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Author's Chapter Notes:

Chapter four! Sorry for the wait, I decided to take my time with the chapter. Well, that and I just sorta got busy. 

Anyway, our story continues! Somehow, its slightly longer than the last! I don't know how I keep doing that! All the same, I hope you enjoy!

I also wanted to thank Xiao-renzhe for proof-reading this chapter, you chould check out their stuff!


There was a beeping right next to Ryan's head, his alarm quickly waking him up as his hand felt around for his phone. Grunting, he found it, tapping the screen a few times until he managed to hit the snooze button.

He lay there, drifting back to sleep for a few minutes before the alarm blared again. He grumbled tapping the screen until the phone was quiet again. He opened his eyes, squinting in the dim light. He hated mornings, had he mentioned that?


Well, maybe he had, but mornings were always made worse by the knowledge that most of your day was about to be spent sorting documents online. You'd think companies would have managed to make a program to do that for them, but why take the time to make that when you had several million tinies willing to work online for your company?

Ryan looked at his phone, flicking through some of the morning news sites he frequented. People were still talking about that prince guy, lots of mixed feelings apparently. Ryan didn't care; he was just wasting time before needing to go to work at 8.

His eyes narrowed, checking the time.


His brain kicked into gear, a rush of panic coursing through him as he leapt out of his sock-bed, stumbling to the side and tripping into the base of the lamp. He had to get to work, and Lena...

He could make out her silhouette in the dim light: she'd slept crazy again, blankets strewn all over the place. She wasn't facing him, but she was clearly still asleep. His alarm wasn't enough to wake the sleeping giantess, go figure.

He'd slept like a log too, missing several alarms that were supposed to wake him up an hour ago. Unfortunately, not much he could do to change that now.

Ryan just had to get to work, which was on his laptop. Unfortunately, that laptop was across the room. A room not made with him in mind. That and it was on her desk, making the room basically a massive canyon.

Still, he had to get across. That left scaling the canyon room.

The nightstand was decently tall, and Lena had hardwood flooring in her room, so jumping off would just be asking for a twisted or sprained ankle. Then he'd be stuck on the floor waiting for Lena to wake up and, even then, she might step on him without realizing.

He could call in sick? Ryan slapped that thought down, shaking his head. No, he couldn't just call in whenever, he only had so much PTO to spend, and he wasn't about to use it up now.

Lena was still asleep too and wouldn't be up for another hour at the earliest, judging by yesterday's alarm. He'd have to try and wake her up himself. Getting as close to her as the nightstand would allow, he cupped his hands and shouted for her to wake up.

She didn't even stir. Even after multiple attempts the giant woman continued to sleep peacefully on her messy bed. She didn't even seem to hear him, her body keeping to its slow, steady breaths.

Ryan sighed, running a hand through his hair. He didn't have too many options. He'd considered sliding down the wire that was attached to the lamp he'd been sharing the bedside table with, but it appeared to be battery operated. No cord in sight.

His other option was to jump to her bed and slide down the scattered blankets. Ryan could spot the clumped up blankets at the foot of her bed, hanging off towards the floor. He'd only have to worry about Lena rolling over onto him as he traversed her bed, and he had survived that before. Not a big deal.

He shook his head, crossing his arms. Yeah, no: it was a big deal. She'd been awake and aware he was missing last night; if she rolled onto him while she was asleep he'd likely pass out before she woke up. He couldn't lie to himself and say he'd be okay; only an idiot would let himself think that. Sure, he'd probably be fine in the end, but Lena was shaken up enough last night. He'd hate to do that to her again.

Still, it was that or risk a twisted ankle, and Ryan preferred being able to walk. He stepped back from the edge, giving himself some room for the running leap. It wouldn't be that far to jump, but it was far enough.

Ryan sprinted, blood rushing in his ears as he leapt from the table, holding his breath in the air before tumbling onto Lena's bedspread. He rolled to a stop before quickly standing up and moving away from Lena's sleeping body.

She was facing away from him, lying on her right side, so all she'd have to do is roll onto her back to ruin his plans and his morning. Of course, Ryan couldn't go all the way to the edge of her bed because it sloped off and he didn't want to risk slipping off and falling to the floor.

A safer middle-ground was the path to take, so he jogged at a decent pace down the length of his roommate's bed. He couldn't help but look over at the silhouette of Lena's body next to him, like rolling hills or a tall cliff. Her steady breaths broke the illusion, that, and the fact that he was able to make out the pattern of snowflakes on her pajama pants as he wandered towards the end of the bed.

To think he'd been trapped under the butt he was casually walking by right now, just last night. Ryan wouldn't call the experience awful, just humiliating. It helped that she had a nice butt, even if it was absolutely massive to him.

He happened to look away from her rear before he collided with her leg, coming to a stop next to the massive appendage covered by felted pajamas. Great, now what.

Ryan scratched his head, considering the roadblock. He hadn't seen her leg out when he was on the nightstand, so she must have shifted again. He followed her leg to her foot, which was hanging off the side of her bed. Well, he couldn't go around it, and he wasn't about to try and squeeze under the leg.

That left climbing over it. Ryan rolled his shoulders, not entirely prepared for so much activity this early in the morning. He was still far from his computer though, and he'd still have to scale the desk too. This was just a warmup. Testing the material of her pajamas, he looked up at the intimidating calf. The pants were incredibly soft, even to him, and warm too; that was Lena though.

It was easy enough to get a grip on the pants, and her leg wasn't that tall at the moment: an easy climb.

And so, he did, hand over hand, up to the top, where he was able to look over the length of the bed. The blankets were close, once there it would be a quick climb down to the floor. With renewed vigor, he jumped from her leg, landing in a roll on the bed before taking off towards the blankets crumpled by her other foot.

It was a simple process of sliding to the floor, the blankets thick but made of a smooth material. They were hanging about five inches off the ground though, but that wasn't a long fall, so after only a few minutes, Ryan was essentially halfway to work.

Talk about uphill both ways. He thought with a snort as he jogged across the floor of Lena's room to the desk. It was tall, easily three feet in height. There wasn't anything hanging off the edge to climb, but Ryan already had an idea in mind. He went under it, pushing aside some dust bunnies as he came to a pair of wires rising up behind the desk, between it and the wall, leading up to Lena's computer.


Ryan grabbed a hold of one wire, hauling himself up. It wasn't too hard, especially once he was close to the desk and the wall, then he simply braced himself against them. It did take a while to get up to the top of the desk though, and by the time he was up there he was already very late to work.

A quick jog around the side of her computer later and he fell to the desk, taking deep breaths. He'd made it. He took a moment to simply stare back across the room towards the nightstand he'd been standing on less than half an hour ago. He'd made it.

It felt great.

Unfortunately, he didn't have time to admire his achievement, quickly opening his laptop and booting it up. Time to work, even if it was 8:23 AM. Nobody would notice he was late, probably. He'd just get to right to work and everything would be fine.

