillip was being crushed in between my moons. I loosen the tension as I grabbed socks, extra bra, and pumps. I left the house feeling like a goddess and that my children would be demigods.
I got to work. It was absolutely perfect for me. A coffee bar and a huge fantasy section. I had an office to myself up a flight of stairs. There were no windows so it was good for when I needed to pump. I had Phillip’s dick up my ass until evening. My ass was starting to fill up so I placed him in a corner of my office with a bucket. He stayed there until closing time at 10 pm. I dumped his cum in a sink. I placed him back in my ass and got in my hummer. The hummer felt a little smaller than usual.
We got home and I placed him in a bucket again. I set a series of buckets with wooden planks connecting them so he could roll over to a new one when his old one filled up. I placed a kiddie pool by my bed to catch my milk when I sleep. I got into a nightgown and was heading to bed when I noticed something in my reflection with the full length mirror. Everything above my eyes was no longer in the mirror. Had I grown? I went to the door of my bathroom and marked my height against it. I got a measuring tape to measure the notch I had made.
“I am nine foot four now.” I gasped.
I had gotten taller. I was eight foot ten at the end of the last round of the game with Lily. I contemplated how I had grown six inches. I was trying to come up with something when I got interrupted with my thought process.
“AAHH!” Phillip yelled. He had just ejaculated again.
“Phillip’s cum” I thought. Phillip had been cuming in me this entire time and he had the dud roll. It was not a dud after all. His cum could make people bigger. Lily had missed out on this development. I was going to have some fun this week with a cock that made me bigger. I lifted Phil up from his contraption.
“I have a newsflash for you.” I said. “That one roll you had which you thought didn’t do anything. It actually did do something. When you cum on someone, it makes them bigger.”
“I can make people bigger?” He remarked.
I smiled at him. “Yes, you can. I was 8’10” yesterday but now I am 9’4”. We are going to change our plan for tonight because of your gift.”
I lowered him down to my buttcrack. I laid down on my bed on my side so my milk could leak into the kiddie pool. I pinch my ass together. I could feel him squashed in the middle of my buttocks. I let go as the dick started to grow in my asshole. I was going to have a fun night.
I woke to Judith’s alarm and a face full of Judith’s ass overflowing with my cum. She got up and walked somewhere.
“Nine foot eight this morning. Your dick really has the power to make people bigger.” Judith said.
Judith had walked to the door frame to check her height. She really had grown and I had the power to make it happen. I wonder how much cum someone needs to grow from it. Did it have more of an effect if you were smaller? Small growth if you were big? I couldn’t think long as the ground beneath me gave way.
Judith was stripping to go into a bath. I was left in her clothes as she stepped in.
“Come on up. There are some steps you can climb up.” Judith said.
There were some steps to the side that I could climb up. I had to go fast as my dick was getting bigger. I got up and was amazed at the view.
I was seeing all of Judith’s giant tan body. The big boobs were leaking milk into the tub. Her ass really filled it out. Her pregnant belly was just shining with soap. I couldn’t stare long.
“Come over here quickly before your cock is too big.” she motioned for me to come over.
I walked over to her and she picked me up. She brought me over to one of her teats that was leaking milk. I latched on and commenced to drink the milk that was coming out. Judith snatched my dick in her other hand and massaged it. After a few minutes, my dick was large and it exploded on her. She pressed my body into her teat when I came. As I was pressed in, I thought I heard groaning in her body indicating some growth. She then liberated me from her boob and placed me in her palm.
“I have to be at work all day today. We have a big author coming in to sign books. I have to set it up, attend the signing, and tear it down. I do not have time to spend with you cuming up my butt while I am still lactating. We are going to use the bucket system we created last night to catch all your cum.” Judith stated.
“Uh-huh” I replied.
“You are going to be here all by yourself for the whole day. Do you think you can handle it?” She asked.
“I can.” I answered.
“Good.” She got out of the bath and put a towel on.
She placed me on the rig of buckets so I could walk to another one on planks. She put her clothes and make up on. She looked in the mirror to see how it was. She walked back over to me to suck some cum out of me and left.
I was alone. It was 8 am and all I could do was cum. I kept cumming in the buckets all day. It was painful to do. I had to wait until the pressure was too much before I could let it out. I had filled eight buckets full of my cum by 8 pm when I heard the front door open.
Judith must be home. She was going to relieve me from this pain. I was going to cum soon if no one did anything. I was becoming unbearable as I groaned out loud in pain.
It seemed to work as I heard footsteps coming my way. I hadn’t cum but it was getting closer. Shadows appeared under the door, my help was here. The door opened to someone I did not expect.
End Notes:
Phillip can make people bigger now. Who is this person that walked in on Phillip?
Suggestion and advice are welcomed.
I am thinking about having another character come in after this one. if you have a character idea or design, I will be glad to hear it. or if you want another previous character to return.
Chapter 14: Foreign Game by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Phillip meets a new person at Judith's home. What will she do with him?
Today was a hard day at work. The author of, “Jerry Plants,” had visited the store. It was all hands on deck to make everything work. Judith dealt with most of it but I had to be in charge for a little bit at the top of each hour. Evening came and the author left, Judith had to clean things up until closing time. I went back to the house. I went inside while still wearing my work clothes of a blue blouse and black skorts. I was hungry so I was about to prepare some food when I heard.
It had come from Judith’s rooms. The problem was that she wasn’t home yet. Someone else was here. I grabbed a kitchen knife and walked to her room. I opened the door expecting some robbers, I did not expect to see what I saw.
There was a tiny man on top of a bucket in a pool of a white substance. He seemed scared when I opened the door. That didn’t last long before it was replaced with pain. I dropped the knife and went over to him. I pulled him out to see the biggest dick I had ever seen. It was nearly as thick as my arm. I wanted it so badly for some reason but I knew I couldn't take it.
“Who are you?” I asked, holding him in two hands.
“My name is Phil and I am a friend of Judith.” He winced.
He was in pain right now. “I am Mulan, Judith’s roommate. Are you a prisoner of Judith?” I was hoping that Judith couldn’t shrink people and keep them captive.
“No” he groaned. “I am here voluntarily.”
That was a relief. I didn’t want to be captured and tortured by Judith. I had to ask about the shrinking.
“Did she make you sm-” I was cut by Phil.
“UUrgh!” he yelled.
Phil’s dick exploded. My hair and front of my shirt were now covered in his cum. I put him on the bed and I wiped off any cum that was my face.
“What was that for?” I asked.
“Every thirty minutes I have to cum.” He said “A strange spell was cast on me.”
“Did Judith cast this on you?” I inquired.
“No, I did it to myself.” He answered. His dick was still leaking cum but it was getting smaller.
“You have to be more careful next time. How long does the spell last for?” I was wiping the cum of my flat chest when I felt little bumps. I am not supposed to have boobs. I checked again to feel the bumps again. I peeked in my blouse to make sure nothing was wrong.
I was surprised to see small mounds had appeared on my chest. I had some boobs. They were not even A-cups but it was no longer flatter than a slab of rock. A lock of my hair suddenly came down in front of my face and I pushed it to the side. My hair didn’t reach that far. I grabbed my hair and felt that it reached my shoulders when before it was barely past my ears.
“This will only last until tomorrow.” Phil spoke.
I returned my attention back to him. “Anything else?” I was very excited at the moment.
“Uh,” he stammered. “My cum can make others bigger”
This was the jackpot. I hated being this small. People would call me the little girl or the doll. I wanted to be big and strong. I felt like I had a warrior’s spirit in a body that was too small to handle it.
“Is this how Judith is so big?” I was beaming with delight.
“Uh part of the reason why she is.” He mumbled. He was a little nervous about my sudden level of energy.
“How does she do it?” I dug for more information.
“She normally eats it or I eject it into her body.” Phil answered.
I had to wait thirty minutes before he cumed again. The cum had made my chest and hair longer. If I applied it there, those areas would grow. I was going to wait patiently for the next round when I noted something in the room. There were eight buckets in here filled to the brim with a white substance.
“Are these buckets filled with your cum.” I asked
“Yes, they are.” He responded. His dick had shrunk down to a normal size for his body.
I had just won the lottery. I knew what I had to do.
“I am going to have some of this then.” I said
“Judith is expecting some when she gets back. So, do not take all of it.” He pleaded.
“I will leave some for her.” I replied.
I took the first bucket and started to drain it down. After I finished that one, I grabbed another and drank it. I was getting really full at this point. The third bucket, I dumped the entire contents on my chest. I carried some of that cum down and lathered my pussy as well. The next bucket, I soaked my hair, butt, and thighs. I moved on to the fifth bucket but I couldn’t fill my stomach anymore. I put the bucket down still with the cum still in it. I felt a weird sensation suddenly go through my body. I went on Judith’s bed and laid down on my stomach.
My body was growing. The cum in my stomach permeated into the rest of my body. It was a warm sensation coursing through my veins. Phil was in front of me, crawling on his back with a big dick trying to move away. I was five foot now.
“AAHHHH!” I moaned.
It felt amazing as my body continued to stretch. I was five foot six now. A burning sensation began to come out of my chest. I felt his cum seep through my skin, lighting my chest on fire. I pushed myself to my knees and ripped my blouse off.
“RRRRGGHH!” I cried.
I tossed the destroyed blouse aside and grasped my breasts. They were now C-cups and were still swelling. The breasts kept growing past my hands as they became D-Cups, DD-Cups, and E-cups. A lock of my hair fell down my breasts. My hair was reaching my upper back. I was now six feet tall
“OOOHHH!” I shrieked.
My ass, thighs, and pussy were now ablazed. I was becoming pretty thicc. My skort was starting to tear from the strain I was placing on them. I felt them snap as my legs and butt jiggled free. I was now six foot six.
“IT FEELS SO GOOD!” I yelled.
All I had on now was some white panties with a pink ribbon in it. The last reminiscence of my old childlike appearance. That was extending to mere threads as it broke. It revealed now a puffed up pussy. I fell back on to my hands with a scared Phil below my face.
“AH AH AH AAAAAHHH!” I screamed.
I had just had an orgasmed. The growth felt so amazing. I looked down my body to examine what had become of me.
I was no longer a doll, I was an action figure. I was seven feet tall. My breasts were F-cups with inverted nipples and my ass was big with thick thighs. My hair was now reaching my hip. I turned to face the man responsible for my change into a dream body.
“That was amazing.” I said. “How do I look?”
“You look very pretty.” He said as if he was in pain.
Phil’s dick had become large again. It was almost time for his cumming. I brought my new tits to it and squashed it in between.
“AAAHHH!” He moaned.
He shot his load inside my boobs until it spilled out from my cleavage. I felt a tingling sensation as my boobs absorbed the semen. I felt my breasts increase in size with the absorption. I wanted more.
His dick became small again after his release of the cum. I wanted my pussy to take his entire dick at full size. I had more buckets of cum to make it happen.
I grabbed the fifth bucket and scooped several heaps out and rubbed my pussy with it. I took the rest and rubbed it on my bust. I took another bucket and chugged it. I grabbed the seventh bucket and was ready to drink it. I was so into my power trip that I nearly forgot to leave some for Judith.
“This is going to be the last bucket. I hope you enjoy the end results” I said sexually. I chugged this bucket as well.
The warm feeling swept through my body again when the cum had settled. My body was growing taller and taller. My boobs were round and bouncing. My pussy lips engorged and my tunnel lengthen.
“MMhmm” I was really aroused with my voice.
I had not grown as much as last time. I was eight feet tall. None of my ancestors could compare to me, I was the pinnacle of a warrior and beauty. I would be going back home soon with more than a degree. I would be the desire of my nation. Men from the highest esteem families will try for my favor. I was going to have power wooing whoever I wanted.
I looked down at the man possible for this development. His dick was getting big again. I looked at the clock to see that it was almost 9 pm. Judith would get off her shift at 10 pm. I could get cum from him three more times. I decided I was going to get it all in the pussy.
“We are going to enjoy this to the end.” I said
I picked him up and shoved his lower body into my vagina. His dick was growing inside it. Once it was getting closer to 9pm, his body was being pushed out by his dick. I couldn’t take all of it but I could take most of it.
“Uurgh!” he yelled. He released his load.
At the same time, I pushed his dick deeper in as I orgasmed. “MMMM AHHHH!” I moaned.
His cum filled my womb as I sprayed my cum on him. His dick started to shrink. When it had gotten small again, I shoved his entire body into my pussy. It felt so good with him wiggling inside. I grabbed my boobs and started to play with them, trying to pull my nipples out. It didn’t take long for me to climax.
“AAAAHHHHH!” I cried.
I felt my walls clamp and squeeze his little body. It was a pretty study body. I felt his dick continue to grow. It was almost 9:30 pm. Something was peaking out of my pussy. I was expecting Phil’s body but it was the head of his dick. It grew pretty long outside of my pussy.
“This was not supposed to happen.” I noted.
I pulled his dick and body out of my pussy. It turned it around and slammed it in. He cummed as his dick entered my body.
“Much better.” I said.
After he stopped cumming, I pulled him out and placed him on the bed. I had thirty minutes left with him. I also had to prepare for Judith when she got back. She wouldn’t be happy with what I did. I took the buckets that I had drunk the cum out of and went to the bathroom. I washed them out in the tub and dried them off. I splatter some of the cum near the steps leading up to it. I went back into the room and set the contraption she had back up again. Phil’s dick had grown big again.
“This is our last time fucking before Judith gets back. We need to make it count.” I grinned.
‘Yes ma’am. I will do my best.” Phil replied.
I adjust him to lay on the ground with his dick erect straight up. I stood above him and opened the lips of my pussy. I started to squat down until I hit his dick. I moved my body so my pussy was on it’s target. I then attacked his dick with fury with my pussy.
“AaRRGghh!” he groaned.
“OOOOH YESSSH!” I yelled.
We cumed at the same time. He filled my womb and I drench his dick with my juice. It felt so empowering. I went up and down a few more times to get what I could out of him. When there was no more cum in him, I looked up at the full length mirror that was in her room.
I was no longer a petique girl, I was a gorgeous woman to be feared. I was 8’3” with G-cup boobs. My ass and legs could crush watermelons. My pussy could swallow any man’s dick. I marveled at my body. When I went home after college, nothing would be impossible for me. I am sure I could take over my country with my sexy body.
Phil’s dick had shrunken again and my time was up. I grabbed him and stood up from my squatting position.
“That is all the time I have with you today.” I said. “Is there another time I could play with you?”
“Judith has me until friday. After that I am going home. My dick will stay small starting tomorrow.” He answered.
“Is there any time at all?” I was walking to the bathroom.
“Only if Judith leaves me here and she goes someplace.” Phil replied.
“Okay, I will try if Judith isn’t home then.” I put him down in Judith’s jacuzzi. “Now, here is our story. You fell off the contraption after you filled the first bucket. You couldn’t get back up again so you went to the bathroom and climbed into the tub. You let your cum loose in the tub to let it drain. I let some cum on the side to make it believable. I have to stay out of Judith’s sight until saturday to make sure she doesn’t realize what happened. It shouldn’t be too hard for me since we really don’t see each other often. If you want to see me after that? My number is ########. Memorize it, I would love to keep in contact with you.”
He nodded in agreement with the story. With any luck, she would believe him. I left the bathroom and picked up my clothes in Judith’s room. I was bouncing with glee as I left him there. I had to buy some new clothes. I had a big future ahead of me.
I was left in the tub after that wild ride with Mulan. It felt good to do it with her. She seemed really happy with her new body. I hope to see her again and have sex with her. I was wondering what I could do with her when I felt the pain in my dick again. I was about to cum again.
“ARRRGGGHHH!” I groaned.
I ejeculated again. I saw the cum slowly move towards the drain. Judith was not going to be happy with this. I played over and over in my head the story Mulan made up for me. I created finer details in the story to explain myself. As I was thinking for a while, my dick was getting bigger. I heard the door open and Judith’s voice.
“Phillip. I’m back”
This was it. It was time to see if the story would hold.
“I am in the bathroom.”
Judith came into the bathroom and scanned the room. Once she found me in the tub, she looked concerned as she spoke to me.
“What are you doing in there?”
“I was cuming in the bucket as you told me to.” I responded. “Once I filled the first bucket, I walked over on the plank to the second one. I tripped and fell over the side. I couldn’t find a way to get back up. My dick was getting bigger and I needed to find a place to release it. I went into the bathroom but my dick had become too large by then. I waited for it to cum and then I made my ascent to the tub. I fell into the tub on the edge. I couldn’t climb out with the slippery sides so I have been stuck here.”
Judith's face was mad. I thought I had blown it. I needed to beg for mercy. I would tell her the truth
“I am sorry! I am sorry! I d-!” I pleaded but was interrupted.
“It is okay. These sort of things happen from time to time.” She said calmly.
I looked up to see that her angry face was gone. It was replaced with the face of a mother trying to comfort a child. It looked so serene and beautiful. She reached down and picked me from the bottom of the tub.
“We still have some left though and I will use your dick for the rest of the night.” She softly spoke.
She then brought my erect cock to her mouth. She started to suck my cock. It felt good as I blew my load in her mouth. I was pulled out and carried to the bedroom. She placed me on the bed as she took off her clothes.
She was very motherly and beautiful. She was seven months pregnant with our quadruplets. I did not want to do anything bad to her. I know I had done it with her mother and now Mulan. I couldn’t let her know. She then picked up the last bucket of cum and started to drink it.
“Gulp gulp gulp.”
Once she had finished, she tossed the bucket to the side. She started to grow. It wasn’t much growth but she had grown two inches to a height of nine foot ten. It was the bucket with the oldest cum so I wondered if that could change its effectiveness. She pulled a kiddie pool from underneath the bed to catch her milk when she was asleep. Judith picked me up as she sat on the bed. She grabbed a remote and pressed a button. The room changed to neon green light.
“Just like our first time.” She said.
She was enchanting as ever. She was no longer just a sexy witch but a sexy motherly witch. She leaned down on her side and with her other hand lifted a butt cheek. She dragged my body down to her asshole and put my cock that was getting erect inside. She let go of the cheek leaving me trapped inside her asscrack.
“It has been a long day for me. I will see you in the morning. Good night.” Judith cooed.
We both quickly fell asleep. My cock cuming inside her and Judith leaking milk until midnight. Our body parts had finally gone back to the size they were supposed to be.
I was sleeping soundly in the middle of the night when my world suddenly experienced an earthquake. The correct term should have been a Judithquake. Judith’s butt cheeks had clamped together and were squeezing me.
I didn’t think that Judith could hear me as she was crushing me. I felt something touch my back. It was Judith’s finger. Had she come to save me? My hopes were quickly dashed.
She was rubbing my body against her huge asshole. She was pleasuring herself in her sleep. I heard her going “MMhm MMhm.” I was not going to escape this. She was getting more and more aroused until finally
Her asshole opened up a little and she shoved my entire body into it. I was back in her ass again. Her finger suddenly left with the light as well. The smell was better than last time. She must have taken something for her gut. It still reeked but it was bearable. I moved deeper inside to find a comfortable place so I could sleep.
End Notes:
Judith can now move into some more quality time with Phillip. is it all hearts and roses for these two? What will happen with Mulan?
I am looking to see about adding another character like Mulan later on. Someone that Phillip can make grow. if its a previous character to grow, that is good as well or do you want Mulan thrown into the mix of Judith and Lily/Guinevere?
Advice, suggestion, and reviews are appreciated
Chapter 15: Trickery is not a good strategy for the game by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Judith and Phillip get to spend some quality time for the week.
I had awoken with no pressure in my breasts. The tan tile effect was gone. I could now move on with my life. I reached down to my buttcrack to get Phillip but he wasn’t there. I got up and checked the bed and my body to make sure I didn’t squash him. I was wondering where he was when I felt some banging in my gut. I knew what happened last night, my ass had literally eaten Phillip and he was in my colon.
“I guess that is where you are going to be for the day then. Do try to go deeper in.” I smirked.
I got up, pulled out my yoga mat, and practiced what I could with my pregnant body. I went into my closet to find some work clothes for today. Mulan had classes today so she should have left this morning for college already. Once I had found my set I was going to wear, I placed them on my bed and headed to the bathroom. Phillip was still at my sphincter through all of my morning routine so far and he was banging at my asshole.
“Why are you still there? Shouldn’t you being trying to go deeper.” I asked.
I suddenly realized why he didn’t go deeper. I had to take a shit. My crap was blocking him from going deeper. I had to get him out of there. I didn’t want him in my ass if it was full of shit. I wanted him to have a nice experience inside there. I knew what I had to do to make it better.
I pushed two fingers into my ass and widened the hole. Phillip grabbed a finger and I pulled him out. My finger and his body had some of my shit on it. He was trying to expunge any that had gotten into his mouth. I carried him over to the sink to wash him and my hands off.
“Sorry about that. I didn’t mean for you to come face to face with my shit. I got something to make it a whole lot better.” I apologized.
“Thank you. That was horrible. I do not want to see poop again for a while.” He said. “If you have something for it I will be good for going back in there.”
“I have just the thing for it.” I replied happily. I walked back to my room and grabbed a small bottle with some green liquid in it. I brought it back to the bathroom and showed it to Phillip. “This is a potion someone showed me to make that is a gut cleanser. It is the best cleanser I have ever experienced. It works instantly.”
I twisted the cap off and drank the bottle. I sat down on the toilet instantly after consuming the liquid. Once the potion reached my stomach, the magic happened. The contents of my stomach started to drain down in my small intestine. As it emptied, I felt it slithering through the small intestine absorbing the nutrients and leaving behind any indigestibles. After it was done there, it moved to my colon as a lump. It made it’s loop as my poop inside until there was a huge pile of it near my sphincter. It was time.
“Urgh,” I whimpered and the sudden pressure.
Pphhhtffhff gurgle ploop ploop ploop
My shit came out like a waterfall. Everything I had eaten for a while was all coming out. The potion had sped up and emptied my entire GI system. I was going to be hungry after this but now my entire colon would be free of shit. It took me fifteen minutes to unload everything.
“Now that is out of the way. I am going to put you back in my ass with there being no shit now.” I wiped my ass and sprayed my asshole with some perfume so it wouldn’t smell.
“That sounds great. I can’t wait to spelunking inside.” He hoped with glee.
Spelunking would be the right word. My asshole and colon were huge compared to him. It would definitely be like a cave to him. I pulled my huge ass cheeks apart and brought my ass to the sink. I had to think for a moment, my ass was so huge there was no way I could press down to my asshole without breaking the sink. Lucky, I didn’t have to. Phil grabbed one of my ass cheeks and started to climb up it. His little paws pinching the skin and the feet lodging into any fold it could find.
He was finally at my asshole. I got up and let my ass cheeks come together again. He pressed against the cheeks for footing as he put a hand into the hole. It tickled and aroused me as he brought more of himself in. He was up to his butt when I couldn’t take it anymore. I shuddered and pulled the rest of his body inside.
“Well, you are inside now. Enjoy your spelunking.” I chirped.
I felt him try to climb deeper as I moved to turn on my bath. He didn’t go very far as I waited for the tub to fill. The walls of the colon were like cliff faces with me standing up. He would try to climb up but would fall down. Once I entered the bath it was a different story. My color was parallel to ground when I laid down. He started crawling deeper in now that he could. I was so sexually aroused with him moving through my bowels. He made a turn as he moved to the middle section of my colon. It felt great having five bodies within me. My four babies in my womb and Phillip in my gut. He stopped for a moment and began to rub against the walls. He was humping inside me. It felt so powerful to have someone make love to my colon. I was close to climaxing but I didn’t because I didn’t want to make the bath water dirty.
Once my bath was done, I stood up and dried myself. Phil had fallen down my upper colon until he was in the deepest part of it. He was near my appendix and small intestine. I could stop myself this time to not orgasm. I felt so good having a little fully grown person inside of you.
I put my clothes and make up on after I was down trembling with stimulation from Phillip. I ate my breakfast and headed off to work. I arrived there at 10 am.
Mondays were not busy in the mornings, the old folk and regulars would come in for some coffee and books. My employees would stock the shelves and I would go check inventory. I would order more books that were low and by that time it would be the afternoon. The moms would come in with their little kids.
I noticed that one of my old classmates in elementary school had walked in with her pregnant mom. He was a wild child that liked to run around. He dashed over to the kids section as soon as he entered.
“Slow down, Kris, I don’t want you running into anyone.” His mom yelled to him. She then looked at me. “Kids these days, so wild and rambocus. It is hard to manage him. The schools could be sending him home to learn soon because of the virus. That will be a nightmare. I am sure if you had your kid at 9 right now they would be well behaved.”
“I don’t know.” I replied. Caressing my belly with my babies and Phillip. “I have a lot to take care of when they come.”
“Oh! You are having twins?” She inquired.
“Oh my goodness! You are going to have a lot on your plate. I hope the man will be around to help you out. So who is the lucky fellow?” She dug deeper.
“My friend’s brother, he is such a sweetheart. I'm pretty sure he is going to help out when they come.” I knew he was hearing this conversation inside of me. I wanted to pressure him to make sure he doesn’t leave me.
“That is great. When are they due?” She asked.
“In about two months.” I responded.
“You have plenty of time to get ready.” She said. “I have to meet some other moms who are probably waiting for me. If you want, you can hangout with us some time.”
“I would love to.” we parted ways as I went down an aisle while she went to the coffee bar. When I came to the end of the aisle, Kris ran in front of me. It scared me with a jolt as I almost plowed through him.
“Oh my gosh.” I gasped. “Be careful where you are going, young man. No running in the store.”
“Yes ma’am. I will stop running.” He seemed scared as well. He almost got crushed by his almost ten foot former classmate. He went slowly away as he didn’t want to be yelled at.
I breathed out as the adrenaline in my startled state started to dissipate from that situation. I didn’t want to crush him either. I moved on not realizing that when my body clenched up. Phillip was sucked into my small intestine.
It was until 7pm when I left to go home and have dinner that I felt some pressure in my gut. It felt like something was blocking something in my bowels. I had the potion earlier that day so my gut should have been cleansed. I had a little investigator inside me to check it out.
“Hey Phillip, could you check something for me. I feel as if I have something jammed at the beginning of my colon”
I was shocked to feel the blockage actively wiggle, it was Phillip. Phillip was no longer in my colon but now in my small intestine. It was smaller and more dangerous. I couldn’t push and adjust myself to get him out. I searched my phone to figure out my digestive system. I was panicking it this moment as I thought I was going to kill Phillip.
A wave of relief washed over me as I read some articles. If he is at the end, he would take a long time to get digested there. Food takes about eight hours to get to the end of the small intestine. My breakfast would soon arrive and push him out into the colon. He would be safe then. It would be 36 hours then for it to go around my colon though. He would be stuck in a lump of my shit until then. He did not want that but it would be better that he was alive.
I could use the potion to speed things up but I was scared about it in this situation. The potion boosted my digestion as well so I could end up digesting him. It felt somewhat empowering having the abilities to absorb someone for nutrients. I did not want that for Phil though. I started my car’s engine and headed home.
“It seems like you are going to be in my ass for a while longer. You should come out in the next few days. Just hang in there as best you can or maybe hanging is the only thing you can do.” I teased.
I have been stuck inside Judith’s colon for a while now. When I got sucked up early on into her small intestine for some reason. It was a very tight fit in this tube. I couldn’t push myself out from the way I came in or go deeper. The walls just hugged me and kept me in place. The air was only a little acidic. It did not even compare to the acidity of Guinevere’s stomach when I was disobedient to her. I couldn’t stay at that though long as something new grabbed my attention.
The walls appeared to have little legs along them that would crawl over all my body. It felt like a bunch of insects were all over your body. I panicked at first, it quickly dissipated as the feeling switched over from weird icky feeling to arousing stimulation. I was quickly cuming like crazy from the stimulation. I was so into that I had not noticed Judith’s breakfast was encasing me.
Once I started to feel a lot of the stimulation disappeared to a mud like touch. I was being buried in Judith’s shit in her intestine. I quickly wiggled my arm and body to make space for air. I did not realize at the time that Judith asked me to check her blockage, that was me. It took me a while but, when I was pushed back into her colon. I had my head hanging out of a piece of Judith’s shit. I was alive but imprisoned.
I stayed inside the shit for such a long time that I lost track of time. I felt my head press against something I was familiar to, Judith’s sphincter. It was time for me to escape this prison. The pressure started to build up as I was pressed against it. Judith was taking a dump and I was in the payload. I was hoping that Judith recognized I was in her poop.
The world suddenly became white as I exited Judith’s body. It was by sudden light coming to my eyes and the fact that the toilet bowl was white. The toilet had barely any water in at the bottom. That was a good thing, I wouldn’t drown in a toilet lodged inside a shit log. It also meant that I would hit a hard ceramic surface with little cushioning. I tilt my head downwards (technically upwards since I was upside down) to see that I was in a huge ass long shit log. I looked upward to see the approaching toilet to see it suddenly speed towards me. Judith had dropped this log. I hit the surface and fell over. I broke myself out of the log and started to stand up in my freedom when I heard.
I did not get a chance to glance up when I was buried again in shit of the consistency of diarrhea. My whole body was covered in her shit again. I was swimming as much as possible to breathe. It just kept coming and coming like a dump truck just unloading over and over again. I didn’t know how deep I was in as I was clawing for the surface. I was afraid that Judith would flush me down and that would be it. A watering and shit grave. Thankfully that didn’t come true as fingers grabbed me by my side. I was lifted out and put under rushing water. My body was getting cleaned from the shit. I started to see Judith’s body as I got cleaner. Once I was clean, Judith raised me up below her teary face.
“I am so sorry for that. I did not want you to experience any of my shit. I cleanse my body of it but in the end I nearly digested you. I am so sorry. I don’t deserve to be forgiven for this.” Judith cried with tears down her face.
She was concerned about my well being throughout my time inside her. I was doing fine stuck in a shit log in her bowel except for the horrible smell. Judith, on the other hand, was worried that she had killed me. It must have relief to see me alive.
“Don’t worry.” I said concerningly. “I am alright so there is no problem.”
“But I nearly killed you.” Judith murmured.
“I am alive and all is forgiven. Just don’t put me up your ass again.” I stated
Judith wiped her tears away. It smeared the makeup that she was wearing. “Okay” She whimpered.
“So where are we exactly?” I asked. This was not the usual bathroom for her house.
“We are at my work. This is my personal restroom behind my office. It is around lunch time on wednesday.” Judith replied.
I had been in Judith’s bowels for more than two days. The week was almost over and I would be sent to back Guinevere. I was happy that I would get to see my goddess again but I was happy with Judith right now. I only had two days with her now.
“I guess I will wait in your office until you are done with work then.” I said
“You do not have to be. I can carry you around as I do my work.”
“Would that mean I would be stuck in your vagina or purse?” I asked.
“No, the pussy would be so sensitive that I couldn’t focus on work and the purse would just be left in the office.” She shook her head
“Where then?”
Judith lifts off her work shirt and then a green bra. She was completely naked from the hip up. She placed me in the cup of the bra.
“My boobs silly.”
She lifted her bra up to her bust with me inside. I was pressed softly into her underboob. It was so squishy and the scent was like that of a loving mother. I was a kid again comforted and loved by their mother.
Judith snapped her bra into place. This strengthens the pressure of the bra against the boob. This was no longer a lovely dovey situation. I was being crushed and the smell became sweaty. I was a kid being nagged and rattling by their mother. I was having both sides of a mother's feeling by Judith’s jug.
I was very aroused by the situation that I began to sway my hip back and forth. I was going to show love to my mother. It didn’t take long for me to cum.
Judith was happy as well as she rubbed my back through her clothes. I was a bump underneath her boob. You could tell that I was there if you looked hard enough. Judith went out to finish her day.
It was a great time being under Judith’s boob as she worked. I got to hear her conversations and all the congratulations for our babies. It didn’t seem long when it was time to go. Judith got into her car and drove home. She massaged her boob with me in it all the way back. When we got home, she pulled me out and placed me on the counter. She prepared food and we ate together that evening. We watched a movie together that evening with me on her pregnant belly. When it was done, we went to her room because it was late.
She took off her clothes completely naked before me as I was on the bed. It was a beautiful sight to behold such a sexy mother. The biggest ass on a person with thick tan legs. A pregnant stomach that I couldn’t help but love. Her double DD bust with dark erect nipples in front. The face was beautiful with the long black ponytail behind her back.
‘Since we can’t do the ass we have to do the other option.” Judith moved a hand down to her pussy.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” I answered. I clearly knew what she was implying.
She clicked a remote to turn the room to a neon purple. She sat down on the bed and leaned back parting her legs. She was a sexy queen witch mother. I went over and climbed her pussy lips. I put my dick inside the folds and parted the area for her clit. That little bulbous was all mine now as I clenched it in my fists and licked.
“MMhhMM, that is great!” Judith moaned. She was swaying her hips to try to match my dick humping her pussy.
“Uurrgh!” I groaned as I blew my load inside her.
She had not cum but was still trying to with her still moving her hips. I went to copy her motions as I continued to hump and mess with her clit.
I was getting close to climaxing when Judith’s finger came behind me. She pulled my hand down to the vagina and shoved my body inside. My feet were hanging out but that didn’t last long as Judith had her orgasm which dragged me inside.
This was my first time being inside Judith’s vagina. It was way smaller than Guinevere’s vagina. Guinevere was a master bedroom with hot walls compression on you. Judith was a tight sleeping bag that encased your entire body. Judith’s walls were pressing tight around me. It was hard to move around here. I didn’t have to move as Judith grabbed my foot and started to wiggle me in and out.
I couldn’t do anything because Judith was doing it for me. I would cum every so often with my dick inside or out. Judith would only cum with me inside to allow myself to be covered in her sticky fluids. Her vagina had gotten used to my shape that the motions were happening very fast, only pausing for Judith to cum. We were doing this for several minutes until it started to heat up real fast. I was no longer being pulled outside of Judith as she was just vibrating me in place inside. Her motherly folds squeezed me very tightly, knocking the wind out of me as she was having a bix climax.
“AAHHH!” She moaned loudly.
I was jostled about as her juices filled my face and body. The walls become tighter and tight with each spasm. I couldn’t move for a while until everything loosened up. She was relaxing and falling asleep. I had still more in me but I better call it a night. I decided to sleep inside the birth canal of a mother.
