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Author's Chapter Notes:

Sorry for the wait, I had a lot on my plate... Anyways, here is the next chapter. Its a bit long and messy because I kinda just did it in one sitting.


Well... I hope you all enjoy!





I didn't know where mommy went, but I missed her. The morning started like most mornings, then she suddenly placed me on the bed, played a "series" on her "computer" thingy, gave me lots of food on a platter, left my water bottle full, and even placed my "litter box" not far away. With a kiss on my head, and a long cuddle, she left.

I didn't know why she wasn't back yet. This was the longest I've ever been without her. It was making me sad and scared. Why did she leave? Did I do something wrong? Was I ever going to see her again? I just don't understand why she left me.

Gloomily, I made my way over to my sock-blanket, pulled it towards the "computer" thingy and cuddled myself in its fluffiness. Trying desperately to get comfort from the little scent it still had of mom. But soon even her scent started to fade.

With a sad pout, I fell asleep.


Waking up alone was even worse. At first I thought it was all a dream. So I waited patiently for mom to pop through the door and come get me. But as time flew by, and she hasn't come, I started to feel an even darker form of gloom.

But wait!

What if mommy was expecting me to go get her? She usually did many strange, yet important, things. This must be one of her ways of teaching me something new.

Yes! I'll go find mommy.

With a smile and new determinations, I walked to the edge of the bed. Finding my first obstacle.

How do I get down...

After a few glances, I realized there was only one way down: jumping off. I did survive my fall off the couch, probably could survive this too. Without further thought, I leaped off.

"Aaaaaaaa," I squeaked before tumbling onto the ground. "Oooffff."

This fall hurt more. For a while I couldn't breath, and my head was really dizzy. But in time I started to recover. Though hurting, it wasn't bad enough to stop me from finding mommy.

I made my way to the door. And found my second obstacle: door was closed. And no matter how much I looked, I couldn't find a way to get it open. Only someone as great as momma could. And I'm nothing like her.

It soon started to dawn on me that no matter how hard I tried, its impossible for me to get out. I was stuck in here... Alone forever.

With a soft sob, I made me way back to only find matters much worse. The bed! How was I suppose to get back on the bed?! To my sock-blanket! Or the "computer" thingy that at least distracted me!

Feeling quite down, and in the midst of breaking down, I noticed something.

Mommy's "slippers"!

With small assurance coming back, I made my way to it. They were pink and fluffy, like most things mommy wore at home. And as I got on them, I was please to smell a stronger scent - a moist, tangy, sweet aroma from mom's constant use.  Like she was here...

I walked further into the toe section, balling myself up and cuddled in the slight indentation on the surface. It wasn't as good as being with mom, but it was better than nothing.

With a sad sigh, and trying to find solace in the scent around, I went back to sleep.


*Clack Clack Clack*

I woke up to the ground shaking and audible booming clacks. It was the same sounds that mom made in her pretty sh-

Wait... Mommy?

I perked up, looking towards the door in great anticipation.


Slowly the door opened. My eyes grew wide and my heart skipped. Then time stopped as in stepped mom.

"Hey, August. Sorry I'm la-"




The lunch with Nancy was more fun than business. We talked about our holidays, made jokes, and reminisced about the past. It wasn't until I started to talked about August that she got back her sense of professionalism. She asked to see some photos, and I was more than happy to share.

At the end of my long gallery of videos and photos - which she loved - Nancy went straight to business. Apparently she saw the posted photos of August in my oatmeal bowl, and thought that it would make great commercial material. She had a list of companies doing the same thing, and if interested I could sign August up.

This had me thinking. I was dead set on not working anymore, planning on fully focusing on August. But this was different. This I could do with him. And as images of August dressed in many adorable uniforms came in mind, I instantly said yes.

Before long, I was back in my car and driving home. But as soon as I pulled up at the driveway, I felt a sad wind blow over me. The large house I got for my girls was now empty. Before, when I got back home, I'd be greeted by one or both of my daughter. We'd hug and exchange pleasantries. But now if I opened those doors no one will be waiting at the other side. The thought made me feel glum.

With a sad sigh I walked inside - sure enough, no one was there. I placed my purse and keys on the nearby entryway table and made for the kitchen. But midway through I remembered I wasn't actually alone.

"August," I said with a smile.

