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Callista stepped out onto the deck, rubbing her eyes against the beating morning sun. She walked to the bow, where Paul was serving a steaming hot stew out of a large pot. Elaine chattered away at him, as Kelly lounged against the side of the ship, stretching out and soaking up the sun.

Callista turned, spotting Ulster in his nest, at the wheel. She gave him a cheery wave, which he returned happily. Kelly spotted the wave, locking her eyes on Ulster with a devlisih grin. Ulster smiled back, waving sheepishly. Things had settled into a steady rhythm after a month at sea. Small squabbles had been squashed, and a level of respect had grown amongst the tiny crew of five. Callista spread out next to Kelly, allowing a moment of sunny relaxation after a week's worth of heavy rain.

She felt the slightest of tightness in her blouse as she stretched herself against the ship. Back on her strict regimen, she had grown barely a quarter of an inch since they set sail. She let her eyes wander to Kelly, dressed in khakhi shorts, with a much larger blouse tucked into them. The top three buttons were loose, letting the sun beam down on her massive cleavage. Still perceptive Kelly felt Callista's eyes on her. She puffed her chest out, letting her bust squeeze even tighter against the lower buttons. 

Callista looked down at her own body. Her research demanded staying the steady course, but after a month getting to know, and eventually cherish her time with Kelly, she began to feel a pang of envy toward the uninhibited and bold bodyguard.

"Soup's on." Paul cried as he ladled a portion into a bowl for Elaine. "Get it while it's not spilled all over the goddamn deck."

Elaine chuckled. "Dr. Geiss, you really are the last shred of civilization out here on the briney waves. No offense to present company." she added quickly, darting her eyes at the other two women. Kelly laughed, and spit off the side of the deck, almost as an admission.

Callista stood and walked over to the pot of soup. Paul ladled a portion into a bowl for her and passed it along. She took it, saying "Thank you, Paul. Looks as edible as ever."

"That's the sort of compliment you don't follow up on." he replied. Callista smiled and headed back toward the cabin area. Elaine waved to her as she left, stepping carefully back down into the steel abyss of bed and board.

Once inside her room, Callista made sure her door was shut and locked before opening her wardrobe. She pulled an amber vial out from the bottom of her bag and brought it to her desk. It had taken some time to regain her sea legs, but Callista had tought herself to drop the smallest bit back into her food just as she did at the gallery. No slip ups yet. Her log was a perfect parabola of steady growth.

She dropped her drop into the hot soup, and watched as it melted into the grey-ish ooze. A knock at the door made her scurry back to the wardrobe, stuffing the vial safely back in its place with the others. She opened the door to find Paul, leaning against the doorframe with a scheme in his eye.

"I was wondering..." he began.

"That seems to be all you do." she spat back at him.

"Well I forgot my pulp novels back at shore, so you'll forgive me."

"What were you wondering, Paul." Callista sighed. Not really a question so much as a way to get him away as fast as possible.

"Well, all month we've been on the water, you've taken every meal privately. Just take your fair share and zip down here. Plate always comes back empty so I assume you're satisfied with the cooking."

"Satisfied is a satisfactory word for it." she retorted.

"Well it gets a man wondering is all... and I think I figured it out."

"Have you now?" Callista said, planning ahead how to shoot down his valid guess.

"You must be a very sloppy eater." he admitted.

Callista's mouth fell open. "I have more manners than you've even heard of."

"I'm sure you do." he said, playing nice.

Callista fumed. She stomped to her desk and picked up the soup. She brought it back to Paul and lifted a spoonful up, theatrically, before putting it in her mouth. Perfect form. Paul clapped. "My mistake, and my apologies. Maybe it's just you've got a little secret sauce you don't plan to share with the crew."

His eyes darted down at the bowl. Callista followed them. The drop was still barely visible, now a little spoon-shaped hole at its center. She blushed. Paul leaned in close, whispering. "I have a little bottle of chili sauce from some place that's not even on the map anymore. Only a little bit left, so I don't like to share. I completely understand." 

