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The mountain woman


“What the hell is happening?” McCulloh asked in despair as the tables turned too fast for anyone to understand.

The cheers that had so abruptly ceased had lasted for well over five minutes when their plan seemed to be rendering the expected results, which were no other than taking out the monster that had been terrorizing the city of Stanton and massacring thousands of his men. A monster that had taken the form of a voluptuous young woman, albeit a gigantic one.

VX gas was officially forbidden by the laws of war. It was also the deadliest biological weapon in the US arsenal, only matched by the Russian Novichok. The existence of its soviet-era counterpart was probably the only reason VX was still stored. No one had expected to ever use it, though. Until a woman the size of a skyscraper had started sowing death and destruction in the country.

  Robert McCulloh was not only one of the brightest strategists in the army, but also one of the generals with the deepest knowledge on the weapons available to him. This, and the proximity of his base to Stanton had made him the obvious choice for the mission. And his choice had been what had brought VX into play.

McCulloh realized soon enough that he needed a plan B in case conventional ordnance did not work against the giant woman. It was a more than plausible scenario, and even if he had been dismayed when the MOAB had failed to inflict any damage, he had been ready for it.

The General knew that many of his colleagues would have probably switched to nuclear weapons by then. It was an old reminiscence of the Cold War era, when doctrine had called for the launch of tactical nuclear bombs once Soviet tanks overwhelmed NATO’s Eastern defenses. The last thing McCulloh wanted to do was to use radioactive weapons in the proximity of a ten-million-people city. No matter what the President had told him, he still intended to rid the world of Megan Monroe with the lowest possible casualties. And if he had to sacrifice his men to protect civilians, then so be it.

The plan had been simple, even if ugly, from then onwards. They had to attract the giantess to the least populated area in their surroundings and shower her in enough VX to kill a hundred million people. Their mathematical models predicted that a dose sized for a city of a few million would be enough, but it was better to be safe than sorry when it came to Megan Monroe.

The beauty of VX was that it was deadlier than the fallout from a nuke but dispersed easily in the wind. So, if they executed the attack right, Miss Monroe would inhale enough poison to kill her twenty times over but the population of Stanton would barely notice the consequences. Their worst-case scenario assumed a few deaths from people with pre-existing respiratory conditions in the outskirts of the city. McCulloh did not like it, but it was no worse than a couple of steps of the titaness.

Everything had worked like clockwork, the giantess chasing his troops in all her arrogance, as predicted, and reaching the spot at the west of the city that they had designated as the launch zone without any suspicion about their plans. The launchers had executed the volley with perfect precision, the three-dozen missiles approaching Miss Monroe almost at unison. The warheads had all detonated at the right distance, engulfing the titanic woman in a cloud of the characteristic greenish color VX took when weaponized.

There had been a few seconds of uncertainty. And then, for the first time in twenty-four hours, Robert McCulloh had allowed himself a smile when the giantess had started displaying the symptoms of anyone that was exposed to the ultra-concentrated nerve agent. He had never seen the effects of the gas live before, but there were countless hours of footage available for those with the highest clearance, and he had watched them all. It all started with some coughing, then with an almost immediate constriction of the respiratory tract. This was what would kill her, but the most spectacular effect of this weaponized poison was always the spasms. They were sudden and violent, and in a woman her size they took on a new scale of surrealism.

His men started cheering when the giant woman dropped to her knees. And they went on for five full minutes. Feeling a relief he would have not thought possible, Robert McCulloh finally allowed himself to join the celebration. And then… then the unthinkable had happened.

The spasms had gone away as abruptly as they had come. The woman had limped back to her feet. He was trying to comprehend how could someone survive such an exposure to one of the deadliest substances on the planet when things got way more bizarre. To his dismay, the General realized what was happening seconds before one of his men had the guts to shout:

“She is growing again!”




Megan’s relief was only matched by her rapture. During her day-long adventure in the city, she had not thought that she could feel any happier, but it turned out she had been wrong. Having faced the certainty of her demise made everything else so much more rewarding!

