Summary: Brian MacDougall lives in a world that in many respects is much like our own, except for one small difference…
Categories: Adventure,
Couples ,
New World Order Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7
Completed: No
Word count: 10157
Read: 79569
Published: January 23 2008
Updated: September 19 2012
Story Notes:
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
1. Chapter 1 by tinyguy88
2. Chapter 2 by tinyguy88
3. Chapter 3 by tinyguy88
4. Chapter 4 by tinyguy88
5. Chapter 5 by tinyguy88
6. Chapter 6 by tinyguy88
7. Chapter 7 by tinyguy88
It wasnt fair, Brian thought to himself as he tossed and turned on his bunk, it just wasnt fair. Here he was, in a state federal holding cell, awaiting his prosecution for the most ridiculous of crimes. All because he was different, all because he believed in something that was against what was considered normal; but what is normal? Brian didnt know anymore. Werent there activist groups trying to get this whole issue re-written into the constitution? Didnt they promise an end to all the suffering, prejudice and pain?
Brian sighed as he looked out the barred-window at the clouds going by in the sky. I guess every belief needs a martyr he said out loud to no one but himself. Closing his eyes, he began to painfully remember how this whole mess had started in the first place
Excuse me sir, can I help you? the lady asked Brian with a smile.
Brian smiled back. Yes he said, Ill have a double mocha latté, two sugars, please.
Coming right up she said, turning around to the coffee machine.
Brian looked around the café as she prepared his specialty drink. This wasnt the kind of place that Brian was known to frequent, hell, he was quite sure that he had never been in here before. He used to run past it every day on his daily jog never once thinking twice about entering it. He didnt even like coffee. So, why was he in here?
Thatll be four dollars and fifty seven cents she said as she placed the cup of coffee down on the counter.
Brian nodded as he reached into his front left pocket and retrieved his wallet. Opening the wallet, he pulled out a five dollar bill, along with a small slip of white paper. He looked at it a moment, eyeing it, and instantly began to sweat. His heart skipped a few beats and he felt sick. Suddenly, something went off in his mind and told him to put the white piece of paper back into the wallet and forget about it.
However, he refused to listen and placed the white piece of paper underneath the five dollar bill and handed it to the girl across the counter. She takes it, not even noticing it, and hands Brian his change.
Have a nice day she says to him with a smile.
Brian nods, You too.
Oh well, Brian thinks as he grabs his coffee and walks away, no harm, no foul.
Sir, wait! the woman calls after Brian, which turns him around in time to come face to face with her, knocking both of them down to the ground and sending Brians coffee flying up and between them; as well as all over the floor.
Oh my God, I am so, so, so sorry! the girl says to Brian while grabbing a handful of napkins from the counter.
Uh, its all right, dont worry about it Brian says as he takes the napkins and starts wiping the coffee from his clothes.
Let me get you another coffee she says as she hurries back to behind the counter.
No, thats all right, you really dont need to
Oh, no, no, I insist! she says as Brian sits down in a chair, hearing the coffee machine going once more.
Smooth move, ace Brian thinks to himself as he continues to whip away the coffee stains, Now shell never want to go out with you.
Here you go, sir, I am so sorry about that! the girl says as she walks over and hands Brian his coffee.
Dont worry about it, really Brian says with a smile.
The girl smiles back. Well, if you need anything else, just let me know.
I will; thank you.
She didnt even mention anything about the note Brian thought as he watched the girl head back behind the counter, So much for that, then.
Brian begins to sip his coffee as he turns his head away from the girl to watch a news report on a television set thats situated in the top corner of the café. There is some kind of rally going on in front of the Capital Building in Washington. Hundreds of people are standing around a podium where a middle aged black man stands addressing the crowd.
My brothers and sisters, I ask you, are we not all members of the human race? the man behind the podium asks the crowd. As a society we see through such physical attributes as the color of our skin, we can overlook our different nationalities, and even our respective religious backgrounds. Yet, why still, do the people in power suppress our beliefs and our respects for change? They call us different; they call us monsters, and even the scum of the Earth, but I say THEY are the monsters!
The man points behind him at the capitol building as people in the crowd clap their hands in approval, and shaking their signs that say, Size DOES matter and Equal rights for equal sizes!
Now, to show all of them up in Washington that we are serious, I would like to invite my girlfriend up to the podium right now the black man says as he extends an arm outward. Maria?
Brian watches as the camera pans over to see a beautiful Latino woman, maybe a bit younger than the man behind the podium (but the same height), walk over and stand next to him. She looks at him, as he looks at her, and they lean in towards each other.
Oh my God Brian thinks as he watches on, are they really going to--?
Suddenly, screams fill the air as men in riot suits rush in and separate the man and woman from behind the podium, dragging them away from each other and off camera. Other men in riot gear try to get the crowd to leave but they start to fight back, which soon erupts into an all out brawl. Tear gas is soon employed as people are viciously beaten and bloodied. The news station quickly cuts to a report of how a bunch of firefighters rescued a cat out of a tree, as well as a man, who had run up the tree to escape the cat.
Brian sighed and shook his head. Things will never change Brian thought, theyll just always stay the same. Drinking the last bit of his coffee he got up and went over to the trash, about to throw away his empty cup, when he noticed something odd. There was something written at the bottom of the cup.
Back alley@5pm, the bottom of the cup said.
Brian turned and looked at the girl behind the counter who was now serving another customer. She turned and noticed Brian however, and gave him a wink. Brian smiled. I guess I was wrong he thought as he casually walked out of the café.