Callista huffed. She hated when he was charmingly compassionate. "So you'll keep this between us." she stated.

"Only if you promise to share some of it with me some day. I'll give you some of the chili sauce with you as a fair trade."

"I don't think you'd much care for this sauce. But maybe if you play your cards right, one day I'll give you a taste of something like it." she said. She stopped. Where did that come from? Callista had always kept Paul at a healthy arm's length. He was the pest of the bunch, torturing her with inane stories and crass jokes. But suddenly something stirred in her. Maybe it was having someone to someday share in her secret. Secrets can be a lonely thing. And at sea, the loneliness can only compound.

Paul smiled at her. "Maybe some day, then. We've got quite the trek ahead of us, so there's plenty of time. I overheard you talking to the captain yesterday. We're to make berth for resupply in just one more week. I'm not exactly a cartographer, but I don't think there's anything land-shaped for at least another two months."

"There's something." she replied. "Even most cartographers don't know it, and we like to keep it that way. An uncharted haven for those who seek the uncharted. The last friendly place off the map."

"Sounds like a good place to go wild. Not that it's not a party every day on the Ambrosius."

A loud clang shook the boat, as if in reply. Elaine's muffled voice was heard above them, "Well, maybe tell me that before I start touching things!"

"She means well." Callista said, and she meant it. One month with Elaine Redmond had proved her character. Though she was vain, petty, and deeply insecure, she had a big heart that made everyone become her friend. 

"A size-obsessed heiress on a wild goose chase for pituitary gold. What's not to like?" Another clang. Elaine shouted, "That's obviously the start button!"

"You can't really think it's a goose chase. You've seen Kelly. That sort of thing doesn't happen in the natural world." Callista shot back.

"Everything happens in the natural world. We just like to separate ourselves from it to pretend we're above it. But you're right. A woman with proportions of that, at that size is just not medically sound. I'm sure there is an Aphrodite's Vein-"

"Athena's Vein." Callista countered.

"- and I'm sure there's a fountain of nectar dripping out of it. But to find it, with this kind of team... I have doubts."

"I've seen it." Callista said.

"I assumed as much. A woman like Redmond won't pay top dollar to bring along a straggler just for secondhand information."

"You don't think I can find it again."

"What was it like when you found it the first time?" he asked.

Callista's eyes fogged. She felt the memories rushing back at her like the rapids outside the cave. "Hell." she spat. Paul watched her slip away into the past, as she sat down on her bed, overwhelmed. He sat next to her, handing her the bowl of soup. Before he could give her the spoon, she'd slurped it down. She shivered after that. Best not to take nectar so quickly. Let it absorb in the food so the change can come gradually.

"There were twelve of us. Explorers and scientists, mostly. We were tracking the growth patterns of the local flora. A plant grew there that took on the characteristics of so many different species. It felt like staring at an entire family tree in one organism. Its roots went deep, almost like it was one big tree spreading out its many tendrils across the whole island."

"So it's an island." Paul started.

"Don't interrupt. We lost six of us to the animals. That was the easy part. It was when we found the vein that things went wrong. Two men, four women, including myself, all took some of that nectar. The men were furious when they realized it had no effect on them. They wanted to burn the whole island back down into the sea. Something happened to them. Something on that island drove them mad. If it wasn't for Rebecca, none of us would have made it off that rock at all."

"But you did."

"A few. Not enough. Not her."

"So why come back? Why step back into the flames of Hell?"

She sighed. She wondered that, herself. When she said it, she knew that it was the truth: "Because I missed the heat."

Paul took her hand. Callista didn't pull away. She looked up at him. His eyes were kind and full of a quiet understanding. He let those eyes speak his own pain, to not compete with her own, but to let her know she wasn't alone. She wasn't alone.

"So how much of the stuff did you drink? You're a healthy girl, don't get me wrong. But you're not Kelly."