It was impossible to know just how big she had got. The closest estimation she could think of was “fucking huge”. It was not as if she had not been big before. As a matter of fact, she had just loved her previous stature, in the neighborhood of nine-hundred feet in height. It had just matched her ever-present mega giantess dreams since puberty and since discovering ‘Janice in the city’ in a random website just before finding out a much richer wealth of material in the rich online giantess community. That height, merely at parity with the city’s skyscrapers, paled in comparison to what she had now become.

Megan did not think that she would find anything built by humanity useful to learn about her new size. As much as she could tell, her new dimensions were geological in nature.

“I’m the size of a fucking mountain!” she muttered, even if her words, meant to be uttered in a low tone, were heard for miles.

Smiling, Megan puckered her lips and let out a puff of her warm breath, easily dissolving the clouds forming under her gargantuan breasts. Looking past them, the goddess realized about something and snickered, bringing her hands to her chest in a rush to weigh her breasts and find out that, as in her previous growth spurts, they had become even more impressive.

“God! Why could I not have tits like this when I was little?” she thought. She had already looked like a centerfold before this latest size burst, but her breasts had managed to become even more out of proportion with her otherwise slender figure. “They are ginormous!”

It was hard to tell without a mirror, but Megan could have sworn that either her waist had narrowed or her hips had widened. Maybe both.

“If I had looked like this before growing I would have got fucked every single night!” she thought. All she would have had to do was probably show up at some bar. It was not as if she was not getting her fair share of sex after her growth, even if she had had to look for some original methods to quell her seemingly permanently on arousal.

Feeling as ecstatic as she was, Megan was not surprised to find out that her clean-shaven crotch was drenched.

“Well, good luck finding yourself a dildo, Meg!”

Almost as in response to herself, she extended two fingers of her right hand and lifted them in front of her face:

“You will never abandon me, will you?” she joked.

It was not yet time for self-indulgence, though. As elated as she was about the conclusion of her latest encounter with the army, she still had some unfinished business with them. Feeling a new resolve running through her veins, Megan adjusted her position and looked in the direction of the troops.

They felt both closer and farther away than they had looked before the attack. And way less impressive. Feeling more than seeing their shock at her latest transformation, she offered them a wide smile of satisfaction before bringing her hands to her hips and addressing them with a voice that took her entire surroundings, much as if it were coming from God himself.

“So, did you think you could really kill me?” she said, with as much contempt as she could put on her words. “I am a Goddess. And thanks to you, it is now so much more obvious!”

Megan was starting to be convinced of her own divinity. How else to describe what had happened to her? How else to explain the unfathomable power she now possessed?

Back in Hathford, after her second growth spurt, Megan had already reasoned that the mechanism that had made her grow from her initial and now ridiculous-looking hundred feet of height to her much more preferred skyscraper-scale granted her some type of invincibility. After all, if her power came from her size and the way her body reacted to pain and harm was by growing, the logical consequence was that what could kill her would unavoidably make her stronger.

The house of cards she had carefully built over that premise had seemed to crumble when the army had used the poison-gas on her. After the fact, she reasoned that her agony had probably not lasted more than a few minutes, but to her it had felt like an eternity. It had all been for the greater good, in the end. It had all been to turn her into an even more magnificent creature, a divine being of infinite power.

It was time for the world to find out who she was. And it was time for her to test the limits of her power, if there were any.

Without further word, the newly minted goddess removed her hands from her hips and took a step in the direction of the army. The ground shook around her, a cloud of dust rising around her foot, all the way up to mid-shin, as a spider web of cracks formed around a footprint that sank a couple hundred feet on the Earth. Her left foot soon followed, causing a similar commotion.

“The land does not seem too well prepared to handle me. Are you?” she bragged.

Almost as in response, dozens of miniature explosions lit her skin in the twilight. That was all the notice she got of them, the thickness of her skin stopping any feeling, even if her nerve-sensitive nipples.

