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Author's Chapter Notes:

And here we have another one chapter from Tina's pov. Not too much in the way of size this time around, but there's a bit. Hope folks enjoy!

[Entrapment, Insertion (?)]


Today was the day. 

Arguably, it had been a long time coming, but today was officially Tina’s first day in her new position as Vice-President of Business for Reduction Enterprises. A very, very big development. That much nobody could deny. After all, the promotion spoke of how highly the new company CEO valued her. With that praise came great responsibility. And great anxiety.

It had hit Tina well before she had ever entered the building and had only gotten more pronounced as she traversed its halls. Despite having weeks to come to terms with her decision and to meticulously plan everything out so she couldn’t possibly botch it, she felt like a fraud. A charlatan earning looks from each new person she happened by. She hid it as best she could, but the constant tinkering with her thick glasses betrayed just how much her chest was pounding. For years she had been just another face among the crowd. Now as a Board Member she was someone who towered above all - And not in the way she liked. 

Her usual work attire seemed inappropriate for her new role; so, at the insistence of Amy, Tina was sporting a new look. Rather than hiding behind bundles of oversized clothing, a tight pink blouse clung to her surprisingly developed figure. It tucked into the belt of her pencil skirt, allowing a glimpse of the marbled calves Tina had so skillfully hid for years. She also now featured an extra couple of inches courtesy of a pair of newly-bought heels; and with each click of the footwear along the ground all the woman could do was pray she didn’t trip and fall in these accursed things. In short, she looked like a brand new woman. And it. Was. Terrifying.

She turned heads wherever she went and each time Tina was certain there would be some sort of wry comment. A snicker behind her back. A bemused look. Something to punctuate what a fool she must’ve been to think she could pull this off. Although, that never seemed to happen. People were visibly surprised as she had predicted, but the only comments Tina got were greetings, congratulations on the new job, and, bafflingly, compliments. Borne of pity no doubt. 

Never had she the courage to wear such bold attire at the workplace. At home and in private? Sure, nobody would witness it but her. At the gym? Well she couldn’t wear layers and expect to make any progress so that was by necessity. Besides, that place was like a second home in itself. At work, however, Tina had maintained a carefully crafted image. She hid the thickness of her arms and legs behind lengthy pants and sleeves and never wore anything that would’ve even hinted at the underlying physique along her torso. Although now there was no hiding any of it; her sleeves remained too short and her skirt just barely covered her knees. She had been outed as a gossamer beauty with the body of a brute

Oh what she would’ve given to wear anything else. To go back to being another nobody; but no. She had made this decision for a reason. The very same reason that had her accept the role, or to shrink Evie, or to even simply step beyond the threshold of her comfort zone. Hers was a life dedicated to self improvement; and while her body was a monument to those efforts her mind remained lacking. Nothing would change should she remain the meek and cowardly Tina. Both for herself and the people now beneath her, she needed to rise to her potential. So as much as she cursed this outfit in the moment, her friends were right for suggesting it. 

In a strange quirk of fate, all of this she owed to Evie. It was her who pushed Tina to realize something had to change. Just as it was her who had done an exceptional job grooming Tina for this very job. And it was in her new life as Tina’s personal pet that Tina found the courage to take further steps. There was a comfort in having absolute power over something. Even as she subtly trembled with every step, all Tina needed to do was but flex her leg muscles for a slight reminder that, if nothing else, there was one person who would always make her feel better. Subtly pressing her thighs together between steps, Tina felt the familiar tiny presence squirming between her legs. The young woman discreetly adjusted her glasses and fought back a satisfied smile as she continued walking, the world at large none the wiser.

For so long there had been two very different Tinas. Or perhaps to be more accurate: there was who Tina was and who she aspired to be. Say what one would of the disgraced Eva Rhodes and how she met her pitiful fate, but the woman was an ideal. Strong, confident, skilled, smart, and beautiful. Her failings were purely of a moral standard, but in all other regards she was an exemplar. Tina was...Not. Very, very much not. With this though it was a step towards that lofty goal. That was why no matter how much she wanted to retreat into her shell. No matter how hard her heart pounded. Tina kept her head held high and walked towards Eva’s- no, her office. 

She passed by her old desk, now cleared and pristine, and approached a familiar door. For years it had been virtually untouchable. The nameplate adorning it may as well have read ‘Enter at Your Own Risk’ for the last few years. Now, as Tina’s fingers reached for the doorknob, it was almost surprising how harmless it was. The name plate just a few inches below her eyes proved strangely welcoming  as she read it.

Tina Martin

It was funny how a simple thing like that could make such a world of difference. Tina entered and was greeted with her new office, already decorated with some of her unique little flourishes. She closed the door behind her and let out a sigh. Thank god her time outside was over. Now she could simply work in peace.

