Summary: A fanfiction retelling of the "Freezing" manga/anime series, but with two significant diffrences: (1) Pandora end up being twice their original height, thus towering over their Limiter companions, and (2) Pandora vastly outnumber Limiters, making polyamourous/polygamous relationships practically guaranteed.
Rated: R
Categories: Violent,
Teenager (13-19),
Young Adult 20-29,
Adult 30-39,
New World Order,
Lesbians Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.)Shrink: None
Size Roles: FF/mWarnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 47
Completed: No
Word count: 289916
Read: 109855
Published: September 23 2021
Updated: January 21 2023
Story Notes:
Given this story's title, there's going to end up being a sizable harem for the protagonist, so if that turns you off, steer clear. Now you cannot say I didn't give you fair warning.
Disclaimer: Freezing is written by Dall-Young Lim and illustrated by Kwang-Hyun Kim. I do not own it in any way whatsoever. This is merely a fanfiction created for entertainment purposes. You can call off the lawyers now.
1. Chapter 1: Prologue by Jim1989 [Reviews - 6] 

(5133 words)
Basically a retelling of the whole "Freezing" backstory for those not familiar with it. I'll be deviating somewhat through the retelling, just to let any hardcore fans know ahead of time.
2. Chapter 2: Kazuya's Arrival by Jim1989 [Reviews - 2] 

(6195 words)
Basically the introduction of the male protagonist of his fanfic.
3. Chapter 3: Kazuya's Family by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (5234 words)
Mainly a flashback chapter with recollections between Kazuya and family members, hence the amount of page breaks in this chapter.
4. Chapter 4: Carnival by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (6105 words)
Not a whole lot of GTS content in this chapter, just so you don't get your hopes up.
5. Chapter 5: Cherry Blossoms, Pairing Up, and Forwardness by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (4452 words)
Not a catchy chapter title, I know. But it more-or-less summarizes the events of this chapter. Hopefully there's some steamy goodness in there for those who have been following so far.
6. Chapter 6: A Quick Bite and Quicker Confessions by Jim1989 [Reviews - 2] (5284 words)
Introducing some new characters in this chapter. Things get a little steamy at this part.
7. Chapter 7: Sweet Dreams, Kazuya by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] 

(6937 words)
Chapter ended up being longer than I originally intended. Hope you find the latter part of it amusing. This is where things start entering the "R-rated" territory.
8. Chapter 8: Breakfast and New Faces by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] 

(4955 words)
Basically just introducing more characters to the story (and Kazuya's harem). Fair warning, it's not as steamy as the last chapter, just so you don't get your hopes up.
9. Chapter 9: First Day of Class by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] 

(5144 words)
More character introductions. A little playful intimacy at the chapter's end.
10. Chapter 10: Break Period with New Faces by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (5339 words)
Pretty self-explanatory chapter. Kazuya meets some newly introduced characters.
11. Chapter 11: Change of Plans by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (5864 words)
Kazuya has some private time with the school principal.
12. Chapter 12: More New Faces by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (5755 words)
Pretty self-explanatory, this one. Basically more additions to Kazuya's growing harem.
13. Chapter 13: New Home by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] 

(5725 words)
Kazuya becomes aquainted with his new living arrangements. My apologies if the Pandoras are a bit out of character at the end of the chapter, but this IS a harem fanfiction, after all. Bear that in mind.
14. Chapter 14: Getting to Know You by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] 

(11582 words)
A direct follow-up to the previous chapter. It ended up being a lot longer than I originally anticipated.
15. Chapter 15: New Classes, Familiar Faces by Jim1989 [Reviews - 2] (8582 words)
Pretty self-explanatory title. Kazuya meets his "new" instructors as he gets acquainted with his new class schedule.
16. Chapter 16: First Group Lunch by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (3299 words)
Self-explanatory chapter, with a little twist at the end.
17. Chapter 17: New Faces, Both Good and Bad by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] 

