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Author's Chapter Notes:

Things get a little hot-and-heavy in this chapter by the end.

While the older women went about their daily activities amongst the dorms, Shinobu and some of the younger Hinata women decided to focus their minds on something more mundane: homework.

It might seem rather odd that during a period of rapid growth spurts that a young lady would worry about something as trivial as school assignments or homework.  However, such a menial task served as a good distraction from the stress and worries that came as a result of pondering over such things.  So it was that Shinobu, Mei, and Nyamo decided to engage in a small group study session in order to take their minds off such things.

Before beginning the study session, Shinobu asked both Kaolla and Sarah if they would like to join in.  Kaolla responded that she was currently busy with something in her laboratory and would catch up with the group later.  Sarah in turn said that she needed to tend to something else that was more pressing and would also catch up later with schoolwork.  Shinobu wasn’t sure if Sarah was being genuine in her excuse or if she was just making something up to get out of doing her homework.  The blonde-haired girl was a rather free spirit after all and in all the time that Shinobu had come to know her, she knew that Sarah McDougal simply HATED having to do homework.

In the end, Shinobu decided not to push the issue and left Sarah to her devices.  She could only hope that the girl wasn’t up to something mischievous while she was away.

So it was that Shinobu, Nyamo, and Mei had all gathered in Shinobu’s bedroom with an assortment of both school-related materials (textbooks, pencils, sheet paper, etc.) and snacks to appease their appetites while they worked.  Now that Kaolla’s servants had arrived with a substantial assortment of foodstuffs, there was little to worry about over there being enough to eat for quite some time (even with the girls’ series of recent growth spurts).

All three girls sat around the kotatsu table which Shinobu had decided to bring out for the occasion.  It was rather rare for her to have more than two people staying in her room for more than a few minutes, so she felt it appropriate to mark the occasion with a minor creature comfort while the girls studied.  It would have been more enjoyable had all three young ladies in the bedroom not be over seven feet tall.  Given their enlarged sizes, fitting their legs underneath the kotatsu was turning into quite the chore.  Though surprisingly enough, neither Nyamo nor Mei made a fuss over the minor inconvenience.  Perhaps it was simply out of consideration on their part, or maybe the simple reality that complaining wouldn’t change the situation in any case.  These girls simply had to make due with a world which was significantly smaller in scale to them, relative to their newly grown bodies.

The trio decided to start off with history, which entailed largely of Shinobu and Mei assisting Nyamo whenever necessary, given that she was foreign-born and not fully acquainted with Japanese history.  To her credit, Nyamo was a fairly quick study, so she didn’t ask too many questions to the point of slowing down the pace of the study session.  After an hour or so of going through Japanese history, the girls decided to brush through their math homework.  On this topic, Nyamo was just as adept as the other two girls, so things moved through a lot smoother by comparison.  After comparing notes with one another and checking to see if they had come to the same answers for their math problems, the girls decided to take a break, given the amount of progress they had made up to that point.

While they were studying, Shinobu couldn’t help but notice how the scale of everything around them was so much smaller than before:  The writing utensils, the textbooks, the notebooks, the snacks they sampled, the calculators, the erasers in their han - literally everything they touched and handled as they worked.  Even though the homework was a welcome distraction, it couldn’t hide the simple reality that these young ladies were big…and they were only going to get bigger as time marched on.

This was Shinobu’s mindset on the overall predicament.  Though she tried to hide her concerns as best as she could, Shinobu simply couldn’t help but worry and fret over the circumstances as they were.  Even with Kaolla’s little countermeasure pill that the girls all took (assuming it worked as Kaolla said it would), Shinobu simply couldn’t be at peace until a more permanent solution arrived to solve this growing problem of theirs [double meaning intended].  At the very least, she’d appreciate something that would stop the growth and keep them from getting any bigger.  Hopefully, Kaolla would have something that could do that in the next few days.

‘I REALLY don’t want to have to worry about bumping my head into the ceiling or squeezing through doorways,’ thought Shinobu as she mulled over the overall state of things.  Her face must have conveyed that very sentiment, for sure enough, Mei felt compelled to speak up upon seeing the worry on Shinobu’s face.

“Shinobu,” began Mei, “are you okay?  You seem a little…distracted.”

“Oh, um…I…I’m fine,” replied Shinobu as she briefly shook her head from side to side, trying to get her mind right.  “Just got lost in my thoughts for a moment, nothing to worry about.”