Brian checked his watch. 5:25pm it read. God damn it, he should have known better. Fantasies like his just didnt come true like this out of the blue, especially an illegal one. Oh well Brian thought, Better go home where a bottle of Jergens will at least put me at ease. As Brian started walking back down the alley way, a door behind him opened and Brian looked to see the woman from earlier. He turned around and smiled.
Hello, he said, I got your note and---
She stepped up to him and put her index finger up to his mouth.
Quiet. she said, And come with me.
Brian nodded his head as he followed her down the alley way and into a parking lot on the side of the café. The woman walked over to an old beat-up Ford pick-up truck and got inside, opening the passenger side door for Brian as he got in. After a few tries the old truck turned over, and the woman released the break heading off into rush hour traffic.
My name is Lila the woman said.
Awkward silence filled the truck.
So, I imagine you got my note? Brian said.
I did.
I was hoping you werent thinking I was too forward, and all, I mean
You just gave me your number Lila said.
I know, I mean, Ive been told its best to just do that because if you give more than that, and they are the kind of person that isnt into that sort of thing, they will, you know---
Report you Lila said.
Right Brian said, feeling very uncomfortable at the moment.
Lila could tell something was wrong. Relax she told Brian, Im not going to report you.
Id imagine not Brian said, If you had, I figure I would have been met by the police in that alley way, and not you.
Your right, believe me, Ive seen it before.
Yeah, my friend told me about you Brian said to her while looking at his shoes, he told me where to find you.
Whos your friend? she asked.
Matt Brian told her, Says hes seen you often.
Yeah, I know Matt.
Says youre really good, Brian said as his leg began to shake.
So Im told she said as she looked over at Brian. First time? she asked.
Yeah Brian said, feeling a bit ashamed.
Dont worry she said as she put a hand on Brians quivering leg. Despite what you have been told your entire life, there is nothing wrong with this.
To them it is Brian said as he looked out the window at the world going by, to them this is wrong. They think there is something wrong with us.
Thats because all they have ever known is one way of doing things. They think that just because it works, its the way to go, and all other ways are blasphemes Lila said in disgust, Especially ours.
Lila took a right out of the traffic and headed down a one way street, pulling into a parking garage next to an apartment building. Lila parked her car and got out, as Brian followed, and together they waited for the elevator. As they waited, another woman came up behind them and waited along with them for the elevator. Brian got a little nervous as he looked over at Lila, but she was calm and relaxed.
Matt had told Brian about her; Shes whats called a Dom-Suitor he had said, trust me shes the best around but she isnt cheap. Brian felt around in his pocket for the envelope from the bank, and it was still there; all five hundred dollars of it that he had taken out this morning. So far things were going smoothly, which was good, because he had trusted Matt about this and had he been wrong, Brian would be out one best friend.
Brian had known Matt all of his life, their mothers had been in the same delivery room when they were born, and coincidently they had only lived a few blocks away from each other. If it werent for Matt, Brian thought, I probably would have gotten arrested a long time ago. This was because, like Brian, Matt also shared in the same illegal fantasy. Unlike Brian, however, Matt knew how to be sneaky as well as find all the right connections. Brian could still remember that one night freshmen year, when he slept over Matts house, that they watched that pornography video Matt had gotten from some dealer.
He remembered how Matt had laid in front of his bedroom door, even though it was locked, to ensure no one would get in. He also remembered how the room was absolutely pitch dark, the blinds in his room down, and the volume on the television turned all the way down. So, there they sat, together, bathed in the glow from the television as they both indulged in their forbidden fantasy. One that they never imagined would ever happen to them.
Brian smiled as the elevator door opened and he stepped inside along with Lila and the other woman. Things are working out Brian thought to himself, they are finally looking up. As the elevator doors closed, and the elevator started moving, Brian heard the woman behind him whispering. Brian didnt mean to eavesdrop, but he began to pick up on her conversation, After dinner, sweetie she said, I could really use a foot massage.
Brian casually looked behind him, out of the corner of his eye, at the woman. She was slumped against the corner of the elevator and she was talking into her coat pocket, looking down into it every now and then as she did so. Well, I dont care if Peterson gave you extra work to do tonight, my feet are killing me. Brian looked down at her feet, poking out of her sandals. I wouldnt mind massaging those Brian thought to himself. She rolled her eyes and smiled, All right, okay, honey she said as she reached into her coat pocket and took something out and brought it up to her face. First work, then play she said as she licked the entire body of the tiny man in her hand.
Good grief Brian thought to himself, Get a room.
Lila opened the door to her apartment and walked inside as Brian followed. Make yourself at home she said as she walked off down a side hallway. I need to take a shower and get ready.
All right Brian said as he watched her walk down the hallway in question, his eyes planted firmly on her ass as it moved back and forth with her step. Lila looked over her shoulder at Brian and gave him a wink before closing the door to her bedroom. Letting out a long heavy sigh, Brian slumped down into a nearby couch and heard a shower beginning to run in the distance. As he started to get a rise in his pants over the possibilities of tonight, he thought it best to maybe watch a little television to get his mind off of things until it was time.
Turning on the television, Brian was sickened to find that every news outlet was talking about what happened on the steps of the capital building today. Even worse was the addition of commentary given by so-called experts from all positions of power, What do these people expect to get out of this? asked one political pundit, I cant see how this is a benefit to them, or anybody, hell if anything it will only hurt the world as we know it; and they know that!
Brian changed the channel. He couldnt take it anymore. He might be engaging in an illegal activity tonight, and paying one hell of a price to do it, but in the end he would feel good in more ways than one. For personal reasons as well as political, as tonight would be his great defiance against the world around him. There was no turning back now. He knew who he was and was tired of denying it and it was time for the rest of the world to know it as well; even if they really never would.
