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Chapter 18

Jack was breathing heavily, with his back plastered to the door of his tiny house, as he stared up at the intimidatingly huge figure of his grandmother, all decked out in her lab coat. He had not been expecting her so early in the morning, and he certainly had not been prepared to see her gigantic frame stretching the confines of this…costume? Cosplay? Jack didn’t really know what Elena was getting at, but he did know that it was turning him on – everything about her get-up, from the microscope and ruler she was holding, to the way her fleshy belly peeked out from behind the strained, buttoned openings in her lab coat…it was forcing Jack’s loins to feel the pressure. But, of course, it was the devious, excited way she was looking down at him that was really getting him excited. For several moments, he just stood there, his back to the door, gawking up at her. Only after Elena raised her eyebrows and began slowly licking her teeth did Jack realize that she expected him to say something, to get the “game” started.

“M-Measurements!?” he stuttered. God his voice sounded small. “But I…w-we…we already know how…h-how small I am!”

Elena cocked a humorous and suggestive eyebrow up at him, shifting her weight over to one hip. As she did so, Jack watched in awe at how her thick, immense thighs jiggled, and how her large belly wobbled with her movement. She wasn’t fat per se, but…well, Jack could tell that Elena had clearly put on a few pounds recently, and the overall effect was to make her look more alluring and voluptuous than ever.

“Are you really so sure about that, sweetheart?” Elena inquired. “How small were you yesterday, when your sister measured you?”

“I…I was half-an-inch tall!” called up Jack, feeling like he had to compensate for how pitiful his voice sounded by speaking louder than normal. “J-Just like…like I’ve been for a while now!”

“Ohhhhh so my little grandson thinks he’s all done shrinking?” Elena intoned meaningfully, now bending over at the waist so that her shadow fully eclipsed Jack and his entire little house.

“I th-think…I think so, yeah!” nodded Jack. In truth, he really had no idea, but the thought of getting even smaller frightened him, since he had already been told that he was physically “insignificant” by both Sadie and Alice yesterday. He didn’t want to feel this useless, but it would have been a lie to say that it didn’t stir up a din of activity deep down at the base of his cock.

“Well,” Elena declared sunnily, as her face spread into a broad smile, “There’s only one way to find out for sure, isn’t there?”

Jack felt a thunderous vibration go through his feet – Elena had set down the microscope on the other side of the desk. From Jack’s perspective, it was like she had just put a 15-story building down a block away from where he was standing. The shock waves that went through the nightstand nearly caused him to lose his balance.

“Oho, easy there, little guy!” chuckled Elena. She put the ruler down as well, reached into the breast pocket of her lab coat (which was visibly stretched by her large breasts), and then brought out a pair of tweezers, which she clinked open and closed down at Jack, playfully winking.

“I’ve got to be ohhhhh so careful with my shrunken little man,” Elena smiled, “And seeing as how we’ll be conducting such precise measurements this morning, I really do have to take extra care to be gentle. Haha, I’m worried my fingers are too big to hold you now! So these tweezers are perfect, don’t you think so?”

“I…I d-don’t…uhhh…I don’t know,” Jack stammered. Of course, the tweezers only just made him feel even smaller and more insignificant than he already felt…but, true to form, his little cock was rock-hard as usual.

“You don’t know?” Elena laughed, her voice suddenly rambunctious, “Oh no, little Jack, no, no, no – that kind of passivity is not going to fly with me this morning.” She straightened up to her full height – 6’9 in those black platform boots – and drew in a deep breath. Jack could literally hear the fabric of her lab coat stretching as her big body inflated even larger, and he saw, once again, the twinkle of metal through the stretched buttons: her new belly button ring.

“Looks like the resident nurse needs to lay the ground rules,” Elena continued, snapping at the air again with her tweezers. Suddenly, with her free hand, she deftly unbuttoned the underside of her lab coat, and her thick hips and large belly seemed to jump out in relief. Jack ogled helplessly; now that she had set herself loose, Elena looked bigger than ever. But he wasn’t ready for what came next. Quite deliberately, Elena stepped closer to the nightstand, so that she towered over Jack like a skyscraper. He lost his head under her shadow, and staggered forward away from his house, feeling scared of her immense presence, and yet still drawn to it magnetically at the same time. A booming laugh echoed through his head from far above, and he saw it coming at him right before it hit him: Elena’s big belly. She was swinging it sideways, and there was nothing Jack could do to get out of the way. The powerful wave of flesh knocked into him, laying him out on his back, winding him completely. Again, Elena’s clamorous laugh resounded in his ears.