I was caught up in my self pity that I forgot August in my room. With renewed spirit, I beelined for my chambers.

"Hey, August. Sorry I'm la-"

"Maa-Meeeeee!" Came his cute voice. But not from the bed where I left him.

Looking down, I saw August popped out from my slipper, which were under the nightstand. He rushed towards my heels with great excitement and vigor - like a puppy livened from its master's return. It made my heart melt. Just seconds ago I was complaining about coming back to an empty house. Oh how I was wrong. August was here, and he chased away my gloom with each centimeter he covered.

With a warm smile, I lowered a hand for August to hop on. Which he did, curling his arms around my fingers in his mightiest embrace.

"Awww," I cooed, pressing him against my cheek. "You missed me."

"Maaa," he said, sounding sad.

"Hey," I said concerned. Bring him in front of my eyes to see him in tears. "What's wrong, baby."

I caressed his back while he hugged onto whatever finger he could reach.

"You really did miss me," I said with guilty realization.

I knew I should have brought him! He didn't understand why I left. For all I know he felt forgotten and abandoned. A feeling I knew too well when I think of my daughters in their far away cities.

"I'm sooo sorry, August." I pressed him onto my bosom. Holding him tightly. Making him know I was back. "I'm never going to leave him alone again.



I tried hugging as much of mom as possible. I didn't want to let go in fears that she might disappear. Thankfully, mommy didn't want to let me go too. She held me against her body, making me feel safe in her warmth and alluring, sweet aroma.

"Don't worry, August." Her suiting voice came. "I'm not going anywhere."

After that, I stuck to mom. And I really mean "stuck". She placed me chest deep into her "bra" as she changed - usually she'd set me on a "table" or "bed". It was a tight fit, but I didn't mind.

Watching her change from this angle was interesting. She'd pull off her "blouse", putting me under its shadow. I'd be free for a moment before she put a new fluffy sweater on. Again, trapping me in darkness.

My world would rock as she shifted around. Not sure what she was doing, but it felt like she was bending over. The weight of her breasts pushed onto my back, causing my to loss breath. Luckily, it didn't last long. Then the weight started to lift, as if the thing holding me in place was suddenly loosening up.

"Hold on August," mommy said.

With that, the "bra" came off. On instinct, I turned to hug her smooth flesh. Trying and failing to find any grip. But before tumbling off, my butt bumped onto something harder. I instantly wrapping my legs around, squeezing it hard while clawing her breast.

"Ahhhh," mommy gasped.

Her hand came from bellow, snatching and bringing me in front of her red, surprised face.

"August," she said sharply. "That's naughty."

I pouted sadly under she scold - though I didn't know what I did wrong.

Mom sighed. "Its ok. I'm not mad. It was my fault after all. I did tell you to 'hold on'." She giggled as she bit her lip. "Just surprised it felt good."

I didn't understand most of her words, but the kiss on my head probably meant she was happy.

"Anyways," she sat me on her shoulder. "How about we go get a snack."

"Sak!" I shouted, excited by that word. It was another way to say food.

"Snack," mom laughed. "We really need to work on your pronunciations."



It was late night and I was still flustered from August's "accident" with my nipple. I mean it was the closest action I got in months. And came from August no less. Imagine my surprise...

After a quick shower, and completing all my nightly routine, I got into the covers of the bed and sat with my back against the headboard. But instead of reading a book, I used my phone to researched about minis. My girls did suggest to at least once check the boring mini manual, or the dumbed-down summaries by the many self proclaimed professionals online. But my main reason for this "research" was to see how others interacted with their minis.

There were many blogs/sites/forums on minis: "What and what not to feed your mini", "Health check: signs your mini is not feeling well", "Proper exercise"...

"Proper exercise," I reread out loud, looking down at August who played with my hair while on my shoulder. "Well you are getting a belly... Guess I should check it."

I skim through most of article. Apparently, it was "not wise" to overfeed a mini. "They can get chubby real quick, especially if you smother them too much".

"Woops," I chuckled. "My bad."

It listed what to do to keep your mini in shape: (1) "Setup ladder/ropes for them to get around, you don't need to carry them everywhere". (2) "Play physically demanding games, like tag, hide and seek...". (3)" Actually workout with your mini. Their muscles respond to the same treatment we put ours through". (4) "Get a running wheel". (5) ...

