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Chapter 7


Her body expanded, but even better, her wounds healed again. That was the work of the white hole, the matter it created also restored her body to its former state.

Patricia grew and grew, and the more height she gained, the less the shells hurt. And the less damage they did. But even if, the wounds closed almost immediately anyway.

The giantess got her bearings back. She saw the soldiers and the ground move away from her, getting smaller by the second. The sounds of rockets exploding faded.

Thanks to her increasing mass, the building under her hand was totally obliterated. The street her knees rested on cracked open, her feet shoved a few half-intact buildings out of their way.

On the ground, the soldiers saw her grow, noticed her wounds close, and tried to retreat. But Patricia, regaining her arrogance, wouldn't let them.

She reached over the army and simply toppled a skyscraper by slapping it. It fell, crushing a few soldiers and two artilleries doing so while cutting off the escape route for the rest.

Patricia stood up, already more than two miles tall. The shells from the battleship pricked her beautifully shaped claves, but she barely noticed.

"So, you thought you could bring me down, me, the mightly Patricia? Hah! Now you got a bigger problem! The more trouble you bring my way, the bigger and more powerful I get! Die, you puny men!" she spat. By the time she had finished her sentence, she had gained another mile.

She towered impossibly high over Seattle, her mighty shadow eclipsing vast amounts of the city. Slowly, she raised a foot, as if to step on the remainder of the ground forces at once, but still growing, she decided to humiliate them even more. Patricia pointed her big toe at the soldiers, and deftly placed it on them.

Four miles tall now, the giga- giantess squeezed the entire ground force, infantry and artillery, into paste- with nothing but her big toe! She twisted and turned it with grim pleasure, enjoying how the puny artillery was turned into mangled steel like play-dough. She was so vast, she couldn't even feel the bodies of the soldiers anymore.

Turning, she looked in the direction the hot rocks had come from. Patricia saw the battleship, still firing, though she barely could see the puffs of smoke and hardly hear the explosions.

She turned, and walked towards the ship. Two steps were enough, two steps that crushed several untouched parts of Seattle. The giantess saw the now toy-like battleship, its cannons silent. She smirked. Pathetic! The only thing she needed to do was kick it, or even drag her hand forcefully through the water, in order to sink it. Was this all men could build? Simple toys a woman could sink by merely walking past them?

The captain of the battleship had seen Patricia grow too. He also witnessed how her wounds closed, and how little damage his shots did now. He had dropped his binoculars, not only because Patricia was growing to such a size he didn't need them to see her, but also out of astonishment. 

Then the giantess had turned and moved impossibly fast, due to her size, towards his ship. She towered unbelievingly high over it, like a living mountain of human flesh. Her legs were thicker than the entire length of the battleship, her feet could easily crush two of these vessels laying behind one another at once. 

Then the giantess bent over and plucked the ship from the water.

With a mere three fingers!

She lifted the ultraheavy battleship like it was a small toy. Some crewmembers lost balance and fell down, splattering like bird dropping on the beach or on the huge feet of Patricia. One hit the hard nail of her big toe, leaving a small splotch of red on it. Too small for Patricia to notice or see.

The giant businesswoman looked at the ship, grinning maliciously. Then she simply squeezed and compressed it like tinfoil with her now superstrong fingers. 

The captain was squeezed to death, along with the remainder of his crew, as the 4 mile tall giantess pressed his ship flat. Not a chance for surrender, not a chance for negotiations. Just killed like a mite.

Patricia turned the ship into a thin plate, then rolled it like a shag cigarette paper. She bent it into a circle, and clipped it on her nostril.

Yes, an entire battleship was now turned into a nose clip. And she carried it as if it weighed next to nothing. Another display of her power, and more would follow, now that she was 4 miles tall.

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