It was a little uncomfortable to start work immediately after what was essentially a full-body workout, but Ryan made do. It was more distracting than anything. What was actually a problem was the fact that he was hungry. Unusually he would get up, shower, grab a bite to eat, then hang out until it was time to work. This time he skipped straight to work and it was throwing him off a bit.

That and working without a desk.

Ryan stifled a yawn, opening the programs he needed to so that he could access his offsite servers. It was going to be a long day. At least he could ask Lena to carry him down with her when she went to eat breakfast. Although, he wasn't exactly sure what her schedule was. How much did she work? 8 hours? 4? When did she start?

It didn't really matter in the end though. She'd eventually wake up and he'd be able to get her to help him regain some of his morning routine. In the meantime, Ryan had work to do.

Work was work. Sending documents via email to his coworkers, compiling faxes, setting up addresses, re-formatting drives for new files, moving files between servers when they went down for maintenance for one thing or another.


It was boring.

Eventually he heard a thunk across the room, and he glanced up to see Lena's arm hanging on her alarm clock. 5 of 9. So, he was right on that account at least.

He watched as the sleepy woman rolled over a couple times, clearly not wanting to get up. Ryan just shook his head, returning to work. He couldn't just sit there waiting for her to finish waking up, he had a job. She'd be up eventually.


Lena rolled over again.

Time for work! Some cheery voice in her head sang with too much energy.

Lena groaned, pulling up her covers. Muttering nonsense.

Get up lazy bones! It said again, teasingly.

Lena's eyes slowly peeled open, staring at the ceiling. Today sucked already. At least she wasn't alone in that though, Ryan had to be having the same trouble she was.

She looked over at her nightstand, staring incomprehensively at the sock sitting on the tabletop. She slowly blinked, concentrating on it. The hell?

She stared for another moment before rolling over to staring at the ceiling. The ceiling didn't look right either. Oh wait, there it went. It had been out of focus or something, her mind still waking up. A tired grin grew on her face as she looked back over at the nightstand.

Oh, the sock was empty.

She lay there for another second before her eyes shot wide, a bolt of adrenaline shooting through her like lightning.

"Ryan!" She sat up, patting around on her bed as she looked around frantically. She couldn't be lying on him, could she, why would he... why did she think he was in her bed?

The adrenaline ebbed away slightly, and she stared at her bedspread, then at the floor.

"Ryan?" She said, worry edging into her voice.

She didn't hear his voice reply, but a small light caught her attention from her desk. Peering over at her computer, she spotted the tiny shape of her friend, illuminated by his laptop. She couldn't quite make him out completely, but she breathed a sigh of relief.

She hadn't sat on him again.

Not that that was very likely, he wasn't an idiot. He could see how she tossed and turned in her sleep; he wouldn't risk being near her like that. That, and why would he need to? She shook her head, yawning as the adrenaline slowly exited her system, her heartbeat slowing back down to its lazy morning rhythm.

Still, time to get up. She threw her legs over the side of the bed, standing to her full height with a stretch.

After standing with her arms above her head for a good minute, she dropped them, walking briskly over to her desk, placing her hands on her hips as she gave Ryan a disapproving stare. He didn't notice her standing there at first, or was trying to ignore her, but eventually he stopped typing and looked up at her with a wave.

"Oh, look who decided to get up. Good morning!" He shouted, somewhat tiredly. Lena stared at him for a moment, trying to stay even slightly upset that he'd made her worry like that, before she gave up, dropping into her chair. He was too cute to be mad at.

"Morning." She said tiredly, blinking some sleep from her eyes.

Ryan typed something on his keyboard, returning his attention to his laptop. "You alright? You woke up in quite a state."

Lena sighed heavily, rubbing her face. "I thought I'd smothered you in my sleep or something when I saw you weren't there."

Ryan stopped typing again, looking up at her. She was still tired and didn't bother trying to figure out what expression his tiny face was making.

"Why? I told you last night: you'd have to be trying to hurt me to hurt me." His voice sounded concerned though.

Lena shook her head sitting up just a little bit. "I was tired and not really awake yet, I just sort of panicked." She crossed her arms, rubbing her shoulders, looking away from him. "The first thing I thought of was that I sat on you again."

"Well... I'm fine, right?"

Lena nodded, letting her arms drop to her lap as she looked back at him. "How'd you even get over here anyway?"

Her eyes widened. Did he jump off the nightstand?

"Ryan, did you jump off-"

"The nightstand? No. I jumped to your bed then rappelled down-" He was trying to explain, but Lena was quick to interrupt him, leaning towards him.

"You jumped onto my bed? Where I toss and turn like crazy? What if I had rolled on top of you, or if I knocked you off the bed? I-"

As Lena rambled on worriedly, she didn't notice as Ryan walked up to the edge of the desk in front of her. She did eventually spot him and stopped talking, looking at him worriedly. He didn't say anything, but his arms were outstretched.

Lena stared at him, not sure what to do.

"You look like you could use a hug." He offered, and she could barely make out his tiny smile.

Lena let out a shaky breath, nodding, reaching out to Ryan and snatching him up in her fingers. She held him to her chest, just below her collar, feeling his tiny arms do his best to return her hug. She sniffed, squeezing him just a little tighter before holding him away from her face.

"Thank you."

"Of course, you looked like you needed one."

She smiled with a nod, lowering him back to the desk as she sniffled.

Trying to re-compose herself, she moved her hair out of her face. After a moment of comfortable silence, she felt composed enough to speak. "So, I take it you tried to wake me up?"

Ryan laughed, sitting down at his laptop. "I'm nowhere near loud enough to wake a sleeping giant."

She smirked, crossing her arms. "Oh, so I'm a giant now?" He stumbled over whatever he was about to say next, and she chuckled. He made it too easy.

He noticed this and shook his head, going back to work. "Yes Lena, you are a giant. Fee-fi-fo-fum and all that."

Lena smiled, standing up. "Well, this giant is getting herself some breakfast. I assume you haven't eaten yet?"

Ryan looked at his phone before nodding. Lena bent a little, cupping both of her hands at the edge of the desk. "I'll carry you like this so you can't possibly drop your laptop, okay?"

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea. I was just going to hold onto it for dear life or something."

Lena watched and felt him step down into her waiting hands, shaking her head. "Oh, that couldn't have possibly gone wrong."

Ryan sat down in the center of the bowl her hands created, resting his laptop on his... well his lap. "Oh, shut up and get us downstairs, we're both starving here!"

Lena laughed at his tease, stepping away from her desk, then getting an idea. He really did make it easy to tease him. She lowered Ryan to her abdomen, keeping him steady as she brought her cupped hands close to her belly. "Oh? I don't hear any gurgling, do you?"

Ryan laughed, but Lena could catch just a hint of that nervous awkwardness he hid so well. Jackpot. She pressed her advantage. "I'm not the one who went on a trek across a gigantic bedroom-"

She was interrupted by her own stomach growling, her face immediately turning bright red as she whisked Ryan away from her now actively loud stomach. Ryan was laughing his ass off, having fallen back on her hands as she moved him.

