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As the two neared the end of the cake slice, the human, decided to call it quits. “Damn, your sister killed that. But, I’ve had enough.” He sighed, in a content fashion. “Aww, you sure?” Nah, I think I’mma tap out. You finish it up.” Shawna shrugged to herself, as she continued to devour the dessert. Although also feeling full, the giantess figured she could at least finish the dessert, before they went home. However, as she neared the last portion, a devilish grin, spread across her face, as she watched Devin lean against the container, eyes dropping in exhaustion. Sliding her spoon to his side, Shawna playfully brushed Devin on top of the last portion of the cake. This startled Devin from his food coma, as he barely managed to react to Shawna’s actions. “Whoa, Shawna, what are you doing. You need to calm down with all that- whoahshit!” Devin was surprised as the spoon, which before acted as a broom to sweep at him, suddenly morphed into a rapid escalator ride upwards, carrying himself along with the cake back up to the familiar visage of the titan’s smiling face. Her green eyes shimmered in glee, but with wicked intent. “Hi, there.” She spoke, with a playful giggle. “Shawna, what are you doing?” Devin asked in suspicion. “Well, isn’t it obvious? I’m eating this last piece of cake. To be real with you, I thought it was pretty ok up to this point, but hot damn, does this last bite look extra scrumptious?” She said, licking her lips teasingly. “Sh-shawna, come on. That’s not funny.” He said, reflecting on their earlier conversation. “Oh, I’m sorry. Am I laughing? I mean how could I resist, right?” She said, bringing the large utensil towards her face. “Shawna, Stop, God Dammit!” Daryl shouted. Apart of him knew Shawna wouldn’t hurt him. Still, her mouth was way too close for comfort. His every instinct was screaming at him to run, or fight with everything he had. Shawna Chuckled heartily, upon hearing his startled cry, giving the poor guy a glimpse into her open mouth, laden with razor sharp teeth. “Oh stop, Devin. It’s a picnic, right?” She said in mock reassurance. “I’m only having my dessert. Thanks for your generous contribution, by the way.” She whispered, as she hurriedly plunged the spoon, with cake and Devin along with it, into her mouth. She barely made out the muffled scream, as her ruby red lips shut tightly, sealing everything in Darkness.



Struggling to gain his composure, along with his footing, Devin grunted both in frustration, and in his futile attempts to choke down his broken sobs. ‘I can’t believe this monster! I thought I could trust her! How could she do this to me?!” he shouted in frustration, as he was tossed from side to side, in the dark humid orifice. Twice, he had gotten dangerously close to her throat. ‘Hell no!’ we thought in determination, as he clawed at her tongue, each time avoiding that organic highway to hell. Although he took notice of a pattern, after a while. It seemed that each time he would begin his slide towards the back of the mouth, the chamber momentarily would grow still. This allowed him to scramble forward, as Shawna would swallow globs of cake down, before swishing him around some more. Around the third time this took place, Devin theorized that Shawna truly was simply playing with him after all. ‘That cheeky bitch.’ He thought, amused. It was a small comfort that the big dope was at least kind of taking his earlier display of vulnerability into consideration. Crawling underneath his titan’s shifting tongue, Devin was preparing a surprise of his own. Reaching into his pocket, he dug out a large container of hyper force tic-tacks, which he had bought at the ice cream vendor earlier that day. The cool part was they were extra strong too, giving her an extra germ-killing kick. ’This’ll show her ass.’ He said in anticipation, as he tossed a handful of the mints onto the large pink muscle on top of him. Devin ducked back underneath the spongy organ for cover, as if he had just thrown a grenade down her throat. Soon her mouth was flooded with sunlight, and he covered her ears, to brace the deafening volume of Shawna’s reaction