Megan scowled, not at the effects of the attack, but at being attacked per se. Her gargantuan eyes inspected the dusk and soon found the offenders in the form of dozens of fighter jets flying much closer than she would have expected. Of course, it was not so much that they were not keeping their distance but that she was too damn big for anything to look far away.

A new salvo of missiles left the bug-sized aircraft and crossed the evening sky in her direction. She simply let them hit. The succession of fireballs was as spectacular and ineffective as the previous one.

“Fucking gnats!” Megan muttered.

And then, in an impulse, the titaness pushed her lips out and started blowing in the direction of her attackers. A loud gusting sound took over her surroundings as Megan channeled winds stronger than any hurricane that had ever hit earth through her thick glossy lips. Truth be told, the goddess had not been too optimistic about the effect of her attempt, but it turned out that, like in every previous occasion, she had underestimated the magnitude of her power.

The planes closer to her were practically disintegrated by the approaching wall of air. Those that had been at a more prudential distance were caught in a tailspin that sent them crashing into the ground a few counties farther away.

Megan was about to snort like a little girl at the results of her experiment. She managed to stop it at the last minute and adopted a regal stance instead.

“When I said goddess, I truly meant goddess. All powerful,” she gloated.




For what it mattered, McCulloh had ordered his remaining forces to retreat while the fighters kept on pounding on the mountain Megan Monroe had become. He had felt that the fast and nimble planes would stand a better chance against the hellish woman, but a strong puff on her side had proved him wrong and sent him into an even deeper despair.

McCulloh feared for his men, but even worse than this, he feared for the country and for the world. Megan Monroe had been both cruel and frightening before. She appeared utterly unstoppable to him now, and he did not think that her most recent boost in size would have had any soothing effect on her murderous character.

If anything, McCulloh was cursing himself for having triggered this latest growth. In his mind, he had forfeited the world’s fate by turning a destructive giantess into a cataclysmic force of nature.

It was hard to coordinate anything or give any instructions while the world around them shook like in San Francisco’s Big One. An aide grabbed to some piece of equipment as he stood at attention by his side. He felt proud for the man’s sense of duty, even if he doubted it mattered anymore.

“Sir, Fort Belvoir has estimated the new dimensions of Miss Monroe, triangulating data from the satellite network. She is believed to be in the neighborhood of eight-thousand one-hundred feet tall,” he said.

A fucking mile and a half. That was the size of a mountain, not a woman. His eyes corrected him, though. Miss Monroe might as well be a mountain, but one of flesh and one that was strutting in their direction.

“The President is willing to authorize the use of the strategic nuclear arsenal,” she same aide finally said, sounding uncertain.

Everyone knew they would be vaporized if they decided to throw a nuke at the woman. McCulloh did not care anymore, and he knew that most of his men would gladly sacrifice themselves if that meant putting an end to the threat Megan Monroe represented. And still, he knew deep inside that nuclear weapons were not the answer. Not after what they had just witnessed.

“Answer immediately. Use these precise words: use of nuclear weapons not recommended. High risk of further growth spurts from the subject.”




Megan stopped about half a mile from the first group of soldiers, or what was the same, about a short step away.

God! They had been tiny before. But this? This was something else! Even her toes towered over the miniscule fuckers like high-rises. Megan understood that interaction with them would now be all but impossible, but the rush of power she felt made her disregard it as a mere inconvenience.

Without further word, the goddess crouched, gracefully bringing herself to the catcher’s position. She took a few seconds to admire the sheer puniness of the mass of humanity ahead of her. And then, she just reached out. Rather than curling her hand downwards, Megan turned it upwards. Her fingers had no trouble digging the soft ground, sinking deep under the surface only to reemerge hundreds of feet further. Then, gently but vigorously, the giantess pulled her hand up, ripping ten acres of terrain and all the military forces standing on them.

Doing her best to keep her hand level and steady, she stood back up, bringing her palm under her curious eyes, which had no trouble making every detail of its contents, despite the fading light of dusk.

“There must be thousands of you in there,” Megan marveled, narrowing her eyes to try and catch some details out of the individual specs she knew were soldiers and the somewhat larger motes that were their vehicles. They were still meaningful, but not much, she observed, as she guessed that each of the men in her grasp could not be much larger than a millimeter.

