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Author's Chapter Notes:

Last part of the prologue. The purpose of the two parts of the prologue was to introduce the protagonists. Here we also see some brushstrokes of what this story is about. This contains a bit of fantasy with a bit of vore and so on. Enjoy

When the sun was sinking on the horizon a neko with blonde hair, purple ears, fur and tail wandered through the section of the forest north of the city of Negav. Myla, the neko in question, that day, was overflowing with joy. It had been a good hunt in the Chidokai forest. The little ones they had captured, her and her companions made for a satisfying dinner and she could still feel the tickling of the three neeras and the two tomthumbs she had eaten. Although her home was in the human city, that day she was going to visit Iyo in Nekomura. Better to spend the digestion at her friend's house as the human city was full of too many picky eaters of the nekos. If she came to her neighborhood located in the Middle Tier of Negav with a full belly, they would start looking at her and teasing her with the same thing: "Monster", "Devour people" ... well. It was so difficult for humans to understand.

“They taste delicious and they are fun. They squirm going down and when they're on your stomach it feels great”, She told her neighbors, but they never listened and kept insulting her. Myla had chosen better not to associate with them and to find like-minded friends like her fellow nekos with whom she had gone hunting. In spite of this, it certainly brought her quite a lot of financial problems. Unfortunately, the center of power and the economy was run by humans intolerant to the nekos who simply classified them as mini predators.

On the other hand, the hunt was not entirely without risk. There was always the possibility that the giant predators that hovered near the city wanted a snack and they were perfect for the role. However, so far they had been lucky and the reward was worth it. At least that day she saved money on lunch and could put her earnings on other things.

The village of Nekomura was not far north of Negav but it was out of reach of the Isolon Eye. The village had its own mini version of the Eye, but it needed to be recharged every so often for the right price. Nekomura's version of the Eye could not be allowed, under any circumstances, to run out or it would undoubtedly be wiped out in no time. After all, a village full of nekos was too tempting a buffet for any predator. It had happened more than once in the past, but many years had passed since the last incident and there were not many concerns about it. Negav and Nekomura had agreed to a weak and rather questionable alliance in which the nekos went on scouting missions too dangerous for the Isolon Fist and in return their version of the Eye remained recharged.

Nekomura was built around a series of trees on whose trunks most of its houses were based. Unlike its human counterpart, the neko village possessed fairly simple architecture. The most commonly observed houses were basically small bungalows built on the ground and skirting the trunks of the trees on which it was located. As a form of communication, between the houses and other buildings, quite peculiar bridges were extended consisting of long ropes that extended to the ground and between the houses in the height. For the feline humanoids these ropes were more than enough to move around their village. The agility and dexterity of the nekos was well known even among jungle predators. They were faster and more agile than humans, but not only that, they were even more flexible, allowing them to navigate the ropes quite easily in an acrobatic way.

It was not a great difficulty for Myla to navigate these ropes either. As a daughter of her race and a great hunter, she displayed great dexterity that would make a tightrope walker stunned. When she reached the makeshift porch of Iyo's house, she knocked on the door quite loudly.

"Iyo, come on out!" she yelled with impatient joviality.

"I'm coming," said a voice from inside the house, "Stop making noise!"

After a few minutes of waiting Myla was still making noise, and then the wooden door opened. A neko with tanned skin, brown eyes and purple hair appeared in the doorway. The catwoman's naked body was covered in some dark brown marks especially on her thighs and on top of one of her breasts. Iyo's face wore an expression that said it all.

Myla then pounced on her friend and gave her a hug.

"Hey," she exclaimed in surprise, "May I know what you're doing? Get off me! "

Myla then relented and released Iyo from her hold.

“I'm sorry,” she said apologetically, “I guess I'm kind of excited to see you like this… so sexy, I couldn't stand it. Today was a good day."

Iyo just shrugged and sighed.

"Now what?" she asked.

“It was a good hunt Iyo.” Myla said with a cheery smile, “We caught over 20 between neeras and tomthumbs. You should have been there. A buffet like that was the best I've ever seen. "

“You always leave me with a wet mouth every time you tell me these stories.”, Her friend replied with some reluctance, “Every time you come with that tail up and that girl's face that has been given a gift saying that you had a good hunt you leave me with some cravings. But you never bring me a tiny to try. You are so cruel. "

“Oh that was it!” Myla exclaimed, “Excuse me Iyo but once you start eat them you can't stop. Before I knew it, I had eaten all five of them. I was very hungry. "

"You are so gluttonous!" Iyo replied with a smile on her face. "Come, come and have a seat."

The two of them sat at a table in the middle of Iyo's bungalow. On the table lay an earthenware bowl that had a kind of stew made of seeds and some unidentifiable type of meat. The meal had been started, no doubt interrupted by the Myla scandal.

"Hey do you mind if I continue with my food?" Iyo asked.

"No, of course not. Go ahead, ”Myla replied,

The conversation continued with Myla counting her skills as a hunter. How she had surprised the tribe of little neera and then how they had encountered the group of tomthumbs heading to Negav evidently seeking the safety of the city.

Neera tribes were not easy to find. They were almost always well hidden in the thicket or among the roots of the trees. Some even made their homes on the logs of the huge wooden colossi in the forest. When the nekos found these places they were always rewarded with the respect of their companions, even more considering that they could have a good feast. The five nekos had done so. The neera village had been relocated from the trunks of the forest trees to their bellies where they belonged.

Hearing these stories, Iyo gulped constantly. Her mouth practically watered when she listened to her friend talk about the delight that tinies meant. Unfortunately, she had tried few in her life and they were almost always covered in cloth and other things that did not allow to taste them well. They finally reached the end of the conversation when Myla told her:

"Awwww! Anyway, delicious. You should join me when you can Iyo. "

"I have really thought about it a lot.", The aforementioned began to say.

"Yeah?" Myla said clasping her hands and looking at her friend with sparkling eyes.

"It's too risky Myla," she told her with a serious face, "Any predator could be waiting to turn you into a snack."

“Oh!” Said the blonde neko sarcastically, “It's too risky. Don't go Myla. Do you know how many times I've heard that? Humans have a phrase for that. How was it? Ah yes: He who does not take risks does not win anything. "

“If you ask me it's silly,” said Iyo, “One day Myla, you will run out of luck and you will end up in the belly of a predator. I dont think it's worth it."

"But it's worth it." Myla said with a pout, "The reward at the end of the day is some delicious little ones on your happy stomach."

Iyo simply lowered her head and sighed. It was impossible to reason with this childish girl, not even logically. She, on the other hand, would not risk being the dinner of any of the giant predators that roamed the jungle.

