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Author's Chapter Notes:
Some full tour up-ahead this chapter, since I know you guys have probably been waiting for it, this is only the first character I'm using for it, so I've decided to treat you guys to two this story, instead of my usual one really well detailed one.
I'm washed out again, ice cold water practically dumping down on me, my shoulders starting to hurt because of it, the water pressure and how fast it's coming down, I can tell she's starting to get a little bit bloated, since the walls start to round out a little, from what I can tell. I brace for impact, just in case she start to drink more, and then just nothing, the water gurgling and sloshing around me, seemingly being pushed around by her acids, and I'm trying to wade a little bit, the water now up to my knees, feeling it all sloshing around me.

I can still hear the chatter from outside, although it's pretty muffled.

As I wade around, my Blue Jays jacket seemingly doing pretty good all this time, it's starting to fade in it's blue color, my Universal Studios shirt not doing too well, the words on it starting to melt off I've been noticing.

"So, what's your guy's plan for today, seems like day drinking was on the itinerary" I hear Cassandra say, her voice much louder compared to the other surrounding chatter outside, somewhat booming to me.

The three women give a slight chuckle at this. "We're just looking around, cruising around, Michael's cousins live around here so we're just going to hang out with them once they get off of work, until then, we'll just get some drinks in" says the first girl, before she takes another sip of her cocktail.

I hear foot steps walk over, as soon as she mention's Michael's name, pretty soft sounding though.

"What's up babe?" I hear his voice say, his voice somewhat cracking a little bit at the babe part.

"Oh nothing, I was just mentioning your name, you can go back with the guys if you want, I know you're probably pretty tired though, since you've been working overnights this last month, and since you're the designated driver alrighty after this point" she says, having a little bit of sympathy in her voice, as the other girl talks, I hear the swallowing of another swig of water, I prepare myself this time, I wade a little bit more to the right, to make sure I won't get splashed down on again.

"Nah Brenda, it's fine babe, I'll sit with you girls anyways, I'm tired hearing about whatever the fuck kinda weird shit Zach and Blair saw on TV the other night" Michael says, sitting down on a stool.

The water splashes down, less like a waterfall I could tell and more like a stream, water calmly flowing inside, still cold though, and it rises up to my waist at this point, I feel a couple of bubbles pop around me, the warm humid-ish air on the inside from the acids still seemingly working.

"Yeah I don't know what's up with Blair, he's been obsessed with this new show on Comedy Central, Tosh.O, recording episodes all the time on the DVR and watching them after work, laughing so loud at it as if it was the funniest thing he's ever thing" the second girl says, her voice booming especially, I can tell she takes a somewhat deep breath before talking about it, she swallowed some of her spit too, I noticed as she was talking, a drop the size of a puddle landing with a small splash.

"Oh yeah, the dude from the Taco Bell commercials that you used to see all the time, I've seen promos for that show you're talking about though" says the third girl.

"Yeah, Tracy, of course you're thinking about food" Says Brenda, before taking another sip of her Cosmopolitan.

The three girls and Michael laugh at the quip, and even Cassandra gets a hearty chuckle out of this. As the third girl laughs, I feel the water slosh around a little, taking me with it.

I can somewhat make out the music now playing overhead, though again, still pretty muffled, the song "Apologize" by One Republic playing in the bar now, another pretty modern hit. I remember hearing it constantly being played over and over again at my old job, when I worked at Best Buy a couple of years back, before I moved to Buffalo

"But yeah, it's a weird show. Do you guys always keep it on ESPN?" Tracy says.

"Usually yeah, we'll put it on CNN or the local news or whatever if a big event happens and we catch word of it through people, like we did when Michael Jackson died this summer or the Miracle on the Hudson way earlier in the year, or Obama's inauguration or the Oscar's or whatever, at least for this year" says a male voice, also coming from the counter.

"Yeah, Rob's pretty much right" Cassandra says, as she starts to move away from the counter.

The water level slowly starts to go down during this conversation, seemingly to her bladder. Although she takes a couple of more sips too. I still don't know her name, since it hasn't been mentioned yet, so I'm honestly still guessing what it might be in my head.

