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Despite trying as hard as he could, Eddie couldn't wish things back to the way there were. He saw how much larger and stronger Brenda was compared to him. But there was nothing he could do about the situation. He cursed himself for cheating on Brenda. His beautiful Brenda, who now towered over him. He guessed she was about 3 feet taller than he was. And with the way she talked, and with what he saw on the TV, he assumed that every grown man was in the same boat.

Brenda opened the passenger side door and lifted Eddie out of the booster seat and placed him on the ground. Eddie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as he feared that she would carry him into the house.

Brenda took Eddie's hand and guided him up the tall steps. Eddie remembered that there were no steps before the change. He looked at the front door and thought that it had to be around 10’ in height and fairly wide. The door knob was slightly above his eyes.

Brenda knocked on the door. After about 10 seconds, the knob turned, the door was pulled back, and there stood Brenda's mom, Diane. She was just as big as her daughter, and Eddie thought that looked prettier than before. 

Diane beamed a smile at seeing her daughter and gave her a big, tight hug. They looked at each other and thought that the changes weren't so bad. Then Diane looked down at saw Eddie, still holding Brenda's hand. She bent down and gave him a hug and a kiss. Even being gentle, Eddie could feel her strength. Just like Brenda's.

She welcomed Brenda and Eddie inside, where her daughter got her first look at her father. Whereas Anthony was 6’6” and 300lbs before the change, he now stood the same size as Eddie at 5’3” and weighed no more than 140lbs. 

Brenda bent down and picked up her father and gave him a kiss on the cheek and asked him how he was doing. Her father gave her a very familiar smile and said that he was doing well. He then asked her the same question. Brenda replied the same. Diane told Anthony to start making coffee. And then she lowered her father to the floor and gave him a little pat on the rear end, and off he went into the kitchen.

Brenda asked her mom where Robert was. Diane replied that he and Jennifer, Eddie's sister, went away overnight, and were do back the next day. Eddie was confused about her answer. He wanted to make sure he heard Diane correctly. Jennifer? His sister? Jennifer Martino, 17 year old?

Diane looked at him and smiled. Her last name was  Bruno. Eddie recognized the name as being the name of the girl that came over from Naples at the turn of the 20th century. Obviously, like Brenda, the Bruno name was carried by the females of the family, and men they married took the name.

It was then that Brenda noticed Esmeralda sitting at the table with an amused look on her face. Brenda went over and hugged her and thanked her for all she did. The gypsy told her that if she had to do it for anyone, it was Brenda. 

Eddie saw Esmeralda and immediately made a beeline for her, and started complaining and yelling at her that it wasn't fair or right that she did what she did. In fact, Eddie was carrying on so much that Brenda grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the living room and dropped his pants and smacked his ass. 

All Diane and Esmeralda heard was the sound of Brenda's hand hitting Eddie's ass, and Eddie yelling in pain, before they heard his muffled crying. They heard Brenda tell Eddie that she had warned him before about showing disrespect towards women, and he was to go immediately into the dining room and apologize to Esmeralda and her mom for his behavior. 

Eddie said no, until a harder smack landed on his ass, and a more pronounced cry could be heard. Brenda raised her hand again, but Eddie quickly pulled up his pants and ran to the dining room and apologized to the two women. They could see the tears running down his cheeks. Both women were sitting, and he was looking up at them.

Diane bent down slightly and kissed his cheek and accepted the apology. Esmeralda did the same, and once Brenda's father brought out the coffee, she sat at the table also. It was then that the two men were dismissed to the bedroom so the women could talk privately.

Anthony stood on his toes and kissed Diane, while Eddie could tell that Brenda was still upset with him, so he meekly turned and followed his father-in-law to his bedroom.

Once alone, Brenda looked at Esmeralda and wanted to ask many questions. The gypsy knew the questions, and decided to explain everything. So Brenda sat and listened intently as Esmeralda began her story.

She was gypsy by birth, which meant her clan was constantly moving. One day, when she was 17, she met a man from another clan and fell in love. Eventually, she moved into his clan’s area and thought that she would find happiness.

Instead, in a drunken rage, the man violently raped her, which left her unable to have children of her own. His clan's elders placed the blame on her, telling her that she asked for it.

Hysterically upset, she went back to her clan, where her elders blamed her for being stupid enough to follow the man in the first place. Esmeralda was devastated by the lack of sympathy and support from her elders.

So she made a promise to herself that if she could ever change the world, she would, and men wouldn't like it.

Eventually, the physical pain subsided, but the emotional scars were permanent. So when an aunt she was close to found out that she only had a short time to live, Esmeralda went to visit. The aunt took her under her wing and told her about a power that she had been given, but never had the chance to use.

It was the power to literally change the world to her liking. Esmeralda was stunned, but the aunt was serious. The only limitation was that she couldn't use the power for herself, it had to be used for the betterment of a friend or loved one.

And so Esmeralda learned the power and thought of nothing but how the world would look if given the chance. And when Brenda showed up the other day hysterical, and she could see her friend, Diane, in emotional pain, she decided that would be the reason.

Now, no woman ever has to worry about their man cheating on them. No woman ever has to worry about being raped. Brenda interrupted after the last statement to she she wasn't raped. Esmeralda smiled and told her that she learned a little secret. It could be used for the betterment of the person with the power. Her aunt didn't want her to be selfish, and only use it when the time was right.

Brenda and Diane understood. And once again, Brenda thanked her mom's friend for all she did. Esmeralda winked at her and told the both of them to enjoy their new world.

While the women talked in the kitchen, Eddie and his father-in-law sat on the large bed. Eddie tried to get comfortable, but his ass still hurt from Brenda smacking it. 

Anthony seemed to be content. Eddie tried to ask him if he remembers how the world used to be. His father-in-law had a confused look on his face. He asked Eddie what he meant by the question. Eddie tried to explain to Anthony that before 6pm the world was a lot different. Men were bigger and women were smaller.

Anthony asked him if he was on drugs, because women had always been much taller and stronger than men. He told Eddie to read the history books. It's the way it has always been. 

Eddie was getting frustrated by Anthony’s words. He started yelling at the older gentleman that he didn't care what the history books said, he knew of a time when men and women were different sizes. 

Anthony told his son-in-law that he was concerned for him, and that maybe he she get Brenda to take him home and put him to bed. Eddie's eyes got wide at the suggestion, and remembering the what Brenda did, just lowered his head in resignation. He told Anthony that he would drop the topic and never speak about it. Anthony put his hand on Eddie’s shoulder and said that everyone gets confused about things once in awhile. 

It was then that Eddie heard Brenda calling him out to the living room so he could say goodbye to her mom and Esmeralda. Eddie gingerly made his way and said his goodbyes. And soon, Brenda and Eddie were on their way to a new life.

The end????????

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