Chapter 9: Challenge
Euki wanted more fun. By all real world understandings, she should want a break. There was something called a refraction period after a penile orgasm: or at least there was supposed to be.
In Foremost Phantasia, however, there wasn’t one. Stamina worked differently in the game. For instance, after fighting even one dragon, the average person might become tired. But, the game wouldn’t be fun if you logged on, killed one monster, then felt tired and needed an in-game nap. Players would want to sit down maybe after a very long grind sometimes, depending on the player, but they’d be ready for more swings of a sword after mere moments of inaction. For the most part, stamina only ended when you got logged out for playing too long.
Of course, physical and fighting endurance was different than sexual endurance. Still, the game developers took a similar approach to the latter as they did the former. There was no physiological limitations to orgasming over and over.
They thought there didn’t need to be. Most people got sexually tired after one or two orgasms. Male players also often had a psychological component to their refraction period as well. Euki, being a woman, didn’t have that to the same extent.
So, the only thing that
would stop the nekojin from going again was her own mood. Considering
she had just leveled an in-game world with her cum, though, her mood
was still sky-high.
Euki intended to go back to her coffee table to check up on her first and favorite megaworld. She had a fun idea in mind for them. Yet, it wasn’t even two steps out of her in-game kitchen that she realized she was still a bit messy.
Euki’s hand was slick with precum still, and the tip of her dick was moistened from her climax. It still stuck out of her shorts, with the waist band pressing at the flesh just in front of her scrotum.
Immediately after leaving the kitchen, there was a little small square side table near the open entryway, back on the side towards her living room. It was a nightstand more than a table, really, but it served its one and only purpose of holding M-World E4.
M-World E4 was one of Euki’s first worlds, in fact. She hardly remembered it, and when she stepped up to it on its crotch high resting surface, she didn’t even bother reading its mentor-linked world chat before grabbing her dick and rubbing the tip of it into the micro world.
Her goal was to wipe her cock free of the fluids coating its head, all while stimulating herself a bit. The latter part of that impromptu plan worked, but the former didn’t go so well. Yes, some lingering fluids fell from the glans of her dick to ravage the world below. But, in swishing her femcock about the world, she ended up getting more of the world stuck to her dick then getting her fluids off her own dick’s head.
While the mentees newly stuck to her cock drowned or fell or otherwise suffered and died, Euki just pulled up her shorts and snapped them back about her waist. The people her cock stole from M-World E4 would just have to suffer in the dark humid confines of her shorts for a moment while she tried to figure out what to do with her hand.
Her right hand, the one that most
touched herself, was essentially covered in her precum and other cock
fluids. She thought about washing the hand, which would certainly
work, but it seemed so low tech and well, in her mind, a waste. Why
do that when there was a chance to use the situation to rub in her
size and make others suffer? So, instead, she moved a few steps over
to another small square table. There rested M-World E6.
a word, Euki moved her palm over the micro world and slammed it down.
She twisted her hand and wiped her palm all over the world. She even
flipped her hand over once and twice to be extra thorough.
When she pulled her hand
away, of course it was coated with rubble, terrain, and tens of
thousands of mentees who until recently were going about their
business. Now, they were stuck like flies to syrup.
Euki grunted. In hindsight she shouldn't have expected this to work, but now she felt a bit silly. Using her free hand she opened the menu and just paid a trivial amount of zril for a simulated shower. Everyone on her hand and dick from M-worlds E4 and E6 where back on their devastated worlds and off her body. She was squeaky clean, and they could perhaps figure out what to do with all the cock shaped craters or, in E6’s case, the utterly un-navigateable world.
Euki of course got a flashing red menu about all the new damages. It was then she bothered to flip through some of the camera views at the world level that showed it all.
“Such devastation... Welp, it
wasn’t exactly my intent. Let’s just make it a Mentor Request to
fix. I am busy after all. You tiny guys and gals can handle it on
your own. Enjoy the exp, parasites~”
With a paltry zril
reward as a lure, in addition to the exp, the players on world E4 and
E6 had an insurmountable task ahead of them. Many were stuck in the
sticky layer of precum coating a lot of the terrain, which meant a
slow demise till they could respawn and get started on any request:
which would entail cleaning up the same fluids that had just killed
Nonetheless, the Mentor Request was perfect to buy her some more time to play.
When Euki walked back towards her living room, she did so with full awareness of just how massive she was to M-Megaworld E1. She reveled in it. She didn’t slow her stride one bit, but rather accentuated her steps.
As she did so, she had her menu summoned with the megaworld’s chat open, alongside some camera views from random cities of the three conjoined worlds. The players there had actually finished repairing the damage her pinky toe did earlier, and thus everyone was back to their usual business--well, till their mentor starting walking back over of course.