"How's Buffalo doing since that plane crash I remember hearing about that happened earlier this year anyways" she says, a little bit somber in her voice.

"Oh, that Colgan crash from earlier this year. It shook the city up for a bit, pretty horrible stuff. I haven't known anybody personally who was affected by it, but I think Vic has a buddy who helped out with some of the aftershock stuff" Rob says, as he starts to help out another customer, pouring someone a drink, as I can tell by the sound of the tap.

"Who's Vic" I hear Michael says, he sounds somewhat confused in his tone of voice.

"He's the owner, for like, I think the last seventeen years, I remember he was there when I started. The bar itself is only about, I think twenty six years old." Vic says, seemingly handing someone else a drink, judging by the clink of a glass landing along a wooden counter.

"You haven't really said much, what's your name sweetheart" Rob says, seemingly talking towards the second girl.

"It's Danielle, I'm just listening really" She says, her name finally reveled to me, I hear her take one last big swig of her water, things have seemed to calmed down in here, the water slowly making their way and splashing down pretty calmly, I start to notice my surroundings a little bit more, the flashings of light from her open esophagus, I can see some chunks of a candy bar floating around from earlier, seemingly mashed up chunks of a Butterfinger, judging by the yellow inside and the chocolate exterior, and the smell of it when it floated close to you. Although you can tell it's slowly dissolving judging by the bubbles forming around it whenever light comes in.

"Ah, well that's cool too" Rob says.

It's quiet between all three girls, the sounds of glasses clinking around them, the song now playing "Single Ladies" by Beyoncé, a newer hit from last year, an ironic song too, since they're all in a relationship from what I can tell.

"I'm going to go see what the guys are doing" Danielle says, standing up, I feel the water sloshing a little bit as she does this.

She takes a couple of steps, northwards as I can feel, more towards the TV, noticing how the sound from it increases.

"I was wondering when you'd make it back" I hear one of the male voices say.

"Eh, conversation kinda ran out over there so I'd thought I'd see what you guys are up to" Danielle says, her stomach at this point is less bloated, as I noticed as the walls seemingly deflating back to a normal point.

"Yeah, we're about to leave anyways, do you wanna go get something to eat, I think we passed a couple of Checkers on the way here" Another male voice says, either Zach or Blair says.

"Nah, I'm not really in the mood for any greasy fast food or something that, Zach bro, Pizza does sound pretty fucking good right now to me" Blair says.

"Eh, I'd say no to either of those, to be completely honest with you guys. I could go for Mexican food or something like that" Danielle says.

"Danny girl, this is upstate New York, the best Mexican food you're going to find is Taco Bell" Zach says, I hear him slightly burp before this.

I hear the footsteps of the other girls and Michael near us, Danielle shifts around a little, the water now down to my legs at this point, most of it seemingly moved to her bladder now.

"What are you guys talking about?" I hear Brenda say, Danielle scooting over a little, to let the two sit next to her on the booth seat.

"What we should eat, it's about three now, and I really don't want bar food" Blair says, I can hear him scratching something, either his head or his chin, judging by the sound.

"I guess I could go for fast food, I mean, how about Wings, this is Buffalo after all" Tracy says, she coughs a little before she starts off her sentence.

"Ehhh, nah. Y'know, a Chinese Buffet would be good though, I could go for that, cheap, fills you up. I'm kinda starving anyways" Danielle says, offering a suggestion.

"Yeah, that sounds good to me, I could go for some Egg Rolls and General Tso" Brenda says.

Everyone else chimes in agreement, I'm somewhat nervous after hearing this news, I'm not too sure how much this chick can eat.

Danielle and other two girls scoot out of the booth and leave, walking towards the door, the trio seemingly paying their tab, the guys didn't seem to buy anything I guess.

The six walk outside, and pile into someone's SUV.

"I bet you I don't look all that stupid now for financing that Hummer, don't I, all that extra space?" Says Zach, seemingly talking to Michael.

"Whatever you say, I know your wallet's constantly empty though" Michael says, sounding annoyed.

I feel Danielle step onto a step, seemingly on the SUV, she opens the door and gets in, along with Brenda and Lacey. I hear Blair ask what I think is Vic who was seemingly out in the bar about where the nearest Chinese Food Buffet was.