(6673 words)
Pretty obvious introduction. A whole lot more characters getting thrown into the story, though I intend to keep them in a more secondary role for the time being.
18. Chapter 18: Classroom Follow-ups, New Info, & the Campus Honeypot by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (7256 words)
Direct follow-up to last chapter, along with another Pandora being introduced.
19. Chapter 19: Dinnertime and Satellizer's Origins by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (5347 words)
Pretty self-explanatory. I tweaked Satellizer's origin story so that she would have a somewhat happier upbringing than originally portrayed. Also, there's a high amount of 'fluff' in this chapter, just so you know what you're walking into.
20. Chapter 20: Status Report by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (6565 words)
This chapter entails a conversation between Gengo Aoi and another character being introduced (already in the Freezing universe).
21. Chapter 21: Kazuya Has Doubts by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (9491 words)
Pretty self-explanatory chapter. Felt the need to add a little internal drama as I was considering the broader framework of pairing up Pandoras and Limiters. Hence I came up with this chapter.
22. Chapter 22: New Visitors/Partners by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (3026 words)
Pretty self-explanatory (like most of my chapter titles, I know). More additions to Kazuya's harem.
23. Chapter 23: More Arrivals & Surprising Developments by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (6466 words)
Warning: Things get a bit steamy in this chapter.
24. Chapter 24: The Morning After by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (7980 words)
A direct follow up from the previous chapter. Things get a little 'fresh' at the end.
25. Chapter 25: Character Review by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (1498 words)
Self-explanatory enough, just to help keep track of Kazuya's harem.
26. Chapter 26: Crime and Punishment by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (4772 words)
Somebody decides to pay a bully a little visit.
27. Chapter 27: Classroom Humdrum & Further Developments by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (6077 words)
Admittedly a bit of a 'filler' chapter, less dramatic than the previous one.
28. Chapter 28: The Pow-Wow (Part 1) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (5415 words)
Given the length of this chapter, I've decided to break it into parts.
29. Chapter 29: The Pow-Wow (Part 2) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (7993 words)
The chapter title is a tad misleading, at it's more a lead-in to the actual meeting. Basically more steamy fluffy goodness between Kazuya and members of his harem.
30. Chapter 30: The Pow-Wow (Part 3) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 3] (8969 words)
Two parts in this chapter. Warning: Sexual content in the second part of this chapter. Reader discretion is advised.
31. Chapter 31: Kazuya's Confession/Gengo's Nightmare (Part 1) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (6062 words)
Pretty self-explanatory title. Immediate follow-up from the previous chapter.
32. Chapter 32: Gengo's Nightmare (Part 2) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (5986 words)
Gengo-centered chapter. Another character(s) introduced.
33. Chapter 33: Poolside Playfulness (Part 1) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (4593 words)
Some more lighthearted lovey-dovey interaction between Kazuya and members of his harem. Things get a little "hot and heavy" at the end.
34. Chapter 34: Poolside Playfulness (Part 2) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (6192 words)
Follow-up with a scene change at the end.
35. Chapter 35: Kazuha's Confession by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (6906 words)
Warning: Subject matter will include talk of incest in this chapter. Turn away if that's a big "no no" for you.
36. Chapter 36: Welcome to the Family by Jim1989 [Reviews - 2] (8390 words)
Meeting scene underway involving more harem members.
37. Chapter 37: New Arrivals & Kinky Dreams by Jim1989 [Reviews - 3] (6960 words)
Warning: Somewhat smutty material in the dream sequence. Reader discretion is advised.
38. Chapter 38: Character Review 2 by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (1444 words)
Another character update, given that I've added more women to Kazuya's harem by this point.
39. Chapter 39: Talking to Myself by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (2697 words)
Followup dream sequence. Kazuya has a back-and-forth discussion between two sides of his conscience.
40. Chapter 40: Waking Up & Moving Forward by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (4576 words)
Kazuya clears the air about the ever-growing harem he's the center of. Basically guilt-themed drama in this piece.
41. Chapter 41: Heart-to-Heart with Gengo by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (10155 words)
Kazuya and Gengo have a conversation.
42. Chapter 42: Revelations from Gengo by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (9762 words)
Follow-up chapter with some flashback material.
43. Chapter 43: Kazuya Moves Forward by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (3922 words)
Kazuya decides to look forward. Basically just a dialogue chapter.
44. Chapter 44: The Close Call, Part 1 by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] 

(4387 words)
Some more lovey-dovey goodness between Kazuya and his ladies, before an upcoming action scene.
45. Chapter 45: The Close Call, Part 2 by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (4084 words)
Brief fight scene on campus.
46. Chapter 46: Group Bath, Part 1 by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] 

(11201 words)
Warning: Things start getting somewhat sexual at the end. Reader discretion is advised.
47. Chapter 47: Group Bath, Part 2 by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] 

(9486 words)
I know it's been a while. I confess that I struggle with continuing this story, as I feel that it's run its course in being creative as opposed to repetitive. It'll also take longer for follow-up chapters to come out at this point. Apologies if that discourages others from reading any further. Just felt like putting that out there as a courtesy.