Myla, understanding her friend's decision already made, simply changed the subject:

"Hey Iyo, can I stay to sleep tonight?" She asked somewhat anxiously, "I wouldn't want to go at night and it's already getting dark."

“Sure,” Iyo stated, “Why not? You could keep telling me your hunting stories that would whet my appetite. I don't know, but they have a quite… sensual touch. "

"Sure," Myla replied eagerly, "Thank you Iyo."

Saying this, the blonde neko placed a kiss on her friend's cheek. Iyo involuntarily shuddered as a chill ran down her spine and her crotch got wet.

"Wow, has just being around her made me like this?" thought the brunette neko.

She immediately blushed and looked away from her friend with a pained gesture.

“Excuse me,” she said as he got up quickly, “I have to… take a shower! Yes, that"

And she hurried out of the room. Myla simply arched an eyebrow, puzzled by the sudden giddy act. Then she simply shrugged and walked into one of the two rooms in the bungalow.

The next day, Myla headed towards Negav after having happily eaten breakfast with her friend. She had already reached the Middle Tier and was heading home when suddenly something caught her attention. Her senses had heard a small cry and the sound of small cracking legs of various creatures. She immediately licked her lips thinking that maybe they were some delicious neeras.

She headed down the small alley looking to see if anyone was around. Eating the little ones was forbidden in the perimeters of the human city, but there would be no problem if no one saw it and did it quickly. There was a garbage can in the alley that some rodents were climbing up. There were three of them, and apparently something had caught their attention and they were flocking up the edge of the garbage can.

Myla then headed there. The rodents, sensing the presence of the neko, jumped off the metal edge and ran trying to hide. One of them was caught by the tail with a quick flick and lifted into the air as he wriggled frantically and screamed.

"Shhh!" The neko said as she hovered it over her face, "We all have a place on the food chain and this is yours."

She then tossed it into her mouth and quickly swallowed it. Rodents usually did not taste good and she only wanted to fill her stomach so it was better to swallow them quickly which did not mean that their movements inside, while they were being digested, were less pleasant. Her next target was the creature that was giving those sobbing cries so Myla walked to the edge of the garbage can to look inside and what she saw shocked her.

Inside was a small crying neera baby wrapped in tiny white sheets. His hair, as well as his furry ears were black in color and his skin was somewhat tanned and reddish in color in places which were undoubtedly burns caused by sunlight reflecting off the metal of the garbage can. Seeing this tiny figure while crying, the neko's hunger disappeared replaced by an immense feeling of pity and tenderness. She gently took the baby with her two hands together and brought him closer to her face to see him better. The little boy showed signs of malnutrition which was reflected in his bones marked on his naked body.

"Oh little boy, you must be very hungry." Myla thought. "Don't worry, I'll help you."

He immediately went home with the little boy in the palm of his hands. Upon arrival, some neighbors began to look at her with the face of few friends, but this time the neko paid them no attention. She hurried home without saying a word and put the baby on the table in the living room. Immediately the neko went to the wooden windows and opened the green curtains allowing the light to enter.

"Very good little one, I need you to be still while I look for some food for you.", she said to the baby.

He just kept crying. No doubt he had an urgent need for food. The problem was that the neko had only ...

“Citroise juice!” She exclaimed suddenly, as if an idea had struck her. "That's it!"

And she went to the kitchen, took a small spoon and a small bottle containing a bright purple liquid. Then she went to the living room where the little one was. She stood in front of him and poured some of the liquid into the spoon. She approached it very carefully to the small mouth of the little neera. Even though the spoon was small it was still huge for the baby so he spilled some on the white sheets. Still, she managed to get the little one to drink a small amount (for her) before coughing a bit. The neko, then, withdrew the spoon, afraid that the child would choke on the juice. The baby's crying stopped and closed the eyes. At first Myla was scared, but a slight movement of his chest showed her that the baby neera was only asleep.

This beautiful image had caused a feeling of tenderness to awaken inside her. She would help this little neera even if it cost her the whole life. Ironically she wanted to help a baby of a being that would have commonly been her dinner if he was older. This thought was quickly pushed aside as the neko considered it horrible. No matter how hungry she was, no matter how much need she had, she would rather die than devour this little one. There was something about him that made the neko forget about these little details and just see him as one of her kittens. She did not know if it was the horrible way in which the little one was abandoned or his anguished cries, she was definitely beginning to feel an immense love for this defenseless creature.

"Even if it costs my life, little one, I promise I will protect you." Myla thought as she watched the little one sleep.



17 years later.

A small neera with black hair and ears ran through the living room of a house whose floor was made of flagstones that had a pattern that looked like several concentric rhombuses. His breathing was a bit rough as he moved under the furniture of the immense living room. Finally he hid under a huge sofa behind one of his legs. Just in time, as a blonde haired neko quickly appeared, scanning the ground with her eyes, no doubt looking for the little one.

"Come on little delight, where are you?" she said licking her lips, "You have a date with my stomach."

She immediately started sniffing the air, but couldn't feel a thing. Then she began to search under the furniture near her.

The neera understood that if he kept hiding in that place she would eventually find him. So while the neko scanned the surroundings he started looking for a safe place to hide. Suddenly, he noticed that under the surface of the sofa there was a small hole where a piece of metal wire hung, no doubt from a misplaced spring that had broken the fabric. The neera then started running quite fast towards that place and took a huge leap holding the wire tightly with both hands. The jump had been very high and he had barely reached the tip of the wire thanking his strong legs. She looked down but there was no turning back as the neko was heading towards the furniture where she was. He had to climb quickly up the thick wire that led into the fabric sofa.

Too slow. The huge head of the neko appeared from under the sofa, revealing the neera.

"Yumm," she said with a smile, "It was about time you showed up."

Then without delay she grabbed it with one of his hands and began to get up while holding the little boy by his waist between her thumb and index finger.

"Wow!" Said the neko, "You have eluded me for a long time, but it is time to enter where you belong."

Saying this, she threw the little boy into her mouth, closing it quickly. She began to taste it by moving it on her tongue while smiling. It was as if it had been covered in some kind of juicy-flavored candy. She kept moving it around her mouth using her tongue to push it against her roof of the mouth. Her taste buds were ecstatic and the mouth began to secrete a lot of saliva covering her food with it.

When the neko felt that she had already tasted much of its flavor, she spat it into the palm of her hand.

“Oh Jon!” The cat girl said smiling, “You are so delicious. What flavor did you use this time? "

"Syrup," said the neera smiling, "I spread a little all over my body."

"You have to be more careful little one", replied the neko as she licked her lips with the tip of her tongue trying to eliminate the lingering taste of the neera in her mouth, "If you are very tasty I could swallow you."