I woke up later than usual in the morning. The sex last night with Phillip must have really made me tired. I got up and felt that Phillip was still in my vagina. He must have fallen asleep in there. He was so close to the babies. I wondered if he could hear their heartbeats. I reached for my phone and text the team lead for the day that I would be late today.
I got up to start my usual routine. Clothes set out, bath with a moment of pleasuring myself with Phil inside, and make up. I put my clothes on and checked my height. I was 9’11”. Last night’s cum must have boosted my height. There was en effectiveness to his cum to how much he produced to the size of the person. I was pretty happy with myself that only Lily and I were the only ones with Phillip. I had accepted Lily as part of this relationship but I did not want anyone else in it. It would break my heart if another person was added
I headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. I was preparing some eggs with cheese, onions, and tomatoes. I was just cutting the vegetables when I heard noise coming down the stairs.. It must be Mulan heading to college. I decided I would see that little girl. I stopped what I was doing and headed to the front door. I was shocked to see what I saw.
A giant Asian woman was getting her shoes on. She stood up to a height of 8’3”. She had long straight hair to her waist. Her breasts were bigger than mine. Her butt was big and had thick toned legs.
“Mulan!?’ I asked.
She spun around with a surprised face. She didn’t seem like she was planning to get caught.
“What are you doing here, Judith!? You should be at work right now!?” Mulan was trembling.
“I woke up late so I am going in late. How did you get so big!?” I asked just surprised at the new Mulan.
Mulan was making a sad and disappointing face. She was struggling to get the words out. “The little man that you have was struggling with his dick on Sunday when I got back from work. When I found out that his cum can make people grow, I drank the buckets of cum. At the end of it I found out that I had become big. I decided I needed more. I milked him for as much cum as I could to get so I could get as big as possible.” She rambled in fear.
She was absolutely right to be afraid. I was livid. I was mad at two things. Mulan and Phillip had coordinated together to steal my cum. I could have been so much bigger. I could understand discovering about a magic cum that made one bigger. I was furious that they hid that they did it and lied to me. The second was that Phillip was with another woman. I couldn’t believe he would have sex with another woman when I was right there.
I was calming myself down to speak to Mulan. “I want you to be out of the house by this weekend. I do not want to see you here back again.”
Mulan knew what she had done. She nodded her head and headed out.
I walked back into the kitchen. My relationship with Phillip was over. I prayed that it couldn’t be any worse than having sex with Mulan.
I had woken with Judith putting her fingers in her vagina to pleasure herself with me inside. I just reached up and kissed those motherly fingers. After a little while she orgasm with her fluids coming from an opening above my head.
I looked up at the cervix as it opened for more fluids. I could see inside her womb. I could see the big head of one of our babies. I realized that there were three more wonderful creatures inside. Judith calmed down and stopped playing with herself. I could hear her become quite. Soon I could only hear a soft rapid drum beat followed by a large drumbeat. It was Judith's giant heart and the kids little heartbeats. It was so soothing to hear them.
I was paying so much attention to them that I did not pay attention to Judith's voice as she was talking to someone. I was so blissful and oblivious to the argument that I was surprised when something grabbed my feet, pulled me out, and dropped me on a hard surface.
I glanced up to see a very angry Judith. Her arms were crossed on her belly. I noticed I was on the kitchen counter. This was not going to be good.
“Did you have sex with Mulan?” Judith asked furiously.
She must have found out about Mulan’s growth. There was nothing I could do.
“Yes” I whimpered.
“Did she drink buckets of your cum?”
“Did you cause her to grow bigger?”
“Have you had any other sex with another women beside Lily and me?”
Judith peered down at that response. I was in autopilot mode to apologize that I let something slip.
I was silent. That gave it away that I truly did have sex with someone else.
“Who?” She continued.
“Your mom.” I whispered
“Who??” Judith brought her ear closer.
“Your mom.” I whispered a little louder.
“Who???” she was getting closer.
“YOUR MOM.” I yelled.
Judith stood straight up again. Her eyes, face, and body were on fire with anger. She turned around to a cabinet and pulled a plastic container out. She dropped it on the table next to me with anger. She then picked me up in a tight grip and practically threw me in it. I stared up dazed at Judith’s towering angry face.
“I can not believe you would betray me like this.” Judith started to sob. “I thought I had a chance for your love against your sister. All the love you showed me on that passionate night was empty. Lily was all you could think about. Her big body, her big boobs, and her big body was the only thing running in your sick mind. You must have been fantasizing about her when you fucked me.”
The tears were now flooding down her face. The face was red and writhing with emotional pain.
“That is why you were able to have sex with my mother, of all people, so easily. You would imagine your little sister as the person you were fucking. I thought I was showing you the light, there was something else besides the game. No! The game gave you the woman of your dreams. That is why you left me that one night, your heart was set on Lily.” Judith cried with the tears dripping into the container.
I didn’t mean to. I forgot that we--” I stammered. I remembered the escape plan that night I became this size.
“These past three weeks must have been the life for you. Living with the woman you adore. Your own sister, she is only ten years old without the game, must have been fucking you everyday.” Judith rambled on in sadness and weeping. “When you come home with me for a week, you practically hit it off with another woman from the beginning. Does my love mean nothing to you? Do these babies mean nothing to you?”
Judith put her hand on her stomach where our babies were. I did care for our babies. I did care and love Judith. The time I had with Judith’s mother and Mulan, I had been forced to do it. I regretted fucking Judith’s mom. I felt horrible about lying about Mulan. I should have brought it up when those happen. I needed to apologize to Judith.
“Judith, I a-.” Judith did not let me finish.
“Do not say my name. We are done. I will not finish the game with you. You will stay small forever.” Judith yelled.
That last part stung. I had nearly forgotten that I was once normal size. If we finished the game I would be back to my original size. I would stay small and have to obey the whims of whoever was bigger than me. That brought me back to my senses. I had to follow my own path, my destiny, not ones that others one made for me. I had to convince Judith to finish the game.
“Come on please. We need to finish to get back to normal. Judith I am-” I was interrupted again.
“I said do not say my name.” Judith wailed. “We are through, finish, done and so are you.”
Judith slammed and sealed a plastic lid on top of me. I was trapped in a clear plastic food container. I quickly realized that there were no holes. I would run out of oxygen here. Judith was trying to kill me. I needed to get out fast and beg for mercy. I stood up to bang on the roof.
“Judith, you need to let me out.” I shouted. “I am going to die here. The oxygen will-”
A metal sheet suddenly appeared in front of me. It came from from top all the way down mere inches to me. The metal sheet was also covered in a red moist gunk. It made it look like it was dripping blood. Judith had just stabbed the container with a knife that she was chopping vegetables earlier.
The knife was pulled and left a slit for air. I was no longer going to die by lack of oxygen. I peered at a distorted Judith through the lid. She was leaning back with her hand raised. She was coming in for another strike.
I quickly crawled backwards as Judith’s hand came down.
Right where I was standing, the knife stood erect. Judith was defenitly trying to murder me.
Judith pulled it out and struck again.
“It is not killing someone if they are no longer human!!” Judith yelled.
It was like living in a horror show. There is nothing you can do once you enter the house. The monster was in full control of everything. You are in a room with a giant bloody red blade that has no doors to escape. The only way for it to stop is for you to die or the blade breaks. I did not want to relive those thirty minutes scared for my life with Judith trying to stab me.
The knife was pulled out as I was in sweat, tears, and blood from close calls. The knife did not come down for a while. I thought Judith was taking aim for a good strike. That did not happen as my world shook and I knew that Judith picked up the container. My whole then spun and quaked as I was thrown against the wall of the container. Judith was shaking the container.
“I hope this teaches you not to mess with a woman’s heart.” Judith cried. She walked to her room shaking the container. She opened her closet and threw me hard into the corner. She turned off the lights and slammed the door shut.
I was bruised, cut up, and trembling in the dark of Judith’s closet. I had been living blissful with little concern of what a giant person could do to me. Guinevere had shown me a little of that power but I thought that she wouldn’t kill me. I second guess everyone's kindness to me at this size. They just wanted to use me. A small human that they could use for pleasure. I was a toy to them. They could threaten or kill me to show that they were in charge. I was powerless. It would be hard to trust someone after this. I curled my injured body into a ball iin the corner of my container hoping it would all end soon.
End Notes:
Will Phillip ever trust anyone again? Will Phillip ever be big again?
Constructive criticism is very appreciated. I want to make this story better and get people imagining this world. Do I need more dialogue? Do I need more descriptive with certain scene or landscapes? do I need to make shorter/longer chapters? I like to hear suggestion of scenes or scenarios I could do.
Thank you for reading.
I have another story called "The Queen teacher's Pet." There are set in the same universe as this story. The character, John, is same in this story that was mention briefly.
Chapter 16: Psychological games create problems by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Guinevere has been wait all week for Phillip. Will she be happy with what she got?
Guinevere = Lily. Guinevere is Lily's identity on the web and social media. She walks people to call her by that name.
I had been waiting for Phillip all week. I packed up most of my stuff for my new house and had some men take it there.. I was moving from this dingy city in Ohio and moving east. I had bought a beach house near Atlantic City, New Jersey. I did not like the state but it was close to two big and powerful cities. I would have some big clients that would pay me big bucks. Plus I was closer to any modeling places and film agents. I knew I could land big wherever I went.
I was planning to take my little man with me. Phillip I would say was my only true love. My business was sex so I knew I would have many oppurtunities to make love but Phillip was my chance to have love. He was pretty irresistible the way he was so I know he would have sex with any women who laid eyes on him. I just hoped that they would treat him nicely. We would have an interesting relationship. I would have sex to provide and he would sex with me to worship me. It was the life of a goddess and her devoted.
Ding dong
It was the doorbell. I used the speaker on the bell to signal for him to come to the garage. I had sent someone to Judith’s house to pick up Phillip. I thought for sure that Judith would try to keep Phil for herself. She turned out to be honest here and sent him in a package brown box, I was hoping it was Phillip in there. I had planned to go to her house just in case she didn’t send him. The town was about to get a marvelous view of a goddess.
I opened the door and grabbed the package and set it down on my mattress. I turned back to the guy who delivered Phillip.
“I guess I have to give you a little reward.” I said suggestively
He turned bright red as I walked to him. I was in a green tank top and blue jeans that did not hide the side of my hips. I went down and gave him a big french kiss. My tongue was so big in his mouth that I was practically gagging him with it’s adventure. I let go with a big smack and licking of my lips afterwards.
“That should have been good enough.”
“It sure was.” He gasped. He was just awestruck at kissing such a sexy woman. He turned around and left. Once the car was gone, I went to go get Phillip.
I pulled out a knife and cut the tape. I couldn’t wait to see the love of my life. I just didn’t expect to see this.
There was a plastic food container with several holes punctured in the top. I lifted it up to see that Phillip was inside of it. He was shaking in the corner in a fetal position.
What had happened with Judith, She loved Phillip a whole lot. I never thought she would harm Phillip. I had to get some answers. I opened the lid and reached my hand inside. He cowered farther into the corner when I touched him. Judith had done something to him. I was feeling sad for him when I picked him up and placed him in my palm.
He stayed in a fetal position in the center just trembling. He was terrified. I had to figure out what happened. I walked over and placed him in his bed in my room. He eased up a little when he was on his bed. He moved about to grab the blanket and covered himself. I wanted to comfort him but I did not know how.
I went up from the dresser and grabbed my phone. I needed to text Judith. I sent her the message asking what had happened. I waited until the afternoon when I got a reply. We then messaged back and forth until I had a clear picture of what had happened.
I got up and stared at the bump on Phillip’s bed. I had some tears running down my face. Judith had installed the fear of giant people into him, especially if they were women. I had to help him.
I moved over and started to brush my finger over the blanket. He trembled at my touch. This was going to be hard. I first need him to eat something. I heated up some soup that he really liked and used a pipette dropper to pour some into a bowl. It was very aromatic. I was sure he had noticed the smell. I placed the bowl next to his bed. I would need to wait for him to come out. I was going to be patient with him.
I went to my laptop to finish any other work I had to do. House stuff, video editing, and comment to fans. It went into the late part of the night. When I was done, I closed the laptop and looked at Phillip. He had not touched the soup. He must be very scared. I was worried for him. I was sure he needed some sleep from his ordeal with Judith. I couldn’t let her have him. I turned off the lights and left a night light for him. I was sure he would be a little better in the morning.
He had not touched his food at all last night. The bowl was still there with its contents and Phillip still under the blanket. I had to do something. We were moving very soon and I did not want him to just remain depressed. I got up from my mattress on the ground. I cancelled all the appointments I had today. Phillip had to get better.
I went to a minifridge that was still here and pulled out a bottle of my breast milk. I had saved some from last weekend when I was lactating every thirty minutes. I grabbed the pipette dropper from before and sucked some milk into it. I then went over to Phillip’s bed located on a night stand.
“It is time to wake up sweetie.” I spoke softly. I did not want to scare him.
Phillip hugged himself even more at my voice. Why was this so difficult?
“You have to eat something. You must be very hungry?” I was brushing his back.
He was shivering underneath the covers. I wanted him to get better so bad.
“You can’t hide in your blanket forever. You are not a kid anymore.” I needed to get him out of there. I pulled the blanket off of him.
He was curled up in a little ball. He was trying to make himself as small as possible. It was like a prey trying to hide from the hawk in the air. The problem was, I was not a predator, I was his goddess.
“I am not going to harm you or hurt you.” I need to calm his nerves.
It worked a little. He was no longer trembling.
I have some food for you. You need to eat to gain your strength.” I moved the dropper in front of his face.
He lifted his head up towards it. We were making progress.
“Come, eat us much as you want.” I was wondering if he would come out. Was this working?
He opened his mouth. He did nothing else. He wasn’t budging from his spot.
“Here you go” I moved the tip to his mouth. We will take what we can.
He started to sip and suck the milk from the dropper. He was eating. He drank the milk as if he was an injured animal and I was nursing him back to health. It would be a slow process but I will do my best. I hoped that he would be talking soon.
Once he had filled up on my milk, he grabbed his blanket and curled underneath it again. He was still scared of me. I had to work harder for him to trust me. At least he had eaten some food.
This is how it went for the rest of the day. I would bring more milk to him, he would drink it, and then go under the blankets. It wasn’t until night that he would no longer hide under the blankets. It was progress, even if it was slow. I had to get him better by the time of the move. I called the guys I was using to move the moving date back one more day to grab my final things. They were bummed out but I said I would give each one an extra blowjob, that perked them right up. Phillip was my top priority right now. I would give those guys as many blowjobs necessary to wait until Phillip got better. We went to bed that night with hope that he would get better soon.
The next morning started pretty much the same. I would fill the dropper with milk and he would drink it. By mid-morning, I had a welcomed sight. Phillip was walking around on the nightstand. He was looking around the room to see where he was. When he spotted me he froze, he had some fear still in him. He stood for a while until he realized I meant him no harm. He moved about until he got to his monitor on the nightstand.He turned it on and started to browse the web. He was slowly getting back to normal.
Noontime came and it was feeding time. I put more milk into the dropper and was coming over to him. He couldn’t help but notice my approach, he still had some fear in him. Phillip curled up in a ball next to his computer. I wasn’t going to let this stop me. I put the dropper down to his face in the usual manner I was feeding him. He was still for a while but he eventually lifted up his head. He noticed the dropper and the person holding it. It seemed to register that I had been feeding him this entire time. He stood up gently and raised his arms to the dropper. He was moving on his own to get food. I was happy at this. I smiled down on my cute little worshipper.
I would continue doing this until nighttime. The only time I would stop was when I went outside to film myself fucking Samantha’s dad with my butthole. I was sure that her parents were filing for a divorce now and I was the source. I was sure that would scare Phillip right now. Rachel also came by for her last supply of breast milk. She was going through the bottles I gave her really fast. She was starting to get a little chubby from how much she was drinking. I gave her a website so she could order more. I didn’t want her to see that I was feeding Phillip or else she would demand that bottle. I was getting revenge on the two bullies I had in elementary school. (even though they were still in elementary school.) Samantha’s family life was ruined and Rachel was gaining a lot of weight.
When we were just going to bed, we made a huge headway in Phillips health. I put my hand underneath the dropper on the nightstand. Phillip just casually walked into my hand to reach the milk. He was almost over his fear of giant women. I was beside myself in bliss to feel his tiny feet on my palm as he drank his milk. He got off my hand when he was done and went to bed. I had to try some more things tomorrow.
In the morning, He was eating from on my hand again. It wasn’t just a one time thing either as he would eat there for the rest of the day. At lunch, I lifted my hand off the nightstand and carried him to the bed. This did not seem to bother him at all. When he was done I tried to have him walk off onto my breast but he wouldn’t. I would have to try later as I put him back on the nightstand. I didn’t have to wait long as I did it again around dinner. He finished his food and walked on to my breasts.
I had to hold my excitement. I did not want to frighten him as he was experiencing what a woman was again. I was leaning against the wall on my mattress with only a dark green bra and panties as he was taking in the view. He was walking back and forth on my right boob as was figuring out what to do. He stayed on top until he got to my valley. He was pondering about my left boob. He decided that was interested in it and jumped over. He landed flat on my tit. He quickly scrambled to get himself to a standing position. It tickled when he did that. Phillip continued to explore my left boob. Once he was satisfied with it, he went to my arm and climbed onto my bra strap. He lowered himself down on my bra until he got to my hip. There was only a little space there for him to walk as my bust went past my navel. He was probing my boobs as walked on my stomach. I couldn’t see on the other side of my tits but I could feel him. He then moved to hike down my left thigh. I could see him again. He went down to my ankles and climbed down onto the mattress there. He was in between my feet when He turned to look at me.
“Enjoying the view?” I asked. I had to try to get a conversation started.
He said nothing as he went to my right ankle and climbed up. It was worth the try. He moved up my right thigh to my hips. It sent shivers down my body and it felt so good. He avoided my going to my panties. I would have to wait awhile before we did the vagina again. I was saving it all week for him, I had prevented clients from using it. Phillip had to get better before I did any pussy action with anyone. Phillip then went to the right side of my bra and crawled up it. He was back to where he started. He stared up at my face.
“Yes, I enjoyed the view.” Phillip spoke softly.
Phillip had finally talked. We were almost at the point of full recovery. We only had a little left to go.
“Did you find it very beautiful?” I asked gently. I had to get more out of him.
“Yes, very beautiful.” He responded. He was still a little quiet. There was a little fear left in him.
“What about the boobs?”
“Very big and very soft. The biggest I have seen.”
“What about the hair.”
“It's like fire.”
“What about the stomach?”
“There is a nice six pack there.”
“What about the thighs?”
“Sturdy and smooth”
“The bra?”
“Green is an interesting choice.”
“The panties?”
That seemed to be the final place of his fear. There was something about it to him. I loved having him in my vagina. I wanted him to go back in but he was scared of it.
“What makes you so afraid of the panties?” I inquired. He was poking his two pointer fingers together as he was about to talk
“It is what they hide that scares me.” Phillip replied. Something he fears is connected to it. Judith’s fury must have happened after some pussy action.
“Why is the pussy so scary?” I had to get him to talk about his fear. This was the best way to get over one's fear.
“You are surrounded by a person’s body. You can not tell what is happening on the outside. An entire conversation with you being so happy inside.” Phillip mumbled.
“What sort of conversation happened?” I already knew the answer but I need it to come from him.
“It-t was a conv-v-ersat-sh-sh-ion about h-having s-s-sex with a room--m-mate.” He was also scared about talking about his sex life. Judith was jealous of other people with her friends. I guess she was more serious about it if it involved a boy she liked.
“Why would that be so bad?” I asked. I wanted to sound like that didn’t matter to me. It really didn’t matter to me, he just needed to understand it.
“I b-b-broke her h--heart and her t-trust. S-she said s-she could never f-forgive me f-for doing it.” Phillip was trembling. I had to get to the bottom of this before he could break down.
“How did you break her heart?” I had reasons for what happened. I just had to show him that I would love him no matter what he did.
“I had s-s-sex with other w-women when I was-s at her hous-se.” I knew which women he had sex with by Judith’s texts. I was okay with it. I was his sister so this relationship shouldn’t happen but it was. I loved him and I wanted him to love me. I had a bunch of men fawning, fapping, and masturbating over me. I had some even having sex with me. It was part of my job as I porn idol. I couldn’t blame Phillip if he was doing the same. I still will give him my love.
“I see why Judith would be angry but I am not.” I said caringly. I had to comfort him. “There are lot of women in the world, it is fine to have sex with a few of them. I have sex with a lot of men. That does not always mean the sex is with love. If you love someone, a little anger comes up a little, you would never try to intentionally harm or kill them. I would never do anything to harm you.”
“Th-thank you v-very much. That is k-k-kind of you b-b-but that s-s-still doesn’t fix-x what I have d-d-done.” Phillips' face seemed to ease a little but there was still some fear there. He had to let it all out.
“How did you break her trust?” I dug deeper.
“I had s-s-sex with Judith’s-s-s mom and got her pp-pregnant. The roommate, M-m-mulan, drank s-s-several buck-k-kets of my c-cum and got b-b-igger. I did not t-tell Judith ab-b-bout it.” Phillip stuttered.
I had learned also that Phillips cum could make people bigger. I was hoping to try it some time later. Phillip right now needed to conquer his fear.
“We fail all the time. I failed how I treated you earlier. I should have considered what you were going through. But look at us now, we love each other in ways we never knew was possible. Sure you could have broken our trust, but we can become strong after it. We can start now being honest with each other. I am not angry at all at you. I am just sad of what you had to go through.” My words seemed to caress his soul.
Phillip was starting to tear up. He must have been expecting me to hurt him when he told me what he had done. I had done none of that. I was showing him kindness and love instead. I was getting to his heart.
“B-b-but all that I-I have d-done. I t-tried to leave you. I w-wanted to r-run aw-way at f-f-first. I w-want no part of th-this. I b-b-betray your lov-v-ve for s-so long. H-how c-could f-f-orgive m-me.” Phillip was about to cry. He needed one more thing to go over the edge into sobbing.
“It is because I love you.” I spoke softly and gently. This was the turning point for him. I could break him forever or heal him to normal. “I know you tried to flee and run away. I know you hurt my heart. That is part of being in love. I will continue to chase after you. I will still love you if you go with another woman. It would break my heart but I would accept it. Love hurts sometimes for the person who gives it, never for the one who receives it. I love you too much to stay angry with you. That is why I forgive you, I love you more than anything.”
That was the final straw. Phillip broke down on my boob. Tears coming rushing out that it would not stop. He found someone who would care for him at this size. He knew that people could torment him but he also knew that a giantess could love him. He would give his heart and life to that person.
“There, there.” I cooed. I started to rub his back with my fingers. I was going to love him like a goddess loving her devoted. I wasn’t going to let harm come to him “I am right here.”
The sobbing stopped. He started to sniffle. He was being comforted by his love. He was feeling at ease. His breathing became gentler as he fell asleep. I was going to leave him there. He wanted to be warmed by my love. I went to sleep with my hand on his body on my tit. I was glad that he was back to normal. We moved tomorrow.
I was feeling great again. Guinevere had been with me the entire time through my nightmare. I was paralyzed with fear at what giant women could do to me. Guinevere had shown me kindness and love when I was absolutely terrified of her. She could have been easily pissed off at me not wanting to be with her. She did not do that at all. She nursed me back to health while I was being stubborn. Last night, I opened my heart and Guinevere had accepted it all and still loved me. I can’t believe I had found such a wonderful woman.
I woke up in the morning on Guinevere’s boob. I was underneath her hand as she comforted me last night. There was a gap between the pointer finger and the thumb, I climbed out from there. I looked up the most beautiful and sexy woman in the world. Her face was huge and still asleep. I could stare forever at that angelic face. My attention was drawn elsewhere as the ground beneath me rose. I was still on her chest where her lungs were located. That did not interest me as I turned to face the twin peaks. Guinevere’s breasts were true mountains. They were so big compared to me. I was six inches tall and Guinevere was 19 feet tall. She also had the largest breasts in the world. When she stood up straight, they would reach down to her belly button. They were also round and ripe with no sag. They stretched out several feet from her body. Each one was bigger than a grown man.
I loved them. I crawled on her to get higher up. I climbed until I reached the valley, Guinevere’s cleavage. I pushed the flesh aside and entered that wondrous place.
I was surrounded by Guinevere’s heartbeat. It came from everywhere. I also felt the heat that was coming from her body. It was the warmest place on the planet. The walls would hug me with every breath she took. This was the life.
The mountains begin to tremble and shake. Guinevere was waking up. Everything was jostling about as she moved. She must be trying to find where I was by how much I could feel the boobs jiggling. I decided to wiggle for her attention. It worked as her fingers came inside and picked me up and placed me on top of her boobs.
“Someone is feeling better.” Guinevere cooed with a smile. She was so majestic.
“Doing much better and ready for anything.” I chipped. I wanted to show my love to her.
“That is what I want to hear. A young man ready for action. I can’t wait to see what you can do.” She beamed. I wouldn’t call ourselves too young, I was fifteen and Guinevere eighteen because of the game. I just wanted to be with her.
“I will go down and get in your pussy right away.” I started to go toward the bra strap to climb down.
“Hold on a moment.” Guinevere spoke up. I stopped and stared at her face. “I need to mention two things.”
What are these two things? I was sure she would want to have sex with me as soon as possible. We would do it all the time before. What was the hold up?
“First thing,” Guinevere held up a finger in hand so I could see. “I do not believe we should go into the hard sex stuff right away. I do not want you to relive any bad moments you had with Judith. I believe we should take it nice and easy. We can stick with the breasts for right now.”
Guinevere was concerned for my health. It was pretty stupid to jump into a situation that was very similar to my trauma so close to the event. I had to ease into it so I wouldn’t have a panic attack. I was glad that she had thought about that. It would have been horrible if I was scarred for life. I knew the vagina was a wonderful place. I shouldn’t risk the chance of ruining the entire experience.
“That sounds like a good idea to me.” I answered. “I can do it later when my time with Judith has left my mind. Thank you for considering my well-being.”
“Second thing,” Guinevere continued. “Today is moving day.”
My heart sank at those words. Guinevere was leaving. She was moving on with her life. I knew she had plans to make it big in the world but I did not realize it would be this soon. Guinevere was going to leave me behind. The love of my life, gone.
“Are you moving away?” I asked, trembling. I was hoping I misheard earlier.
“Yes, I am moving away. I am moving to outside Atlantic City in New Jersey. I do not like the state but it is near New York City and Washington D.C. I can get a lot of rich and powerful people to come see me. There is a better shot there for modeling and acting as well. The whole world will see me there.” She sounded excited.
I was disheartened. Guinevere was going to leave me for the show business, the sex life, and the power movers. I couldn’t compete with that.
Guinevere noticed my depressed look. She decided to cheer me up.
“You can come along with me if you want?”
I perked up at those words. Guinevere still wanted me.
“I can live with you?” I was hoping for a yes.
“Of course, I made the preparations for you to live with me a while ago. I have a little room for you there inside my room. I also asked Mom and Dad for permission. They are totally fine with it. I just have to register you for online school there though. I was waiting for you to say ‘yes’ when I asked. It must have slipped my mind” She remarked in a happy tone.
My heart was a flutter with this news. I couldn’t say ‘no’ to her. I was going to move in with the love of my life, my giantess, my sister, my goddess.
“YES!” I exclaimed. There was no hiding how pumped I was to be with her.
“Great!” She chuckled. Her laughter was so cute. “I need to get a few things ready. The guys will be here soon to load a MeHaul truck.”
She twisted and put me down in the nightstand. She stood up to get ready. I couldn’t believe the site I saw.
Guinevere unsnapped the green bra from behind and let it drop. Her bare breasts were gorgeous and huge. They were bouncing as she took off her green panties. She was completely naked before me. I could see her magically enlarged pussy moist and damp. She definitely wanted me earlier but was holding herself back. She turned around and walked to a suitcase she had in the room. Her hips were swaying like they did the first night that she got big. It was reminiscence of those earlier times. We were making a clean slate from the time we messed up earlier. We were going to take this nice and easy.
“You need to make sure your things are unplugged so I can put them away. I have to put your stuff in boxes as well.” She declared to me.
I had duties to fulfill and I was going to do it. I moved over to my computer to disconnect it while she walked to the bathroom to take a shower. It was several minutes of me getting everything ready so she could move my stuff to boxes. It wasn’t very much compared to some other boxes here that were Guinevere’s. The only big thing was the computer my monitor was connected to. I didn’t wait long for Guinevere to come out of the shower.
She came out with nothing but a large towel around her waist, two on her breasts, and one wrapped around her hair. The towels did little to hide that she naked and sexy underneath. She walked over to me to see my progress.
“How is the packing going along?” She was still drying herself off around her boobs.
“I got everything packed. I can’t pack the tower because it is too big for me to lift.” The tower was several times my size.
“Don’t worry. I will put it in a box.” Guinevere replied. She was making sure her boobs were completely dry. “You seemed to forget to pack one thing though.”
“What did I forget?”
She leaned down and scooped me into her palm. She carried me up to her chest where she used her other hand to push a tit aside. I was lowered into her cleavage. Once I was placed there, she slowly let the boob return to it’s normal place. I was trapped inside Guinevere’s jugs again. I was very happy as I rubbed my body against her mammoth mammaries. I could stay here for the entire trip if I had to.
Phillip was very happy to be in my boobs. He was wiggling around making sure he touched everything. It tickled with all the movement I gave a small giggle. I was going to keep him there for the entire trip. Only to take him out to feed him, of course.
I moved back to the bathroom to get ready for the boys. I put on a matching set of black panties and underwear. I put on black, yellow, and grey striped tank top with some black yoga pants. The clothes were really hugging my body very tightly that it left little to the imagination. I dried my hair and braided two pigtails. I let the fall down my back as I left the bathroom.
Phillip did not leave my boobs at all as put everything out in boxes. When I was finished, the guys showed up right on time. I walked out to greet them. I was sure the neighbors were peeking out their windows to get a look at me. There were four guys to do the last bit. They had brought two MeHaul trucks.
“Since I owe all you guys three blowjobs, I will get started with the first one in a truck and work my way around until I get all of you. With one of you getting the blowjob the others work.” I told them.
“Sounds pretty good with us.” they nodded towards each other in agreement. I could see an erection in all of their pants. They started to do rock, paper, scissors amongst themselves to see who would go first. It ended on a guy with straight raven black hair with a nice tan body. I could see pale white skin underneath his shirt. He must work out in a gym with enough outdoor activities to only tan his skin exposed out of his clothes. We walked to one of the trucks and opened it up.
I was too big for a regular vehicle. I had to use a moving truck or sit in the bed of a big pickup truck if I was to get around. They set up this truck so that in the back it had a seat for me. There was a tv and minifridge for me as well. I would have a nice ride to my new home with these guys driving me.
“Let us get started then.” I said after inspecting the place. The guy was all ready to go. He had been waiting a long time for this.
“I am ready when you are.” He said. I reached forward from my seat and grabbed him by the torso. He was around 6’2” with brown eyes. I could easily pick up normal size people like they were dolls. I pulled down his pants to get started. I stopped, I wanted to build up a little more anticipation before I gave him a blowjob
“What is your name?” I asked
“Steven. Ma’am” His cock was twitching a lot.
“Where are you from?”
“The upper peninsula of Michigan.” He responded. He seemed more interested in the conversation now.
“What is such a fine man doing down here.” my voice was giving an exotic tone. It made it sound like I was interested in him.
He was eating up the flattery. “I went to college down here. I couldn’t get accepted into anywhere in Michigan. It is a very great place here though.”
“Do you miss the upper peninsula at all?”
“I do miss the forest there. No one would really bother you in the woods. Everyone is so far apart. I would say I miss my family up there.” He thought I must be interested in him. His cock was still rock hard and twitching. He was very aroused by me.
“Who do you have in your family?”
“Just my aunt and cousin.” He said softly. “My parents died and I was left in their care. The cousin is like a little brother to me. He should be turning 13 soon. His name is ‘Mike’”
I touched a sad subject. His twitching went down a little. I had to bring it to a better note.
“Does he watch my channel?”
“I am pretty sure he does. I watch it as well. That is some of-- uurgh!!” He moaned.
I pulled him closer and brought my face down on his cock. Chat time was over. He cumed the moment my mouth swallowed his rod. I ate that load as I licked and wrapped my tongue over his tiny cock. My tongue is bigger than most dicks so it easily bashed it around my maw. He quickly blew his load again from the stimulation.
“Uurrrggghhh!” He groaned.
That was all I was going to give him. The second shot was for bringing up bad memories for him.
“You should get the next guy.” I put him down on the ground.
“Uh” Steven mumbled. He stumbled to get his pants on while he left the truck. He was definitely mottled in a good way as he left.
I was left alone inside with just Phillip in the truck. I put my finger down into my melons to rub Phillip.
“Don’t worry, my love. This is only for business. You are the only one I could truly love.” I whispered those words of love to him. It worked as I felt a lick on my finger tip. We were going to be together forever.
I finished blowjobing the rest of the guys. They finished packing the vans and it was time to go. We closed up and left. It would be a long time before we would come back. Two guys hoped in the front of our truck and drove off. They did not know that they had two people in the back. It was going to be a long time on the road. Fortunately I had Phillip to play with.
I texted our parents that we were moving. It wasn't long before I got congratulations from Mom. She was using the wifi on an airplane flying back. Dad had gotten better and they had to pull some strings to be able to fly over from lockdown in Europe. Who knew that a toilet paper manager would be so important. It was a close call that Mom and Dad would be coming back right now. They would definitely not approve this relationship with Phillip. They were not going to know now that I was bringing him with me. It was under the pretense of a better school district. They went along with those plans without much thought. Phillip had no one who could take him from me. My parents wouldn’t know a thing and I wasn’t letting Judith near him for a while. Phillip was mine.
End Notes:
Guinevere and Phillip are moving to the East Coast. Will they get some quality time alone? Will there be new people who come into their lives? Do things get resolved with Judith? does Judith come to find Phillip? Will Mulan or Judith's Mom return?
Constructive criticism is appreciated. I was wondering if I should create a series that people can have different dice rolls or different situations arise that they want to happen. Alternate stories or side stories from the main plot.
