Laurie drove up to the Armstrong house, the wetlands were alive with the activity of spring, and dragonflies flew alongside her truck as she pulled in to Evan’s driveway. She stretched slightly, enjoying the warm air and the sun as she walked up to the door, letting herself in.
“Evan?” She called.
“He’s out hunting,” Eve said, looking up from a book she was reading. “He says the bugs are finally out and he wants to go nail some of the big ones with his bow.” She shuddered, “it’s so creepy, I hate bugs.”
“Well, he can’t exactly hunt deer anymore,” Laurie said with a shrug, “any word on your job?”
“Nope, but they’re still sending my paycheck, so that’s a good sign,” she smirked slightly, “I checked the social media pages of some of my former coworkers, and they haven’t been so lucky.”
“They’re probably still debating on you,” Laurie said with a shrug, “I mean, you weren’t exactly nice to tinies for a long time there.”
“Yeah,” Eve muttered, looking back to her book. She closed it with a sigh, she couldn’t focus on it, it was some trashy western of Evan’s from before he’d shrunk and she’d had trouble getting into it anyway.
“Aw, don’t get down,” Laurie said with a smile, “hey, Evan’s going to be out in the yard for a while, right?”
Eve frowned, “I guess?”
Laurie grinned, “Come on, let’s go check out the basement.”
“Why?” Eve asked with a confused grin.
“I want to see if Evan’s uncle had anything hidden down there!” Laurie exclaimed.
Eve rolled her eyes and followed the other woman down to the basement. The stairs creaked as she went down, Eve hadn’t spent a lot of time down here, mostly just doing quick maintenance on the furnace and air conditioner at Evan’s direction. There were a few boxes of odds and ends, Laurie eagerly opened one, shifting through it.
“Look at this!” she said, holding up a framed photo of a full-sized Evan, maybe a few years younger, standing next to an elderly man in a wheelchair, blankets over his legs. “Uncle Armstrong,” Laurie whispered.
“I feel a little dirty going through this stuff,” Eve muttered, “I mean, it’s down here for a reason, right? He never had any problem putting up pictures of him and his dad.”
“Oh, Evan has mixed feelings about his uncle,” Laurie explained, “but he got out of federal prison around the same time that Evan got out of the army, so Evan moved in and took care of him and the house, in exchange Uncle Armstrong left him the house in the will when he died a couple years later.” She shivered, “he could barely move, but he used to stare at me when I came to visit, in a way that really pissed Evan off…”
“Wow,” Eve said, pulling another photo out, “Who are these guys?” the picture was a much younger Uncle Armstrong, surrounded by men in long coats and fedora hats, shaking hands and smiling.
“Take a picture on your phone, we can look those guys up later,” Laurie giggled. “Oh man, this is the big break in this I’ve been needing, I’ll bet they’re all teamsters and mob dons!”
“Why do you care so much about proving this guy was a gangster?” Eve asked, putting the framed photo back.
Laurie shrugged, “mostly because Evan insists he wasn’t, like when we were kids it was just playground banter, but it’s gone on so long that I feel like proving this would be such a huge win.”
She walked around the walls, rapping on them slowly, suddenly her face lit up as she found a hollow section, “Eve!” she hissed, “over here!”
Eve ran her finger along the wall and realized there was a seam. Making eye contact with Laurie, the two pressed it, swinging a small compartment open.
“Hey guys,” Evan said, waving from a small chair.
“E-Evan!” Laurie stammered, backing away quickly, “hey! How’s it going?”
Pretty good,” he said with a wry grin. He had a peanut under his arm, and his bow slung over his shoulder, “I was just stopping down here at one of my stashes for a snack before joining you guys. Someone want to give me a lift?” He walked out of the small hiding hole and jumped onto Eve’s waiting palm, a smug grin on his face.
As they walked out Eve shot a quick glance back at the hole, that… didn’t look like one of Evan’s, it was too neatly cut, and Evan never left exterior signs like that seam.
Probably one from when he was first starting out, she decided.
“So,” Laurie said, petting the purring Marshmallow as they sat in the living room. “You guys want to go on a vacation together?”
“Just a few days,” Evan said, “after everything that’s happened… I think we need it.”
“Agreed,” Eve said in a tired voice, “it’s not like I’m working right now anyway.”
“And you’re not worried about flying or traveling or whatever with an unregistered shrinkee?” Laurie asked.
“I’ll be with Eve the entire time,” Evan said dismissively, “and it’s not like tiny hunters are thick on the ground anymore.”