"I know mom," said the neera with a smile, "But I wanted you to feel good after all this chasing with something nice in your mouth."

The neko simply smiled tenderly. She could only feel love for this little boy always concerned about her well-being. Myla was really proud of him. He became more and more capable in the art of escaping danger. Which was a skill more than necessary in Felarya if one wanted to survive in the long term.

“This time I lasted a long time, right ?!” Jon exclaimed anxiously.

“That's right,” Myla replied, “You're getting good at escaping Jon. But you have to be much better. Always look for a hiding place that is good and safe. If you delay in reaching it, the hiding place is not good.

"Yes mom," said the neera with a smile as he clapped his hands.

"Hey remember I need to get you to Nekomura today." Myla reminded him.

At this, Jon's joy dropped a bit.

"Hey mother, do we really have to go?" He asked.

“Yes,” Myla stated, “I need you to stay with aunt Iyo. She will take care of you while I am working. It is very difficult and I will be away for a few days. "

"It's just ...", Jon started to say, but stopped staring at the ground in distress.

The blonde neko then raised an eyebrow.

"What's wrong Jon?" she asked, "You don't like aunt Iyo?"

“No…”, he started to say, “I mean… yes. It's just ... well, she's always looking at me with a face. It scares me."

Myla was surprised at this. She kept inquiring.

"You say she looks at you in a way? How?"

"As if she wanted to eat me or ... something like that." Jon replied somewhat nervous.

Myla then began to understand her foster son's animosity towards her friend.

“Ohhh Jon!” she replied, “Was that it? Do not worry. It is normal."

"Normal?" Jon asked somewhat incredulously.

“Yes,” Myla stated, “Iyo is a neko like me. We often cannot resist those looks. It is in our nature every time we see a delicious tiny."

"But you only look at me like that when we're playing," replied the neera somewhat concerned.

“Sure Jon,” Myla said smiling, “I am your mother and I would never eat you. We have a very powerful bond. But for Iyo it's… well, you and her don't have the same bond. It's natural for her to look at you like that. But you don't have to worry. She wouldn't eat you either. "

"Why?" asked the neera.

“Because she's my friend and she knows exactly what you mean to me,” Myla replied with a serious face, “If she did something like that I… I just don't know what I'd do. I would go crazy with pain and rage. "

Jon's eyes widened slightly in surprise at his foster mother's response. All his doubts had been dispelled in one fell swoop. It is said that there are phrases that close a conversation like an iron door and that statement by Myla was one of those phrases.

They left after two hours of preparation for the trip. They took a hovercraft that dropped them off at Nekomura quickly. After paying the driver, the vehicle quickly took off in the direction of Negav. Myla passed through Nekomura's entrance and headed for the first ascent rope she saw. The neko always used the ropes to climb, ignoring the stairs that swung up the trunks of the trees that surrounded the neko village. It was a way to keep fit.

"Hold it dear," she said to the neera as she placed him in the pocket of the green sweater she was wearing.

She quickly began to climb the rope that led to the height of a gigantic tree. Then she walked across the rope bridge to her friend's house. For Jon it was like being on a roller coaster while his mother climbed. The emotions he felt for speed and height were incredible. He screamed like an excited child while his mother smiled. The ropes, however, were somewhat slippery. A dense darkness followed by a deep winter had reached Felarya a few days ago causing layers of snow to spread throughout that forest. Given the great dimensional instability at its location, this time, Felarya had connected to a sun too far away to provide enough heat. The cold had also made food difficult to come by.

The jungle hunters, then, began their anxious search for fresh prey to satisfy the enormous hunger caused by the cold and for the nekos it was no different. All of this drew longing glances from many of them into Myla's pocket. She simply ignored them and did not let her passenger know.

With great care the blonde neko had finished her passage through those slippery ropes until she reached the porch of Iyo's house. Her friend had planted a series of plants in her window that made it look more pleasing to the eye. Myla approached the door and began to touch it measuredly.

Iyo opened it not knowing what to expect when she saw her friend in the doorway.

"Ohh," she said arching an eyebrow, "Myla is you. What do you want?"

"Wow," replied the blonde neko, "If we gave a prize to the cold welcomes this one would win the prize without a doubt."

Iyo didn't reply. She just hung her head

"It's just that you rarely come to visit me since you've had that ...", she said, but was interrupted when she saw in the pocket of her friend's jacket. Jon's small figure had emerged from there with a smile on his face.

"Hello aunt Iyo!" The neera exclaimed with a small voice that sounded like a small squeak to the aforementioned.

Iyo stared at him with a look that said nothing.

"Yes," she said at last, "That's what I meant."

Myla arched an eyebrow at her friend's ill-disguised animosity toward her son.

“Well…”, he finally said, “I was coming to ask you for a small favor. I need to do a job in the jungle and I want to know if you can take care of Jon while I'm gone. "

“Oh right!” Iyo snapped in a somewhat sarcastic tone, “You've gotten a bit cheeky. You just come to ask me for favors and you don't even stay for a little chat. I honestly don't know what happened to my friend. The one who came to tell me stories about ... "

"Hush Iyo!" Myla snapped, glancing at Jon.

This bothered Iyo quite a bit, but she only expressed it on her face. Suddenly her sight turned to the lower part of the city. Her eyes widened in surprise.

"Iyo, what are you ...?" Myla asked as she turned to see what had caught her friend's attention. And she was also surprised.

A neko with pink hair and fur marched happily through the streets of the lower parts accompanied by... a human. The man appeared middle-aged, heavily built, and had reddish-blond hair and a thick beard. Without much concern, he marched happily by the neko's side, sometimes holding her hand and sometimes making laughing gestures. The neko reciprocated their gestures with cheerful smiles as they continued on their way.

"Iyo," Myla said breaking the silence. "Do you know those two?"

“No,” Iyo replied, shaking her head, “I've seen them in my life. They seem to come from the jungle. "

Umm, Myla thought aloud, so strangers. How did they get alive? And that neko… bringing a human here? "

"I suppose they will be a couple," Iyo said with a speculative tone, "Besides, humans don't here ..."

"Myla!" A male voice called, "Hello, we were waiting for you."

The aforementioned turned to greet her interlocutor who was an adult neko with pale gray hair, fur and ears.

"Ah hi Megir. I was about to go with you. ”she smiled. "Sorry honey I have to go."

Saying this, she placed Jon in the palm of Iyo's hand as kissed him.

"Take care." Myla said as she walked away with Megir, "I'll come for him tomorrow Iyo."

"Bye Myla see you tomorrow." Iyo replied as she greeted her. "Let's go inside little one.", she said to Jon while winking at him.