They all scoot in the back, I think the two guys climb over to the third row seating, judging by the sounds of the seats popping up in the back.

"I'm still pretty freaked out at driving your Hummer dude, I've driven a U-Haul from Rochester to Providence, helping my older brother move and all, but that was three years ago so I'm kinda rusty" Michael says, sounding somewhat scared about it.

"Trust me, it's not that hard. Think of it as if you were driving that shitty little red 1998 Toyota Corolla" he says, trying to be funny, but coming off more like a dick.

"Fuck you dude" Michael says, sounding even more annoyed in his voice, he cranks the Hummer up and attempts to leave the parking lot.

The drive from the Bar to the Chinese Food buffet, takes about fifteen minutes, with Michael complaining about why Zach has nothing but Eminem and Jay Z CD's in his CD changer, Zach response being pretty much that he's trying to get more into rap nowadays, listening to newer people like Kanye West, and Eminem making a comeback earlier this year. I remember when Eminem was pretty huge throughout all my high school years, 8 Mile being the big movie every guy wanted to see when it premiered, and I'd swear you couldn't watch MTV without seeing the music video to "Stan" or "The Real Slim Shady" or "Cleaning Out My Closet", or whatever new hit single song that he had that was freshly put out at the moment, I haven't heard anything about him in a couple of years, he used to be on the news all the time at one point too.

Michael turns into the parking lot, the song "99 Problems" by Jay-Z comes on, he finds a parking spot near the front, as soon as he fits into the spot, the turns the key out of the ignition.

"Alright, jokes aside, you actually didn't do too bad, you got a little too close to that Subaru when merging that one time though" Zach says, sounding somewhat chill.

They all get out, and Brenda says she's going take out her navel piercing before she eats, mentioning something about making that mistake before at thanksgiving a couple of years ago.

The group walks in, and I'm starting to get nervous, Danielle's stomach acids seemingly bubbling around in a mix of hunger and excitement, burning at me a little bit, but not doing enough to do any actual physical damage, which is somewhat confusing, but I'm pretty grateful for it.

They get seated down, and they get a couple of drinks, Blair offering to pay for the meal this time.

As soon as they're paid, the group sets off. Danielle seemingly the hungriest, she loads her plate up with food, one passerby mentioning that she's totally getting the most bang for her buck.

As she does this, the acids become more and active, sloshing me around a little bit more.

I feel her sit down, and I brace for impact.

As I can tell, she starts on the Egg Rolls first, chunks of them flying down, chewed up, splashing into the acids below, dissolving them, she eats about a total of probably, if I had to guess, about six. She starts on the shrimp fried rice, seemingly accidentally swallowing a couple of pieces of shrimp whole, I grab onto one, using it as a smallish raft, the rice seemingly somewhat chewed up also, but again, not quite, her stomach seemingly starting to work over time, there's a good amount of soy sauce too with the rice, I can smell it especially along everything else, she starts on her pork dumplings, judging by the smell, it's all chewed up. She takes a big chug of her Pepsi, swallowing a couple of ice chunks along with it, the sound rushing through her throat, and landing with a mighty splash among the rest of the commotion, the carbonation bubbles seemingly causing some gas bubbles to float around, she starts on the Beef and Broccoli, it's pretty much all grinded together as she swallows it all, a mix of green and brown mush, as I can tell, I can feel her belly bloating out through all this. She has some sweet and sour chicken, as I can tell from the smell, chunks splashing back at me from the impact

She takes another big gulp out of her Pepsi, taking a good couple of big swigs, an never ending flow of a soda waterfall to me, all the bubbling and churning going on in here, everything seemingly fighting against each other for space, plus getting churned around by her stomach, seemingly working over time.

"Holy shit, I'm full-ugh" She says, starting to lean back in her chair, when she does this, me and the other food shift around, due to how quickly she does this. I'm pretty much floating on the piece of shrimp at this point.

"I forgot how easily you bloat, since you're pretty skinny" Michael says, before taking another bite into his phone.

I see a pretty big burp bubble rise up out of the commotion going on in here, seemingly going up her throat.

She burps, it somewhat echoing inside the buffet, Blair saying that's my girl afterwards, a couple of the people around us laugh at this interaction, as I can hear over the churning going on.