I skipped the rest. It was being repetitive for the sake of lengthening the article. They could have ended with "you're mini's body is like yours - only smaller - it needs exercise."

"Seems like you'll ACTUALLY be joining my morning workouts from now on, August," I smiled, actually looking forward to our next workout session. It was going to be interesting.

I got back to the main search page and continued to brows the endless results. Most were the same content with different titles, but some were really informative. Like the one entitled, "Know your mini, and how to handle it".

The first section was the mini summary. Talked about how they were made in a lab and trained to suit the buyer's needs. But the thing that surprised me the most was the price.

"Wow, August. You minis cost 2 times more than my first car..." I said in shock.

In fact, August would cost more since he was a special order. Clearly the girls used most of their cash to get him.

"Remember to send them a bigger allowance this month." I told myself.

The article continued by stating that minis were expensive partly due to their license. You needed a license to own a mini, like one would need to own a dog. Only it was WAY more expensive. The article justified it as a way to ensure that the buyer was fully committed in their purchase. So people wont just treat them as common merchandise, but something more.

"I guess people won't be willing to loss or break you guys if you cost this much." I agreed.

With that, I scrolled down to the "Handling your mini" section.

"Don't be scared when handling them," I read. "They are tougher than you think, built strong enough to fit their price. They can fall from a height of 120-150 cm (4-5ish foot) - depending on your mini's size - and walk away without breaking a bone..."

So that's how August got on the ground without being harmed, I thought. Wait, minis come in different sizes... Interesting.

"Mini are also strong enough to survive the rougher games of clumsy children... and the kinky adults."

I chuckled at that.

"But make sure you don't go overboard with the fun."

The rest were things I already knew. Like "minis love to get cuddles and kisses, so don't be shy to shower them with love (innocent of otherwise)", or "Mini are mischievous things that will get anywhere on you if given the chance". So I ultimately skipped to the recommended link: "Safe and fun activities you should try with your mini".

As the website mostly catered to women, the "activities" were molded for our liking. For example "Manicure and pedicure". Apparently there was a fad for minis doing one's nail. The article even provided links to equipment your mini "MUST HAVE" for the job: tiny brushes, cute outfits that are easily washed, soft scented polish for their sensitive nose, etc...

The article continued by stating that every mini was trained for this. "So all you had to do was set the equipment down, pick your favorite color, and let the mini work". This was a problem for me because August... well he was specially ordered. I'd have to train him before we can start to have fun.

What puny doubts I had for this activity was bashed when I saw the pictures of cute minis with tiny brushes painting lovely set of nails bigger than their heads. I can see why this was a fad. It was all positively adorable! I couldn't wait to see August do my nails.

"Ma?" August asked from my shoulder.

"Yes, baby," I turned to see him pointing at the picture on my phone, curious about seeing another mini. "Oh. You want to paint mommy's nails too?"


"Nails." I said with a smile. "Ya, I think this will be fun to do."

The next section of the article - entitled, "Good for the Sole" - was about how great it was to get a foot rub by a mini. It described it as a "gentle and intimate worship that no human sized partner could give you". I had to agree. There was something empowering about having August under my soles; though I never really gave it much thought. It was silly fun for me, but some women actually took great pleasure in having a mini rub their feet.

"Guess we could try that too. I did promise that if you are a good boy you'd get to apply my lotion. Remember?" I said as August continued to tangle himself in my hair. I responded by pinched his waist and dropping him on my head. That way he had access to more hair.

Coincidentally, the next activity was braiding. It read, "Minis are fantastic in braiding. Their small hands allows them to make finer details. Just make sure you comb first, or risk getting your mini tied up."

"I agree with that," I chuckled as August got himself so tangled up in hair that when he fell he ended up dangling close to my cheek. This made me laughed a bit louder. But instead of helping, I decided to let him to figure his own way out of this predicament. Plus, it was cute to have him hanging beside my cheek like the world's most adorable hair ornament. "Guess we got to work on braiding too."

The other activities were slightly erotic. One was having minis trim your "bush". It made me wonder how they trained them to "perfectly sculpt an overgrown hedge to your liking, with more than a dozen different designs"... Did they really have many bushy women available for minis to practise on?

"Ya, I'll pass on that for now." I said sheepishly, kinda embarrassed about overstretching no shave November until today. "You'll get lost in there."