“You are not even bugs anymore,” she then taunted them. “More like microbes, I’d say,” she kept teasing.

Her eyes left her palm for a second as a new series of painless explosions took her calves and lower thighs.

“Stubborn, thick-headed microbes, it would seem,” she finally said.

“It must be frustrating,” Megan then thought out loud. “Being so worthless, I mean. So utterly insignificant that you can’t even put a blemish on me. If the intensity of the feeling is anything close to the euphoria I’m feeling right now, I really feel for you. Almost feels as if it would be merciful to put an end to that misery, don’t you think?”

Megan then started slowly closing the fingers of her hand, gradually compressing the ground she had ripped from the Earth and throwing the thousands of soldiers she was holding around.

“So convenient that I can do thousands of you at the same time!”

The goddess then increased the pace at which she closed her hand into a fist, finally compressing her fingers up until the moment when her knuckles turned white. She kept her first closed for a few seconds, delighting in the fact that she had been able to finish thousands of lives in such a simple way. And then, she just tossed the remainders carelessly to the side, forgetting about them.

Her attention was back at her feet, where the retreating troops had barely managed to put a few extra inches between her and them. Curling her lips into an evil smile, Megan raised her right foot. She did not step in the direction of the fleeing soldiers, though, but instead stomped down in the same spot where she had been standing.

The ground rippled with the shockwaves of her self-generated earthquake, while trenches dozens of feet wide projected like spiderwebs from her footprint, engulfing hundreds of men and their vehicles.

Megan was having the time of her life testing the consequences of her enormousness in the real world. And still, no good giantess could be proud of herself if she did not resort to the classic.

Chuckling at the still recovering troops, the goddess finally stepped in their direction, this time letting her sole drop gently on the ground below, embedding a few more thousand men in another of her two-hundred foot deep imprints.

She could see, rather than feel, the flashes of the canon muzzles of the retreating troops. As logical as it was that they would keep firing at her, Megan could not prevent feeling offended by them.

“Not that I would spare any of you, but at least you could stop firing and save yourselves the embarrassment of your insignificance, don’t you think?” she said with a frown.

Another step, this time of her left foot, took care of another significant chunk of the fighting forces. Now standing right on top of the survivors, Megan crouched again.

“Have you ever heard the expression ‘Fist of God’?” she mocked.

Her casual punch obliterated yet another large section of the mighty military force.

“Well, let me tell you something: it’s overrated next to ‘Slap of the Goddess’!”

Megan then slammed her open palm on an even bigger group of soldiers, a much larger area being obliterated by the deceivingly weaker move.

“I’d love to spend more time with you, but let’s face it: you guys don’t last. So, I just wanted to leave you with a parting thought before you all get turned into compost. I will rule this planet. I will bring down a good chunk of it in the process. And by the time I get done, you guys will barely be a footnote in my story.”

She then waited a few seconds before saying:

“Good bye.”

And then, without warning, the goddess let herself drop on her ass, shaking the Earth with a violence the planet had never felt before and putting an end to the first and presumably last attempt at resistance humanity had dared to put against her unavoidable rule.




“Oh my God!” the President muttered as he observed the casual massacre of his troops through the main screen at the situation room.

“Sir, we need to leave,” the Secret Service agent said.

“Leave? Where?” the President replied in a madman’s tone.

“Air Force One,” the Secret Service agent replied coldly, hinting some urgency to the man.

“What’s the point?” the President said with a desperate laughter. “We should nuke her!” he then insisted, making the Joint Chiefs uncomfortable, even if they did their best to hide it. This was a conversation they had already had.

“Sir, it’s not advisable to make any further attempt on the woman until we can learn more about the process that triggered her latest growth episode,” General McManus said, repeating almost the same exact words he had used when the conversation had first come up, less than thirty minutes ago.

“It is my prerogative to order a nuclear strike!” the President insisted.

McManus slowly exhaled.