“Hahaha, awwww I barely even touched you!” Elena exclaimed, swinging her belly back and forth playfully above him, teasing him with the naughty glint of her belly button piercing. “Seems like you’re no match for grandma’s biiiiiiig ol’ belly, huh? Hahaha!”

“N-No…match…” panted Jack from his supine position. He hadn’t been hurt at all, just winded. Elena clearly knew what she was doing. And now, as she leaned over him with the tweezers, Jack could tell from her wide, excited eyes that the fun was only just beginning. He still felt self-conscious about how obviously hard he was, but the way that Elena was staring at him, and treating him like a little plaything, was not making him any less aroused.

“Mmmm, now hold still, sweet thing,” Elena cooed down at him, lowering the tweezers down carefully, “Let the nurse do her thing….ohhhh god, look how small you’ve gotten! Haha these tweezers look huge compared to you! Don’t worry, though – I’m going to be verrrrrry gentle…that’s right, don’t move…just keep still and relax…let yourself go, little guy. I’ve got you – you’re in good hands.”

It certainly wasn’t the easiest thing in the world for Jack to do. From his perspective, the tweezers were two big, smooth pieces of steel, each about the size of a bus, and they were coming at him. The steel felt cold against his naked skin. And yet, miraculously, it seemed, Elena’s touch was so deft and gentle that he barely even noticed that she “had” him, and it was only a couple seconds later that he realized that he was airborne. The views of Elena’s curvy body rushed by in his vision as she brought him up to her face, until the rushing stopped, and all that he could see was her warm smile and her bright, excited eyes.

“Look at that,” Elena giggled, evidently very pleased with everything, “I’m holding my little shrunken grandson with a pair of tweezers! Heheh, if you didn’t feel small before, Jack, I’ll bet you do now, huh?”

Jack could only nod silently in response. His ability to speak seemed to have temporarily vacated him. The reality of his tininess had reached new heights, new proportions, and he was overwhelmed by the hugeness of everything around him. He didn’t dare look down, for fear of the inevitable vertigo. Elena seemed to have noticed that it was all a bit much for him, and her smile relaxed a little sympathetically.

“Awww, I know it must seem pretty high up here for you,” she purred, “And anyway, we’ve got an examination to get to. So doooowwwwnn you go, little one.”

Elena lowered Jack back down to the nightstand with the tweezers, depositing him gently down on his back. After playfully clicking the empty tweezers a couple times over his head, Elena set to work with her ruler. It was definitely intimidating for Jack to see someone so huge “get serious” and start rummaging around him, but he knew that all he had to do was lie completely still. His little cock was pointed straight up into the air, and he knew that it was only a matter of time before his grandmother acknowledged it. He only hoped that he would be able to keep his orgasm at bay when she did.

“Okaaaay, sooooo…” Elena hummed. She had carefully lined her ruler up next to Jack’s body, and she was now peering down through a magnifying glass, making sure that the measurement was as exact as possible. The magnifying glass greatly exaggerated the size of her eye from Jack’s perspective, and her gigantic eye critiquing every tiny detail of his little body made him feel even more objectified than before. He accidentally squirmed a little, feeling distinctly overwhelmed by the examination.

“Mmmmm, now keep still, Jack,” Elena chuckled down at him. Her voice boomed softly through his body like thunder. “I know you were embarrassed that I was holding you like that with those tweezers, and that I need a magnifying glass to measure you accurately now. Haha, I mean, I’d be embarrassed too…if I was as small as you are now.”

Elena paused for a moment in her teasing, and as she did, Jack felt her the sweet, luxurious heat of her exhaled breath wash over his prone and naked body. If it hadn’t been obvious before that she was relishing every moment of this examination, it was now.

“But I know you’re excited, Jack,” she whispered, still peering at him through the magnifying glass, “And I know how much you’ve loved me and your sister helping you with all your teeny weeny little tasks. Ohhhh yesssss, you can’t hide that, little one!”

