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The Christmas break was over and Tom and Cindy returned to school. Cindy seemed a lot happier since the day her brother apologized to her. And she knew he meant it.

Tom had thought long and hard about how he had treated his younger sister. And he realized that he was closer to her than he cared to admit, due to the fact that his parents were never home. Add in the fact that she was bigger and stronger than him, and would continue to be, he thought it was best he made amends now, not when it was too late.

As the school year flew by to its conclusion, Tom grew to 5’6”, but Cindy grew to 6’3”, putting her a solid nine inches taller than her brother. She also recalled the time that were at the mall, and someone recognized her as Tom’s little sister. Except he started calling her a freak and other names. Tom went after the person in a physical altercation that her brother didn’t fare too well in. But it made Cindy feel good knowing that Tom would defend and protect her.

And during summer break, Cindy and her friends, and Tom and his friends, started hanging together. It was a surreal sight. Four boys, on the cusp of being teenagers, hanging out with girls 5 years younger, but much taller than them. It was awkward at first, but it became apparent that the girls were very nice, and the boys appreciated a break from being around their own younger, taller sisters. 

And as the school year was growing closer, and after their birthdays, it was time to go close shopping for school. 

Tom had grown another three inches, standing 5’9”. Cindy grew to 6’8”. Bill and Susan called the numbers in the resource packet, setting up the housing that they knew they would need, probably as soon as next year, and to arrange a vehicle, as soon Cindy would outgrow the school bus. And they took advantage of the clothing catalog, as no store had outfits that would fit Cindy.

So the first day of school came, and proceeded uneventfully, except for the fact that the third grade class was taller than everyone else in the school, except for the two boys whose parents refused the formula. Which really made for an odd sight, being as that they were only about 4’3” tall, normal for their age, but almost 2 and a half feet shorter than the girls in their class.

And by the Christmas break, Cindy only added an inch to her height, while Tom added 3 inches, standing an even 6’, still ten inches shorter than his younger sister.

And over the break, their parents announced that they would be moving into a new house a couple of days after the school year ends, and that they will be getting a vehicle which would make it easier to drive Cindy around, as she was getting too big for their current house and car.

Tom asked about the new house, and what would be different about it than what they are living in now. Bill, his father replied that at the beginning of February, they will be given a tour of their new home. Things will be adjusted for Cindy’s current and future height, and that modifications will be implemented to help the three of them maneuver through the house. Tom was a little confused, but remained silent after that.

And with the Christmas break almost over, it was time to start packing up things that they never really used, and get rid of them. Cindy felt like everything was being done just for her, and it made her feel uncomfortable knowing that her family was going to have to move because of her. 

She didn’t like it. She had never wanted to be the center of attention. She would have been the happiest girl in the world if she could just read and listen to music without interruption. Now, everyone’s life was being jostled about just to make sure she was comfortable and happy.

And after her and Tom went to their rooms that night, she was still bothered by all that was going to happen. So she left her room and knocked on Tom’s door. He was still awake and said for her to enter. He was sitting up on his bed reading a western magazine. She asked him if she could sit, and he said yes.

She was hesitant at first, but then started crying as she apologized to him for all the upheaval that she was causing. She never meant to have everyone’s life changed to make her happy.

Tom, gave her a hug. Being 10 inches shorter than her meant it couldn’t be a full hug, but he did his best t comfort her. He wanted to talk to her anyway. He said that he was very upset by the fact that their mom and dad signed her up for the formula. He thought it was unfair, and he resented her for taking it. And it wasn’t until last Christmas break, when they had their incident in front of her friends, that he realized that she was more family to him than their parents. And it wasn’t her fault, or anyone’s fault about the formula. Their parents had been right. Women had it tougher than men, and now he was happy that she would at least be able to take care of herself without a man protecting her. In fact, she would probably end up protecting the man.

She laughed at his joke, which really made her feel better. And she knew Tom was right about their parents. Tom, even with him being a jerk to her for all those years, really was like a true parent to her. She gave him another hug, and then went to her room to go to sleep.

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