“It is, sir,” he replied, quickly glancing at the Secretary of Defense.

The man got the hint and jumped in:

“Sir, we should get to Air Force One. We will be safer and we can order a nuclear strike from there, if needed,” he said.

There were a few seconds of uncomfortable silence. The President finally nodded and the Secret Service agents were fast to gently but steadily push him towards the exit.




Megan remained sitting for a few minutes, enjoying the feeling of having an entire army buried under her backside, even if she knew that the stimulation was purely mental, since the semi-microscopic soldiers had no chance of causing any kind of physical reaction on her.

As she sat, the goddess exhaled and reflected about her most recent change. She was enormous, even beyond the wildest giantess dreams she had ever had. The first consequence of her massive growth spurt was obvious: no one would dare again to question her power, her supremacy. And if anyone was foolish enough to do it, he would end up in a stadium-sized foot-shaped crater, probably with a few thousand collateral victims.

She was sure there would be plenty more implications of new, godly size. And, as usual, the best way to learn about them would be by exploring and experimenting. So, without further thought, Megan brought her hands to the soft ground and pushed herself up, carving deep craters under her palms in the process. The first thing that she had learned was that each and every of her actions from now on would have permanent consequences on the landscape.

The Sun had already set beyond the horizon, the last shreds of orange light being reflected in the cloud cover. And still, Megan had no issues seeing her surroundings with the same detail as in a bright midday. Now the size of pools, her eyes caught every ounce of light in her surroundings and provided her with an enhanced view of them.

It took her a moment to determine her location with any precision. When she finally accepted that the pond to the north was Lake Rochfolk and that the low hills to the west had to be the Grey Mountains, Megan understood that she was some fity miles away from Stanton. If she had not been used to real-world measurements not to mean much by now, she would have been impressed.

Turning around, the giantess did not have too many problems to locate the lights of the metropolis by the coast, looking closer than they really were. It would be a short trek back to Stanton, merely a few minutes.

Being in the countryside gave a new meaning to her stature. It was not that nothing could compare to her. This would probably happen to her also in the city. But here, there was nothing that could come up even to her ankles. She felt curious about the scattered lights in her surroundings.

Before devoting some attention to them, Megan looked down and admired the deep crater her buttocks had dug on the soft ground, a crater that had buried the first and hopefully last attempt at resisting the inevitable: her triumph.

Feeling proud, Megan stepped out of the depression and observed the landmark once more. Her ego then came forward and reasoned that she should do something to commemorate the landmark of her decisive victory. But how?

Like a child in a sandbox, the goddess crouched and started piling up dirt, initially without too much purpose. She then made a game to see how tall of a mound she could amass between her hands. She stopped by the time she was about knee-high, or what was the same, about half a mile. Carving an ‘M’ in the face of the improvised memorial, Megan muttered:

“Let this mound commemorate the place of my unquestionable victory. And let it also be witness that I will shape the Earth to my liking and convenience!”

Standing back up, Megan adjusted her position and then took a first slow step in the direction of some lights she guessed were farmhouses. While Stanton was a bustling metropolis, the lands upriver were very fertile and featured intense agricultural activity.

The ground shook in a new unavoidable earthquake. The first tremor had not yet died by the time it was joined by a second. And then a third. She just needed a dozen steps to cover the eight miles that had separated from the largest concentration of tiny lights. She could see that this had also got her closer to the Stanton River, which now looked no more than a rivulet to her eyes.

Everything was so close to her soles that Megan had no option but to get on her hands and knees to get a closer look at the diminutive buildings that filled the terrain. This brought new crater shapes and new shaking intensities to the mix. Her long hair dragged through the ground, making a mess of its own, digging trenches and bringing anything on their path to the ground. The goddess was oblivious to that and just focused on the terrain to her front.

Feeling curious, she reached out and plucked a tree between two fingertips. Holding it in front of her massive eyes, Megan guessed it was an oak, although it looked barely like a little flower to her. The realization made her chuckle.

Discarding the tree to the side, the giantess then extended a finger and rested it on top of one of the illuminated houses. It only took her a fraction of the strength of her digit to crush the entire building into the ground.