"I took a sip. Just enough to give me enough energy to get back to the ship. The devils were at my heels, and I was desperate."

"Not some big prize, for walking through the gauntlet." he said. Callista felt that same disdain. He was back to playing fun, but his eyes didn't change.

"I'm not one to act on impulse. I do what's necessary."

"Like getting on a ship back to the worst place you've ever been to." he smiled. Callista started, but smiled back. "I suppose you're right." She looked at him. Their faces moved slowly together, just centimeters apart. Her body rumbled, and with a burst, made the difference itself. They kissed, deeply but briefly, before pulling away in shock.

"What was that?" Paul implored.

"Never been kissed before?" Callista laughed.

"Not like that. You've got the nectar." he responded.

Callista dodged back, once again ready to deny. Her body gave in. She sighed, and placed a hand on his chest. She stood and walked over to her wardrobe, pulling the vials out to show him in their case.

"Quite the haul. You just keep them for sentimental value?"

"I am testing them. I take a small dose a day, as I've done since I returned."

"So you did used to be short. Well shorter." He stood up, looming over her. She was still only a little over 5'8", and Paul's lanky 6'3" was something with which to loom.

"5'8" is tall for a woman." she snapped back.

"Kelly is tall for a woman." 

Callista huffed.

"Why not cut loose once in awhile? Take a swig, gain a little perspective. Have some fun." he continued.

"I'd be throwing away three years of careful study."

"And what else is there to learn? Slightly taller every day. I think we can start submitting to publications."

"Long term side effects are something I should think a doctor would consider." 

"If he did, he wouldn't be on a ship on the way to an evil island that makes ladies grow."

"Fair point." she relented. He leaned up close to her. She kissed him again, quickly but with a little peck right after.

"Think about it, maybe. Not much else to do out here." he said, walking toward the door.

"Maybe so. I'll consider it, if you can make it interesting."

"That's my job. Jack of Paul Trades." he winked. He turned and walked out.

Callista moved back to the wardrobe, resetting her vials. "Hey." came a voice from the door. She turned to see Paul returned. "You taste sweet." he cooed.

She smiled, and he disappeared again. She looked down at the vial in her hand. The bag plunked back in its place, but Callista stuck one vial into a pouch in her pants.


That night, the sea grew lazy. The ship chugged along against the still waves. Ulster whistled a tune in the quiet night air, as Callista looked out at the inky darkness of the open ocean. She felt the salty night air on her face, smelling the splashing waves as they lapped against the boat.

She looked up at Ulster. He whistled louder, lifting a half drunk bottle of something dark. His eyes were glassy, but his hand was steady. He deserved an easy night. They all did. Few were to come in the weeks ahead. Laughter rippled from the cabin area, loud and free. She watched as the steel groaned from inside until Kelly emerged, her hair a bit tussled and her shirt even further unbuttoned. An undershirt now poked out in a small triangle, keeping her girls in place. She ducked under the little entryway with a twinkle in her eye.

"You're requested." she announced, turning aside to make room for Callista to pass. Callista stepped through, as the laughter grew louder. She followed it to the end of the steel hall: Elaine's cabin. The door creaked open, revealing a massive quarters, as large as the captain's. A stately bed was pushed aside to make room for a fold-out table and chairs. Elaine and Paul sat on either side, holding a hand of cards each.

"There now," Elaine announced. "We can play a full game. Sit, Callie, sit." Callista sat down on one of the folding chairs, with Kelly sitting on the opposite side. 

"We've been at this simply all night, and we've come to a very powerful conclusion." Elaine continued. "Three man card games are positively shit." She laughed, raising a large bottle of brandy. She poured some into a glass tumbler next to her, spilling a bit onto the leather-lined tabletop. "We need a new hand."

"I guess you've got one." Callista said, scooting up to the table and drawing from the deck. 

"Standard rules and all that. Five card draw. Let's not worry about the details." Elaine slurred. "It's less about the little things and more about the big."