I ditch the site to explore others. Many were blogs showing daily fun with minis. Others were how to properly raise one.

"Raised 2 girls, honey. I believe I know how to raise a boy the size of my finger."

I skimmed passed most until I found one that instantly had me hooked. In fact, it was kinda similar to the content I was originally looking for: an inquiry on a mini forum asking, "Is it safe to insert my mini in me".

"Is it," I asked with interest while August finally climbed back on top of my head. "Well, let's find out."

Apparently the inquirer had her mini since she was a kid. Now as a teen, she started to find herself sexually curious. And her mind was on her adorable mini. She claimed to knows about minis being durable, and that people use them to "scratch an itch they can reach", but she wanted real conformation for real women that it wont hurt her "precious mini". She "loved him dearly", her heart would shatter if she ended up breaking him.

There were dozens of replies. And most of them went through detailed/creative examples of using their mini as a living dildo and not breaking them.

"Don't worry, girl," one replied. "The makers knew us kinkier folks would try something this naughty. They made my mini durable enough to survive me. And that's saying something! In fact, minis are even trained to properly please a lady. You should ask yours, I'm sure he'll tell you the same. And gladly follow up with a more hands on example :P... Whatever the case, I recommend you try him. He will blow more than just your mind ;)..."

My cheeks grew red as I read further down the comment section. I considered myself creative in sex. But many comments surprised and slightly intimidated me. I mean there were even links to mini oriented toys: dildos you could strap them to, beaded string to tie around your mini for a "rougher ride", and chains... Lots of chains... Apparently many of these women had a kink for domination.

One woman even sent a link to a video of her roughly pounding a mini into her giant twat using a rather large dildo. In seconds she was spazzing in a furious orgasm as the mini disappeared into her folds. When she finally calmed down, and pulled out her cylinder toy, the tiny guy crawled out covered in thick goo. He slumped himself between her legs before giving the camera a thumbs up with a proud smile. The video was captioned, "Does this answer your question".


I instantly threw my phone to the side as my cheeks burned hot red. I was so wrapped up in the moment that I forgot that August was here. And he clearly saw everything! Sure he couldn't read the naughty comments, but the video needed no higher level of thinking to comprehend. Or so I thought...

"Maa-mee... Pway..." August said as innocent as ever.

"Play?" I chuckled in hot embarrassment. Slightly relieved that he was still clueless. Also really turned on. "Yes baby... Something like that."

That was it for the night. No more "research". With a flustered face, I untangled August, slid him into my sock and tucked myself for the night. But of course I couldn't sleep. My mind was rattling from today's events. And not only from the fun and erotic things I saw on the net, but also my talk with Nancy. It was all so exciting.

"Damn it," I sighed, shuffling around to get my phone.

One thing lead to another and I found myself scrolling through images of minis in social media, then eventually exploring porn sites. And, surprise surprise, there where hundreds of mini videos to choose from.

In great excitement, and mild shame for doing this so close to the sleeping August, I clicked on "Tom Thumb's Adventure IN the great unknown".


"Ok, August. Its time you learn how to do basic pedicures."

It was a new day, and we were at the living room where I had setup a makeshift nail salon. I sat on a stool and placed everything needed on a low table: a warm jug of water, special soap and cream, bath salt, foot scrubber, polish and of course August. The only thing on the ground were the foot towel and basin.

My plan was to show August how it was done before he actually did it himself. But that does not mean he wouldn't do anything. I planned on giving him a hands on lesson.

I spread the towel on the ground and set the basin on it. Then I gently picked a naked August and placed him at the middle of the tub. He was a bit confused, but remained there like a the good boy he is.

"Make way for your playmates," I sang while slowly placing each of my foot on either side of him. This seemed to make August smile as he walked to my nearest foot, cringing as he got too close.

"Sin-kee," he said, pointing at my left foot.

I couldn't help but laugh. Ever since I taught him that word he has been using it relentlessly. But that didn't stop him from draping himself on the the "sin-kee" foot. "Ya, ya. I know its stinky. That's why we wash them first."

I got the jug and gently pour it over my foot. Drenching August as well. He was caught off guard, but ended up laughing like the silly thing he is. Soon he was splashing between my feet, occasionally jumping on my toes to get a bigger splash. I humored him by raising my foot so he could use it like a diving board.