Lena pouted, glaring at her belly. "Traitor." She muttered, loud enough for Ryan to hear. She had to admit, it was a ridiculous coincidence, so she wasn't upset, just embarrassed. She'd had him close to her body too, and that's not exactly a noise you pull someone in to hear.

Lena sighed, lifting her tiny laughing roommate to her face, arching a brow. "You finished?"

Ryan was still smiling as he gave one last, long sigh of a laugh before nodding. "Yeah, that was just pretty poetic is all."

She was still blushing but sensed an opportunity to tease him. She had to get even. "Oh, so my stomach is poetic now?"

Ryan shook his head, still smiling. "Oh hell no. It's a stomach. All acid and darkness, not pleasant like a poem at all."

Lena squinted at the tiny in her hands, pursing her lips. He was supposed to be teased, not... whatever this was.

"Oh, so you've been eaten before then?" She asked, and almost immediately regretted her choice of words. Ryan was responding before she could retract them though.

"Nah, just stories."

Lena moved her hands away from her face a little. "Really? Never? I thought it was sort of a common occurrence?" As far as Lena knew, it happened from time to time. Not normally a big eating a small but loads of animals did so without thinking. She did have the unfortunate privilege to see a big eating smalls before, so she knew it did happen.

Ryan shook his head. "Not really. It can happen more on my parent's farm I guess; they have some cattle that roam the fields that they pay normals to milk, but cows don't try to eat tinies." He stopped, tilting his head slightly. "Why would you think it was common?"

Lena looked off to the side, not sure how to answer. "Well, I went to a mixed sized high school and, uh, there were some... people..." She trailed off, not really wanting to explain it, but she watched as Ryan simply nodded.

"Bullies?" He asked knowingly. Lena sighed, nodding, looking away.

"There were some girls that simply liked the power trip," Lena explained. "others wanted to humiliate the small girls in their classes. They'd... swallow them. Wait an hour or so for their clothes to, uh, dissolve, then bring them back up."

She considering stopping there, but Ryan was staring at her patiently, so she continued. "There was one girl, Miah, who kept a small in her stomach all day just because she could. She was expelled for it, but..." Lena bit her lip, shaking her head sadly. "The small was okay in the end, but they left the school shortly after."

She looked back to Ryan, who was looking down, arms crossed. "Some people are just dicks." His head lifted up and she could see the smirk on his face. "That's why I carry a knife."

Lena was taken aback. "A knife?"

Ryan nodded. "A knife."


"To cut my way out of any prick that decides to eat me, or to give them a bad day at least."

She stared at Ryan for a moment. "Would a knife your size do anything to a big?"

Ryan shrugged. "With enough time, sure, I think so. Thankfully, I've never had the displeasure to be handled by one of these bullies."

Lena shook her head, a small smile on her face. "I'm glad you haven't had to use it."

Ryan chuckled, nodding. "No kidding, I've only ever used it to open bottles or cut loose strings on my shirts."

Lena laughed, shaking her head. Their laughter was cut off as Lena's stomach groaned again, reminding them that it was time for breakfast. She shot him a sheepish grin before carrying him downstairs.


Ryan had not expected that sort of conversation this morning. Basically, nothing was routine so far today, but that was out of left field.

For the second time since living with the normal, he'd heard the gurgling of Lena's stomach. This time, he'd been much closer though, and it had been a bit louder than he'd expected. She'd been teasing him and was betrayed by her own hunger, so he was able to laugh it off, despite how strange it was for Ryan to hear.

Then he'd gone and accidentally insulted her stomach. He'd worried that she would try and tease him for that, but she'd just assumed he'd been eaten before. Then that went into a conversation about Lena's high school and the tinies that had been essentially tortured by the bullies there.

It was a heavy topic but seemed worse for Lena somehow.

Ryan felt that this was something Lena had been thinking about a lot with him around, so he decided to simply listen until she was finished with her story. It was disturbing to say the least: he'd only heard stories about normals that were like that Miah girl Lena described. Some people are just born sadistic, but at least she'd been expelled. Though, if she was rich like Lena had described before, she was likely fine.

Damn spoiled brats.

Thankfully, they'd been turned back on course to breakfast by Lena's stomach (seriously, that thing was loud).

Ryan just had cereal again, using the much too large plastic bowl Lena had found the day before. It was better than nothing, but after today he'd have his stuff back!

Oh, his stuff, how he had missed it this past weekend. Lena was kind enough to help him of course; using one of her socks as a bed, finding him bowls or whatever, but It would be nice to have stuff back! He didn't know when it would arrive, he was just happy it would be here eventually.

Lena made eggs and toast, and they smelled great. That would be his breakfast tomorrow, he'd make sure if it. It would mean he'd need to visit the store today at some point, but he could manage that.

Ryan worked as he ate, it wasn't very busy for a Monday morning. None of the servers were down and it seemed like the faxes were running a bit faster. And, better yet, nobody knew he'd been late!

Still, Lena was taking her time eating, swiping through her phone as they both ate breakfast in the kitchen. Ryan raised a brow, eating another bite of cereal as he closed out of the fax app.

"Lena?" He said, loud enough so she could hear. She looked up from her phone, taking another bite of egg.

Ryan continued. "Don't you have work?"

Lena nodded, turning her phone towards Ryan so he could see it. There was an app open showing a number of names with dates and times next to them. "I have to set up some dates for bill payment reminders and such. It's a small part of my job, so I do it over breakfast."

Ryan nodded. "Makes sense. You get an easy morning then?"

Lena snorted, setting her fork down on the now empty plate. "Sometimes, yeah. Some days I'd be sitting at my computer plugging info into spreadsheets and looking at contracts." She stood up, carrying her dishes to the sink. "Other days I have to go into our local office, which is something. And if I need to go to the office; I'll have to take the bus, I'll be there all day, and I'll have to actually get ready for the day."

She returned to the island. "You done with the bowl?"

Ryan nodded and Lena pinched it up in her fingers, dropping the tiny bowl in the sink. Ryan folded up his laptop, standing from the countertop. It felt good to be fed, especially after waiting so long.

Lena continued. "And then, on rare occasions, I have to visit a client. I hate doing that, but I'm apparently pretty good at that part of my job so..." She shrugged, leaning to the side as she placed a hand on her hip. "It's whatever, I guess."

She lowered a hand for Ryan to climb on, waiting till he was situated before she returned him to her desk. She picked out some clothes for the day, walking back over to Ryan before she left the room again. "I'm taking a shower; will you be taking one today?"

Ryan thought a second before nodding. Lena gave him a thumbs up. "Alright, just let me know when you want to do that." With that she left the room, leaving Ryan to his work.

It was only a few hours into the day, but Ryan was already sick of work. He'd always been one to step up to the challenge, invite work for work's sake. But after this past weekend, just hanging out with Lena? It felt like more of a chore than it had ever been before.

He clacked away at his keyboard, sending out another fax. Faxing was stupid, outdated, and inconvenient at best. He didn't know why he felt the need to think that, but it came into his thoughts and left as quickly as it came.