Myla reached the ground floor near the entrance to Nekomura where there was a most unusual caravan. It consisted of a chariot drawn by four mammals that had an immense glass tank with bolted and reinforced metal joints filled with a substance that apparently was water. Inside the tank, in addition, there were about half a dozen human-sized merfolks. She was not a rookie at these missions and had in fact become a scout for a livelihood. After Jon came into her life, she needed even more money than she ever needed. In the past, whenever needed food, she could go out into the woods to hunt some tinies, fill her belly, and go back to town, but now she had a moral commitment to her adopted son. After all, she couldn't eat little ones when she was raising one or Jon might think she was raising him just to eat him later like everyone else.

The blonde neko stared at the sea creatures inside the gigantic container and addressed Megir.

"Hey what are you doing with these mermaids?" she asked.

"We are going to take them through the jungle." Megir replied.

"What ... and where?" Myla asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I don't know, nor do I care. The boss says it's not a very far place from here and the pay is good, 10,000 skevolds. "

Myla gulped at the number. But that going through the jungle was something dangerous. Maybe that's why they paid so much.

“Myla,” said a male voice, “So you're here.

The neko turned to see who was speaking to her.

"Hello boss," she replied with a smile, "Sorry for the delay, I had to leave my son in the care of someone."

"Whatever. We're a bit late so grab a rifle and get ready. We will be moving shortly. ”, said the chief in a somewhat disgusted tone.

The caravan had been in motion a long time ago and they had already left the radiation field of the Eye of Nekomura. From that moment on, the routine was not to make noise of any kind, avoiding predators and other dangers of the jungle. However, Myla knew that was not enough. They were too big a target not to be seen. The mission itself was too risky, but everyone was drawn to the pay. For Myla that money was very necessary because now she was not only supporting herself but her adopted son as well and things in Negav were not easy for nekos like her. Even so, there weren't many predators who got that close to Nekomura for fear of the effects of the mini-version of the Eye so at least in the vicinity of the city they need not fear.

Suddenly the sirens began to stir inside the tank. It had not been more than five minutes when the chief yelled:

"Naga!" They said as a huge face with blue eyes and blond hair appeared in front of them.

"Food! Food! ”, she said cheerfully.

Her appearance had been so swift and silent that it took them by surprise. Megir and Myla fired their weapons almost in unison, but they didn't manage to do much. For the naga it was nothing more than little mosquito bites. With her immense hand the serpent woman seized her boss and the neko that was marching at his side. Then with the other hand she disarmed them and raised them to her salivating, eager mouth. Myla and Megir tried to run in the direction of the front of the caravan while laying down their useless weapons, but they were faced with a huge scaly teal wall and a sky-blue ring pattern. It wasn't long before the naga's hand grabbed the two of them together while suspending them in midair.

Another naga appeared as Myla and Megir continued to clutch in the blonde naga's hand. This one had pink hair, blue scales and yellow on her belly. Being found by one naga was bad, but two was too bad luck.

"Bye Jon." Myla said as she closed her eyes and little tears ran down her eyes.




Iyo had entered her house with the little neera in her hands. The neko's house had undoubtedly undergone some drastic changes. Including the paint on its walls that was now upholstered with an artistic pattern and purple in color. The living room furniture had been upgraded with various pieces of furniture that included padded armchairs and a huge sofa with a small table in the middle. In front of the cabinet and built into the wall was an immense unlit fireplace, which still had some dying brands. Obviously Iyo has been doing very well lately, financially speaking.

The neko sat on the couch crossing her legs as she laid Jon beside her and gave him a somewhat embarrassed look.

"So ... Aunt Iyo", the neera started to say with a somewhat shaky voice, "Do you think my mother will delay a bit?"

"Ohh!" Iyo replied with a smile, "Do you want to left so fast little one?"

"No, no," Jon was quick to reply, "It's just plain curiosity."

"Well, I really don't know, little one," said the neko, "She said she would come tomorrow if everything went well. But everything may not go well and it may take a while. "

At this Jon sighed. He didn't want Iyo to realize that he didn't want to spend a lot of time with her. There was something about his mother's friend that made him shiver. He didn't know if it was the longing look she gave him from time to time as if it were a delicious snack or the gestures she made when it was night. One day, on one of his mother's outings where he had stayed with her, Jon had sneaked into her room at night following some strange noises he heard and when he got to the door ajar there was something that caused him curiosity. The neko moaned as if something hurt as she flailed on top of her massive bed. Then he began to hear some unintelligible phrases at first, but they became clearer later.

“Oh little one you are so cute!” They would say, “Come with mom, I will put you in a warm and comfortable place. You can give Mom pleasure, ahhhhhhhhhhh. "

After that scream the voice stopped, although she could hear the neko's deep, ragged breathing. This vision made an indescribable impression on the little neera and from now on it would not be the first time he would see it. Besides a bit of curiosity, these moments of his mother's friend caused him some fear. However, he hadn't made any comment to Myla about it. He didn't know if the "little one" Iyo was referring to was him and he had also broken into the privacy of an intimate moment without being invited. As for the longing looks, her mother had told her that it were normal in the case of the nekos. It were in their nature weren't they?

“Hey little one,” Iyo said, interrupting Jon's thoughts, “I need you to stay here for a moment. I have to go out to the market for some things, but I'll be back quickly. "

"Okay," replied the neera, "Don't worry aunt Iyo."

“In the meantime, try not to get into trouble,” the neko continued, “And don't go out at all. Outside there are many neighbors who will be hungry. "

The neera swallowed in his throat somewhat worried. He didn't want to be around Iyo but he didn't want her to leave him unprotected either. He knew from his own mother that it was unwise to approach any other neko other than her or her "aunt."

"Don't worry," Jon said in a somewhat concerned tone, "I'll hide in the house and go out when you come."

Iyo then got up from her couch and went to the room to dress in a gray T-shirt and green shorts. A silver necklace hung from her neck with a light purple gem in its center. When she returned to the living room, she noticed that the neera was still sitting on the sofa.

"Hey, didn't you tell me you were going to hide?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry auntie", said the neera as his face flushed, "I just can't get down from here by myself."

“Ahhhh”, said the neko smiling, “I had forgotten. It's very tall, right? "

Saying this, she approached the sofa and extended the palm of her hand for the little one to climb up. When the neera did, she felt as if butterflies were fluttering in her stomach and her mouth began to secrete saliva.

"It's so cute ... and delicious," Iyo thought, "I'm having a hard time looking at it like this... in the palm of my hand totally defenseless."

Then she put him down on the ground and walked towards the door of her house quickly and looking away from the little neera being careful not to step on him.

"See you later, little one," she said goodbye to the neera with a wink.

Then she continued walking along the rope bridge while descending to the floor of the village where the market was located.




