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Chloe shrieked in terror as she watched the towering Scottish girl squash Darrell Redding beneath her boot, while her American friend clapped excitedly.

Tabitha, the middle-aged woman she shared the house with, tutted and shook her head. “Darrell always was a bit of a git.”

Chloe slowly turned to look at her fellow shrunken woman, who was simply standing at the window with her pink plastic teacup in hand and shaking her head like Darrell was simply in one of his usual arguments with the other villagers.

Before she could say anything though, a masculine voice roared out across the village, “Ellie, what the fuck?!”

The enormous brunette girl glanced over her shoulder and though her face softened, she let out a frustrated sigh before she turned back toward the fence. Chloe fought the bile rising in her throat as she watched the thick strands of viscera stretch from the road to the rubber tread of the giant girl's Doc Martens, where Darrell's mashed up remains were still lodged. Her gaze roved up the giantess's body, from the thick-soled Chelsea boots past the fluffy white socks to the tight painted on black jeans that clung to her narrow legs. Her torso was clad in a sturdy but stylish maroon peacoat with the collar turned up a bit to protect against the chilly wind. With each of her earthquake-inducing steps, the rich brown waves of hair that spilled down to her chin from her white Carhartt beanie bounced.

“What, Peter?”

“Ooo,” Tabitha giggled, “He's in the doghouse, I bet.”

The American girl stood in the street for a moment, frowning as she looked at the stain her friend had turned Darrell into. Her foot, encased in some ludicrously pristine trainer, hovered over it for a moment, like she was about to tap her toe against it before she made a disgusted gagging noise and thought better of marring her shoe. Chloe shook as she watched the giant blonde turn back and bounce toward the fence, unable to take her eyes off the girl's right foot, which still bore the faintest stain. It was a grim reminder of Timothy Beauchamp, who had gone out to tell her to go right back to the fence only to be immediately plucked up by the oblivious bitch.

The thunderous voices of the giants echoed across the village but Chloe simply stared at Tabitha, “How can you be so calm about this? They knocked out the power. They could kill us all.”

Tabitha chuckled and shook her head, “Chloe dear, do you think this is the first time that some normal sized folk realized they could terrorize us?”

Chloe could feel her heart almost leap into her throat, “This... this sort of thing happened before?”

“Oh yes,” Tabitha took a slow contented sip of her tea, “But don't worry, I've lived through probably the worst of them. The Colossal Chavs in '04, the Posh Princess in '09.” Tabitha paused for a moment and a wistful smile came over her face, “The Amorous Spaniards of 2013. Even that dreadful Irish Invasion three years ago.”

Chloe braced herself against the windowsill, the sudden vertigo and tightness in her chest giving her horrible flashbacks to her own shrinking eighteen months earlier. She stood there breathing in as best as she could to calm herself before it finally became clear that it wasn't another shrinking spell but just a regular old rush of panic. “You,” she shook her head, “You gave these attacks names?”

“Well, it's not as if these giants ever announce themselves, dear,” she shook her head, “And besides would you really prefer if I said, 'oh yes, I weathered the attacks by Steve and his little twat of a girlfriend' or whatever their names are.” She gestured off to the distant car park, where the giants were still talking amongst themselves.

“So what? Just keep calm and carry on then?” Chloe ran her fingers through her hair and had to fight the sudden urge to tear it out, “Lie back and think of England?!”

“If that's what helps you get through it, dear,” Tabitha said with a shrug. The world started to shake, “Ugh, I would think a nice looking girl like her could get a better looking boyfriend, don't you?”

The windows rattled in their frames and Chloe had to fight an urge to scream as the shadow of the Scot's boot sailed over their home. Pressing against the window, she stared up at the giant girl's enormous boyfriend. He was lanky, like her, and looked a little ridiculous in baggy Adidas joggers, and a gray pullover jumper that also seemed a touch too big on him, which was made even more apparent by the way he was clutching his stomach. His freckled face was fairly round despite his lanky frame, but his hair was a pleasant auburn that he had styled somewhat decently. Chloe bit down her scream as she watched his narrow Adidas trainer almost plow into their front room.