Some time passed before Lena returned to her bedroom, her hair dried and braided down to her back. She was dressed normally today: grey jeans and a t-shirt covered by a loose-fitting flannel. Made sense since she wouldn't be going to the gym today. She tossed her towel into the hamper, which was pretty full now, before returning to the desk, looking down at Ryan.

He looked up at her, and she grinned. "You are gonna shower, right?"

Ryan snorted, finishing his fax sheet before setting his laptop aside. "I'll have to re-wear some clothes from Friday, but yeah."

Her hand descended to the desk, and he climbed on as she chuckled. "Oh good, I was worried you were one of those roommates that slowly stunk up the place."

"Oh sure, like you'd notice. You'd have to hold me up to your face to even smell me."

"Well, I would, just to keep you in check, mister." She teased, carrying him to the bathroom, which was only a little steamy.

Ryan shook his head, smiling as he was lowered to the bathroom counter. "Get out of here so I can shower ya freak."

Lena feigned being taken aback, hand on her chest. "Well I never! That's what I get for caring!" She flicked her middle finger at him, smiling as she stepped out of the bathroom. "Text me when you're done in there, you bastard!"

Ryan shook his head, chuckling as the door closed.

Even bantering with her was more fun than working. He hadn't considered that simply living with her would be this nice. The realization was just a bubbly, warm feeling in his heart. He sighed contentedly, turning on his shower as he shed his clothes and hopped inside.

One warm shower later and Ryan was as ready as he'd ever be to head back to work, having slipped on the jeans and t-shirt he'd been wearing on Friday. They'd gotten a bit damp from the rain they'd been caught in, but they were dry now, if a bit wrinkled, not that Lena would notice.

He squinted at nothing in particular. Did it matter if she noticed? He didn't think it did, yet he was happy to know she probably wouldn't notice. He'd never worried about it before, why worry now? He sighed, sending a message to his roommate. Stray thoughts were oft confusing to the thinker; that was probably said by a philosopher at some point.

Lena was quick to come pick him up from the bathroom, knocking on the door as she entered. She smiled down at him, letting him board her hand.

"Well, now you're finally ready for work, huh?" She said, flicking off the light as they entered the hall.

Ryan shrugged. "I've been ready since I woke up, it's you that slept till nine."

She huffed. "I didn't know you started at 8 or I'd have woken up to get you there."

"Oh, don't worry about me, I managed just fine this morning."

Lena carried him into her bedroom, then to her desk, lifting him up to her face with a brow raised. It was a little intimidating, Ryan had to admit, she had the "oh really" look down pat.

"Really? You had to journey across the room just to reach the desk." She paused, furrowing her brows. "I never did let you finish explaining how you did that, did I?"

Ryan shrugged. "Once I got down to the foot of your bed, I slid down the blankets to the floor. After that, I used your computer cables to get to the desk." He snapped his finger. "Easy-peasy."

Lena gave him a long look before shaking her head. "Men, never asking for help."

Ryan laughed as she lowered him to the desk; he happened to spot a small smile on her face as well as he hopped off her hand. He strode over to his laptop, a slight spring in his step until he looked down at it.

Right, work.

Lena sat down too, her computer already booted up and showing a bland looking interface for some website that couldn't get over the 90's computer aesthetic. Ryan looked back at his, which was a stark contrast to her program, his being a rip-off of the early 2000's aesthetic, all bubbly and pixelated.

She cracked her knuckles, giving him a sideways smile. "Time to work!" She said with mock joviality. Ryan sighed, going back to sending an email.


The next two hours ticked by slowly, both of them busy typing away at their keyboards for the most part. Twice, Lena had to make a call to a client. Ryan had never heard a more professional voice come out of that mouth and was shocked when she started talking with it.

It made sense, she did mention that she was actually quite good at meeting with clients, so he shouldn't have been all that surprised. It was just so vastly different from normal Lena that it threw him off for a moment. She sounded sincere but absolutely in control of the situation: if he were her client, he'd have the utmost faith in her.

That said, after the call, she slumped back into her chair looking absolutely beat before she returned to her work. Sometimes that sort of change in personality ends up being draining, Ryan could understand that. He worked retail for a while and maintaining the stupid upbeat attitude for eight hours a day really took its toll on you.

Still, even with that little surprise, work was boring, when it hit noon, he and Lena went downstairs for lunch. They both made sandwiches, and ate in silence, dreading returning to work.

They both turned to look down the hall when the doorbell rang, staring in mild confusion as they finished their bites. They shared a look before Lena stood up. "I'll check who that is."

Ryan nodded as she walked down the hall, opening the door. From his spot on the island, he could see an older woman in a tan uniform standing there holding a box under her arm. "Hi Miss, I'm from the Public Housing Department. Is there a man named Ryan living here?"

Lena nodded. "Oh yeah, you must have his things!"

The older woman smiled. "That I do, that I do, I'll just need his signature..." She held out her hand, showing Lena something, but Ryan was too far to see what it was, though it was probably a clipboard his size. He stood up, wiping crumbs off his hands.

Lena nodded again, thumbing towards the kitchen. "Sure, let me get him."

She spun on her heel, shuffling quickly down the hall to where Ryan stood on the counter. It was obvious she was excited, as she tended to be, as she bobbed from foot to foot. "C'mon, you heard her." She said in a low voice. "It's your stuff!"

Ryan chuckled, climbing onto her hand. He dropped to his butt and held on as she spun and walked quickly back to the door.

"Here he is!" She said, presenting him.

Ryan stood up unsteadily on her palm, the slight sway of her arm and the bobbing of her feet making it difficult to keep balance. "Afternoon, ma'am." He managed, looking up at the normal lady.

She smiled kindly down at him. "Good afternoon, sir! I just need your signature before I can pass your things over to your girlfriend there."

The slight sway of Lena's hand stopped abruptly, and Ryan froze as well. The lady delicately handed Ryan the clipboard, and he took it robotically, staring at it a moment before signing where he needed to.

Behind him, Lena chuckled awkwardly. "Oh, we're not- we're not dating. We're roommates."

The older woman chuckled, taking back the clipboard from Ryan when he offered it. "Oh, that's a shame, I think you'd make a cute couple." She offered the box to Lena, who took it, wedging it under her arm stiffly as she returned a small smile to the woman.

The lady took a step down to the sidewalk, still chuckling. "Well, you two have a nice rest of your day in either case." She flashed them both a smile before turning to get back into a city truck parked on the curb. Lena closed the door with her other hand as Ryan sat on the one he was on.

It was only a little awkward, he tried to convince himself. What was it with everyone trying to push them together! He was working on it, damnit! Give him some time!

He grumbled before taking a deep breath, turning to look at Lena as they re-entered the kitchen. She looked calm enough, and her excited energy was coming back as she lifted the box up. She glanced at him, eyes practically sparkling as she smiled, raising the box further up, waggling her eyebrows.

"You're stuff!" She said in a sing-song voice. Ryan let out the breath, chuckling as Lena carried him back into the kitchen.

Lena sat the box on the Island, letting Ryan off right next to it.