Tina seated herself behind her desk, sinking slightly into the nice plush chair and noting her figurines off to the side. She smiled and ran a finger along the top of Tatsumaki’s green head, feeling a hint of comfort in the plastic statue’s presence. Amusingly, she was pretty sure her little chibi-figures were a good three or four times Evie’s size. If she weren’t worried about messing them up, there was probably a fun game idea in that comparison. Alas. For now, Tina pressed her glasses against the bridge of her nose and powered up her monitor. Work first; fun with Evie later. Though she did allow herself a moment to press a finger between her legs. Just once. Words could do little justice to how satisfying the bump of a person’s outline against her panties was, but Tina had a suspicion her pet was getting a good sense of just how deeply she was enjoying it.

As soon as her computer was on, Tina hastily put such thoughts far from her mind and went to work. Ironically, the actual ‘Job’ part of her job was by far the least stressful part. She could damn near do it with her eyes closed by this point. In a matter of minutes the woman was soon lost in a sea of emails, messages and spreadsheets.  Save for the occasional squirms felt between her legs, Evie became a distant memory. For the best really. It was an unwillingness to do her job that saw Eva fired, and Tina was not keen on going down that same path. Learn from her predecessor’s strengths, but don’t copy her weaknesses. Besides, as of late playing with Evie had grown...frustrating. 

It was still an absolute delight, make no mistake. The constant futile struggles of a lesser person in her grasp never failed to send a thrill up Tina’s spine. With a bit of coercion, she always got what she wanted; but that was precisely the issue: it still needed coercion. Evie was still fighting her every step of the way. While she could hardly be blamed for it, at the same time it was pitiful to see. It was over, even Tina could see that. There were missing person investigations looking into Eva’s disappearance now, but thus far they hadn’t found anything. Nor would they since the crime defied all reason. She could explain that and browbeat it into Evie in any number of ways, but the tiny thing still deluded herself. She still clung onto the naive notion this would simply go away if she held out long enough. 


Maybe it was Tina’s fault. It seemed like such a sure thing that the smaller woman would fall in line, but despite the weeks that had passed it felt like there had barely been any progress. Tina could absolutely enjoy crushing her pet a bit and belittling her. However, there was a fine line between Domination and Cruelty, and it was a line Tina never let herself forget. Playing with Eva was ultimately harmless, if not degrading fun, but dragging out the psychological warfare for so long. That was cruel. All she wanted, all she ever wanted, was to put a bully in their place and maybe get a nice little pet out of it. Maybe it was stupid to draw that line in the sand, but Tina was by no means perfect.

Now it boiled down to the simple question of what she was going to do about it. 

For all intents and purposes: She had won. Whether or not Evie acknowledged that meant nothing about the situation itself. In time she would have to understand; whether it took days, months or years. Just. In the interim it would be a constant battle pitting Evie against both Tina and herself. As someone who was also often her own worst enemy, Tina wished that on no one. Maybe bringing down the hammer really was the greater mercy after all. What was better? A week of misery followed by acceptance? Or months to years of denial before realizing one sad day it was all for nothing? It may have made for an appealing fantasy scenario, but one Tina was perfectly content to let stay a fantasy.

“Mnnngh…” She grunted, feeling a bit annoyed just thinking about it.

Why was this so hard?! All she wanted was a cute little shrunken woman she could tease and play with like in the stories she read. Maybe it was a bit dumb to be splitting hairs when the end goal was indeed basically reducing a person to propery, but...No, okay that was pretty dumb. Ugh. No matter how she split it, there really did seem to be just one answer. 

She would have to break her.

Like it or not, that was the greater kindness. A moment of cruelty to nip this in the bud once and for all. The question was just...how? If nothing else, Evie was an exceptionally stubborn individual. Were the roles reversed Tina doubted she’d have lasted a week. Whereas her pet had persisted for significantly longer. Making matters even more challenging was how guarded and alert Evie kept herself. She knew what Tina was capable of and could prepare for that. If Tina intended to finally put an end to this she’d need to go beyond the pale and do...something. 

As for what that something could be, a shameful number of ideas sprung to mind rather quickly, many lifted from various images and stories Tina had seen online during some er….research over the years. Suffice to say she was not hurting for choice. Narrowing down to a plan, however. That proved difficult. Some ideas went too far while others not far enough. Some were too complicated to ever pull off and others too easy to mess up. What she needed was a way to make Evie realize that she wasn’t a person anymore. That this wasn’t just going to end. That she was nothing.



Inspiration struck the woman and she quickly tabbed out towards her email. Her fingers tapped away at her keyboard, the message presenting itself naturally before she hit send. It was surprisingly simple. Elegant even. There was one thing Evie hated more than anything else and she made that clear each and every day. So if there was ever a way to do this it laid in that. She just needed to know if it could be done. Or even should it be done.

