Dave was thrown back against the giant dildo as the drawer opened up, causing him to lose his balance.
Up above Kate looked down at him leaning against her dildo and smiled. "You ready to come out now?" She asked.
"How dare you leave me in here! I'm your husband goddammit!" Dave yelled up at her.
The smile disappeared from her face and she looked coldly down at him. "Seems not."
Kate then walked away, leaving Dave in the opened drawer.
"Hey! Get back here! You can't leave me like this!" Dave yelled after her. "I'm gonna give that bitch a piece of my mind." He fumed.
Dave looked around for a way to escape. The large dildo was up against the side of the drawer, and if he was able to get on top, he could probably climb his way out.
Climbing the massive thing was alot easier than he thought because of all the ridges. He soon stood on top of the large beast and couldn't help but imagine this thing being used to pleasure his wife.
Shaking his head, he continued on his journey to get to his wife.
Meanwhile, Kate was making her morning coffee, thinking about how weird her life had become recently. She was deep in thought when the doorbell snapped her out those thoughts.
"Who could that be?" She asked herself as she went to answer the door. Outside was Amanda holding Trish's hand.
"Hey Kate, you're still good to watch Trish today, right?" Amanda asked.
Kate had completely forgot that she had promised to babysit today, but quickly recovered from her surprise. "Oh, yes yes, of course. Come on in Trish."
"Thanks so much, I'll be back this afternoon to get her. You're a lifesaver." Amanda said as she handed off Trish and left.
Kate looked down at Trish, who was looking up at her expectantly.
"Um, do you wanna watch cartoons." Kate asked hopefully.
"I wanna play!" Trish said.
Kates mind raced as she tried to think of what she had that would keep a kid occupied.
"Oh, I know" Kate went into her hallway closet and dug through some boxes in the back until she pulled out a small box.
"Do you want some dolls to play with?" Kate said as she handed a box of Polly pockets to Trish. Luckily Kate's mom was a pack rat and had kept her toys from when she was young.
The little girl's eyes lit up with the presentation of new toys and she quickly grabbed the box and went to sit down in the living room.
Pleased that she was able to find a way to occupy the child, she grabbed her laptop out of the kitchen and set herself up on the coach so she could work and watch Trish at the same time.
Scott had made it down off the side table and was jogging out of the bedroom so he could head downstairs. As he went, he imagined an argument with his wife in his head. Telling her off, making her feel bad about her treatment of him, and then him laying down the law.
He grinned to himself as he won several arguments in his head. His journey took over an hour to get to the top of the stairs and look over the edge.
It was a long way down, but luckily it was carpeted, so it would be easy to climb, and a soft landing if he fell. Fueled by rage, he started to climb down.
After about two hours of alternating between work and Trish, there was another interruption by the doorbell.
"Is she back already?" Kate asked herself thinking that it must be Amanda. But she was surprised to see Megan, another neighbor, standing there. Megan was in her late 50s and was known as the neighborhood gossip. Despite her age, she always looked very well put together, and clearly spent alot of time on her appearance.
"Hello dear, how is he doing?" Megan asked with a worried look in her eyes.
"Um, hello Megan, how's who doing?" She replied, a bit caught off guard.
"Dave! I heard what happened to him at work. Remember Karen from the block over? Her nephew works at the same place as Dave, and told her about it." Megan explained. "I just had to rush over here and check on you as soon as I heard."
"Oh, yeah, he's doing ok, all things considered. But can I ask you to try and keep it a secret? I don't want everyone gawking at him." Kate said.
"Oh if course dear. Privacy is very important." Megan said as she pushed her way into the house past Kate. "Now is there anything I can do to help? It must be difficult with a husband so small now."
Kate sighed as she turned around and closed the door behind her. It seemed like there was no way of getting Megan to leave without being rude. She was like a bloodhound when it came to gossip.
"Oh, Trish is here! Hello sweetie, are you helping Kate with her tiny husband?" Megan asked the young girl.
Trish just looked up at Megan confused.
"Oh um, how about we go into the kitchen to talk." Kate said, leading her away from Trish. She leaned over to Megan and whispered "She doesn't know about Dave."
Trish looked after them, a bit confused, before returning to her dolls.
Scott had made it down the stairs when he heard the doorbell ring again. He watched as Kate open the door and listen as Megan talked about him.
"Great, if she knows, it's only a matter of time before the whole world knows." Dave grumbled.
"Kate! Dow here!" He yelled to her, but he was still too far away for her to hear. His heart dropped as he saw her and Mega walk into the kitchen, making his journey even longer.
He continued his jog down the hallway into the kitchen. Suddenly a pink wall slammed in front of him, knocking him back.
"A buggy!" Trish said looking down at him. She had slapped the ground right in front of him, barely missing him.
"No Trish! I'm not a bug! It's me! Dave!" He yelled up to her, trying to not get crushed.
"Dave?" Looking at him in confusion. "You're the mean man!"