"Like?" Callista asked.

"What will you wager?" Elaine replied.

She took a sip of her brandy. "See, everyone on this boat is already being paid handsomely by yours truly. We came to the agreement that to wager with funds would be rather immoral, and worse, DULL." she spat.

"We're wagering dares." Paul summed up. He folded, quietly.

"Like so, watch this." Elaine slapped her cards on the table. Kelly did the same. Elaine had won with a triple, and laughed giddily. "See it's even more immoral because these two are absolutely lousy at keeping their money. Now let's see. We already got that button down on the last hand, Kelly. Good show with the undershirt, very ladylike. Saved your honor in a flash. So how about something bigger."

Kelly leaned back, showing just how big she could be. "A kiss." Elaine decided. 

"A bit presumptuous." Paul said. Callista nodded in agreement.

"Oh, she's allowed to say no. But she won't. Everyone's been kissing on this boat as it is. Don't think I haven't noticed. This one especially, is far from subtle." Elaine said.

Kelly leaned forward onto the table. Her breasts slid across the leather skin, knocking away the cards and glasses as she pounced on the still talking Elaine. Her hand found the back of her neck, and her lips soon closed around Elaine's. Elaine, for once, stopped talking. Her eyes closed, fluttering in surprised ecstasy. Her hands fell limp against her sides. Kelly freed her, staring at her with longing before sliding back to her side of the table.

Elaine fanned herself, still in shock. "A good part of me didn't think you'd do that."

"Goes to show what you know." Kelly replied, folding her arms across her chest.

"I think I'll just stick to a drink for my wager." Paul announced, pouring himself more brandy. He passed a glass to Callista, with a wink.


Several hands later, Callista was drunk. She'd stuck to Paul's method letting the drinks be her antes, but her rusty card skills had betrayed her. Her auburn hair was coming loose from the tie she'd placed there that morning, as long curtains came down around her shoulders. She looked up at Paul, with the faintest shine to her eyes. She was still in full power, but her inhibitions were starting to feel like a distant memory.

Next to them, Elaine sat sloshed, wearing Kelly's oversized undershirt. Her small nipples barely poked through the baggy fabric at the too-wide neck. Across from her, Kelly sat wearing Elaine's blouse, unbuttoned over her engorged hourglass frame. The thin fabric barely covered her own nipples, and it fit like a very small vest. The sleeves had been ripped clean some time prior.

"Now I'm starting to think I'm winning this game." Elaine said. "But there's a little something in me that's telling me... some of you aren't playing to your full potential." She slammed her tiny hand on the table. The tumbler didn't even budge. "It's time to up the ante." she announced. "Kelly, you're out. You've done about all you can, and more."

Kelly shrugged. She stood, flexing, as the shirt tore away to nothing. She picked up her own blouse and draped it over her shoulder before stepping out.

Elaine's attention turned to Paul and Callista. "Are you two having fun? I won't abide a table that's not having fun."

"We're..." Calllista giggled. "We're having a good time."

"We're all having a good time." Paul slurred in agreement.

"Alright, then. Lightning round. No draws." They raised their cards. "But first, wagers. I'll decide for Paul. You have to sleep in my bed with me tonight. Do you accept the terms?"

Paul looked at Callista, gauging her response. Callista raised an eyebrow at him, defiantly intrigued. "It's a big bed, Paul." Elaine added.

"Why not." he decided.

"Now you decide for Callie, here."

Paul looked back at Callista. "You have to... stay up to watch the sunrise." he said. Elaine blew a raspberry at him, getting rowdier. "Boring wager, Paul." she cried.

"It's pretty boring, Paul." Callista added.

"Ok, fine. Fine!" Paul shouted over the boos. "You... you have to take a drink."

Another raspberry. "She's been doing that all night!"

"Not that drink." Paul said. Callista bristled. Her hand fell absent-mindedly to her pocket. The vial was still there. Paul knew. 

"I..." Callista sputtered.

