Mandy, Matt, and Lilly sat in Mandy's bedroom on the floor in a circle.
"Okay, so how does this game work?" Mandy asked.
"Simple. We rotate clockwise who picks up a card. When you pick it up, it will have a number and a question on it. The number is how many times you count between the players. Whoever is the last number is the person who gets asked the question. So for example. Mandy, your to my left so you would be the person I start the counting on since that's clockwise. If I pick up a card with the number two on it, I start at you with number one, then move to Matt with number two. Since he would be two, he is the one who I ask the question. Since there is only 3 of us, it makes it really simple, all odd numbers will be you if I am the one with the card, and all even numbers will be Matt. And when you draw the card, all odd numbers will be Matt, all even will be me. You really only need to count out the number if there is more than 3 people. If you answer the question correctly, you get a +1, +2, or +3 card. If you get it wrong, you get a -card with a random number between 1 and 10. The numbers represent inches. So if you get a -8, you drink 8 drops of the potion and will shrink by 8 inches."
Matt and Mandy looked at each other in disbelief. "So how does the game end?" Matt asked.
"The game ends when one person has shrunk to 2 inches."
"That's freaking small." exclaimed Mandy.
"That's the game." Lilly shrugged.
"I'm in." Matt laughed.
"Yeah, I guess I am too." Mandy nodded.
"Good. Then I'll go first." Lilly said excitedly.
She drew a card and smiled wide, "It's an odd number. So that means Mandy gets asked." Lilly giggled.
"Go ahead, ask." Mandy shrugged.
"Okay. What is the capitol of Russia?"
"Are you serious?" Mandy asked in astonishment. "How the hell would I know that?"
"The questions are completely random. There is no rhyme or reason to them. It goes from geographical to television series. There's over 2,000 questions in this set. You can buy more sets with different questions to keep people from memorizing the answers too."
"Uh, I think Moscow. That sounds right."
Lilly sighed. "Yeah, that's right." Go ahead and draw a + card.
Mandy grabbed a blue card, revealing a +2. "Nice." She said triumphantly. "So I just keep this and use it when I get a question wrong?"
"Yep. You're turn."
Mandy pulled a card. "It's an even, so Lilly, question is yours."
Lilly sneered. "Fine."
Giggling, Mandy read the card. "What is the equation used to find the volume of a cube?"
Lilly just shook her head. "There's no way I remember that. I'll just take a minus card."
Picking it up, she lowered her head, dropping the card to the ground which read -9.
Both Matt and Mandy laughed. Grabbing the bottle, Lilly poured 9 drops into a shot glass and chugged.
Right before Matt and Mandy's eyes, Lilly shrunk by 9 inches, her clothes becoming quite loose on her.
"That was crazy!" Matt exclaimed.
"Well don't get cocky." Lilly retorted. "You got lucky not getting questioned for 3 moves. But your luck won't hold."
Matt drew a card, revealing an even number. "Oh, back to you Mandy." He chuckled.
Mandy nodded. "Okay, give it to me."
Matt read the card. Mandy gave the wrong answer and drew a minus card. The card was a -6, but with the +2 she only had to drink 4 drops.
Now with Mandy 4'8" and Lilly 4'7", Matt remained his normal 5'3".
It was two rounds in before Matt got his first question. Unlucky for Lilly and Mandy, it was a sports question and he nailed it, getting him a +3 card. At this point, Mandy was down to 3'11" and Lilly 4'2".
The following rounds continued to work against Mandy mostly. In the last few rounds she had been hit with high numbers while Lilly had been spared with the smaller ones.
After round 7, Matt stood 4'11", having only lost 4" in height due to a few more + cards being used to balance out the minus ones he dealt with. Lilly stood at 3'3" while Mandy stood on the carpet, completely nude at 5". Matt had reached over, lifting Mandy's clothes off of her after her last shrinking and tossing them to the side, leaving her feeling completely exposed in front of her two giant friends. Lilly remained in her shirt, it looking like a massive, oversized dress to her.
Matt's clothes were a little loose, but almost unnoticeably. "Well it looks like I'm winning." He laughed.
"Game's not over yet." Lilly said defiantly.
"Maybe not, but Mandy can only take one more hit, two at best if she gets super lucky." He chuckled.
Matt pulled the next card. "To you Mandy, today is just not your day."
Mandy shoot her head, unable to believe her terrible luck. She wasn't the only one feeling such poor luck. Matt had originally agreed to join the game in the hopes he himself would end up small. Though, he wanted to lose fair and square, the idea of being small at Lilly and Mandy's feet was something too good to pass up. But instead, luck was not on his side. At least not in the sense he considered luck. He was lobbed question after question that he knew the answer to. And when he didn't the punishment was small.
