Chapter 10: Fun
As the mentees kept fighting, dying, and respawning, Euki moved a bit more from mockery with her game back towards self-stimulation. That was her original goal, of course, and the memories of people dying over and over in the cum purgatory that was M-World E8 kept the fires of passion burning while her latest game stoked them higher.
Blue fingers gripped together against her shaft. She began stroking herself over the mentees as they continued trying to ‘defeat’ her dick. As she stroked, the knuckles of her right hand occasionally crashed into the world below, shaking it and crushing a few thousand mentees in the way.
Her cock grew erect, the glans breaking free from the foreskin as blood flowed to the region, enhancing its rigidness.
“Ah, phase change coming up everyone. You must be doing something right~”, she teased from on high.
The chat mostly thought it was nonsense.
she’s just jacking off.”
“I mean, the dick did change
“Who cares. 900,000,000 zril is almost a billion.
We’ll be rich if we win!”
“We can’t win idiots!”
“Could I get a res? I died near the slit when it
crashed down
a few seconds ago”
Yet, they continued. The experience was novel, strange, and had the faint hope of rewarding large amounts of zril in addition to exp. It was the perfect bait for players.
Euki started to purr more. She looked over the megaworld, and those purrs turned quickly to pleased grunts. She purposely nudged her hips into the table form time to time, just to hear the megaworld shake some more.
It wasn’t too long before pre started leaking. The sticky droplets fell from above over the mentees below. Using her menu, she cycled through views to aim them best she could. She even spilled droplets over areas of forests or random settlements for fun, wanting to punish those players that dared to farm or relax instead of participating in her self-serving game.
The chat erupted at this news.
“I’m soaked!”
twisted bih...”
“Whoa, new attack gang.”
“Watch those aoes!!! lol”
Euki herself spoke aloud between her very obviously lust-driven utterances.
uh oh, better hurry up down there, you’re reaching the enrage
timer. Pretty soon I’m gonna fini-, the encounter will be over.
You’ll all be wiped
snickered, the mirth broken with a punctuating groan of delight as
her fingers find a nice spot on her dick in that exact
moment. She rubbed it, then resumed stroking. Her cock grew
harder, stretched more
over the horizon of M-Megaworld E1.
‘The entire center of this megaworld is in the shadow of my cock. Hundreds of thousands of lives.’, she thought.
“Drown for me~”, she taunted aloud as the precum kept dripping.
Mid-masturbation, she moved a sticky finger of hers towards some random small settlement. Pressing it down, she ensured the place stuck. She brought it to her lips, lapping it up before swallowing it quickly then resuming her strokes as if nothing had happened.
She didn’t even bother to read the chat messages regarding the agony in the acidic confines of her stomach. It felt too good to touch herself. It felt too good to be huge.
Euki was approaching climax, by now all but ignoring the silly players who thought they could defeat her formidable cock: who thought they could quell her uncompromising libido.
She focused on the bigger picture: where to aim. The climax was fast approaching, and she was ready, though just barely.
Euki felt the hot cum piping through her cock. She quickly moved her dick to point at the largest settlement she saw in M-world 2 that *wasn’t* Lormdah, as she had ‘been there’ and ‘done that’ rather recently. Instead, the massive blast of hot gal-cum crashed over the level 30-40 leveling area and the huge and popular desert city at the center of it.
In M-World E2, that was. She did still want to show the other parts of the megaworld some love.
Mid ecstasy, she still had the willpower to aim her dick towards M-World E1 next, the westernmost part of the megaworld and the first world she came to own. What was more fitting, she thought, than to treat that first mentor world of hers to having the starting coastal city of Flesmar drown in her warm spunk?
It was a direct hit, with the spurt fanning out to engulf both the ocean and, as expected, the splatters and creeping tides of the white goop rained and flooded outwards to engulf all the poor lowbies leveling in the starting region.
Another spurt was on its way. Euki quickly aimed towards M-World E3 at the eastern edge of the megaworld. The spurt fired and fanned out all over Jima. Indeed, the level 60-70 region where her mentees had recently fixed damage from her pinky toe’s impact was once again subject to destruction at her metaphorical hand and literal ejaculate.
The main city there--with its beautiful pagodas, temples, and other ornate architecture--washed away in the stark white tide of Euki’s aromatic bliss. All the surrounding islands too were so loaded up with her load that a few started to sink a bit.
Euki could feel one more spurt coming. One more burst of pleasure. And, she knew just how to use it. She’d share it with every world in the megaworld, of course.
With a great roaring moan, Euki aimed her cock at the far eastern edge of the megaworld, oriented towards the center, on the forward-and-back axis that is. Focusing, she could feel the hot cum rushing through her urethra and, at the very moment it first left her slit, she quickly jerked her cock from left to right: east to west across the megaworld.
Across M-Megaworld E1, many players didn’t bother participating in the absurd “defeat my dick” challenge their mentor had put out. Instead, as the minority on the matter across the megaworld, they exploited the lack of crowds to farm some monster mobs for exp all to themselves. A few just harvested the mining nodes and various bushes in a bit more peace and solitude than usual.
Well, as much peace one could have with a miles tall catgal moaning in ecstasy and thrusting the coffee table, that is.
Still, they could tolerate that--barely.
they heard it. The sound of something cutting
through the wind. Something
big. They looked up and could see a thick, white band stretching
greatly in width and farther than they could see in length.
Like a great, white serpent it hovered in the sky. Sadly for them, it didn’t stay in the sky very long before it plummeted down.
they tried to run, they couldn’t get out of its shadow before it
fell. Others tried to teleport, but the cast animation for it was too
long to evade the coming
white storm.
beneath that long strand of cum stayed
so as it fell. Forests were
coated beneath a canopy of sticky white ropes.
Strands branching off the
main rope of spunk dangled
between mountain tops, dripping on any
settlements or
players between the peaks. A
few players who grinded out the rather rare umbrella item found it
totally useless to even drops of the spunk as it broke off from that
central cum-rope
to drip upon them.
Like most of her spurts, anyone hit directly by it typically KO’d then and there. However, this time, a few thousand were positioned to just get partially hit, or pop their invulnerability abilities in time: if they had them.
Although they weren’t crushed by the weight immediately, they were pinned by it. This way, they slowly lost HP from the pressure as the cum slowly pooled a little outwards. An even unluckier though populous subgroup were subject to the cum pooling to the extent that it covered them completely as they were pinned. Aside from the humiliation it eventually caught up in their breaths and they began to choke, suffocate, and die beneath the warm galjizz.