I am creating side stories for this story line. the story "The Queen Teacher's Pet" involves the character 'John' that Judith was a little interested in when Judith was in high school. He has transfered over to a magic school in England. Character you read in this story might come back later in other stories or referenced.
Chapter 17: The Long Game by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
There is a little action here. most of it is just setting up for later. Comment and review. it helps out the story.
We arrived at Guinevere's new house after a few days, they had to drive nice and slowly so that they would rock Guinevere around in the back of the truck. They were not done with the remodeling when we got there so we had to live in the garage for a month. I already knew even at my size that Guinevere bought a big house, it was also several hundred feet away from the beach. I would need Guinevere to carry me if I was to reach it at all.
There was not much that happened during the month inside the garage. Guinevere would give blow jobs and tit jobs to the workers(this how she would get cheap labor), making raunchy videos for her viewers(she would quickly get five million views in a day), and take photoshoots at the beach and swimming pool(it was more of her bathtub than anything else). No clients came because the country was going into lockdown, everyone was staying home as much as possible and Guinevere was following that, I was left to finish my last two months of school online. My days were filled with me loving and rubbing Guinevere’s boobs. We had moved into some tongue action but never in the mouth, I would just be licked by Guinevere. She said we were not ready for that yet, and that it would be soon. I was emailing Mulan back and forth, she had returned back to her country after Judith kicked her out, Mulan became a wonder and a star the moment she came back. Mulan and I were also emailing Judith as well towards the end of the month, she seemed to have seen the errors of her ways and was apologizing for it. Guinevere jumped in the chat at that point, she had given permission for video chats but said it would be a little bit before Judith could visit me. I understood where she was coming from but this allowed me to hear the progress of my babies with Judith and Judith’s mom. Mulan hit it right off the bat with Guinevere and they became quick friends, Guinevere allowed Mulan to come by whenever she wanted to hang out with her or me.
The house was finally done, we walked over to the house together with me in her hands. Guinevere was wearing a simple white cotton dress that did not hide her huge cleavage or her big ass, they just peeked out wherever they could. The house was bigger than the inside of the great pyramids compared to me. The workers had knocked down the second floor so that Guinevere could walk unhindered in the house. They also widened and heightened doorways for her to pass by and all the doors had Guinevere sizes and normal person sizes inside Guinevere’s doors. The counters were raised with few spots for the regular folk and the table had stools that people could climb to reach the top. There was a stairway on the side of the house to a loft so clients had a place to stay for the night, she added a window that she could unlock on the outside so she could pull them out if she wanted to.
The next part of the house was her studio. This was where she would film her videos and sleep with clients. There was a pole for dancing, a wardrobe full of skimpy clothes, and toy boxes full of adult toys and games. There was a door to the patio where she could grab the clients from the loft and take them here. She called it the “money room.”
Guinevere then took me to her room. It was a pretty simple room. Goddess size bed, (they had to make a new bed size for her) computer desk, and dresser in the corner. There was a tripod here just in case she wanted to make a video here instead.
“Time to show you your room.” Guinevere stated. She carried me over to the dresser and bent down to place me on the ground.
There was a small doll house built into the bottom part of the dresser. I was surprised at the craftsman ship in it.
“I had it customly made so you would always be near me.” Guinevere softly spoke. “I added more stuff around the house like this so you could move around the house.
“Thank you,” I replied. “You are doing so much for me.”
“It was no problem at all.” Guinevere smiled. “I need to take care of my love.”
I blushed as I turned around to explore my room under her dresser. I had a door that I had to open to get in. I walked into the living room of what turned to be a small apartment. There was a tv and couch with an attached kitchen. The kitchen had an oversized fridge and pantry that had back doors so that Guinevere could place food inside. I looked up to the ceiling of the dresser, there was a big gap between my room and the dresser that allowed me to observe what was going on in Guinevere’s room and vice versa. There was a light bulb as well that could light the entire apartment. I moved into my room that had an attaching bathroom. The bedroom had a monitor and a cord stretching out to a console on the side of the dresser. I noticed that the tower had some small steps to the side of it and a doorway from my room to that direction. I opened up the door and saw that it was my closet and the back of the closet was the stairway of the tower. I climbed to the top of the console and noticed there was another staircase up the side of the dresser. It took me a little bit to climb all the way to the top where there were make up bottles and equipment.
“Do you like it?” Guinevere asked, now staring down at me on her dresser.
“I love it!”
“Good, I need to unpack some things and so do you.” Guinevere pointed to a small box at the bottom of the dresser. “I will be back this evening for a new thing for us to try.”
Guinevere winked as she left the room. I had to go the painstaking way down the stairs. The box had a small hole cut into the bottom so I could carry things out into my room. It was late afternoon when I was done, I had a break until evening. I checked my computer for emails. I had one from Mulan and Judith, each to schedule a xoom meeting. I made the plans for another date and decided to browse the web. I noticed that Guinevere had bookmarked her website so I could watch videos and pictures. I started to watch the videos she had knowing full well that I had experienced Guinevere herself. I heard some tapping and looked up to see Guinevere knock on my door while peering inside.
“Are you ready?” She inquired.
“I sure am” I replied as I hopped out of my chair.
“Make sure you take your clothes off before you come out.” She said as she walked to her bed.
I quickly took my clothes off and walked out of my room. I enjoyed the view I saw.
Guinevere was sitting on the top of her bed. Her red wavy hair was flowing down her back but I could not see it poking out from the sides. Her sharp blue eyes and red plump limp were such a beautiful contrast. Moving down to her breasts, they were massive, round, and soft with pretty pink nipples and areolas on the front. They reached down to the point that they were almost touching her legs. They hid her six pack and thin waist. Her big ass ass were pressing outwards making them even juicier as the only piece of clothing was red latex panties and they were attached to pearly white Sequoia tree trunk thighs. It was truly the sight of a goddess on earth.
“We are going to try something a little different tonight.” She spoke so gently and suggestively. “I want you to come to me.”
I couldn’t help but run to her across the room. It must have been thirty to forty-five seconds for me to reach her. I was at her feet when I looked up.
“Now lick my feet.” Guinevere demanded.
She tilted her feet on their side so I could see the soles of her feet. We had never done this before and now I was wondering why we never did. We were trying to restart our relationship so I guess now was better than never.
“I don’t mind if I do.” I answered and walked to her right foot.
It was sweaty and salty. There wasn’t an unpleasant odor as she took very good care of cleaning her whole body. I licked the crevices and creases with a lot of vigor. It was a salty treat licking the soles of her massive feat. There was some grime as well and I ate that up like butter.
“Heh that tickles.” Guinevere giggled. Her foot twitched a little.
I started to move towards her toes while trying to tickle her feet with my fingers alongside the licking. I had been doing this for a while with her giggle from above. Her foot flipped over knocking me on the ground and underneath her foot. I was stuck underneath with my head in between the toes and sole of the foot.
“That was a little too much. You should just stick with licking.” Guinevere pushed down on her foot a little.
I got the message as I licked her foot again. She lifted her foot up to ease the pressure. I licked and sucked her toes and in between the toes. Guinevere pivoted her foot on her heel and brought her toes into the air. I stood up and followed after those salty digits. I was so preoccupied with this foot that I did not notice the other one coming towards me. Her left foot pinned me beneath her right foot again. Guinevere then gently rolled her right foot down until it was the gap between the toes and the foot was on my torso. She squeezed her toes together and lifted me off the ground. I was carried through the air when I was dropped on the bed.
Guinevere had rolled over to full length of the bed and placed me at the opposite end. She spreads her leg open leaving a path to her red latex underwear.
“Come over to me.” She spoke softly and was so provocative. “I have something to tell you.”
I scurried along the bed until I was directly in front of her pussy and below her tits.
“Climb up”
I grabbed the red latex underwear and started to climb. The latex made it easy to get a grip. I got to the top of her hip and moved up her waist. All that was left was the mountains of woman’s flesh known as Guinevere’s twin peaks. I squeezed in between in the tight valley that was close or could be called nonexistent. I pushed and shoved my way through the two soft globes. Hearing Guinevere’s breath and heartbeat. It was probably several minutes of me trekking my way through when my hand reached the other side and I pulled my head to the top of her bust. I was staring at the goddess's beautiful face.
“You made it,” Guinevere smiled. “I can now tell you the big news.”
I have been waiting to hear this news from the bottom of her feet. I climbed all the way here for it and other reasons to.
“I’m pregnant!” Guinevere exclaimed.
Those words rocked my world literally and figuratively. Guinevere’s boob bounced when she said those worlds. If Guinevere was pregnant then that meant some guy’s semen had actually reached her womb and fertilized the egg. I was wondering who though because that would mean that there was someone else in the picture. We were okay with each other having sex with the opposite gender but the baby was whole new deal. I worked up the courage to speak.
“Who is the father?” I sounded dejected
“You of course, silly.” Guinevere teasily scolded me. “I wouldn’t have it any other way for my first child, Phillip”
I was relieved that I was the father. This would be my sixth child coming to the world in less than 3 months. I guess you could say I was a ‘family man.’
“How is this possible? I am only six inches tall?” I asked.
“Do you remember when we were all lactating and you were cuming?” Guinevere informed me. “I gave you a lap dance and you cumed inside my womb with your huge dick at the time. I haven’t had any sex that has involved my pussy at all since then. I had a doctor visit during the construction while you were in the garage to confirm it. I am about a month pregnant.”
“Wow. I guess that does mean I am the father.” I was amazed at that revelation. I started to rub Guinevere. “I guess I did something right. Is that right little one?”
“The baby is not in my boobs, silly.” Guinevere giggled. She picked me up between her boobs. “The baby is down in my belly.”
I was carried down to her pussy as she pulled back her red latex panties.
“Am I allowed to go inside and visit the baby?” I asked with a grin on my face. I have been wanting to play with her pussy for awhile.
“Not yet, the baby is still changing. You can wait outside, talk, and show your love.” Guinevere chuckled. She put me in front of her pussy with my back against the panties. “You have to knock first to start the conversation.”
Guinevere let go of her panties causing them to snap back into place.
I was flatten against her swollen wet pussy. She had been waiting for this for a while as well. I grabbed her clit that was sticking out of her folds and pulled it to my mouth where it was well loved. I was also rubbing, pulling, and pushing my hips into her fold without going inside.
“Mmhm, that is the stuff.” Guinevere moaned. “I can’t believe I have been missing this.”
I cumed the moment I touched the pussy but I quickly cumed again. I was back in heaven again as her fluids were leaking out. I was getting covered in the goddess’s nectar that I was getting drunk on the smell. I could hear Guinevere breathing hard from the excitement as well with her moving her hips. I felt the quivering of her lips on my hips to know it was time.
“Nngghh! Oh yes! Fucking Yeesh!” Guinevere yelled.
Guinevere’s cum came flooding out of her pussy. I was holding tight to her folds not to be pushed away. I realized I don't need to hold on because her underwear was very tight. After the torrent of Guinevere’s love juice stopped, Guinevere spoke up.
“Did you enjoy your conversation with your baby?”
I did enjoy our time together, but I was not finished yet. I went back to rubbing and licking her pussy.
“I guess you still have more to talk about.” Guinevere hummed with a tone of arousal.
We continued this until both of us fell asleep
(one month later)
Guinevere and I have been enjoying our time at her new house. We had moved back to me resting inside her mouth while her tongue twirl me around inside. I was able to play with her asshole as a reward for passing my classes for highschool.
Guinevere was stuck making videos as our main source of income. She had some side jobs with some locals but only had three big people come down from NYC. This caused us to really be rolling in the dough. We both noticed that Guinevere had grown to nineteen foot three inches during this time due to my cum. She was very happy that she was still growing. Her baby bump was slowly forming.
Two big things happened this month. The first was that Mulan called to say that she was pregnant as well. She was positive that it was mine. She had sex with other people in her country since then but the baby was close to two months now as well. I was going to have a seventh baby come into the world. The second big thing was Judith.
Judith gave birth to her quadruplets. It was quick and smooth. I got to see images of my first children to come into the world. They were all girls and they were the biggest babies ever born. Each one weighed about 27 pounds and 34 inches long, the news in my old town was on fire with this story. One set of the twins had my brown hair, my pale white skin, and Judith’s brown eyes. The other set of twins had Judith’s black hair, her tan skin, and my blue eyes. It was funny to see that it already appeared that they had big butts. She named the girls Barbarella, Diana, Nyx, and Zyla.
“Say hello to your daddy, Diana and Zyla.” Judith said over her xoom call. Those were the two babies that she was breastfeeding.
“Hi there.” I waved into my camera. “I am your daddy.”
Zyla popped off her mother’s teat and looked at the phone Judith was using.
“Da” and she returned back to the nipple.
“That was amazing.” Judith's voice was definitely filled with excitement. Zyla had just talked. My mouth was agape at that as well. “Can you say mommy?”
Diana popped off this time.
“Ma” and she returned back to her nipple.
“That was so amazing.” I yelled into the mic. “They can already say our names.”
“I know.” Judith’s face and voice were very bright. “I think we have some smart children.”
“I can not help but totally agree.” I answered with the biggest grin that a 6 inch man could make.
(one month later.)
Guinevere and I were having full blown sex again. I could enter inside her pussy and asshole again. I used a lot of my time in her pussy to say hello to our baby. I tried to have sex with her as much as possible. Guinevere was always happy to oblige.
It was now June and the quarantine was lifted a little bit. Guinevere had a lot more clients show with money, she even had a senator show up. Guinevere was now a millionaire and was able to pay the house’s mortgage off. She had a lot of photographers come and take a lot of pictures of her. She had entered into the Lady of America pageant, she predicted to sweep the entire show even if she was pregnant. Guinevere was definitely showing her baby bump now but that didn’t seem to stop the crowds from viewing her videos. She was now 19’5.”
Mulan was doing well in her country of China. She was viewed as a national treasure and her baby would be considered the nation’s baby. She said that she was even met with the leaders as making some policies with them. She said that she was able to do what ever she want with a little sex. She felt so powerful.
Judith was very happy with her babies in Ohio. She always had to keep a watchful eye on them because they were growing so fast. They had already begun rolling over a lot. Judith was looking very great. Her ass was big and round, she could balance two wine bottles and glass on each cheek. She would normally use it as an extra place to put the babies to lay on. Judith’s breasts were f-cups that jiggle a lot with breast milk. Her stomach went back to flat with no stretch marks. Her tan skin made her look like a treasure. Judith tried to cut her hair so that it would not get in the way but it would instantly grow back to it’s full length. She decided to keep it in it’s pony tail as it reached down to her knees on 9’11” body.
“Must be the board game’s magic” Judith suggested.
(one month later)
I was in heaven. Guinevere and I were living closer to a married life. Each of us had tasks to do in the house. Guinevere would record videos and talk {finger quotes} with clients for extra money. We would enjoy movies and I sat in her breasts. We would enjoy bath time which was in the swimming pool. And we would enjoy sex which mostly invovled anal sex. Guinevere was worried about the baby and I wouldn’t blame her.
Judith’s business was booming as well. She was opening more branches of her bookstore. She was having one open in L.A., NYC, and Miami. The babies were now starting to crawl, which Judith was glad she was able to work from home. She had to hire a nanny to help out with how fast the girls were growing. She also told me that her mom was doing well and that her baby was really growing. She said that her mom’s belly never looked that big at this stage of pregnancy. They also determine that the baby was a girl as well with four months to go.
Mulan was in a movie in her country that was being produced. She had gained rank in her country as well as she was viewed in the top hundred most powerful people in China. Her baby bump was noticeable and many people tried to guess a name for the baby. The guessing got easier when it was announced that it would be a girl. They just worshiped this woman who was 8’3” with G-cups.
Guinevere was appearing all over the web as the American Woman with her wearing stars and stripe dresses, shirts, bikinis, and underwear. She had landed several deals with modeling and advertising firms. She was a prize to be sought after. Many did try for her hand but she would not accept, she said she already had someone. People were confuse because she would still have sex if you paid and people paid. She had several billionaires and millionaires show up just for a tit job. Politicians joined in as well, even the president came by. Guinevere was moving very powerful people with just the shake of her hip. She even had laws created at the national level that was how much influence she had. No one could resist her 19’7” body.
“I have something to tell you.” Guinevere said as she walked into the room.
I was working on a video in my apartment when she spoke. I got up and walked out. “What is it, Guinevere?”
“I just got off a group phone call with multiple businesses.” She informed me of what she was doing. “We came to an agreement.”
“What was the agreement?” I asked.
“We agreed on several photoshoots and advertisement videos to be shot down in Florida in two weeks.” Guinevere sat down on the bed.
“What is the issue?” I asked again.
“It will be hard for me to keep track of you if I bring you along.” That was the hold up. “I would be worried sick if you ended up in someone else's hands and tortured. I do not believe I could forgive myself.”
“That would be a problem.” I pondered what we should do.
“I could let you stay here during that time so I would not lose you but it would hurt for us to be apart.”
“That would be another problem as well.” I didn’t want to be away from Guinevere at all but I had a bad experience with a giant woman before and I did not want that repeated.
“So I am going to give you the option of coming with me or staying here by yourself?” Guinevere gave me a choice. “You have two weeks to think about it.”
It was a hard choice. I did not know what I should choose but I had some time to think.
End Notes:
Phillip has some choices ahead of him. The house by himself (he won't be) or the Florida's beaches alone with Guinevere (he won't be).
I like readers to review and give their opinions on where Phillip should go and some ideas of what will happen there.
Creative criticism is appreciated. It helps with the story being better. more dialogue, more scenes, more characters, shorten the story, all these different criticisms are helpful to me write.
Please leave a review if you like the story. or if your read the story.
Chapter 18: Beach Games by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Phillip and Guinevere are in Florida, who will they meet?
If you enjoy the story, review and rate.
“Move a little to the left.”
I took a small step to my left on the beach and bent over to highlight my ass.
The photographer took the photo.
I had been down in Florida with Phillip for two weeks now. He decided to go with me., Phillip couldn’t part with me. We took a private jet down so that I could sneak him past security. It was all sun and beaches when we landed in August in the sunshine state. I had been surrounded by fans and paparazzi the moment I stepped out anywhere that was not part of my schedule. I loved it at first but I was getting annoyed by it later on. I had to designate certain times that I could deal with everything outside of work. Any free time that I had, I had sex with Phillip.
“That’s it.” the advertisement director said. “We need to go to the next area for photos and everyone needs to change the next swimsuits.”
I stood up to my full height of 19’8”, everyone looked so small compared to me. All the guys had boners underneath their pants and the gals were just jealous of me. I rubbed my pregnant belly underneath by black terracotta swimsuit, hiding very little that I was five months pregnant. They were totally fine with and were going to make accommodation in the photos and ads for it.
“Which swimsuit do I get into?” I asked the director.
“The blue bikini with the jenna bikini bottoms.” He motioned for me to go to the changing tent. He was red with embarrassment.
“Thank you.” I walked over to the changing tent swaying my motherly hips. I was positive that one of the light men had cumed in his pants.
I went inside the tent where I was all alone, except I wasn’t. I pulled my swimsuit off and dropped it to the side and headed over to my desk with a mirror. I lifted my purse up and opened it to pull out Phillip, I put my purse on the ground. Phillip was eager to see me as his dick instantly became erect.
“Did you miss me?” I cooed.
“Yes yes!” He repeated excitingly
“well, I better get started.” I opened my mouth and stuck out my drooling tongue.
Phillip was in the palm of my hands as my tongue swept over his entire body. The sweat of his body was especially delicious as I continued to lick. Each lap of my tongue brings him closer to cuming.
Slurp slurp slurp!
“Urrgh” He groaned.
He gave me his little offering, this white little blob of his cum had allowed me to continue growing even though we were not playing the board game. It was a slow growth because of my size but it was growth. Judith was busy with her kids so she didn’t have time to visit me and play the game. I didn’t think any of us wanted to finish the game. The only reason would be to grow some more but the finish line was very close. We did not know what would happen if we did finish the game now. I just wanted Phillip’s tiny body to be all mine. I pulled my hand away from my mouth to look with lust at his saliva covered body.
“That was great, Philly.” I smiled at his tiny body breathing hard.
“It was great. I can’t wait to do it again.” Phillip gasped.
“Why don’t we do it right now.” I asked him.
“I lov-” He did not finish that sentence as shoved his body under a large brim, white sun hat on my desk.
Two women had entered the changing room. I was careless with keeping an eye and ear out for people coming in. I was trying my hardest to make sure no one found Phillip and I let my guard down for a second to play with him. I was lucky that they were talking to each other when they came in to not notice me hiding Phillip but now their attention was on me.
“Oh hey, Guinevere, we get to be working together for the next photoshoot. Isn’t that exciting.” The first woman spoke up with a southern accent.
“Uh uh. Yes it is.” I grunted in agreement as I made sure that they could not see Phillip under the hat.
This first woman was Taylor. She was a rising model here in Florida. She had H-cup breasts that were firm and bouncy. She had a slim waist that was smooth. Taylor had a bubble butt with long thick legs. Her hips rose pretty high on her creating a long crotch up to her belly. She had a blonde side ponytail that fell down below her boobs. Her pale skin had freckles and her childish nature fit well for her childish face even though she was twenty four. She would go out on the town a lot a bring back a lot of guys, she said she just enjoyed a lot of sex. The most striking feature was that she was 7’7”. Guinevere wasn’t sure how she got that tall but Guinevere needed magic to get to where she was.
“I wonder what sort of scenes they are going to make us do.” Taylor was chippy and happy as ever. “Our personalities are all over the place. I am so energetic and wild, Guinevere is so mature and dominating, and Artoria is so noble and stoic.”
Artoria was the other woman in the tent. She was a foreigner from England. (This character is from ‘Queen Teacher’s Pet’ you can get more details of what she is like in that story.) She arrived three weeks ago and started doing modeling after she said her teaching job failed. She was blonde with her blonde hair tied in a bun with two long strands coming down the side of her smooth face to the middle of her boobs. She had a long thin porcelain waist down to a nice ass and long legs. She had big boobs as well at the height of 6’2”. She would go into town and bring back boys and girls but never the same ones and we never saw them leave.
“I thought you were going to call me serious or deadpan.” Artoria replied in british accent. She pulled off her blue and golden bikini. “But noble works quite well. I might be a little charmed by your praise. I might have to take you up on that compliment and have us hangout for a night.”
“I know how to make a lady feel pretty but, ‘no’ on hanging out some night. I am right now only interested in sticks and balls right now.” Taylor was putting on a red skirtini. She had a small sleeveless red vest that did not even reach around her bust. The skirt part did little to hide her long legs as it did not reach past her crotch.
“Just tell me if you change your mind.” Artoria put on a white one piece swimsuit with lace design down the middle and some on the sides. It had openings for top cleavage and side cleavage. The suit did not cover her ass cheek except for a little string. She had thind see through veils around her hips and shoulders like a loose jacket.
They put on their swimsuits and left the tent for their photoshoot. Guinevere had no time to move Phillip at all so she left him under the hat. She knew that he would stay under there to make sure he was hidden.
They took a bunch of photos of Guinevere acting as a mother to Taylor and Artoria as they acted as kids. Some photos were Guinevere breaking up a childish fight amongst kids, Artoria and Taylor partially burying Guinever in the beach, and Guinever splashing them in the ocean. These were some examples of the photos. The biggest one was having them sit on her thighs as they tried to drink milk through her blue bikini.
Once that was over, Artoria was sent for a private shoot while Taylor did some more with her. After a while, Artoria and Taylor switched places with Artoria. Artoria came walking to her photo area with a white umbrella with a large brim, white sun hat, the same one I used to hide Phillip. I was nervous as she came up to me. Had she found Phillip? She said nothing as we started to take pictures. Was Phillip able to hide was racing through my mind. We were in the middle of our photoshoot when she was near my ear when she whispered.
“I found something interesting on your desk. Talk to me privately when you can.”
She found Phillip.
I was trying to be still as possible when Guinevere shoved underneath a hat. People came into the tent and I needed to hide. I waited patiently for them to leave and when they did, I was still stuck under the hat. Guinevere was not able to put me back in her purse.
I waited a while before getting out to find a way down. Guinevere’s desk was pretty high up and it did not have anything to allow me to get down to the purse. I would have jumped if it was sand below but they put a jigsaw tile thing down to make it easier for the girls to change into their clothes. I was looking over her desk to try to improvise a way down when I heard someone approach. I ran and hid underneath the hat again as I waited for them to pass or come inside. It was two people passing by on the outside talking.
“I can’t believe that Guinevere is actually here in Florida. I heard it is hard for her to move around and you have to come to her.” Guy 1 said.
“I know.” Guy 2 replied. “I heard that you have to be rich, powerful, or lucky to even visit her in the north.”
“Yeah. I am just glad that I got to see her in person. She is huge. I would do whatever she told me to do.”
“Same here. That is why I entered her raffle to come visit her sometime.”
“How were you able to do that? My system would crash when I tried to sign up.”
The guys voice trailed into the distance as they walked away from the tent. I got out and tried my search for a way down. I started to tie the strings of the bikinis that were on Guinevere’s desk to climb down when I heard someone coming again. I returned to hide underneath the hat as a person came into the tent. I could hear the shuffling of clothes as someone was searching for something.
“There it is.” I heard a female british voice speak.
Light suddenly rose from the ground up as the hat was removed. The hat was the target of this person’s search. This person was tall with big boobs in a white laced one piece swimsuit. She was beautiful and noble looking as she adjusted the hat on her by looking in the mirror on the desk. I played dead so that she would not notice my body. Any sudden movements would give me away.
“What do we have here?” A hand scooped me up and brought me to her face.
I was caught as her gaze looked up and down my body. I was sure my life was over. I was starting to sweat in fear. She would take me from Guinevere and I would be apart from the love of my life. I would be stuck as this woman’s sex toy and not treated as a human how Guinevere treated me. I closed my eyes with the suspense of the horror that was about to beset me.
“I didn’t think she would have her own tiny guy.” She spoke. “He seems to have a lot of charms and curses on his body.”
I opened my eyes back to look in the woman’s green eyes that were examining me. She seemed to have experience with small guys with that remark. I was curious but still scared of this person.
“Do you belong to Guinevere?” She asked as her hand was still gripping my torso.
“I do,” I said quickly.
“I guess I can’t have my way with you because you belong to her. I have to ask her if I could use you.” She said in disappointment.
I escaped by hair's breadth by belonging to Guinevere. She definitely had experience with tiny guys. I wondered how she got that experience.
“How did you get to be this small?” She asked. She raised a hand to move her hair strands to the side.
“We were playing a magical board game and it changed our sizes.” I answered nervously.
“It must be a powerful magic board game.” Artoria tilted her head to the side as she was interested in this conversation. “The spells are very intricate and strong, it would take me a while to unravel them all to use them, change them, or undo them. I have to research you some other time.”
She carried me down and placed me into Guinevere’s purse. I couldn’t believe how nice this person was. I was sure I was going to be abused from the sound of all the contact she had with small guys. She walked away as I thought of how kind, pretty, and sexy she was, I would like to know her more. She returned back with a stick and a piece of paper. She waved the stick when a white light was emitted from the tip. I felt something weird pass through my body as the light glowed. I looked up to see that words had appeared on the piece of paper as she folded it up. She leaned down to zip the purse up which caused her boobs to jiggle a little.
“I will be back soon.” She said as my world became dark. “I have to talk with Guinevere about you.”
I was in the dark for a while waiting for Guinevere to come back. I was left listening to people coming in and out and about the tent. These were my only source of entertainment until the bag shook and I felt it fly into the air, Guinevere was back. I was carried around for a long time in the bag moving back and forth with the swinging. I could hear her having a lot of conversation with people so I guessed she was at a signing event. Once she was down, the swinging restart as she walked to her next location. The bag hit the ground and I was stuck there for a while, she was having dinner. I got lift again and heard an engine turn on, she was now heading to the beach house. The only place that I could freely walk around with little worry of being seen. The engine stopped, she was swinging me side to side inside the purse, and I was placed down on the ground with the zipper being unzip, we were back. I was lifted out with Guinevere’s huge fingers to a shocking surprise.
The lady from before was here in the room with Guinevere. She was in a simple blue dress that went down to her thighs. There was a small window in the dress to see her cleavage with her big bust as the dress was draped on the front side of her from a loop around the neck. Her back was bare with no signs of a bra either. She sat on a chair in the corner of Guinevere’s room with a sense of noble upbringing with her blonde hair in a bun.
“This is Artoria Lancer Pendragon.” Guinevere said to me. “She is from England and she has experience with tiny men.”
I looked at her and waved my hand. “Nice to meet you, I am Phillip.”
“The pleasure is all mine.” Artoria spoke with a british accent that had a hint of royalty.
“She is going to teach me some sex stuff I can do with small men.” Guinevere continued. “Plus she has some magic that will make it more fun tonight and later on.”
I was shocked a little that Artoria could use magic but I should have expected it. She had a wand that made words appear on a blank piece of paper. I wondered what sort of magic she could do. I remembered a tv show that had a rule for using magic and wondered if it applied here.
“What did it cost?” I looked up at Guinevere with my question.
“It was a very nice deal. If I am satisfied with what she does tonight, she can have you for a week as I finish up my photoshoots. It is a win-win because I have a lot and she is practically done. I don’t have to worry about someone finding you because Artoria will watch you.” Guinevere was really happy with this deal.
“Plus I won't harm you or kill you.” Artoria chimed in. “or else Guinevere will hunt me down. I believe she can with all the resources she has.”
“So if she does please me, listen to whatever she asks or make you do during the week.” Guinevere pointed at me as I stood on the palm of her hand.
“I will go along with it then.” I answered back. I could only think about how Artoria was going to make sex bette with Guinevere that I didn’t give thought to what a witch like Artoria could do.
“I like your attitude.” Guinevere kissed me. She placed me down on the bed.
Guinevere pulled her shirt up to have her breast bounce in front of me. It was such a blessing to see two globes of women’s wonderful flesh jiggle so freely in the open. Guinevere started to take her pants and underwear off as Artoria untied the knot on her dress. Soon I was staring at a blonde british giantess and a ginger american goddess who were both naked in front of me. My dick instantly became erect with excitement.
“Let us have sex then.” Guinevere hummed.
End Notes:
What is going to happen with this night of sex. What will Artoria do?
Artoria is the same person from my other story 'Queen Teacher's Pet." You should read that story for more detail of what she is like and personality. A brief intrudction of the character is that she looks exactly like the character from the mobile game (Fate Grand Order) Look up Artoria Pendragon (Lancer and Ruler) to see which one I based her off of.
Constructive criticism is appreciated. I want to hear people opinions on relationships, characters, and story details. I want to make this story better.
Thank you for reading.
Chapter 19: Witch game should we play? by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Guinevere is letting Artoria have some fun with Phillip
“It is very uncomfortable for a pregnant lady to be on her back” Guinevere was voicing her opinion as she laid on her bed.
“I know, I know.” Artoria replied back. “It makes it a little easier for me to get things set.”
I was placed on top of Guinevere’s massive boobs. My chest was on top of the nipple as Artoria was brushing me to make Guinevere’s nipple and my dick erect. She moved it to where my dick was skimming the surface of Guinevere’s ripe nipple, trying to find something there.
“There it is.” Artoria said.
Artoria shoved my body down on the nipple and I felt the nipple give into my dick as it went inside.
“Ooff” I grunted.
“Mhm” Guinevere hummed, she was happy where this was going. “I did not know you could do that with his dick”
“It is a trick that I picked up along the way.” Artoria was rubbing my body around in circles in Guinevere’s nipple that had accepted my dick.
I was getting turned on by just the feeling of Guinevere’s nipple fucking my dick and so was Guinevere. We were both panting hard trying to be the first one to cum.
“Here is the interesting part.” Artoria lifted her wand up as a green light appeared on the tip.
“Huh” I said in surprise. My dick was growing inside Guinevere’s nipple.
“Oh yes!” Guinevere spoke up in excitement. She was feeling my dick increase as well. “That feels very good.”
“This was the only part that I could change about him on short notice. I had to reactivate an old spell on him from the game.” Artoria informed us as she rubbed me on Guinevere’s nipple. We were both ready to cum as my dick grew to six inches.
“Uuurggh!” I grunted as I blew my load into Guinevere’s nipple. I felt Guinevere’s boob grow a little.
“MMM” Guinevere hummed as she had a small orgasm. She was pleased with what Artoria was doing with me.
“Is this satisfactory for me to have him for a week?” Artoria said as she pulled me from Guinevere’s nipple. We did not want to let go of each other as Artoria was pulling Guinevere’s boob along the way, it stretched out hugging my dick until.
It was out, dripping with cum.
“You need to do a little bit more than that to have him.” Guinevere was giving small breaths from the sex with the nipple. She wanted more of my dick and she was going to make sure Artoria gave it to her.
“I knew you were going to say that.” Artoria carried me off Guinevere and took a few steps back. “I need you to go on your belly and bring your head towards me.”
Guinevere adjusted herself so that her lower body was the bed while the rest leaned out into the room. She was resting on her boobs and arms to let her pregnant belly dangle in the air, making sure there was no pressure on the baby.
“Now what?” Guinevere asked.
“I have this one spell that will only work once. Once I cast it, there will be a short window while this spell will have an effect before the board game’s safety feature kicks in and turns everything to normal. So I want you to suck Phillip’s dick until he is ready to cum and I will cast the spell then.” Artoria replied.
“Easy enough.”
Artoria placed me in front of Guinevere’s mouth and she responded by pulling her tongue out to greet my throbbing 6 inch cock. She lapped up my dick until it was fully erect and wet with her saliva. I was getting ready to blow my load by the massive tongue giving me a blowjob that could swallow me whole.
“This should do it.” Artoria commented as she was her wand with a dark green light at the tip.
I felt a bubbling sensation start permeate through my dick as it started to get big. Guinevere chomped her mouth down hard in this new development with my dick. She thought that she might not see it again at this size that she was greedily sucking really hard to make sure that she got everything.
“Uurgh!” I gasped as my foot long dick exploded in her mouth.
“Mmm” Guinevere hummed as my cum shot down her throat. She was really enjoying this.
“We are not done yet.” Artoria chimed into our little time together. Her wand was still glowing dark green.
“Huh?” I said looking up from the palm of Artoria’s hand. Guinevere just her eyes became wide open and looking up, she did not want to let go of my dick.
