“Are you ready to come out now?” Kate asked her tiny husband.
Dave had been sitting with his back to his glass prison, and looked up at the sound of his wife's voice.
“Yes, and I’m very hungry!” He yelled up to her.
“I can't hear you in there, but I'll assume that's a yes.” She said as she pulled the glass off the table, freeing Dave.
“I'm hungry!” Dave repeated.
“Oh, that's right, I have to feed you now too.” Kate said. She walked over to the counter and grabbed the plate Amanda and her had eaten the pie on, which was still full of crumbs.
“Here, you can have some of Amanda's pie too.” Kate said as she plucked him up and dropped him on the plate. She held the plate as she walked to her bedroom.
“I don't want to eat crumbs from that bitches pie!” Dave said incredulously.
“Fine, then don't eat. I'm not gonna make an entire meal for you when crumbs are more than enough to fill you.” She replied. She put the plate on the nightstand and walked into the bathroom to get ready for bed.
Dave stood on the plate surrounded by crumbs. He hated the idea of having to eat something Amanda made, especially when it was just the leftover crumbs of what she ate. But his rumbling stomach had not been filled since this morning, so he reluctantly grabbed a handful and dug in.
It tasted very odd. Not bad, but odd. He couldn't tell if that was just because of his shrunken taste buds, or if it had gone slightly stale. But he continued to eat until he was full. He looked around the plate and realized he didn't even make a noticeable dent in the crumbs.
Kate walked out of the bathroom, her face washed and her teeth brushed. She walked over to the dresser and began to undress. Dave couldn't help but stare as his wife unleashed her mountainous breasts. At normal size, they were more than a handful, but now they were incredible. He was hypnotized by them bouncing around. But she quickly covered them up with a nightshirt, much to his disappointment.
“Damn” He said to himself, but Kate must have heard him because she turned around and noticed him staring.
“Like what you see, big man?” She said teasing.
“You know I do, sweet cheeks.” He flirted back.
“How about you try out some mountain climbing?” Kate said. She picked him up off the plate and laid down on the bed. Pulling down her shirt, she popped one of her tits out and placed him on top, next to her nipple.
Dave looked around on the mountain of breast that he stood on, and the pink tower next to him. It was already taller than he was, even without it being hard. He grabbed the pink nipple and began to stroke it. He started working himself up and soon couldn't control himself.
He hopped up on top, pulled out his cock, and began fucking her nipple. It felt incredible. After a few minutes, he finished all over the tip of her nipple.
Kate looked down at her husband as he fucked her boob with disappointment. He could barely feel him, and he couldn't even get her nipple hard. Maybe he could do some work down below.
“Now how about you return the favor?” Kate said as she picked him off her tit and brought him down to her pussy. She wasn't clean shaven, but she kept it tidy down there. She dropped him down right above her opening.
Dave was dropped into a jungle. He had to fight his way through a massive bush of thick cords before he stood before his wifes enormous vagina. At his size, it reminded him of the sarlacc pit from star wars. Which is an analogy he didn't think his wife would appreciate.
“Um, I dont think its safe for me to do this.” Dave called up to his wife.
“Oh, common, don't be a wuss. Are you really not gonna please your wife after you already got off?” Kate said down to him.
“Fine” He called back. Psyching himself up, he walked forward, climbing onto the top of her pussy and started rubbing around. He wasn't exactly sure what he was doing at this size, but he figured the more movement the better.
“Ok, you can start anytime,” Kate said after a few minutes.
“What? I have been. You can't feel this?” Dave said, increasing his efforts. He heard her sigh right before he was plucked off of her and brought to the side table.
“Well, I guess that won't work, but I can take care of myself.” She said as she opened the table drawer and pulled out a massive dildo, 50 times larger than Dave.
He felt incredibly emasculated as he stood there, watching his wife pleasure herself because he was unable to even be felt by her. She closed her eyes as she worked, imagining some scenario that didn't involve him at this size, but he hoped it involved him at normal size.
The minutes ticked by as the mountain range he called his wife began to shake and shudder as she reached orgasm. She laid still for a few more minutes, catching her breath before getting up to go and clean up.
Dave didn't know what to say as she walked back in and placed the dildo back in the drawer beneath him.
“Well, I don't know about you, but I'm worn out now. So goodnight.” Kate said as she got under the covers.
“Wait, aren't you going to bring me onto the bed?” Dave asked.
“Do you really think that's a good idea? All it would take is for me to roll over in my sleep and you would suffocate underneath me.” Kate explained.
“I'll be fine. That's my bed too.” Dave demanded. He wasn't about to get kicked out of his own bed after the humiliation he just went through.
“No Dave, its not gonna happen.” Kate stated.
“I'm putting my foot down Kate. Now put me on the bed.” Dave yelled up at her.
Kate just looked at him with utter annoyance. Like he was just a pest.
Dave smiled, thinking he had won, as she reached over and picked him up. But his smile quickly disappeared as she opened up the drawer and dropped him inside.
“You can just stay in there tonight.” Kate said before shutting him in and silencing his screaming.
Dave yelled for a while, which Kate either couldn't hear, or ignored, before tiring himself out. He looked around the cabinet and saw he was standing right next to the monolithic dildo. Not only did he have to watch this thing pleasure his wife, but now he had to sleep next to it. He couldn't believe that this was the size of a dick now, and shuddered at the thought of it.
He scavenged around for some tissues they kept in there and made himself a little bed before curling up and muttering curses as he fell asleep on the worst day of his life.