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James Bond and his new bride, Tracy, were walking along the White Cliffs of Dover, madly in love and admiring the breathtaking view of the Strait of Dover. The sun was shining in all its heavenly glory, warm and full of life. Bond looked at Tracy and told her that he loved her very much. She beamed a smile back at him that was as bright as the sun itself.

Suddenly, the clouds in the sky turned black as the night. The wind suddenly had the intensity of a North Sea storm. Bond looked back at Tracy, except that she was no longer beside him. He ran to the edge of the cliff and looked down, shocked to see her body floating in the sea, lifeless. He started to scream in agony, but no sound came out. Instead, he heard a familiar, yet strange, laugh coming from the distance, unable to place a face to the sound. 

He suddenly started to feel a sharp pain in his right hand and wrist, as well as the back of his neck. He opened his eyes. He noticed that the sun was starting to rise. He quickly tried to glance at his surroundings, only to feel a powerful object on the back of his neck. He tried to wiggle out from under whatever was holding him down, but to no avail. It was too heavy for him to do anything. But he could the vibration of the floor, and knew he was in a vehicle, most likely a van. 

His mind was clearing when the earlier events suddenly appeared. He was patrolling the grounds of the motel when he encountered a woman, a rather large one at that, when he was suddenly attacked and overwhelmed. And now he was in a vehicle, and moving. He knew that he was now a prisoner, but who's prisoner? His mind was still trying to piece together the parts of the puzzle when he felt the the boot leave his neck, only to feel a large hand on the back of his shirt, lifting him up with ease and placing him in the seat next to one occupied by the woman from the motel parking lot. 

Bond finally got a clear look at his attacker. He didn't recognize her, but he felt that there was something strangely familiar about her. Her face was pretty, but her body was broad. He looked around and tried to assess both his options and surroundings, only to feel the lady’s large hand on top of his arm, both to keep him in place and to let him know that he would not fare well if he was to try anything. His options extremely limited, he tried to use a different tactic.

Bond looked up at her and introduced himself and tried to engage her in conversation. The woman just looked at him and smiled, remaining silent. Bond tried again to get her to speak, engaging in small talk about the sunrise, and was met again with silence. He then turned his attention to the driver, asking where they were going. But like the woman sitting next to him, he heard nothing but silence. 

What Bond noticed in the distance was the outline of Las Vegas. He instinctively knew that they were heading to the complex under the ground of the old Whyte House. He was just hoping that Anya and Holly were on their way also.

Holly and Anya had just gotten on the highway, heading west towards Vegas with increasing speed. The lack of traffic at that time of morning meant that they would be able to make great time in getting to their destination. As Holly increased the speed of the van, she suddenly realized that there was a dark sedan increasing its speed behind them.

Damn, she thought to herself. She allowed herself to be tailed. She assumed that the car had been following them since the motel. She told Anya of the car. Anya looked back and spotted the vehicle, then made her way to the back of the van and searched for a grenade launcher. She didn't know who was driving the vehicle, but she was going to be ready for trouble. 

The lack of traffic had been a blessing at the beginning of the ride, as it allowed for unimpeded movement. Now, it was a liability, as there were no other cars to use as potential barriers against whoever was following them. Holly asked Anya for her advice as to how they should handle the situation. Anya thought for a moment. The car had only been following them up to that point. If there were going to be any sort of trouble, she felt that the unknown person or persons in the car would have made their move by now. She reasoned that once traffic increased, it would have been more difficult for any assailants to get a clear shot at them. 

She discussed her thoughts with Holly. The lady driving the van thought for a moment. Anya's reasoning was very thoughtful and probably spot on. It gave her an idea. She suggested to Anya that they pull over to the side, and just see what was going on. The last thing that they needed was to try and rescue James and engaging the enemy while worrying about whatever was in the car. Deal with it now, rather than later.

Anya agreed. Holly moved over to the right shoulder, and brought the van to a stop. The car did the same. Anya had switched weapons, putting the grenade launcher away and grabbing a shotgun. She handed Holly a .44 Magnum, and together, they exited the van and approached the car that had been following them. 

The car door opened. The ladies aimed their weapons, only to see two hands emerge raised. Then a figure emerged from the car, standing up slowly and in a non threatening manner. Both Holly and Anya were stunned at who the person was, not believing their eyes. They looked at the person, then each other in disbelief. It left them speechless,

The van was getting closer to the city. The large hand was still holding Bond in place. He was both apprehensive and curious. He was sure that he would finally learn the identity of who was behind the events overtaking the world, and what ultimate goal was, while at the same time expecting to hear that there was nothing anyone could do to reverse what had occured. 

The van entered the city. Bond noticed that there was very little activity on the streets. But what activity there was usually involved a taller woman harassing a smaller man. Bond thought that he was in the middle of an extremely experimental French film. The only things that were missing were a troupe of dancing mimes and Inspector Clouseau.

The van had turned off the strip and onto a side street, then pulled into what appeared to be an abandoned parking garage. The driver steered the vehicle into an area between two pillars, and once in position, killed the power to the van. Bond could feel the van shift ever so slightly, then heard a noise that reminded him of something locking into position. He then felt the van descending and watched the garage disappear from view, to be replaced with darkness. 

Bond strained his eyes to detect anything of interest, but could see nothing. He was about to ask the large woman next to him what was going on when he felt her hand leave his arm and grab the back of his neck. He struggled to remove her hand, but even using both of his, was unable to break free. Suddenly his body went limp, and he fell into unconsciousness. The van came to a stop. The door opened, and the driver told the girl to take Bond to the cell. The girl lifted his body without effort, placed him over her shoulder, and placed him in a cell down a hallway and to the right. She laid him down on a cot and turned and closed the door, leaving Bond to the cold, damp cell.

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