“Hurh” I winced at the sudden weirdness that was flowing through my dick. My dick and balls seem to be glowing green and getting larger. It was now 18 inches long.
“Wow” I said “it is the same size as before. I can fuck Guinevere with this.”
“It is going to get bigger than this.” Artoria chuckled.
“What do you- hhuuurhhh!” I felt Guinevere sucking harder and the magical weirdness suddenly get stronger as my balls and dick grew to 2 feet long.
Artoria was still growing my cock to a large size that I was surprised that it was even possible. My dick was now 3 feet long and my balls the size of a grocery bag. Guinevere was letting the dick go to the back of her mouth and down the throat. It felt really amazing and I was going to cum soon again.
“Uh, hold a moment?” I suddenly noticed a problem.
My legs were resting on my enlarged ball sack and pushed to the side by my engorged dick. I was starting to do the splits because of this awkward position I was in with a greatly disproportionate dick to body ratio. It was 4 feet long now and it hurt.
“This is too much.” I pleaded as I started to cry.
They didn’t listen to me at all. They were too focused on the massive dick in Guinevere’s throat at the moment. It felt very good having her tongue dance on a part of my dick as it pressed hard against Guinevere's esophagus tunnel. She wanted my huge dick a lot and Artoria just wanted to please her.
“Mmm, mmm, mmm” Guinevere mumbled in pleasure of the sexual satisfaction she was getting from this.
“Help please?” my dick became five feet long with a garbage bag size ball sack.
“AAAHHH!” I screamed as my dick surged a little more in growth to crack my legs into the splits as I finally let me newly juiced up dick to shoot some bucket loads of cum into Guinevere’s waiting stomach.
“MMhmmm hmm.” Guinevere muttered as the magic cum filled her belly.
I pass out because of the pain and pleasure.
“Oh good you're awake.” Artoria said as I gained my consciousness again. I could see that I was definitely not in the house the Guinevere was staying at so this must be Artoria’s place.
“The pain it’s gone.” I patted my body down to my dick to see it was normal size again.
“I had to fix you up after the incident with Gwen. she was worried about you but I gave you some medicine to heal but drain your energy for a little bit that you need to rest for a day.” Artoria said as she was writing some notes on a paper. I was on her desk in her room.
“Thank you very much.” Guinevere must have approved of Artoria to take care of me. She would be satisfied with a five foot dick to let someone borrow me.
“Good, let me get you something to eat and then we can have some fun.” Artoria said as she stood up. She placed a small needle and the piece of paper that she was working on next to me. “I just need a drop of blood on this first. You can do it yourself while I get the food.”
Artoria left as I went to the needle and poked myself to drop some blood on the paper. She returned with the food.
“What was that piece of paper for?” I asked.
“It is a contract.” Artoria stated as she put the food in front of me. “So that both of us do not get hurt during our interactions this week.”
Artoria seemed concerned for my well being. It was great to have a caring and concerning woman watch over you when you know thatany women could torture and end you. Artoria was going a step farther to seal it with magic so what I do with her will be safe.
“Now eat up!” She said. “We have some things to do later on.”
I ate my food quickly because I was excited for what she had in store. Guinevere was my true love but it was okay to have some fun on the side, she had given me permission to do so I gave her permission to do so as well. I didn’t have a lot of sex with women who were closer to my height so I was prepared for jam packed session. Once I was done with my food, Artoria came over and carried me to the bed.
Artoria was in a navy blue skintight suit. It was like a swimsuit but it was more regal than that, it was like it was underwear for heavy equipment to be worn on top. The was window to show her large cleavage squished together to allow no gap in between the two globes. The suit went down to the crotch where it did not hide her large ass but accentuate itl and it barely hid her pussy at all.
“Are you ready?” Artoria spoke suggestively.
“Yes!” I was getting excited that my brain started to slowly get hazy.
Artoria dropped on the bed in front of me. She opened her legs and lifted them in the air, she was displaying her nice buttocks as she moved part of her suit to the side to reveal her asshole. It was red, swollen, and ready to be filled by me.
“Put your dick in.” Artoria cooed.
I rushed forward across the bed and jammed my cock inside her asshole. It was small compared to her but it should be felt by someone who was 6’2.” if not my cock, then my body jiggling inside the asscrack as I was humping the hole.
“That is good.” She moaned. “But it needs a little more.”
I felt a weird sensation in my dick that I had felt before, it was the enlargement magic. My cock, which could barely penetrate the asshole before, was growing to be squeezed and hugged by the asshole. It was six inches long inside her sphincter when she said.
“That is better, now we can begin for real.”
Artoria let go of her legs which shifted her entire weight on top of my body. I was buried underneath her butt as she decided to take a full ride of my enlarged dick. It was stinky and sweaty being stuck inside her asscrack with my dick inside the hole. She was rocking back and forth pushing me into the bed as I was getting close to cuming.
“Do it for me! Shoot your cum into a queen!” Artoria screamed.
“AAARGGH!” I yelled as I cumed inside her asshole.
I wonder how much I shot into her as Artoria began to grow. It was not much growth but I was sure she gained a least an inch from my cum. It was hard sometimes to see it work so efficiently because normally I was so small to Guinevere that it took time for all my cum to make her grow an inch. Here, with my dick bigger and the girl smaller, the effect was immediate. I was panting from the experience. I was sure that my dick would relax from releasing it’s seed but it didn’t. The dick reamined tall and upright inside Artoria’s ass.
“I might have put something in your food to make sure you stay aroused and cuming for a while.” Artoria said from on top of me. “I need to grow bigger during your time here with me. Don’t worry, your dick will still be able to satisfy me.”
A green light glowed over my dick again. Artoria was enlarging my dick again. I couldn’t believe that she was making it grow back to a previous size of eighteen inches. I had to believe it as I was pushed farther into the bed as my rod was stiff, hard, and the biggest part of me. Artoria started to rise as well because her asshole could not take all of this massive dick. I wondered if she was planning on growing to the point that it could take it all. I couldn’t think straight as the stimulation from the tip of my dick was too much for me to handle.
“Yyahh!” I groaned as another load of cum went inside her.
“Mmhm” Artoria hummed. “Definitely a queen maker sword.”
Artoria grew a lot with this load of cum. I was no longer in her asscrack so I could see her entire butt from my view. I saw it slowly bulge out a little. I wonder if she would get big enough for the big voluptuous ass to swallow me whole.
“198 cm” Artoria said. “Almost to 2 meters. So let us do it some more.”
I kept cuming for three hours.
It was close to midnight as the effect of the potion she put into my food wore off. My dick became limp as my body became limp from the work out. The work was done. Artoria had grown. Artoria was now 252 cm tall by her calculations. I was too tired to care as a blue light engulfed by dick to return it to normal.
“That was great, how are you doing?” Artoria was leaning against the headboard of her bed completely naked. She had strips of navy blue cloth around her of what used to be her clothes.
I was completely still as I was too tired from shooting so much cum and being drilled into the bed.
“I must have worked you really hard.” Artoria said as she picked me up with hand. “It is bedtime so we can rest now.”
I was carried down to her pussy where she parted her lips and stuck me inside up to my knees.
“This is where you will sleep tonight.” Artoria cooed. “Hummpffth.”
Artoria contracted her vagina walls to pull me in deeper up to my waist. She was not going to use her hands but let the folds and walls of her pussy do the work. With another squeeze, I was pulled up to my chest. I could have grabbed her blonde pubic hairs to slow the inevitable but I was too tired. I had accepted this fate. I was going to go inside this thirty year old british cunt being like a rag doll.
“Allons-y!” Artoria moaned.
I was pulled entirely inside with one big heave. I was inside this dark, moist pink woman’s cave. I had been inside them many times before but never so tired that I just laid there still. I felt the walls squeeze and move me about as Artoria was having the time of her life with me inside. I just slowly drift off to sleep with the thumping of her heart.
Artoria spent almost the entire week examining me. She seems to have an entire magic lab in her purse that she could pull out whenever she wanted to. when she was not doing that, she was either getting photos taken of herself, going out on the town, or having sex with me. She was 290 cm tall and her breasts went from D-cups to F-cups from all the growth she was going through by my dick. She said that the board game and my dick had universal change magic. It was extremely rare and powerful and it was lucky that whoever made the game was able to do it. Because of this magic, Artoria did not have to worry about her constant growth being noticed, it would seem natural.
Artoria had created some powder to make my dick grow to 18 inches without her magic assist so that Guinevere could enjoy my dick being really big. Artoria was having fun as well but she couldn’t take it’s full girth at max height. Artoria was mostly in it for the growth.
I was sitting in a jar as evening came along on the last night that Artoria had me. The jar was covered in runes that allowed the magic in my dick to flow into the powder she was making for Guinevere to grow my dick. This was tedious for me but it was the fastest way to create a large amount of the powder.
“I need you to stay in there for a few hours to allow the magic to penetrate the powder.” Artoria said to me. “I can go into town while I wait for it to be finished. So do not leave there.”
Artoria left the apartment as she was going to go to the bar to hit on some people. She never brought anyone back but she said that she would meet someone always and they would have sex. It was hard to believe when no one came to see her, call her, or text her after those one night stands. It was a total blank to me. I didn’t think about it much as I was getting sleepy, I had sex earlier with Artoria and I was getting bored just being still. I decided to lay at the bottom of the jar and go dream of Guinevere.
“Huh huh huh huh!”
I woke up to someone breathing very hard. I slowly turned around to see the source of the commotion.
Artoria was having sex with someone on her bed. She finally brought someone back to the apartment. I was starting to believe her stories when I noticed something weird.
The man looked small like he was a child as he sat on top of Artoria’s stomach humping the boobs. Artoria just laid there as her boobs jiggled from the rough housing the little kid was giving. I thought she might be a cougar or sexual predator when I noticed her wand behind his butt. It was glowing at the tip with a light blue light. I then recognized that the boy was slowly getting smaller than he was at the point of standing on Artoria’s belly to hump it.
“Yaahh!” he groaned as he shot his load in between there. He plopped on a breast that was slowly getting bigger than him, he was panting hard from the sex trip he had. Artoria dropped her wand and grabbed her bust and pulled them apart. The man suddenly realized the situation he was in when he was looking down a valley to Artoria’s face.
“Hey, wait a minute? How did-” He did not finish that phrase as Artoria slammed her boobs on his body to trap him in there.
Artoria wrapped her boobs in one arm and grabbed the wand in the other hand. The blue light reappeared and I knew that it was causing the man to shrink inside her cleavage. She suddenly stopped the blue light, Artoria switched hands and started to write on her hand with a purple light on the wand. She reached into her cleavage and pulled out what seemed to be 1 cm or 2 cm man. I was sure he was screaming and yelling but I could not hear him from here. She put the man on her right nipple and then placed her palm over it. Artoria started to rub the hand into her melon while the other hand was rubbing her pussy.
“Mmmhm.” Artoria moaned. “Oh yessh!”
Artoria cummed, she was very excited for what she just did. She lifted her palm off her bust to show that the guy was no longer there. I wondered if she had squished him on her nipple when she masturbated or did she stick him inside her nipple?
“Seems like you saw that.” Artoria had seen me watch the ordeal of something she did to that man. “It is okay. Part of the contract you signed at the beginning will not allow you to mention this to anyone at all. You do not worry about it happening to you, the magic of the board game is protecting you.”
I was terrified of this woman now. She had a fetish and she had the power to make it true. I also seemed to be on that menu as well for her fetish. I was sure it was lust after small guys but I had to figure out what it was as I thanked the board game for protecting me.
“What did you do to him?” I asked, trembling.
“I shrunk him so small that he went inside my nipple and all the way to a milk gland. I have about forty people inside both of my boobs.” Artoria lifted her boobs and jiggle them to show them. I couldn’t believe that those melons had people inside of them. It was scary to think I was making this woman bigger.
“Are they okay?” I asked again with fear.
“Oh yes.” Artoria smiled. She shook her left boob. “They seemed to have found a way of surviving inside here pretty efficiently. I only had one person die inside there.”
I gulped at the thought of dying inside someone’s boob. I could think long about that as I started to float out of my jar.
“Since I can’t shrink you at all, I have to do something else.” Artoria had her wand pointed at me. “I want you to enjoy it.”
I was sent flying across the room towards Artoria’s crotch as she parted her lips for my arrival. I moved past those lips pretty easily and went into vagina. I was planning on stopping there but Artoria seemed to have something else in mind as I pushed past the cervix into the womb.
It was an amazing feeling to have something wiggling inside one’s womb. I had to do this more often as Phillip squirmed to get out but he couldn’t. He wasn’t getting out without the aid of my magic.
“This is the bloody best.” Artoria gripped her bed sheets hard as she raised her hips into the air. It was like having a baby that was made to please you. I wanted more.
I pulled out a small potion from my purse and opened it. I poured the contents into my pussy and waited for it to take effect. It was stimulus for sex and I was going to us it on both of us. I could feel a tiny prick appear from his groin as the magic was starting to make him aroused and force him to cum in my womb. My pussy was becoming swollen as it was getting aroused by the magic and the little prisoner inside.
“Here it comes.” I yelled as the waves of pleasure swept over me.
I convulsed several times over a period of thirty minutes as I was continually cumming. Phillip was doing the same in my womb but he was also being rattled inside by the walls. We had cummed a lot as I was sure I had grown a little by that sex ride. I was extremely tired as I pulled at a small white piece of paper and shoved it into my pussy. I waited ten seconds and pulled it out to see that it was pink.
“I guess I am pregnant.” I fell asleep with Phillip inside me.
I waited outside at a private airport as I saw a moving van roll in. the door opened and the nearly twenty foot Guinevere stepped out and walked towards me. We turned a corner so that no one could see what we were doing.
“Do you have him?” Guinevere asked, holding out her hand.
“I do.” I reached down into my pants and pulled out a cum covered Phillip and placed him into Guinevere’s palm.
“Thank you very much.” Guinevere opened her pants but pushed her hand deeper to shove Phillip up her asshole. “You seemed to enjoy him a lot.”
“I did.” I gave a big smile as I stood fully erect at 3 meters tall exactly. “Here is the bag with the powder to change his dick.
Guinevere grabbed a duffle bag that was next to me that had the magic powder. She opened it up to see it and said “thank you.”
I nodded in agreement and was about to walk off when a question popped into my head.
“When are you going to do the board game again?” I asked
Guinevere turned around and rubbed her belly that had Phillip’s and her baby inside.
“As soon as this little one is born and we settle down for a little bit.” Guinevere said happily. “I am sure that it will go by quickly and I will call Judith to come over.”
I watched Guinevere walk to her private jet to fly back to New Jersey. She was a goddess that was beginning to form. I had to visit her sometime, I wonder how the baby would turn out. I gave her several suggestions. I turned around to figure where I was heading. I was still fleeing from the magic authorities. I need a place where I could stay low and still do what I like to do. I also needed to place some defenses in place for when the authorities do reach me that they can’t do anything. I suddenly saw a bunny hop across the street as I went to my car.
“I think las vegas would be a good idea.” I pondered what I would look like in a bunny suit.
End Notes:
I read the reviews and realized that you all like the changing that happens with the board game. I had to rethink for a little bit of how to do more of that and rewrite some. I plan to get back to the board game as soon as possible. I plan for a quick explanation of a time skip to head back to the game.
Review if you like the story or have suggestion of what should happen. Constructive criticism is welcomed as well because it helps make the story better.
Chapter 20: The game you always come back to by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Phillip and Guinevere are living their lives in New Jersey with some interesting stories along the way. Judith is finally back after living her life as well.
The month of August went by really fast for Guinevere and Phillip back in New Jersey. They restarted video making of Guinevere playing with herself as the virus cases started to surge again. It was good for them as it meant no interference with their lovemaking. It was a joyous time for them as they discovered that their baby was a girl. The powder allow me to shoot more cum into Guinevere with my bigger balls and dick that she had grown to 20’1”
September and photographers came as well to take photos of Guinevere for winter clothes. There was absolutely no way to hide her six month baby bump but that didn’t bother them at all. They wanted to know who that father was. Once those picture were done, we returned to Guinevere’s fancy home to have sex. Guinevere was now 20’5” by the end of the month.
Judith’s business was absolutely booming as she micro managed her stores from her house as they also became a major bookseller online as well. They had stores open in Londen as well. Judith was also having the time of her life caring for her babies that seemed to be growing up at a very fast rate. Phillip and Judith were sure that the magic of the board game was affecting their growth. Phillip was a little concerned about how his other children would be affected by the board game.
Mulan had moved up to being one of the top ten leaders in China, the first woman to have that much power in that country. Many presumed at the rate she was going that she would either fall from grace or rule China. Many were still anticipating her child to be born and wondering if it would create a dynasty for China.
Judith’s mom's belly was absolutely huge. She was in her 7th month but it looked like it was due now. Many were guessing how big the baby was going to be born. They determine that Caroline would be the name of the baby girl.
(Two months later, November)
Caroline was born around Thanksgiving, she was 13 lbs and 7 ounces. She looked a lot like her mother’s skin tone, eyes, and face. The only difference was her hair was the same as Phillip’s hair. They wondered who in their family had hair color like that as two of Judith’s babies had the same hair color, only Judith and Phillip knew that it was his.
Guinevere was enjoying herself more with her eight month pregnant belly. She could feel our little girl move around. When I stood on top of the belly, it would shake and wobble when the baby would kick, we knew that she was going to be a big girl. Guinevere was also rocking it with her new height of 21 feet tall by the power of my cum.
(One month later, December)
Guinevere had some Xmas photoshoots at the house with her dressed as elves and Santa Claus. She was given the message “Merry Guineveremas” as a holiday greeting. It was amazing to see online all those cards fly out of stock. Everyone was trying to have a little bit of Guinevere this season. Phillip spent the holiday stuck in between Guinevere’s boobs. She had grown to the height of 21’3” with I-cup breasts.
Judith sent christmas cards with quadruplets who were now able to walk independently. It was great to see the girls growing big and strong, Phillip would like to see them in person sometime but he had to be with Guinevere for the moment
(One month later, January)
The baby had arrived towards the end of January. The big girl came out smoothly as Guinevere called a midwife to help with the delivery. The girl's name was Sarah Boudica Lane. She was 39 lbs and 42 inches long. She was called the “Goddess Baby” for being the biggest baby born and because she was born to Guinevere. She looked every bit like her mother with smooth pale skin, dark crimson hair, and bright blue eyes. She would have been like Guinevere’s clone if it wasn’t for the fact that Guinevere was born as a normal human. Guinevere was 21’6” when she gave birth.
(One month later, February)
It was now Mulan’s turn for a baby. The baby was born on valentine's day in the new chinese year. The name of the girl was Mei xing and she was the star of China. She was a big baby of 17 lbs. The whole nation adored her and Mulan. Mulan had risen to be the right hand woman of the leader of China and the second most powerful person there. It was viewed that she would become it’s leader soon.
Guinevere was busy taking care of little Sarah and she barely had any time for Phillip. Their sex life had diminish over the month as they dsicovered how to take care of baby with Guinevere being nineteen and Phillip being sixteen. They were a young couple with differences but were doing quite well. Phillip could not have alone time with the baby because he was so small compared to the newborn that they worried that it’s curiosity might have Sarah try to eat him.
They were also informed that Artoria was pregnant as well but she had known for a while. She confirmed that I was the father and that she was six months pregnant.
(one month later, March)
“You are feeling very good down there.” Guinevere hummed.
I was rubbing Guinevere’s labia with my body as my 18 inch dick was inside her vagina. The vagina squeezed hard on my dick as it was time for both us to cum.
“AAHHH!” We yelled.
Guinevere’s love juices covered my body from her orgasm as I shot my seed into her with my one. We were both panting very hard on the bed during the night. This was one of the few times that we could have sex together because Guinevere was so busy with Sarah.
“How are you doing down there?” Guinevere asked me as she pulled me up to her face from her pussy.
“”I am doing okay. I believe we have a few minutes left before my dick returns to normal.” I said.
“Then we better use it now.” Guinevere smiled as she returned me back to the pussy.
We could only have sex with dick enlarged by Artoria’s magic powder. Guinevere had gotten so big that it was getting hard for her to feel me inside. I was getting close to being a big bug to her with me being six inches tall. With her increased size was also an increased power to vagina’s muscles. I could be banged around inside there or get lost by accident. She said that could probably find me with how sensitive the game made her pussy but she did not want to take that chance.
“Hup hup hup.” I panted as I began to hump her pussy again.
“Waah waah!” We heard crying over the speaker set. We had woken Sarah up and now she was crying.
“I guess I have to go get her again.” Guinevere said.
She stood up holding on to Phillip by pussy him against the pussy, she put some underwear on. I was trapped in Guinevere’s panties with my dick inside her as she walked to take care of the baby.
“Don’t cry, baby. Mommy’s here.” Guinevere cooed to Sarah.
She picked her up and sat down in a rocking chair to soothe and calm the screaming baby. I noticed a problem at the moment as she grabbed our little one.
My dick was shrinking. The magic powder had worn off and it was coming back to it’s normal size. When it was done shrinking, I was left inside Guinevere’s panties against a labia that was bigger than me.
“Uhmm. Guinevere a little help.” I asked.
“There there. Mommy is here to help let us get that burp out of you.” Guinevere was trying to burp Sarah.
“Urp” Sarah burped.
“Much better.” Guinevere moved Sarah down to her tit that was out in the open for Sarah to have a midnight snack. “A little food will help you sleep.”
Sarah latches onto Guinevere’s nipple to have some of her delicious breast milk. Guinevere uses her other hand to scratch an itch she has on labia.
“Oh good.” I said as I felt Guinevere fingers but it was on the outside of the panties. “Hold on a moment. Guinevere! I am down here! You got to get-”
I could not finish those words as Guinevere’s scratching pushed me inside her pussy.
“I wish at this time that Phillip was bigger so he could help me take care of you.” Guinevere tapped the top of Sarah’s head. She did not know what she did to Phillip. “I am the one that has to take care of you and you have been pretty demanding lately.”
Sarah popped off Guinevere's teat as she was now full of milk. Guinevere carried Sarah over to her crib.
“I have barely any time to think of anything else besides you and my videos.” Guinevere quietly ranted. “I barely have time to have sex and grow past 21’8” it is such a slow process. I hope we get back to the board game soon and I can grow bigger.”
Guinevere quietly left Sarah’s room and headed back to hers. She plopped down on her bed and fell asleep, totally unaware of her little prisoner.
I was fully aware of what was going on. My dick had shrunk at the wrong time as Guinevere was preoccupied with something else that she forgot I was there. I must have made her itchy on her labia. I was stuck inside this woman’s cave and I was loving it. I had been without it for along time when Guinevere was pregnant that we stuck with oral and anal sex. Pussy was my favorite so it did not bother me one bit if Guinevere left me in here for a long time.
(Two Month later, May)
Guinevere finally found me after she had forgotten about me for two months inside her pussy. During that time, I kept cumming inside her until she finally reached 22 feet. She was so busy that she completely forgot that I was there because she was so busy with Sarah and work. She was very apologetic but I told her that I enjoyed being carried by her for two months. She was glad that was the case but she promised to make sure that it did not happen again and that she would check her pussy constantly for me if she could not find me.
Guinevere had two reasons for why she needed to find me. The first was Artoria had her baby and it was a girl. The baby name was Mordred and she weighed 15 lbs and had practically every feature as her mother. They were living in Las Vegas at the moment but said that they had some very good friends there at the casino Artoria was working at. They helped her a lot and would help take care of Mordred. Artoria would love to visit us sometime or if Guinevere needed any favor, she was a call away. The only thing she needed was some of my cum.
The second was that our mother was coming to visit her grandchild. Dad was still busy with work but that was to be expected. We would have to have sex low key to make sure that our mom did not find out about our relationship.
Our Mom was a blessing to Guinevere taking care of the baby. Even though the baby and Mom was only a foot different in height, it helped us make time for videos and sex.
“Are you sure this is not going to hurt?” I asked Guinevere.
“I am positive. I made sure the circumference of the circle match the girth of you enlarged dick so that you would stay in place while I have sex with you.” Guinevere replied.
I was trapped in a small black box on the wall with only two holes. One for breathing and one for my dick to stick out. The hole for the dick was the only way for me to get in and out. Once my dick was enlarged by the magic powder, it would be stuck jetting out of the wall for Guinevere to fuck me and slam her pussy against my dick into the wall. I would not be able to say anything to her or move from that spot and I would be protected by the black box that was obstructing my view.
“If you say so.” I was confident in her words. “Let's do this.”
“Here we go.” Guinevere sprinkled some of the magic powder onto my dick.
My dick grew fast and hard instantly. The dick was eighteen inches long and fully erect. The powder made my dick very sensitive and ready to cum. A lot of things with a little time would make me blow my load.
“Bon appetit” Guinevere was about to give me a blowjob when we heard.
“Lily! The baby is hungry.” Our mom yelled.
“I am coming, Mom.” Guinevere had to take care of the baby in these situations. “I will be back as soon as possible.”
Guinevere left the room and left me inside the black box with my huge dick sticking out of the hole. I wondered how long she would take. The magic powder lasted for a while but I did not want it to go to waste. I heard someone coming into the room and I thought it was Guinevere returning to have sex with me in her room that she made sex videos. I was horrified when I heard the voice.
“Where did you say the burp cloth was?” My mother shouted from the room.
“In my room,” Guinevere yelled back. “But you don’t have to worry. I found one here.”
“Okay thank you.”
I sighed a sigh of relief hoping as I hoped that she left without seeing my dick twitching in the air.
“This room is disgusting.” I looked into Lily’s room with distaste. “Why does she have to be in this business?”
I was Lily’s mother, Meghan. I was a plus size woman of 43. I was five foot tall with dark red hair like a comedian named mEllan and blue eyes. I had 38 C-cup breasts, a big butt, and flappy skin starting to form. Lily would have looked like me if she didn’t have such a big growth spurt.
I did not like most of the work that Lily did but I could not deny the money or attention she was receiving. I did not think it would be a good influence on Phillip during his high school years but this was a better school district than our one in Ohio. He was getting good grades so I couldn’t exactly ask him to go home when he was doing well. I just had to let him live here in the mansion that Lily bought.
I was going to leave soon as I looked over the room with sex toys, skimpy clothes, and cameras. I saw something interesting as my vision left the room that I had to do a double take and look back in. on the wall was a big flesh color dildo twitch from a black box, it looked so real. I went inside, cursing to myself that I would take interest in this sort of thing that Lily likes, and went to the dildo. It was so life like that I was starting to get enticed by it. It touched it and it made a big twitch. Lily was rich enough to probably buy a real fancy one. The black box was probably the computer part of the dildo to make it behave more like life as well. It probably would shoot something out if you stimulated it. Before I realized it, I kissed the dildo.
Boing! Boing!
The dildo seemed to twitch in excitement. Lily must have gotten a very fancy one to react to teasing. I knew that I did not like this room or the toys scattered across the room, I could not help myself with this one. I started to give the tip of this dildo a blowjob.
Slurp! Slurp! Slurp!
My tongue rubbed over the tip of the dildo in my mouth. The dildo was so big that I only was able to put the head inside my mouth. I sucked hard and I was rewarded quickly.
Thump! Thump!
Warm white stuff came out and filled my mouth to the brim. It was so much that I had to let go and let it spray on my face, hair, and breasts. There was a lot of this white stuff. I paused for a moment with my cheeks stuffed like a chipmunk to taste this white sticky stuff. It was delicious. I wanted more of this white stuff. Lily must have stuffed it with something either very tasty or some sort of drug because I was getting addicted.
Hhurmpth! Hhurmmppth!
I was all over that dildo trying for it to spew more of that white stuff. It tasted so good and I was starting to feel horny from this thick toy rod. It was located on the wall at face level for me to give it a blow job but I wanted it somewhere else so I could feel full. I was so preoccupied with this toy rod that I did not notice the changes in my body.
The cum that shot on to my face had deage me from 43 to 37, transforming my flappy skin for smooth skin as wrinkles disappeared. The cum on my hair caused my short red hair to grow from its short length to around just above the shoulders. I had a lock of hair grow and cover one of my eyes making me look very fashionable and hip. The cum on my breast enlarged my boobs so that they were no longer sagging but perky. The size grew 38C to 46E as they became ripe melons. I probably should have noticed that the cum I swallowed caused me to grow from 5’ to 5’4”.
“MMMPTTTFFH!” I gagged.
The dildo shot more of the white stuff out but I was going to take it all. I let the white stuff flow down the back of my throat that I began to choke.
“Cough cough cough.” I hacked as I stood up to bring the dildo to my chest.
I was now 5’10” and I did not notice these changes at all. I seemed to be accepting these changes as a natural part of me like it has always been this way. My clothes seemed to be staying the same size with my growth. If I had known the source of this dildo, I would have realized the magic that was working on me. At last, I did not, so I continued to suck this dildo hard.
“Mmm” I moaned as I could now take more of this dildo in my mouth. I was glad because now I could eat more of this delicious toy. I felt the fancy dildo tremble as my tongue danced around the shaft. I quickly brought my mouth to the head to catch the next shot.
“MMMPTFH!” I swallowed the whole load again. It was easier this time with the bigger mouth that I did not cough as much from the choking fluids going down my throat.
I was now 6’4” with no signs of slowing down. I hadn’t felt this good in a while. My husband had been sick during the ski trip in the Alps so we could have nights of passion like we used to. I was still oblivious to the changes in my body as the magic seemed to change to the universe and my mind to view everything as normal. My clothes did not rip as my clothes, car, and my friends mentality changed to view my new height as the way it has always been. As long as I did not know where this cum was coming from, I would never know that a board game had changed my children into sex addicts, my daughter into a porn star, and my son into a living sex toy.
I lifted up my shirt to start giving the dildo a tit job. I saw a stool that I could use to raise my hips into the air to ride this dildo. I was going to use it soon as my soft mounds were pressing all around the dildo. Lily had bought such a nice toy to have it shoot out nice tasty liquid as you play with it. I felt the dildo start to twitch violently in my boobs and I knew it was time. I brought my maw on the tip just as the cum came out. I could swallow all of it now.
“Mmm, tasty.” I licked my lips as I grabbed the stool.
I was now 6’10” as I stood on the stool. I pulled my pants and underwear down to expose my wet pussy. I leaned over and stuck the dildo in my pussy from the backside. I started to move back and forth to ride the dildo. I could not take the whole 18 inches inside but could take over a third inside me. I was moving my hips hard as I felt my folds of my pussy adjust to its new playmate. The toy was shaking hard inside my pussy as I knew it was time for both of us. I slammed hard against it and felt it go past the cervix uterus just before it released.
“AAAHHHHH!” I moaned as quietly as I could so that Lily wouldn’t hear me
The liquid shot straight into my womb to completely fill me. I had not felt this full ever before as I was twitching on this dildo. My husband’s dick could never compare to this. I wanted more as my body grew to 7’5”
“MOM! Can you get me a diaper?” Lily yelled to me.
I had forgotten for a moment that I was here to see my granddaughter not to play with Lily’s toys. I looked around where I was to see a diaper bag in here.
“Sure thing! Let me look for a moment for it.” I yelled back.
I rammed by pussy against the dildo again one last time so I could get some more out of it. It twitched weakly as only a little bit of the liquid came out.
“You must be out.” I pulled my pussy out of the dildo.
I pulled my pants up and straight myself up to make sure Lily did not realize that I had used her toy. I grabbed a diaper from the diaper bag. I came back to the dildo in the wall and kissed the tip.
“I love to do this again.”
I walked out of the room at the height of 7’7” to bring a diaper to my daughter who was now changing her daughter’s diaper. I just had a big grin to see my granddaughter and from the fun I just had. I did not realize that I had just fucked my son.
I saw Mom come into the room at an impressive new height. I comprehended instantly that she was in my sex room messing with Phillip. I had left him in the black box on the wall and she must have thought that he was dildo. Otherwise, she would never have gotten this big. I did not want to tell her that she fucked with her son because she would be horrified at that. I just laughed internally as she seemed very proud of herself.
“Where were you?” I asked.
“I was in the bathroom.” she replied trying to hide what she did.
“Okay. are you feeling better from it?” I was putting on the diaper she gave me.
“Of course I would be. Why would you ask a question like that.” She seemed concerned that I was digging into much.
“Oh sorry. I was talking to Sarah there for a moment. She made a big poopy after I fed her.” I switched the topics to make it not look suspicious.
“Hahaha. Silly me.” My Mom laughed. “I thought you were talking to me.”
“Sorry about the confusion. But how are you doing? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“I am fine as always. Now, I came here to take care of the baby.” She held out her hands.
I handed her Sarah as it now seemed more like a property baby to her with her new size. She did not seem to notice her new size by having sex with Phillip. I was considering the possibilities of what I could do with his cum if they did not perceive that they were receiving his cum. Was this a money making opportunity or a chance to change the world?
“Do you know where Phillip is?” I asked her as I left Sarah in her care.
“Last I saw him was in his tiny room playing video games.” Mom answered.
I got my answer with that. Mom did not register her new changes or the fact that she fucked with her son. I had an idea.
(three months later, August)
Guinevere had made a new product using my cum as the main ingredient over the past three months. She marketed them as ‘Guinevere’s Beauty Pills.’ I was milked hard at the beginning of these schemes as they sold out fast. I told her the toll this was taking on me so we slowed production down to make it more reasonable on me because they could not replicate it without me. We lowered the stock amount, restock time, and price. We were getting close to the billionaire range with the money we were reaping in.
We saw millions of videos of girls taking the pills over the two weeks. We had given them 14 pills in each order so that they had two weeks of the pills. We limited the number people could buy but there were scalpers and black markets for this stuff. We saw the before and after as many of these girls grew until they were past six feet tall. There were many different ways to take the pills, orally, anally, or the recommended and most effective way, the vagina. We saw one girl stuff the pills in her nipples which caused her to have massive nipples. The next crazy video we saw was a rich family who bought some off the black market and had turned her six year old daughter to 6’4” twenty year old woman who did not know anything of adult life but behaved like a little kid.
The crazies stories we were getting was those who took the pills in the pussy were getting pregnant very easily from sex or suddenly becoming pregnant out of the blue. We had to create warning labels for that being a side effect but the women who were pregnant did not seem to mind with their new assets. The warning label did not discourage people at all from the pills.