Then again, who was Brian kidding? He acted all tough like some kind of big revolutionary, but everything he did in defiance was behind closed doors and in secret. In reality, he was scared. He always had been. Brian laughed as he thought about it while watching a commercial on television. It was a commercial for condoms, showing a guy out on a date with his little lady, and how they keep getting closer to each other, looking like something is going to happen. However, before they can, the Trojan Man interrupts them and reminds the little lady to wear a body condom. She does, and smiles, as she is joined by a man next to her, the same height, wearing one as well. The commercial then ends with the two little ones being picked up by their respective lovers.
Brian always hated that commercial, yet loved it at the same time, because it reminded him of the precise moment in his life when he knew he was different
It was almost a year before his freshmen year in high school, a year before that memorable night at Matts house watching that illegal pornography video. He remembered waiting outside after school for his grandmother to pick him up, to drive him home, as she always used to do because his mother worked. Thats when Samantha, a girl that sat next to him in history came up to him and said, Hello.
Hey, Brian replied as he looked down at her, hows it going?
Its all right Samantha said, are you waiting for someone?
Yeah, my ride Brian said casually.
Oh, youre going home then? Samantha asked, innocently.
Yeah Brian said, not knowing that there was more going on here than he knew.
I was just wondering, Samantha started to say, If you would like to come over to my house, instead? I mean, if you dont have any plans tonight or anything, of course.
No, I dont have any plans Brian said, why is there something special going on tonight at your place?
Maybe Samantha said with a smile, I mean you know how we have that history exam tomorrow?
What about it? Brian asked.
Well, its just that Im having a little trouble on it, and was wondering if you wanted to study with me.
Sure Brian said, I just need to call my grandma and let her know Im going to your house.
Brian did so, on his cell phone, and while carrying Samantha she instructed him on how to get to her house which was only a few blocks away. When they got there Samantha voice-activated the unlocking device to the front door and they stepped inside as the door closed behind them. Brian placed Samantha down on the floor as he looked around at her house, Your Mom isnt home? Brian asked.
Oh, no, she works the late shift at the hospital, itll just be us tonight Samantha said with a smile as she walked down the hallway towards the kitchen. Brian followed her as she reached into a small refrigerator next to the other one, If you want anything you can help yourself she said over her shoulder at Brian. Thats all right, Brian said, Im not that hungry.
You might be later Samantha said with a laugh as she carried her book bag and yogurt into the other room, the dining room, as Brian followed her. Well study in here she said. Brian nodded and sat down in a chair, putting his book bag on the table he started taking out his history book when he heard a cough. He looked down to see Samantha looking up at him, next to the chair, with a disgruntled look on her face. Oh, sorry Brian said as he reached down, picked Samantha up, and placed her on the table in front of him.
Thats better she said, Now lets get started.
Their history exam the next day was on the American Civil War, an important and life-altering war that lasted almost two decades. So, what was it all about? Why were they fighting? Brian asked Samantha. Samantha thought about it for a moment before answering, Slavery, of course. Thats part of it Brian said, but theres more to it than that. Who were the slaves?
We were Samantha said.
Right Brian replied, But why?
Something to do with the popular crop at the time
Yeah, how many slaves were there? Samantha asked.
Over twenty million Brian said.
Why, though? Did they hate us, for some reason? Samantha asked.
No, I dont think they hated you, or anything, well maybe some of them did, but
You dont hate me, do you, Brian? Samantha asked as she walked across the table towards Brian, putting her hand on his index finger.
No, of course not Brian said.
Could, you do me a favor then, Brian?
Sure, what do you want me to do?
Let me kiss you, Brian Samantha told him, Please?
Brian really didnt think about it, he just did it. He lowered his head until his chin was resting on the edge of the table as Samantha walked up to him and kissed him on his top lip. Brian didnt really feel it, or even care that she had done it, which kind of bothered him. Hed often heard the other boys in his class talking about their first kiss, about how it was really exciting and everything, but Brian didnt feel different afterwards. In fact, he didnt think it was all that big of a deal. Was that, in itself, a big deal? Brian didnt know, all he did know however was that while he was thinking to himself he hadnt noticed that Samantha had taken off all of her clothes, and was not rubbing her entire body up against Brians lips stark naked.
Brian jumped back in his chair, into his original upright position, which startled Samantha and sent her flying back and against Brians history book.
Oh my God, I am so sorry Samantha! Brian said, Are you all right?
Yeah, I think so Samantha said as she got back to her feet, What happened?
Well, youre naked for one thing Brian said, pointing out the obvious.
Of course I am, silly Samantha said as she seductively walked back towards Brian, Dont you want to make out with me?
Um, well, sure Brian told her, although the truth was that his mind wasnt exactly thinking the same thing. What do you want me to do?
Stick your tongue out Samantha told him.
Brian thought this was a bit of an unusual request, and certainly felt just as weird when he stuck his tongue out and Samantha started to rub her naked body over it. Brian looked down, almost going cross-eyed, as his saliva was coating Samantha all over. Samantha reached behind herself, grabbing the end of Brians tongue and put it up into an arc as she sat down in front of it. Brian kept it like that for her as she basically sat in the valley of his tongue, and started to grind her vagina into it.
Oh, Brian she said as she bucked back and forth, The roughness of your tongue feels so good.
Samantha wrapped her arms around Brians tongue, holding on for dear life, as she continued to ride the wet and sticky snake-like creature that called Brians mouth its home. Oh, yes, Brian, YES! Samantha screamed as she started to pump harder and harder, grabbing the edges of Brians nose for leverage, as she continued grinding her vagina into Brians tongue with more force, again and again.