Elaine noticed, turning curiously to her. "Perhaps not so boring after all." 

Callista looked into Elaine's saucer eyes. She smiled weakly, and pulled the vial from her pocket. The bright amber liquid sloshed around heavily inside. The vial was only about a quarter full. A month of drops had whittled it down to no more than a shot. Elaine gasped quietly. "Nectar" she breathed.

"I choose your wager, then?" Callista asked to the entranced Elaine.

"Yes, of course." Elaine spouted, collecting herself.

"You must give us a truth about yourself. Tell us a secret that you've kept." Elaine's eyes widened, but she smiled.

"You are good at cards." she replied. "Let's see them, then."

Elaine slapped down her two pair, proudly, only to see Callista gently place down a triple four. Callista sighed a breath of relief. Her supply would be maintained properly. She slid the vial off the table, just in time to see Paul, mouth agape, drop a full house for all to see.

Callista sucked in her breath. The vial stayed in her hand. Elaine turned to her. "Looks like we've both lost the night. Shall we cheers?" She raised her brandy glass to her.

"I'm not sure I want to go through with this wager."

"But you already agreed." Elaine shouted, trying poorly to hide her excitement.

"You don't have to do it." Paul added. "It's just a game."

She looked at him. Their eyes lingered on one another. She uncorked the vial and poured the contents into her brandy, swilling it around until it mixed into bright orange swirls. She raised her glass. "To the vein." she toasted.

Paul raised his glass, and all three clinked. "To the vein!" Elaine shouted, and drank deep. Callista took one last look at the concoction she'd mixed, and drank it in three big glugs.

"Won't this be fun to watch!" Elaine chirped.


In the captain's quarters, Ulster took his own big glug of whiskey from his nearly depleted bottle. He swished it around, judging how much he had left.

"Iceberg ahead." came a voice from the door. He turned to see Kelly standing in the entry. She was still topless, with her blouse draped over her shoulder. 

"This is the pacific." Ulster gulped. "Not cold enough. Kelly sauntered in, stepping barefoot along the steel grates of the floor. She tossed the blouse at him. He caught it, looking at her, enticed.

"In case you catch a chill." she purred.

"Have a good game with your friends down there?" Ulster asked.

"It's not my kind of game, but I make due." Kelly stepped right in front of Ulster, staring down at his glassy eyes. She kissed him then, pulling his chin up to her mouth and taking pulling him into an arched smooch. She pulled away quickly. "You taste like stale whiskey."

"We'll make port soon, and I'll restock." he admitted.

"In the meantime..." Kelly pulled his head into her enormous breasts. He was lost in a sea of soft, creamy flesh. His lips found every corner, every curve. She mashed her breasts into his face with her hands as he licked along the contours of her plunging neckline. She moaned with pleasure as his tongue found her nipple. It hardened slowly, rising from her pink areola and sticking out firm to meet his curious tongue.

She wavered, collapsing to the ground as he followed her down. Her back rose and arced as his hands and mouth traveled from her breasts down to her tight stomach. He kissed her along every inch of muscular skin. She kneaded her breasts, moaning louder and louder as Ulster descended closer to the right spot. She felt her shorts slide down, and her panties with it.

Ulster looked up from his work to admire her beautiful pussy. A small tuft of hair had started to grow since the voyage, but he could still clearly see the oval slit, and he knew what path to follow. His tongue chased down, sliding along the edges of her labia. Kelly gasped, feeling his tongue inside her. She gritted her teeth as he continued to explore along the edges of her sex. 

A soft high pitch gasp escaped her lips. He had found her clitoris, and had begun to caress it with his tongue. She grabbed his head with her powerful hands, pulling him deeper into her as she whimpered with pleasure. The whimpers turned to gasps turned to moans turned to yells. She was in complete bliss as he wrote poetry along her with his tongue.