The neko had spent more than two hours at the market buying some must-haves for today's dinner, including some wafelberries, Korazon cola meat, and a few vials of jinjamb juice. Iyo prided herself on being very good at making meat sauces that were essentially delicious. Years of eating nothing but animal meat and vegetables required her to know how to prepare them so they would taste good, otherwise she would be disappointed in herself. She planned to prepare a special dinner not only for herself but for her guest. She knew Jon loved wafelberries paired with a little citroise juice. What Iyo really liked were the satisfying sounds the little neera made when he tasted these fruits. It was so cute.

As she continued on her way home, she was struck by a group of explorers talking with worried faces.

"Wow, there was almost nothing left," said one.

"But how is it possible?" Asked another concerned. “Predators so close to Nekomura? Wow, that's scary. "

Iyo stopped to listen like the one who didn't want things. She knew that Myla had gone out on a jungle mission and if there were predators so close to Nekomura this could be very bad for her friend.

“What I saw there was certainly to be scared.” They kept talking, “You remember Megir. Well ... this time his luck ran out. "

“It can't be!” Said one of the scouts in surprise, “Megir, The Lucky Hunter? But that is impossible. "

“Why?” Asked one puzzled, “It will happen to all of us eventually as well. It is natural, it is the cycle of life. One creature dies to feed another, why would it be any different with this Megir? "

The scouts were thoughtful in silence. Iyo, who was continuing to watch them, suddenly had a revelation. Megir ... that name was familiar to her. It was then that she remembered. That was the neko who had picked up her friend at her front door! But then…

"Excuse me," she said, breaking the scouts' silence, "You say that this Megir was eaten?"

The scouts were not amused that this girl was overhearing their conversation, but they quickly noticed the look of anxious concern on her.

"Well ... yes," one of them began to say, "And who are you?"

"Oh," the neko said somewhat pained, "Excuse my meddling. I am Iyo, and I am… a friend of Megir ”

The scout stared at the dark neko for a short time. Then he frowned and said:

"Well, I'm sorry," he finally said, "But your friend was apparently eaten by a naga."

Iyo gulped. She was hesitant to ask the following. Perhaps because the answer was obvious and the impact it would cause would be...

"Were there any survivors from Megir's group?" she finally asked in a broken way.

“No,” was the neko's blunt reply, “They were all eaten. When we got to the place there was no sign of anything from the caravan, not even the beasts that carried it, except firearms, a water tank and the car it was in. "

That news, said in such a fast and forceful way, caused a sudden pain in his chest. Iyo felt it deeply and put his hand to the spot. Her breathing had become somewhat ragged and tears began to flow from her eyes.

"And how do you know that Megir was in the trailer?" she asked. Her voice was like a sobbing thread.

“When we reported they told us that they had seen a caravan similar to that leaving Nekomura. The guards who were at the entrances told us that they did not know many of those who were in it, they only recognized Megir. "

“Was there a blonde neko woman with them?” The brunette neko asked then. She seemed about to burst into tears.

“Well… we didn't ask until there,” said the scout who was talking to her, “But I think so. They told us that there were four of them, three men and one woman. "

Seeing the sudden and sad change in the neko's attitude, the scout widened his eyes in surprise and some concern.

"Miss, are you okay?" He asked, "Do you need anything?"

“No!” She yelled suddenly, “It can't be! It is impossible!"

The explorer stared at her without knowing what to answer. The tears kept streaming down her face and she brought her hands to her face, breaking into high-pitched sobs. The neko then motioned for his companions to quietly leave while this happened.

Then came the joyous moments she had spent with her friend to Iyo's mind. The stories, the fun outings, the dinners, and the moments they'd shared together. She had developed a great feeling for her, so much so that it went beyond simple friendship. He hadn't told Myla about these feelings and now he never would. Why didn't you say anything to him? In recent times they had not talked much since Myla had stayed so long at her home in Negav taking care of ...

Iyo's face then darkened. She wiped the tears from her face and headed home.



Jon had been hiding near his “aunt's” bed following her advice. Although her mother had tried to hide it, she had noticed the anxious glances that some nekos threw at her as they traveled towards Iyo's house. Suddenly he felt the wooden door to the living room open and close again. Not knowing if it was the owner of the house, the neera remained hidden. Thunderous footsteps rang through the room followed by a loud pounding sound. Jon guessed that something had been deposited on the table or on the floor.

"Jon!" Yelled a voice the neera knew all too well, "Come here!"

He quickly hurried out of his hiding place and into the living room. But, for the little neera, the distance was not at all short. It took him more than five minutes to cross the floor of the room and the living room to reach the front of the brunette neko.

Arriving in front of her feet, Iyo had a look that scared the tiny. It looked like a storm about to break loose.

“Why did you take so long?” the neko snapped in a voice that sounded like thunder to the neera.

"I'm sorry aunt is that ...", Jon began to say somewhat scared.

"Don't call me that!" Iyo exclaimed furiously, "I'm not your aunt!"

Saying this, she placed her foot on top of Jon who fell backwards at the immense sight of the bare sole of the brunette neko.

"I'm not the aunt of a pathetic creature like you!" Snapped the neko again.

Jon stared in fear at the huge sole of his mother's friend's foot that threatened to crush him at any moment. He immediately got up off the ground in terror and started running in the opposite direction from Iyo's foot. But her foot came down suddenly, throwing him back to the ground face down while his waist was caught in the sole of his "aunt"

"Ahhhhhhh!" Jon yelled in pain.

"Do you think you can escape from me?" Said the neko with a mischievous smile. "You really are pathetic."

Saying this she began to twist her foot from one side to the other crushing the neera under it. Jon screamed in pain and anguish

"Help mom!"

At this Iyo gave a malicious laugh. Then she withdrew her foot and struck the neera by the side of his little body to force him to turn on his back.

"Understand this little bug", he said then, "Your mother is a friend of mine and she sold you to me"

Hearing this, the neera whose eyes were red and watery with pain widened his eyes:

"No!" he exclaimed, scared, "No that can't be, my mother wouldn't do that!"

“Oh no?”, Iyo asked with a sarcastic tone, “Hey little neera, I think something needs to be clarified here. Myla is NOT your mother. Just look at you, do you notice anything? "

The mouse boy did not respond. He closed his eyes and began to shake his head, refusing to believe what he was hearing.

“You are just a delicious snack to fill our belly,” the neko continued, smiling maliciously, “Nekos don't raise neeras as children, they only do it to satisfy their needs when the time comes. But okay, let's say Myla developed some kind of attachment to you. So instead of eating you she sold you to me as a slave. So I can do whatever I want with you and you can't do anything about it. "

Finally, Jon's pain and anger erupted into an uncontrolled sob. The neko just narrowed her eyes at him. After a short time, she grabbed him with her right hand lifting him off the floor while the boy was still sobbing and led him to his room.