“Yeah, anyone’s just going to assume he’s mine,” Eve said with a shrug. She ran a finger over his head, ruffling his hair, “which he is, of course.”
“Okay,” Laurie said with a shrug, “you want me to take the cat again?”
“Water the grass, watch the house, that kind of thing,” Evan said.
Laurie’s phone beeped suddenly, “hold on,” she said with a sigh. She opened her alerts, then her eyes bulged, she almost dropped the phone.
“What?” Evan asked, “Laurie, is everything okay?”
“T-Turn on the TV,” she said, a goofy grin breaking across her face.
The three of them watched, stunned, as the news ticker repeated again, “SHRINKEE PROTECTION ACT REPEALED, FULL LEGAL RIGHTS TO SHRINKING VICTIMS TO BE RESTORED”
“Holy shit,” Evan breathed, “I never thought I’d see the day.”
“What does this mean?” Eve asked in a low voice.
“For us?” Evan chuckled, “pretty much nothing, I’m guessing the lawyers are going to be pretty busy in the next few weeks though.”
“You’ve got that right,” Laurie muttered, “every shrinkee that ever got stepped on is going to be looking to sue people.” She quickly scanned her phone again, reading the jubilant messages on social media, “says here it doesn’t go into effect until July 4th, so they should have some time to get ready.”
“July 4th,” Evan said, rolling his eyes, “that is such pandering. The only reason they repealed it at all is that Senator Fredericks found out he had the virus.”
“Yeah,” Laurie giggled, “funny how quickly that changed his opinion on what the law should be.” Her face had a sour look suddenly, “oh god, that asshole’s going to be the first tiny senator…”
“I might have to go to one of those political meetings to see their faces when they realize that,” Evan laughed.
“Well, this is going to make this vacation even better,” Laurie said with a smile, “thanks for coming by Laurie, but Evan and I have to go pack!”
“Eve, we should probably get going to the airport,” Evan shouted. He was sitting on the bed, watching her jog in place on her treadmill. It wasn’t a bad view at all, she had a sheen of sweat on her, and her breasts bobbed back and forth behind her hot pink sports bra in a way that easily pulled his eye.
“Just a second,” she breathed, a mischievous grin on her face. She stepped off the treadmill, dripping just a bit of sweat.
“Seriously, you decided you needed some cardio right before we left?” he asked, walking around her suitcase.
“It’ll help me relax on the plane,” she said defensively, “and you too!”
“Oh?” he asked with a grin, “I figured I’d spend most of the flight… pretty close to you.”
“I know right?” Eve giggled, “but… the airport says tinies have to ride in a carryon bag, and there are like ten warnings on the TSA website about not trying to sneak tinies in in your underwear.”
“Fine, I’ll just go in your purse,” he said, crossing his arms.
Eve peeled off the sports bra, her skin positively shining from the sweat of her workout. She sniffed it teasingly, waving her hand.
“Wow, this thing is soaked,” she giggled.
“Yeah,” Evan muttered, feeling something stir in him as the smell of the well-used sports bra drifted down to him. She kicked off her shoes next, and the ripe smell wafted up to the bed and he felt the sick urge to leap off the bed and land in them. He blinked and took a quick breath, at least some of that shit about tiny guys and pheromones has got to be true, he thought for the millionth time. Would he turn into a brainwashed zombie? Nope, but he definitely felt drawn to Eve in some ways that he wasn’t sure he would have been at full size.
Eve slipped her running pants down next, then a set of bright pink panties that matched the sweaty sports bra. She reached down and collected her underwear and socks, one by one stuffing each item into a freezer bag she’d left next to her suitcase. He looked at her curiously.
“This is some of my favorite workout stuff,” Eve giggled, “I’m probably going to want to use the hotel fitness center, so I think I’ll bring it.” She looked at Evan, a gleam in her eye, “hey Evan, how often do tiny guys need to breathe again?”
“Uh, like once every twelve hours,” he muttered uncertainly.
“Oh good,” she giggled, “our flight is only about two and half,” her hand reached down for him, her sweaty fingers wrapping around him. He was held over the freezer bag full of her sweaty underwear and socks, freshly soaked from a workout he’d just watched.
“So Evan,” Eve said, “do you want to go in my purse? Or… in my suitcase, with the rest of the clothing?” She giggled as she lowered him towards the freezer bag full of her clothes again, the rich intoxicating aroma of her sweat wafting up and clouding his senses.
“Uh,” he gulped, “two and a half hour flight?”
“That’s right,” she said with a giggle.
“Clothes please.”