Euki saw the megaworld shake at her footfall. Heard the screams, grumbles, and curses. She saw the chat light up with salt and seethe. She could hear her steps from the perspective of their tiny fragile perspectives on the tiny, fragile little game-worlds.
Fun as that was though, she wanted her imagination to fill in the blanks a bit, so she turned off the camera view and moved her menu to the side.
Continuing with her smooth motions, Euki stomped in front of her couch and took a seat. She gripped the coffee table and tugged it close. Then, she reached out towards the megaworld. Her fingers pierced the Hrisgar region of M-World E1, the first and westernmost third of the megaworld before her. Once again ruining it, she used her leverage to tug the megaworld closer to the table’s edge. With just one corner’s leverage the megaworld was crooked, though, so her other hand moved in and pierced that northernmost region for M-world E3 as well.
With the megaworld inches away from the near-edge of the coffee table. Euki grabbed her shorts and slipped them free from her legs. Though she cleaned her body with that earlier insta-shower feature, her shorts were still wet with precum and the like. Euki took up her shorts, tugged the waistband back tight, aimed at the table upon which rested M-World E12, then flung her shorts that way. The moist garment landed right atop that world, flattening much of it beneath the fabric as the wetness and subtle odor of the her sex fluids further tormented the mentees there as the garment settled.
Euki was thus stark naked from the waist down. Her cock and balls were out, and she cupped her flaccid shaft, lifted it forward, and moved it over the center of the megaworld, which was mostly M-World E2.
The wrinkled blue skin of her scrotum, and all the bulk behind it, settled on that world’s Hrisgar. That world’s Icksregard city flattened in an instant beneath one titanic testicle, while Euki’s right nut slammed down over the leveling and harvesting area to the city’s west. Tens of thousands of lives were snuffed out in mere moments.
The floating islands above the main region of that world’s Hrisgar fell as Euki moved her hand. With her hand out of the way, nothing stopped her shaft from falling forward and settling. The islands in the path of her massive galcock just exploded on impact.
It was certainly a bad time for anyone in the megaworld to need to do anything in Hrisgar. At the very least, they did all respawn to the south.
Euki swung her menu in front of her face. A few taps and, thanks to the permissions relaxations from the ongoing maintenance, she temporarily removed the teleportation restrictions for the worlds in the Megaworld. Now the players could travel between the worlds for an especially reduced small fee of zril that, sadly, went into a black hole of inflation prevention instead of to Euki herself.
The blue-skinned nekojin tapped a couple more times. She was gonna make use of the loose restrictions some more.
M-Worlds couldn’t communicate with other M-Worlds unless they were part of the same Megaworld, and even that had restrictions. So, the mentees below Euki didn’t know much of what happened to M-World E8 other than what little they heard Euki saying aloud while she was in the kitchen. Those mentees M-Megaworld E1 just got a notification that those restrictions were lowered by their mentor. They were also informed they could travel between the three conjoined worlds of the megaworld freely till further notice. Some cheers erupted, as this meant it was easier to farm certain niche things, like rare monster spawns.
Most people didn’t cheer much, though, as for reasons unknown to them, their mentor had taken off her shorts and let her dick hang over the entire center region of the megaworld.
Players filled the now shared megaworld chat with sentiments on the matter, such as
“Uhhhhhh what’s going on.”,
“Is that her penis? She just... whipped it out.”
All would become clear soon enough. Everyone's menu flashed with a brand new mentor challenge. The description of it shocked and befuddled all.
“Boss Battle Challenge: Fight my dick, you pathetic fucks ^-^”
The description irked everyone.
One katana wielding fighter shook his head side to side in disgust.
“This is why she’s doing this? Some perverse fucking game? Well count me out”, he said aloud to those around himself. Then, he moved his eyes downward to see the reward description.
“900,000,000 Zril?!? Well, I mean, I guess if it’s that much...”
When a mentor set a challenge, they could set a bonus reward of zril as well. There was always the reward of relevant experience, and a base reward of zril that didn’t come out of the mentors wallet. However, a generous mentor could throw in more at their own expense, and the amount would be split across all participants based on success.
In a combat challenge, like the one Euki just set, you usually couldn’t just hit the foe once, then you wouldn’t get the full reward. Your portion of the reward was based on how much effort you put in, and it was tier based rather than scaling too directly.
In other words, they’d have to actually try to defeat her cock, whatever that entailed only Euki knew, and she knew indeed. She knew exactly what she was doing.
All across the megaworld, people were traveling to the central M-World E2 and teleporting to the settlement nearest Euki’s looming cock. There, they grouped up and prepared to unleash their most powerful spells and attacks.