Then she placed it in a kind of fish tank that had no water and was on top of a piece of furniture that simulated a kind of table or dresser. The glass walls of the fish tank ended in a kind of black coating that covered all its edges and had a device on the upper left side that was apparently intended for the purification of water. At its bottom it had what looked like a kind of small wooden ship with a hole on one side. The ground was filled with artificial sand and some fake plants.

Iyo deposited the neera at the bottom, or rather almost knocked it down. The fall didn't do anything physically to the boy, but he still continued to cry uncontrollably.

“This will be your new home from now on. You better get settled in today. Tomorrow you will need all your strength. ”, She told him.

From this moment on, Jon's days were totally different from all those he had lived with his mother. These days, these notes were recorded in a small diary that the neera carried with him all the time to prevent anyone from reading it. It had been a bit shattered by Iyo's brutal act but he could still write on it.

Day 1

Dear Diary:

Today I do not know exactly what day is it since I last wrote to you. I decided to write to you again because something horrible happened to me. My aunt just told me that my mother has sold me to her as her slave. I can't believe it, it's impossible, maybe she's just trying to fool me… That's it! But why would she do that? When my mother comes she will find out and teach Iyo a lesson. I don't want to be in this place much longer than I should. I don't know what this bastard is planning to do with me, but luckily my mother will come and rescue me.

Day 2

Dear Diary:

My mother didn't come looking for me today. Iyo took advantage of that to continue tormenting me. Today was… strange. She left for work in the morning while my mind kept hoping that my mother would show up any minute. But time passed and he did not come all day. When Iyo arrived she took me out of my crystal prison and led me to her bed. I couldn't jump to the ground as the fall would surely break my legs. She sat down next to me and started taking off her leather shoes. Then she placed her feet on the bed right next to me. She told me to give them a massage since she had been walking all day.

Her feet had a foul, stale smell, I didn't want to touch them. She threatened me and told me that if I didn't, she would eat me. With the pain in my soul I began to touch her feet with my hands making them rotate all over her sole. Then I stroked the underside of her heel and kept going up, but with my hands I couldn't reach the top of her sole that had crushed me yesterday. She noticed it and leaned her feet forward a little. A bit of sweat fell on my head which caused me a lot of disgust, but I had no choice but to follow her orders. I was 20 minutes in this function until apparently she got bored and she picked me up again in her hand to put me back in the fish tank.

My hands reek of sweat and not to mention my hair. Let's see if my mom comes looking for me tomorrow.




Day 3

Dear Diary:

My mother did not come looking for me today either. I know she always tells me to wait for her because sometimes her work takes a while, but my aunt… Iyo made me do something today that I didn't like.

Once again she asked me to give her a foot massage after coming home from work. This time I included a stay between her fingers. While I was massaging the upper part of her sole, she grabbed me between her fingers and started me rubbing them. I could only do it with the fingers that I was holding on to. Then she put me down on the mattress again and said something horrible to me. She told me to lick her feet to clean them! Seeing my refusal, she crushed me again with her left foot while I was on my back, trapped against the mattress. The unpleasant smell of her feet permeated my body as I pressed myself against the bed. I had no choice but to stick my tongue out and absorb her stale sweat. I drank as much as I could until my stomach was full.

This experience has left me very bad every day. I must go to bed, I pray that my mother comes tomorrow.

Day 4

I am a slave, I certainly am. I deserve nothing more than the satisfaction of serving my mistress. Today I have realized that my life is over. My mistress once again used me as if I were an object for her personal pleasure. But this time it was different… very different from before.

She took me from my glass cage and again deposited me on the bed. Then she lay on her back beside me and quickly grabbed me with her hand. With her other hand she removed her blouse exposing her breasts. The sight caused me some embarrassment and looked away, but my mistress told me to open my eyes as I approached her huge breasts that were two rounded mountains. Then she told me to "use my tongue for something useful." At first I didn't understand what she wanted and then I saw a huge button sticking out of the center of her breasts. I mean how could I NOT see it if was practically in front of me? My mistress urged me to do something again and simply said "Suck it slave." At first I tried to open my mouth to see if the button would fit inside, but it was a big thing, so I stuck out my tongue and started licking it. My mistress then began to make strange sounds that seemed to come out of her mouth. They were moans… yes, that. It seemed like something hurt her, but softer. I glanced at the other mountain of meat and realized that my mistress was touching that button with her other hand, squeezing it between two of her fingers.

Then she lifted me up again and I could see her face better. She gave me a grin that scared me and then carried me under her breasts past her belly to a place that looked like a wet opening of hairy flesh all around it. As I got off I felt a little itchy from the hairs surrounding this spot on my face. I had never seen it so I assumed this was the private place for women. But to me it looked like a kind of pink cavern oozing moisture everywhere. The possibility of this thing engulfing me sent shivers through my body. My mistress then approached me to a point above the dark entrance of this thing and, taking a closer look, I saw a button similar to the one I had seen on her breasts. This one was much rounder, pink in color, and oozing moisture. It looked like a fruit about to burst. Already knowing, from experience, what my mistress wanted, I stuck out my tongue and started licking it too. At this I felt the entire cavern tremble as it filled with more moisture. A liquid began to accumulate in my mouth... it must be what was wetting that cave below me. I savored it as much as I could before swallowing, and the truth… it didn't taste that bad. Suddenly the moans of my mistress became rather strange screams. This time it did seem that something was bothering her and what happened next took me by surprise. My mistress lowered my head towards the entrance of the pink cavern and forced me to enter. I had to close my eyes and mouth to keep from choking on the immense amount of liquid inside. The hairs on my ears got wet and some liquid fell inside. I felt my tail brush against something meaty on top of me and I began to wave it to try to get it away from there, but it was useless. My mistress would take me out and re-enter this place, I didn't even have space to breathe well. The liquid then began to warm my body a bit in a pleasant way. The only uncomfortable thing was my breathing and my tail. The base of it near my butt hurt a lot, I thought I would get blisters on my tail from this. Then I heard a thud. The pink walls of the cavern contracted and a huge stream of liquid came out of the bottom like a river that drenched me. Then the hand that was holding me pulled me out of that awful and strange place and threw me to the side of the bed. I started coughing and some of the liquid from my throat spilled.

 I noticed that my mistress was breathing with some difficulty as if she were crying out for air. After a while she took me to the place that I knew well, my crystal prison. She complimented me by saying that I had done a good job. Then I realized what I really am; a slave, someone who is only okay if satisfies his mistress and today it seems that I had done a good job so I could sleep happily. Isn't it daily?