“Are you sure?” asked Mei.  “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Oh no, it’s nothing you need to worry about,” replied Shinobu as she waved her hands in a side-to-side motion.  “Please don’t fret over me.  I just got a little air-headed for a moment, that’s all.”  Shinobu finished her declaration with a mild giggle, though both Nyamo and Mei could tell that it was somewhat forced.

“Shinobu,” stated Nyamo, “it’s okay.”

“W-what are you talking about, Nyamo?” Shinobu responded with a hint of confusion.

“You don’t have to put on a brave face,” explained Nyamo.  “It’s okay to be scared, but just know that you’re not alone.”

At this point, Shinobu was staring back like a deer in the headlights.  Of course, Nyamo would be able to pick up on Shinobu’s mannerisms and her general behavior.  The dark-skinned girl had spent months as Shinobu’s roommate up to this point, and even before that, the two of them had connected rather closely ever since they met back at Nyamo’s homeland.  Ever since the two girls made contact on the Pararakelse Islands, they had formed a rather sister-like bond, as if the two shared a womb from the point of birth to the present.  So it was only natural for Nyamo to be able to tell whenever Shinobu was distressed or had lingering concerns, even if she tried to hide them.

Knowing that she couldn’t keep up the facade (at least not in front of Nyamo anyway), Shinobu simply hung her head in defeat, acknowledging and showing the angst that was dwelling within her over the state of things.  After wiping some minor tears from the corners of her eyes, Shinobu took a deep breath, a long sigh, and lifted her head back up once more before speaking.

“I’m sorry,” said Shinobu, “I don’t mean to sound like such a crybaby over all of this, really I don’t.  It’s just a lot to take in and all, you know what I mean?  I mean…here we are, wearing little more than stretchy underwear right now, and we’re all…what, two feet taller?  In the span of a few days?  Never in my life did I think I’d be over seven feet tall!  I didn’t expect to be even six feet tall, never mind seven.  I figured I’d top out at around five-and-a-half feet or so.  I mean, Japanese women normally don’t grow much past that.  Heck, women in general…no, people in general don’t grow much past six feet in height, aside from people who play basketball or volleyball or some kind of sport like that.  And for those who do grow around seven feet or more in height, there tends to be serious physical problems in the long run that develop over time.  I wonder if that sort of thing is going to happen to us, especially if we keep growing like we are.  Sorry, I don’t mean to rant and mope on and on about all of this…it’s just been a lot to process, that’s all.  I’m sorry for coming off as a downer in the middle of all of this.  I’ll stop talking now.”

Sensing that Shinobu was talking herself into a somewhat depressed and negative state of mind, Nyamo simply stood up, walked over to Shinobu before lowering herself down once more and hugging her, firmly yet also gently.

“It’s okay, Shinobu,” Nyamo softly replied.  “I know it’s a little scary for this to be happening, but it will be alright in the end.”

“But you don’t know that for certain,” countered Shinobu.  “We don’t know yet if Kaolla’s little pill we took will do what she said it’ll do, never mind finding a way to reverse this growth or even stop it altogether.  I mean, what are my parents going to say if they see me like this?  I’m pretty sure my mom would faint at the sight of me, and I really don’t know how my dad would react either.  And then there’s the others at school, assuming we go back.  How are they going to respond when they see the lot of us towering over them and all the teachers?  I’m just worried about what’s going to happen, because it’s just right around the corner, you know?”

“I’m not smart like Kaolla, but I have a feeling it’ll be okay in the end,” replied Nyamo.  “I can’t really explain it well or put it into words as good as others can, but I have faith that it’ll all work out somehow.  I trust Kaolla.  After all…”

“After all…what?” asked Mei, curious as to what Nyamo was leading into.

“A wife should have a little faith in her wife now and then, right?” elaborated Nyamo with a cutesy smile and a giggle.

This declaration had both Shinobu and Mei wide-eyed with their mouths slightly ajar.  Apparently, Nyamo was on-board with this little harem plan that the Su sisters were cooking up, and she seemed to have no reservations about it whatsoever.

“Nyamo,” Mei said, trying to keep her composure, “you’re joking about all of that stuff, right?  Please tell me you’re just kidding around.”

“Not at all, Mei-chan,” replied Nyamo without missing a beat and playfully sticking out the tip of her tongue.

“You’re really okay with hooking up with Kaolla?” asked Shinobu as she stared wide-eyed at her dark-skinned mirror image.

“Please don’t dance around this, Shinobu-chan,” said Nyamo, turning her attention back to the girl.  “I’m talking about hooking up with EVERYONE…meaning you two, all the other girls, and of course, Keitaro-kun.”