"No dessert right?" Says Tracy, before taking a sip of the iced tea she ordered earlier.

"Nah, I'm too full for it tonight, honestly. Looks like Brenda's pretty full too" She says.

"Yeahhh...." Brenda says, sounding somewhat sleeping.

"Alright, me, Michael and Zach are going to get some dessert plates to take over to Mike's cousin's house, he's probably home by this point, you girls really over did yourselves" Blair says, laughing a little bit at this.

The three guys get up from their seats with the sound of the chairs scooting away from the table, and get dessert.

"God, I'm too full even move" Brenda says, before giving a pretty airy belch.

"Tell me about it" Danielle says, I feel her place her hand on her stomach, I can somewhat feel the pressure above me from her hand placed on it, food still seemingly going at it, everything seemingly still pretty churny and groany in here, I feels like I'm kinda riding a wave on the shrimp, although I'm starting to notice it's also starting to be digested.

"So who's the father?" some guy walks by, making a dumb joke toward the women, they all ignore it seemingly.

"Are you pretty full, Tracy? You actually didn't eat as much as you usually do" Danielle says.

"Eh, I don't really care for Chinese food all that much to be honest, kind of a picky eater" Tracy says, burping somewhat softly after saying that.

It's quiet between the three girls again, I find it funny that Danielle, the skinniest chick of the two, ate the most out of all of them I think.

Michael and the other two guys come back, and the Danielle and the other two girls get up, although slowly, Danielle and Brenda's stomachs gurgling loud enough for the others can hear, I feel some of the food making their way down to her intestines, I start to get dragged along too, but I think about resisting but nah, why not?

They all walk out to the car, the sound of the Styrofoam boxes squeaking against each other as they walk.

Zach offers to drive, and Michael quickly hands him the keys, saying something about he really didn't want to have to drive such a bulky vehicle though traffic, as they move, I feel me and some of the food go into the intestines, smaller, and more tubular, it's somewhat cramped. Some of the shrimp and rice behind me, and chewed up egg roll in front of me, the smell of all the food seemingly enrolled into one, not the greatest smell, but not the worst either.

They all pile into the car, all the girls seemingly tired, especially Brenda and Danielle.

The drive to Michael's Cousin's place is seemingly quiet, besides the groan or gurgle from Brenda's or Danielle's stomach from fullness that's audible enough, I can feel the digestion going on over head, somewhat. Zach turns goes from the CD to the Radio, playing some song called "Best I Ever Had" judging by the chorus a rap song, I can't exactly identify who it is, I'm pretty sure it's a new rapper though.

The drive is about 30-ish minutes, moving me and some other food inside towards the exit, not quite urgent, but enough that Danielle is still staying awake.

I feel the jolt of the Hummer, I'm assuming Michael's cousin lives in a suburban area, judging to how slow Blair is going as turns up, what I think would be a driveway.

Danielle quickly gets out, seemingly walking towards the door.

"Babe, what are you doing?" Zach says, as he also gets out.

"Bathroom, I have to go" She says.

"Alright" He says, sounding somewhat understanding.

Danielle opens the door, she somewhat rushes past someone standing at it.

"Where's your bathroom?" She says, sounding somewhat frantic.

"The guest bathroom is right down the hallway" an female voice says, sounding somewhere in her late twenties.

Danielle rushes a little bit, her foot steps clacking along what I think is the tile floor.

Never in my life I'd ever think I'd be shitted out, and holy shit, Molly must be home by now.

Danielle rushes and opens up a bathroom door, slamming it shut.

She quickly pulls her shorts and panties down, and sits on the seat, before I can comprehend anything else, I flyout, along with the rest of the semi-digested food.

I splash into cold water, seeing actual light for the first time in forever, I see a glimp's of Danielle's ass, it's a light caramel color her skin, she's totally got some cushion back there, there's more coming out as I can tell but she quickly flushes the toilet, seemingly as a courtesy flush.

I hear myself go through a metal pipe, wondering where this journey will take me next.
Chapter End Notes:
Flashback chapter is next. Fun Fact: I actually originally had sewer chapter planned in Shrunk Abroad.
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