"Jon wake up," a voice was saying affectionately, "Come lazy."

The neera got up looking at the smiling face of a blonde haired neko who was looking at her.

"Who are you?" asked Jon puzzled, "I don't know you."

"Oh wow", "said the neko with a tone of annoyance in her voice," Did you forget me so quickly? I'm your mother, silly.

“No, you are not,” said the neera with a bitter tone in his voice, “My mother… that doesn't exist. I don't have a mother. "

"What do you mean you don't have a mother?", The neko asked him then with a hopeless tone, "Come on Jon you know that's not true."

"You sold me as an object, and now I'm suffering because of you." Jon snapped as he looked at the neko with eyes that expressed anger.

The blonde neko closed her eyes and Jon could see a tear slide down her right cheek.

"Is that what you think of me?" she said, sobbing. “You forgot me already after everything I did for you. You are ungrateful, you know? "

Jon didn't reply. He just lowered his head and from there he said to the neko.

"Go away! I never want to see you again. Now I only have my mistress. "

The blonde neko sighed sadly.

“Please Jon,” she said desperately, “Don't forget me. I do not deserve this. What they have told you is not true. "

"I said go!" Exclaimed the neera a second time, "Don't you get it? Get away!"

"NO! Please…”, she screamed desperately as she began to disappear,“ Please don't forget me! ”

Jon then closed his eyes, indifferent as the neko disappeared ...

"Mother, nooooo!" The neera yelled as he woke up suddenly.

He began to look around and then saw where he was. Lying on the floor of the fish tank under the hollow of the decorative boat. He touched his face as he ran his hand over his face, quickly noticing that his eyes were watery.

How could I believe this shit? Jon thought, How could I forget who I am so fast? My mother would never do that, she is kind, loving and always loved me. I have to get out of here and find her before this place makes me forget her. "

The neera then got up and walked around the huge glass box and all he could see was the edges was the water filter. It was on his side of the glass and it would be a good way out if he could reach it. The filter had a transparent pipe that he could climb through if he managed to reach it.

Suddenly an idea occurred to him. With the gravel that was accumulated at the bottom of the tank, a kind of column could be made that would support his weight and by climbing it at least would allow him to jump to the pipe. He began to collect small rocks from the bottom and accumulate them just below where the pipe hung. Most of the bottom rocks were somewhat thick sediment that would surely support its weight without falling apart. Still, Jon had to accumulate a lot because the rocks themselves weren't very big. It was a long time before he could gather enough to get to halfway up the glass wall. Jon then realized that the height still wouldn't let him reach the filter pipe with his hands. There was only one way he would do it thanks to the training he had received from his mother. He walked to a distance from the stone mound and started running towards it. His speed increased as he approached. Upon arrival he began to run scaling the rocks with his feet quickly and when he reached the top he jumped up, throwing the rock mound to the ground by the momentum of his legs when he jumped. He vaguely reached for the plastic pipe with his hands. Her little body dangled as she looked down realizing that her stone support had collapsed. Jon then tried to stay calm. Now there was no going back so there was only one way to go: he had to climb anyway or he would fall and turn into a pulp of blood or at best, break his legs and several bones.

However, the slippery surface of the pipe did not make it easy for him. His hands desperately searched for grip to support the weight of his body and his muscles began to ache from the pressure. Jon watched desperately as his hands began to slide off the transparent surface as gravity began to do its work. The neera began to wag his hands desperately to climb, but every move he made only pushed him further from the edge and he kept descending. As he reached the bottom edge of the pipe the neera could not hold his grip and gave a cry of despair as he fell into the void towards the floor of the fish tank.

But then something strange happened. The fleshy surface of one hand stopped his fall and lifted him past the edge of the fishbowl. Then he saw Iyo's smiling face in front of him.

"Hey tiny, it would have been an ugly fall!" Snapped the brunette neko in a sarcastic tone!

As soon as the neera saw her, his eyes watered. Iyo noticed this and then snapped:

"Hey little one, you wanted to escape, didn't you?"

"Yes!" The neera finally yelled furiously.

Iyo's gaze then started to get serious.

"Oh, so I'm sorry little neera, but you can't escape from me." Iyo told him, "Now you are my slave, I paid a lot of money for you and I am not going to lose you."

Jon lowered his gaze, writhing in rage. Then he raised his face again and yelled at the neko:


"What did you say?" Iyo hissed.

“You're a fucking liar!” Jon kept yelling at her, “My mother wouldn't do something like sell me to you! You are a liar!"

"Oh no?" Iyo asked, "Then why hasn't she come looking for you, fool?"

“I… I don't know!” The neera replied stammering, “But I know she didn't do something like that. You did something to her or said something to her and she hasn't come looking for me for that. "

“Hahaha,” Iyo started laughing, “You're so pathetically naive. Please, do you think I would do something to my friend just to have her son neera? "

Jon didn't reply he just kept looking defiantly at the neko.

“Very good,” she told him furiously, “It's over. I'm going to teach you a lesson little shit. "

Then she threw Jon to the ground from her knees. Then she put her sole on top of the neera, pinning it to the ground.

Jon let out a small cry of pain as the sole of Iyo's foot pressed him to the hard surface. His entire body began to ache and his lungs began to scream for air, but his determination did not give way for an instant. From now on he would only despise this cat bitch, even if it was the last thing he did. Suddenly he was face to face with the toes of the sole that imprisoned him. Without much thought, he bit into the flesh of his thumb with all the force he could. The neko then let out a little cry. It felt like an ant sting on his foot, small, but in great pain. She then withdrew her foot as she looked at the little neera with fury injected eyes.

“You fucking bit me!” Iyo exclaimed with a scream that echoed throughout the room.

The neera didn't say anything he just kept looking at her with the same challenging eyes.

Iyo then looked at the little neera suppressing his anger. His "moments" with this little neera were far from over, at least she didn't want them to end so quickly. Looking at this mouse boy's defiant face, she thought that this would probably be the same look Myla would give her if she saw how she treated her adopted son. It was unbearable, she didn't want to see her anymore.

"Very good," Iyo snapped, "I'll give you a chance to fix this, if you do it right we'll pretend none of this happened."

The neera said nothing and kept the same unyielding gaze.

"I want you to kneel in that same place and apologize for everything you have done today, little slave." Iyo continued as she clenched her fists. "And I want you to promise me that none of this will happen again."

It was a smart way to go through the motions without damaging this little neera fatally, and without losing her power over him. Her body was asking her to crush this insolent little boy for what he had tried to do, but then she would lose her favorite toy and consolation for the loss of her friend.

"Do it now!" snapped the dark neko.