Mulan over the summer had become the new leader of China and had been labelled as the new Empress. She was enjoying her new status as ruler over all of China as she became it’s monarch. It was not a ceremonial position but one with power as their government changed to serve Mulan and her daughter, Mei xing. She had gotten an expedited shipping from us with extra dosages of the beauty pills because she knew the magic of the pills. We were pretty sure that she was getting some on the black market as well as she was now nine feet tall.
The other news we received was that our Mother was around two months pregnant. Guinevere was going to have a sibling and niece while I was going to have a child and sibling. We could not tell them how she got pregnant at all. I was a little disgusted at it but Guinevere found it funny that Mom had found my dick irresistible.
The big thing was that Judith had finally come over to Guinevere’s house. She had brought the girls with her as she finally was able to make time for a vacation for her family. She had been very busy with her business being a leading bookseller. I was able to see that the girls, even though they were a little over a year old, they were like toddlers. Over four foot toddlers. We believe this was the case for their speedy growth because Judith got pregnant due to a roll.
We had spent most of the day hanging out catching up and all. It had been over a year since we last met in person. I was sixteen, Guinevere was nineteen, and Judith was twenty-six. We had been able to soothe things over time with calls and xoom meetings. Judith swore that she would do the things that she did to me earlier and that she was very sorry that she did it. She felt horrible and terrible that she did that. I had forgiven her.
Night came along and Lily had put down Sarah for the night. Judith came out of the house as she had finished putting her children to bed as well. I was on a table and Guinevere was in the swimming pool with a swimsuit on for modesty for the little girls. Judith was walking over with her 9’11” frame carrying something that was very familiar to us. We turned to face her as she set it down on the table with me on it.
“Are you ready to play some before we go to bed?” Judith asked.
End Notes:
The board game is back. More growths and changes are coming!
Review if you like the story. it helps me understand what people like and makes the story better. Reviewing also helps with more people wanting to read the story.
Constructive critiscim is also welcomed
I hope you all enjoy the story.
Chapter 21: Move the Game Outside and Play There by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Phillip, Guinevere, and Judith are playing the game again. What will happen this round?
“I believe it is your turn.” Judith handed me the die for the game.
I had been enthralled this past year with Guinevere that I completely forgot the reason for how we got here. This board game had given and taken away so much in our lives that we consider it normal now, each of us had our own lives. Judith was a successful bookseller, Guinevere a pron star, and me, a miniscule lover to Guinevere. I considered what might happen if I rolled this dice, I could become smaller, Guinevere could become taller, and Judith could be pregnant again. There were a lot of random things that could happen, I wanted to be a little taller so that Guinevere wouldn’t lose me in her pussy again.
“That wouldn’t be too bad.” I thought.
“What are you waiting for, roll!” Guinevere said as she pulled herself out of the swimming pool. It was the size of a bathtub to her with her huge height of 22 feet tall. I rolled the dice on the table in response to my lover asking me to roll.
Judith with her 9’11” body reached over and moved my piece to light blue and read the message that appeared on the screen.
$TV Shows rating went up a little after you guest appeared, gain six inches$
I felt a pleasant and gratifying feeling warm my body after Judith read those words. I felt my body increasing in size as the board games magic swept over me. It felt incredible as I began to regain some of my old size. It felt like pleasurable electricity was coursing through my body as it began to swell. This was what it must have felt like when Judith and Guinevere grew, I was getting close to cumming.
“Huh huh huh!” I panted as the growing stopped and the pleasure subsided.
“That was unusual.” Judith said, amused that I grew from 6 inches to a foot tall.
“That might be a first for you.” Guinevere leaned over the table and smiled at me. “Now I won’t lose you again.”
Guinevere seemed happy with my growth. I was no longer a puny size that could get lost for two months in her pussy, I was still small though. Judith sulked a little bit as she wanted to put me inside her pussy as well but probably had to stick with her humongous asshole to shove me in instead, and I had some bad experiences with it before that I would be reluctant to go in. Either way, I was happy to be a little bit bigger.
“My turn.” Guinevere reached over to the table to pinch the die between her big fingers and drop it for her roll. I had to read the die roll for her because it was so small for her.
Judith moved Guinevere’s piece to pink and read the old style black and white message on the tv screen on the board.
$You starred in a charity event that raised triple the amount of money from last year. Triple next benefits you land on$
“What the fuck!” Guinevere said unsatisfyingly. “No growth.”
“Haha. that could go either way.” Judith laughed as she picked up the die to roll. “You are the biggest person in the world already, why do you want to be bigger?”
“Because I want to remain that way and have no competition.” Guinevere jeered at Judith’s remark. “I would lose my idol status if someone is bigger than me.”
“Okay okay.” Judith backed away from Guinevere. Judith did not want to get in a fight about this right now since Guinevere was more than twice her height. Judith decided the best action was to roll the dice.
Judith moved her board game piece to tan, a spot that would affect as all, and read the message.
$The ballroom gala showed off your elegance and maturity for the world to see. Gain five years.$
I felt my face change and my joints as well. I could also see the faces of Guinevere above me and Judith sitting down at the table change as well. Guinevere went from 19 years old to 24 years old in a smooth transition from her final teenager years to mature young adult, everything about her scream, ‘stunning beauty.’ Judith changed to a more maternal look that suited her, her hips widened and bust increased slightly to go with her motherly appearance. She used to be a young mom of 26 years old to become a 31 year old mom that seemed to have experience. I felt the stubble I had tried to grow when this all started to return and grow to a beard and then fall off to have the smooth raggy look that Guinevere liked. Guinevere smiled as the beard fell off. She seemed to approve of my new age of 21.
“I guess we are all adults now at the same time.” I chuckled as we were looking over each other to see how each other looked in our new age.
“We can now do all the things we wanted to do with nothing to stop us.” Guinevere replied. I knew that she was talking about laws and our parents. It would be hard to explain how to get a marriage license or something like that for teenagers but as adults we could do it. The other thing as well were our parents who could see about calling me back to our home in Ohio, I did not want that.
“Just remember that I am the oldest and you should listen to me for advice.” Judith said as she handed me the dice.
“Why? because you are a grandmother or middle aged woman.” Guinevere teased Judith.
“Hey!” Judith turned around to face Guinevere after what she just said. I laughed as Judith behaved just like a person in her thirties would do when they knew that they were coming along in years.
“Sorry sorry.” Guinevere waved her hand to apologize. “I was only teasing.”
“Well that is good. I don’t like those jokes.” Judith pouted, turning back to the game like a woman who was sensitive about their age. “I do not find them funny.”
I tossed the die as it was now my turn to roll, it was more reasonable now for me to roll with my new size. The die bounced on the table and stopped, I went over to read my roll.
I was disappointed as I walked to the board game and moved my piece to red. This was not a good tile for me to land on. I would probably lose my height for this one. I wondered what it would be like to an inch tall as I read the screen.
$Supporting actor stole all the best lines and scenes from you in your big movie. Next double feature will cut your benefits by a quarter and multiply the other person by four.$
“Whew.” I breathed out a sigh of relief. I did not shrink at all.
“That only means that danger has passed for another time.” Judith said to me. She wanted me to shrink so she could play with me. I would enjoy it as well but I would be very tiny compared to nearly ten foot height. It would have been a monstrous difference if it was Guinevere with me.
“That is true. But it also means that could hinder the next time you shrink.” Guinevere chimed in. it was a double edge sword roll, it could hinder my shrinking the next time I rolled but also prevent me from growing as well.
“So we do not know if it is good or bad it is until I get a double feature with someone.” I remarked
“That is correct.” Judith nodded in agreement. All they could do was wait and see what the die roll would bring.
“I guess it is my turn now.” Guinevere pinched the die again and tossed it. She did not drop it but rolled it like a regular dice that cause It rolled off the table and make its way to the garage. Guinevere, who was leaning on her side over the table, rolled over so that she went to where her feet used to be. “I got it.”
“You need to drop it, not toss it. You are too big for that.” Judith stood up from her chair.
“Sorry” Guinevere replied. She was on her knees trying to find the die in the grass in that area. She had her ass sticking out in the air on full display for me to see. I could see that her bikini was not covering her massive pussy that well.
“Let me help you.” Judith walked over to help with the search.
I was left on the table as the girls searched for the dice. I could see their full frames as Guinevere was in a bikini and Judith was in a tight two piece pajama set that was white with little books on it. I suddenly saw Guinevere’s piece move on its own. The game did not need us to move the pieces to go to the designated tiles, it did that by itself. I watched as it moved to the same red tile I was on. I read the message as the girls continued to search.
$Double Feature: Both of you pulled off blockbusters in February with great ratings. Grow two feet$
I felt the warmth flow over me again. I was growing again. My swelling body increasing in size and the pleasurable sensations coursing through me, I couldn’t help but fall on my butt and start to rub by dick up and down. I was getting close to cumming when the sensation stopped. I wondered why but then I remember that previous roll limited the next double feature. I was happy that I did not shrink but bummed that it limited my growth.
“AAAAHHH!” I heard Guinevere moaned.
I turned to see Judith running past me away from Guinevere, I would have followed her but I was mesmerized by the sight that Judith fled from.
Guinevere was on her knees leaning over the garage. She had grown a few feet during my growth as I realized what her and my rolls combined were doing to her. She was thirty-four feet tall as her body expanded upward and towards me. Her bikini that she had put on for modesty for Judith’s children was being stretched to its limit at thirty-eight feet.
The bikini snapped and fell to the ground as Guinevere grew to forty feet tall. Her legs started to surround my table to leave me no option to escape but just stay and watch Guinevere grow and reach her hand down to insert into her pussy. Her expansion caused to readjust herself on her garage to have her upper torso on it as she arched back with an insurmountable pleasure that rocked her body. I could literally hear her body stretch above me as she entered the final stages of her growth at forty-four feet tall. Several things happen as the final amount of height gain sunk into her body at the height of forty-six feet tall.
“MMMMMMHHMMMM!” Guinevere moaned.
Crash! Boom!
Guinevere had reached her climax with her gigantic growth spurt. I now knew how it felt very great to grow and how it felt weird when one shrinks. It must have felt very good to grow that much to become a true giantess to normal size people. The next thing that happened during Guinevere’s growth was to her garage. Part of the garage caved in as she put her weight on it during her growth, it was good that she leaned on that instead of the house which would have crushed our children. We only lost some clothes, which she would no longer be able to fit in, props, we would have to get new ones, and some filming equipment, which Guinevere said we need new stuff for. All in all, it wasn’t too bad of a loss, we could easily get buy and fix that stuff with how rich Guinevere was. The third thing to happen was what Guinevere’s climax did. I was underneath Guinevere’s pussy as she cumed. I had a waterfall of cum plummet down on my little body on the table. Me, the table and the game were coated in her cum, the board game and myself were knocked off the table by the torrent of her love juice. I thought I would be able to satisfy Guinevere better at a larger size but Guinevere new size just made the ratio between us bigger.
“That felt SO amazing!.” Guinevere said as she leaned backward to be straight up on her knees. She got to see her new height as she was now taller than her house if she stood up and see that her growth had destroyed part of her garage.
“Oops.” She giggled at the damage she caused. This caused her boobs to jiggle and drop some milk droplets that had leaked out when she had her orgasm.
“You got to be quiet for the kids.” Judith said as she returned to pick the sticky board game and myself up. “They are sleeping.”
“Oops.” Guinevere repeated but in a whisper hoping that she did not wake the children up. We waited for a little and confirmed that they had not woken up by a miracle. Continuing to whisper, “Let us take this to the beach.”
We walked over to the beach as quietly as we could. It was late and dark with no one living close to Guinevere to see the giantess move around her house and to the beach carrying a woman who was carrying a tiny man and her other hand holding a table. We set the table up on the sand as we resumed our game since Judith actually found the dice before Guinevere grew.
“Six” Judith said.
We moved Judith’s piece to tan as it was another effect that would affect us all. Judith and I read the message out loud because Guinevere could no longer read the messages anymore.
$You could only go to one roll call for two movies casting while everyone went to the other one. You ignore the next tan benefits when another person lands on it but you solo the benefits on the next one you roll.$
“I guess that means that the next tan tile is separated for us.” Guinevere said. She was on her belly and bust, stretching out on the beach while her head leaned over us.
“I wish it was growth but that means that I could grow by myself next time.” Judith replied while she pondered the situation.
“That could also mean we grow and you don't,” I said as I picked the dice up on the table to roll.
“That could be true with how things are going this round.” Judith sulked a little,
I picked up my piece, even though I knew now that it could move on its own but it was a habit, and place it on a dark blue tile. I smiled as this was good for me as we read the message.
$Voted sexiest man of the year. Increase your charm by a lot.$
I turned to see the lust in Judith’s eyes and body as she started to stare at me. I saw her reach her hand down and start to rub her clit while her mouth was wide open with some drool coming out at just the sight of my tiny body. I knew that she wanted me. I looked towards Guinevere to see the moonlight just causing her blue eyes to glisten with desire as she licked her lips. I hoped that it was her sexual desire and not her hungry desire.
“Now! Now! Girls!” I was trying to calm this situation before they ripped me apart trying to have their ways with me. “Let us finish these rounds for tonight before we see who gets me tonight.”
I was glad to see the women agree to this. They looked at each other's face and nodded. Guinevere put out a finger out at Judith while Judith fist bumped it. It seemed to be the message ‘let the best woman win!’ short of vibe. I breathed out a sigh of relief as the women curbed their sexual lust for now.
“Here you go.” Judith put the tiny dice on Guinevere’s finger who proceeded to drop the dice for her roll.
Guinevere’s piece was moved to red as we read the message.
$Got a four star review from a hard to please critic. Gain four feet of height$
“Ooh” Guinevere gasped as it was a quick and small growth spurt for her as she reached 50 feet tall on the beach. “That was fast and uninteresting.”
“You would say that with all the growth you are getting.” Judith picked up the dice. “Give some growth for the rest of us.”
“I am sure there is plenty of growth to go around.” Guinevere chuckled. “Phillip is getting some of it.”
“I meant share some growth of some kind with me.” Judith rolled. “Two”
Judith gulped as she moved her piece to dark blue. This was a bad spot to be if you were a girl. She read the message out loud.
$make-up artist really made you look old for your movie. Now everyone thinks you are older than what you are. Gain 15 years$
“NNOOO!” Judith screamed as she grabbed her face with her hands to cover it.
Judith began to change from 31 year old to 46 years old. Her smooth tan skin became a little bit looser on her. Her body also expanded a little as well. Her hips filled in a little bit more to add some extra oomph to already large butt as it seemed to droop a little. Her stomach was no longer flat as a little bulge formed as she gained a little weight there. Her breasts moved from an E-cup to F-cup and started to sag a little bit as her body was aging.
“How bad do I look?” Judith said as she lifted her hands from her face.
Her face only changed to have one wrinkle but most of it became more mature. She was no longer the single mom starting out but became a full on tall hot, thicc MILF sort of woman. She was definitely still attractive with her extra curves.
“You're still looking amazing!” I said to her to encourage her.
“You are just saying that to be nice.” Judith was not taking the compliment
“No he is right. You still look great. You are a fully mature adult now with some nice assets that come with it.” Guinevere encouraged her friend as well. Her face quickly changed from kindness to a big smile as she started to laugh. “I just didn’t know that my middle age comment earlier would come true.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Judith got angry as she waved her hand towards Guinevere in frustration. Guinevere continued to laugh as Judith buried her hands into her face as she begun to cry. I could do nothing but pick up the dice and roll.
No one was paying attention to me as I moved my piece to tan and read the message. They were stuck in their own little world of sorrow and laughter.
$you all are rising children stars. Lose 21 years as you live through being a child star for a week.$
“Gaah!” Both Guinevere and I gasped as a new feeling covered our body and our minds seemed to leave our bodies.
I was just crying in my sorrow at the horrible luck I was having this round. I had done nothing but age until I was a middle aged woman. I was sure that I looked fine by what Phillip and Lily said but I was plain and simple right now, a MILF. A tall hot sexy MILF while Lily was tall and in her twenties and Phillip was adorable and in his twenties as well. This was just going bad for me. I could not tell what was going on until I felt a tiny tug on my shirt.
“Judy, what does that say?” A little voice said to my side.
I looked up with a huge surprise.
Here was a naked little girl of normal height with red hair on the beach tugging at my shirt. I wondered how she got here as this was a private beach, she also seemed familiar. I looked up to see if the others were seeing this. I was shocked to see no giant Lily or tiny Phillip but a little three year old girl and 6 month old baby on the table. What had happened!? I recollected myself as the little girl pulled me to the table so I could read the board game.
$you are a rising little star that will make it big when you grow up. Gain 3 feet of height once the week is over$
“Yay. I am going to be big when I grow up. “ The little girl clapped and started to jump around the beach.
I looked over the board game to see what happened when I noticed that Phillip was on a tan space and Lily was on a pink space. I realized that I had not been part of the roll for Phillip’s turn, I had skipped whatever happened there for change and what happened at all. With the little girl’s roll I had an inkling of what happened.
“Lily, calm down.” I said to the little girl.
“Yes ma’am” She stopped bouncing.
Phillip and Lily had deage to little children while I was crying. Phillip was the little baby and Lily was a toddler. I was the one who was left out. I was elated that I had missed this roll as I was the only adult here. I had defeated Lily for the night and I was going to have Phillip for myself.
“Wait a moment.” I stopped and pondered for a moment. “Phillip is just a little baby.”
I looked at Phillip's adorable baby form, the charm effect was still working on me that I wanted him dearly. I recalled that Lily’s roll said that she would get taller at the end of the week when the tan tile wore off. I had a week by myself taking care of a baby Phillip. And also a toddler Lily. I could help but have maternal feelings for the two of them, mostly Phillip. I hoped that Phillip would grow some and maybe I could have sex with him when he was bigger.
“You need to go inside and put your pajamas on and go to bed, little girl.” I said to Lily as I picked Phillip up from the table.
“Yes, ma’am.” Lily sulked as her naked little body walked past me to the path heading in the direction of her home. I was elated to be taller than Lily right now.
“I get to be with you, little one.” I sat down and saw the door open on Lily’s house to indicate that she went inside. I unbuttoned my shirt and pulled out my boob from my bra and brought it down to Phillp’s succulent lips. He latched on and began to suck my tit, milk started to flow out into his mouth.
“Mmhm” I moaned as I felt Phillip feed off of me. It was such a great feeling to give baby Phillip my milk that I was starting to get turned by the whole thing.
“Oh yes.” I hummed as I leaned back with my hand holding Phillip against my teat. I suddenly remembered that Lily rolled and got a benefit. It was not locked for the week. “I guess I will try.”
I rolled a four and landed on a tan space. I read the message as I was the only one to get this benefit.
“$Movie’s rating soars because your movie was a masterpiece that people missed in the theater. Gain two feet of height.$
I moaned as my body stretched in my chair from the roll. Things were finally turning around for me. I felt myself finally break past the ten foot mark as the warm sensation covered my body. I felt baby Phillip’s body shrink in my hand as I grew. It was such a wonderful passionate feeling as I grew to 12 feet tall that I reached into my pajamas that were beginning to stretch and rubbed my pussy.
“AAAHHH” I screamed as I cummed from the growth and the tiny Phillip in my arms.
I was panting hard from the orgasm I received from the growth to 12 feet tall. It wasn’t much but it was good to be taller when you knew that there was rising competition with Mulan, Artoria (who I met as when I went to a business meeting in Las Vegas), and all the other women that seemed to be getting taller around the world. I had to make sure I was at least the second tallest woman in the world.
“Zzz” I felt some small steady breathing coming from tit. Phillip had fallen asleep.
I guess it is nighttime for you.” I said as I stood up. I put him down on the table as I tried to button my pajama shirt back on. I couldn’t button the shirt past my cleavage so I had to leave it hanging out. “Oh well.”
I carried Phillip back up the path to the house. I found an empty bed to place him on in Lily’s sex room and kissed him good night.
“See you tomorrow. My little Philly.”
“Listen up!”
Morning came the next day and I was sitting on the couch with no shirt on at all. I had on my left tit was a year and half old Phillip sucking on my nipple and on my right tit, A gigantic 7 month old red hair baby sucking that nipple. I also had four year old Lily at my feet.
“I am going to need all of your help this week taking care of these three. We will take shifts on who will take care of who. Two people will be free to enjoy this beach house during each shift. Is that clear?” I asked.
“Perfectly clear.” Four girls said in unison.
“Good!” I smiled as I looked at my 18 year old quadruplet daughters. Barbarella and Diana had Phillip’s skin and hair but my eyes. They were both thirteen feet tall with E-cup breasts. Barbarella had her brown hair in pigtails behind her ears with pink dye on the end as they came down curly in front of her down to her cleavage. Diana had her brown hair thick and wavy down a little past her shoulders. Nyx and Zyla had my hair color and skin tone but Phillip’s eyes. They were twelve feet tall with F-cup breasts. Nyx had her black hair short and bobbed that it only reached past her chin with some of the hair covering an eye. Zyla had her black hair wavy and reaching down to the back of waist, she looked like a famous superhero woman from the capital of the US. Everyone of them had a huge ass like their mother.
“Who gets the first shift with Daddy?”
End Notes:
What is going to happen to baby Phillip as his daughter's from Judith are now 18 years old? Will they enjoy a little daddy time?
Lily's girl does not grow because of the game because she was born naturally. Judith's children do change with Judith's growth because they are born from the game.
The game is back and these were some crazy changes. Review if you like the story and changes or laughed as Lily and Phillip got younger. The game will be back soon as well with more changes.
Chapter 22: Father-Daughter Games by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Phillip gets to enjoy some father daughter bonding time. or could it be the reverse?
Sunday was mostly Judith watching Phillip due to him being one year old and needed Judith to feed him with her boobs and that Judith wanted to. Zyla had the first shift with watching daddy as he had grown to two years old from last night which made it better to watch him. Judith was mostly watching Sarah because she was Lily’s seven month baby that still needed a mothers care, Diana was watching five year old Lily at a park right now. Philip did not recognize that Zyla was his daughter at all but viewed her as a big sister, a really big sister. Zyla and her sisters knew about the board game and that they had come from it, they were tied to it.
“You don’t realize how lucky you are?” Zyla splashed a little water on Phillip in the bathtub.
“Why?” Phillip asked, looking up at his 12 foot tall daughter. He stopped playing in the water when she asked the question.
“Because you get to live your own life after this while I am gone once the game is over.” Zyla sighed.
“But I don't want you to go, I like playing with you.” Phillip stood up and hugged Zyla’s head that was leaning over the tub. She felt a strong sexual desire come from her when he made contact with her, she had been having it at the back of her mind all day while watching him, it was the charm boost he got two days ago. She couldn’t hold her lust for long if her cute little daddy kept this up.
“I like playing with you as well.” Zyla said, her lust getting stronger.
“Yay. big sis is going to stay and play with me.” Phillip squeezed Zyla’s face, his dick was brushing against her neck.
“Yes, I am going to stay and play with you.” Zyla smiled, that little brushing was all it took. “I have a new game I want to play with you.”
“What is it?” Phillip said excitedly as he bounced in the tub.
“It is called, ‘sis has daddy’s little peepee.’” Zyla’s face was red as she lifted her father out of the tub
“Huh!?” Phillip tilted his head to the side, curious about the name of the game.
“Wwwammpth” Zyla said as she opened her mouth and closed it on Phillip’s little pecker.
“AAHHH!” Phillip yelled in shock at the sudden attack on his penis, he was not expecting this as he felt her tongue start to lap his penis around inside. Wincing in pleasure, Phillip asked. “What are you doing?”
Zyla said nothing, she was too focused on eating his little dick. His rod and his ball sack was inside her mouth as she sucked hard to stimulate it, it was rock hard for a two year old. Zyla would stick her tongue out to run down his ass crack so she could lick his asshole, it was salty and it tasted delicious.
“Why does it feel good?” Phillip cried.
Zyla set Phillip down on the side of the tub while she still sucked his penis. She was on all four on the bathroom floor as she was sexually assaulting a little child. She raised herself up on one arm on the side of the tub and pushed Phillip harder into her mouth to keep him there. Her other hand was playing with her clit to make this experience even more sexually stimulating.
“Something is coming out of my peepee.” Phillip yelled as his body twitched and hugged Zyla’s head.
Phillip was ejaculting actual cum into her mouth and down her throat, could two year olds actually cum or was Zyla’s daddy just special. Zyla sucked the cum the shot out of his tiny pieces and sent it to her gut, she just had oral sex with her two year old dad, not many people could claim that. Phillip was breathing hard from the experience of having sex with his twelve foot daughter who was sixteen years older than him, Zyla was not done with him at all.
“Did that feel very good?” Zyla asked her father.
“Verwy much.” Phillip leaned on Zyla’s arm as it started to lay him down into the tub where this started, Zyla was not finished with him yet.
“Hmm” Zyla stopped for a moment as she felt something happening in her body.
Her body started to grow bigger slowly, Phillip’s magic cum was working on her and was working very well. Her body seemed elastic as it stretched outward for it’s new height, it felt very good as her body finally stopped growing . Zyla stood up to her full height of 12’3”, Phillip cum had some potency to it at his young age and Zyla was going to use it.
“How did you grow? Can I get big like that?” Phillip asked her daughter as she was admiring her new height, Zyla was no longer like her identical quadruplet, Nyx.
“I am sorry but you can’t.” Zyla bent down to her daddy who was sitting in the tub now. “Girls get bigger sometime if boys shoot special stuff on girls. It does not work the other way around.”
“Awww.” Phillip sounded disappointed at that news but he perked up real fast. “So I can make you bigger?”
“That is correct.” Zyla replied.
Phillip stood up in the tub and lifted up his penis to his daughter. “So you just have to have this?”
“That is correct.” Zyla replied. “I have to get it into my body.”
“Then have it.” Phillip brought his penis to the edge of the tub. “Let us make you bigger.”
“That is sweet of you.” Zyla smiled at this sudden development, it was going better than expected to get more out of him. She just wanted to try something else. “And I will accept your offer.”
“Then drink.” Phillip waved his penis at her.
“We are just going to put it in elsewhere.” Zyla stood up and turned around.
“Where?” Phillip stared up at her.
“In my butthole.” Zyla pulled down her pants and underwear to reveal a mammoth size ass to her little daddy. She pulled aside her humoungous buttcheeks, each one was bigger than toddler Phillip, to reveal a ginormous butthole, all thanks to her mothers genes. The butthole could be compared to the monstrosity of a butthole that was her mothers and her sisters, something they all gained from game.
“We are going to put you in there.” Zyla tilted her head back with a big smile across her face, she was going to do it, she was going to go a little deeper with her dad.
“Huuuh?!?” Phillip surprised at the recent development, he had no knowledge at this point about sex, it disappear when he turned to a baby. Even though he had done it plenty of times before, this concept was foreign to him.
“I am going to put you in there.” Zyla huffed out as she was getting more and more excited. “Now, lay on your back in the tub and stick your legs up.”
“Okay?” Little Phillip was embarrassed and confused at what his daughter was asking him to do. He listened and got on his back in the tub with the water rising up to almost reach his face. His legs were pointing up in the air. “Like this?”
“Keep them together.” Zyla said as she walked backwards to Phillip, who put his legs together. Zyla bent down and rested her rear end on the side of the tub, she was trying to locate Phillip’s little legs. “Keep them together and have your feet touch the hole.”
“Okay.” Phillip moved his legs to the only spot that was different from his view. Zyla’s ass was taking up his entire view, it was so big.
“Mmhhm.” Zyla’s voice vibrated with pleasure as Phillip’s foot touched her asshole. It felt amazing, daddy’s little toes were working its magic on her. Zyla needed more as she teased her asshole by rolling the toes over it to loosen her asshole.
“That should do it.” Zyla felt her asshole give way a little to Phillip’s feet,
Zyla brought her whole tan ass into the tub. The water splashed out as Phillip’s leg sunk deep into his daughter's butthole as it filled the entire tank. It was an amazing feeling as her entire ass could fill a normal size tub and swallow her two year old father up to his waist.
“Mmhmm. Feels so good.” Zyla said as she lifted her ass out of the tub. She felt her father come along as she stood up straight.
Phillip was stuck in his daughters asshole up to his navel from his legs. He couldn’t see anything as well because his upper torso and head were buried in between her ass cheeks that you couldn’t tell that he was there unless he started moving and jiggling her butt. That is what he did because he was two.
“Mmmpth” The young Phillip tried to get out of his daughters asshole but he couldn’t because she was too big for a toddler to handle. Plus he was stimulated by the whole scenario of being halfway eaten by an asshole.
“Yyahh!” Phillip groaned a muffled groan as he shot another load of cum into his daughters colon.
“Mmhm. Oh yes!” Zyla moaned as well as she cummed and grew with her father in her butt. It was an amazing feeling having him there.
“I am going to enjoy this a little bit longer.” Zyla reached for a towel with her new height of 12’6” and dried her butt. Zyla dropped the towel on the ground and used her foot to dry the ground from when the water came out of the tub from her big ass.
“I wonder when they will notice.” Zyla smiled as her father continued to wiggle around to get free but she was clenching her asshole and buttcheeks to prevent him from breaking out. He would either cum again or get tired that he would just fall asleep there. She was thinking about her other family members noticing the missing father.
“I am still technically watching him.” Zyla pulled her pants up without her underwear. She had hidden her father in her butt and under her clothes.
“We will finish your bath later. You will probably need to be cleaned again after this.” Zyla walked out of the bathroom with her fun-sized daddy lodged in her butthole.
[Tuesday, Diana watching Phillip]
Phillip was now three and had grown Zyla to be 13 feet tall like another pair of quadruplets. He was being watched by Diana, the most serious one of the four and the oldest. Lily was being watched by Zyla right now at the beach and Judith still had to take care of Sarah.
“I told you to be more careful around me.” Diana looked down at her three year old father on a sofa recline while she stood naked above him except for her underwear. “I am glad that I was able to save the laptop.”
“I am sorry.” Phillip said as he looked at his very serious daughter. He sat stark naked in front of her
Diana was working part-time for her mother, she was the most business savvy of the four and the most likely to inherit her mothers business. Diana was working on the couch for her mother while she watched Phillip who was banging around Lily’s big house like a little kid. She was sipping some coffee while typing with one hand when Phillip jumped up at her. She spilled coffee all over Phillip and the front of her clothes, causing them to be naked right now.
“You kept bouncing around as I was working and did not stop when I told you to.” Diana was staring down at her charmed father, trying to resist an urge that she knew had caused Zyla to have an interesting interaction with him. Diana was going to be different, she hoped. “You are going to need to be punished.”
Diana was thinking of how to punish her little daddy. She wanted something that would stick for good and cause him not to bother her but her mind kept wandering, wandering to naughty things. His charm was working on her slowly. She would go insane if she didn’t indulge in it a little, but it had to be within reason for an adult to punish a child.
“Okay, this is what we are going to do.” Diana looked down at her ashamed father. “We are going to have a timeout and you are going to stay there until I finish counting.”
“Okay.” Phillip sounded dejected.
“I need you to sit in that chair with your eyes closed until I finish the countdown.” Diana put her hands on her hips, looking stern as ever. Phillip couldn’t notice the slight increase in the pace of her breath.
“How long?” Phillip asked as he covered his eyes with his hands. It was torture for the little boy not see things.
“Until I tell it is done.” Diana said as she turned around to have her back facing the sofa recliner that he was sitting in. She turned her head around to see Phillip peeking through his fingers. “And no peeking.”
“Yes ma’am.” Phillip covered his eyes for good.
“One.” Diana said.
She did not get to her other number before she sat down on the sofa recliner. Her ass easily filled and then overfilled over the side because it was so big because of the hand-me-down traits that game gave to her mother, her large ass mother. Phillip was smothered underneath Diana’s 13 foot tall body.
Diana continued her countdown as three year old Phillip struggled and fought against her huge ass to no avail. 3 feet could not compare to 13 feet with the 13 feet had a huge ass and big bust, the physics were not in it for him.
Diana started to feel him stop moving around as she slowed down the countdown. She was enjoying this little punishment. She felt him mold into her asscrack.
Diana felt something new move on Phillips body as the rest of the body was still. She wondered what it was but didn’t bother to stop and check it out.
The new moving thing suddenly twitched as he was totally still in her asscrack. Diana wondered what it was but quickly found out.
Her big booty started to expand and drop over the sides of this normal sized sofa recliner. Little Phillip hadd cumed on her butt and it was growing. Diana knew about but did not expect this to happen.
“I believe that means you fail the countdown.” Diana lifted her bigger ass off the chair.
“GAAAAHH!” Phillip breathed hard with some tears coming down his eyes as she removed the biggest ass he had ever seen. He did not recall his sister’s ass at all. Phillip did not like this but something in his mind enjoyed it a little.
“Let us not cum this time or else we have to restart the countdown again.” Diana jiggled her butt a little to tease him. She was enjoying this more than she wanted to admit but she had to maintain her mature mood as best as possible. “Let us start over now.”
“Stop.” Phillip was crying as he saw her daughter’s huge ass with her black intricate panties descend on his toddler body. “I can not bre-”
Diana sat down on Phillip again with her even larger ass, not paying attention to what he was going to say. She filled every inch of that chair and some more. Three year old Phillip was left speechless and struggling against her daughter’s voluminous ass.
Diana felt her father once again struggle against her ass to escape and again it was a fruitless effort. She was a little bigger now thanks to him so it should be impossible for him to escape. He tried to move each of her butt cheeks with an arm and leg.
Phillip was still struggling but it was getting weaker as the countdown continued. It felt very good having daddy play with her butt.
Phillip’s energy was fading as he started to become still. Diana thought that he was learning his lesson.
Phillip was still but his dick was getting bigger. Diana felt him slowly move into the ass crack as his struggling decreased.
Diana felt the dick for sure as he slipped into her crack. He was going to release again soon and her ass would be bigger.
Diana loved her big butt because it gave her power. Diana and her mother would take up a lot of space on a board meeting because they needed special chairs for their big asses. It intimidated and aroused the other members to easily accept their ideas.
Diana wanted a bigger butt and her daddy was going to do that for her. He was moving up her ass crack and was ready to explode.
Diana squeezed her butt cheeks on her young daddy, hoping to get a response from his dick. It must have been an immense amount of pressure on his body. An eighteen year-old ass with a thirteen foot tall body on a three-year old who was three feet tall, it would be intense.
