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     Today was December 31st; New Year’s Eve, and the last day of Denver’s punishment. He was given another break for the rest of yesterday after he got saved, and then spent the morning and afternoon of the 31st in his fart jar. Not the nicest place to be, but after everything he’d been through over the past week, he could hardly even complain anymore. He’d made it through most of Jackie’s punishments for him, so she gave him almost a full day off to relax before the final hurdle. He didn’t know what it would be yet, but he was pretty confident that she’d be out celebrating later that night—and he’d somehow have to suffer alongside her partying.

     After eating dinner with their parents, Jackie went back up to her room and retrieved Denver from under her bed, unscrewing the jar’s lid and dumping him out onto her desk. She was wearing a tight, black dress, and sat down in her chair to address her brother as he turned to face her. “I’m sure you’ve kinda realized by now,” she began to say, “given what time it is and the fact that you’re still shrunken, that you’re not gonna get to celebrate New Year’s like I let you do with Christmas.” Denver didn’t look that disappointed; he’d already come to expect as much. At least New Year’s wasn’t an important family event like Christmas though, so he was more annoyed than he was sad. “But it’s your last punishment for letting Mom and Dad discover my dildo. So you just have one more night you have to… endure.” She smirked at that last word, excited to show her brother her final plan.

     His heart was beating quickly as he sat in quiet patience, waiting for her reveal, but instead she reached out with her hand and swept him into her palm, cupping it around him so he couldn’t see anywhere but above him. She stood back up and headed over to a shopping bag on her dresser, and reached in to pull something out of it. After setting it on her desk and unscrewing whatever was at its top, she pinched her brother between her fingers (making sure the tips of her fingers covered his face so he couldn’t see), and then lowered him down and let go. He only fell about a dozen feet before landing in the inner-curved, pointy tip of something black that felt similar to her dildo. He even assumed it would be a dildo at first, but once his eyes adjusted to his new surroundings, he wished it had been her silicone toy dick. Because being back in her dildo would’ve meant she’d “only” be fucking him. But the familiar air holes that surrounded him in his much smaller prison were a part of something worse. Jackie had just dropped him into a butt plug.

     “Just remember, you only have to get through tonight,” she encouraged through an opening above him. “But I’d imagine this is gonna be preeeetty rough for you.” His sister laughed at how much of an understatement it was, and then screwed the top of the butt plug back on, covering up the hole above Denver and sending him back into the shadows. But when he realized that the only air holes were at the tip of her anal toy, and not at the base, he began freaking out even more. But she couldn’t see him anymore, and she picked up the plug and carried it around to her backside, lifting up her dress and giving her brother a quick peek of her bare ass.

     “In case you didn’t notice by the way, the only holes for your air are facing on the inside, cuz I wanted to make sure that if I have to far, nothing’ll be able to escape.” She wouldn’t be able to keep a little bit of gas from leaking out around the edges, otherwise the pressure that’d get built up would likely get too uncomfortable for her. But she could at least ensure that the longer the night went on, the worse the smells would get for her brother.

     “Ready or not, here it comes!” Jackie sang, wiggling her butt for him as she slowly brought Denver’s cage closer. The sickly smell became apparent again as the butt plug’s tip pushed its way past Jackie’s cheeks, burrowing deeper towards her hole. It bumped into her anus, but then began pushing forward some more, slower and more steadily. Denver was reminded of when Jackie stuck her dildo inside her, and the agonizingly slow ordeal that had been just for her to get it in. It was similar now, except his space was even more cramped, and getting tighter quick.

     Technically, the plug itself didn’t actually get any smaller, so the room with which Denver was able to move around in didn’t shrink. But as her colon swallowed up the hollow silicone toy, he felt a growing sense of claustrophobia from being cut off from the rest of the world.

     With one final push, Jackie shoved the cone-shaped trinket the rest of the way inside of her, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes as she enjoyed how it felt to have a permanent stuffing up her rear. She lowered her dress back down to hide it, and then took a look at herself in the mirror. “Hey Denver,” she said, smirking at her image and the lack of response that followed. She didn’t actually want to tell him anything, and obviously hadn’t expected a response; the silence itself was what she wanted to hear. To be able to call out her big brother’s name and know that no matter how much he cried out for her in return, she wouldn’t be able to hear him. Microscopic screams muffled by a pair of titanic ass cheeks, snuffing out any chance that sound waves of any size would be able to reach her. 

     He couldn’t even get her attention by squirming around either, since no amount of movements on his end would begin to budge the anal toy from plugging up her asshole. Normally she got a tingling sense of satisfaction from sensing her brother’s presence, but tonight would be about the opposite. Tonight her feeling of power would come from feeling nothing, but knowing that he was taking in everything. Just like when she ate him, she obviously didn’t want to kill him, but technically… technically… it was possible that she could fart so much that she deprived him of any breathable amount of oxygen, causing him to suffocate and choke on her smelly, toxic fumes while his cries went unanswered. It was a chilling thought, and a sickening, evil way to kill someone if done on purpose. Just the thought that it was possible made her nervous. But it also excited her on a deep and depraved level that she knew was unhealthy, but still felt addictively powerful.