Elena had now reached down the tip of her pinkie finger, and was dragging its fleshy pad ever-so-softly across Jack’s cock. He gasped, trying to hold his breath…and his cum.

“You know, it’s funny,” Elena continued, now peering at his cock with the magnifying glass, “The smaller you get, the more obvious it becomes how much you LOVE feeling tiny and useless. Haha, you’d think it would be the other way around, wouldn’t you! And, of course, it’s true that I need this magnifying glass to even get a good look at your precious little cock…but compared to the rest of you…haha, well Jack, let’s say that I don’t think you’ve ever been harder in your life! You LOVE how small you are, how tiny you are in comparison to me, how much you depend on me for everything now that your sister has let me have you for the day.”

Elena now shifted the magnifying glass slightly, peering down at his face.

“Oh yesssss,” she breathed, “Ever since you started shrinking, I think you’ve wanted nothing more than to be my little pet, Jack.”

He was breathing hard now. How could he possibly say anything to the contrary? It was so obvious that his grandmother was completely right…about everything. And the way that the pad of her pinkie was rubbing down on his cock, he felt like he was only seconds away from losing his load completely. But just before he did, Elena took her finger away, leaving his orgasm frustrated. Her laugh boomed out again from on high.

“Hahaha oh not just yet!” she teased, shaking her head, which created a breeze that blew back Jack’s hair. “Not yet! My little grandson’s already soooooo eager to cum, that he doesn’t even want to know how small he’s gotten.”

“W-Wait…what!?” Jack exclaimed, his brow falling. “I…I got smaller??”

“Welllll, according to my calculations,” chuckled Elena, doing her best “scientist” impression as she pursed her lips down at the measurement, “You are juuuuuust under half-an-inch. .493 inches, in fact.”

Jack stared up at the sky of his grandmother’s mirthful face. For the past few days, he had settled into the supposed certainty that his shrinking had stopped completely. Alice hadn’t detected any change in her morning measurements, which had reassured him that at least his illness, or condition, or whatever it was, had subsided.

But now, all of that was thrown into uncertainty. He had been exactly half-an-inch the day before, but if he was under that…then of course he was still shrinking.

“Haha I can see that you’re surprised!” Elena laughed, bringing the magnifying glass closer to his face so she could get a good look at him. “Seems like you were sure you were done shrinking, huh?”

“I…I thought I was!” Jack squeaked out. “A-Alice…Alice said I was still half-an-inch yesterday!”

“Well perhaps you were,” Elena smiled, her mouth looking huge to Jack through the magnifying glass, “Or perhaps her measurements weren’t exactly as…precise as mine.” She winked down at him and brought the tweezers back down, gently picking him up off the nightstand and bringing him up to her gigantic face. The apparent knowledge that Jack was still shrinking appeared to have invigorated her even more.

“And so,” she continued genially, playacting in her “nurse” role, “With this new information about your condition, I prescribe a litany of chores to keep you active and dynamic.”

“Ch-Chores?” asked Jack.

“Oh yes – chores,” nodded Elena. “The worst thing we can do is allow this tiny little body to stagnate…haha, otherwise, your shrinking might accelerate, and then we’ll need that microscope over there to see you!”

Jack gulped and turned to look at the microscope, which was sitting on the nightstand, almost seeming to mock him. It suddenly occurred to Jack that Elena might have brought the microscope along because she…expected him to shrink some more. Was he going to!?

“Now, you’ll be thrilled to know,” Elena continued brightly, “That your first chore is really something quite fun and easy…something I know you’ll enjoy, actually.”

Still holding Jack with the tweezers, she lowered him down her body, giving him an impressive view of her curvy, statuesque physique through her unbuttoned lab coat, before stopping at her belly button. Her new piercing glinted at Jack in the morning sunlight, as if winking at him, and he couldn’t help but see that, behind it, deep in the depths of her cavernous navel, that there was a great deal of lint.

“I want you,” spoke Elena meaningfully, savoring each of her words, “ To clean out my belly button, Jack – nothing crazy, just some lint, is all. And then…I’m sure you noticed my new piercing, yes?”