Diana felt her ass grow again. Her father had blown his three year old cock. She found it amazing that a three year old could do that. She didn’t question it long as her ass started to make the chair creak.
“Mhmm. it seems like you failed the timeout.” Diana hummed. “We have to do this all over again.”
Diana grabbed her ass cheeks, one in each hand, and pulled them apart as she stood up. Phillip fell from her ass crack onto the sofa recliner.
“Are you ready for another attempt.” Diana cooed.
There was no response.
“What is that?” Diana turned around to tease her daddy.
Phillip was limp on the sofa recliner with his eyes closed.
“Oh my gosh!” Diana quickly went down to check on her father who was still on the couch, not moving. She checked his pulse and breathing to make sure he was alive.
“Phew, just unconscious.” Diana sighed a sigh of relief as she felt a pulse and steady breathing. She had nearly suffocated her father with her ass.
“I think that is enough for your punishment.” Diana stood up. “I believe you learned your lesson.”
Diana walked over to the couch and picked up her laptop again. She sat down on the big couch that was made for people like her. She clearly took two cushions with her newly enlarged ass and was moving halfway on the third.
“Now I can get back to work.” Diana smiled in her underwear. She was glad that her daddy will be taking a nap and that she had an even bigger butt. She could get some work done like this.
“Oops, got to change.” Diana noticed she was still in her underwear as she started a xoom meeting for work. “They will get a kick out of this.”
[Wednesday, Nyx watching Phillip]
“Are you sure you want to do this.” A four-year old Phillip asked Nyx.
“Mhm mhm.” Nyx nodded, looking at Phillip with her eye that wasn’t covered by her bangs.
They were in the pool in the backyard of Lily’s house with Nyx and Phillip on the side of the pool with the steps. Phillip’s pants were pulled down to his ankles as he sat on the edge with Nyx having her top pulled down from her breasts. Barbarella and Lily, who was seven years old, were playing on the other side as Barbarella watched Lily.
“Okay then.” He had experienced things like this for the past two days, he couldn’t stop his big daughters even if he wanted to. Phillip was also enjoying it a little.
“Thanks.” Nyx said softly.
Nyx was a quiet person with a lot of brooding. She normally had dark clothes on that gave her an emo or gothic girl sort of vibe. She had spent most of this vacation at Lily’s house in her room just texting and sitting in the darkness. Now having to watch Phillip, she was in a simple one piece swimsuit with her boobs exposed to her daddy.
“Hnnggh!” Phillip grunted in pleasure as Nyx began to do what she wanted to do.
Nyx was giving Phillip a tit job on his tiny dick in the pool. Her F-cups easily swallowed his dick whole as she moved them up and down in unison.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
Nyx fervently rubbed Phillip’s little prick on the side of the pool. Nyx didn’t care that her little sister and aunt were here as well. She wanted her daddy’s dick and daddy’s dick was lost in her cleavage.
“Yyahh!” Phillip yelled as he cummed into Nyx’s cleavage
“Hm, hm.” Nyx grunted in approval as she felt the cum of her four year old spread in her boobs then get absorbed.
Nyx’s boobs started to expand right there in the pool. They grew from her F-cups to G-cups. Phillip could hear a stretching sound as they got bigger in his lap. They easily buried his lower half now and pinned him there.
“HMMMMM, huh, HMMMMMMMMM, huh.” Nyx grunted as she continued the onslaught of her tit job on Phillip’s little dick. She would rub them in opposite directions then squeeze them tight together.
“Nyxie that hurts.” Phillip screamed Nyx’s nickname as he was in pain from the amount of force Nyx was putting on his dick. It felt very good but it still hurt as Phillip tried to push Nyx’s boobs off of him. He could not do a thing against his daughter’s mammaries.
Nyx paid no attention to her father’s pleas. She wanted this. Phillip was going to feed one the needs she had.
“NNNYYYXXXXXIIIEEEEE!” Phillip screamed after two minutes of her tit job with his load.
“Ah yep.” Nyx breathed satisfactorily. She got what she wanted from her dad.
Nyx’s breasts pushed past her old size of G-cup to H-cup. Her breasts were big enough that they forced Phillip to lay his back on the hard ground of the pool's edge.
“I think I am done.” Phillip said to his older daughter. Being four years old and getting a tit job was rough.
“Hhhmmmm, no.” Nyx said gently.
“Huh!?” Phillip gasped as he looked up at Nyx.
Nyx paid no attention to Phillip and just began to do another round of her tit job.
“Please stop.” Phillip begged as Nyx rubbed her bust from toes to head. She was pushing him hard into the cement surface of the pool. The rubbing she was giving him with her boobs was also scrapping Phillip’s back against the cement.
“What something bigger than sisters.” Nyx said slowly and softly as she continued her boob assault on four year old daddy. She was mentioning the desire that she had to her little four year old dad. “Have to be different.”
Barbarella and Lily were just wading in the pool, watching 18 year old Nyx sexually assault her four year old father with her boobs. Their faces were a little bit red from the embarrassment of watching it but they did not want to stop it. They were enjoying it as they saw Nyx boob’s get bigger.
“When do I get a turn like that with Phil?” Seven year old Lily asked Barbarella with lustfulness in her eyes at her brother’s torment by a woman’s boobs.
“When you are older.” Barbarella replied as she patted Lily’s red hair. “When you are older.”
“I hope I get older soon.” Lily said as she watched Nyx rub Phillip even more intently. She was really enjoying this a whole lot. “I want to get real big.”
“You do not know how much that is true.” Barbarella smirked at the comment Lily made. Lily just had to wait to the end of the week to see her words become so true.
“Huh?” Lily looked up at her niece inquisitively. “What do you mean by that?”
“You will see.” Barbarella pushed Lily along in the pool as she glared back at the scene of Nyx and Phillip making love with Nyx’s boobs. She had a strong desire in her as she flipped one of her fluffy pink tipped pigtails.
“He will see me soon.” Barbarella smiled devilishly.
[Thursday, Barbarella watches Phillip]
“I win, again.” Phillip, who is five, raises his hand in the air while the other holds a controller.
“Dang it, you are so good at this.” Barbarella said sadly to her daddy. He couldn’t tell that she was saying it sarcastically. Barbarella was in a ribbed tan sweater that went down to her mid thighs.
“Don’t worry, Barbie. You can be as good as me with some practice.” Phillip smiled up to Barbarella, Barbie was her nickname.
“Oh, really.” Barbarella answered back with a tone of questioning of his statement. She put her arm on her knee and the hand in her chin to emphasize it even more that she was patronizing him, he did not catchon. “Want to make a bet?”
The two of them were inside Lily’s studio where she made her videos. Lily was not using it right now because she was eight, so it was used for something else, a game room. It had board games and video game consoles while still having adult toys and equipment in a corner. Barbarella was the youngest of the four and viewed as the most rebellious. She was a party goer and the first one to no longer to be virgin. That's what she was when the board game aged her from being a baby into an eighteen year old woman, she didn’t mind because it was fun and it gave her a chance to do something that probably wouldn’t be possible if she grew up normally.
“What is the bet?” Phillip asked.
“We do some more races and the person who wins more gets to do whatever they want with the other person.” Barbie said to her young father.
“Anything?” Phillip looked up at her daughter, his eyes full of desire and want as he thought of what he wanted to do.
“Anything, but you have to make a pinky promise so that we can not break this promise.” Barbarella raised her pinky to signal the significance of this promise, there was no turning back or escape if he made this deal.
“Deal.” Phillip brought his pinky to what would appear to be his older sister but was his daughter's pinky. They had bound themselves with this child oath that could not be broken.
“Unlimited cookies tonight! Here I come!” Phillip excitedly wiggled his arms as he focused on the screen to play the game for cookies.
Barbarella smirked as she got her controller ready.
(little while later)
“Are you sure this is how sex works?” Phillip asked his bigger daughter as he sat on the bed in the room, completely naked. He was covering his penis with his small hands.
“I am positive about how it works.” Barbarella said as she stood in front of him, still clothed. “I just have to take mine off and we can get started.”
Barbarella grabbed the bottom of the ribbed sweater she was wearing and pulled upward with it in a fluid motion. Barbarella’s E-cup breasts bounced and flopped in front of an enamoured Phillip who saw his daughter’s rack give a little jig, his tiny penis became hard at this sight. Barbarella tossed her sweater to the side to stand in front of her five year old, completely naked and indecent.
“Enjoying your daughter’s naked body.” Barberalla teased her age regressed father.
“I uh- aren’t you my sister?” Phillip stammered with a red face as Barberalla leaned over to the five year old child.
“Now, now.” Barbarella put her finger on his lip gently to quiet him. “That sort of talk is for later.”
“Then what sort of talk is now.” Phillip asked as Barbie leaned away, smiling.
“Lovers talk, teasing, those sorts of things.” Barbarella said as she walked to the nightstand next to the bed. “But we have something to help with that.”
“What is going to help me?” Phillip rotated on the bed to see Barbarella scavenging through a drawer. Phillip saw that she had a big blue butterfly wings tattoo on her back, one on each shoulder blade. They covered a huge portion of her big back and they came together at a point along the spine to make it look like she was a fairy.
“This.” Barbarella lifted a small pouch up as she returned to previous position in front of her naked father. “This is going to help you with sex tonight.”
“How is that little bag going help me and what is sex?” Phillip asked as he had an idea of what was going on because of previous experiences with his daughters.
“Like this.” Barbarella pinch some powder from the bag and tossed it on Phillip’s tiny dick, it was like a pixie sprinkling her pixie dust on someone.
“What is it supposed to do?” Phillip asked as the powder disappeared into his penis, he got his answer soon enough.
Phillip saw his penis enlarge itself to become bigger and bigger, Phillip could believe his eyes as he only thought that girls could change like this. He leaned back as his dick became huge and his nerves and muscles changed to hold the largest member of the body. Phillip was on his back as his throbbing dick reached its final height of 18 inches tall, it was no longer a kid’s penis but a man’s dick.
“That is a good dick you have there.” Barbie put her finger on the tip of Phillip’s dick and started to twirl it around. It was over a third of his size and twitching by Barbie’s touch. Barbie had found Artoria’s magic powder to make Phillip’s dick big.
“How did it get so big?!” Phillip was shocked at his massive penis that he did not know what to do except stare at his sudden growth. “I only thought girls got bigger.”
“Guys can do it with a little magical help.” Barbarella walked to the nightstand to put the powder away, allowing Phillip to see the blue butterfly tattoo again. Barbarella seemed like a real fairy to him as she used her pixie dust to make his penis huge. She came back and got on knees in front of Phillip. “So let us begin.”
Barbarella split her cleavage open and slammed them back together around his throbbing dick. Barbarella moved her boobs up and down her daddy’s rod, the head sticking out at the top of her mammary glands. Barbarella kneaded her bust around the dick as it trembled at every movement she made with her womanly assets as she knelt on the ground with little Phillip on the bed.
“Why are you doing the same thing to me that Nyx did to me?” Phillip grunted as Barbarella’s boobs dug him into the bed. “She wanted to get her cooties bigger and you said you wanted sex?”
“Silly boy.” Barbarella kissed Phillip’s dick. “You haven’t realized it yet? All the stuff that my sisters did to was sex. We all wanted some form of sex with you. You are just too attractive and charming for us, we had to get something.”
“Huh!?” Phillip was shocked at this new revelation he just got from his youngest daughter. They were wanting to have sex with him this entire time. They brushed it off after they did their thing to him and said it was nothing. Barbarella was the one to tell him what they were actually doing to him.
“Now, cum for me.” Barbarella smiled as she knew it was time for the thing she had been waiting for.
Phillip knew it as well, his daughters had been aiming and getting it all week. How was it different right now? He knew more of the implications of what he was shooting out, it was his seed and magic growth stuff. With his charm raised, any girl would want a piece of him and that is what his big daughter was doing to him right now with her boobs.
“Aargghhh!” Phillip blew his load as Barbarella put her mouth over his dick at the same time, trying to catch the magic growth stuff in her throat. She was able to get some as Phillip pumped it out of his tall throbbing rod in between the tits.
“Blarg!” Barbarella gagged after the first wave of cum filled her maw to the brim that it gushed out when she couldn’t take anymore after the dick shot more out during his first orgasm. Barbarella swallowed what she got but most of the cum fell on her bust from her dripping mouth.
“Mmhm” Barbarella gently groaned as she felt the magic from her father’s magic cum begin its work on her body. First, it was her height, it grew bigger as the cum the went in her stomach permeated from her stomach to the rest of her body increasing its size from thirteen feet to thirteen feet and six inches. Her breasts, that received the most cum from this load, had the magic gunk seep through her skin and hit the cells within her mammary glands. They inflated and became rounder and pronounced as they became G-cups with each bounce of growth.
“This is what I am talking about.” Barbarella said as she stood up to examine her new growths as well as to show them off to her daddy that was watching from the bed. She rolled her hands over the boobs to feel the amazing size that she had gained from this session. Barbarella was now the tallest with the second biggest rack amongst the four sisters.
“We are not done yet.” Barbarella gave a sly smile to the boy who was looking up at her growth.
“Huh!?” Phillip gave a worried face as he thought it would be over now with this but Barbarella still had more of her bet that she won, Phillip still had to obey what she wanted to do.
Barbarella put her knees on the bed and crawled above Phillip until her body was directly above his chest. She was on her shins while standing straight with the rest of her body as Phillip saw her pussy and underboob but not her face. He was in awe of his daughter’s tall adult body.
“My sisters had fun with you in so many ways that I think I should just do that all to you and some more.” Barbarella said from behind her boobs.
Barbarella brought the weight down of her body onto kid Phillip’s body, covering it with her ass and legs. Phillip’s legs stuck out from behind Barbarella’s butt, flailing around as his big dick was squeezed in between her two asscheeks, there was no escape that way. Phillip’s head was directly in front of his daughter’s pussy and she knew it. Barbarella dug her pussy in the bed to swallow her father’s face with it.
“Mmm, mmurgh.” Phillip grunted as he tried to get air inside the wet pussy, but there was only a little. The five year old had to escape before he passed out like last time but his stimulated body from his daughter was making it hard. He was breathing hard as his body was twitching from the pleasure of touching a woman’s most intimate parts, he was twitching all over the place.
“Are guys really that fast to blow their stuff during sex?” Barbie teased her father as she was being stimulated as well. Phillip would blow his second load so quickly after the first amazed her as she drilled her body into the bed.
Barbarella, being the youngest, was a little jealous of her sisters and viewed them similar, since they were quadruplets, but better than her which probably led her to be a little rebellious. She had to be different from them to make a name for herself, that is why she got the tattoo and dyed her hair pink. When her sister grew bigger because of their father, Barbarella knew that she needed that as well, but more. She would do everything they did to be bigger and different from the rest of her sister, it was a bonus that it felt good too.
“Mmmgggrrmm!” A muffled groan arose from Barbarella’s pussy and white fluid from the back of her ass as well. Phillip had cum.
“Oh yeah!” Barbarella hummed as the magic did its stuff. The cum coated the inside of her ass cheeks that it was hard to notice it entering in the actual ass. Her ass expanded from it’s already huge size to become massive, it was like she had a truck bed back there. It jiggled as Barbarella flexed her new ASSets back there.
“Very nice. I should do this more often.” Barbarella grabbed both asscheeks with her hands and started to massage them around. She became aware that Phillip was not moving as much as before and she knew the reason why.
“GAAH!” Phillip gasped as Barbarella moved her moist pussy of his face.
“Oops, sorry.” Barbarella said as she moved her body to the head of Lily’s big filming bed.She laid down on her back as a tired Phillip was clawing for breath in between her legs. Barbarella was breathing hard as she knew what she was about to do.
“Get all the air you can get.” Barbarella panted with a red face full of lust. “You are going to need it.”
“What!?” Phillip looked up as Barbarella reached down to grab him under his arms. This was not going to be good, he thought while staring at his daughter’s plan for him.
Barbarella pulled Phillip towards her ass crack that was viewable from her legs being spread apart. It was big due to her mothers gift from the game and the thing she was going to use. Phillip’s head slammed against it as it was closed shut right now, it wasn’t for long. Barbarella brought a hand to it and stuck some fingers inside to open it.
“You are going in there.” Barbarella chuckled.
“Wait. no!” Phillip stammered as he smelt fumes and odors coming from it. “It stinks!”
Phillip’s head started to push inside as Barbarella used one hand to push him in and the other to make the hole bigger. Phillip felt his head start to slowly be encased as the butthole got larger from the stimuli and Barbarella’s effort to push him in. He felt ass fluids drip down his head as he knew it was almost time as he struggled now to go in there, he had been in an ass before but it was his legs with his daughter. He did not remember Judith and Lily doing it to him. All he knew right now was that it stunk and he did not want to go in.
“Aaaahhhhh!” Both of them yelled for different reasons. Barbie for the pleasure she was having and Phillip by the stinky prison his head was swallowed by.
Phillip’s head was stuck inside his daughter’s odor filled anus, it was dark, odorfilled, and retched but it had some air. The walls clung to his head as it covered and drizzled the anus liquids on his head. He could not believe that he was in here but he knew that his daughter was trying to push him deeper. He felt the pressure along his shoulders as they squeezed inside the entrance, it was a painful vice grip that pulled him deeper and kept him there. He did not expect another pain from his groin to be manipulated as his dick was adjusted and bent in a way that he did not want it to go.
Barbarella was happy with her daddy’s head inside her but she saw another opportunity to feel good. She saw that Phillip’s big rod was still on the outside erect, waiting for something womanly to happen to it. Barbarella grabbed the rod and levied it along her father’s body towards her body at the other hole she had, the vagina. The shoulders that had been pushed inside allowed the head of the stiff dick to enter inside her. It was big and it filled a good portion of her pussy, the pussy enjoyed the visitor very much. The walls of the vagina held tightly the thing that gave them life as a thank you for this possibility.
“Ahh, mmhm, ooh.” Barbarella moaned pleasantly as her father filled two of her holes in one go, she was coming soon. It was almost time as well for her father that was squirming inside her bowels. She lifted her hips after a minute as both members of this sex act gave there love.
“aaaaaaHHHHHOOOOOOOO!” Barbarella was the only audible voice from this scene as her hips carried and covered Phillip’s body and screams. The asshole tightening around its prize as the culminating pleasure that it gave to Barbarella was finally releasing.
Love fluids spilled out of the Barbie from both her crotch and her father’s crotch. It was a lot as it dripped out of her pussy and onto the bed below as her body spasmed from the immense pleasure of the love her daddy had given her. It was time for the love to reward Barbie as the sperm filled her womb.
Barbarella’s body creaked as it grew taller. The body got a little bigger with the first cum of the sex but now that all of it went inside her, the growth was bigger. The size of dick, the vitality of Phillip and his sperm, and the size of the target gave a big growth to his daughter. Barbie was no longer 13’6” as her body’s growth creeped along the surface of bed to the height of fifteen feet tall.
“OH YEAH!” Barbarella yelled as she stood up from the bed to adore her new body. “THIS IS THE STUFF!”
Barbarella flipped her body to and through to look at the body of the biggest sister. She had done it, she was finally different and better at some compared to her sisters, the fairy beauty. That is what she was, the butterfly tattoo and the fluffy pigtails gave her the appearance of an adult fairy that comes out to play with naughty men. She was a succubus disguised as something innocent with her playful look but big body.
“This is all thanks to you.” Barbarella stroked with a single finger the throbbing eighteen inch dick that was stuck in her pussy. Both the dick and Phillip had sunk deeper into her body, reaching up to Phillip's chest inside Barbarella’s asshole. He, at 5 years old, had fucked his older, bigger daughter into a fifteen foot succubus fairy. Only the dick was visible to show what he had changed as Barbie’s tree trunk thighs and butt buried him in there with only a window around the pussy to show that it was still inside Barbarella.
“Maybe I will have a little bit more fun.” Barbarella winked to no one as she squeezed her legs together on Phillip’s young body to show her sexual dominance over her father. “I still have to watch you.”
[Friday, Judith watches Phillip.]
Judith was in the kitchen with a six year old Phillip, who was eating a bowl of cereal. The girls had taken Lily and Sarah out for the day leaving Judith to watch the young game player eat his breakfast. They had most of the day before her daughters and Lily and Sarah returned from their time exploring the city, it was just these two here.
“Soon.” Judith licked her lips as she started at her young lover with lust in her eyes.
End Notes:
The chapter is complete. I do not plan on doing anymore like this. I will be putting out complete chapters. it felt too long dragging this chapter out. The next chapter will have old faces returning before everyone becomes big again. I hope you all find the story good and entertaining. The story is coming to an end soon as it will be only a few more chapters for it to end. I will be taking my time on them as I hope to make them good chapters to finish it.
I hope you all like it so far and leave a review. I enjoy reading those and it makes sure that I am writing this story well.
Chapter 23: A Game for Old Friends by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Phillip gets to spend some time with his old board game oppenents in his young age. Hopefully, everything will turn out great.
I have been having sex everyday for the past week with my daughters which I thought were my sisters. I was six and was now understanding a bit more what was going on but couldn’t fully comprehend it. it was too much for me to understand at that age, but I was getting a better grasp of the situation. I knew that I was being exploited by the women here because I was a kid that would listen to those older than me, it was part of my nature at this age due to the game. The game had all sorts of magic spells and curses placed on me and others. I was going to realize that mixing some is okay and great but others, you need to avoid at all costs. I was going to learn this as the little kid but was not going to recall it as an adult.
I had finished my bowl of cereal and carried it over to the sink like a good boy. I went up the little stool ladder for me to reach in, all the while Judith was watching me. Judith was the mommy of the group. She was the one in charge and the person everyone listened to. She had taken care of me when I was very little when this whole kid week thing started so i considered her my actual mommy. She was the actual mother of the four other big girls and I was the father, leaving me confused of how that works when I am six and they are eighteen.
“How am I the daddy of your four girls?” I asked Judith.
Judith looked up from a tablet she was looking at a bar in the kitchen. She just smiled and said. “It was a magical experience. A lot of it had to do with chance.”
“How so?” I asked, the mid-forties woman.
“Let us just say there was a game and it decided it for us.” Judith twirled her finger on the tablet as she watched me come around to talk to her. She was a very pretty woman.
“What sort of game?” I asked another question.
“It is hard to explain so let me show you.” Judith scooted away from the bar and motioned for me to follow her. I followed as I saw her huge ass jiggle and bounce as her mature body walked towards a room. Her black long hair in a ponytail flipped back and forth with her bubble butt in her casual clothes. Phillip felt his dick get hard just staring at it.
“This is the boardgame.” Judith presented a boardgame on a table in Lily’s room. The boardgame was themed as Las Vegas with busty women and buff men exposed just enough that it wasn’t nudity. I looked at the boardgame that I should have recognized but couldn’t, something was blocking a memory or a part of me. Judith continued to talk. “It gave us all our current bodies.”
“Even mine?” I looked up at the twelve foot woman with big eyes.
“Yes.” Judith nodded as she gave a slight smile. “You were an adult before this and we had some good times with love.”
“Really?” I knew what she was talking about because my daughters had sex with me all week to get bigger. I knew women in my life were going crazy over my body so I had guessed that Judith was going to do it but she already had. Does that mean we were lovers?
“Yes. We had very passionate love and we both enjoyed it. That is how we got the girls.” Judith smiled at him. It was a motherly smile but full of lust and desire. She was mostly telling the truth. They did make love and the boardgame brought them the four little girls, they had a fight and were only a few months ago reconciled. The other thing was the age, Judith was older than him before showing up to Lily’s house but that was not always the case. Before this whole boardgame thing started, Judith was younger than him, she was not in her teens, by five years and they were in elementary school and high school respectively. Now, he was a six year old boy while she was a forty-six year-old woman. This could be the very definition of a cougar.
“That is how we got the girls? I looked up inquistly at her by that statement.
‘Yes, I believe you already know because of the girls.” Judith knew what her daughters did with their father. She wanted a piece of action too. “That action can create babies.”
“Really?” I was shocked.
“Really” Judith confirmed.
“Wow.” I was surprised that my time with my daughter, who I thought were sisters, were going to have babies. I stared up at the motherly figure above me“So all of them are going to have babies?”
“Depends on what you all did during your sex.” Judith put a hand down on my little head and rubbed it affectionately. “I can show you what action in sex causes babies.”
“I am good.” I backed away from Judith. She was suggesting to do the same things as the other girls. I had enjoyed it but it was rough with them going into their passions and roughing my little body up. I liked Judith a lot but I did not know what she was going to do. I waved my hands to signal no. “sex hurts”
“Don’t you want to know which ones are having babies.” Judith asked. I knew somewhere in my mind, my previous mind, no, my mind before that. It would have screamed and said it was wrong but that mind had been warped to something else and then changed into this child’s mind by the game. Judith put a finger to her lips and adjusted her body to look innocent. “Besides, we have done it before so you should be fine to do it. I will be gentle as well.”
That was tempting. I had enjoy the sex with the girls despite the pain. If there was a chance that it wouldn’t hurt, I would kike to try. Plus, Judith and I had done this before so would that make us a couple, right? Do couples do these sorts of things? If we were a couple, I guess I would have to go along with it.
“Do people who are couples do this?” I asked her, hoping the answer was ‘no.’ Otherwise, I would agree because it was something couples do.
“All the time.” Judith confirmed my suspicions as she sat down on a bed in the room. She had a big smile on her face.
“If that is so, I guess we can see and you show me how babies are made.” I said softly as I looked up at her big body.
“”Great!” Judith grinned. “Know we take off our clothes.”
“Huh, huh!” I breathed deeply as I saw naked Phillip crawl along the bed to my exposed body, it was in anticipation. Phillip adjusted himself so that his six year old crotch was aimed at my 46 year old crotch, young and old to collide.
“I am ready, how about you?” Phillip asked as he was breathing hard with his penis aimed at a woman’s privates. His body trembled as he wanted it too down deep inside him even though he was nervous. We had many different discussions along the way to get here, each time I had to find some reason to view having sex with his motherly figure was okay. I knew it was wrong but his charm was too much to hold out against since waiting around a year to have sex again with him.
“I am ready, you can start.” I said softly to him, to comfort this decision. He just looked down at my pussy, hairy pussy, that was steaming in desire for his little prick. He gulped as he got a whiff of my scent emitting from a mature woman on a hunt.
“Hup!” Phillip gave a lurched and slammed his six year old penis into my 46 year old vagina. He gave a lot of effort as he slammed his body against my cunt, driving in his penis as much as possible. It was very small. It was a little smaller than his body had ever been when he was tiny so it was hard to notice the prick against my larger body. I was 12 feet tall and he was getting close to 4 feet tall.
“Mmhm” I still moan nevertheless from the little dick. I could notice it if I focused on it and I did. I wanted to enjoy Phillips dick as much as possible, it reminded me of our previous romantic intercourses. The problem was that it wasn’t going to last that long.
“Huurrrghh!” Phillip groaned. He grabbed my motherly waist and shoved his crotch as deep as he could into my crotch. His lower body, oiled with my juices, convulsed as he was already too excited to go for the long haul, he was going for pleasure for the moment. I couldn’t feel it but I knew that some cum was coming out his little dick inside of me and onto the walls.
“Hmm.” I sighed satisfactorily even though I was not done yet. I had to give him a confidence boost that he was pleasing me a lot and that I knew what his little dick could do. Soon I felt myself growing because of it, a small growth spurt to signal his passionate efforts were not in vain. I grew two inches but there was more to come.
“That was great.” I hummed as his arms fell to the side on my massive thighs. He was breathing hard from the ordeal of trying to please a woman’s cunt, a MILF of a cunt if I so say. We were no longer the same sort of couple back then, we were right now, a mother and child having sex. I was not the younger but the older.
“What to try something else?” I picked him up under his arms from my wet crotch and carried him up into the air. I looked him straight in the eyes as he was regaining his strength, he was very adorable. “Maybe we can go back there or we can do another option? You decide?”
Phillip looked down at my tanned breasts and the erect nipples on my big areolas. He stared at my motherly assets with hungry eyes. There was no way he could avert his eyes from the E-cups as his will to resist my desire and my body was gently fading away and soon I could do whatever I wanted with him.
“They still have milk if you want some?” I shook my bust to emphasize them and have his attention become even more enrapture with my mature body. His eyes followed my jiggly chest as he was held in my arms to make a choice that was no doubt, chosen already.
He nodded in agreement.
I put him down on the bed and rotated him 180 degrees so that he was facing away from me before I lifted him up again, under the arms. I carried him up above me as I leaned backwards to be flat on my back on the bed. I lowered him down so that his small butt was on my face, my mouth was close to his dick, and he was looking at my boobs that were sprawled out for him to play with.
“Go ahead. Try them.”
I felt pleasure asPhillip scooped my mammaries up and squished, rolled, and sucked on them while he sat on my face, he was vicious. I arched a little as he kneaded the two globes together and pinch my nipples, causing milk to come out. The milk did not last long in the open air as Phillip was quick to lick up every drop that came out of my tits. He was having a blast and his dick showed it and was time for his dick to join in the fun.
“Gaahh!” Phillip paused for a moment as he felt something wet touch him on his dick, my tongue. I had begun to lick his cock as his cute butt sat on my face.
It was a sloppy mess as the scene continued to involve us playing with each other until Phillip was trying to suck both my nipples at the same and I had my tongue around his twitching balls. It was about to be time.
“HHAAAAAHHHHH! Phillip gasped as my erect nipples popped out of his mouth and wiggled freely in the air again. Phillip was cuming from the combined efforts of my boobs and tongue to shoot the magical seed out, causing it to land on my tits. I knew what this meant.
Phillip plopped down on the pillowy breasts that had just absorbed his magic semen, forgetting that his seed had powers. As he rested his head, the boobs started to swell and become bigger and squishier, they were growing. He felt my tits press against his face with their swelling mass until they reached the next size of an F-cup. I pushed myself up, pushing Phillip over my breasts and rolling over the globes and my body until he landed in between my legs, facing upwards, at my crotch, and looking upward at the naked underboob of my tits.
“Did you enjoy them?” I brushed aside on my locks of long hair to the side as I stared at the six year old boy. He was so cute and losing his innocence once again, this time, to my mature body and my wicked lusts, nothing involving our children, just him and me.
“I did.” Phillip panted to catch his breath. He caught a marvelous view of my form, breasts, and fuming pussy. Any man at my office would have loved the view that little boy, Phillip, was seeing, it might happen with a vendor to get books to the stores but that was a thought for another time, Phillip was speaking. “I am a little tired though. I don’t think I have any left.”
Of course he would be, he had cummed many times for his daughters during the week and now he was doing it for me. He was running empty in semen chamber and he would need time to fill it up, if it wasn’t for magic.
“Don’t worry.” I leaned back and grabbed a puch from the side of the bed before leaning back to jiggle it above his head. “I have something to help with that.”
It was the magic powder that Lily had to increase Phillip’s dick. Barbarella had discovered it’s location and used it on Phillip yesterday to have her transformation, she wanted to beat everyone. Now, it was my turn to have some fun with a big dick Phillip again.
“Wait.” Phillip raised his hands to stop me from putting some powder on him but it was too late, a pinch came out and fell on his rod.
“Got to get it off.” Phillip rubbed his dick to get it off but it was too late, it started to twitch in response to the powder’s magic sinking into the little cock. I got up onto my knees as he gripped his dick for the coming growth while I adjusted myself above where this growth was going to go with my asshole.
“Huurrrcckkk!!!” Phillip grunted as his penis grew in his hands until he couldn’t grasp the dick in singled hand. It throbbed and pulsated, with vessels popping out, until the dick was 18 inches long and thick. The only thing on his young body that told that he once was a man earlier in the game. Now, he was a six year old boy, staring at this biggest MILF ass in the world ready to swallow and steal a young boy’s youth away from him.
“Don’t mind if I DO!” I slammed my asshole onto his man tower and inhaled it whole into my enlarged asshole. I didn’t want him to speak up and stop this sex while I still would listen to his pleas to stop, I needed this and I was hindering anything that would stop it.
“Judy…” Slam my ass in his face. “Please…” squished his head in my asscheeks. “Sto…” Held my butt against his whole body to silence his cries.
I was going to make him cum in my asshole and I could feel it coming. The powder made his cock fill up with his enchanted cum to make things bigger and better than his normal size dick, plus it was always erect and refilling with cum quickly. I could feel it twitching already as I grinded it along the walls of my asshole. He was coming quick and I was ready for it.
“Mmmrrrgggpth!” Phillip’s muffled screams reverberated across my fatty tissues in my butt as he blew his load directly into the inner working of my colon.
“Yes yes yes, OOOHHHH!” I gently whispered my delight before switching over a surprised tone as it felt like electricity was going through my body.
The board game was having a conundrum. The magical gift that was bestowed on Phillip was enhanced by the powder and was creating a conflict with the spells and charms on Judith’s body. The board game had Judith age up to her forties and was trying to keep her there at that age but the semen was trying to deage her to a more youthful part of her life to the ideal age. This caused a surge of energy and conflicting spells to ravage her body until they decided to keep Judith at that age but add more to her height with each growth by cum.
“Aaaahhh.” I sighed as the magic inside me calmed down and I was left to look down at my new growth in my body. I was still mid-forties but I was now 13 feet tall and still the tall MILF of the group of girls. The dick was doing it’s magic and I liked it.
“Don’t worry.” I tilted my head back to talk to the struggling six year old Phillip underneath my bubble ass. He couldn’t get a word out against my glutes. I had promised to be gentle with him but I don’t think that I could keep it after what this big dick inside my asshole could do.
“This Cougar might need to spend some more time with your dick. It will only take a little bit.” I giggled. “Or the morning and the afternoon.”
I fucked him until that night. He went unconscious a few times but I continued either way until I was 17 feet tall with my three sizes being 173G 117 24, I had reached the Lily size realm before she became a true giantess.
(Saturday morning, Lily with Phillip before the change back to their old selves that night.)
I stared up at my naked ten year old sister wondering how I agreed to this. She was my sister and we were about to do something couples did, not siblings. Lily must have gotten information from the quadruplets and Judith because she said that we did this a lot before we became this age and that solidified her position to do this. I went to confirm it with Barbarella before she went out into the town with her sisters and mother, to spend some family time before they left on sunday.