Yes, yes, Ohhhhhhhh, Brian! Samantha screamed as her body tensed, going hard as stone during her orgasm, and then became limp a moment later as she relaxed on Brians tongue.
Brian could feel Samantha climb off his tongue a minute later, so Brian figured it was safe to bring his now dry tongue back into his mouth. He did so and was surprised to find that his tongue wasnt completely dry at that point, as near the tip of his tongue there was a small residue of some sticky substance that tasted quiet peculiar. A taste that he liked, he admitted to himself, but he didnt like the very minute sample that he had received. In the back of his mind he wished for more; much, much more.
Thank you, Brian Samantha said as she lay on her back on the table, I think its time that I return the favor.
Whats that? Brian asked.
Youll see Samantha said, Now, take off your pants, and Ill slip into something more appropriate.
Brian did as he was told; grabbing his belt buckle he started to undo it in order to get at his pants. While doing so he began to think about what was going on. It all seemed very strange to him, in a way. Sure, he had heard about this from some of the other guys in school, and had been in class during the sexual education films, hell hed even saw (by accident) some of the late night pornography of something like this on Skinamax, but something seemed wrong. His mind couldnt stop thinking about that small glob of juice from Samanthas vagina on his tongue and how he had been left wanting more.
If he wanted to he could grab her off the table right now, and just go to town on her small little vagina like hed seen a guy do in one of those late night movies, but it still wouldnt be enough for him. He wanted to be able to fit his entire tongue into her vagina, not just the tip; he wanted to be able to fit an entire fist in there if he could, not just his pinky finger. It was then that he finally realized, for the first time in his life, just what was wrong with him. He wasnt sexually aroused at all with the prospects of this little woman in front of him, no; he wanted to have sex with someone his own size.
Oh no thought Brian at that exact moment, Im a Homoamplitudosexual
At that moment Brian had removed his pants, as well as his boxers, so that his penis was out in the open limply lying on his thigh. He looked up at that moment to see a discarded wrapper on the table, and next to it was Samantha in her full body condom. For some reason, Brian was now seeing the world in a whole new light, like a switch had been pulled in his brain, and couldnt help but laugh at the sight of a little woman wearing a skin-tight wet suit condom coated with spermicidal cream.
Whats so funny? Samantha asked Brian.
Brian controlled himself and stopped laughing, Oh, um, nothing.
Good, because once Im done with you, the only thing youll be doing is asking me for more.
With that, Brian put out his hand and Samantha climbed on to it as Brian brought her off the table and down to his thigh. Samantha got off his hand and climbed across Brians thigh as she walked closer to his penis and started to massage it. She licked it, rubbed her entire body over it, but nothing happened. This confused her because from what she heard from her friends this was how you did it. You just worked on it and it was supposed to come to life, get hard, and things would go from there. However, no matter what she did, his penis was not responding to all the usual tricks she had learned. What was going on?
Brian, is something wrong? Samantha asked as she looked up at him.
Brian looked down at her, a bit ashamed and said, I think maybe I should go.
Brian gently grabbed Samantha, put her back on the table, and pulled up his pants.
Did I do something wrong? Samantha asked Brian.
Brian grabbed his history book and put it in his book bag, No, its not you he said as he slung the bag over his shoulder, its me. Im sorry.
Brian headed out the door, closing it behind him, while the sounds of Samantha crying continued to ring in his ears all the way home.
Brian snapped back to the present, back from his distant memory, as the television in front of him turned off seemingly on its own. Are you ready? he heard a voice say behind him. Brian turned around and got the sight of his life as Lila was standing there in the hallway, remote in hand, wearing a very much see-through night gown. Ah, yeah Brian said as he got up from the couch, trying not to show off the already rising bulge in his pants. Id say you are Lila said with a laugh which made Brian blush. Brian laughed a bit uncomfortably as he walked over to her, and then just stood there next to her, while awkward silence filled the air.
Just do it Brian told himself, and with that he closed his eyes while reaching in close to kiss her; however all he got was dead air. Brian opened his eyes to find that Lila had taken a step back with her hand out in front of her. You have to pay to play she told him in a very official and business-like tone.
Right Brian said as he reached into his pants for the envelope and handed it to Lila. She took the envelope from him, opened it up, and counted the money. After counting it a few more times, and checking the bills, Lila smiled as she took a step forward and gave Brian that kiss he missed before.
Were going to have fun tonight Lila said as she moved in closer to Brian, almost straddling his leg. I can feel it.
I think thats just my penis Brian said out loud and instantly felt like an idiot. Here he was, engaging in an illegal activity that cost him half a thousand dollars and he was already screwing it up; he just hoped to God that Lila wouldnt just give him his money back there and then before kicking him out the door.
Luckily, she didnt. Well, then, I think we should let him out to play, what do you think? Lila asked Brian before giving him another kiss. Yes, I, uh, think thats a good idea Brian said, starting to feel a little uneasy at the moment, which was strange. Isnt this what he wanted? Didnt he used to dream about this very moment? So, why was he having second thoughts about it? Obviously, he was just scared, which made sense as he had any right to be.
He had heard the stories, the rumors, about what happened to people like him who did exactly what he was about to do. They were arrested, brought into custody and stood trial where they were always found guilty. He had never seen anyone walk away free, it was just simply unheard of, as were most people afterwards. They were just simply forgotten, escaping the public eye as most people just moved on. Brian didnt want that, and thinking about it simply terrified him, but at the same time he began to get turned on by the thought of it in some sort of sick way. Hell, if he was going to get caught, and his fate unknown to the rest of the world, he figured there was no better way to begin the end than by fulfilling his every needs and desires.