“I strongly suggest you get out of your houses,” she whispered in a voice that could be heard in the entire county.

Still on all fours, she thought she could make some activity, some millimeter-tall specs getting out of the farmhouses. She chuckled once more, but her mood changed abruptly when her gargantuan eyes caught a number of flashes coming from the groups on the ground. She could not hear the cracking noises and much less feel the consequences of what was going on, so it took Megan a few seconds to realize that she was being shot at.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” she let out, indignant.

These were the last words anyone in the vicinity heard, since her fist landed like a meteor in the center of the area right away, obliterating several farmhouses and all of their occupants at once. For the rest, their fate was sealed seconds later, when the massive earthquake that ensued swallowed them into the ground.

Still shocked that anyone would still have the courage to confront her, Megan quickly got distracted by a moving light coming from the Stanton River. It did not take her too long to identify it as that of a large river barge. Curious, Megan lied down and stretched her body, resting her head into her folded arms, just a few inches away (to her) from the object of her interest.

The ground creased and sank under her massive nude figure as if it had been made of wet clay. Megan especially enjoyed the ‘damage’ being done by her even more enhanced chest.

She remained in place for a while, observing the snail’s pace of the barge as it struggled to move upriver right under her eyes. She wondered how the view from the boat would be, how she appeared to them. She would never know, though. One thing she had definitely lost with her latest size change had been the ability to communicate or interact with the tiny lice. Up to some point, it was a setback, but Megan was not ready to find issues to her new, amazing size.

Finally tired with the barge, the goddess simply removed one hand from under her chin and reached for the boat, bringing two fingers together before it. Her intention had been to flick the barge into the next county. Not for the first time, she misjudged her new strength big time, since the craft was practically disintegrated when it was hit by the astronomical strength of her index finger.

“Ooopsie,” the goddess said cutely just before she started to lift herself from her lying position.

Megan was about to get back to her feet when the sight of the craters her massive knockers had left on the soft ground caught her attention, fascinating her.

“These must be deeper than pits!” she said proudly.

And then, thanks to her civil engineering training, a funny idea came to her mind. Reaching with one hand to the river, Megan extended two fingers and started digging a deep trench that started in the riverbank closest to her. She then kept going, bringing the trench towards the deep depression her tits had dug.

Physics came into play shortly after, and the water from the Stanton easily found a new path of least resistance. Within minutes, her chest-crater was getting filled by fresh water. Megan had effectively created a new lake, and not a small one.

“How should I name you?” the goddess asked cutely as she brought a finger to her lower lip.

She then let a giggle out and replied to herself:

“What about Lake Gazonga?”

Standing up while she kept her eyes trained on her latest creation, Megan chuckled once more and muttered:

“Perfect spot for a summer house!”




Norene Banks let her car move forward twenty feet before pushing the brakes again and slammed her hands on the dashboard in frustration, bathed by the bright red brake light of the car in front. A quick glance at her car’s digital clock confirmed to her that she had been on the road for close to eight hours, even if she was barely thirty miles away from where her trip had started. At least she was thankful that her tank was still half-full, so she did not need to get concerned about that soon.

Norene had jumped into her car as soon as she had realized that the news of the giant woman was not a hoax but a very real threat. The problem, of course, was that by then, millions of other people had had the same idea.

By the time Norene learned that Stanton had become a massive gridlock it was far too late to change her mind, so she just kept going, her escape turning into a three-hour standstill when I-605 had become impassable, apparently after the giantess had visited it a few miles ahead of her position.

Norene had never been too fond to pay taxes, but every single penny she had sent to the Federal government suddenly made sense when the Army Engineering Corps had restored traffic out of the city, even if only through one lane. From there, it had been three hours of starting and stopping her car in order to get some thirty miles out of the city. And this was where she was, feeling the groans of her stomach and cursing herself for not having taken any food with her.

Her hunger stopped being a concern soon enough, though. The ground shook and her car bounced. And Norene felt fear taking over every cell of her body.