“I…I did notice, yes,” he called up to her, as his heart rate increased. He couldn’t avoid realizing how excited he was, even as Elena’s task actually seemed a bit arduous for how small he was.

“Mmmmm, very much like your sister’s,” Elena chuckled down at him, “And I suppose I am copycatting her a little bit…haha, ok! I’ll just come right out and admit it! I’ve been so JEALOUS of ALice carrying you around in her belly button ring that I just HAD to get one myself!”

“I-It…it looks v-very nice!” Jack offered, not knowing what else to say.

“Ha! Not as nice as it’ll look after you’re done polishing it as your second chore!” giggled Elena. “I mean, I know it’s brand-new and all, but even new jewelry can do with a little spit-shine from a teeny tiny little grandson who’s not even half-an-inch tall, right?”

“R-Right…” nodded Jack. Elena wasn’t wasting any time, and a second later, he found himself entering the cavern of his grandmother’s navel. It wasn’t lost on him, too, that Elena had deliberately inserted him through her belly button ring – the effect, of course, was to emphasize how small he was in comparison. Elena’s ring was noticeably larger than Jack, to the point where it was obvious that, if he spread his arms and legs as wide as they could go, they wouldn’t come close to the ring’s parameters. He landed waist-deep in a warm pile of fresh-smelling lint.

“Alright, get working, little guy!” called Elena humorously. “I’m not nearly as flexible as your sister, but…there we go! I can watch you work standing in front of this mirror here. Just to make sure you’re not slacking off, hahaha!”

Jack had to chuckle a little at Elena’s “Sadie” impression – he knew that his grandmother was never going to be the taskmaster that his mother was, but he also wanted to do as good a job as he could. He began taking great handfuls of lint and tossing them out of Elena’s navel, down to the floor. He knew that she could have easily accomplished this task with a simple pinch of her fingers, but he actually appreciated the work. It made him feel at least partially useful, which was a feeling he relished, especially given what his mother had said to him last night.

As Jack continued in his task, he began noticing something very strange. The more lint he scooped out of Elena’s navel, the more there seemed to be around him…and at the same time, the fleshy walls of her belly button seemed to be getting bigger. As Elena had a particularly large belly button to begin with, Jack had to stand on his tiptoes to reach the “ceiling.” But after a little while, he realized that, even when he reached up high and stood on his tiptoes, he wasn’t able to graze his fingers on the “ceiling” like he used to.

‘What’s going on!?’ Jack thought, alarmed. ‘Is…is grandma growing??’

“Anything the matter, little grandson?” came Elena’s sweet, thunderous voice. “You seemed to have stopped…and you haven’t even shoveled out half the lint in there!”

“S-Sorry grandma!” called Jack quickly, getting back to work. The last thing he wanted to do was disappoint her, especially when his “chores” were so trivial. If he had felt useless before, that would certainly make him feel even more useless after failing to clean belly button lint and polish a piercing.

“I…I just…j-just got a little distracted, is all!” he exclaimed.

“Huh…” mused Elena aloud, cocking her hip to the side as she tilted her head, analyzing her reflection closely. Even with the slight movement of ehr thick hips, Jack felt like his entire world was moving, and he had to brace himself against the fleshy walls to keep from falling over.

“You know, I can see why you were getting distracted,” Elena continued after several moments of silence. She stepped up even closer to the mirror, so that her exposed stomach was only inches away from it.

“I think…I think you just got even smaller, Jack,” she said simply.

The words went through him like a dagger through heart – instantly, it all made sense. Of course Elena wasn’t growing…HE was shrinking! Panicking, he looked out of Elena’s navel at his own reflection. He almost couldn’t see himself, buried deep in her belly button like he was. And then, Elena spoke again. She was standing far too close to the mirror for Jack to be able to see her face, but he could tell, from the excited tremor in her voice, that she was trying very hard to keep herself composed.

“Oh yeah…yeah…you, um…you definitely look smaller,” came her voice from far above. Jack noticed her hands at her side, balling themselves up and relaxing, over and over again. It was like she couldn’t wait to get her hands on him. Just witnessing this indirect display of her enthusiasm over his shrinking was enough to make him feel weak at the knees with submissive lust. There he was, literally shrinking down even smaller, in his grandmother’s belly button, while he did these demeaning chores.

