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Author's Chapter Notes:
The gang finds something interesting while going out on the lake
“I think the only option that we have when there is a beautiful lake and some boats is to get on the lake.” You gesture over to the dock with the row boats.

“I like that idea. We will get such a pretty view of the entire lake from the middle.” Sarah claps her hands in glee.

“It will be a sight of epic proportions to behold but I hate to disturb such pristine water.” Amanda gazes at the gorgeous lake. It was so mesmerizing with how it sparkled and gleamed.

“If we are gentle with our rowing, we won’t disturb it much. I would like to see that clean water up close. It would be a shame if we went all the way to the lake and not touch it when it is so beautiful.” You, Sarah, and Caspian were making their way to the dock, set on getting onto the crystal water.

“Am I being beat out by a lake?” Sarah asks, playfully. “You can always touch me without worry.”

“You are not being beaten out by a lake. The lake has this natural charm to it. That’s all.” You reply. You know Sarah is just teasing you. “Besides, how can I kiss water?”

“If you make it ice.”

“That would be a cold kiss.” You both giggle. You three made it to the dock.

“You’re right. It would be a shame not to experience the lake.” Amanda runs up to catch up with all of you. She goes immediately to Caspian who was trying to lift some oars. “I got that, General. You should focus on steering while the warrior should focus on using their strength.” She winks to him as she easily picks up the oars due to her demonic strength.

“But the person who is on the oars steers and determines the direction.” Caspian states as he follows her. You and Sarah were getting into your own rowboat. You were at the oars in yours.

“The rower rows backwards. I can’t see where I’m going. You have to direct me.” Amanda sits down in her seat, looking towards the back of the boat.

“Ohh!” Caspian realizes the plan. “I still want to help somewhat with rowing.” He didn’t want her to think he was useless in the strength department, that a nerd couldn’t do anything physical.

“We can try farther out. I don’t want you to get too tired out. We have other things planned that I want you at full strength.” Amanda hinted she wanted another blowjob later. She was wanting him to get strong enough that he wasn’t extremely tired after every time they did it.

“That sounds good.” Caspian seemed clueless about the hint. He was just glad that she would let him try to row the boat a little bit.

“They are so cute.” Sarah whispers as you and her push off the dock. She is leaning back to see them discuss how to do their boat. You were starting to row. “Do you think he knows that she plans for a blowjob later?”

“He does not. He does not know fully how Amanda flirts. Should we tell him what she is expecting?” You find the rowing to be easier than expected. You were guessing your workouts with divine energy will help you get strong.

“I think we should wait and see if he does. Once we start heading back to the house, I think we should talk to Amanda about her flirting. Tell her to try and make it easier for Caspian to interpret.”

“How is that going to work?”

“I don’t know but I’m sure she will figure it out.” She returns her gaze back to you. You stared one second longer on the two as they untied their boat to go on the lake. You stare back at Sarah’s lovely form. She looks past you and points to the side. “Go to the right. We are heading towards the shore if you stick in this direction.”

“We will go right.” You adjust how you row. “Right is called ‘Starboard’ in boating terms.” You inform her.

“Why is going ‘right' called ‘Starburst?” Sarah looks adorable as she is confused by mishearing you.

Soon, you and Sarah make it to the middle of the lake. You and Sarah gaze over the surface at the clean water and the pretty shoreline. Everything was serene and beautiful as the lake was the pinnacle of nature. There was nothing to do but stare in wonder.

“It’s so pretty.” You brush your hand over the surface of the water. The cool refreshing water tingles your hand.

“I can’t help but admire it too.” Sarah replies, looking at the forest shoreline.

As your hand enjoys the water, you feel some sort of energy pulsating. You don't know what it is as it feels demonic and divine, but the longer your hand is in the water, you can feel the pulsating getting stronger. The beats seem to get smaller in between each surge. It is like a radar signal or something and it has locked onto its target, getting closer.

You are distracted from that probing energy by something nudging at your pants. You look down to see Sarah’s tail trying to pull at the zipper.

“What might this be?” You ask. The head of the tail jolts as it looks up at you in surprise.

“Just seeing if you have an erection.” Sarah was trying to act innocent, like she hadn’t tried to get your pants. “You’ve been praising mother nature a lot and a girl can’t help but get a little worried. She has to check and see if she has any competition.”

“Mother nature does not compare to you. Besides, didn't we talk about this earlier?” You saw how adorable Sarah was trying to make herself be.