Minutes after sending the message came the reply and with it a twang of relief. With this perhaps she could finally put Evie’s protests to bed once and for all. It could be done today. It would just have to wait for after the Board Meeting. With that now settled, Tina quickly deleted the email evidence and went back to her duties.

Hours had passed in the blink of an eye afterwards. It was only after sending her thousandth email of the day that Tina glanced at the corner and noted the time. 2:50 P.M., just ten minutes to go. With a deep breath, the newly-minted VP rose from her desk and made way for the Board Room, her steps more certain than they were this morning. Even if she didn’t really feel like it.

It was her first time ever entering the room for anything other than handing off documents. As Tina wandered in, she could see the other seats were already filled. A few were speaking amongst themselves while one was toying with his phone. Dana, CEO of the company, was another on her phone, but that changed as soon as Tina was through the door. The blonde looked up with a warm smile, giving her newest Board Member a once over.

Oh god this was a mistake.

Tina braced herself for the worst then and there. Her shirt was too tight. Her skirt was too short. Her arms were too big and Oh God she did not belong in this room. The woman bit into her lip and adjusted her glasses, surprised when all Dana offered was an approving nod.

“Looking good Miss Martin.” She said with a playful wink.

Tina was left bewildered. “...Oh. Uh, thank you Dana.”

While she slowly came to terms with being called Miss Martin by the company CEO, Tina took a seat and crossed her legs. She could feel the familiar form of Evie being pincered between her thighs; a much needed comfort in this situation. Even if the worst hadn’t come to pass, she still had to speak as a Vice-President in this meeting. Her mind went blank trying to remember every little detail she had to offer, and before her laid a notebook that may as well have had a pre-written speech for how much was written down in advance.

“Well, I think it’s about time. Is everyone ready?” Dana asked with a friendly smile. Everyone nodded, Tina included, though heavens did she not mean it. She was an ant among giants - what the hell was she thinking accepting this job?!

“We’ll start with our usual updates, but first I would like to formally welcome Tina.” The blonde began, gesturing towards her nervous friend. “I think I can speak for all of us when I say its been a long time coming. So why don’tcha start us off?”

“M-Me?” Oh god this was the worst possible timeline. Tina looked across the room and saw the most powerful figures in the company all watching expectantly. Everything caught in the woman’s throat and her mind was as blank as a whiteboard. She was screwing this up already! “I-I…”

Just then help came from the unlikeliest of areas. There was a ticklish sensation from between Tina’s legs. Not a particularly strong one, but one she had felt here or there throughout the day. Evie had slid right against her private area, coincidentally where her pitiful struggles actually meant something, and for an instant Tina’s mind was somewhere else. Somewhere she was always in charge and feared nothing. Out of habit her legs clamped together and she felt the muscles of her thighs envelop her former boss. The woman was completely and utterly flattened against walls of stocking-clad skin, and just like that, Tina breathed out all her frustrations.

Right, she wasn’t that same meek girl who couldn’t stand up to Eva. How could she forget?

She was something more now. 

“Well I...ahem, excuse me. First of all, thank you all for having me and thank you Dana for this opportunity.” She offered the CEO a smile and a nod before moving on. “A lot of my week has been focused on moving out of my old desk and situated into my new office, but today I got a lot of work done exchanging emails with Mr. Wilke. I still have to run parts of it by Production and Shipping, but I think we finally have a logistics plan that everyone can be satisfied with.” Tina said at length. Once she had started, it all came out so effortlessly. This was the work she had ingratiated herself with for months. She knew what she was talking about. She just needed a little push in the right direction. 

The rest came out just as fluidly, Tina displaying a masterful knowledge of her department and all the different moving pieces at play. A couple minutes was all it took, and just like that she was done. Without anyone even lingering on it for more than a second the discussion moved on and Tina was free to just listen in. It had been...easy. 

Maybe I do have this.

Others had varying degrees of things to offer. Alan in particular, bless his heart, spoke twice as long as anyone else. Everyone else was clearly ignoring him after a point, but it felt rude for Tina to give him anything but her undivided attention. She was sure it was interesting for those with a Marketing mindset. She...did not have that regrettably. 

Before she knew it, the meeting was just...over. No fanfare. No special announcements. Nobody laughed at her. It had been called to a close like nothing unusual happened and they were all free to filter out. All that tension the woman had worked herself up over, gone without a trace. As though it was never there to begin with.

Tina felt relieved it was over, and perhaps even a hint of pride. There were still doubts that plagued her thoughts, but they were softer and easier to ignore. Shrunken away like poor little Evie.

Giggling to herself at the mental image, Tina headed out. Speaking of Evie, she had a little trip to make to Amy at R&D.


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