"Ok, enough of that," I said, setting my foot back into the warm water while mixing in some bath salt. "We need to start with our lesson. And the first thing do in a to soak and clean the feet... Wait, actually the first thing to do was to trim and shape the nails, but I already did that. Soooo... this is the second thing to do."

August just continued to splash around. Not really hearing any words I said.

"Hey, pay attention." I said, poking him with my big toe. This just made him laugh as he wrestled with the "attacker".

"Wait, August. The scrubbing comes after. You need to let my feet soak for at least 10 minutes before exfoliating... Ah what the heck."

I took the liquid soap and lathered one foot, right above August. This seemed to take his attention, because now he stopped and watched me massage the scented liquid onto my skin.

"You want to help," I asked. "Ok, here. You take care of that foot."

I poured some liquid soap over it. And like a good boy, August climbed on to help me wash up. He fell a few time, and constantly trapped himself between my toes - it was cutely hilarious.

"Mmmm," I moaned as I felt his tiny hands touch just the right spot. They weren't strong, but the sensations was lovely. "I see why they recommended this..."

By the time I finished the washing my foot, August was not even a quarter done with the other. But I just let him continue his work. And by "work" I really mean game, he practically used my foot as a makeshift slide.

Once the wash was over, I used the rest of the clean warm water in the jug to rinsed off. Then gently, I lowered my feet, and August, onto the towel - pinning the tiny boy under my sole. Using the fluffy towel, I dabbed my feet while gently rolling August around until we were both dry.

"All good," I asked.

He was a bit dazed and winded, but overall fine.

"Good. Now for the next part."

Retrieving my foot lotion, I squeezed a blob on one foot and another in my hands.

"You work with that. And I work with the other. Ok?"

I started with the right foot. Showing August what I wanted him to do.

"Come on, just follow me."

I instructed August by placing him on top of the left foot - right next to the blob - then used an index finger to dab into the lotion and start spreading it around the skin. My cutie watched for a few seconds before he joined in. Plunging his puny hands into the white goo then followed the motions of my index.

"Good boy," I cooed. Leaving him to work on that foot as I took care of its twin. I couldn't help but giggle when August got himself coated from head to toe in lotion. And when he was more confident, he used the entirety of his body to spread the white goo. My naughty mind couldn't help but think he was essentially grinding himself on my foot.

As fun as watching August work was, I wanted to move things along. So I gently pressed him down and slid him along my foot. It felt phenomenal and did the job well. And when I got between my toes, I was greeted by his adorable smiling face. He laughed silly as he started to wrestle with my digits. I replied by curling them, practically giving him a hug.

 Once that was done, I used the towel to wipe the excess lotion from August then placing him back on the floor.

"There we go. My feet are now clean, moisturised and ready for polish." I said, poking August with my big toe. "So, are they still stinky?"

"Sin-Kee," August said in a giggling tease as he pushed away my toe.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes. Stepping on August for his remark. "I know you love my feet. Now get up, let's get to polishing."

I placed the different polishes beside him. It was cute to see how such small bottles rivaled my tiny boy in height. He'd definitely need those mini mani-pedi equipment to work my nails properly.

"Watch closely, hon. You'll be doing this next time. But first..." I pointed at the different colors I loved. "Which one should we use?"

August walked from one bottle to the next. Seemingly serious about the choice he was about to make. It made me giggle. He settle in front of one bottle, pointing at it with a bright smile.

"Baby blue? Ya. Mommy likes." I patted his tiny head. "Great choice."

 As I opened the bottle, August instantly cringed - shaking his head and backed a few steps. "Sin-kee."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

I pulled the bottle away. The polish wasn't stinky, but for August everything that smelled strong was instantly labeled as such.

"Guess that's why they make a special polish for you to use."

When August got back his composure, I started the demonstration on coloring my toenails. And he was fascinated. Practically like a wide eyes boy eying the latest gaming console.

"There, isn't it pretty," I asked once done with one nail.

"Pwee-teee," August said as he crawled closer, breathing through his mouth to avoid the sting to his nose.

"Ah-ah. Don't touch it. Its still wet."

August sat where he was, admiring the pretty blue that accented my toe. It was such a lovely feeling to be adored for something as simple as a colored nail. So with a beaming smile, I continued on the rest.   