"Oh, this is exciting! Even if you already own this stuff, it's kinda more official!"

She opened a drawer, pulling out a boxcutter as she grinned. "Officially roommates!"

Ryan smiled, rubbing his hands together. "I just can't wait to cook again- be careful with my stuff!' he added as she spun the box around to cut it.

She rolled her eyes with a smile. "I handle you carefully enough, I think you can trust me with a few boxes."

Ryan sighed. Well, yeah, of course he could. He just felt it needed to be said.

The box was quickly opened, Lena pulling out a lot of bubble wrap. "Oooh, looks like I got something too." She popped one of the bubbles, giggling. She popped a few more before looking down at Ryan sheepishly. "Yeah, right. Your stuff."

She dropped the bubble wrap, lifting out his bedframe, setting it carefully on the counter before stacking his mattress on top. She leafed around the box a moment. "I don't see a box-spring..."

"Yeah, I don't have one." He was only half paying attention, mostly running his hand along his bed. Oh, this would be nice to sleep in. He didn't notice Lena glance down at him, almost considering something, before she returned to pulling things out of the box.

Next was his desk and chair, which she sat next to each other. When she looked in next, she took a breath, moving his desktop out of the box as carefully as she could, placing it gingerly on the desk. Ryan stepped up to it, running his hand across it. "Oh, it will be good to have this back."

She smiled, setting the box holding his screen next to the computer on the tiny desk.

Lena carefully plucked up a microwave, setting it delicately on the bed, followed by a minifridge. After those two came several boxes and a black plastic trash bag, which she held out.

"Really? You gave them your trash?"

Ryan waved his hands, shaking his head. "No, no, that's my laundry I couldn't get to before I was kicked out."

Lena raised a brow looking at it, before bringing it up to her nose and sniffing. She quickly held it away, her face scrunched up. "Ew, that smells."

Ryan opened his mouth, staring at her. "Why would you smell that?"

"Impulse, I did it before thinking about that." She lowered it down to him, which he took apprehensively, kicking it away. "You should wash those."

Her eyes widened before she facepalmed. "You don't have anywhere to wash your things!"

Ryan shrugged when she removed her hand from her eyes. "There's a dry-cleaners down near where I work out, I'll just take it there sometime." He snapped his finger. "That reminds me, I need to go shopping for some stuff I can use in the microwave."

Lena nodded. "I can drop you off if you'd like. If you don't mind me doing that anyway." She crossed an arm, placing a hand on her cheek as she looked down at him. "It's not... awkward for you, is it?"

Ryan raised a brow, checking one of his boxes. "Is what awkward?"

She shifted from foot to foot, biting her lip. "Y'know, me carrying you around. Like, in public."

"I mean, it's a little embarrassing, but I think I'd get more jealous looks than anything else."

"Jealous looks?" Lena said, raising a brow.

Ryan's face flushed a little, and he stumbled over his thoughts for a moment. "Well, I mean, not every tiny gets a normal to help them out with stuff like that, or whatever. Very convenient and all that."

Not because they'd be jealous I get your help in particular, no, not at all, no siree. He added internally, looking into the box he'd labelled ‘clothes'.

Lena nodded. "I guess I can see tha- wait, did you make a pun?" She squinted, leaning over him on the counter. "A little embarrassing? Really?"

Ryan chuckled, looking up at her with a mischievous grin. "Oh please, it's just a tiny, little pun, no need to get worked up over it."

Lena gave him a long look before cracking a smile, shaking her head. "You're an idiot and that was awful."

"No, I'm a genius, and that was fantastic."

Lena signed with a smile. "Alright then, how about we get your bed stuff upstairs? We can take you shopping after work."

As soon as she said the word work, both their faces dropped. Right.



Lena sat at her desk, half working, half watching Ryan set up his desk next to her computer. She'd been very careful with his things, not a dent or scratch as far as Ryan had let on. Still, she watched with bated breath, hoping it turned on properly.

Thankfully, it seemed to be doing just that, with Ryan giving her a thumbs up as he pulled in his chair to his desk. He relaxed, leaning back. "This is much better than sitting on your desk."

Lena smiled, filling in some data points. "Well, I could have gotten you something more comfortable, but you didn't say anything."

Ryan waved a hand. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I was stubborn though, and it was only two days."

He rolled his shoulders, the tiny motion only noticed because she was paying attention. "I'm sure I'll be able to rest easier in my bed tonight too."

Lena nodded. They'd already set up his bed on the nightstand, moving the sock back to its drawer. She would miss hiving him sleep in it; it was pretty cute to see him sleeping in her sock, but she wanted him to be comfortable. Like, properly comfortable, with a bed.

Though, before the end of the week, he'd have his InHome and wouldn't be sleeping on her nightstand anyway. She frowned, continuing to type as it occurred to her that she didn't like that thought. Sure, she wanted him to have in own space, to be independent and all that, but... she wanted him to be close to her too.

She kept down a blush, a couple thoughts from her early years of college popping into her head. The nights when she just wanted him to be there, to hold him close. The more restless nights when she looked up... activities they could try.

She took a steady breath, trying to focus on work and not her little crush on the desk next to her. It wasn't something she could tell Ryan, who knows what he would think about the idea of being stuffed inside...

Her face flared up red as she squashed the thought down. She hadn't thought like that in ages, certainly not since she picked him up on Friday. The thought still enticed her though, her past taunting her present.

"You okay?" She heard her small roommate's voice from her desk.

Lena jumped, pulling up an unfortunately awkward smile as she looked down at Ryan. "What? Yeah, I'm fine, why?" She managed, clicking back into her work program. She could feel him staring up at her, but she did her best to ignore him.

This was not good. She couldn't even look at the little guy without remembering her younger fantasies. She took one of her meditative breaths, locking her eyes on the monitor in front of her.

"Oh, you just looked a bit out of it for a moment there." Ryan said from his desk. Lena didn't look down at him, simply nodding.

"Yeah, I was just... thinking about the client's request is all. Just a bit annoying."


Lena felt the silence drag out as she tried to ignore it, typing away at her keyboard as she re-focused on work. It was working, little by little, as she delved into the monotony of setting up apartment and townhome agreements for various probable clients.

After she got into the swing of things, ignoring her roommate's existence was pretty easy. For the next few hours, they worked in silence, with Lena only getting up to get them both some refills on their water bottles from time to time.

Eventually Lena was pulled out of her working trance by Ryan, sitting back and stretching loudly.

"Man, it is nice to be done for the day." He said, resting his hands behind his back as Lena glanced down at him.

"You're done already?"

Ryan grinned. "Yep! You're done in, what, an hour?"

Lena checked the time. 5:30. She sighed, nodding. "Yeah, I'll be finished at 6:30."

Her nagging thoughts from before had died down a little, leaving behind mostly just the crushing agony from several hours of typing. She wringed her hands, sighing. It was going to be a long hour. The more... lewd thoughts where thankfully holding back for now.

"Well," Ryan began, looking away from Lena. "I'll wait for you to finish. Then we can go to the store then make some grub."