“Ellie,” the giant thundered as they walked off, “I know this trip hasn't been what you thought but how does this not turn your stomach?”

Staring through the door to the kitchen, Chloe watched the pair traipse off toward the 'farms' near the power lines that Ellie had apparently cut. The girl's boots smashed down against the grass, leaving the faintest bloody trail. Meanwhile the boy tried to avoid stepping on too much, which only made things worse as he stumbled about in his girlfriend's grip.

Tabitha tutted once more, “Looked a little green, didn't he, dear?”

“I... what?” The world continued to shake and she whipped her head back toward the main road.

“That Peter boy,” Tabitha said, like it was the most natural thing in the world, “Looked a little under the weather is all.”

“How can you not see how bad this is?” Chloe muttered as she peaked out the front windows.

The American was practically dragging her boyfriend down the street. The giant was shorter than Ellie and Peter though he was still a solid head and shoulders above the petite girl that was pulling him forward. He was wearing jeans that tapered off a little at his ankles, no doubt to show off the high top Nikes that he was wearing, which were a different style than the broad ones his girlfriend wore; they were tighter and plainer, mostly a soft cream which the distinctive dark navy swoosh seemed to pop against. He wore a nice button down shirt that would have hung nicely on him if not for his little paunch but thankfully the smart cardigan he wore helped offset the bad fit of the shirt.

With his high cheekbones, full lips, and floppy dark hair he could probably pass himself off as a poor man's Timothee Chalamet if not for the fact that he was currently being bullied by his girlfriend. The indecision and discomfort on his face instantly reminded Chloe of an anxious boy she went to college with who snapped during their A-Levels.

“As long as none of us go outside and confront them, they'll go away eventually,” Tabitha waved her hand dismissively. “It's a shame they're all upset with each other. When that American girl hopped the fence, I was hoping we might have a repeat of the Spaniards.”

Chloe tried to pretend that Tabitha was just clutching a space where she might have once worn pearls when she mentioned the Spaniards again, even though the woman's hands were clearly far too low for any proper pearl clutching.

A crashing noise echoed up the street followed by the giant's panicked screech, “Faith, what are you doing?!”

Staring through the window, Chloe had a full view of the American girl's loose sweatpants tightening against her taut butt cheeks as she bent down over one of the houses down the way. Bits of balsa wood and ceramic fell to the street before there was another crash. “Hmph,” Faith huffed, “I guess this one's just fake.”

The giant stammered but not a single complete word left his mouth.

The girl pivoted slightly and dug her fingers into the roof of another model house, ripping it off with ease to peer inside of it. “I swore that first little shrinkee came out of one of these places.”

Chloe backed away and reached for Tabitha, “We have to go, now.”

“Hold on, hold on,” Tabitha waved Chloe off, “The Chavs did something similar.”

“Faith,” the giant's voice was tight and strained but his shaking hands pulled his girlfriend up to her full height, “You have to stop.”

Faith simply giggled, “Oh come on, Callum, no one's going to know if we take a few and play with the rest.” She cuddled up close to her boyfriend and ran her fingers up and down his chest, “I think it's cute that you think they're people but you can't tell me that you've never toyed with a tiny in your whole life.”

Callum stumbled back, and jumped slightly when bits of the broken model crunched beneath his heel. “Of course I haven't!” He protested and Chloe could see his face was stricken in horror.

Faith's messy bun of blonde hair shook as she giggled, “Aw, that's kind of sweet.” She then bent toward the next house, her dainty fingers tearing into the model with ease, “I'll let you play with the next one then.”

“No, Faith,” Callum grabbed at the girl once more, making her drop the roof she had just pried free back onto the model house. As the whole thing crumbled the giant winced in discomfort, “I don't want to play with a shrunken person.”