Instead of going all blue, August pointed at different colors for me to put on. I humoured him, and ended up getting confused rainbow colored toes and fingers. It looked like a mess to me, but August loved it. So it wasn't that bad in the end. Though I'll have to properly teach him correct color harmony before he does my nails.

"Pwee...Tee." August gushed.

An hour passed since I cleaned our makeshift salon, yet August still couldn't get over my colored digits. As I laid on the sofa, with a hand on my belly, August eyed each nail - practically kissing them with how close his face was. He would run his hand along the glazed surface and giggle.

After a while, August tore himself from my hand and made his way atop my breasts. It was always amusing to see August trek the landscape of my body. He looked like a great explorer contesting the wild. But that wild was me. And the mountain he just conquered were my humble breasts.

"Got bored already," I asked as August held up his hands. Thinking he wanted to get carried, I reached for his waist, only to find him pushing my fingers away.

"Pwee... Tee." he said again. Shaking his hands up at me.

"Awwww," I cooed as it registered what he wanted. "You want your nails done too?"

He nodded with the brightest smile. But as precious as he was, I couldn't really do that.

"Look, August, as much as I luv to see your teeny-weeny fingernails done, I don't think I could properly paint them with my big brushes. We'll have to go buy those mani-pedi gear we saw online first."

August pouted sadly. He didn't understand most words I said, but my tone was clearly understood as a "no."

"Awww, don't be sad," I picked him up and planted a reassuring kiss on his head. "We will definitely do it. Just not now."

He got his smile back, but it wasn't as bright. It made me feel bad.

"You know what, let's go get some strawberries. That'll make you happy, right?"

At the mention of the fruit, August instantly got his radiant smile back. He was so easy to handle. I had to do little to nothing to keep him pleased, and he too did little to nothing to keep me gleefully entertained. He was the perfect boy for me. So if he wants a strawberry, I'd get him an entire kilo.

The tiny boy sat happily on my red sweater covered torso, munching away at the juicy fruit. It was always so darling to see him stuff his tiny cheeks. I mean there he was, sitting atop my right breast - which was big enough to house him - struggling to finish a small fruit that was hardly a mouthful to me. It was just to precious!

A short moment later, August made his way to my face and extended the fruit. A clear sign that he was done and wanted me to finish the rest. I pinched his tiny waist and hoisted him over my mouth, allowing him to dispose the remains.

As I chewed the tiny moral of sweetness, I examined August. He was indeed adorably small. His tiny fingers - grasping my trunk sized digits for support - were barely a fraction of my painted nail. His slim torso was as thick as my thumb. And the length of his body was shorter than my index. He looked like a toy, but his tiny heartbeat reminded me that he was a living being. A being in my hand and UTTERLY AT MY MERCY.

This made my mind fly back to last night's "research". All those articles, forums, and porn videos were really doing a number on me. It made me see August in a different way. Not that I thought anything less of him, it just gave me other things to explore with my tiny mate. .

"Mmmmm," my moan suddenly knocked my mind out of trance.

In a shameful blush, I realised what just happened. As I intensively examined August, my free hand had somehow snaked its way between my legs. And while I basked in erotic thoughts, my fingers started to run along the my swelling nether.

"Crap," I sighed, dropping August back onto my breast. "What am I doing?"

I looked down at August. He was just so pure and innocent. Was I really going to corrupt him with my naughty, bored, mom mind? Well, I've done many dirty things to him already. But there was a line, right? With a heavy sigh, and shifting to a better sitting position, I caused August to tumble of my breasts. Rolling over until he stopped at my lower midriff.

"Whoops," I chuckled. "Should have warned you. Sorry."

August stood up and shook his head. He was about to make his way back towards my breast when he suddenly stopped.

Curiously, I watched the tiny boy turn down south - making for my nether. My heart started to race at this. I mean he was getting so close to my crotch!

He looked absolutely tiny there, small enough to be devoured by the monster I could imagine drooling under my tight leggings. The closer he got, the more of his soft weight I could feel on my pubic region, each step sending a sensual spark through my core.

He was right there! Just a few steps and I'd feel him on top of my slit. I silently encouraged him onwards. And to my excited heart's pleasure, he got on all fours, bringing his face close to my crotch. This instantly made my heart stop, dirty mind wondering if he was actually going to kiss it. But before his tiny lips met mine, he stopped, turned around and pointed directly at my crotch, smiling.