Brian grabbed Lila and held her tight, close to his body, as he began to feel her breasts with his right hand and her ass with his left. Lila returned the favor by adding some tongue to her already deep and passionate kisses. Brian, not wanting to waste any time, picked up Lila (who was still kissing Brian) and walked into her bedroom as he dropped her on the bed. Lila looked up at Brian, who was beginning to take off his clothes, as Lila did the same by removing her night gown. Brian stopped for a moment, with one leg of his out and one still in his pant leg, to take in the sheer beauty what lay before him.
I mean, Its not he had never seen a naked woman before, and not just Samantha. Hed seen plenty of them in some of those late night pornography films. Like that one he had seen that first night he had accidently stumbled upon such a concept, The Cave of Pleasure 9 it was called, he believed. It featured a naked Dom-woman having sex with about a dozen sub-men, and it mostly dealt with them hovering around her vagina. Licking it, teasing it, playing with it before they all entered in, one by one, and those who didnt go in worked on the rest of her body outside. It was kind of disgusting, actually.
This, in part, was why Brian had stopped dead in his tracks. Her face was like a goddess, her breasts were the prefect size, she had a well-toned stomach, but all he could gaze at endlessly was her luscious womanhood. He had no idea why. Maybe it had something to do with the repressed memories of his father, or his ill-experience with Samantha, but he just couldnt take it anymore.
Lila wasnt ready for it, but when it happened she was all smiles as she looked down at Brian going to town in the valley between her legs. Feeling the pleasure wave start to break she grabbed the back of Brians head and ground it in there for him. Brian didnt mind really, although it was hard to breathe at times, he just continued to lick and suck at the walls of pussy flesh around his mouth. It began to remind him of that day after school with Samantha. How he had tasted her juice and wasnt satisfied, how he wanted more, craved more; and now he had it. He finally had it. His fantasy had become a reality.
A loud bang echoed around the room as Brian lifted his face from Lilas crotch in time to get the butt of a rifle to his face. As he crawled on the ground screaming in pain, blood from his nose started mixing with Lilas vaginal juices, while dark shadows circled around him. You like that, dont you, you sick bastard he heard a deep mans voice ask, well, do you, freak?
This was followed by a stiff kick to Brians gut that knocked the wind out of him. He could hear Lila screaming from the corner of the room, Leave him alone, you bastards! Its me you want!
As Brian got his senses back, his eyes opened wide enough for him to see men in riot gear, who had apparently descended from a skylight above the bed as there was glass on the bed and the window was smashed to pieces. Some of them were holding back Lila, still stark naked, as others were trashing her room. Brian tried to get up by clawing at the legs in front of him, using them for leverage, climbing higher, and higher, until he got up to a faceless gasmask. The next thing he saw was a black leathered fist coming at him, and then nothing, as he slowly lost consciousness.
Fucking amps he heard that same deep-male voice say. They make me sick.
he heard nothing
Rise and shine, Mr. MacDougall a voice said deep inside Brians mind. Rise and shine.
At first Brian saw nothing, then a big black blur, followed by a big white blue, and distant sizes and shapes that were slowly coming into focus.
Wake up, Mr. MacDougall, and
smell the ashes.
Brians eyes snapped open, gasping for breath he looked down to find himself chained to a metal chair. Around him there was nothing but cold, hard, emotionless concrete. No doors, no windows, nothing but a lone desk in front of him, and behind that was a man.
He sat there in a metal chair of his own, unchained except for his smoking with a fresh butt resting in the ashtray in front of him. Next to that was an open folder which he was idly browsing. Closing it, he straightens his tie before looking up at Brian with as much emotion as the walls around him.
Mr. Brian Alexander MacDougall, aged twenty-four, works part time at a local grocery store and lives in the basement of his mothers house the man behind the desk said before picking up his cigarette and taking a drag of it. Im sorry, did you want one? he asked while puffing out the smoke.
Brian was about to answer but could only cough as the smoke penetrated his lungs; not that it mattered as the man in the well-kept suit looked back over Brians folder. Oh, youre a non-smoker. My mistake the man said as he took one last drag from his cancer stick and put it out into the ash tray.
Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Doctor Campbell; perhaps youve heard of me?
Brian shook his head.
Pity Doctor Campbell said, though Im sure you will in due time. You see, for years my colleagues have believed in one theory that has become, more or less, universal in dealing with people who believe in the sort of things that you believe; as disgusting as it is. They believe that it has something to do with regressed memories inherited by the father during the unbirthing process.
You dont believe that? Brian asked, still coughing from the lingering smoke.
No more than you do Doctor Campbell said, although that doesnt mean that I believe in everything that you do, as well.
What I believe in isnt wrong Brian said in anger.
Thatll be up for the courts to decide Doctor Campbell said, as well as God.
What does God have to do with it? Brian asked.
You should know perfectly well the churchs stance on your kind and what you all believe
I do Brian said.
Everyone did, really, as it was burned into your memory when you were young. People who inter-mingled with members of their own size were doing the work of the devil by helping to keep the human race from reproducing; and therefore existing.
Is that what you believe? Brian asked, Is that your great theory? I hate to be the one to break it to you, but youre a bit late on that one by about a few thousand years; not that it holds much water, anyway
Doctor Campbell smiled, Its but the tip of the iceberg, Brian, because everyone knows that the devil was nothing but a submissive coward that was cast out of heaven by a dominate God. That was Gods gift to us, the ability to be close to him, and to know what its like to be him. To the sub-humans of the world, we Dom-humans are like God, towering over them with complete control; therefore God is always in their lives. Just as we know what its like to be God, and therefore closer to him, by being like Gods to all of them!