“I thought so,” she dropped him in, and he heard the crisp long *zip* as she sealed the freezer bag, trapping him in with her workout clothes. “Can’t have these dirty ones getting all my stuff all stinky,” she said, looking in at Evan with a wink. She shook the bag suddenly, tossing the panties, sports bra, socks, and Evan, around. When the clothing settled, she couldn’t see Evan, just a slight lump moving beneath her workout attire.
With a happy hum Eve placed the sealed bag inside her suitcase along with the other things she’d packed for her and Evan. She pressed it down with her other things, increasing the soft pressure on the tiny man that was no doubt being overwhelmed with lust. She zipped the suitcase closed slowly, the sound echoing through the room with a certain finality as she sealed Evan away in the dark confines of the suitcase.
“There we go,” she said with a grin, patting the top of the suitcase-prison, “see you at the hotel Evan.” She sniffed her armpit and grimaced, “whew, I’m going to go shower before heading to the airport…”
Evan’s world was dark, and he was hugged from all sides by the slick sweaty material of Eve’s clothes. The rich and overpowering scent filled his mouth and nostrils, and as he struggled and swam through her cast off underwear, he felt the silky wet material press against his sensitive member, causing him to gasp with pleasure every time he moved.
His world lurched, and he realized she had to be carrying her suitcase to the car. Tumbling through the underwear, he felt the slick material running against his skin and fought not to cum then and there, gritting his teeth as things settled and he managed to hold himself together. It was a statement to how overwhelming Eve was that simply being tossed with her underwear like this was almost enough to bring him off… probably would be enough by the time they got to their destination, would be enough several times over in fact…
Eve lay back in the airline seat, headphones in and daydreaming about the sand and the beach. She smirked to herself, imagining how Evan’s flight was going. Idly she looked down to a well worn book she’d bought months ago when Amber had first suggested using sex to lure Evan out, “100 things to do with your tiny lover: Tenderness and Domination and Everything In-Between!”
Number 37, she read with a small smile, Domination idea: seal him in with your dirty clothes! She reached into her purse for a pen, quickly putting a red checkmark on that page.
Eve lay on the beach, letting the sun soak into her. Evan was down on her stomach, laying against her bellybutton as they listened to the waves.
Vacation, she decided, was just what we needed. From the happy murmurs of the tiny man below, he agreed. Idly she wondered if she’d have an Evan shaped spot on her stomach from the sun. She smirked and decided she didn’t want to move him, whether it was an outline in a sunburn or a tan, she’d let it happen.
Her phone rang from her beach bag and she groaned, “let it ring,” Evan muttered, not even opening his eyes.
“I should get it,” she said with a grimace.
“But I don’t want to get up,” Evan protested in a whiny voice.
Eve spared one last glance at the peaceful rolling waves of the ocean, then sighed as she reached into the beach bag. Evan gave her a grouchy look, but she managed to reach her phone without tossing him off her belly, and he simply folded his arms behind his head and watched the sea as she answered.
“Hello?” she asked.
“Eve,” Charles said in a cheerful tone, “I’m glad I got ahold of you, I wanted to let you know, you can come back to work on Monday!”
She sat up, sending Evan sprawling into the sand with a cry of surprise, “Really?” she said eagerly, “Deandra finished her investigation?”
“Yeah,” Charles said with a sigh, “I spent a lot of time talking to her about you, I think I convinced her of your good intentions, with the shrinking act being repealed I think she was in a good mood. We’ve been talking a lot actually; I’m going to be the new branch manager!”
“That’s great!” Eve said, “you deserve it.”
“I deserve all the work of picking up after Amber? I’m not sure if you’re being nice or not!” Charles laughed, “look, we’re going to have to hire a lot of new staff, so when you do get in we might have some late nights.”
“I’m up for it,” she said, relief filling her, “I’m glad things finally worked out for you.”
“That’s not even the best part!” Charles said excitedly, “the shrinking made my hair come back!”
Eve frowned, “What?”
“I’m not bald anymore!” Charles exclaimed, “I guess the shrinking virus kickstarted the follicles or something.”
“Uh, good for you!” Eve said with a laugh, “I’ll see you on Monday!” she ended the call, looking down at the tiny man splayed in the sand between her legs. “I got my job back!” she said excitedly.
“Awesome!” Evan said with a grin, “we should celebrate.”
“Let’s get some margaritas from the hotel bar,” Eve said, “or just one I guess, how do you feel about going for a swim?”
“Sounds good to me,” Evan laughed, “a little tequila might get me ready to give you that thing you’ve been wanting.”