I couldn't believe what I just heard. All the titillating tease just for that cheeky fellow to chaff me. I didn't know how to feel. On one hand I was greatly aroused watching my new found fantasy playing out. Then it abruptly stopped with his teasing remark. But in someway it was still hot. I mean he was practically lured by the smell of my strong arousal. Then again he wasn't there because he was sexually enticed, he was just curious by some foreign scent.

His innocence was cute, frustrating and arousing...

"Screw it," I said with a flustered blush.

I jerked my hips, knocking August down between my legs. Sitting up, I smiled at how petite he looked compared to my thicc thighs. Before he could even recover from the fall, I shifted my hips and leaned down - trapping the adorable mini under my steaming nether with only his head popping out.

"Hi," I huffed. Heart picking up its past erotic tempo. Completely taken by the moment, I gently run a finger over his cute face, then along my slit. Shuddering from the growing sensation.

That was it. The erotic feel was more than my logical mind could bare. If this was really wrong, I didn't care. I just wanted it.

"Mmmmm," I bit my lips as my fingers dug into my crotch. Hips grinding gently against the small lump of August's body. I could feel the heat radiating from him. Like my cunt was sucking the pleasure from his core.

He looked up at me confused. Struggling slightly under the growing pressure. Slightly making me guilty... yet more aroused.

I leaned forward, rolling my crotch, and completely burying him. "Where, did you go?"

I giggled naughtily while feeling his minute struggles. In beat with his fight, I rubbed my clit. Growing more erotic by the second as my other hands latched tightly against my breasts. It was getting really good. And building up to a grand finale. And then-


I practically jumped off August as soon as the ringing phone knocked logic back into me. In guilt, I recovered August to check on him. He looked confused and slightly dazed, but overall fine.

"Sorry, cutie." I gave him an apologetic kiss, which he returned by hugging my lips. I took that as a good sign, more so when I saw him smile - like nothing wrong just happened.


My phone annoyingly continued. So I slipped August between my breasts and checked the caller. It was my baby girl, June.

"Hey, Baby," I said while taking a deep breath to calm my still beating heart.

"Hi mom," she said in her all so pretty voice. "Is this a bad time?"

"Of course not. No time is a bad time for my girls. What would make think that."

"Well you sounded a bit winded." She said in an all so knowing manner. "How is August?"

I blushed. My girls and I were really close. We could tell each others state by a simple glance, and apparently by the tone of the other's voice. "He's uhm... His fine." I failed to play it cool. "We were just getting our workout done."

"At the afternoon?" She laughed in disbelief. "Mom, you're workout schedule is always set for the mornings. And if memory serves me well, which is does, you really go out of your way to not do extra hours of exercise."

Yup, my girl knew me too well. "Well... things changed with August."

"I know," she said unconvinced. "Anyways, I was calling to say I'll be stopping by next week. That is if I wont be bothering you and August."

"Of course not," I said with excitement, ignoring her accurate assumptions of my recent activity. "You know I'm always happy to have any of my girls home."

"I know, mom. I cant wait to be home too. Anyways, I'll say bye for now. Leave you to resume your 'exercise' with August." She chuckled teasingly.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, but smiled.

"Love you, mom."

"Love you, baby."

With that, I hanged up. Slightly embarrassed at being caught by my daughter.

"She's just teasing."

I tried to reassure myself that June didn't know what I was just doing to poor-


I pulled him out of my breasts, guilt growing in my belly as my sanity kicked in.

"Sorry again, little guy." I sang softly. "It wasn't really fair what I did. I should have asked first, made sure you were actually willing."

I felt really bad on what I just did. Even if August is a mini - and I had every right to do what I want with him - I didn't think he was just a toy. To me he is more. Yet I used him like one to try and sate my uncontrolled desires. Sure, he would do anything for me, but I wanted him to know what he was getting himself into first. Not just plunge the clueless boy into my carnal lust. I mean he doesn't even know what a cunt is!

Scolding myself, I planted another apologetic kiss on my smiling, innocent boy. He was happy for the attention, making me feel even worse. "You're too precious, August. I promise next time we will do it right."

This was a bad introduction of love making to August. Though after tasting that new, erotic feeling of lust - which still lingered within me - it was only a matter of time before we try again. Though next time I'd make sure to properly and gently introduce him to this new activity.









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