Look, this speech of yours is great and all, but what does it have to do with me? Brian asked.
Right Doctor Campbell said with a cough, As I mentioned before I have been working on my own theory of things, though I must admit now that it is not so much a theory, but a cure. I can cure you, Brian; I can cure you and everyone else like you of your disease.
Disease? Were not fucking sick, you asshole! Brian screamed in anger, trying to get up from his seat but the chains hold him back.
Doctor Campbell laughed at his feeble attempts. Please, do you really think what you do is normal? Having sex with someone of your own size? How can you have any pleasure out of that! Dont you understand, Brian, Im trying to help you! Youve lost your way, but I can show you the path back!
Why me?
Well, to tell you the truth Brian, sometimes the right person in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world; and you just happened to be that person. You see, Ive been lobbying for quite some time with my superiors for a human test subject, so that I may try out my cure; and it just so happened that they approved my methods yesterday around the same time that your arrest occurred.
Doctor Campbell smiled, and continued, Yes, I was told that they had been watching that young Dom-Suitor for quite some time, and it was only just recently that they decided to move in for the kill; so to say. Had they waited
who knows, I might have been talking to someone else at the moment, instead of you. Yet, Im kind of glad we met, Brian.
Brian looked at Doctor Campbell for a minute, wondering where he was coming from with that comment. What do you mean by that? Brian asked. Something told him that he didnt want to know.
Im not sure Doctor Campbell said, There is just something about you. Its almost as if fate has brought us together here today by some mythical hand, our stories are crossing for the whole world to read, and they will. You and I, Brian, we shall make history!
I dont want to make history with you Brian sneered, Id rather die!
That can be arranged Doctor Campbell said, snapping his fingers as a door suddenly appeared behind him and two guards in riot gear walked in and stood on either side of him. I do implore you to think of my offer Brian, as your court date is tomorrow and, well, people in your position dont often make it.
Doctor Campbell laughed while he gathered Brians folder and headed out the door, leaving Brian alone with the two men in riot gear.
Im going to enjoy doing this again, you fucking amp a familiar voice said in Brians right ear, followed by a very familiar black leathered fist that came rushing towards his face.
Author's Notes:
With this chapter, the last time I even touched this story was over four years ago(!), but for some reason I am compelled to come back and continue; enjoy.
A light breeze came over Brian, feeling cool on his skin, as his eyes slowly opened. He closed them again as a light from above blinded him, but it was also comforting as it provided him with a warm heat. He slowly opened his eyes again and recognized the shining sun above in the sky.
Brian sat up, looked around, and noticed that he was in an open field that seemed to stretch on forever in all directions. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. The grass felt soft and inviting below him; Brian smiled and closed his eyes again, taking in everything. He opened them again, and saw Lila in the distance coming towards him. Brian waved at Lila to get her attention.
"Hey!" Brian yelled, "over here!"
Lila continued walking towards Brian, a smile on her face, but didn't seem to acknowledge him; she just kept walking. Brian stood up and waved her over once more.
"Hey!" Brian yelled again, "Lila, it's Brian!"
She kept walking closer towards him but Brian was impatient as he started running towards her; except that Brian soon noticed that something was wrong. The closer he ran towards her, and the closer she walked towards him, the bigger she started to get until Brian was no longer looking straight ahead at her but rather straight up at her as she had to be at least fifty feet tall!
Brian stopped running as he starred in amazement at Lila, who had stopped walking herself, as she stared down at Brian. Before he could even react, she picked him up in her right hand with ease and brought him up to her mouth. Brian struggled as Lila started to open her mouth wide.
"No!" Brian screamed, "Lila, stop! What are you doing?" he pleaded as Lila's hand brought Brian closer to her mouth. "Please, don't!" Brian cried, "Don't do this to me!"
Lila paid no heed to his request and plopped him right into her mouth, closing it behind Brian, who was now in complete darkness. It was wet and sticky. Brian tried to grab onto anything he could frantically, but Lila tilted her head back sending Brian careening down her tongue like a slide toward her throat.
Brian screamed.
The next thing he saw were bars. Metal bars. He looked around and noticed that he was in jail. It was a dream, a bad dream. He was covered in sweat. His heart was racing and he had trouble catching his breath. His hands were shaking.
"Just a dream," He said out loud to himself, "just a dream."
"Nah, kid", a voice said to him, "More like a nightmare."
Brian turned his head towards the source of the voice and saw a little man sitting in a cage on the floor next to his bed. He was bald, had a faint black beard and from what Brian saw he looked to be in good physical shape even if he also looked to be middle aged.
"Who're you?" Brian asked the little man.
"My name is Tom, what's yours?" he asked.
"Welcome to Death Row, Brian" Tom said with a smirk.
"Death Row?" Brian asked as confusion and worriment began rushing through his body again.
"Yup," Tom said with a nod, "what are you in for, Brian?"
Brian barely heard him as his eyes began looking every which way inside the jail cell. He could barely believe it, but he should have known this would happen. This is the punishment for the sort of illegal activity that he had willingly taken part in and was caught doing red handed.
Brian sighed, coming to terms with his guilt, before telling Tom exactly what had happened. Tom listened to Brian's story and, after he was done, just laughed.
"What's so funny?" Brian asked.
"Nothing, kid," Tom said, "I'm in for the same crime."
"How's that funny, though?" Brian asked again, this time a little agitated.