After another failed question, Matt picked up the next card for her. Clicking his tongue as he turned it to reveal a -5. "That uses up all of your remaining size. I guess you're shrinking another 3 inches."
Lilly prepared the liquid. "Come on guys. I'm already way smaller than you. Don't make me drink anymore, please." Mandy pleaded.
"Sorry," Lilly began, "But rules are rules. You have to drink it." Lilly laughed as she began to prepare the drink for her toy-sized friend.
Mandy turned to run, afraid to shrink even further than she already had. Unfortunately, Matt was prepared for this. Standing to his feet, Matt took two steps, covering the distance Mandy had in full sprint. Matt's bare foot slammed down in front of Mandy, causing her to trip over his foot, falling on top of his toes.
Despite his desire to be shrunk, Matt couldn't help but laugh at Mandy's pitiful form lying on his foot. He lifted his foot, causing Mandy to roll off his toes and on to the carpet before he placed them down on her bare form. With his big toe, he pressed against her face. "Maybe you should give me a kiss." He laughed.
Mandy, naked and powerless, turned her head only as much as Matt allowed, and placed a soft kiss on the underside of his big toe. "Oh come on." Matt cooed. "You can do better than that."
Mandy, humiliated and helpless, placed her hands on Matt's toe and leaned in, kissing passionately, even going so far as to use her tongue.
Matt moaned from up above. "Now that's nice." He cooed, rotating his toe in small circles over Mandy's face.
Lilly made her way over to the scene, smiling widely as she watched her best friend make out with Matt's toe. "That's hilarious."
Matt chuckled along with Lilly, placing his large hand on the back of her head. "Shrink her little one."
Lilly was a little taken aback by Matt's dominance. She had set up this game specifically for him, knowing of his fetishes. But here she was, just over 3 feet tall with Matt looming over her. She nodded, ready to obey the giant lest she upset him. Crouching down, Lilly grabbed Mandy, pulling her out from under Matt's toes enough to give her the drink. To her shock, Mandy did so without struggle. In seconds, Mandy shrank down, shrinking smaller and smaller under Matt's toes until she was barely able to be seen. The majority of her body now hidden by his big toe.
The 2" Mandy continued her worship of the large digit, causing a large smile to spread across Matt's face. "What do you think the odds are that she would willingly do that?" He asked.
Lilly shrugged. "I think it's because of her size. Some people say the liquid acts as something of an aphrodisiac. But it's probably that mixed with your pheremones. You're so much bigger than her, and if you're turned on, your body is radiating pheremones that are over-riding her senses."
"So does that mean you're getting all hot and bothered too?" He asked.
Lilly shook her head. "No, I'm not small enough to be affected. Though it is kinda hot to see her so small and pathetic."
Matt snickered. "How long until this stuff wears off?"
"There's an antidote in the box. You take a drop of it to return to normal."
"Good. In that case, let's get you a little more turned on." Matt shrugged.
"Excuse me?" Lilly asked.
"I agree it's hot seeing Mandy like this. I can only imagine what it would be like to see two girls down there." He laughed.
Lilly looked up at Matt in shock. Her gaze fell to the door and then back to him. Her mind considered making a run for it. But she knew better. There would be no winning this fight. She stood still, completely terrified as Matt walked over to the bottle of shrinking solution and came back to her.
Without instruction, Lilly opened her mouth, allowing him to put one drop after another until he finally stopped. Lilly closed her mouth and swallowed, almost instantly shrinking. Once she was done, she saw the world in a whole new light. Matt was a monolith. "So...what should I do with you?" He asked Lilly as he reached down, pinching Mandy between his thumb and forefinger.
Lilly watched in awe as her best friend, barely visible in his fingers, get lifted up and out of sight as Matt stood to his full height. Unable to come up with anything else, Lilly walked forward, stopping as she came to his foot. She dropped to her knees and began licking the side of Matt's big toe.
The giant smiled. "You little ones have a way of keeping me happy don't you?"
Matt shifted his foot, pinching Lilly between his big and second toes, walking over to the bed. With Mandy still in his fingers, he looks her over. The tiny girl licking his thumb like a dog. "You're pathetic you know that?" He laughed. Down between his toes, Lilly was licking furiously. His pheremones having taken over completely.
Reaching into his pocket, Matt pulled out a condom. He drops Mandy onto his chest while opening the wrapper to the rubber. He then slips his shorts down, exposing his fully erect cock. "Time to go diving Mandy. You ready little bug?"
"Yes sir." Mandy called up to him.
Matt chuckled. "Master. You call me Master."
"Yes Master." Mandy yelled.
He then pinches Mandy between his thumb and forefinger, lifting her from his chest before taing her down to his dick, dropping him on the mushroom head of his erect cock.