There was a second of silence at the mention of food before Lena's stomach grumbled. Lena growled back. "Quiet you..." After their little conversation this morning, she'd been overly conscious of the noises her body made, wondering if Ryan could hear them.

Ryan just guffawed, shaking his head. "Maybe it would be better if we grabbed food on the way back from the store instead."

"Oh! That sounds good. Restaurant or fast food?" It was a good idea, and Lena's stomach sounded again in agreement.

Ryan chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "How about McDaniel's? They serve both sizes so we wouldn't have to split up too far." Lena nodded; silently thankful they wouldn't have to sit in a restaurant together.

"That sounds good to me. We'll go as soon as I'm finished!"

Lena regretted her previous thought, looking back at her screen. She should want to go on a dinner date with him, and she really did, but... what would people think? Would they think it was odd? Would they think she was taking advantage of a small?

She'd done her research, way back in the day, on how prevalent relationships were between smalls and bigs, and they weren't that uncommon. It was just...

Lena bit her lip, typing away some inputs. It was just strange to consider what other people thought about their relationship. That lady from the housing department thought they were cute, which was encouraging, but that wouldn't be universal.

Lena shook her head, finishing the page with a flourish of keystrokes. It wasn't a problem to worry about now. She'd drop him off to shop, wait for him to finish, then they'd go to McDaniel's.

She felt the color drain from her face a little. She'd have to wait outside the small shops. What would the smalls there think she was doing? Would they think she was weird? Oh god, would they think she was a creeper?

After a deep breath, Lena gathered her thoughts on the subject into a little, manageable ball, then chucked ‘em in the bin. She'd mind her own business and they'd mind theirs. She was hardly their biggest concern, even if she was physically big to them.

She kept working for the next hour, keeping her mind off the worrying subjects. She'd never felt like this before, so full of apprehension and self-doubt. It was foreign, and she knew the cause: the butterflies in her stomach when she thought of Ryan.

Lena knew that if she worried about every little thing, she'd never get anywhere with him as a friend, roommate, or whatever. She just couldn't help but think of everything that could go wrong in any situation, especially since she sat on him last night.

Even thinking about it now, she was filled with shame. How do you just sit on someone then try to act like nothing had happened?

Lena sighed, finishing another page of reports. Once again, her thoughts had drifted. She had to focus on work at least until a few minutes before it was over with, then she'd be all set to distract herself with bringing Ryan shopping and dinner.

"Lena? You should probably start wrapping up, its 6:20." Ryan interrupted her thoughts, making her jump.

"What? Oh, you're right. Let me just sign off here..."

A few keystrokes later and the ever-looming presence of work was lifted from her shoulders, and she breathed in the non-work air, stretching her arms up towards the ceiling with a squeak. Ah, to be finished. She heard Ryan's tiny chair roll as he stood up on her desk.

"Alrighty, ready to get going?"

Lena slumped back in her chair, shooting Ryan a smile. "Oh, sure, lemme just relish the beginning of my evening though." She closed her eyes, deliberately suppressing her anxiety-riddled thoughts as she sat back further in her chair.

A tiny tapping on the desk made her crack an eye open to see Ryan standing on the edge of the desk in front of her, arms crossed tapping his foot. She grinned, suddenly springing forward. "Boo!"

Ryan scrambled back at her sudden movements, falling back on the desk as Lena laughed. Bingo, the response she'd been looking for. She looked down at her tiny roommate as he picked himself up, shaking his head with a smile.

"Alright, alright, enough relaxing. We're both hungry, remember?"

Lena didn't have a chance to retort as her stomach, for the umpteenth time today, interrupted their conversation with a loud gurgle. Lena pursed her lips, standing up as Ryan stared at her belly awkwardly.

She crossed her arms, ignoring another growl from her stomach. "Stupid... okay, let's get going." She lowered her open palm to the desk, Ryan quickly climbing aboard. A few minutes later, Lena was walking down the street, the sun almost dropping below the horizon, bathing the buildings in an orange glow.

"Sooo... where am I taking you?" Lena asked, stuffing a hand in her pocket.

Ryan pointed down the street, where a couple small shops were built into the base of the buildings. "Minmart, they have the best prices."

Lena nodded, lengthening her strides as she approached the store, before remembering these were small stores. Her eyes scanned the sidewalk, stepping around the occasional small in her path. Only a few seemed to be ignoring her, the rest were keeping a wide berth around the big.

Lena blushed, tensing up as she felt suddenly very out of place.

"Lena, you passed the store. Take a step back."

She stopped, blushing harder as she spun on her heels, spotting the small store at her feet. "Right, sorry. Here, I'll just... wait out here."

Ryan laughed as Lena brought him down. "Well, I don't exactly expect you to come inside." He hopped off her hand, looking back up at her with a thumbs up. "I'll be right back!" With that, her small friend stepped into the miniature store.

Lena crouched there for another second before standing up, slowly leaning back on the wall of the building as she slipped her phone from her pocket, trying to distract herself from the occasional small walking past or around her shoes.

There wasn't anything interesting on her social media, so Lena scrolled repeatedly, not focused on her phone.

Lena felt like she was being watched, and she was probably right. She was right up against a bunch of small stores, just leaning there. In the way. She wanted to duck down and hide, to not be seen like some sort of weirdo who creeps on smalls. Her heart slowly kicked up as she shrank back into herself.

She stared at the loading bar on her screen. She felt like she couldn't breathe, like the buildings and the cars driving by were slowly looming over her. She'd never felt like this before!

Lena squinted, gripping her phone tightly. This wasn't her. She was calm, confident, and she was at least not ashamed to be simply standing somewhere. She took a deep breath, holding it, then breathing out. She couldn't wipe away the worry, but she could remind herself to keep steady.

She glanced down, momentarily locking eyes with a small who happened to be looking up at her. They shared a brief wave as the small continued down the sidewalk, off to wherever they were going. Home, probably.

Lena nodded to herself, looking back to her phone as her heartrate slowed down to a reasonable pace. She was just a person, waiting for someone. It was only a little different than waiting for someone to come out of a normal sized store, it wasn't like she was bent down, smiling at each small that walked by.

Taking another breath, she saw a notification pop up on her phone. It was Ryan. It just said... look down?

She did so, spotting Ryan next to her foot, looking up at her with a bunch of groceries in his hands. How he had messaged her, she didn't know, but a wave of relief washed over her as she knelt down to him.

"That's all you got?" She teased, holding out her hand so he could climb up. Ryan managed to swing himself onto her palm, rolling to the center.

"Hey, this will last me the week along with what I already have in your fridge." He let go of the bags, rubbing his fingers as Lena stood up again.

Lena slipped her phone in her pocket, pointing to the bags. "You want me to put those in my pocket?"

Ryan looked at his bags, then back up at her. "I don't want them getting squished."

Lena moved her other hand, tugging at the pocket on her flannel. "I mean up here, I can barely fit my phone in my pocket as it is."

Lena watched the cogs turn in his head before he nodded. "Sure, that's fine then. Just be careful, alright?"