"Not often a Dom is dumb enough to try that" Tom said, "Easy for a sub to get away with it, ya'know?"
"If it's so easy, why are you in jail?" Brian asked.
Tom laughed again, shrugging his shoulders, "Wrong place, wrong time."
"Yeah, I know what you mean," Brian said with a laugh of his own. It felt weird to laugh during such a time, but Brian figured that if this was the end then he might as well enjoy it; although, something was bothering him...
"Wait," Brian said, "I thought there were separate jails for Doms and subs?"
"Not when it comes to Death Row", Tom explained, "What does it matter if a Dom steps on a sub in here, eh? He was going to die anyway, right?"
"I suppose so," Brian said awkwardly, "but, um, don't worry, I won't step on you or anything."
"Thanks," Tom said with a smirk, "Wish I could say the same about my wife... or should I say, my ex-wife."
"What's that?" Brian asked, confused.
"The reason I'm in here," Tom said, "I cheated on my wife with one of her best friends. She caught us in the act. Needless to say, she wasn't very happy."
"By stepping on you?" Brian asked, once more confused, "how did you--"
"Survive?" Tom said with a laugh, "well, let me explain it to you, kid..."
Tom, like many subs of the day, worked from home. One of the gifts of modern technology. Sure, there were still subs "out in the field", but these jobs tended to be as dangerous as they ever were; the only difference being that, these days, they paid far better. Still, Tom's wife was a lawyer and, while he didn't really need to work, for many subs (especially men) the idea of sitting at home doing nothing, and relying solely on the Dom in the relationship, was dehumanizing. After all, what would be the point of gaining those human rights after centuries of persecution if you were not going to take advantage of them and be proud of your species' accomplishments?
Tom was an IT guy, a field that in recent years had slowly been taken over by subs; much to the chagrin of many Doms. After all, unlike a Dom, a sub could actually crawl into the inner workings of any machine and fix it from the inside. It was dangerous, however, and Tom wasn't much for that; he simply did tech support over the phone. Much easier. Besides, even if subs had come a long way in terms of gaining respect, they were still looked down upon; figuratively and literately. Tech support over the phone, therefore, was much easier; no one would ever know if you were a sub or a Dom.
This is how Tom met Jill.
Hello, Unified Technical Services, this is Tom speaking, how may I help you? Tom answered the phone cheerfully.
Yes, hello, I'm having some issues with my computer, a female voice on the other end replied.
All right, Tom acknowledged, what seems to be the nature of the problem?
I'm not entirely sure, she said. Everything was fine, but then the screen went black and smoke came out from the back of the computer.
Okay, well, unfortunately, this is a hardware issue. Let me see if I can set up an appointment with an Inner IT personnel; please hold, Tom said before subjecting the woman to horrid elevator muzak.
A few minutes later, Tom came back on the line, Unfortunately, it looks like I can't get anyone out to help you until next week.
Are you sure? the woman said in a worried tone. I've got important files on there that I need by tomorrow, is there anything you an do?
What is your address? Tom asked. I can see if you're close to any of our retail locations.
The woman gave Tom her address; she just so happened to live down the street and there were no nearby retail locations. Tom reiterated this to her.
Oh no, what am I going to do? she said, sounding as if she were holding back tears.
Look, um, I'm sorry, but--- Tom stopped himself. He felt terrible. There was really only one thing he knew he could do to solve this problem.
As it turns out, we actually do have an opening for an on-site repair, Tom said, convincingly.
Really? she asked, sniffing through tears.
Yup, someone will be right over, Tom said.
Great! she exclaimed, Thank you so much!
She hung up, as did Tom, who got ready to head over to her house just down the street.
Tom arrived at her front door about 15 minutes later, staring high above him at the massive door frame. He looked down and noticed that, much like other doors, there was a smaller door within the larger one for easy sub-access.
Must be for her husband, Tom said to himself.
Tom sighed, pressed the doorbell next to the sub-door, and waited. A few moments later the door opened; the sub-door, that is, where a woman who looked about Tom's age stood.
Hello, the sub woman said. Are you here to fix my computer?
Yes, Tom said while he regained his composure. I'm Tom. He put out his hand, she took it, and they shook hands.
I'm Jill, she said with a smile. Please, come in, won't you?
Tom followed her inside as she closed the door behind him.
Where is the computer? Tom asked.
Over here, Jill said, motioning towards a nearby sub-lifter; a mini elevator made for subs to get up on counters, tables, and any other surface too high up for them to reach.
Tom and Jill took the sub-lifter heading up on to a desk that Tom figured held the computer. On the ride up, he couldn't help but look at Jill; who caught him staring at her.
Is something wrong? she asked.
No, Tom said, I'm sorry, if you don't mind me saying, I was under the impression you were a Dom when we were talking on the phone.
Why's that? she asked, a little taken aback.
It's not often a sub calls in a repair for a Dom computer, Tom said, matter of factually.
How did you---
Well, before I came over, I cross referenced your address with our system to find out what kind of computer you have registered with us, Tom explained.
I see, Jill said, feeling a little embarrassed. It belongs to my husband, you see. If he comes home from business in a few days to find it broken. I don't know what he'll do when he finds out.
Well, no worries, Tom said, That's why I'm here.
The sub-lifted reached the top of the desk. Jill walked Tom over to the (to them) massive computer. Tom walked over to the side of the computer tower, put down his toolbox, took our a wrench, and started to unscrew the sub-access door.
If you don't mind me asking, why were you using a Dom computer in the first place?
Well, Jill started to say nervously, if its all the same to you, I'd rather not share that with you.
Fair enough, Tom said, not thinking much of it.
