Summary: Taking the same idea of my previous story Itty Bitty Epidemic and remaking it. I kinda wrote myself into a corner last time, but this time I have a general idea for the long term.
A virus is spreading that seems to make men shrink and womens breasts grow.
I will have strawpolls periodically to get reader input.
Rated: R
Categories: New World Order,
Body Exploration,
Breast Enlargement,
Mouth Play Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)Size Roles: FF/mWarnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6
Completed: No
Word count: 7650
Read: 32938
Published: May 21 2022
Updated: June 20 2022
1. Chapter 1 by ittybittyman [Reviews - 8] (836 words)
Please leave a review and let me know what you think. Second chapter will be up in about an hour or two.
2. Chapter 2 by ittybittyman [Reviews - 1] (1822 words)
The fun stuff starts this chapter. Make sure to comment if you enjoy this story, and please go and vote in this strawpoll to help me decide what happens in the future.
3. Chapter 3 by ittybittyman [Reviews - 1] (1191 words)
Thanks to everyone that voted. Feel free to keep voting or adding additional options. I will keep checking back on it.
Please leave a comment and let me know what you think and what you hope to see happen.
4. Chapter 4 by ittybittyman [Reviews - 0] (2272 words)
Heres some more action for you. I have another poll. Please vote in it if you want to influence future chapters.
5. Chapter 5 by ittybittyman [Reviews - 0] (892 words)
A short chapter. The votes from last chapter are very close. Ill write the growth sequence next chapter, but with how close the votes are, Ill wait a few more days before I call it and pick the winner.
6. Chapter 6 by ittybittyman [Reviews - 0] (637 words)
Heres the next chapter, the results from the strawpoll were basically a 3 way tie, so I combined some of them.
Please leave a review and let me know what you think. More reviews = more motivation to write faster.