“Aw, baby,” she cooed before giving him a kiss, “This really bothers you, huh?”

“Yes, and-”

“I promise that I won't make you play with any I bring back then,” she said sweetly as she gave him a warm hug, “And you don't have to be here if you don't want.”

The world shook as she stepped away from her boyfriend, who stood in utter shock as she bent down to tear apart another home. Chloe's heart skipped a beat as she realized that the giantess was leaning over Timothy Beauchamp's house, a place he shared with two other young men who were no doubt glued to their windows in horror like she was. She tried to peer through the green pillars of the giantess's legs, hoping to warn them to run if she spotted them through the window.

Callum's immense foot blocked her view as he again pulled his girlfriend back up. “No, Faith. You need to listen to me. I don't want you to do this either. It's wrong.”

“Ok,” Faith spat the word out in a way that made it clear she was not ok with what her boyfriend had just said, “Where the hell is all this coming from? We've been dating for over a year and now all of a sudden you're some big Shrinkee Rights Activist?”

“It's not all of a sudden,” Callum sighed, “I've always felt this way.”

“Then why didn't you ever say anything before?” She whined before petulantly stamping her foot, which sent a minor shock wave through the floor beneath Chloe's feet.

“Because it never came up,” Callum shook his head.

“What are you talking about? My roommate had a shrinkee last year.”

“Wh-what?!” The giant stumbled as if he had been struck.

“Yeah, what did you think I meant when I'd talk about Mel's little helper?”

“I thought, you,” he rubbed his eyes, “I thought Mel sold you adderall or something. You always said it helped you study.”

“So doing drugs is fine but kicking Mel's shrinkee to help me focus is wrong?”

“Yes!” Callum's exasperated shriek made Chloe clutch her ears, “How can you not see that torturing someone is far worse than taking a fucking pill!”

“Ok, first off, stop yelling at me,” Faith bristled with frustration, “Second, stop talking about it like it's a person. It's a shrinkee. Third, he liked it. Everybody knows that all these little things are foot freaks and perverts and stuff.”

Chloe blinked as the girl's voice boomed in her ears, feeling vaguely uncomfortable that the enormous blonde apparently had written off every shrunken person that had ever crossed her path as some kind of demented pervert. Meanwhile, Tabitha chuckled and shook her head beside her like she was overhearing a weird conversation in a cafe.

“I can't believe this,” Callum stammered, “How did- I can't- I trusted you. I felt safe with you.”

“Baby, baby,” she grabbed at his hands, and pulled him close, “It's ok. I'm sure lots of people that have never been around Shrinkees don't get what they're like. Here, let's find one together and you'll see. The first one we find will probably lick the bottom of your shoe without you even asking and then you'll understand.”

“Jesus Christ,” Chloe muttered.

The giant above echoed her shocked words, “Faith, no. I've been around Shrinkees before.”

The girl's sneakers squeaked against the road as she stopped short, “Then how do you not get it?”

“Because I'd never do that to my own brother,” he said exasperated, “And I didn't think I'd ever date someone who would. Good God, I didn't realize when I went to the States that the whole country was insane. I thought the way shrunken people were treated was just a few bad apples or something.”

“Wait, your brother,” Faith laughed, “Wow, I didn't realize that one sibling could shrink and another could be Immune.”

“I'm not Immune, Faith,” the giant said before he took a deep breath and added, “I'm not even asymptomatic, I shrank a little before leaving for Uni.”

“You-you're a shrinkee?”

“Yes, I-”

Her biting laugh cut him off, and she stepped up to him and wrapped her hands around his arms. He yelped slightly as her grip tightened around his wrists and she pulled him down toward the ground. Callum's knees hit the road with a resounding boom and he yanked his wrists out of her grasp, “Ow, what the fuck, Faith?”

Her dainty fingers played with his dark hair but she said nothing.