“B-but, that’s just so…so…out there,” replied Mei.  “You’re talking about polygamy, and that’s something that simply isn’t recognized in Japan.  And legal obstacles aside, do you really think that everyone - literally EVERYONE is going to go along with this?”

“Honestly, I could care less about what one country or another says about this kind of relationship,” Nyamo clapped back calmly.  “From the way I hear it, Kaolla’s homeland is pretty powerful…they just don’t show their power very often.  They prefer to work “behind the scenes” as the saying goes.  And Hinata House is more-or-less Molmolian territory, if I understand it right.  So as far as the rest of the world is concerned, what Amalla and Kaolla are pitching is perfectly fine, given that we’re on de facto Molmolian land.  And besides…”

“Yes?” asked both Shinobu and Mei simultaneously.

“Do you two not like me?” Nyamo asked with equal parts bluntness and worry in her tone.  Whether the worry in her voice was genuine or an act was hard to tell.

“W-well…I mean…I…” said Mei, who found herself stuttering and suddenly blushing at Nyamo’s simple question.

“Yes, Mei-chan?” replied Nyamo as she leaned towards the young lady, putting on some strong ‘puppy dog’ eyes as she fluttered her eyelashes before the younger Narusegawa sister.

“I mean…of course I like you, Nyamo,” said Mei.  “As a friend, I mean.  You’re a nice girl and all, but…”

“But?” inquired Nyamo, elongating the letter “u” as she responded.

“But…I don’t swing that way, you know?” replied Mei, who turned towards Shinobu as she spoke.  “You agree with me, right Shinobu?  I mean, the very idea of ALL of us willing to be in some kind of harem or whatever this would be, with all of us sharing Keitaro and…each other…I mean, that’s just…just…”  By this point, Mei was sporting a rather distinct blush on her cheeks and found herself muttering while struggling to maintain eye contact.

“Oh?” asked Nyamo, in a tone of voice that pretty much said “challenge accepted” as she slowly grinned in turn.  “Are you sure about that, Mei-chan?  You sure I can’t help change your mind about that sort of thing?”

‘What has gotten into this girl?’ thought both Mei and Shinobu at the same time.  Normally a rather reserved type who didn’t speak a whole lot, Nyamo was acting surprisingly bold.  It was as if she were pretty much a third Su sister who was acting in perfect, lock-step direction with both Kaolla and Amalla’s plan.  It had become pretty apparent at this point that Nyamo wasn’t only on-board with the harem plan, but that she was going to do her part to see it through to fruition and bring aboard the other women as well, no matter what.

A moment later, both Shinobu and Mei found themselves being tugged by the arm as Nyamo playfully grabbed the both of them and ended up rolling onto the floor with the both of them, knocking the kotatsu to the side in order to make room for their seven-foot-plus bodies on Shinobu’s floor.  WIthin seconds, both Shinobu and Mei found themselves underneath Nyamo with her arms planted to the side of each girl’s head, with her left arm cornering Shinobu and her right arm cornering Mei.  The two ladies simply looked up at Nyamo with mild shock at the brazenness of her action as she stared back at both of them with a newfound shine in her eyes and a rosy smile on her face as she seductively licked her lips taking in the sight of both of them.

“Shinobu-chan, Mei-chan,” whispered Nyamo as she looked down at the two of them.

“Y-yes, Nyamo?” replied Shinobu who was wondering just what this girl was trying to pull.

“Both of you are very, very, VERY pretty…I take that back.  Both of you are beautiful,” declared Nyamo as she took in the smorgasbord of curves on both of these girls' bodies.  For with the increase in size came an increase in breast size and further female development.  The sports bras and yoga shorts that all the women found themselves wearing left very little to the imagination, especially with the swell of their bosoms and the pronounced definition of their posteriors.  Their bodies had just the right amount of baby fat to cover over their musculature in order to give them that perfect ratio of plumpness mixed with firm muscle composition all throughout their necks, abs, arms, thighs, and calves.  The very sight of it all was starting to get Nyamo very ‘in the mood’ as the term goes.

“So, having just said that,” continued Nyamo as she reached out and gently caressed the swell of each girl’s bosom, “I’d certainly not mind being married to both of you and everybody else, given how beautiful you all are.”  As she said this, Nyamo delicately traced her fingers along the large mounds on each girl’s chest, appreciating the mix of firmness and buoyancy of each girl’s breast.