“HOLY CRAP, OH MY GOD, WHAT THE HELL?!! DEVIN, YOU LITTLE SHIT! <ahack>, <Ack>” Shawna ‘s voiced boomed around the human, as she was thoroughly caught off guard by the electrifying sensation on her tongue. As the giantess coughed and wheezed, her mouth and throat filled with a stinging cloud of strong breath freshening flavor. It felt like the little bastard had shot her mouth full of birdshot from a shotgun. “You trying, to get swallowed, you little punk? Because this is exactly how you end up going down the hatch, Devin.” She said, folding her arms in a cross fashion. Her mood did not change as she soon heard the sound of Devin’s laughter, which was echoing throughout her now open mouth, as he sputtered a response. “Hey, if I have to deal with being forced into this hell hole, I think the least you can do is clean up in here.” He chuckled, as he began pinching her tongue’s spongy surface. “Ow, ow, Cut it out!” Shawna cried, surprised at the sudden pricks in her mouth. She hated how creative the human could get with his torment. “It’s supposed to sting. That’s to get the stink out, you big oaf. Drink some water, it’ll help out.” He said, peeking between her teeth, as she raised the large jug towards her face. “You know something, I kind of feel like I should just drink you down my throat. But instead, I ‘m going to show a little mercy to you.” She spoke, plucking Devin out from her mouth. “Wow, really Shawna? Since you first started chewing, I’ve been exposed to that borg of smells in there. But now, when your mouth finally smells like something other than garbage, I’m taken out, of all times?” Devin asked. “Fine, not like you deserve it but, if it will shut you up.” Shawna growled back, before Drenching him in a flurry of fresh kisses, to quiet him. “There, now sit there, and hush.” She stated, firmly. Setting him between her firm cleavage, the giantess proceeded to gulp down the 5 gallons of water from the jug, steadily soothing her stinging mouth. Devin for his part, had his ear pressed firmly into her chest, enjoying the organic cacophony of both her heart beating, and the makeshift Waterfall traveling into her depths. ‘Huh, sort of sounds like a waterpark, in there.’ He thought quizzically. 


“Well, I’m feeling better, you ready to head home?” Shawna Asked, looking into her chest. With a yawn, Devin nodded in affirmation. “Yeah, let’s boogie.” He said, idly watching her pack up the basket, before she slung it under her arm again. “Just so you know, next week’s date will be in my dimension. I want to go to a concert too so, you best mentally prepare yourself for that.” She stated plainly. “I can’t do next week, Shawna, family reunion.” Devin flatly replied. “Aw shit, I forgot about that. Ok, well maybe we can do something the week after. But Devin, I really don’t want have to be without you for two whole weeks.” She said, playfully squeezing her boobs into each other. “Hey, come on Shawna, be brave you’ll live.” Devin said trying to maintain breathing space, in her bra. “I’ll tell you what. We can head back to your place, and maybe give each other a good time tonight.” the human suggested. “Hmmm, now don’t get me wrong, that does sound tempting, but I have work this weekend, so I’ll pass this time around. I’m dropping you off at home, then I’m headed home for some R&R.” Devin huffed in frustration at this, before shrugging his shoulders. “Damn. Aw well, it’s probably for the best anyway. After all, I really need a shower, after my day of getting covered in your spit. Maybe I’ll get on the sizer app, see if any local giantesses want to keep me company.” He chuckled, as he reclined back into her chest. “What the hell did you just sayDevin?!” he heard from above, before a sharp halt in the large woman’s walk startled him back to focus. All around him, he was exposed the steadily amplified sound of Shawna’s heart beat thumping louder and louder, to his left. Matching that intensity, the lungs started breathing quicker. However, the scariest sound was what seemed to be her blood beginning to boil over in rage. “Holy crap.’ Devin thought. “Girl sounds like she’s going to explode.’ He thought, fearfully, he had to act fast, to keep the peace. “Um, nothing, sweetheart. I was just kidding.” Devin Said, as Shawna’s pulse steadily slowed back to a normal rate. “Good, that’s what I thought. Way to not be a fool.” She said continuing her walk Down the park’s field. ‘Shit, that was close, Devin thought, glad to feel the wobbly walk action return. ‘Where the hell did that crap come from?’. He never knew Shawna could get mad, nor clingy, but that sample he had dealt with was enough to make him reevaluate crossing her. He had already been down that road before “OK, how about this then.” He spoke, hoping to change the subject. “I’ll spend the day with you next time-.” He attempting to negotiate, before being surprisingly interrupted. “Correction, you’ll spend that day & the night with me. So, I suggest you bring an overnight bag.” Shawna finished, her words’ rough sensations against her back signaled that although she was talking again, and her voice wasn’t as stern; Some of the earlier tension still remained. In fact, her voice’s vibrations felt more like a demand then a request. Though Devin was starting to get a bit uncomfortable in his current position, he figured keeping the mood light was the best way to stay on her good side.