“We did and I said you can touch me all over. But you’re touching the water. It is making me a little jealous.” Sarah sits up straight and rolls her shoulders seductively. You find yourself getting a little erect at the sight.

“Hmm. It seems like I don't have much to worry about.” Sarah is satisfied as her tail presses against your pants. It feels the slight rise in your dick. “Mother Nature wasn’t able to get that out of you.”

“That’s because you are number one in my heart.” You cover your crotch. The tail looks disappointed at the loss of feeling your groin. “You don’t need to touch my dick to confirm that.”

“I know that. It’s just nice to have a visual cue sometimes.” Sarah leans forward. Her face is slightly pink with lust. “Since we are having an erection because of me, can we have a quickie?” Her tail taps at your hand on your crotch.

You blush at her straightforwardness at wanting a quickie. She had been pushy before with wanting a blowjob or the sort but she would do it more privately. Here, you were out on the lake, in view of other people. There was Amanda and Caspian but also the possibility of those in the houses. This spot was not very secluded. So this blunt advance made her seem more horny.

You push the tail aside. “As much as I would like that. I think this is not the right time. We are in the middle of the lake enjoying pristine nature. We should soak it in. We should do it later tonight.” You had to disappoint her a little in the present but that she should look forward to it in the future.

“Now I’m really jealous with Mother Nature.” She crosses her arms underneath her breasts to raise them up as she begins to pout. “She really did catch the eye of my Dweeb.”

“I would be lying to say she isn’t enticing. But she is calling for you just as she is calling for me” You wave your hands out to show her the beauty of the lake around you two. You tried to get her to focus on that instead of a blowjob.

Sarah holds her hand out, palm up, in a playfully pouty way. “How is Mother Nature trying to lure me when I think of her as a rival right now.” She seems focused right now in getting into your pants. A bit too much that she wasn’t enjoying the lake. There seemed to be a slight shift in her.

At that moment, a small blue songbird landed in her hand. You and Sarah were happily shocked at the little creature's arrival.

“Oh my gosh!” Sarah mouthed. She was so excited at the little bird in her hand. She barely moved as the bird seemingly rested in her palm. It probably got tired in flight in the middle of the lake and saw Sarah’s hand as a breather.

“I’m jealous now.” You faintly whisper, not to disturb this scene.

“She’s so cute.” She gawks quietly at its adorableness.

“I told you Mother Nature was calling to you.” You notice all traces of her horny determination were gone.

As you watch the little bird, it starts to sing a tune. A tune you recognize. It was the old tune of fairy fountains in Zelda games. It seemed strange that the bird could sing the beat and notes. It wasn’t a perfect replication of it as it was only one bird with no other instruments of an orchestra but it was still good.

Soon the bird flew away. You and Sarah follow it as it reaches the shore and disappears into the trees.

“That was so cool!” Sarah exclaims excitedly. “I’ve always wanted a little bird to fly in my hand since I was little.”

“That was cool. I have not seen that happen before. I guess you really are a Disney Princess. You have little animals coming up to you.”

“I can agree with me being a Princess from now after that but not a Disney Princess. I need a little bit more Disneyesque things to happen first.” Sarah sits happily back in her seat.

“Oh, what would that be?” You raise your eyebrow at the distinction for a Disney Princess. You were intrigued.

She holds up two fingers. “It has to include one of the two things. I have to have this cute adorable little pet follow me around everywhere, preferably puffy.”

“Would Melody count?” You humorously suggest.

Sarah giggles slightly at that joke. “Make sure she doesn’t hear that remark.” Sarah refocuses on the main conversation. “Second, a talking animal has to be involved.”

“Like in Cinderella or Little mermaid?” You refer to some Disney Princess movies with talking animals

“Very much like that.” Sarah agrees.

“My lord,” A regal feminine voice interrupts the two of you out of nowhere. “I am honored that you would graciously seek my abode and call out to me. What may I do to assist you?”

You and Sarah were both shocked by this voice on the open lake. No one should be here but you two. You look around to see who is talking, in the sky and towards the distant shore. You saw no one. You look over to the other boat. They were too far off for them to sound that clear, besides Amanda doesn’t sound like that. The voice was very close to your boat.

“Who said that?” Sarah searches as well. She is looking for a bluetooth speaker or phone in the boat.

“I don’t know.” You lift your feet to see if a speaker was near you as well.

“My apologies. It seems that I interrupted while you were talking.” The voice came from behind you. “Should I come back later?”

You turn around to see a woman swimming in the water. She was in her mid twenties. She had dark brown hair and olive skin. She seemed to have snuck up on you but you didn’t know how that was possible. The boat was far from shore and she had no snorkeling gear on.