Rather than fight back or scream out for Nyamo to stop, both Shinobu and Nyamo simply gasped in a mix of both alarm and euphoric pleasure.  While neither wanted to straight-up admit it, the simple sensation of touch which Nyamo was initiating onto both of them was downright amazing.  The ministrations and gentle squeezes this girl was engaging in had both girls blushing madly, trying to get their heads right as waves of pleasure crashed upon the two of them…and all from the simple act of groping one’s bosom no less.

What none of the girls were aware of at that moment was that Kaolla’s little experimental countermeasure was doing its job.  For while Kaolla explained a lot of what her pills were designed to do, there were also some parts she decided to leave out in her explanation.  These little tidbits all served one simple purpose: to help bring the harem plan into fruition.  The explanation of these other features of Kaolla’s little countermeasure would come in later chapters in the story [so for now, consider this part to be something of a teaser].

Speaking of Kaolla, it was at this very moment that the girl decided to make her presence known, opening up the door to Shinobu’s bedroom with Sarah in tow.  Taking in the sight before her, Kaolla couldn’t help but crack a smile at what she saw.

‘Oh yes,’ thought the Molmolian supergenius, ‘everything’s going according to plan.’

As Kaolla crossed the threshold into Shinobu’s bedroom, she gently nudged Sarah in front of her, with both towering beauties ducking under the doorframe as they did so before Kaolla closed the door behind her.  Given that now all the Hinata women were over seven feet tall (the height of the door frames in Hinata House), ducking was something that they would all need to get used to when moving from room to room.

While Shinobu and Mei were getting ready to speak up and explain themselves to Kaolla, hoping to lessen the embarrassment of such a position they found themselves in at that very moment, they were surprised to find out that Kaolla simply had a calm, knowing smile on her face, before speaking up.

“Well now,” declared Kaolla, “looks like you three are having some fun during your study break.  Mind if we join you?”

“Uh…K-Kaolla,” said Shinobu with a blush on her face, “it’s not…not what it looks like…”

“Oh I think it is, my dear Shinobu-chan,” replied Kaolla with a grin, “and I’m certainly happy that it is.  Thank you, Nyamo-chan.  I appreciate doing your part in moving things along.  Less work for my sister and I to do.”

“It’s my pleasure, Kaolla-chan,” replied Nyamo with an equal grin on her part.  The double meaning of her reply wasn’t lost on Kaolla (or really anybody else in the room for that matter).

While Shinobu and Mei weren’t too surprised at Kaolla’s response, given that the harem plan was basically promoted by both her and her sister from the get-go, they WERE surprised to find that Sarah had a rather muted response at this whole thing.  While the blonde-haired girl was blushing at the sight of foreplay between the three of them, it wasn’t so much out of embarrassment as it was out of…arousal.  The look on Sarah’s face was practically saying “I want in on this,” as she stared at the playful threesome that was happening before her, especially with the way she was breathing deeply at foreplay she witnessed.

“S-Sarah,” said Mei expecting a little helpful interference from the blonde-haired, blue-eyed foreigner, “don’t just stand there.  Aren’t you going to say something?”

“Got room for one more?” replied Sarah.

“Make that two more,” chimed Kaolla as she playfully pushed Sarah into the pile before joining in herself.

The reason as to why Sarah was so on-board with what was happening in Shinobu’s bedroom can be traced back to two reasons.

The first reason once again goes back to Kaolla’s little countermeasure in which all of the Hinata women had taken earlier.  Now that some time had passed, the pills were starting to do what Kaolla had designed them to do.  And while the purpose of the pills was to help slow the rate of growth among all of the lovely ladies of Hinata House, they also served a secondary purpose in furthering the mass harem which Kaolla and Amalla had become dead-set on.

The second reason was that an hour or so back, Kaolla had cornered Sarah and had a little one-on-one session with the young girl regarding her thoughts on the harem plan.  While Sarah was highly skeptical of the plan working - and even more so on the idea of joining in on it - Kaolla had decided to try and persuade the feisty free-spirited girl to open up her mind to such an arrangement.  That form of persuasion apparently was the same method that Nyamo had taken with both Mei and Shinobu…in the form of getting fresh with the girl, so to speak.  After a hardcore makeout session in the privacy of Kaolla’s bedroom for a half hour or so, Kaolla decided to take a little trip over to Shinobu’s room to check up on the girl (and see if she’d need to do the same thing to her and the others in roping them into the harem).

And so it was that the younger Su sister had brought Sarah into Shinobu’s room to see how things were progressing.  Much to her delight, Nyamo was basically of the same mindset and doing her part to bring both Shinobu and Mei into the fold.  While they weren’t firmly cemented into the harem plan, it was a step in the right direction (from Kaolla’s point of view, anyway).