"Yes!" she screamed as her yells grew louder finally crescendoing as her whole body tightened. Every muscle on her grew taut and flexed. Her abs above Ulsters head showed every perfectly sculpted chamber. Her soft biceps had gone rigid to reveal firm lumps of hard muscle beneath. Her legs tightened, revealing the lines along them. Her breasts heaved as she threw her head back for one long, final shriek of ecstasy. Then silence.

Ulster looked up at her, panting and covered in sweat. She looked down at him in return with the smile of a satisfied customer. "Get my pants." she sighed breathlessly.


"You haven't done your part yet." Paul prodded Elaine.

"What's that?" she replied.

"The truth." Callista said. "The secret you promised."

Elaine pursed her lips, leaning back in her chair. "What is it you'd like to know?"

"How much are you actually worth?" Paul shouted.

Callista pushed him, and he fell a bit further than she intended. She looked down at her sleeve, already beginning to ride up on her. "Why do this? Why the obsession with getting bigger? Why risk your life and the lives of others to be a little taller?"

Elaine was surprised. She was expecting something more salacious. Something to be held against her. But this was a real question. One that required thought.

"My whole life..." she began, "I've been the center of attention. But not for anything I've done or accomplished. Just who I am. Even worse, for what I need."

Callista leaned in. Her blouse creaked. It was coming on much faster than that slip up in the shop. 

"I was an ill child, if that's any surprise. Always fussed over and fiddled with. When I came of age, the attention didn't change, it just ended. Or festered. I left home without permission to spend my money in ways that made me feel more than who I was. I never spoke to any of my relatives the minute I turned 18. Then, the day I learned about Aphrodite's Vein-"

"Athena's Vein." Callista corrected. She shot her hand up to make her point, and ripped her sleeve along the side in the process. Elaine's eyes flashed.

"That's exactly it. It's not entirely that I want to be bigger. It's the same reason I haven't gone after your little private collection, Callie."

Callista started to argue, but her sleeve tore even more.

"Oh, don't try to deny it. You've slowly become more be-bosomed since the moment I clapped eyes on you. I'd love to know how that feels. I do want to be bigger. I do, of course, but more accurately, I want... more. I don't just want to be a woman with nectar. I want to be the woman who discovered the amber. I want to tame the wilds of this bizarre new forbidden fruit and claim it all for my own. I want the world to know my name, and I want that name to be synonymous with strength. With stature."

Callista's top button popped as her cleavage leapt out of the top of her blouse. She stood, suddenly surprised at her new body. She'd been entranced by Elaine that so much had gone unnoticed. Elaine and Paul stood with her. Paul looked her up and down. "My god, this is something."

Callista was positively stuffed into her blouse and pants. Her flesh crept out from all exits, as she crept further upwards. She backed away from them. "Excuse me, I didn't expect so much-"

"Wait!" Elaine stopped her, pulling her back. "Have you ever just embraced it?" 

Callista stopped. She felt her body surging and her clothes tightening around her. She took a breath, and stood to her slowly increasing full height. The others watched her, intrigued. She held out her arms, and tensed every part of herself with a powerful flex.

At once, her blouse tore open. The buttons scattered to the floor. Her sleeves burst out like a peeled banana, revealing tightened forearms and round, hard biceps. Her pants fell to tatters, only maintaining around her still tight stomach.

Paul approached her carefully, as she breathed heavily, her growth slowing. She looked up at him, now from slightly closer than this morning. Her breasts nudged against his arm, and he pulled away, shyly. "Sorry," she whispered, "new set." She grabbed his arm with her hand and placed it around her waist. Her enlarged bust pressed against his flat, tight chest. She gazed into his eyes, her head level with his chin.

"How much do you think you think I just grew, doctor?" she asked.

"Oh, let me do this!" Elaine shouted. She ran to a massive steamer trunk on the other side of the room, killing the mood for Paul and Callista, and returned holding an eight foot ruler.

"Of course she has that." Paul said.

"Now hold still." Elaine said, awkwardly moving the ruler alongside Callista. "And stand up straight." Callista straightened her posture, and the back of her shirt tore, leaving her shirt completely in tatters. 