     On the inside, Denver’s life was lonely and pitch black. A lurking fecal smell permeated his cage to keep him reminded of where he was, and he was unable to even stay in one place as Jackie started walking around. As repulsive as his situation was though, he knew it would only be getting worse throughout the rest of the night, so he tried to “enjoy” the relative level of comfort he had for now.

     By the time Jackie showed up at her friend’s house, she’d already farted (or at least had tried to). Denver had been tossed and tussled around in a dozen different directions. Although that had just been from Jackie sitting in her car seat and walking around a little. After spending some time pregaming, Jackie and her friends all carpooled to the real party location. Several hours had already passed—and there were still another three until midnight.

     All the junk food Jackie ate only expedited the process of her digestive system producing new waves of smell for Denver to consume. As the clock grew nearer to midnight, the heat rose exponentially inside his enclosure. Not just from the growing clouds of reeking gas, but from how much Jackie’s body temperature rose from being in a crowded room for so long. There was literally steam seeping out through the windows into the cold night air, while the atmosphere in the spacious apartment made it seem closer to a summer day than a winter one. So for Denver, it was even worse. His sweat had already started to pool beneath him and got smeared on various areas of the butt plug’s inner walls. He’d spent so much time worrying about his sister’s farts, he hadn’t even thought about how the heat would affect him.

     Denver had felt nauseous for a few hours by the time 11:59 rolled around. There wasn’t anywhere in the world that got as hot as it was for the quarter-inch man inside his little sister’s asshole. He’d even passed out from heat exhaustion, but it was impossible to be unconscious for too long with how much Jackie was moving around.

     As the final countdown to the New Year shook Denver’s dark and smelly tomb, he braced himself for what he knew was coming. Jackie hadn’t danced the entire night yet, but he knew she would be as soon as the clock struck 12 and the music was amped up for everyone to start their celebrations. It was as if she wanted to make sure she’d still have a way to up the torture even more several hours after it started. On that front, her plan was beyond a success.

     “HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!” Dozens of people surrounding the tiny man yelled out in unison as the countdown reached zero, and party music was amped to the max. Immediately, Jackie began dancing along with the beat, and all the prior movements on her part were suddenly dwarfed in comparison to how frenetic her body became with the new year’s arrival.

     Denver’s limp body was slapped around in every direction as Jackie jumped up and down. Whenever she twerked and shook his prison, one of her friends would occasionally slap her ass and add to the hyper vibrations. Between being rattled around in endless continuum, a level of heat that, with the humidity, felt as if it was 150 degrees, and a grimy atmosphere of disgusting, bacteria-covered rot, Denver couldn’t contain himself anymore. He vomited the day’s meager servings of food, emptying out his own digestive tract into her own. Within seconds though, his body was sent right into the vomit, before flying back up again as Jackie’s innards battered his body. He’d stopped showing any signs of humanity by that point, simply giving in and allowing his body to be taken wherever, to smell whatever, to be covered in whatever. For the next hour, Jackie danced away to her heart’s content, and became so enthused with her celebratory surroundings that she legitimately forgot about Denver and lost any remaining sense of hesitation she had towards his plight. His situation became so mind-bendingly obnoxious, he nearly transcended into a new level of consciousness, an undiscovered state of being created by his brain to dampen every single one of his senses and keep him from going temporarily insane inside his sister’s ass. The cruel mixture of Jackie’s anal juices, mixed along with his own sweat and vomit, overpowered every sense of his being. His eyes stung. His taste buds had gone numb. His ears were plugged. His skin had developed a second layer. And the smell of it all was so thick that Denver felt as if he was underwater. Jackie’s onslaught of poisonous farts had become so compressed that they nearly liquified at the atomic level.

     He hadn’t had a true moment of actual rest by the time his sister headed home that night. There wasn’t any point in moving a muscle. She had to use the bathroom to go number two, and there was an audible puff as the butt plug was removed and all the built-up stenches were finally able to float free. Denver knew from the fact that she held onto the anal toy instead of unscrewing the lid that he was going back in, even though the celebrations were over. Sure enough, after she gave her asshole a quick wipe, he was shoved back up her butt, a thin layer of fresh shit coating the outside of Denver’s cage.

     Jackie stumbled her way back to her bedroom and collapsed into bed, having not said a word to her brother in almost 7 hours. It was as if he wasn’t human anymore. Just an element of her anal toy, not worthy of being regarded as a fellow person. Even a drunken, slurred “Happy New Year’s” would’ve sufficed, but she was mute. The only sound that came from her mouth once she was back in her room was that of her snores from how quickly she’d fallen asleep.

     Denver’s breath stank of farts. His body was bruised and beaten. A chunky layer of his own puke and sweat had dried over the previous layer of Jackie’s piss, which had dried over the previous layer of his own mom’s cum.

     Buried deep up his sister’s asshole, Denver had finally served out the remainder of his punishment. The week of misery was over with, and he was done. But even when she would allow him to regrow, it wouldn’t change what had happened the past few days. It was an unequivocal and indisputable fact that be belonged to Jackie. 

     And never being able to escape that fact was the cruelest punishment of all.




the story continues in Valentine's with Jackie...

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