Now that there were five amazons gathered in Shinobu’s bedroom, the scene was feeling somewhat claustrophobic.  However, that didn’t put a damper in neither Kaolla’s or Nyamo’s dispositions and states of heightened libido.

‘I’ll have to make adjustments soon, given the living quarters,’ thought Kaolla as she joined in on the four-way pile of lovely ladies (turning it into a five-way).  ‘Given our increasing size, it won’t be long before any of the standard bedrooms start feeling really cramped, especially when we start having the mass orgies.  It simply will not do if it becomes too crowded when we start making love with each other.  That’ll dampen the mood and I refuse to let a little thing like that get in the way of having a good time and loving each other.  Guess I should fast-forward work on the annex building.  I’ll have some drones help move things along to assist Amalla’s workers on that project.  Shouldn’t take more than a few days, if my calculations are right.’

These were Kaolla’s thoughts in the back of her mind as she proceeded to take off everything she was wearing.  Soon enough, all four of the other girls found themselves disrobing of their stretchy undergarments.  While Shinobu and Mei put up some resistance, trying to remind the others that this was initially a study session, the other three girls overruled the two of them and helped remove everything they were wearing, with some occasional resistance from Shinobu and Mei, pleading for them to stop what they were doing.  However, the pill that the women had all swallowed had begun to lower inhibitions while heightening libido and getting them all “in the mood” as people term it.

Within a few minutes, all five girls were nude and entangled in a mass of hefty bosoms and long, long limbs, with deep kisses being passed from girl to girl, bosoms being caressed, nipples being pinched, poked, or sucked on, ass cheeks being squeezed…and of course, the occasional bout of “finger play” in a very distinct part of the female body.  The moans and gasps that came from Shinobu, Mei, and Sarah were rather distinct, which in turn drew smiles from both Kaolla and Nyamo.  Clearly, the two dark-skinned members of the group were working in tandem when it came to getting naughty in the bedroom.  Of course, the two of them made sure to sample every girl in the room, including one another.

“Once again [kiss] I thank you [smooch] for your help in this [kiss] my darling Nyamo-chan,” said Kaolla in the midst of a makeout session with said girl.  The two of them were engaging in mix of caressing each other’s breast, waist, and asses, deciding to have fun with one another after having a taste of the other three girls in the bedroom.

“Think [kiss] nothing of it [smooch] my dear [kiss] Kaolla-chan,” replied Nyamo.  “After all [kiss], a wife [kiss] should do [smooch] what she can [kiss] to make [kiss] her partner [kiss] happy [long kiss].”

“Or in this case, partners,” finished Kaolla with a giggle.

‘This will be a good practice run,’ thought Kaolla.  ‘It’s just a matter of time before we get everyone on board now.  Between the assistance of those in the harem plan and my little countermeasure, things should be taking off rather quickly now.  Everything's falling into place.’

Kaolla and Nyamo decided to turn their attention back to the other three girls in the room, having enough energy to engage in another bout of hardcore “making out” with their future wives-to-be.  For the thirty minutes or so that followed, the sound of kissing, panting, and moaning could be heard right outside Shinobu’s bedroom door, and anybody on the other side of it would have been in for quite a treat if they even just stood outside quietly and heard the noises emanation from within.

As it so happened, one Amalla Su was not only standing outside of the doorway, but had gone so far as to crack the door open and take in the sight before her.  The eight-foot-plus Molmolian beauty found herself blushing, lightly panting slightly drooling, and subconsciously fingering herself (keeping her hand outside her yoga pants) as she enjoyed the show, making sure to stay perfectly quiet so as to not alert the others to her presence, lest the entertainment come to a premature finish, pardon the pun.

‘Much as I’d like to get in on the action,’ thought Amalla, ‘I figure the room might be too small to add another person into the mix, especially someone as big as I am.  And besides, I have other matters to attend to.  It’s nice to see Kaolla and Nyamo taking initiative to help move things along.  Now I suppose I should do my part as well.’

With that, Amalla Su gently shut the door and proceeded down the hallway, trying to keep her footfalls light so as not to give away her presence to the five ladies on the other side of the door and ruin the makeout session they found themselves in.

Chapter End Notes:

Sorry if the ending felt a little rushed.  Hope you enjoyed it.  Not sure when I'll have the next chapter up.  Finding that creative spark to keep things going takes a while sometimes.

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