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Bill and Susan Carpenter signed the paperwork allowing their family to move Into their new house immediately. They transferred the old house over to Jane’s company, allowing them to sell it.

With the stuff from their house coming the next day, Jane informed the family that a crew would come once a week to clean the entire house. Bill and Susan asked why. Jane told them that only the doors were made with lightweight materials. The furniture would be too big and too heavy for them and their son to move. Cindy may be able to do it, but it wouldn't be right for a 8-9 year girl to be doing all the cleaning.

If they wanted to keep their car, they could. And Bill and Susan said they would. The van needed to be available at all times in case Cindy needed to be driven somewhere. A second car would be helpful.

Once they took the house, Tom kept laughing at Cindy. She kept ducking down when walking through doors, even though they were twice her height. Tom thought this was due to muscle memory. Cindy had spent the last two months having to worry about hitting her head on small ceilings or door frames. He knew it would be a while before she broke the habit.

Deep down Tom thought it was kind of cool that this huge house was built for his little sister. If she ended up growing as tall as they projected, it would have really been terrible if there was no housing for her. He could only imagine being a giant and being forced to use objects that were way too small for them to use. 

Tom and Cindy were asked by their parents to come to the living room. When they got there, what they saw made them laugh. Their mom and dad were sitting in both of the chairs, their leg sticking straight out, unable to bend. Finally, Tom got the true scale of the sizes of things to come, and it left him in awe.

Bill and Susan motioned for their kids to sit on the couch. Tom and Cindy climbed up. Tom’s legs were in the same position as his parents, Cindy's were bent slightly. Tom chuckled to himself, because to him, it was funny seeing his taller sister having to use the seem risers or steps to sit. 

But his humorous thoughts were interrupted when he noticed the look on his parents’ faces. He had no idea what was up, but their expressions worried him.

Bill and Susan looked at both of them and apologized.

Tom and Cindy looked at each other in confusion. Their parents apologized for not being there for them when they were younger. They apologized for being selfish, for putting their needs ahead of Tom and Cindy’s. They apologized to Cindy for ignoring her when she had issues with her brother. They should have stepped in sooner.

They apologized to Tom for basically giving him the responsibility at an early age of basically raising his sister. They realized that it put a terrible burden on him, and they suspected it contributed to his behavior towards her.

They said that they could never forgive themselves for what had happened, but made a promise to Tom and Cindy. They would be there from now on, no matter what.

Tom and Cindy saw that their parents were crying, which caused them to cry. Tom cried when they mentioned his behavior towards his sister, as he was still wracked by guilt.

Cindy cried, because now she would get the one thing she craved more than anything, time with her parents. She would have a mother to talk to and share with. And it relieved her that her parents would be there to help her through the changes yet to occur.

She looked at Tom and thought of all those times he was a jerk towards her, but she felt it was an act. She understood that being given the responsibility of watching and taking care of her at an early age wasn't fair to him. And that his behavior was caused by it. 

She remembered the conversation from the year before when he spilled his heart out to her. She had a new appreciation for the challenge he faced growing up, because she was about to go on her own. But this time, her parents would be there for her. They weren't for him, and she cried at that thought.

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