After placing her there, Matt places the head of the condom over his dick tip, rolling it down his shaft so Mandy remained in the bubble at the tip. "Get ready bug." He laughed as he wiggled his toes over Lilly's tiny body.
Matt grabbed hold of his dick and slowly began to stroke, making sure to take long, slow strokes so as not to throw Mandy around who had already dropped to her ass and was fingering herself while making eye contact with the giant.
Mandy wasn't given time to finish herself off though. Matt's excitement was far too great. He could no longer hold back his urge and his cock erupted, spewing white, hot spunk, blasting Mandy against the roof of the condom before filling every available space that wasn't already occupied by her.
After coming off the high of his cum, Matt grabbed the condom, pulling it off in a single tug, leaving the cum and Mandy at the bottom of it.
He inspected his work, watching as Mandy swam in the white pool. For a moment, he considered leaving her there. But he knew he wouldn't be able to. As fun as all this was, he knew he would have to give them the antidote. But...that didn't mean he had to give it to them just then.
He still wanted to know what it was like to enjoy their feet at a small size. And since both of them were the smallest they could get, he would have to enjoy their feet through their socks and shoes.
Matt dumped the contents of the condom down on the floor. Mandy hit with a splat in a pool of cum, slowly pulling herself out of the gooey mess. Matt released his grip on Lilly, allowing her to drop to the bed. She was exhausted from the worship and self-pleasure that had been occurring between his toes.
Matt stood up, looking down on the bed, Lilly was panting, drenched in a mixture of her and Matt's sweat. Down on the ground, Mandy was pulling herself out of the pool of cum. Smiling, Matt stepped directly on Mandy, plastering her to the ball of his foot with his cum as he walked over to the game. About halfway there, Mandy fell off and to the carpet, lost in a sea of lust.
Once next to the game, Matt grabbed the bottle of shrinking solution as well as the antidote. He walked over to the doorway, grabbing a pair of Mandy's shoes with the socks stuffed in them. He placed the shoe down and grabbed a shot glass. Counting out the drops, Matt counted up until the amount to shrink him to the maximum. Having lost count, he placed a few extra drops to ensure he would shrink to 2 inches.
Taking the shot, he quickly undressed, not wanting to have to struggle to get out of his own clothes. Just as the solution began to take effect, he grabbed Lilly from the bed, tossing her into Mandy's other shoe. "You can finger yourself in there." He laughed as he shrank. Once he was down to the foot mark, he stepped in to Mandy's shoe and smiled widely, grabbing hold of his erect cock as the walls of her shoe grew around him. Once completely inside, Matt made his way to the toe section, finding the treasure he had desired. The smell was so powerful and exciting that he immediately dropped to his knees and began licking the indent where her big toe used to be as he jerked his cock.
It didn't take long for him to fire his load. He groaned loudly as he spilled his seed on the damp toe print.
Several minutes ticked by as Matt simply bathed in the stench of Mandy's feet. Finally, feeling like the next thing to do would be to find Mandy and Lilly, Matt made his way to the opening of the shoe. That's when something seemed off. He realized the opening, which should only be about twice his height, was considerably more so.
Thinking it just might be him thinking things were off, Matt grabbed hold of one of the laces inside the shoe and began climbing up. Just as he was about to reach the top, something grabbed hold of his arm, pulling him the rest of the way out and tossing him to the carpet below. It took a moment after hitting the ground to realize what had just grabbed him was Mandy.
She jumped down from the shoe, landing next to him. That's when it hit Matt. Mandy was easily 4 times his size. He stood no taller than her knee.
"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. Master is only a midget now." She laughed.
Mandy placed her foot on Matt's chest, pushing him to his back.
"I don't understand. I thought two inches was the smallest you could get."
"Not a chance." Lilly laughed, coming over towards the two. "That's just when the game is supposed to be over. You can get pretty fucking small." She said as she came up to them, standing considerably taller than Mandy. "I took one less drop than necessary. I'm 3 inches tall, which makes me the one in charge."
Mandy gulped as Matt cowered under Mandy's foot. "And I think we need to make you a little smaller Mandy. What do you think?" She chuckled.
Mandy shook her head. "Please, don't."
"Oh I think we're going to make you smaller little one. In fact, I think we're going to make you smaller than Matt here."
Mandy stepped back, clearly terrified. "That's right little one." Lilly said with more confidence, stepping on Matt. "I'm the one in charge."
Mandy shook her head.
"Don't believe me? What makes you think I don't run things around here huh?"
Just as the words left Lilly's mouth, a loud mass crashed down behind her.
Slowly, Lilly turned to see an enormous foot planted firmly in front of her, mere inches away. The big toe coming up to her waist. Her eyes slowly trailed upward until she met the gaze of an enormous young woman who smiled widely down at them.