It would be futile. Euki knew this. Deep down, a lot of the players knew it too. But, they would try anything, cause what the heck else were you supposed to do with a portion of 900,000,000 Zril on the line? Even a thousandth of that would carry a mentee through the entire leveling process and then some. Of course, with tens of thousands of participants the share would be much less, but it was still enough to make players cast aside common sense and pour all their efforts into attacking miles and miles of sensitive dick flesh.
Euki played along, gripping her cock and lowering it a bit more into the little game-world. The ground shook, dealing a bit of damage to all in proximity to such a quake and, of course, KO’ing any under the foreskin-sheltered glans as it made landing with the ground.
With the target now in range, the martial artists unleashed their strongest punches and kicks. Other melee dps classes released their own most powerful blows with their own weapons of choice.
Mages conjured powerful spells. Over and over, they used up all their magic points for great flashes of fire that could melt mithril. They summoned forth enormous meteors which would crush a dozen monsters at once.
Yet, even the most powerful strike wasn’t even a tickle to Euki’s cock. The most frigid frost spell melted against the superior quantity of body heat her flesh emitted on contact. The most powerful fire spells didn’t warm her one bit, and the mightiest meteor a mage could conjure couldn’t even compare to a crumb of the stat-food she might clumsily eat before raid time.
Together, though, multiplied over the hundreds of thousands of participating players in the mini-megaworld at her dick...
Together, she felt...
Hardly anything still.
Faint tickles really from when the mages happened to cast their powerful spells at the same time. Occasionally, the moist minute bit of her foreskin was moved by the combination of maximum power wind spells or a synchronized series of blows from the melee dps classes. It would immediately resettle though.
Yes, for the most part though, nothing. The entire megaworld was gathered against her cock, and she couldn’t really even feel them. She was simply too gigantic. Too huge beyond any hopes of success they had.
...and Euki loved it. She loved every second of it. Her menu was open with a view camscreen with which she lazily cycled through player perspectives randomly. They were pathetic. At their size, they could see such a small portion of her cock, that it was hard to even make-out it was her penis at all. It was just a towering wall of blue or bluish-purple or the like, depending on where they were. That’s what she inferred from the over-the-shoulder player cams she had access to, which offered that level of limited views.
But, it made her feel bigger. She was bigger. Utterly gigantic. Her most minor movements shook their world and, to prove it to herself again, Euki moved her cock the smallest distance she could muster. She then broke out in delighted laughter as she saw on the menu’s screen almost everyone fall over with the ensuing tremor.
“Alright.”, she said. “I
think I’m going a bit easy on you. I should probably attack a bit
more back.”
Euki simply lifted her cock a tiny distance,
to her, off the world and then moved it to the side. She then pressed
it down, gently, and utterly wiped out a hundred thousand players
then and there. She saw healers desperately trying to resurrect some
players before they respawned, but resurrecting hundreds of thousands
would take far, far too long. It was quicker for them to just
respawn, teleport back, and get back into the fray.
Euki moved her cock again,
this time just leaning forward slightly towards the coffee table,
then shifting her hips side to side. The heft of her cock pressed
into the world as it shifted lightly from side to side in a small
waving motion.
Euki saw how the tank players tried to resist it. They popped every mitigation ability they had. All for naught. Even at its slow speed, Euki’s cock was so immense, so powerful by virtue of its scale that it just obliterated them on contact. Even blocking 99% of the damage wouldn’t be enough. Invulnerability abilities brought them a scant few seconds of life beneath the crushing mass of her foreskin-shrouded glans before it wore off, and they KO’d instantly after.
The melee dps in its path,
along with all other classes too close, were KO’d immediately as
was the obvious expectation she had.
But it didn’t matter. They kept coming much to Euki’s delight. The promise of zril was too much, and they participated even as Euki pressed the offensive more and more. She lifted up her cock and plopped it atop where she could tell players were--thanks to the menu cam of course.
Her laughter turned to subtle purrs as the fight wore on. She taunted them, which had the side effect of teasing herself--in the good sense of the word for her.
“C’mon, you need to do
more than that to defeat my cock. Can't you do that at least? Defeat
a single gal’s penis? Aren’t you supposed to be the saviors of
Anuzea or something?”
Of course, the challenge of hers was rigged. It didn’t even make sense. How could they defeat just one body part of hers? Euki herself had the healthbar, not her dick, and they had no chance of making even the tiniest dent in her HP. The challenge normally wouldn’t even be possible, but the lifting of limitations made arbitrary challenges possible to make, with success or failure determined by the issuing mentor.
In other words, Euki quite literally couldn’t lose: one of her favorite types of games.