‘God, it’s even worse than being useless,’ he thought helplessly, as his arousal built along with the hot color in his face and neck, ‘I really am her little shrunken pet now…’

“H-Hurry up and finish, little Jack!” called Elena, again showing how excited she was by a rare stutter. “I…I can’t wait to measure you again!”

About ten minutes later, Jack had finally finished his “chores,” and Elena had eagerly (but carefully) brought him out of her belly button with her tweezers. This time, though, she didn’t put him back on the nightstand. Instead, she slid his body onto a smooth glass slide, underneath her microscope.

“Mmmmm, just let that sink in, Jack,” Elena was nodding slowly as she smiled, “You’re too small for me to get a proper measurement with my magnifying glass now! Haha, it’s just like I said – now we need the microscope! How does it feel to be so utterly twenty tiny!?”

“I…I don’t know!” squeaked out Jack, but it was clear that Elena couldn’t even hear him anymore.

“Hold that thought,” she said, adjusting the microscope distance. “So I can get an accurate measurement here…”

Jack felt like a specimen in a science class, and he felt his horniess building up out of control. He hadn’t thought it was possible to feel so insignificant.

“My god…” Elena breathed out, her eyes going wide far above his head, “You’re only three-tenths of an inch now, Jack! Hahaha wowwwww – you thought you were tiny before!? You just keep breaking records!” She paused, suddenly, appearing lost in thought,

“Huh…records,” she pondered thoughtfully, out loud to herself, “Records…I wonder if…hmmmm…”

“Well how’s the babysitting going?” came the rumbling power of Sadie’s voice. She had walked into the room to check up on everything. Jack saw Elena playfully roll her eyes and turn up to face her daughter.

“Oh! Sorry, I meant how’s the internship going?” Sadie chuckled. “Or…whatever it is you’re doing with him now.”

“Just getting some measurements,” Elena replied happily. “He just shrunk again, and he’s three-tenths of an inch now! Here, check it out!”

She handed Sadie the tweezers, who promptly tweezed Jack up off the microscope slide and brought him up to her face. Jack was so aroused that he was shaking, but his shivers were also likely due to the cold wind of Sadie whipping him up so fast to her face. She closed one eye and peered at him closely.

“Geez…” she muttered, “I literally have to close an eye to even get a good look at you…you’re ant-sized now, Jack! Like…the size of a tiny insect. And to think, I had you “employed” with me as recently as yesterday, haha!”

She turned to Elena and carefully handed her the tweezers with Jack in them. “Alright well I just thought I’d drop in,” she said breezily, heading for the door, “Have fun with giant grandma, Jack, hahaha!”

After Sadie left the room, Elena put Jack carefully back down on the nightstand. Even though he was erect, Sadie’s comments had stung him a little, and he folded his little arms across his chest.

“Ohhhh now none of that, little grandson,” Elena cautioned, shaking her head as she smiled down warmly on him, “No moping, baby…no pouting…not like before – not when we’ve got so much fun and, dare I say, essential tests to run through!”

“T-Tests!?” squeaked Jack. Elena suddenly brought her chin down to the nightstand, so that her huge face was looming directly before him. At his size, her head alone looked like a gigantic building.

“I’m sorry?” she whispered, taking care not to hurt his ears with her voice, “What was that, Jack? You’re really going to have to speak up, haha.”

“Wh-What kind…of tests!?” he shouted up to her.

“Aha! So glad you asked!” she grinned down at him, and a moment later she had turned away. When she turned back, Jack had to back away, because she was lowering down something huge and saucer-shaped out of the sky. What on earth was it!? Only when she had placed it with a “thud” on the nightstand did Jack realize that it was a bowl…a bowl full of something.

“I believe it’s time that we test your fitness,” announced Elena, “And what better way,” she continued, tweezing him up, “Than to let you have a nice little swim!”

Jack’s eyes goggled. Now that Elena was dangling him over the bowl, he could see what was inside. An immense lake of milky-white lay open before his eyes, punctuated by innumerable multicolored islands. It took him several seconds to realize that it was a bowl of milk…with cereal…a bowl of fruit loops!

“Sink or swim, little guy!” giggled Elena, and then with a sudden “plop!” she dropped him in.

Chapter End Notes:

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