She bit her lip, “Oh really?” she giggled, “butt stuff? You’re serious?”
“Yes Eve,” he said, rolling his eyes and chuckling, “butt stuff.”
“Let’s ride out this vacation with a bang!” Eve laughed, scooping him up out of the sand.
“So, you’re sure you know what you’re doing?” Evan asked nervously as Eve slipped her hands over him, rubbing the tingling lubricant into his skin.
“It’s going to be great!” Eve said with a mischievous giggle, “trust me, I’ve taken every precaution to make it as nice for you as possible.”
He breathed out slowly, “right, come on Evan, head in the game…” he muttered.
“Your head is going somewhere, that’s for sure,” Eve said, her grin broadening.
They were naked already, the curtains of their hotel room drawn as Eve prepared for the experience she’d been nagging him over for months now. Evan had expected she’d want to do something like this on the trip, and he’d mentally been preparing himself.
“Ready to visit the land where the sun never shines?” Eve teased.
“Whenever you are,” he said.
Eve squeezed one last drop of lubricant onto her outstretched fingers, reaching behind herself to rub her puckered hole slowly. She hissed suddenly; the tingling surprising her as she stuck a finger in. She pulled it out with a sigh, then got on all fours on the bed and reached for Evan, her ass sticking almost comically in the air.
Evan watched as her hand slowly brought him around, and his eyes seemed to latch on to her asshole as she righted him against it, moving him closer. She certainly had gotten herself clean, and the familiar flowery scent of her soap came off her skin. He felt the top of his hair, then his head, making contact, and he took one last breath as the hole opened, slowly welcoming him in.
He felt an almost familiar warmth as his world went dark, the lube letting him easily slide into the dark cavern inside Eve. The walls pressed around him, but not as tightly as her womanhood would, and as his legs slipped through the tight opening it sealed shut, trapping him inside as he felt the walls gingerly.
“Whew!” Eve said, clenching her cheeks involuntarily as she felt the tiny hands probing her insides, “there we go Evan!” she giggled. She reached into her suitcase and drew out a simple plastic vibrator, leaning back against the bed and flicking it on. She rubbed it over her clit, giggling in pleasure as she felt her tiny boyfriend struggle inside her.
Evan’s world was a soft darkness, the walls around him convulsed as he heard the vibrator begin, and every movement he made seemed to cause them to shake again. He leaned into the walls in the direction that seemed to be causing the most reaction, and he grinned as, even from inside her, he heard Eve scream with pleasure. He leaned into the wall, doing his best to hug it, stimulating it as much as possible.
“O-Oh wow,” Eve breathed, her first orgasm rocking her body. She arched her back, her muscles tensing as she grunted loudly, gritting her teeth for a moment before falling back to the mattress, limp.
She panted for a moment, feeling a tiny pair of hands scrabbling at the inside of her sphincter. She thought about reaching down for him, but… She grinned wickedly, clenching herself shut tightly. It was a lot easier to keep him in the back, and she wanted to keep him there, if only for a little bit. The attempt to escape seemed to stop as he realized her intentions.
“Evan,” Eve said, stepping into a pair of panties, “I don’t know if you can hear this, but…” she giggled, “you’re going to stay in there for a bit.”
Evan could hear her, muffled and fair away. He sighed and smiled, rolling his eyes in the darkness.
Should have expected this, he thought. Eve had a tendency to go a little power mad with teasing him, and it was something he both looked forward to and dreaded. I like to be played with he reasoned, and… that’s okay. He shrugged and made himself comfortable.
“Yes Evan, I think I’ll go order a drink down at the bar,” Eve laughed, “maybe watch the band a little… all with my tiny toy hidden where nobody can ever find him.” She finished pulling up her pants, buttoning them and then slapping her ass for emphasis, shaking Evan inside his dark prison.
He’s such a good sport, she giggled internally, I’m going to have to really make it up to him for letting me do this…
Like returning home from any vacation, there was a subdued air as Eve pulled the car into the driveway. The sun was already down, and Eve stretched and reached to pull a tired looking Evan from the cupholder as she stepped out and looked at the house.
“Home sweet home,” she said with a smile.
“No place I’d rather be,” Evan grinned up at her. “Come on, let’s turn in… someone’s got work tomorrow!”
“It’s like a dream,” Eve said wistfully, “everything turned out so well…”
“It’s been a hell of a year,” Evan agreed happily as she carried him towards the door.