"There goes the ensemble." Paul said.

"I bought several sizes for the journey." Callista replied.

"There's a smart girl. I knew I was right to bring you!" Elaine said, still adjusting the ruler. "And at... five foot eleven inches, you're quite the asset, my dear!"

"Five, eleven?" Callista asked, flabbergasted.

"Three inches in a matter of minutes." Paul said in wonder.

"Three upward, but look at outward. Let's hope we can let out the chest on those bigger blouses, dear. I'm not sure we accounted for the Nina and the Pinta here." Elaine nudged the ruler against Callista's breasts. Callista shivered.

"Sorry," Elaine backed off, "still a bit drunk." Callista smiled. She leaned down to look at the woman a foot shorter than her in the eye. Her breasts hung like pendulums off her, catching Elaine's eye, before she corrected herself. "You throw quite the card game." Callista beamed. She leaned in, and kissed Elaine, pressing her lips firmly against her, and sliding her tongue along her's. Elaine's eyes fluttered again. "And I think you'll find someone to kiss without one some day, no matter how much more you are"

Callista rose to her new 5'11" and strode out of the cabin. Paul watched her, before collecting himself and followed.

Elaine snapped out of her trance and raced to the doorway. "Wait! Callsta! The night doesn't have to be over! Paul! You can still sleep in my bed!"

But they were gone. Callista sat on her bed, looking at the empty vial in her hand. She squeezed it, watching her bicep rise out of the new layer of flesh on her arm. Her body felt at peace. It was like a starving woman realizing what it was like to have a full stomach after years of fasting. She breathed deep, letting her body swell with her breath. Her hands found her breasts, as she flicked her slowly rising nipples with her fingers. She raised them up and down, feeling their new weight.

"Am I interrrupting?" She turned to see Paul. He looked at her, nude and sitting. She stood up and walked over to him. Her hair now tumbled loose around her face, as her bright eyes peeked through the auburn tufts. Her ripe mouth opened and she said, "No."

She kissed him, pulling him into the cabin with her new strength. He fell in like a ragdoll, moving with her powerful embrace. She pushed him onto her small bed and mounted him. Her panties, somehow still intact, rubbed against his slacks. She stopped, rising on her powerful legs, and with one hand, pulled his pants down around his ankles. His member laid there, erect and waiting.

She fell back down on him. Her underwear began to wet as she grinded against him. Paul felt the heat of her sex grow as she grinded harder and harder against him. His hands wrapped around her back, holding tight to her. She pressed down on him, her hands slowly gliding down to his penis. She stroked it with both before finding her underwear. She slid them off, and threw them, soaked, across the room.

Her perfect, tight vagina rode against Paul's groin. She rose again, effortless, sliding her sex down over his penis. She rose up and down, as Paul lost all sense of time and place. She pumped again and again, her soft moans becoming the quietest breaths.

Paul rose up, and found her lips. She took the kiss, surprised, and adjusted to continue fucking him relentlessly. They stood on their knees on the bed, kissing and pumping. Callista pulled him closer into an embrace, clawing his back with her hands as she slowed her pumps seductively. He broke from the kiss, feeling pure ecstasy.

He looked at her again. Her shining eyes. Her perfect mouth curved into a devilish smile. The cascade of hair falling down her in all directions. The massive, pillowy breasts pressed against him. He came, loudly, and with the noise Callista's eyes rolled back. She pulled him as tight as possible, squeezing her flesh against his as she let out a gutteral moan from the depths of her soul.

They collapsed on either side of the bed, huffing and puffing. Paul looked at her. "That was adequate." Callista said, breathless.

"I won't follow up on that." Paul sighed. "I'd ask to stay and cuddle, but I'm not sure we both will fit on this anymore." Callista chuckled quietly.

"See you at breakfast?" he asked, rising.

"Save me a seat." Callista replied, smiling.

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