Lena chuckled, pinching up the bags in her fingers, depositing them in her pocket. Ryan sat back on her hand, tickling her palm a little, but she wouldn't let him know that. He'd probably start doing it on purpose.

"Well," Ryan started. "Dinner?"

Lena glanced down at her belly, relieved to not hear anything.

"Yeah, sounds good."

With that, they were off. Lena made sure to watch where she stepped around small businesses and doors, more than once stepping awkwardly to avoid an oblivious passerby. After several minutes, where Ryan filled her in on what he bought, they made it to the McDaniel's.

Like your standard fast-food restaurant, but with a second, smaller entrance next to the main one, leading to the small section of the burger place. Lena dropped Ryan off, giving him a quick wave goodbye as she went inside.

Finally, food.


The line inside wasn't too long, just a couple people getting out of work, grabbing something quick on their walk home. Ryan stepped into the line, looking at his phone.

Lena had been acting a bit strange since lunch, looking apprehensive, embarrassed, and sick all at the same time. He was worried, but she kept brushing him off when he asked if she was okay, so he left it alone. Thankfully, she seemed better now with some fresh air.

He'd really have to remind her to open the window in her room when they got back, just so she could get some more. At least until winter rolled around in the next few months.

Ryan stepped forward with the line, scrolling through media. Nothing amazing, but it felt awkward to just stand there, waiting.

He was almost interested in an article when someone tapped his shoulder. Ryan looked up, spotting a somewhat scruffy guy in a ruffled suit looking at him. Ryan raised a brow. "Uh, what's up?"

The guy nodded his head back. "Where'd you find a girl her size on a Monday night?"

Ryan stared at him for a second. "What?"

The guy rolled his eyes. "I mean, its Monday, most ‘tha hookers don't work Mondays. So I was askin' where ya found one."

Ryan opened his mouth, absolutely baffled. "Excuse me?"

The guy laughed. "I said," He cupped his hands around his mouth, speaking way too loud for indoors. "Where'd ya get the giant woman to fuck you on a Monday night?"

Ryan stood there, frozen, along with the rest of the small establishment. A second passed as the guy felt the eyes on him, forming a scowl and crossing his arms. "What? A guy want's ta know, y'know?"

Ryan opened and closed his mouth several times before responding. "She is not a prostitute you stupid fuck."

The guy stepped at him threateningly, but Ryan didn't move. This guy was getting on his nerves. He pointed a finger at Ryan, now close enough where Ryan could smell the beer on his breath. Who drinks on a Monday night?

"Don't play smart with me ya winey fuck. I- I'll wipe your stupid face off your look."

Ryan's hand balled into a fist. He was ready to floor this guy. Thankfully, or unfortunately, someone in a McDaniel's uniform stepped in between Ryan and the drunk guy.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave before I call the cops." She, the supervisor (judging from her nametag), pointed toward the doors. The drunk guy glanced between Ryan, the supervisor, and the door several times before scoffing, waving Ryan off.

"I'll jus' go find ‘em myself ya prick." He wandered over to the door before looking back, pointing around the establishment. "You're all fucks." After trying the wrong door, the idiot made it outside, stumbling down the sidewalk into the night.

Ryan took a shaky breath, flexing his fingers as the supervisor breathed a sigh of relief, turning back towards him. "I'm so sorry about that sir, we'll get your order for you right over here." She motioned over to a register for him to follow.

Ryan nodded, taking another breath as he stepped up to the counter. The supervisor apologized to the rest of the building for the commotion, sending out one of her employees with coupons to compensate.

She stepped behind the register, turning it on. She looked up at Ryan with an apologetic smile. "I hope that idiot doesn't bother you on your way home. You or your big friend."

Ryan just nodded. He was still coming down from the adrenaline he'd built up only a few moments ago. She got his order, throwing in a milkshake along with fully paying for the meal. By the time Ryan had his bag and cup, he'd calmed down a little from the idiot's accusations.

He was still cautious though, checking for the drunk as he left the building. Nowhere in sight.

Ryan hoped he'd been run over.

He'd never expected a person like that to even exist. Ryan hadn't even considered the idea of a tiny hiring a normal sized prostitute, or any prostitute for that matter, but still. Who just assumes like that, it was rude, crude, and, and...

Ryan took a breath, calming himself. That guy wasn't worth worrying over, even if he had insulted Lena like that. The guy was gone and dealt with. Now, he just had to wait for Lena to come out of the McDaniel's.

He only had to wait a minute before she came out, sipping casually from her soda as she scanned the sidewalk for Ryan. In one hand she held her bag, in the other her cup. She popped a squat, taking the straw from her mouth. "Got everything?"

Ryan nodded, taking another breath. "All set here. How am I getting back with you?"

Lena raised her brow before looking at her hands. "Oh." She said, realizing her hands were full.

"Well... we could put your bag in my bag, but I still would have a hand full..." She thought for a moment, before Ryan could practically see the light go off in her head.

She set her drink on the cement, wiping condensation off her hand before reaching towards Ryan. "Okay, hand me your bag..."

Ryan wordlessly lifted his bag, watching her gingerly pinch it between her massive fingers, gently placing it in her own bag. "Okay, sit tight for a moment..."

Her fingers approached him, pinching his chest and back as she lifted him off the ground. He trusted her enough, but he wasn't sure where this was going until she tucked him into the lip of her breast pocket. He held the edge with his arms, drink still in hand as he blushed profusely in his new position.

"There!" Lena said, picking up her drink as she stood. "Hands free!"

"Y-yeah Lena, just be careful, okay?"

"Of course, I'd never let you drop. Just lean back and we'll be home in a jiffy!" With that, they were off.

Ryan just sat there; cup grasped in both hands as he did as she said, and leaned back against her. She was warm, and soft, and Ryan was desperately trying not to make this a big deal. It was just her pocket. Against her boob. Not like he was embarrassed by it or anything, ha ha...

He swallowed, ignoring the slight bounce as she walked. It was comfortable in her pocket, that was sure, but he wouldn't be requesting it going forward. Being carried was one thing but being pocketed was definitely embarrassing. And this position doubly so.

Thankfully, they were back to her place within a few minutes, and Lena let him out of her pocket on the island counter in the kitchen.

She fished out his bag of food, handing it over to him with a smile. "I am so ready to eat, it's not even funny." Her stomach growled as she sat down, which she swore at. Ryan couldn't help but chuckle as he opened his bag of food. She got so ruffled by her inability to keep the damn organ quiet, it was adorable.

They both dug into their food in silence, Ryan enjoying his milkshake. He wouldn't tell Lena about the rude drunk that got him his food for free, she didn't need that on her mind. So, they just ate, relishing food that they didn't have to prepare.

The best meals are the ones you didn't have to make yourself, after all.


Lena ate hungerly, finishing her meal quickly. It had been a back-and-forth kind of day for her, emotionally. Equal parts embarrassing, upsetting, sad, awkward, funny, boring, and exciting. It was a rollercoaster.

