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Luc ran through the trees and bushes of his neighbour's gardens towards his car. It stood opposite of his house, and Isabell, not knowing he even had a vehicle, had ignored it. She didn't ignore the beach however. No sooner than Luc had run from behind it, a huge hand with fingers like tree trunks themselves snaked around its stem. Luc heard creaking and rumbling, but didn't dare to look back. He could imagine what it was.


As he dove in his car, he glanced in the direction where his house had stood. A large hole and Isabell's feet was all he saw. They were so large, she could easily cover a city bus underneath them. 




The beach tree dropped next to her foot. Its crown wavered violently, dirt rained from its roots.


"Come here! I need help! Damn you!" he heard her voice boom.


People had gathered in the meantime, gawking up at Isabell, holding their phones up and pointing at her. Luc had no time to be concerned with them, he just ignited the engine and drove, honking for the onlookers on the street to get out of his way. And if they didn't... well too bad. He nearly ran over a woman when he sped away, hoping to shake the giantess off.


But he didn't. The giantess probably had heard him honk. In his rear mirror, he saw two naked feet following him. More of the enormous body didn't fit in the reflecting glass, despite him being far ahead of her.




Luc sped through a red light, two cars having green braking and honking as he did. Luc thought to himself that he couldn't wait. Emergency breaks the law... but when he looked in his rear mirror again, he realized the gigantic Isabell on his tail had the same thoughts.


She simply stepped on one of the cars!


Luc saw her gigantic foot crushing the vehicle, flattening it as if it didn't exist. The colossal mass of Isabell pressed its frame together faster and thinner than a hydraulic press could. And no doubt its occupants as well.


"Fuck!" Luc swore. Was that an accident? Or was that bitch so crazy that she didn't care she had just killed people? It turned out to be the latter.


For as Luc drove on a more crowded road, he saw in his mirror that Isabell crushed and crunched whatever was unlucky enough to be in her path. Cars, people in it or no, she stepped on, flattening and killing. People running from her but unable to escape she crushed, Luc saw them fall forwards before a prodigious foot covered them. Her calf broke through a viaduct, the masonry flew all over the place. Luc even heard some small stones rattle on the roof of his car.


Traffic lights hanging over the street were smashed aside, its metal poles bent in weird angles as Isabell simply walked through them. Small, decorative trees and trash cans were crushed. 


Luc didn't know what to do. What did that crazy bitch think? He would soon find out, for a large bus came around the corner, and he had to either brake or slam into it (he decided to brake). It was one of the many city busses of Vienna, which had to brake as well because of a few dozen startled people running over the street.


Luc was about to restart the car when a shadow fell over him. The car shook, and Luc saw a huge foot landing next to him. 


Crushing the entire bus!


It just disappeared under the huge, naked foot with a sickening crunch, with the shattering of glass and the bang of a tire rupturing. Then his car shook again and the view from the front changed. As if he stood in an ascending elevator.


He saw fingers holding the car through the door windows as he and his vehicle were lifted up. The carnage on the streets made way for the large, flesh-colored body of Isabell as she stood straight again and brought his car to her face. Soon enough, a large brown eye looked straight at him through the front shield.


And it didn't look cheerful.

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