“You two fucked a lot. And I mean a lot.” was what Barbarella said.
And that was enough to convince 7 year old me to have Lily aim her 10 year old pussy at my penis. Lily was stuck watching me and our 7 month daughter, Sarah, while they were gone and this is what happened
“They told me this is where I put it in but I have no experience with it.” Lily lowered her pussy to the tip of my dick and gave a slight gasp. Sarah just laid there on the ground, not paying attention to her young parents about to make love.
“Here I go.” Lily brought down her vagina on my erect penis.
“GGAAHHH!” Lily screamed on top of me as my dick pushed her virgin pussy apart and broke the hymen. I did not realize that it had been restored in our youthful return but none of that matter because we couldn’t remember it.
“Are you okay?” I asked as she winced in pain, blood was coming from her pussy.
“I’m fine.” Lily gasped in discomfort. “They told me this could happen and that I should keep going if it does, it gets better, they said. We need to keep going.”
Lily pushed down on my penis and then went up slowly as she was laboring to get through the agony for it to feel better. I felt pleasure as her young walls clung and wrapped itself around my penis in a tight embrace. It was different from my daughters and Judith that were so much bigger than me, Lily was around my size. It felt very fitting to have my penis inside her pussy.
“Are you almost ready to shoot out your cum?” Lily’s contorted with her suffering that was lessening everytime she went up and down on my penis. She was getting used to it but it still hurt as such young folk had some intimate actions going between them. She knew very little of sex.
“Almost there.” I grabbed her slim butt to help along with the humping of my seven year old penis with her ten year old pussy. By all accounts this was wrong, but the board game had charmed to Phillip that it made it irresistible for Lily not to do this.
“Please hurry.” Lily groaned on top of me. “I want to get bigger.”
“Here it comes.” I groaned in pleasure as I released my load into her pussy.
“WWAAAHHHHH!” Lily screamed as she felt something come out of my penis and leak inside her womb. This was her first time experiencing sex since she became younger due to that tile. It was ironic that she was now the same age that she started this game but her older brother was now younger than her and fucking her in house that she owned.
“Make me bigger!” She yelled as I continued to cum inside her until I was done with this round.
“Huh!?” Lily was shocked as she had no growth from my cum. She felt something stir inside her but suddenly it stopped. It was like the magic cum knocked on the spells, curses, and charms placed on her body and bounced off it. The magic changing cum that I had received had nudged the magic work on Lily’s body but it wasn’t strong enough. I did know about this magical conflict inside her, I was going with what she said for right now.
“I saw it work with Nyx.” Lily was frustrated as she pulled her sore pussy off my erect penis before lowering her chest to it. “She used her boobs so I will use mine.”
“Maybe it’s broken.” I said to my red haired sister trying to give me a tit job with barely existing boobs. My penis was rubbed by the flat part of her chest as she put her arms to her side and tried to squeeze them together, I was still hard by this. “The other girls have been using it all week, it has to be worn out from that.”
“It can’t be.” Lily was annoyed by the chance that Judith and her daughters could drain all the magic from my dick. “I have to get bigger!”
Lily just rubbed and rolled over my penis with her chest, using her nipples mostly to stimulate me to cum. It was hard to get really excited when it was a ten year old chest and not a MILF huge rack, Judith would have made him cum in five minutes, Lily took a half an hour to get me to cum on her chest.
Splurt splotch
Little dribbles of white cum popped out slowly from my penis, all the other times with the other girls had really drained my stockpile of cum. Lily wanted more but she had to make do with this amount of cum.
“Come on, bigger cooties.” Lily smeared the few drops of my cum on her chest as I laid breathing hard on the ground from the thirty minute ordeal. My seven year old body was tired as Lily was giddy with excitement on my crotch.
“they're getting bigger!” I looked up at my sister holding her chest that was swelling slowly. The magic cum had seeped into them and they had begun to swell in A-cups right in her hands. I was amazed as I stared up at her breasts beginning to form.
“No! No! NO!” Lily yelled in fear and horror as her A-cups changed from swelling to shrinking. The effects of my magic cum seemed to only be temporary as her tiny tits in her hand went to nonexistent again. Lily screamed at her chest. “WHY?!?
My magic cum had pushed the series of charms and spells on her body for a little bit but they quickly shoved back to revert the changes the cum had made. The boardgame’s spells were trying to keep her ten until this evening but it was having a hard time when my cum was wanting her to change. The two spells that originated from the game were trying to resolve any conflicts between the two but it was hard and difficult, something could break and the solution might be something different than expected.
Lily went over to Sarah and played with her for a little bit as she thought over what was wrong with my cum. She was going over many different ideas but none of them was the correct solution, neither of us knew. I just laid there on the ground, beat from having to cum all week from the girls here, I wanted a break from sex. I watched Lily lift the big baby Sarah up and slowly carry her to her bed for a nap.
“Finally, peace.” I whispered into the living room. I finally had a moment where none of the girls were trying to make my 7 year old penis cum, it was a different kind of bliss from all the sex. I laid there happy. I just had to wait for tonight when the spell wore off and I returned to normal. I wonder if I would remember all this. I guess not because I couldn’t recall my other self. I wonder how my other self was. Was he made in love with all the girls here? Was I handsome? I had questions but that did not matter as long as nothing went wrong here.
“I believe that your cum is low on magic so I need to give it a boost to make me grow.” Lily came back into the room from putting Sarah down for her nap, I could hear some crying in the distant room. Lily came spouting her idea and carrying a little bag. “So I am going to use this.”
It was the magic powder that Barbarella and Judith used to make my penis really big and huge. Barbarella must have told Lily about it and where it was located. Lily walked next to my body on the ground and started to loosen the knot on the pouch.
“No!’ I yelled as I burst up to stop her from putting it on me. I did not like it when my penis became a huge dick. “I do not want to use that.”
“Why not! I need to get bigger.” Lily looked down at me as we stood clinging to the bag like little kids fighting over a toy. Lily was surprised and upset at my sudden vigor to stop this.
“It hurts when my penis becomes big.” I tried to pull the bag out of her hands. “It becomes hard to move and everyone doesn’t listen to me when it’s huge. I can’t let you make me go in pain for this.”
Lily pulled the bag back to herself as we both held a strong grip on it. “I need to get bigger like everyone else. I can’t stay a little girl while everyone else is taller than a basketball hoop.”
“Yes, you can.” I pulled the bag.
“No! I can’t!”
We pulled the bag in a tug-a-war before we started pushing each other away from each other and the bag. Soon, we just dropped the bag before we went into a tussle for dominance. We rolled and fought on the living room floor until we had a clear winner, Lily.
“We are going to make your dick bigger.” Lily breathed hard. She was sitting on top of my head with her pussy in my face as she pinned me there on the ground. She was ten years old and bigger than my seven year old body. If it was reversed, I would have won but she did. She laid down on my body to keep it there as she pulled a pinch of the powder out for my penis.
“Time for us to get bigger.” Lily sprinkled it on my penis as I gave one last struggle to free myself to no avail against her. My dick was going to get bigger.
“Mmrruugghh!” I yelled into her ten year old pussy which caused her to giggle and get a little wet down there. I was not escaping as I felt the magic powder seep into my penis.
I felt the change begin immediately after my penis soaked in the magic dust. My penis hardened and became upright as it began it’s ascent to rise higher and higher. First, my penis grew past it’s adolescents to preteen and into the teenage years, it was around six inches then. My dick soon transformed into the red man dick at eight inches before making it’s final growth spurt. My shaft widened it’s girth and became larger and larger until it reached its full height of eighteen inches.
“Woah!” Lily gasped as push a red lock of her shoulder length hair to the side to see the monstrosity of a dick that had just grown in front of her. Her freckled face became red as she became suddenly embarrassed to look at her brother’s cock.
“It’s huge. I don’t think I can put it inside me.” Lily stared up at my shaft as she kept me there beneath her. I was in pain with my throbbing dick rising above her head as she laid her body on mine. I could not fight against her when my dick hurt and felt so good at the same time.
“I have to use my mouth then.” Lily grabbed my dick with both hands, she couldn’t reach fully around it, and lifted herself up to the head of the dick. She opened her mouth up and shoved what she could inside her maw.
“Mmmrruff” Her mouth was stuffed with my dick as she moved her tongue to lick around the head.
“Hhuhhhh!” I breathed heavily as I felt very good with her attempt to please my dick. She had to rise a little bit to reach the head so her ass was no longer directly on my face but I was staring up at her pussy and asshole. It was a beautiful thing to see such a cute asshole and pussy. That was adding to the stimulation of the magic boosted dick to cum soon.
“Hhmmm.” Lily stopped what she was doing as she felt my dick trembling in delight after five minutes of her little tongue licking my tip and her mouth suck the head. I was about to cum by my always erect dick when using this magic powder.
Lily withdrew her whole mouth from the dick before returning it directly over the hole, she was going to try and get every drop she could so it wouldn’t spill.
“HHHURRRRGGGGHHHHHH!” I groaned as I released my magic cum up the tower to the awaiting mouth.
“Mmmuuurrrrggg BBLLAAAHHHHH!” Lily held out as much as she could to swallow my white cum and take it’s magic but I was shooting out too much. The last bit of my cum spurted out and landed on her hair and chest.
“Now, I am all messy.” Lily wiped some of the cum from her hair. “That was a whole lot.”
Lily paused and so did I as I panted underneath her body. Her body was trembling as the cum soaked through her skin until it was all gone.
“Oh yeah!” Lily gave a happy shriek as she felt her body begin to change.
I wasn’t able to see much of what was going on up top because I was pinned underneath her, but I saw what was happening below. I saw her ass cheeks begin to swell and become a soft bubbly shape as it started to form some nice curves on her body. Her thighs expanded until they became thick and matched the growing butt into some nice juicy thighs and ass. Her legs became toned as well as her calves followed the rest of her body's growth. Part of the biggest growth was that she was getting bigger on top of me. I felt the weight increase on me and her ass get closer to my face and soon my face was in it. I saw the looming pussy draw closer to my eyes as it became enlarged and swollen as it begun to drip it’s beautiful nectar out as it quivered in excitement to show that it was ready for any sex. I quickly got to know how ready it was as it soon smooshed against my face and swallowed my face in it’s big lips.
“Mmmhhhhmmm!” Lily gave a pleasant moan on top of me as she marveled at her body. She soon stood up and allowed me to breathe fresh air and see what I had done to her.
Lily stood 7 feet tall with a nice ass and plump D-cup breasts. I was in awe of how much her body had changed by my magic dick. She was so womanly and mature as the cum had seemed to age her to thirty years old, ten year old Lily was gone and was replaced with a tall, more knowledgeable and older self.
“It is good to be back again.” Lily said as she rubbed her body up and down to feel her mature body. She seemed to have missed it and she knew what was going on.
When the magic cum entered her body, the magic rushed inside and attacked fiercely the spells, charms, and curses in her body. The other two times were like a person knocking on the door to be let in but the person inside wouldn’t open the door. Now, the person returned and used a bazooka to open the door to come in and now it was a struggle inside for control. The magics clashed and fought over each to find out how to resolve the conflicting spells. The two eventually combined together and decided to call on an old set of spells that had been placed on Lily, the ones from the first round.
“I see you have been deaged some.” Lily hummed as she looked down at my young body beneath her adult body. I could have pleaded earlier for this to stop but it was too late to stop it now. Lily was in complete control.
“Not that I mind though.” Lily lowered her pussy to my magic enhanced dick and swallowed it half way down my shaft. “I get to enjoy your cute face groan to fight against the pleasure I will bring.”
Lily started to go up and down my dick with her pussy to reignite the first thing we did to try this. This time, she was a woman that knew what she was doing and not a ten year old explore the world of sex, she was going to dominate my seven year old body.
“AAAHHHH!” I moaned while her pussy humped my dick. It was waves of immense pleasure as Lily was signalling that she was in control with her hips.
“Don’t worry, just let it all out in your big sister.” Lily caressed my face with her gentle hand as she rode my dick. She was encouraging me to shoot out more cum into her pussy. I couldn’t resist her mature wiles and movement.
“AAAAHHHHH!” I groaned weakly again as I shot another one of my enhanced dick’s loads.
“Yesh!” Lily slurred her speech as my cum filled her womb.
The magic inside Lily again was in fray as my magic powdered boosted cum tried to change Lily again. The magic of that one tile continued to resist the changes but had to find some way to coincide to my magic cum. It decided to change some of Lily’s memories and mind to allow the cum to change her.
The magic cum grew her body until she was 7’6” and horny as hell.
“We get to do this for a while!” Lily moaned as she continued to hump me unconscious.
After three hours, I was weak and Lily was strong. She had grown to be 10 feet tall with her measurements being 88F 48 72. Lily had grown my dick twice and now it was at its normal length as I sat on a chair in the living room. I could hear the faint cries of Sarah in a distant room as she screamed for food after waking up. I did not know how long she had been crying.
“What I am about to do. I have done it to you before.” Lily said suggestively as she stood above me and the chair, her pussy directly above me. I looked up at the swollen pussy that I cummed many times into. I had corrupted the body that the tan body had given her beyond recognition, she was an adult and no longer a child.
“Hhuuh!” I mumbled weakly as I couldn’t do anything against her. She was 4’3” and ten years old and now she was thirty at ten feet tall. She had dominated me and I could see it in her eyes.
“I hope you enjoy it, again.” Lily cooed mischievously.
Lily pussy descended on the top of my head and the lips spread apart for it. I felt the moist wet lips push against my cranium and move down. Lily was switching which head she was going to sink her teeth in. Soon, her engorged vagina crept over my vision from above and slid down to block my entire view of the outside world. I felt the soft, cum soaked folds, crest over my chin and it was over, Lily’s entire pussy had swallowed my head.
“Mmmhhmm” Lily gave a very passionate hum as she finished her task of eating my head with her cunt. She leaned against the head of the chair I was sitting on to maintain her balance as her body twitched and clenched the little brother's head.
“Lick!” Lily commanded in a raspy voice to her little imprisoned boy.
I somehow understood the message and began to lick the inside of her vagina. I got to taste first handed the sweet nectar of my sister’s pussy. I felt her body quiver in excitement from every lap of the tongue against the raw fleshy walls of her womanhood. After five minutes of this, I could tell she was about to orgasm.
At the moment, Lily was breathing hard at the climax of this experience. The front door opened, revealing four tall teenagers and one 17 foot tall mother. They were pretty chatty until they came upon the scene of a thirty year old woman was fucking the head of their father and lover inside her pussy. It was not a sight they had expected.
‘Can you hold on just a moment, nieces? I need to finish this.” Lily said weakly as she exploded in ten seconds from my licking of her vagina walls.
(saturday night, at the beach.)
“It was so good to see you all in a more appropriate body.” Lily hugged the four girls that belonged to Judith. “I feel so embarrassed that you had to watch your Aunt like a child.”
“Don’t worry.” Diana replied. “It wasn’t much trouble watching you.”
“She’s right.” Zyla followed after her. “It wasn’t much trouble but I was glad we got to hang out like this before we left.”
“Yep.” Nyx spoke gently.
“It allowed us to spend some quality time.” Barbarella smiled as she gave a sleight glance at a tired looking Phillip sitting at a table on the beach. “Great quality time.”
“I am glad that it worked out and I hope we get to see each other again soon.” Lily responded. She took a step back to look at her teenager nieces that were taller than her. Lily knew that she was about to tower over them soon.
“Agreed.” The girls said in unison, some louder and others gentler.
“You four better be moving along.” their mother chimed in as she sat next to the table that held the familiar game on it. “You have to pack up for tomorrow and make sure Sarah stays asleep.”
“Can we please watch?” Barbarella complained to her mother as all the girls looked disappointed. They wanted to watch the game.
“No.” Judith waved her hand to shoo them back to the house. “Now move along. You can observe from the house where it should be safe.”
“Aahh.” Barbarella and Zyla cried a cry of disappointment as they turned up the path and tredge along it moping about having to go the house.
“Don’t worry.” Lily yelled to them. “We will see you tomorrow morning.”
Soon, the girls went to the house and all that was left was a ten foot tall red hair thirty year old woman, mid forties tan mother at seventeen feet, and a tired seven year old boy. It was a strange group to gather around a boardgame but that's not how this game always used to be. The game started with a seventeen year old boy and ten year old sister and her eleven year old friend. They had played a game meant for people older than them and this was the result.
“I guess I should stand back a little.” Lily pulled her chair out and took some steps away from the table they had set up for the game. “I don’t want to hurt anybody when I grow back.”
“That is very kind of you.” Judith said as she watched her childhood friend try to protect everyone in the group for when she returned to her height before the tan tile.
“Your welcome.” Lily replied. “It was glad to talk to you again at more of a similar height.”
“Same here.” Judith smiled at her elementary friend.
Phillip just sat there, tired as hell from the entire week having sex with nearly everyone in the house. Phillip was just glad that it seemed that everything was going to return to normal in a few seconds. But what was normal? What was okay? What was he like? What was Lily like? Did he do anything he shouldn’t have done? There were a lot of questions that he wanted to ask his other self but he did not know if that was possible. The game’s magic had blocked all previous memories. He should have written a note to inform his other self about what he had done. Phillip was about to get up and ask for some paper since he thought he had time.
“It’s time.” Lily wailed as she fell on her knees in pain and trembling. Phillip could see Lily getting even bigger and taller. Quickly, Lily rose to twenty feet, to thirty feet, to forty feet, and finally to fifty feet. That is when something happened.
“Aahhh!” Lily’s towering body fell on her back and her massive hips fell to her side.
Lily was in immense pain as her body seemed to grow then shrink, age and deage. It seemed like her body could not make up it’s mind of what size it was supposed to be. The only thing for sure with her shifting body was that it never went under fifty feet. The magic inside Lily was trying to return her back to the size she was before her little child phase but that is where the problem was, she was not in a little child phase. Lily had grown into an adult during that time and it was basing with the base of the spell to return her back to her previous state.
Phillip realized that he had messed something up and he needed to notify his other self about the mistake he had made having sex with his sister that day.
“Ju-” Phillip was about to ask Judith to remember to notify his other self that he had messed up with Lily but he couldn’t as he winced in pain. Phillip was now beginning his own transformation.
Phillip felt his young child fat slowly fad and melt away and was replaced with a tone muscular body. He felt his body seemed to age up slowly until it was going to reach 21 years olds. He marveled in pain at what sort of person he was becoming. Phillip found it a little fascinating and worrisome as he noticed that he was shrinking instead of growing taller.
“Got to tell my other self my mistake.” His young mind screamed it’s last words as the body shrank down to eighteen inches tall.
“Ugh! My head!” Phillip groaned as his old mind returned from it’s imprisoned state into it’s familiar body, not knowing the cries of his young self screaming a warning. Phillip just grabbed his tiny head and leaned back against his chair. “What happened?”
“AAAAAAHHHHHH!” Guinevere screamed as she lifted her torso into the air to create an arch with her massive body. It gave one final spasm of change before she collapsed on the sandy beach of New Jersey.
“Huuuuhhh” Guinevere wheezed as she had returned to a corrupted body and mind. No one noticed that she was a little off as she rolled her 70 foot body over to her fellow boardgame mates.
“Are you ready?”
End Notes:
Another more rolls of the dice and we will see where this is all coming to? will anyone notice something different about Guinevere? or will no one notice a thing?
Chapter 24: A Game that should not be played by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
What will happen in the last few rolls as Guinevere, Judith, and Phillip battle it out to see who wins.
long chapter
“Here is the dice.” Judith placed the die in eighteen inch tall Phillip’s hands. Phllip grabbed it from his sister’s childhood friend as he leaned over the table from his chair. His head barely made it over the rim of the table while seventeen foot tall Judith sat in her chair while Guinevere laid on her belly on the beach because no chair was big enough for a seventy foot giantess. It was a different scene than what people would expect on a New Jersey beach late at night on private property but here was a small boy, a really tall forty year old woman, and giantess redhead mid twenties woman playing a board game on a folding table on the sandy shores, all were naked.
“Hup.” Phillip grunted as he tossed the dice up on the table. He went on his tiptoes on the chair to see what he rolled but he was not tall enough. Judith had to move forward to read the die.
“Two.” Judith read the die. She picked up his piece and moved it two spaces to a dark blue space. This was going to be very good for him as it was a tile that benefited guys. Judith read the screen on the board to tell me what was going to happen.
$you had a healthy diet and workout while young to grow big and strong. Increase height by a foot and increased durability.$
Phillip felt the magical fire burn within him after Judith read those words. The warm, sensational feeling of the magic increasing one's height was new to him as Phillip had normally felt himself shrinking instead of growing. Phillip could see how Guinevere and Judith were addicted to growth with this amazing experience coursing through his body with every surge of additional height that was gained, bringing him into a state of arousal. He was breathing hard as his body reached almost the halfway point of his original height and his body toughened up to external forces. Phillip wanted to grow again soon as the magic trickled out from my enlarged form.
“That was great.” Phillip heaved in front of the girls. They watched him wiggling in his chair as it became a better fit for him during his growth. “I definitely want more of that.”
“We all like some growth.” The mid forty year old Judith said as she picked up the die that he rolled and lifted it up so that the seventy foot 24 year woman, lying on the beach, could have the die. “Some of us don’t need it.”
“I definitely need some.” Phillip said as they stared at his overgrown sister. Over a year ago, she was his younger, smaller, annoying sister. Now, she was an older, bigger, divine lover that he could not get enough of. How his life had changed drastically than expected by this game. In fact, the whole world has changed rather drastically because of the board game and Guinevere’s large size.
“Five.” Judith said as she read the die that Guinevere had dropped. Guinevere couldn’t read the die anymore with her growth that happened during the week. Phillip remembered her being around 50 feet tall before that tan roll. He couldn’t remember anything that happened during that week. Judith clearly knew because she wasn’t affected by the roll but Guinevere appeared to know what happened. He wasn’t sure but that hunch could just be based on the fact that she seemed very confident and proud of herself.
$Award winning small time movie has paved the road for snatching several big time movies down the road. Multiply next benefits by five.$
Judith read the screen as I had been lost in my thoughts for a moment. Phillip had missed that Guinevere had moved to a red space ahead of his piece. She was now within a single die roll away from the finish line. The game will be over soon. What was going to happen once the game was over? Will everything be the same? Or will everything revert back to the way it was? Would time correct itself and everyone will be back to how things would be in the present? Many questions.
“Dang it. I really wanted some growth.” Guinevere pouted as her die roll was a delayed effect for later. With her positioning, there was no guarantee that she would get it.
“You’re already the biggest woman in person in the world.” Judith stated as she picked up the dropped die to roll it. “No, the biggest person in the world. Guys are already small for you.”
“I still want them smaller so they can adore me.” Guinevere replied as she kicked her legs against the sandy beach, causing sand to fly up in large piles behind her.
“Lets not fight girls. We need to finish the game.” Phillip interjected before the two of them could get into fighting words. He didn’t think it would come to that but better be safe than sorry. They were near the end of the game and it would be horrible if they got into a fight. With Guinevere being seventy feet tall she might accidentally really hurt or kill Judith. That was a scary thought.
“You’re right. We need to keep going.” Judith picked up the die as if nothing happened. There appeared to be no harm done between the two and no need for needless worry. Judith rolled the dice as Guinever and Phillip waited for the results.
Judith moved her black piece six tiles to another tan tile. She was right behind Phillip with a space between us. With how things were going, it did not look like she was going to win or get ahead unless by some miracle. Guinevere was looking to be the winner but Phillip still had a shot.
$The movie was a big success. locking you in the role for a guaranteed trilogy, and paving the way for opportunities for your co-stars. Double your roll and skip the next turn, while doubling the effects of the next benefits.$
Judith finished reading the screen that delivered the message and looked at the board. We all saw her piece scoot along the surface to double her six. Her piece moved past mine and Guinevere to become the leader and the closest to the finish line. Judith was surprised at how the piece moved but Guinevere and Phillip already knew that was possible.
“Did you see that? The pieces can move on their own.” Judith pointed at her piece as she had a face of amusement on her face looking at the piece and back at us. Noticing that we already knew that the game could do that, Judith pouted as she sat down with a grumpy attitude. “Why didn’t you tell me that it could do that?”
“I guess we didn’t think that it was important at the time.” Phillip replied. “We’ve all been pretty busy with what the game has done with us.”
Judith looked over at me with an unhappy look on her face before she calmed down. She breathed in deeply, reasoning with herself about the boardgame being able to move on it’s own.
“I guess I should have expected that it could. The game has been able to do so many things. Moving on it’s own should not be outside the realm of possibility.”
Phillip smiled that she didn’t blow up over something that trivial. The beef with Guinevere would have been a better reason to be upset. Phillip was about to grab the die across the table when Judith decided to stand up.
“I guess I will call it a night. I will see what happens in the morning.” Judith scooted her chair along the sandy beach as her big boobs jiggled in the open for Phillip to see her mature body.
“Why are you calling it a night? Guinevere could miss the next roll and we go another round.” Phillip looked astonished as she stood up at her full height of 17 feet to have her tan boobs hangout in the summer night for all to see, even if it was only Guinevere and him. Why would Judith want to potentially wait, did she think that the world would return to normal when the game finished?
Judith took two steps around the table and leaned down to his 30 inch tall frame. Phillip thought she was still mad at us for not telling her about the pieces being able to move on their own. Judith brought her hand up and cupped it under his chin so that he could look straight in her eyes as she brought her face close to his. She looked majestic staring from his point of view with her dark eyes that pierced him in the night light of the stars and moon. He was ready to get chewed out by the mama of the group but she spoke gently.
“My next turn is skipped.” Judith answered. “I don’t think I will get another turn before the game finishes. I will head out now and prepare for what the results will be.”
What happened next surprised Phillip but shouldn’t.
Judith lifted his face up a little while she brought hers down. They collided on the lower half as one of the most significant signs of love happened between them, a kiss. It was a kiss but probably for one side of the contact while the other one gagged by the force of the other's love. Phillip choked as Judith’s lips swallowed his lips in their sweet red clutches, taking his mouth, and some more, entirely in her mouth. He breathed in from the shock of how forceful she was with her advance. Phillip couldn’t breathe through his nostrils because the plump delicious lips filled each of those vents. He had to suck in the warm air from her mouth to taste honeyed saliva and her breath. He couldn’t savor it as there was another thing coming from her mouth into his. The fleshy ram inside her maw plunged into his mouth, all the way to the back. Her tongue invaded his mouth as it moved freely to feel every inch of his mouth. His tongue was powerless and smaller than hers as her tongue dominated him in this french kiss. Phillip could taste even more of her flesh and slavia as it drench his tongue and drizzled down the back of my throat. He could do nothing as Judith plowed through his mouth with her love.
“Aahh” Judith gave a seductive breath as steamy air appeared as our lips disconnected, leaving a trail of saliva between the two as she stood up from giving him the largest french kiss in the world. Phillip felt violated as Judith had dominated that big kiss for the two of them.
“Huh, huh.” Phillip gasped as he tried to get the air back in his lungs from Judith practically eating the breath from his lungs. Judith was turning to Guinevere, who was leaning on her hand as she watched the little exchange between her childhood friend and brother/lover. Phillip was a little dazed from her advance.
“I will leave him with you tonight but if everything's the same tomorrow, I want him for a little bit before I leave.” Judith said to Guinevere. Guinevere rolled her body over to her side as she kept her face towards Judith.
“I can agree with that.” Guinevere replied.
“Good.” Judith nodded. “I guess I will head out then. Enjoy the game. Wake me up or call me if it miraculously becomes my turn.”
“Will do.” Guinevere looked at me. Phillip didn’t pay attention to that as he came out of his daze to see Judith turn around and walk towards the house.
Phillip saw the ass of the mature woman of the game, bounce with every step she took on the trail back to the house. Each nake buttcheek showed displayed a woman who was strong, tall, motherly, diligent, hard working, and hot as fuck could be MILF. He watched as Judith moved farther along the path, with her long ponytail going back and forth, wondering how it came to this. Judith was an 11 year old occult fanatic who brought this game over to their house because it was supposedly ancient and enchanted in the lore she had heard. It turned out that the lore she probably heard was true. Judith was now a mid forties mother, four times her original age, to four girls, a successful bookstore business owner, and the second tallest person in the world. She was a dream woman for sure and He probably would definitely try to date her if it wasn’t for the stabbing incident. He wondered how things would have been different if Judith had grown to a massive height.
“We have to see how everything turns out after the game.” Phillip said as he reached for the die at the table. It was going to be him and Guinevere who finished the game.
“Huh?!?” Phillip stated in confusion as the die he was reaching for suddenly became increasing out of his grasp. He found himself flying into the air above the table on the sandy beach. He knew what was going on.
“I think we should wait and play a little bit before we finish the game. We might lose this opportunity if we reach the end.” Guinevere said. She had pinched him in between her fingers and thumb and was carrying him over her body.
Phillip saw her face move past with her blue eyes looking lustfully at his small frame. Her plump red lips being licked by her tongue that was close in color to her hair. He was carried across her body down to her breasts, the gigantic white breasts. He thought that I was going to place in between these soft mountains for sure. They would reach down to her navel if Guineve was standing up but she was on her back now, leaving a huge valley as the mammoth mammary glands slumped over the edge of her ribs. Phillip was brought closer to these womanly assets but was brought farther down her body past her smooth stomach, it was the pussy. The swollen lips jetted out in arousal from my tiny body. Phillip was bigger than before but so was Guinevere. Phillip saw the two puffy lips push against each other with the crevice line hiding the big cave beneath. Guinevere brought her other hand down and stuck two fingers into the crevice and split it wide open for her lover. There below him, a dark cave appeared from within Guinevere. It was wet, sticky, and aromatic as Guinevere lowered me towards her hot sex. The pink walls dripped with her love juices, each fold trembling in anticipation to caress the being that was about to be fed to it.
“How about you stay here until tomorrow. We will play the game at a later time.” Guinevere cooed at her little brother, who used to be her bigger brother.
“Waah!” He gave a small yell as Guinevere let go to allow me to fall about five feet into her huge snatch. Phillip slipped down the bumpy wet walls until he nearly hit the back of the vagina. He was covered in her fluids in an instant as it produced more the moment he came inside. Guinevere was trying to delay the game. She wanted to remain as huge as long as possible or stay huge.
“Guinevere, I think we-” He couldn’t finish the sentence as the walls came in all around him. Guinevere shut her vagina and Phillip was trapped alone inside her vagina to play with it like they always do. He could do nothing against her at this point except play along with my giant sister and lover.
“Yes. That is good.” Guinevere moaned as Phillip moved to rub the inside of vagina walls. She was happy that He was so willing to do this for her. She thought he might be hesitant or resistant to such a strong advance to his little body but he complied willingly. Guinevere grabbed one of her huge tits on the sandy beach while the other hand played with her clit that held her little lover below it.
“I like this a lot, little serv.” Guinevere gasped.
The next morning, Guinevere pulled Phillip out of her vagina and gave him to Judith. He was taken inside the house that was too small for Guinevere and escorted to Guinevere’s old recording room. Judith and Phillip proceeded to have sex for an hour to the point that Judith was now 18 feet tall. Phillip expected that would happen as he jammed his magically enhanced, juiced cock into her ass and pussy. She took the lead the entire way as she was about six times my height. What surprised Phillip was when he had to say goodbye to Judith’s family. He was not expecting to see the little girls had grown over the week into fully grown big ass teenagers. They each had their own little quirk about them except for Barbarella, she was just big at 15 feet tall and all her other assets. Phillip wondered how the two sets of twins could be so different from each other in size.
“I will tell you later about what happened during that night.” Barbarella kissed her father on top of the head as she was the last one to say goodbye. Everyone stared as she was giving him a little more affection than the rest of the girls. Judith was tapping her foot for her to hurry while Guinever leaned on her home at the goodbye.
“I will text you next week where I hid it.” Barbarella whispered into his ear as she gave me one big hug so he was squished against her boobs and head as she held him tightly. Phillip wondered what she was talking about.
“See you later, dad.” Barbarella waved as she jumped in the back of the van that was supposed to carry her. They were too big now for regular transport so they took the seats out of vans and let a self driving program drive for them. They were that rich with Judith’s book business. It was rare for a book business to be that successful but the game gave them success.
“The game?” Phillip thought while waving goodbye to Judith and their daughters in the autopilot vans. The game has changed their lives and the world so much. He was two foot and a half that was intoxicatingly in love with his little younger sister's body, no scratch that, bigger older sister now. Judith was the most successful book business owner in the world that had many stores popping up and people lining up to get inside. She had become a middle age woman that was a body or two taller than everyone else
Then there was Guinevere.
“They are gone. I’m going to need you to take care of Sarah for a little bit, until tomorrow.” Guinevere said to Phillip from above the house. Guinevere, used to Lily, was the tallest person in the world at 70 feet. Her massive tits and red hair flowed down the side of her as she leaned on her home. She was an indescribable beauty that marveled the world as a sex idol.
“Why do I have to take care of Sarah until tomorrow? Aren’t we going to finish the game?” He asked my huge lover. They were almost done with the game, last rolls and all. Phillip was curious a little bit of what would happen when they finished the game. It might turn them back to normal? It might keep them the same? Who knew what would happen but he thought they had to finish it.
“Because I’m too big for the house. You are the only one right now that can go inside.” Guinevere moved from leaning on the house to standing up. Allowing Phillip to be more in awe of her beauty. “We have a friend coming over to take care of her. Since I am too big right now and she will be growing too big for you, the friend will watch over her until she grows to a size that I can watch over. She will be here tomorrow.”
“Wait, what!?” Phillip was confused for a moment as he pondered what Guinevere said. It is true that Phillip wouldn’t be able to handle Sarah if she began to crawl. He was two and half feet tall and Sarah was going to be a big girl. Guinevere started to walk towards the beach with her massive strides to jiggle her ass and bounce her boobs.
“Hey!” Phillip yelled to her. “Who is the friend? And what about the game?”
Guinevere kept walking as she talked back to me. Phillip wasn’t going to be able to communicate with her but she could with him as she increased the distance between them. “You know the person who is coming, she has helped us before. As for the game, I have something planned next weekend so you have to wait until then. Sarah’s milk is in the fridge”
Guinevere walked to the beach and sat down there in the sun's rays as Sarah started to cry within the house. Phillip could see Guinevere from the house but she couldn’t see him. He would have to go over to her to finish the game but he had to take care of Sarah. Phillip walked into the house to feed Sarah. Once he was done with that and played with Sarah for a few hours until she went down for a nap. Phillip went to go find the game.