You jolt towards Sarah. “Gahh! Who are you? How did you get here?” You rock the boat as you are startled by the surprise guest. Sarah gives a slight gasp. You could feel her charging up demonic energy.

The woman grabs hold of the boat and stabilizes it from your jump scare rocking it. She pushes herself up higher on the bow. As she pulls herself up, the hair comes out of the water as ocean blue but transitions over to the dark brown hair after a little bit of time in the air. She raises a hand as a gesture of peace towards Sarah. “I mean the two of you no harm. I apologize if I startled you. I am just responding to the call that the heir of King Arthur sent out.” She bows her head to Sarah and you. She lifts her head and stares at Sarah. “They do like women with big chests.” She mumbles to herself.

Sarah raises a hand. Red and purple demonic energy gathers in a small orb on her palm aimed at the woman. “Why should I trust that? You popped out of nowhere. Sounds like a sneak attack.” Sarah’s demonic features burst out to show her power.

“I didn’t make a sneak attack. You practically knocked on my door. It would be more like you surprised me.” The woman lets go of the boat. She raises her hands up in surrender. She looked confused at this violent response.

“Wait!” You hold Sarah back from firing a spell. “You said ‘heir of King Arthur.’ How did you know I carry King Arthur’s blood?” You were feeling a strange swirl of energy from her. It was demonic like Sarah but also divine like you. It was a mixed feeling between the two.

“When you put your hand in the clean water, your divine energy was felt by me. I am familiar with the frequency of that divine blood that I wouldn’t misinterpret the signal. I had to see who bore the blood.” She spoke to you but kept a wary eye on Sarah. She was holding a spell ready like a loaded gun. “And you confirming proves I didn’t read it wrong?”

“How would you know how to read his… His divine signal signature?” Sarah asks a question this time. “Are you a Mayflower?”

“I am not. I swore to have no part of them over 300 years ago when they burned Criella. I wasn’t going to let them use my talent and creations for atrocities like that. It is something King Arthur would not have wanted.” The woman assures Sarah of where she stood with that organization.

“How should I trust that?” Sarah moves her arm closer. Vivian backs off a bit.

You caught onto something the woman said, something intriguing. You grab Sarah’s arm and point away from the woman. “You said Criella and 300 years ago. You also made it sound like King Arthur is very familiar to you. How would you know those sorts of people? You don’t look older than 30.” You stare intently at her in the water. Her hair was blue underneath the surface of the water. She also seemed to have a long frilly dress coming from her back. The dress seemed to wave in the depths like the fin of a goldfish.

“It is not very nice to mention a lady’s age but I can see you haven’t been informed very much about your heritage so I will let it slip by.” She gestures to the shore. “I should explain myself but I think we should do this on shore.”

“So you can send out your minions? I think I have a better chance out here.” Sarah angrily accuses her.

“You are on water right now. You are in my domain. I am confident I could take on a fledgling Caster in this circumstance. I am putting myself more at a disadvantage on land.” The woman informs Sarah of her situation. She was very perspective of you and Sarah's current situation.

“I think we should do as she suggests. She had many opportunities that she could overwhelm us but didn’t. I think we should hear her out.” You view that as the sensible thing to do.

You row back to the dock. It seems very easy as the woman guided you with a current to speed the journey. Caspian and Amanda started to follow once they saw you heading back. When you docked, she swam around to walk up shore. You saw the large frilly part of her retract into her body. They were really like fins, or frilly wings. She waited patiently until you and Sarah tied the rowboat up. As you walk down the dock, you see that her dark brown hair was wavy, curly, and messy that went down to her mid back. The tips were highlighted ocean blue. She turned around once you got near.

She courtesies. “Thank you for trusting in me. I was worried that I was going to scare the heir of King Arthur away. One hasn’t called out to me in a while that I got a little excited that I didn’t check the surroundings.” She straightens up and you were able to see how she looks more clearly.

She was a little bit shorter than you at 5’8”. She had olive skin with an athletic swimmers body, olympic level. It appeared that she could out swim all athletes if it wasn’t for the long hair and the large F-cup breasts breaking the aerodynamics of her body. She wore a white, gold trim, bikini top. She wore a dark blue sarong over her lower section. She looked like she had come from a summer vacation on the warm beach at a popular travel destination.

She continues. “My name is Vivian Thalassa. I have been assisting the Arthurian line for many generations. I could be considered their guardian angel.” She chuckles a little.