“Fine, fine Shawna. You win, you have thoroughly twisted my arm. “He said, in an overly dramatic flair. Shawna Leered smugly to herself, playfully jostling the little human with her index finger. “I knew you’d like seeing things my way. Now anyways, let’s get you home.” She stated. “I don’t know, I kind of like the thought of this being my new home, it’s like living in paradise.” The human said, jostling one of her nipples, managing to elicit a giggle from on high. “Hmmm so, you think my titties are a “paradise”, huh?” The titaness repeated, as she blushed hotly. “Oh yeah, They’re just so big, and gorgeous and soft, all over.” The little man praised, eliciting a few sighs of adoration, from his captor. “Well, maybe you’re just being a little pervert.” She said, though she couldn’t stop herself from enjoying his teasing of her nipple. “If you don’t knock it off, You’ll wind up going in my butt with the other dirty little shits. What do you think of that, hm?” Devin scoffed at her, from his perch. “Well, judging by you always threatening to put me somewhere inside of you; I think we found the real pervert here.” He said, as he finally “Oh no, I’m caught. Looks like the cat’s out of the bag. Maybe now, that means I can stop going easy on you, and show you what I’m really capable of. What do you say Devin, want to see what we can get up to when I’m not holding back?” She challenged. “Heh, can’t wait.” The human said, smiling up at her, as he continued to enjoy his cradled position her powerful walk. Looking out toward the ground felt weird. Looking down towards the dwindling park, the setting sun’s ray, coating the place in an orange glow, it almost felt like from up here he was a giant too, as he watched the dwindling park goers enter their vehicles. “What a freaky view.” The human muttered to himself. It was actually a bit funny. He’d often complain to Shawna about this mode of travel before, now, the rock a sway of the titaness’ walk felt pretty fantastic to him.


Shawna Herself, was more than satisfied with the day’s events. The picnic was a rousing success, and she finally got to try some of Devin’s cooking. Sure they would not be seeing each other for a while after today, but surely a little space wouldn’t kill them. Still, although she had her spirits soaring high, as she lumbered over the park’s exit gate, she still didn’t like how Devin spoke about getting cozy with some other giant while they were apart, even if he did claim it to be a joke. ‘Oh, come on brain, what am I thinking? Obviously, Devin would never step out me. He just likes to try being funny.’ She thought, attempting to sooth her storming thoughts from clouding her judgement. Deep in her giantess heart, she felt that she was more than right, as Devin was evidently crazy about her. However, she had first-hand knowledge that guys, no matter what size, couldn’t just be blindly trusted. Devin was starting to give her doubts. Of course, the Titan didn’t need to necessarily go off the deep end just yet. The little human hadn’t even done her wrong, as far as she knew. Maybe, just maybe…Shawna could simply give him a little…refresher that he was all hers, and why that was a good thing. the giant woman cast a dreadful smile down towards her shifting bosom, thinking warmly of its occupant, as she vowed to more than make up for all of that lost time between the two of them, the next chance she gets with her little man. Two weeks was quite a while, after all. Honestly, it would be imperative to remind Devin who his only girl should be. 

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