In a dingy bar Bernard Cargill ordered another round of beers for the table. He was a muscled man, with a body sculpted by manual labor and some off the books work for less reputable bosses. Tiny hunting had been a nice windfall, before it had dried up. A nice semi-legal way to “match tinies to guardians” in exchange for some small “placement fees.” In reality it was catching and selling the virus victims to the kind of people interested in the quasi-slavery the Shrinkee Protection Act had created.
“Hey, Bern,” Mohawk, a pink haired woman who’s style matched her moniker, “when’s this squeeze of yours supposed to get here?”
“She’s coming,” he muttered, sipping his own drink. He glanced around at the three women who’d joined him. For whatever reason Tiny Hunting was a mostly female profession, and he’d rounded up a group that had similar methods and ethics to his own. The women were a rough bunch, with a mix of hairstyles that one didn’t wear to job interviews, wearing a mix of denim and leather, and tattoos that would turn heads in a biker bar.
Despite having been dating her for a few months Bern didn’t really care for Amber much, but she was hot, easy, and she always loved hearing stories about how he’d captured shrinkees. He knew the type, she wanted to feel better than everyone, and having a portion of the population literally put under her feet was an invitation to act the way she did. For Bern it was a job, nothing more.
“Hey guys!” Amber said cheerfully, sitting down at the table with them, “sorry, I had some trouble finding the place… I don’t uh, normally hang out in spots like this.”
“No kidding Barbie,” Mohawk said with a nod, “Bern says you’ve got a job?”
“Yeah,” Amber muttered, a thin sheen of sweat on her forehead, “Just a sec,” she grunted, itching her bare arm vigorously. There were scratch marks down her legs too, not too deep, but more like a rash.
“You okay?” Bern asked.
“I think the company that makes my fabric softener must have changed the recipe,” Amber muttered angrily, “I’ve been itching all day.”
“Fabric softener,” Bern muttered, shooting Mohawk a knowing glance, “right.”
“Anyway,” Amber continued, oblivious to the looks the four Tiny Hunters gave her, “I’ve got this sort of, proposition for you four.”
“The Shrinkee Protection Act is out in July,” one of the other women said, “Tiny Hunting is over, we’re probably all going to get fucked in lawsuits on top of it.”
“Well, the Shrinkee Protection Act is getting repealed here,” Amber said with a sly grin. “I was thinking, you guys probably want to get out of the country, right?”
“Wouldn’t mind it,” Mohawk muttered, “they’re offering most tiny hunters clemency for everything that happened, but…” she chuckled and glanced around the table, “us here? We always had some pretty aggressive methods; we’re not getting the pardon.”
“That’s perfect!” Amber said, wiping the sweat off her forehead. She stared at it numbly a moment, “It’s so fucking hot in here,” she muttered. She cleared her throat and continued, “anyways, I know where there’s a tiny guy, super good looking one too, and he’s got a big house.” The interest was piqued around the table, and she grinned as she continued, “I’m thinking you four roll up, grab him, then we get that house transferred to us and liquidated, we all take a share and then we take the tiny on to the international market.”
“It’s illegal to take shrinkees out of the country for… rehoming,” Bern said with a small smile.
“Do you guys really care at this point?” Amber asked, exasperated, “come on, you’ll all probably end up in jail if you stay here! What’s a tiny worth overseas anyway?”
“Oh wow,” Mohawk chuckled, “well, Caucasian-American tiny, good looking, yeah there are a lot of surprisingly wealthy foreigners who would love one like that, I’m sure we could unload him for half a mill in one of the gulf states to some spoiled princess.”
“There are a few places in East Asia where we could find a buyer for one like that too,” Bern muttered, “he’d be an exotic item…”
“Great!” Amber said, standing up, “then we’re all in agreement!” She scowled, itching her arms like crazy again and muttering a comment about fabric softener. “I know when the girl he’s with will be at work,” Amber said with a wicked grin, “next week we’ll meet at his house and get it done.”
“Sounds great,” Bern said with a smile, “see you later babe.”
Amber beamed, practically skipping out of the dimly lit bar at the thought of getting revenge on Eve. The three women turned back to Bern, smug grins on their faces.
“Mohawk,” he said casually, reaching for his beer, “go ahead and start inquiring for foreign buyers for two shrinkees, a male and female set.” He smiled, “a couple like that should fetch enough to keep us all living comfortably somewhere that doesn’t have an extradition treaty.”
“Isn’t that your girlfriend?” one of the women asked with a laugh, “that’s ice-cold Bern!”
“I was meaning to break up with her anyway,” he said with a shrug, “and besides, she was always going on about how shrinkees need to learn their place.” The others at the table laughed, clinking their glasses together before finishing their beers.