“How so? I’m feeling an energy coming from you that is dissimilar to mine but I am also sensing demonic energy clearly.” Sarah was tapping her arm. She was more at ease on shore but wasn’t fully trusting yet of Vivian. “Besides, I’m the only little angel he needs.” She reaches over to hug you into her big boobs.

Vivian gave a stare that spoke. “I wouldn’t call you little.” She puts her hands together and bows to Sarah. “I can see that he means a lot to you. I guess my phrasing was a little off. Maybe a guiding spirit or sage would be better. I can also clarify that it is not just solely ‘it only happened to him’ sort of deal. I have shown up for his ancestors as well to bring guidance.”

“Ancestors?” You were confused. “Have you met my dad? granddad? You don’t look older than him.” You wave your arms.

“I have not shown up for your dad. I have not come to an heir in over a hundred years.” She peers hard at you. She perceives the confusion you were having about this. “I guess my appearance can be quite deceiving but I am over a thousand years old.”

“What? How?” You were stupefied now. This woman was declaring herself ancient but looked only a little bit older than you. Who was she?

“You aged well.” Sarah remarks.

“Thank you.”

“Are you an elf?” You thought of a mythical creature that could live long and yet look youthful.

“Ha, no.” Vivian giggles, acting very cute. “Though I have met a few. They probably would hit you for making that reference. They are so prideful and arrogant. I am normally referred to as other mythical creatures.”

“Succubus.” Sarah infers that of her. She did have demonic energy coming from her.

Vivian waves her hands around in circles, while swaying. She is trying to get you to guess. “I do carry Succubus blood but I was thinking of something more aligned to the elf guess.”

“Troll.” Sarah glares harshly at her.

“Now you're acting like one.” Vivian puts her hands on her hips as she pouts. “I was going for mermaid or fairy. But with that information, you should be able to guess who I am.” She gestures towards you.

“I have no clue.” You shrug your shoulders. You really didn’t know.

Vivian slumps when she hears those words. The wind had gone out of her sails. “Really? No idea? Have you been living under a rock? Scratch that, I have lived under a rock. Do you know anything about Arthur?”

“Not really.” You grin awkwardly. You were feeling disappointing. It was clear this woman was important to your heritage. “My parents seemed to leave out a lot about Arthur when I was growing up. Kind of like he was a taboo.”

“Gamó.” Vivian said something in another language. You guess it was a curse. She was rubbing her hand through her hair rapidly as she ponders what to do after this unexpected hiccup. “This is new. All of them know who I am after I mention I am like a fairy. I don’t know where to go from here.”

“Who is this?” Caspian says behind you. Sarah and you turn around as Amanda and Caspian show up after landing on shore. “And how did you meet her? I didn’t see anyone around the lake early.”

“Is she a threat?” Amanda instantly swelled up to her demonic form. Her clothes got tight as displays her might. She slips her hand into her shirt, into her cleavage. Her chest glows as she pulls out her Soulsword, in the design of Assassin's Creed, sword of Altair. She sensed the demonic energy from Vivian, who raises her hands up in defense.

“Absolutely not a threat.” Vivian stares down the blade aimed at her. “I was called by Arthur’s heir.”

“She knows you are a descendent of Arthur.” Caspian asks you.

“Yep, I didn’t have to say anything. She supposedly has history with my ancestors, helping them and such. Oh, don’t let it surprise you that she is over a thousand years old.” You inform them of what you know about Vivian.

“You aged well.” Amanda notes.

“Thank you. Everyone seems impressed by that.” Vivian bows at that compliment.

“So she has the lifespan to meet all your ancestors. I’m impressed but why would she follow your bloodline to help?” Caspian is wanting more information about this person.

“We were getting to that. We got caught up in the fact that I didn’t know much about Arthurian lore.” You rub the back of your head, embarrassedly. “Which is really sad since I bear his blood.”

“She also mentioned that she is associated with a fairy.” Sarah adds.

“Holy Fuck!” Caspian and Amanda said in unison. Amanda lowers her sword. Their eyes light up as they recognize who she is. “You gotta be kidding me.”

“Yes.” Vivian pumps her arms as she gets very excited by their response. “Someone knows who I am.”

“Who is she?” You look inquisitively at Amanda and Caspian. You hated not being in the loop with something like this, especially as it relates to you.

Caspian puts his hand on your shoulder. He stares intently at your face. “Dude, she is the Lady of the Lake.”
Chapter End Notes:
The next chapter will be part of the new section in the series: Emerging Shadows.

I hope you all enjoyed this beach adventure
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