She had only thought about carrying him in her breast pocket for a second before placing him there, but after a few minutes of walking, she became hyper-aware of where he was; bouncing with her chest as she walked, held against her kinda intimately.

On one hand, she had been mortified. She hadn't exactly asked him if he wanted to be there, and he was suddenly pressed against her for several minutes.

On the other hand, she hoped he liked it.

The memories of her online searches had resurged as she walked, and she picked up the pace to get home faster. She fought the fantasies, of course, and by the time she had removed Ryan from her pocket, she was more or less calm.

Once they finished eating, Lena brought them both upstairs, where they played a few rounds of SuperChess. It was a strategic game that Lena just used as a distraction from her thoughts for the time being. It was sort of working, but her other thoughts kept her from focusing, costing her several matches.

Eventually Ryan called it quits, exiting after he'd bagged another win.

Ryan stood up from his computer, switching off the monitor. "C'mon Lena, I have to be up early tomorrow morning, and you apparently don't want me running across the room on my own."

Lena grumbled, looking down at him. He crossed his arms, looking adorable without even realizing it. "So, either I'm sleeping here, on the desk, or you're getting up early with me."

Lena shot up, trying to hide a flash of panic. She wanted him on the nightstand, it just felt right. "Oh, of course. I'll set my alarm. Here..." She lowered her hand, and Ryan jumped on. She carried him over to the nightstand, where his bed was sitting under the lamp, freshly made.

She watched him step over to it, pressing his hands into the mattress with a tiny sigh. Lena's heart throbbed at the sight, and she resisted the urge to clasp her hands together and aww. His little box of clothes was already open, and he fished out a set of pajamas before looking up at her, over his shoulder.

"Uh, a little privacy please."

Lena blushed, turning to her wardrobe as she pulled out her pajamas as well. "Right! Right, I'll go change in the hall real quick." She grabbed a pair of shorts and a shirt before dashing into the hall, an idea formulating in her mind.

She tugged down her jeans and pulled off her shirt and bra, tossing them and her flannel into a pile near the stairs before slipping into the shorts and shirt she'd grabbed. Lena straightened out the shirt, glancing back to the door as she considered her little plan. Was he finished changing yet?

She only briefly registered that she had forgone a bra again but disregarded any apprehension she had with that, at least for the moment. He'd been up against her already today without issue, so she didn't see any issue going to bed without one. Bras were uncomfortable to sleep in anyway.

She wanted to test something, and going braless would actually help.

Lena leaned into the room, spotting Ryan as he slid his clothes from the day under his bed, with his boxes. He looked like he'd already changed, so she was good to go get in bed. Lena shifted on her feet before she launched across the room, landing on her bed with a bounce.

After lying face down in her pillow for a second, she rolled to her side and looked over at Ryan with a grin.

"Hi." Lena said, giggling. She was purposefully lying on her side in her best impression of a model, flashing Ryan her best cocky smile.

Ryan seemed frozen, leaning back against his bed before he cleared his throat, shaking his head. Lena smiled inwardly, definitely noticing where he had been looking with that adorably flushed face of his. Good to know...

Ryan turned away from her, sliding down the covers on his bed. "Was the leap into bed honestly necessary?"  Lena's heart throbbed again. He was so cute. He didn't even try. She mentally chided herself. Cute and handsome, Lena.

"Well, yeah?" She joked, sitting up out of her ridiculous position, and sliding under her covers. She looked over in time to see Ryan getting comfortable in bed as well.

"Oh, I didn't know I could miss a bed so much." He rolled over, and Lena could just see his face poking out of the covers. "Your sock was, admittedly, comfy, but a bed just outdoes it."

Lena smirked. "Well, yeah, it's a bed."

He shook his head again, clearly smiling. "Well, good night Lena."

"Good night Ryan."

Lena flicked off the lamp, casting them both into darkness. Lena lay there, heart still throbbing just picturing her roommate's reaction to her little test: embarrassed, sure, but he had stared at her. So, at the very least, he was attracted to her, despite her size.

She pushed down the images in her mind of what her younger self had fantasized about; she had another day of work ahead of her, she needed the sleep. Dwelling on these desires would only keep her up.

She shifted, trying to get comfortable. After a few minutes of lying there, tired but unable to sleep, she rolled onto her side. A while later, she grumbled, rolling onto her back once again.

It felt like she had been lying there for hours, and her alarm clock confirmed this. Even after a couple hours of tossing and turning, she just could not sleep! And, as she lay there, staring at the ceiling, she came to terms as to why she just could not sleep.

She was horny.

Lena shifted uncomfortably; face flushed as she felt the slight dampness in her underwear rubbing on her legs. She hadn't done anything in over a week, hell, she hadn't even thought about masturbating since Ryan showed up.

Yet, here she was, horny as all hell, thanks to her younger self's fantasies that had been bugging her all day.

She stole a glance over to Ryan in the darkness, making out the back of his head and the very slight rise and fall of her tiny friend's breaths. She stared at him for a minute before her hand slipped into her pants.

Fine, she'd be quick and as quiet as possible. She needed this, or she wouldn't be able to sleep. It would only be embarrassing if he woke up, after all. Some small part of her protested, but the rest of her was running on the adrenaline of doing this with someone else in the room.

She looked over at Ryan's tiny bed, whispering his name to see if he would wake up. He shifted a little, but otherwise remained still. She said it again, a but louder, asking if he was awake. Still no response, just him lying there, asleep.

Lena took a deep breath, deciding now was as good a time as ever.

She rolled onto her back, slipping her shorts and underwear down to her ankles before she brought her hand down between her legs. She held in a moan, biting her hand as she began to rub her clit. She stole another glance at Ryan. Making sure he was still asleep, she assured herself.

Lena just hoped he wouldn't wake up; she wasn't sure what she would do if he did.


Ryan was awake. He lay there, listening to the muffled but distinct wet sounds along with Lena's shifting body and muffled moans.

He'd woken up when she said his name, and he had almost replied, but decided to just try and go back to sleep. Then he'd been distracted by what was going on behind him, on the bed of his giant friend.

He wasn't an idiot. He knew she was masturbating. Probably. Hell, he had half a mind to join her if he weren't absolutely worried out of his mind. What would she do if she caught him right now, awake? He kept his breathing steady as he heard her own breaths speed up, muffled slightly like she had something in her mouth.

Everybody masturbated, he just hadn't expected Lena to do it right there though. Hell, he was within arm's reach! Not his arms reach, mind you, but hers. Maybe she just didn't care if he were there, or maybe she just couldn't help it, needed release. Regardless, Ryan stayed still for another minute before a different idea came to mind.

Maybe... maybe she was doing this because he was here.

Eventually, Lena's muffled moans peaked, and the wet noises stopped. She shifted in bed and Ryan heard something fall to the floor near the nightstand he was on, the only noise remaining being her deep, relaxed breathing. She moved in bed a few more times before the room was finally still, save for Ryan's racing heart.

Now that was an idea.

Chapter End Notes:

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Leave a review if you'd like!

Going forward, this amount of time between chapters should be expected, so our next updat should be in early May. See you then!

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