When he tried to stand back up, she pushed him back down again, sending another powerful quake through the street. “Faith, this is ridiculous,” he said but there was no steel in his voice.

“My friend Sam always said that it was kind of weird that a guy in his junior year of college would want to date me,” she sighed, one hand still playing with Callum's hair while the other rested on his shoulder, shoving him back every time he tried to stand. “She kept saying that something had to be wrong with you, y'know? Like, you were a creep or whatever. But she has like an absurd crush on me, right? So I figured that she was just jealous.”

“Faith,” the giant's voice was little more than whine.

The blonde laughed again, “I never imagined that you could be a shrinkee. I mean, I didn't think colleges and universities even really accepted people that weren't Immune. It's not like they're going to go on to have good jobs and make big donations at any point.” She paused, her grip tightening on the giant's shoulder while she twisted his hair tightly around her pinkie finger, “Though, maybe enough make big donations before they shrink or something. There is that rumor about a guy who donated, like, ten million dollars so that the school would build him a creepy enclosure inside a freshman dorm.”

“Faith, that can't be true,” Callum stammered.

She tugged at the hair around her finger, and when he yelped in surprise, she carried on, “So was that, like, your plan? Date me, shrink down around me, and then I'd keep you as a pet for the rest of your life?”

“No, what? Faith, I didn't-”

Her hand drifted from the top of his head down to press against his lips, “Don't lie to me, Callum. You had to have known I was Immune. I told you more than once.”

The giant stammered while she gently stroked her face, “I never planned on anything b-but...”

“But you thought about it, didn't you, baby?”

Callum's voice wavered, “Yes. But I didn't think you were, I thought you'd be...”

The world outside Chloe's window darkened as Faith pivoted to stand in front of it. The shrunken woman began to back away, and she reached out a hand to grab at Tabitha but met only empty air. She turned to see Tabitha pressed against the window, her head craned back to stare up at the American girl that towered over their house.

“Tabitha,” she hissed while outside the sound of fabric sliding down echoed out.

Tabitha simply tried to wave her closer, “You're missing the show, dear.”

The entire house groaned and Chloe could see the giant girl's legs spreading apart as she settled down atop the house, her pants falling down around her ankles. “That's it,” Faith's voice seemed to reverberate through the whole house, “I always wondered why you were so good with your tongue but-” Her voice turned into a low moan as Callum dove face-first into her crotch, “Mhm, yeah. That's a good boy.”

The wall shook as one of the giant's slammed their open palm against it, and Chloe watched as dust shook out from the ceiling. “Oh fuck, oh fuck,” she muttered while the house shook around her. Running through the kitchen, she watched spiderweb cracks race across the windows and pushed out of the door right before its frame started to groan. Stumbling down the steps into the back garden, she looked up to see the enormous blonde girl already arching her back in pleasure while her immense tanned butt cheeks started to crash through the roof.

Her tiny body moved before she could fully process what was about to happen.

With every pleasurable twitch and thrust of the giant girl's hips, Chloe's home cracked further. The fissures were small at first but they deepened as Faith's moans grew louder. The blonde yelped as her backside crashed through the roof but she did little more than clutch the neighboring building with one hand and her boyfriend's head with the other.

Chloe turned and ran toward the center of the village.

When Faith's moans reached a fever pitch and she heard the building collapse, she stopped and looked behind her. The blonde's buttocks sat atop a pile of debris and then the enormous girl collapsed back, her chest heaving with each of her gasping breaths. Rather than rise up, the girl simply reached over to the nearest building and tore her hand through what remained of the adjoining wall. The screams of Chloe's neighbors echoed out and the shrunken woman turned away before she could see what the blonde would do with them.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, Chloe ran for cover through the village's few alleys while the sound of the giantess's smacking lips seemed to follow her every step.



Chapter End Notes:

Happy Friday, everybody! I hope you're all staying healthy and safe!

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