Megan felt a deep sense of fulfillment as she started the short trek that would bring her back to Stanton. Where else to go as a goddess? She still needed to learn how damn tall she had become, and she would find no better place than the metropolis for that.

The cool early-evening breeze soothed her skin, impossibly tan after an entire day of exposure to the fierce summer sun, as she casually strutted back towards the city.

By now, she was already used to the seismic effect of her footsteps, so she mostly ignored them, letting the deceivingly soft thuds serve as a soundtrack of her thoughts. She was in bliss, secretly enjoying her new landscape-shaping nature as the lights of the metro area approached with unnatural speed. Megan had walked amongst its skyscrapers not so long ago, and was now eager to look down on them, measuring her new wonderful size up against them.

One of the issues with having a vantage point of view over hundreds of miles and such a keen eyesight like the one Megan had been granted was that she could get easily distracted. This was what happened to her when she caught a peek of the long line of diminutive red lights that reached as far as the eye could see.

It did not take the goddess too long to understand what they were. She, too, had used a car and faced pileups in her previous life, back when she could not travel miles in seconds by herself.

“I thought I had blocked every exit from the city!” the goddess thought with some disappointment.

Even if it felt like ages ago, not even twenty-four hours had passed from a moment when Megan would have tolerated this type of challenge without flinching. For most of her life she had been shy and afraid of conflict, and people had used that to take advantage of her, even when she knew she was right. Those days were over. Megan did not even need a reason to cause a massacre anymore, so having one compelled her even more to act.

She had been kind of expecting a massive attempt at escaping her as she approached the highway, much like it had happened in previous occasions, when she had been merely nine-hundred feet tall. It did not happen, though. She was surprised by the lack of reaction for a few seconds. If anything, she was way more visible now. And then, she understood what was going on: they could not see her. None of the tiny mites trapped in the interstate had her ability to see in the darkness, their tiny eyes only able to catch up so much light. So, while Megan was certain that they were feeling her approach, they probably did not know what expected them.

It barely took her a couple dozen lazy steps to reach her objective. She straddled it when she did, much like she would have done at her former building size. It turned out that the effect was way different. It was surprising what a change in scale could do.

Far from being too consequential, the highway was merely a tiny ribbon, laid out so far below her clean-shaven crotch that it felt as if it were miles away. Megan chuckled when she realized that her observation might even be accurate.

Despite the distance, the goddess could still see the never-ending line of lights perfectly well. Finally, she got some reaction, with several car doors flying open, tiny microbes filling the aisles between cars. They had finally understood that she was upon them and had decided to escape on foot. As if this was going to help them at all!

“Why would so many people want to leave my party?” she uttered a mocking complaint in a thundering voice. “Am I such a bad hostess?”

Megan did not expect any kind of answer or reaction before crouching first and keeling down later, bringing the teensy highway closer, even if it still looked ridiculous enough.

“Here, let me offer some help,” the giantess finally said.

No one could see how she brought her hands to the back of her head and grabbed her long brown hair, to prevent it from dragging into the road. The giantess then lowered her face and took a deep breath just before puckering her glossy lips out. There was no warning before a strong gusting sound took over her surroundings once more. Winds that took speeds of hundreds of miles an hour were channeled through her thick lips and hit the road like a focused hurricane. Hundreds of cars and thousands of people immediately became airborne, much like dry leaves being pushed around by a powerful leaf blower.

By the time Megan stopped blowing, fifteen seconds later, no red light remained for miles ahead of her.

“There you go!” she mocked, letting out a loud laughter.

Standing back up, the giantess turned to face the city and the sight of countless white lights. Her first step towards Stanton turned hundreds of them off.



Chapter End Notes:



The entire story of Megan is 136,000 words long, split in 18 chapters. If you want to read the entire story in one go, I made it available in Gumroad, starting at $9.99: https://gum.co/GldJmA

I will keep posting chapters regularly (hopefully every week) for free, but I wanted to give the chance to those that are impatient for more or to anyone who wants to support me in my writing to do something different.

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