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Everyone had gone to bed. The house was quiet, but Cindy couldn't sleep. Her bed was too large, and her room too big. It felt cold and impersonal. She tried to take her mind off the uncomfortableness of the situation, but she couldn't. So she got up and headed out of her room.

She didn't know if her parents were up, but she could see the light was on in Tom’s room. She knocked on his door and heard him say come on in.

Tom was sitting on his bed reading a western magazine. He looked up at her and sensed that she was upset. He asked her to sit on his bed. 

He tried to break the ice. He mentioned that was some speech by their mom and dad. Cindy agreed, telling him that it took her by surprise. She had no idea that their parents felt that way. 

Tom agreed. He told her that it was great that their parents were going to be there from now on, he just wished they had done it sooner. Cindy tried to tell him that they had things to do. Tom replied that they always had things to do, except be home when they needed them to be. 

He could tell Cindy was getting upset, so he added that having parents arrive late to the party was better than having no parents at all. Cindy said that's true.

Tom asked her what was bothering her. She started to cry, saying she was uncomfortable with the idea that everyone had to change their lives to accommodate her. She didn't want to be the center of attention. Tom recalled the conversation from the previous year, in which Cindy brought up the same things.

He put his hand on her arm and reassured her that nobody was doing anything that they didn't want to do. He also told her that what she was going to go through was going to be tough on her. She only needed to just relax and be a kid. Let him and their parents worry about the other things. He told her that he would always be there for her, no matter what.

Cindy also described the feeling she got in her room. Tom pointed out that today had been so hectic, nobody had time to breathe, especially her. He said that since Monday was a holiday, they had two whole days to get used to the house, and that he was going to enjoy watching her have to use the same risers and implements as him and their parents, before she grew big. He winked at her, and that made her smile and feel better. 

He told her to sleep in his bed tonight. He will move out to the living room. If being in a smaller bed for the night would help her relax, he didn't mind the sofa. She was about to refuse, but he said it was his decision, and it was final. After all, he was still her big brother. And they both laughed at that. 

She agreed, got her blanket and pillow, and he removed his from the bed. Once she was settled, he bent over and gave her a kiss on the forehead, and promised that everything would get better in time. Then he said goodnight, and left his room.

Cindy had relaxed after her talk with Tom, so much so that she was out cold within 10 minutes after he left. Tom went out to the living room, but didn't feel like climbing up on the sofa, so he laid on the floor and fell asleep.

Cindy woke up the next morning half off the bed. With her increasing size, a normal bed wasn't wide enough, but it’s coziness allowed for much needed sleep.

Tom, on the other hand, woke up with a kink in his neck. The floor was spacious, but uncomfortable. However, seeing Cindy feel much better made the uncomfortable sleep worth it. 

Their parents were awake and in the kitchen when the phone rang. It was funny watching his dad use a ladder to answer the phone, but when he hung up, he announced that breakfast was going to be delivered in about 20 minutes. And that groceries would be delivered by 12.

And after the meal arrived and breakfast was finished, Cindy said the she wanted to walk around the neighborhood. Tom said that he would go with her.

After both got dressed, they made their way out to the sidewalk. They saw three girls walking towards them, and they decided to head in their direction. 

The girls saw Cindy and Tom and waved, and both waved back. They met at the street corner. Cindy and Tom introduced themselves, as did the girls. Lucy, Sally, and Patty. They were the same age as Cindy, and said that they just moved from out of state. 

They asked Cindy if Tom was her younger brother, but before she could answer, Tom said that he was actually 13. The girls were confused. Tom explained that he was too old to take the formula when it was introduced, and that his parents wanted Cindy to get it. He was going to make sure that she didn't have any problems as she got bigger.

They girls thought that was very nice of him. They were the oldest in their families, and they had younger sisters who had just got their first shot.

The girl said that they didn't know if any other families had moved in yet, but they were exploring the area. Cindy said that they were doing the same.

So the five of them continued on together, and were a little disappointed that they were the only families in the development. However, their moods improved when they saw furniture trucks at a couple of houses, which to them meant that people would be moving in soon.

So they said goodbye, and Tom and Cindy headed for their house. Tom asked his sister if she was doing alright, and Cindy replied energetically that she was. She thanked him for his pep talk, and that she couldn't think of a better brother in the world than him. 

Tom knew she would be able to adjust to growing. She was happy, and he and his parents would help her in any way they could. 

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