Jon closed his eyes and started to get up, trying to kneel. His body hurt a lot not counting his legs that had been held all that time under the pressure of Iyo's foot. Every move he made with them was hell, but a hell he endured without uttering a complaint. When he finally tried to bend them to kneel, he had to support himself with one hand on his side to keep from falling given how flabby and painful his muscles and bones felt all over that area. Then he raised his head and looked at Iyo with indifferent eyes.

The neko did not know what to think of that look and only said:

"I'm waiting."

Jon then smiled and yelled at her:

"Fuck you!"

At this the neko definitely lost her patience. She grabbed the neera with her right hand and suspended it over her face.

“It's over, this time it's over,” she yelled furiously at him, “I'm giving you a chance to get out of this and what do you do? Insult me r03;r03;one more time. But I'm tired of it. You're just a stink bug that doesn't even deserve my time. If you don't want to be my slave, you will be my dinner. "

Saying this the neko opened her huge mouth ready to swallow the neera. Strands of saliva hung between her jaws and her tongue snaked out ready to receive him. Jon at this ghastly sight began to struggle trying to free himself from Iyo's grip. Every twist in his battered body was like a stab of unspeakable pain, but right now the adrenaline rush and survival instincts were worth more than any pain he felt at the time.

Iyo then closed her mouth in a mischievous smile.

“You're not that brave when you're like this huh?”, she said with an ironic tone, “No problem little Jon, keep moving like this in my mouth and on my stomach. It will be nice while it lasts. "

The neera then stopped moving accepting his fate. It was no longer worth fighting for. For what? His mother was not there, therefore, she would not come to save him, and he preferred to die in any way before continuing to please this cruel cat girl. But then something incredible happened. The catgirl lowered the arm he was on, throwing him at the mattress on the bed. Jon opened his eyes and looked at the neko who had put her hands to her chest. Iyo's entire body began to convulse violently. The neko began to let out high-pitched screams of pain as her massive body fell to the ground and trembled uncontrollably. It was as if she was possessed by a sharp pain that caused those heartbreaking screams. The tremors caused Iyo's body to collide with the legs of the bed that Jon was on, causing dull blows that made the furniture shake, not allowing the neera to stand up. So he crawled to the edge of the bed to see what was going on with the brunette neko. By the time she reached the edge of the bed, the neko's spasms had stopped and her body was breathing rapidly as tears fell from her closed eyes. Apparently she was unconscious or in shock.

Beyond the body of his mother's friend Jon made out a small figure near the doorway. He didn't see her well, but he could swear she was a neera like him. A black cloud then materialized below him and dragged through the air towards the small figure. The mouse boy then screamed in fear as the dark cloud carried him through the air at breakneck speed. Then the cloud disappeared close to the ground and Jon fell rolling from the momentum in front of the feet of a tiny woman. Looking up he could see better the figure that had apparently conjured that black cloud that carried him.

She was a neera, like him. Her ears, as well as her hair were whitish with blue hues. Her height was average and she appeared to be of a young age. Her skin was white, but with a grayish hue as if she were an undead. What scared Jon the most were her night-black eyes. There was not a trace of light in them, as if they were sinking into an unfathomable void. She wore a long white toga with a huge green bar running around the bottom edge of the cloth garment. The toga only had a small hole in the back where the mouse girl's tail passed. The neera held in her hands what looked like a staff made of some special kind of black glass and had two demonic horns on its tip.

Jon stared in bewilderment at this terrifying figure for a moment, paralyzed with fear. Just from the tilt of her face, Jon could see that the neera was looking at him since her eyes didn't seem to be looking in one fixed direction.

“Hello, is there anyone there?”, That terrifying figure finally said to him, “What? Did the neko eat your tongue? "

This taunt snapped Jon out of his trance. He tried to stand up, but his body sent a twinge of pain that sent him to the ground again.

"Oh my," said the neera smiling, "Pity"

Jon then narrowed his eyes as he breathed something rough with the sudden pain.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked angrily.

"Oh, wow. I did not introduce myself. It's just that seeing two pathetic things like that neko and you made me laugh so much that I lost my way. The name is Meleiss. I am a battlemage from the Fist of Hope. "

The Fist of Hope? Jon had heard of the Isolon Fist. An organization of magues and soldiers who served the rulers of Negav and who protected the city from the threats of the jungle alongside the Vishmitals. What the heck then was this Fist of Hope? He must have heard wrong.

"The Fist of what?" Jon asked even more puzzled.

"Well, how rude you are," Meleiss said in a seemingly annoyed tone as she hung her staff on her back and put a hand on her waist. "I just told you my name and you haven't even told me yours after saving your life."

Jon couldn't help but notice the irony behind this neera's words. But she was right, it had saved his life the moment he had lost the last of his… hope.

"Sorry," he said at last wanting to follow this girl's game, "My name is Jon. And I'm… well, a neera. "

Meleiss at this began to laugh with a somewhat irritating giggle. Jon apparently didn't want to continue teasing with her and kept saying:

"What did you do to ...?"

“The neko?” Meleiss said, following the thoughts of her interlocutor, “Nothing, just a little pain. Well ... really a lot of pain. My friend is good at it. "

"Your friend?" Jon asked with a frown.

"Yes, you didn't see her?" Meleiss asked raising an eyebrow. "But her did bring you here."

Jon thought that this neera had lost a screw, but he did not want to continue pressing the subject. Obviously he couldn't help her if this were the case and he needed her help to...

"Hey could you get me out of here?" Jon asked in a gentle tone, "I don't want to be here when she wakes up."

“Hey boy,” the neera told him with a smile, “I wouldn't have come here if I had no intention of rescuing you. It's kind of annoying, I know, but I have to. The only problem is that you are a mess so you will have to let my friend take you. "

Again? Who the hell was that "friend"? His doubts were more or less cleared when she again held the staff in her hand and pointed it at him. The black gem was then covered with a black cloud that surrounded it, and then a similar cloud appeared just below Jon. The black stain carried him effortlessly as it had done before and suspended him in midair. The neera magician then turned her back to him and pressed a button on a square shape device in her hand. After a few seconds, a luminous projection came out among white flames that looked like a kind of luminous oval. The magician then moved away and the black cloud that held Jon began to move towards the luminous oval. The mouse boy closed his eyes before disappearing for it.

Behind him Meleiss went through it as well as the luminous oval disappeared and closed. Iyo, who was beginning to wake up, could only see a spark of light that disappeared and then began to cry as she remembered her friend once more.

Chapter End Notes:

From here begins the plot of this story. If you liked it so far please comment. Constructive criticism is welcome. Remember that the character of Crisis and the universe of Felarya belong to Karbo.

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