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When the lord of the castle opened his eyes in the early morning he felt well rested, although not all of his strength had been restored yet. Such was the contrast between sleeping in the cold cell and finally being able to use one's own room with a comfortable bed again. 

Throwing the bed sheets to the side he stood up and reached out to open the shatters of a large window in order to finally get a good look at what had been going on in the courtyard. 

What he saw was a giantess, bigger than he could have ever imagined. She was lying with her back towards the castle still sleeping, her shapely butt drawing his attention right away. He looked away feeling guilty. Watching another naked woman was similar to betraying his wife. He could not picture himself talking to the giantess this way. It would be impossible for his wife to accept this. He saw that the fountain was completely destroyed. It was a depressing sight for him. He had built it for his love. Pieces of wood and metal lying everywhere. The wall cracked. Knights of Erren lying down, none of them moving, possibly sleeping or dead. 

Thomas, who looked visibly tired, had already prepared a bath for him, so he undressed and entered warm water, finally relieving his body from the burden of accumulated dirt. He let his head sink beneath the surface for a moment.


Nathaniel had woken up long before that and was sitting down next to Emily's head intoxicated by her beautiful face. He saw that she was still asleep and decided to wait next to her until she woke up. Looking at her full lips he was reminiscing about the events of the previous day. He wondered what her reaction to the owner of the castle would be. Should not be anything negative, he thought.

Nathaniel knew that she would never hurt an innocent person. The vision of a giantess administering justice was very thrilling for him. When it came down to the bottom of it, it was really a very simple and effective solution. Not only was she able to find food in this way but also the world was becoming a better place with each tiny morsel devoured. He wondered if she was going to pursue that lord Erren. In truth it was all his fault. The warriors where just doing what they were told to do. That was all. Emily probably perceived it all the same, though.

Then he heard a screeching of a gate and the lord of the castle, along with his servant Thomas, appeared shortly after, having walked around the giantess' body. They were surprised to see Nathaniel there.

"Oh, you are here already?" asked the lord.

"Yes, I did not have anything better to do, so I decided to watch Emily sleep until she wakes up." replied Nathaniel smiling widely and closing his eyes.

"I told you he cannot be trusted, my Lord!" added Thomas, "He must have been plotting something..."

Thomas' speech was interrupted by Emily's voice, excited as she was much louder than it would normally have been, "Oh, hello there Nathaniel!" 

"Hi there!"

"I slept sooo well!" she added while raising her immense form from the ground and stretching her arms to the back with a yawn, presenting her breasts in their full glory, the lord t r y i n g not to look again.

Thomas could not help but feel intimidated by the great size of her opened mouth. He imagined himself disappearing forever in that wet cavern. He subconsciously moved back a step, levelling with his master.

"Oh, and who are you two?" asked the giantess when she finally noticed the other men.

"My name is Ron Worthy, I am the true governor of this castle and surrounding land." said the lord, putting his palm on his chest.

"Nice to meet you," smiled Emily cutely. "I am sorry but I wrecked your castle a little bit..." she added shortly after, blushing a little.

"I know..." replied Ron, "It is okay. The most important thing is that the invaders are no longer here. I would like to thank you for..."

"Oh yeah, the invaders. That reminds me of something. I think it is time for breakfast," interrupted Emily while patting her flat tummy.

She stood up and made her way towards the broken wall. Her immense foot landed just a few inches from Ron and Thomas, making them jump back. She then crouched by the fallen warriors and waving her hand said, "Wake up my tasty morsels. It is time for your goddess to have breakfast!"

Several screams followed this statement. Emily chose one man and, tilting her head back, raised him high above her open mouth while sticking her tongue out. The man had broken his lumbar spine while falling down in a fight the other day and was unable to control his body from the waist down. Like many others he had spent the whole night lying there, unable to escape. 

He was being held in the air by one of his arms, his shoulder joint strained because of his inability to keep sufficient amount of tension in the surrounding muscles.

"Wait, you can't do that!" protested Ron.

"Why not?" asked Emily puzzled, "Why should you care about this guy? In fact it would be logical if you were happy with the fact that I am going to eat him."

"No! I forbid you!" insisted the lord.

Emily lowered the man into her mouth while looking straight into Ron's eyes. She rubbed him against her tongue a few times, lifting him up and down with her fingers before letting him go, his body sliding in fully, and swallowing open-mouth with a wet gulping sound. Ron and his servant watched in horror as a big lump travelled down her feminine neck.

"Nobody is going to forbid me from doing anything," said Emily slowly licking her lips, "I won't hurt you, because you did me no harm but don't think you are in any position to order me around."

Having said those words, she picked up another man and slurped him into her mouth like a string of spaghetti. She sucked on him and moved him inside for a while. Then she swallowed.

"W-Well, I just... Going back to what I said before..."


"I would like to..."


"T-To thank you..."


"For defeating the enemy!" Ron finally managed to finish.

Emily looked at him with her mouth full. She was trying to swallow two at the same time now without chewing. She placed one of her palms on her neck and relaxed her throat letting the gravity pull them down slowly. When their bodies finally went past her gullet she gave a huge "gulp" followed by a crunch of broken bones. She sighed.

"Oh, no problem!" she exclaimed smiling, her belly letting out another gurgle.

"I would like to ask just one more thing of you,'' said lord Ron, ignoring what he just saw, "Would you be willing to help me fight those bastards when they come back? They killed all my warriors. I don't have any means to oppose them. I've got a lot of gold hidden in the dungeons..."

"Oh no, I don't need any payment. The only thing I want is to devour all those bastards. Feel them squirm down my throat and in my belly. I learned to love their taste. It's addictive. The funniest part is that swallowing people was their own idea to begin with. I would have never thought of it myself and am very grateful to them for showing it to me. Now it is going to be their demise. I will stay here with you. I don't have anywhere to go anyway, now that my house has been destroyed. I will execute my vengeance with pleasure." she answered excitedly.

Chapter End Notes:


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