"No, I'm not mean. I'm a good person." Dave pleaded.
"You yelled at me!" She replied.
"Ok, I'm sorry Trish, can we be friends?" Dave asked.
"Hmm, ok, but only if you play with me." She said with a smile.
"I can't right now, I have to go talk to Kate." Dave tried to explain.
*Slam* Trish's hand came down next to him again. "Play with me now!" She demanded.
"Ok ok, umm, what do you wanna play?" Dave said, terrified of the emotional child.
"Dollies!" Trish said as she grabbed her Polly pockets and spread them around Dave.
He looked up at the doll that Trish was making walk around him. Even such a small doll was 12 times his size.
"You can be the baby." Trish stated.
"I'm too old to be the baby." Dave tried explaining.
"You're little. Little like a baby." Trish stated as if it were the law.
"But I don't want to be the baby." Dave argued.
"Bad baby." Trish said. She made the doll walk over to Dave and slap him on the butt. The dolls hand was huge compared to him, and it really hurt.
"Ow! Hey! Don't do that!" Dave yelled.
"No yelling at me. Bad." She said as she spanked him again.
Dave tried to run away, but he was snatched up and brought in front of Trish's face. "You said you would play with me! Now you're being bad!"
"No more playing Trish. Put me down!" He commanded.
"You bad. You go in time out." Trish said. Dave tried to struggle out, but it was useless. He couldn't stop her as she carries him over to her shoes near the front door and dropped him in one of them.
"Let me out you dumb bitch!" He screamed up at the child as the rank stench filled his nostrils and make his eyes water.
"You said a bad word! I'm telling on you." Trish said and stomped off.
He was stuck in there for a few minutes before he felt the rumble of several footsteps and heard his wife's voice.
"Ok, where is he Trish?" Kate asked.
"Mean man is in timeout. He said a bad word." Trish said as she pointed to her shoe.
Kate walked over and picked up the shoe. She looked inside and saw her tiny, furious, husband.
"Really Dave? Picking fights with children?" Kate said, exhausted at how much trouble he was causing, and how pathetic is was to see her husband treated like a toy by a child.
She dumped him out of the shoe onto her waiting palm. And as soon as he got his bearings, he went into another tirade.
"How dare she treat me like that in my own home! I want her out, right now!" Dave yelled.
"Say hi to Megan" Kate said, ignoring him.
Dave turned around to see that he was chest high with the older woman. He had always thought she looked like Jennifer Tilly, and certainly wasn't lacking in the breast department.
He peeled his eyes away from her imposing chest and looked up at her wide eyes as she studied him.
"Oh my, you are so tiny!" She said with glee. "I almost didn't believe it when I heard."
"Yeah, yeah, but it's only temporary. So don't go around spreading rumors" Dave said to her.
"Oh I heard from Michelle, who heard from Phil, the lawyer, that this could turn into a big legal battle. Have you talked to a lawyer yet?" Megan asked.
"No, my wife, in her infinite wisdom, said we shouldn't yet." Dave said as he turned to his wife.
Kate just glared down at him and closed her fist, silencing him. "Maybe I'll call a lawyer now. Great idea Megan." She said as she lead her to the door, all but kicking her out.
"Ok good. Let me know if you need anything at all." She said before Kate shut the door on her.
Kate turned to Trish, still clutching Dave in her fist.
"I'm gonna go put the mean little man in time out. Can you play with your dolls until I get back?" Kate asked the little girl.
Trish looked up at her and nodded, smiling, before going back to her toys.
Kate went into the kitchen and dropped Dave onto the table. She loomed above him with a disappointed look on her face.
Dave stood up and was furious. "How dare you treat me like that! First you lock me in a drawer all night, then you leave me in it this morning! And then you trap me in your fist while I was talking to Megan!"
"What were you doing down here?" She asked coldly.
"I climbed out and came down here to tell you off!" He yelled at her.
"So you came down here to yell at me, then you get man handled by a child, then you swear at that child. Does that sum it up?" Kate stated.
"I'm sick of your attitude, you need to.." he started before being cut off.
"My attitude? Really? Even before you shrank you have been acting insufferable. You snapped at everything and tried to bully everyone. But guess what? You can't anymore. You're as small as an ant. You can't even pleasure your own wife." Kate ranted, letting loose alot she had been holding in.
"You're going to need alot of help from people so you better start rethinking how you act." Kate scolded.
"But I.." Dave said.
"No buts. I'm done with you. I think Trish had the right idea." Kate lifted up her foot and slid her sock off.
"No! You can't!" Dave said as he tried to run.
"I can do whatever I want." She said as she picked him up and dropped him in her sock.
Dave couldn't believe things could get any worse than being trapped in a sock, until his wife's foot slid back inside, trapping him between her toes.
"There, now I can keep track of you." Kate said as she went back to babysitting and working. She could barely feel the tiny struggles of Dave flailing around between her toes.