“Where is it?” He said to himself as he combed the house for an hour.
At his larger size, Phillip could traverse the house but that did not help me locate the game. He wanted to finish the game even if it meant going against Guinvere’s plan. Guinevere’s plan seemed to be the long term of this game while Phillip was thinking short term. Guinevere wanted to stay big and Phillip wanted to be normal again. Phillp had fun being small for a while but with Guinevere being so huge, he needed to be back to his normal height to do anything. He wondered if the long time being small made him think for a while that his life was going to be that way or that his extra bit of height was making him think of his old way of life. A highschool student with a younger sister in elementary school.
“Shit.” Phillip had searched everywhere he could for the game but could not find it. He remembers Barbarella's words. They had hidden the game so that Guinevere could finish her plans for this weekend. Phillip was stuck. He had to wait for the message from Barbarella.
The next day, Artoria showed up. She was the friend that we both knew. Artoria had flown in from Las Vegas to respond to Guinevere’s call. The moment she arrived in her vehicle, Guinevere walked up from the beach to greet her and discuss a deal between the two. We sat in the backyard, Phillip with Sarah on the porch and Artoria and Guinevere on the lawn.
“So, you want me to take care of your girl in Las Vegas at my casino until she is big enough for you to take care of her.” Artoria crossed her arms. Her arms pushed against her underboob on her tight blue leotard. She stood 3 meters tall. “I will need a good meter for this job.”
“I can give you a quarter. I guess she will stay with you for two years.” Guinevere was on her side as she talked to Artoria. Her face looked directly at the british person in front of her.
“It won’t be two years with your size, it will be closer to six years.” Artoria tilted her head at Guinevere’s counter offer. She was not buying it. “Three quarters of a meter.”
“I see your point.” Guinevere rubbed her chin. Trying to make it sound like Artoria was being reasonable. “I will go with a half a meter.”
“How about this? I grow three quarters of a meter, I take care of Boudica for at least ten years, (Artoria liked the middle name so decided to call her that.) and I give you a dildo that grows to match the size of your vagina.” Artoria waved her hand with her new offer. Arotria definitely want more than half a meter
“How does this dildo grow to match the size of my pussy?” Guinevere asked. She leaned a little closer to Artoria. She was piqued by this.
“It is charmed so that it is linked to the first vagina that it enters. It will grow and shrink with the owner to match the size of her pussy. It is great for people like us whose size is a bit larger than what the industry makes.” Artoria knew that she had Guinevere with that offer.
“Deal.” Guinevere held out her hand to agree to Artoria’s terms. She wanted that dildo. She thought that her little lover was not going to be big enough to satisfy her with his size. Phillip was bigger but so was she.
“Deal.” Artoria shook the giant hand that was pinching hers. That was the size difference between the two of them, seventy feet and three meters.
“I will send him to the room.” Guinevere replied, stealing a glance at me. Phillip knew what was going to happen.
“I will go get the dildo then.” Artoria stood up and started to walk around the house to her car. Guinevere turned to me as soon as she went around the corner.
“I know, I know.” Phillip got up and made sure that the crib area that Sarah was located in was secure. He then entered the house and went to the old filming room that used to belong to Guinevere. Phillip waited patiently for Artoria to come. The deal was for me to grow Artoria to take care of Sarah for a long time since Guinevere’s and my height were vastly inadequate for watching her.
“Are you ready?” Artoria said as she walked into the room. Phillip dropped his jaws when he saw what she was wearing.
She was wearing a bunny suit of white, blue, and a gold trim. Her shoulders were bare and it went down her cleavage all the way down to her navel. Her bust was begging to be slipped off by how small the costume was on her. Her butt and legs had a blue skin tight fishnet that screamed that she was sexy. She even had bunny ears and tail. It was like she had brought the casino magic with her. She walked over to the side of the bed which a little skipped before coming down to my ear to whisper something.
“Mordred is doing well but she could use a sibling.” Artoria breathed into his ear.
Artoria grabbed Phillip’s pants and ripped them off, revealing an erection. Artoria was absolutely stunning right now.
“It seems like you agree.” Artoria sprinkled some powder on his dick. Phillip felt his dick tingle and he knew that he was about to have a rough sex trip.
“That was great.” Artoria pulled herself off of Phillip’s dick once she reached the targeted height she agreed upon. She was now three and three quarter meters tall. She had snuck in a tit job for an increased bust.
“I have to take care of Boudica now but this was great.” Artoria left the little man groaning on the bed as she put her bunny suit back on. The tail wiggled as she scooted up the leggings too tight on her ass making it feel like it was actually part of her.
“I just have one question.” Arotria asked after putting her clothes on.
“Uuh.” Phillip groaned as his eighteen inch dick twitched. It was strange to see his own dick not larger than him when magically enhanced. He had become used to it dominating his body when a woman wanted to use him for pleasure but here it was, just an extra long rod on his body.
“It seems like Guinevere is a little off from her usual self.” Artoria ignored Phillip’s groans as he laid there on the bed. Artoria was pondering something which got him thinking. “It seems like something changed inside her, or reverted.”
“Hhmm” Phillip grunted as he pushed himself up slowly into a sitting position. Arotria was right, Guinevere seemed a little different. She seemed like her very old self when we started the game, like she was the young girl discovering her sexual desires in an adult body.
“Then again, it has been awhile since I saw her.” Artoria walked to the door, bouncing her tight fitting ass along with her. “People change over time.”
“I, uuh think-” Phillip never finished his stuttering statement. Artoria exited the room and he was left alone by himself. He was going to say that they were transformed into their younger selves the past week and that something happened to them during that week. Phillip hoped that Artoria could explain to them, with her experience with magic, what had happened and what changed inside us.
“She’s gone.” Phillip was left without answers as Artoria decided to ignore the question she asked. He was too weak to follow after her. He was left to myself to ponder what had happened to him and Guinevere during the child week.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday came and went by, leaving Phillip with one simple task, cum. Guinevere commanded that her lover enlarge his dick and cum a lot so that the production of our pills will continue tenfold. He spent ten hours of the day having Guinevere sprinkle the magic powder on his dick and spew it into buckets and containers to be sent off to the lab to be made into the miracle drug that was turning the women of the world into giantesses. A third of the female’s population in the United States was above 6 feet and that height and percentage was growing.
It was Friday midday, Phillip had been cuming on his own since he didn’t want to anger his 70 foot tall lover but he had enough. He was not going to be treated as some golden goose, they were a couple and couples shouldn’t be treated like this.
“I’ve had enough of this! I am not some tool that you can use to make money.” Phillip yelled up to his sister lover on the beach. She was practicing poses on the sandy shore. “You shouldn’t be treating me like this.”
Guinevere was situated in a pose of crawling on her knees with her butt way in the air and her head on the shore. It was emphasizing her big butt while squishing her massive breasts along the sand. She pulled her torso up so that she was sitting on her knees to look at him. He was blocked earlier by her volumouns bust blocking their eyesight. Now that she was staring down at him, Phillip had to brush the sand falling on his head that was rolling off her huge bust that swayed above him, she was so much bigger than him.
“I have a photo shoot coming today for the final invitations to the party. I can’t have you out here charming the photographer or stuff like that. It would ruin the invite and the photo shoot.” Guinevere brushes aside a lock of her red hair.
Guinevere was having a huge party tomorrow. One with a lot of celebrities, politicians, powerful people, and influential was a chance to sit around the pool in the back and the beach just have a wild time getting drunk and sorts. It would be like a frat party but with more famous people. A lot of people were coming because they want to see and be with the sex idol, Guinevere. She had really made herself famous as a giantess porn star that could move a million people to do her bidding just by squeezing her bust.
Phillip wasn’t invited to this party.
‘I know you are. I am just tired of having to masturbate all day for the beautification or bimbofication business. It is very tiring having to cum all day. I need to do something else.” He complained to her.
She just stared down at him with her blue eyes. “I only need you to cum to Sunday, after everyone has left. It shouldn’t be too much to ask my little guy to do that for me, he is strong after all.” Guinevere tried to use her wiles on him but they were not working.
“I know that you want that but I don’t.” Phillip raised his fists up in front of him to display his anger like a little kid. Guinevere probably thought he was just throwing a tantrum. “I just want to play the game and finish this.”
That seemed to change Guinevere’s attitude. Guinevere’s face became serious and her eyes narrowed down on her lover. She brought her top half down so that she was in the crawling stance again but this time everything was level flat above the ground as she stared down at him. Her hair fell down around him creating a red foliage of hair like he was under a willow tree.
“We won’t play that game until after the party. I thought I made that clear. I want to savor this moment before it all possibly ends.” Guinevere's voice was giving her little person a hint of not to try her.
Phillip didn’t listen to her all the way.
“Then let me do something else besides cumming into buckets. I am so tired of it.” He glared firmly into her blue eyes. He wanted some freedom.
“I can’t let you do that.” she replied.
“Why not?”
“Because it is what I said and you are mine so you have to listen to what I say.” Guinevere firmly spoke back to me.
‘I’m your lover, not some property.” Phillip was getting really angry. Guinevere was treating him like he was a toy that was to be used by her. For pleasure or business, that is how she used her brother.
“You're my brother and you are crazy about my body so you have to obey if you want it.” Guinevere replied. Guinevere hadn’t said anything like that for a while. She would refer to Phillip as her lover not brother. That is what they decided a long time ago, when our relationship evolved. She was treating him similar to that time before they decided to be together, romantically.
The security bell went off at the front of the property. Someone was coming to the house.
“Shit, they're here.” Guinevere stood up and looked over the property to see the photo shoot people’s van at the gate. They came at a most unfortunate time but it was the time that was agreed upon.
“Come on in!” Guinevere waved for them to come onto the property before crouching down to grab Phillip. He was lifted up and placed in her palm as she turned towards the beach as the camera crew pushed the gate open. He rolled nicely in her palm with his two and a half foot tall body to stare back up to her, unhappy.
“I don’t like where this conversation is going if you are not going to listen to me. I just need to teach you some manners to get you in line.” Guinevere said to Phillip. She lowered him below her breasts and started to head towards her crotch, hiding the act behind her body so that the camera crew couldn’t see what she was doing. “So stay in there.”
He was expecting to be placed in her big pussy as the other hand came around to join the other and he was placed on her finger tip. Phillip expected the other hand to part those red lips but it went farther down, to her asshole. She moved her cheeks aside to show him the dark red hole down there.
“I think I can make it back to the house if I run.” Phillip begged Guinevere as he smelled the odor coming from her back. She hadn’t been eating the best lately and it could be told by the sulphurous stinky smell of shit coming from her asshole. Plus, the new extremely large toilet paper hadn’t arrived for Guinevere’s new size. This would not be a pleasant asshole trip.
Phillip was shoved head first into her asshole. No playing, no trembling, no twitching, just shoved all the way up to his feet. It was just a task to hide him from regular people. Phillip found himself hurling inside as there was shit collecting inside, ready to come out, and he would be face to face with it soon.
“Please, pull me out. This is absolutely wretched in here.” Phillip cried. He grabbed the edges of her anal walls to push himself out. Phillip could cling to the outside of her asshole or place himself along the asshole so her buttcheeks could pin him there once he could get out. He just did not want to be inside Guinevere’s dark asshole. She was probably going to be taking a shit soon.
That is when Phillip felt cold water at his feet that was outside the asshole. This cold water was leaking in around his ankles through the tiny space he created between the anus and his legs.
“What is going on?” He asked.
Guinevere had walked out into the ocean to get wet for her photoshoot. She was up to her stomach in the ocean’s depth and continued to walk deeper. She knew her brother could feel the ocean water on his feet that she left outside. She wanted to motivate him to do the last part.
“Dang it.” He cursed as he smelled the salty ocean slightly infiltrating the stink of the shit inside here. It wouldn’t be long for the water to leak through the cracks by his feet to flood this place. Phillip would be stuck inside a poop room filled with seawater. It would be horrible for that stuff to mix in here and slosh around.
“That won’t be good.” Phillip changed from pushing to pulling along the anal walls to change what was happning. His feet slipped inside and he was completely inside Guinevere’s watersealed ass. The water stopped leaking in so that he wouldn’t have to deal with horrible seawater shit.
“Good.” Guinevere hummed as she felt her brother slip his feet inside her. She would have let him out if want to push his way out but she was going to discourage that with her butt being in the ocean. He would have to fight around her body to see about getting to air. The quickest route to breathable air was her asshole.
“I hope you learn your place inside there.” Guinevere started to move back to the shore. The camera crew did not know of her brother in her ass. She was the one in charge of all this. She was the sex idol of the world.
“I can’t sleep at all.” Phillip groaned as he rolled in his bed. The lights and music outside was loud from Guinevere’s party. He had taken some sleeping medicine but it wasn’t working yet and it was nearly midnight. “Can they be quiet for a second?”
He was left in a locked room in the house while his lover had a rave orgy party on her property. He was viewed as a possible distraction because of his increased charm. It was a crazy party of 500 or so guests, mostly famous people, around the mansion and on the beach. No one would have believed that this was possible to bring this array of people here, but the board game and Guinevere were doing it. She had created practically a crazy frat party for the elite of social groups, power, and celebrities. She was a sex idol like no other, binding them to her sexual appeal.
“I want to go out there and join them.” He groaned as the bass of the DJ shook his room and thumping from the other side of the wall as that room was being used for sex. There were many people that Phillip wanted to go out and see, movie stars in particular, but he did not want to go against Guinevere. She made that clear by stuffing him inside her ass for nearly a day. He almost experienced what she used as a toilet at her massive size. He didn’t want to experience that again.
“But they are right there, my childhood stars and movie idols.” Phillip rolled off his bed onto the floor and waddled over to the window. He couldn’t go out of my room but he could peek outside to get close to those stars. He pushed the blinds a little back to see what was going on in the backyard.
There were about a hundred or so people in the backyard around the pool, with cups full of alcohol and plates full of food. People were being all woozy and touchy as the multicolor light splash across the backyard with the music. Everyone was dancing and having a good time going wild at this sex craze party. He swears he saw his childhood crush tv star give someone a blowjob. The biggest part of the party was Guinevere.
Guinevere was in the middle of the party on the other side of the pool. She was sitting on her butt with her legs split wide apart. There were several barrels stacked full of booze right next to her. She had to drink her alcohol from the wooden containers since she was 70 feet tall. She was having a blast with all these stars and powerful people who had come to adore her and have sex around her. It was pretty close to them worshipping her.
Phillip saw that a line had formed in front of her and people were waiting excitedly for her. He thought it was an autograph or picture line but when I saw a vaginal fluid covered man come from the start of the line, he knew what was going on. She was putting people inside her pussy. Guinevere was so big that a normal person could fit completely inside her pussy. People were lining up to be inside her large sex.
“I thought that was my special place.” Phillip moaned at the sight of people inserting themselves into my lover’s pussy. He knew it was part of the deal we made but it still stung, he was supposed to be her lover and the only one to go that way inside her. Her size no made it his exclusive spot.
“Am I just a tiny person for you to sexually please yourself.? Am I no longer the lover of your life?” Phillip asked himself as he watched Guinevere continued to drink and have sex with people. This was just like in the old days when Guinevere desired to be a porn star like no other that she would reach a sex idol stance through out history. She had done that but now was seeking something else it seemed. What was her goal? Phillip was just left wondering if he was still her lover.
“Would you love me if I was normal height so I could please your big pussy? Or if things were back to normal, would we still be like this? Or will we return to a normal sibling relationship?” Phillip raised questions as he pondered what to do about his situation with Guinevere and the game. They practically had one roll left for our possible fates. If he could land on something that would grow his body to 4’6” or 5’6” or in that range, that would be great. Phillip would be closer to the height of a normal person. “That would be great. I would be normal and I could love Guinevere again like we used to. I just have to find the game Barbarella hid. I should get a message soon.”
“She found a good one!” someone from the crowd yelled. His attention went back to the scene outside. He saw people staring at Guinevere and holding their phones up to record what was going on.
“OOH, OOOH MMMHHMMMM!” Guinevere moaned as she stood up holding her crotch. Phillip saw feet coming from her pussy which she gripped with her finger. She had someone in the heat of her sex. Her huge boobs bounce and jiggle a lot as she rammed that person inside her pussy. She found someone that had hit her G-spot and she was going to use them.
She stood up to her full height of 70 feet and let go of the person’s legs inside her pussy. The person had up to their thighs sticking out between Guinevere swollen lips. Everyone was taking pictures of the random person that had taken Guinevere’s delight. Guinever had a big smile from all the adoration for her beauty she was receiving, but she wanted more.
Guinevere took two steps to reach the pool and a few more steps to position herself above it. She had split her legs apart wide on each side of the pool so that everyone could see the feet dangling from her vagina. That is when the legs started to go up and down. Guinevere was using her own vaginal muscles to rock the person back and forth inside her pussy. The person’s leg flailed as he was probably receiving a mouthful of her fluids.
“Look at her go!” someone yelled.
“That guy is a fucking toy.”
“He is so lucky.”
“You can see that drops of her sex fall into the pool. She is going to cum soon!”
That last person was right. Guinevere was breathing hard after a few minutes of her vagina doing a lot of work to stimulate her with the person. It was time for her to have her orgasm.
“Hhmm, nnngghhggh. AAAAHHHHHH!” Guinevere started to yell as the person’s legs were suddenly sucked completely inside her pussy. He was completely surrounded by Guinevere as her pussy suddenly clamped down on his form inside her.
“AAAAA!!! OOOOOHHHHH!!!” Guinevere screamed as a wave of cum and the person erupted from her pussy into the pool. There were constant splashes in the pool where her sex fluids collided with the pool. Several people jumped in the pool to grab the guy. Phillip was sure those people just wanted to swim in Guinevere’s cum. She had just cummed and was spasming out with her wave of pleasure. The people in the pool got another view looking straight up at her beauty
“YYYEEEAAAAHHHH!” The crowd cheered as Guinever had her massive orgasm for all to watch. They all had seen a redhead giantess cum a normal person out of her vagina. This was not something someone sees every day. This would flood the social media and Guinevere would just become even more famous for that. Everyone was watching her being the sex idol they wanted.
Phillip watched as Guinevere bathe in the afterglow of the sex with that guy. She squeezed her massive boobs together to rile the crowd up even more. Guinevere absolutely loved the attention that the crowd of powerful people were giving her, it was like she was in control of them. Guinevere wanted them to lead them and have them dependent on her.
That is when Phillip saw the crowd lift something big up and have it crowd surf towards Guinevere. It was the magical dildo that Artoria had given Guinevere. It was small and more of a normal size at first but the moment Guinevere put it into her pussy, the dildo grew to fill her vagina. It was the only dildo that could satisfy her, unless it was a person. The crowd carried it next to one of her feet.
“I guess I should oblige you, little ones.” Guinevere reached down and picked up her dildo. The crowd cheered as she aimed the black dildo to her pussy. With a sudden push, the dildo went inside her pussy and she rocked it back and forth inside her.
“Everyone show your love to the giantess idol, Guinevere.” The DJ shouted out to the crowd. This was going to be a orgy in the history books.
“Yeah! Whoop! So sexy! Very hot!” These were the cries of the hundred of people here at Guinevere’s house. They were all adoring her and her gigantic size of 70 feet. Phillip marveled for a moment as Guinevere’s masturbation caused the crowd to go even wilder.
That is when Phillip saw his room light up from behind him. He put the blinds back to see that his phone, that he hadn’t used in awhile, had just received a message. He turned away from the orgy and walked to see who would message him. It was Barbarella. She had just notified him of where she hid the game. It was in a good hiding spot where Phillip couldn’t reach without a ladder. He would have to wait until tomorrow to see about getting the board game.
“Time to sleep now.” He said to myself as I went back to my bed. The medicine was starting to work and Phillip was getting sleepy. Phillip couldn’t go into the crowd of people and ask for them to grab a game. Guinevere would hear about it, get mad, and destroy him. Phillip had to settle for tomorrow and try to fall asleep right now. The only annoying noise was the group of people having sex in the next room still making it hard to sleep.
“Rise and shine!” Phillip yelled as he carried the game in the midday sun. It was the next day and all the people had left about two hours ago, leaving the place trashy. Guinevere was on the side of the pool on the lawn, passed out from drinking many barrels of beer and other sorts of liquor. She was big but that didn’t mean she was immune to drunkenness and hangovers.
“Please, can we do it tomorrow.” Guinevere groaned as she rolled over towards him. Her face looked sick as she clung to her stomach and head. Her massive size made it easy to notice her discomfort. “Everything hurts.”
“You said that we will do it today so we will do it today. We can do it later today if you want.” Phillip said as he placed the game on one of the few standing tables on her property. These were the last rolls of the game and he wanted to get them done and see what would happen. His mind was thinking “Would I be returned to normal?”
“Let us do it later.” Guinevere dragged herself to the pool. Her massive body knocked shrubs out of the way as she went. Phillip had an idea what was going to happen as she brought her head over the pool.
“You probably shouldn’t have drunk so much. Your body is bigger and can handle more alcohol than most but that doesn’t mean you should test it by drinking truck loads of it.” Phillip heard gurgling sounds come from Guinevere as she leaned over the pool. He knew that he wasn’t going to be wanting to hop into the pool anytime soon.
He saw a waterfall of vomit explode from Guinevere’s mouth into a big splash into the pool. The crud of the vomit floated on the top of the water causing me to gag at the sight and smell. It was not something you wanted to see. A beautiful woman throwing up.
“Hurk! Hhurrp!” Guinevere stopped vomiting for a moment. She had her hand below her neck. It was as if something had gotten stuck on the way up and had lodged itself inside her throat. Guinevere was bobbing her head trying to dislodge the object.
“Are you okay?” Phillip asked as he was suddenly becoming very concerned for her. Guinevere, the world’s most beautiful woman, looked deranged as she gagged on something. It was not a very appealing look but it was one of concern as she was choking. Phillip couldn’t do much but he went over to her side to see he could do anything as she choked on something coming back up.
The thing that was stuck in her throat finally came loose and out. A long tan pink log pushed past her red lips and fell into the vomit pool. Phillip’s eyes got wide as he couldn’t believe what he just saw come out of her mouth. He wanted to pay more attention to it but Guinevere took my attention at the moment.
“Much better.” Guinevere sighed as she rolled to her side. Vomiting miraculously made her hangover a lot better. She pushed herself back from the pool as it reeked of her vomit. The pool cleaning system was going to be working over time. Guinevere brushed her hair back as Phillip looked back to some splashing in the pool.
“Ggaahh! That was amazing and too close for comfort.” A man shouted from the pool, breaking the film of Guinevere’s vomit. He pulled himself out from the pool, with only a slight hint of vomit on him. This was the thing that came out of Guinevere’s stomach.
“I appreciate you taking my request to research how it feels to be swallowed alive for my book but please get me out sooner. I thought it was actually going to happen to me, the eaten alive part.” The man wiped down his body as he walked towards Guinevere. He was in his mid thirties at 6’2” with a nicely toned body. He said he was writing a book so he must be an author renowned in some circles cause I did not know him.
“You're welcome.” Guinevere smiled back at him with her eyes closed. Phillip could tell that she had forgotten about him but she was trying to make it seem like she knew. Guinevere must have been drunk when she did it and so forgot that she had swallowed this person for his research during the party. He was really fortunate that Guinevere had a hangover or what the man was trying to experience was going to happen.
“I’m glad I could be of service to you but you see.” Guinevere waved her hand over the trashed backyard. There were cups, turned over tables and chairs, food, beer, and even Guinevere’s magic dildo out on the lawn in a hugely disorderly fashion.
“I see. You are right. I will take this as my hint to leave. I hope next time you won-” The man stopped as he looked over the messy lawn with no people. He was staring at a single table on the yard that was still upright. It was the table that had the board game on it.
“Hhrrk” The man groaned as he grabbed his head from a headache. He winced and closed one eye as if a bullet went through his head. He gritted his teeth as he hunched over with shivers. Phillip got concerned for him as the man took a step forward towards Guinevere from the pain in his head.
“I remember now.” The man said as a wave of relief came over him as the shivers stopped. He held both hands on his head, tired from what he just experienced. The man seemed to have some sudden revelation.
“This world is not what it should be. It has been forcefully changed. A huge magical device has covered our minds from the truth, tainting practically everyone with a new world. It is incredible how we have not noticed it. Every little change built on top of the other. If someone looked closely at this they would see that it doesn’t make sense.” The man babbled on with his eyes wide.
“Are you okay?” Phillip asked as he walked next to him. Phillip had a feeling the man had just discovered the truth of what the board game was doing to the world by just looking at it. The man’s head had been literally filled with knowledge of what the game had transformed the world to be. Only Artoria had discovered the game before but she was a wizard. She must have been more immune to the effects of the game on the real world when discovering the truth. This guy had everything rush at once with little time to ponder or think over the information he was receiving.
“I’m not okay.” The guy whacked Phillip’s hand away trying to help him. He took several steps back from Phillip. “You are part of this problem. You played a game that had huge implications on the world. The whole world is not what it is supposed to be. People’s minds and bodies have been changed because of you all. You’ve created an imbalance of how humans are supposed to be.”
The guy turned around rapidly. He pointed a very accusing finger at Guinevere. Guinevere looked surprised that the person she just threw up was making a ruckus.
“You! You have poison our minds with sex. People can not help but look upon you and think of anything else but lust and sex. Our generation and the people afterwards are going to be tainted by your body. People are not thinking straight when they look upon you all. You have made the world sick.” The man was really angry at Guinevere.
“How have I made it sick?” Guinevere asked the man. She looked very annoyed at the accusations the man was making. She shifted towards the man to look him in the eye. Her hangover seemed to be over.
“What do you mean?” The man replied. Phillip stepped back from the man a little from shame. They had changed the world. The three of us playing the game had become something else. Phillip wondered what his previous self, before the game started, would say if he was standing here. Could he bring him forward and see what they became? Could we do it with all of us and say our opinion of what we became?
“Most wars and conflicts have ended because I have arrived, no one is thinking about fighting each other. Everyone is thinking about what they can do to please me. I have become part of the equation for global policies, my opinion matters. This has created better lives for people as I have chosen to push more toward humanitarian aid than war. Hospitals, education, and communication are on the rise because of my efforts. This is the point that the world is closest to world peace that it has ever been. Do you think that I poison the world when I have made it better?” Guinevere retorted the man.
“Yes.” The man answered defiantly. “You play on our desires and lust that you have made in us because of that game. You have made yourself an idol that we must check our screens to see you dance your ass to make us feel good so that we will listen to what you say. That is how you got the world hooked on you. So that we worship your body that you have crafted to seep a toxic image into our minds.”
“What is wrong with being an idol?” Guinevere was getting really mad at the man. She was looming over him. Phillip was getting scared for the man a little as he wasn’t considering the consequence of angering a 70 foot woman.
“You’re not something we need to worship. You are a kid that played a game and it turned out to play with our minds. We will not play your game anymore.” The man said his mind. He did not like his thoughts and emotions to be controlled by something, or someone.
Guinevere, who was on her hands and knees, was leaning directly over him, having a staring contest as they exchanged harsh words. Guinevere was peeved by the audacity of the man to challenge what she had built up by the game. She wanted everyone to just accept that she was now in charge. But, he had discovered the game by chance and rejected what it had done, not like Artoria, who embraced it.
Guinevere grasped the man in her grip, giving him very little room to wiggle. His arms were locked by his side. He was surprised by the action to strong arm him but still remained defiant and bitter to Guinevere. Guinevere’s angry blue eyes stared hard at him.
“You are entitled to that opinion and it is one that you should just keep in your head. Everyone is happy right now in the world. How about this? I can give you a blowjob or whatever you want, but we keep this between us.”
Guinevere was trying to be gracious with this man, giving him a way out. She was not liking what this guy was saying. Phillip didn’t either but it made sense to him. It clicked somewhat with what Phillip had been struggling with Guinevere for the past week. Something had changed in her somehow and he didn’t like it. He struggled with her early on but there was a time that it was really enjoyable. Now, it was unbearable.
“Are you trying to buy me off with sex?!?” The guy sounded surprised and disgusted in Guinevere’s clasp. He must have still been drunk or had a hangover as he was not thinking about the danger he was in. “I will tell everyone I know about this game and what it has done to the world! There will be no one who does not know the scam the group of you are pulling off! There will be repercussions for trying to control humanity!”
That was it. That was the final straw. Phillip watched as Guinevere got very angry and frustrated with the man that had discovered the truth. Phillip saw veins pop up on her beautiful skin as it seemed like she was going to pop the man in his fist right here and now, making a bloody mess but she stopped. She calmed herself down and just stared gently at the angry guy. She had thought of something.
Guinevere lifted the man up slightly, starting to crawl towards the house with one hand. Phillip could tell that she was still dealing with the hangover from the party from her sloppy movement. He also knew that the guy made a big mistake. Guinevere sat down, with her back against the house and her legs open. Her huge bust went down to her waist as she held the guy, above her bust, in her fist in front of her face.
“You know. I confirmed earlier that I was glad to help with your request earlier.” Guinevere gave him an evil smile. “I lied. I don’t remember that request at all. I had no idea what you were talking about.”
“Huh?!?” The guy sounded confused. Phillip was down on the ground so he couldn’t see his expressions at all. All Phillip could see from in between Guinevere’s legs was her face looking devilish. “What has that got to do with this conversation about controlling people?”
“What I am trying to say is.” Guinevere licked her lips. “Let's do that request again now that I remember it and won’t forget it.”
“Wait?” The guy had to think a moment but he quickly caught on.
Guinevere had opened her mouth wide and was slowly carrying the guy directly to it.
“NO NO NO NO!” The guy said rapidly as he knew what was going on. Phillip saw his feet moving rapidly as he drew closer to Guinevere’s maw. His pleas started to echo as his head entered the red cave with white horses. “Please! I will do what you say. I won’t tell-”
He was cut off as Guinevere’s lips came down. Phillip watched in horror as he expected the guy to be bit in half by her teeth but that didn’t happen. He was still horrified as she decided not to use her teeth. She was going with the swallow method.
“Mmm.” Guinevere was happy with the writer in her mouth. The man was up to his chest in her plump red lips, kicking wildly as his arms were pinned to his side by her lips. She was no longer having a hand on him as her mouth kept him there nicely. She was using two fingers to play with his kicking legs and the other hand to play with her huge teats.
“Naaah!” Guinevere stuck her tongue out from her lips along the belly of the man until it reached his groin. She then opened her mouth to make that noise as she lapped up the man.
“Wait! Please! I won’t tell anyone!” The man sobbed. Phillip heard his pleas echo from Guinevere’s smackers. Phillip had fallen on his butt and crawled slowly back from her. He had experienced that once before when she made me obedient to her but at that time, Phillip had a thread to pull him back out.
Guinevere pulled the man back deeper into her throat with her tongue. Phillip heard the mad scream of the man become more echoey as he went farther in. Kicking desperately, The man yelled. “Not back there! I said I wouldn’t say anything! Pull me out!!”
Guinevere brought her lips down again on his body, not using any teeth. She smiled, puckering her lips around the man. She moved her jaw up and down to simulate chewing, with only his legs sticking out. Guinevere was enjoying this torture of this man that was an unbeliever of her will.
That is when she noticed Phillip. She was having some fun with the guy that she had forgotten about her little lover.
“Sorry, I forgot that you were here.” Guinevere’s mouth juggled the man inside as she spoke. Guinevere was trying to make herself speak clearly to Phillip and avoid garbbling with the guy. “I will finish this quickly.”
Guinevere pulled her head back against the house and looked up. This was not what Phillip wanted her to do. He saw her jaws open wide as the feet were straight up in the air, barely able for him to see those appendages.
“NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOO!” The man’s voices screamed along the inside of Guinevere’s mouth. These were the last words Phillip heard from him.
Guinevere’s throat twitched and her jaw went up a little. The man’s feet sunk out of view into her head. Phillip saw a long bulge appear on Guinevere’s throat from the top, slither down to the bottom into her chest. There was only one thing that could do that and he knew what had happened as she bent her head back down to look at Phillip, rubbing her stomach.
“Glad we got rid of that problem.” Guinevere smiled as if there was no problem whatsoever. “That would have ruined everything if that got out.”
Phillip opened his mouth,but nothing came out. His stomach turned from what he just saw. Guinevere had just swallowed a man alive and she seemed satisfied with it. She was so calm about the aftermath of consuming a person that Phillip was terrified. This was not the Guinevere he fell in love with. She had changed somehow during the last few rolls. Her will was to be obeyed no matter what. If he resists, there will be punishment.
“A. AH Ahhh.” Words were coming back to him as he saw her lick her lips.
“He cumed on the way down.” Guinevere put the tip of her finger on the tip of her lips. She seemed a little surprised about that. “This must have been his fetish. So weird for that sort of fetish to come true. Gosh! He is moving inside.”
Guinevere sounded surprised again as she pushed her breast aside to touch her stomach. She seemed happy that she ate him.
“He said he would obey you.” Phillip muttered. He finally had the courage to speak. He was sickened by how nonchalantly she was at eating a person alive. “That he wouldn’t say anything.”
“He did.” Guinevere refocusher attention on her little slave. She remembered him for a moment and then forgot once she ate the man. “I was not going to believe him though.”
“Why?” Phillip asked, trembling. “He seemed honest about it. Especially in the face of death.”
“That’s the thing about it.” Guinevere pulled a leg back to herself. She raised it up and put her arms on it. She rested her head on this knee as she looked down at Phillip. “He would listen at the beginning and not say anything but as time went on. He would forget that fear while still remembering that we changed the world. He would spill the beans eventually.”
“You could have continued to buy him off with sex.” Phillip mentioned the one thing that she was very good at. She filled the hearts and minds of many men and women with her lewd body to control them. Guinevere could have won over his lust to keep quiet.
“Probably, but I believe it would have been the same outcome.” Guinevere gave a sly grin. “He made a certain request for me. He seemed to have a certain fetish that was specific to me and I just obliged it. He did cum in my mouth a moment ago. I know he loved it going down.”
Phillip couldn’t believe what she was saying. Guinevere was saying that the man