He got the sub-access door opened and stepped inside the computer tower. Inside, everything appeared normal and, surprisingly, clean.
Not much dust in here, Tom remarked.
Oh, yes, Jill said, I clean the inside at least once a month, as part of my womanly duties.
Tom nodded and went back to work. Everything seemed in order, except for one small cord that had burnt in half.
Ah, here's your problem, Tom noted, one of the smaller power couplings melted; common issue with this model after a certain period of time.
Tom went back to his toolbox, grabbed some copper wire and a soldering iron, and went to fix the problem. However, as soon as he put the copper wire between the two melted wires, a jolt of electricity ran through him, knowing him backwards.
Tom fell to the ground, hard, and died.
That is, he would have, but he awoke, choking, gasping for air, in the middle of Jill giving him CPR.
Jill stopped as soon as Tom awoke.
Oh, thank God! Jill exclaimed, happily. She hugged Tom in happiness, then kissed him.
Jill instantly got embarrassed.
I'm sorry, she said, I was just so happy, and---
It's okay, Tom said, still catching his breath. I rather enjoyed it, actually.
You did? Jill said, surprised.
The weird thing is that Tom actually did. He loved his wife. Always did, because like any sub, he loved Doms. He never thought of another sub in that way but, for some reason, that kiss just felt right. He had died, come back, and suddenly he began viewing the world differently. For one thing, Jill was beautiful.
Blonde hair, blue eyes, luscious lips... he wanted to kiss them again.
Yeah, I actually enjoyed it, Tom said with a smile, think we could do it aga---
Before Tom could finish, Jill kissed him once again. This time, Tom kissed back, as the computer in front of them booted up and resumed the last task before shutting down unexpectedly before.
Tom stopped kissing Jill as he heard moans and groans. Looking up at the computer monitor, Tom watched as two subs were having sex in between the breasts of a Dom woman, who at the same time was fingering herself.
Jill's face turned bright red, and she began freaking out.
Please, don't tell anyone about this, she said, I beg you, please, don't turn me into the police!
Is this what you were doing with this computer? Tom asked.
Yes, and I know its wrong, I'm sorry, she pleaded, please don't report me to the authorities!
Don't worry, Tom said, reassuring her, I'm not going to tell anyone about this.
How do I know? she asked, How can I be sure?
Because, they'll have to take me too Tom said, after which he kissed Jill once more before the two proceeded to make love right then and there.
Tom walked home about an hour later, feeling like a new man, promising Jill that she would see him again and that they would keep it a secret between themselves.
Tom's wife, Lisa, arrived home about an hour after he did. She entered the house, dropped her suitcase, kicked off her shoes, and sat on the couch.
What a day! she exclaimed, I am exhausted! Where is my husband? I sure could use a foot rub...
Tom appeared from a side room and waved, forcing a smile.
Hey, honey, how was work? Tom asked.
The worst, Jill said, I need a good foot rub, baby. I've been on them all day.
Lisa gently grabbed Tom up from the floor and placed him in front of her feet.
Tom stared at her feet, about the same size as his body, and took in the odor from them; he found it repulsive. Which is strange, considering it used to really turned him on.
C'mon, baby, Lisa said, wiggling her toes as she closed her eyes. Mommy is waiting.
Tom took off his clothes, as he always did, and walked up to her right foot, where he proceeded to lick and caress the smelly skin. Again, this used to excite Tom, give him an instant erection, as he would go crazy on her foot. Now, for some reason, it just felt wrong.
Don't make Mommy angry, baby, Lisa said, annoyed.
Tom closed his eyes and thought about Jill. He thought about earlier, about how it felt to have sex with someone his size, and how it just felt right. Tom's penis became erect as he continued to think of Jill. He began licking Lisa's foot, massaging it with his whole body, grinding his penis into her wrinkled sole.
The whole time he thought about Jill. As he rubbed his body against Lisa's foot, he imagined he was fucking Jill again. Sucking on her breasts, pumping his cock in and out of her pussy, and the feeling of being in control for once filled him with immense pleasure.
With a loud moan, Tom cummed all over Lisa's foot, his body now coated in a mixture of his own sweat and Lisa's smelly feet.
Lisa smiled.
Good boy, she said, now, it's Mommy's turn.
Lisa leaned over to a nearby end table next to the couch, opened the drawer, and produced a body condom which she placed next to Tom, who was still catching his breath. Lisa began undressing, afterward she laid back on the couch before picking up Tom, who had yet to put on his body condom.
Honestly, Thomas, Lisa remarked, even more annoyed than before. Does Mommy have to do everything for you tonight?
Lisa helped Tom into his body condom, more or less, slipping him into it by herself, before inserting him into her vagina. Lisa played with her breasts, pinching her increasingly hardening nipples, as Tom squirmed within.
Normally, Tom enjoyed this even more than fucking her feet, but he started having flashbacks to earlier when he almost died. The inclosed space of her vagina reminded him too much of the insides of the computer and his brush with death.
He could feel the muscles in Lisa's vagina closing in on him; the heat was increasing, and he was starting to choke on her juices. To Lisa, he was squirming even more than usual, which excited her even more so; but for Tom, he was freaking out. His squirming was a desperate attempt to save his life.
Just when he thought he might die, Lisa screamed as her whole body shivered. Her orgasm sent a massive rush of juices out of her vagina, sending Tom with it, as he popped out violently like a cork from a wine bottle. Tom lay in her juices, gasping for air, as she picked him up and lay him between her breasts.
Good boy, Lisa said before falling asleep.
Tom just lay there between her breasts, curled up in a ball and crying, thinking about Jill.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.