The last lingering vestiges of summer were gone, traded for the sounds and scents of autumn ruling the day as they fought the encroaching silence of winter by night. The trees on the property were bare, and Evan didn’t feel like going outside much this time of year anyway, while he wasn’t in any danger of freezing in a stiff breeze, shrinkees couldn’t hold body quite as effectively as full-sized people, no matter how much they bundled up.
He sat on the windowsill, watching the first flakes of an early snow falling outside. They probably wouldn’t stick, but it was still nice to watch them. The cat was curled up on the couch, having made a makeshift nest on one of Eve’s blankets. Evan glanced out at the driveway, wondering when Eve would be home… and what a weird think to look forward to? He couldn’t help but laugh at himself.
“So you’re still doing this cat and mouse bullshit with him?” Amber asked angrily, “you’re fucking killing me with this Eve.”
“He’s a lot smarter than you think,” Eve said, “tough too.”
“Are you writing him a dating profile?” Amber snapped, “come on girl, get your head back in the game! This is a shrinkee we’re talking about!” The other woman angrily clacked keys in her own cubicle for a few minutes, an awkward silence passing between them.
“You know they say Charles is due to shrink sometime over the holiday,” Amber said, “they’re pretty good at predicting what day it’ll hit you now.”
“Uh, good for him I guess, shrinking at home…” Eve said.
“I was hoping it would happen while he was here,” Amber said with a wicked grin, “he would have ridden out the rest of the day at the bottom of my shoe, then we’d go home and have a little fun.” She looked around, leaning in conspiratorially, “Between you and me? I still might get to have a little fun.” She whispered.
Eve frowned, “what do you mean?” she asked warily.
“I’m getting promoted after Thanksgiving,” Amber said, “and apparently our future bug of a coworker still wants to work here when he’s tiny. Corporate thinks it’s great, his wife is set up as his caretaker or whatever.”
“I mean, he’s got a wife and kids to support,” Eve said quietly.
Amber snorted, “the sooner they move on, the happier they’re going to be. A fucking shrinkee, working here… You know we’re going to have to hire him his own assistant to type for him and shit?”
“Evan just types using a phone I think,” Eve said without thinking.
“I don’t care what Mr. Super Shrinkee is doing,” Amber said, rolling her eyes, “his expenses won’t be coming out of my future budget.” She shot a glance across the office at the still full-sized Charles, “him though? I need to think of a way to make him quit…” she grinned evilly, “I’ve got some ideas…”
Eve felt an odd pang of guilt, wondering if she should say something, DO something… Amber glanced at her, and the redhead seemed to guess her thought process. A grimace came over her friend’s face.
“Listen Eve, I’m going to be making a lot of tough calls when I’m in charge around here, and I’m not going to have a lot of room in my inner circle for bleeding hearts, got it?” She sighed, going back to her work, “I don’t know what’s with you lately, you need to get it together!”
Eve didn’t respond, just nodding meekly as she turned back to her own monitor. In life you had to stay behind the sharks, you didn’t get in front of them.
Eve shook off the light mixture of snow that had collected in her hair, giving a tired sigh as she entered the house. She did a quick scan for Evan, she’d made a couple of attempts to get him throughout the months, and she’d even finally found and sealed up some of his entrances on the first floor. Evan hadn’t commented on it, but she knew had to know. She’d also chosen a few that she very deliberately HADN’T sealed up, if Evan thought she always sealed holes she knew about, then he wouldn’t know that she knew about the still opened ones… or so she figured anyway.
She peered into the kitchen, starting slightly as she saw Evan standing on the counter. One of the cupboards was open, and he was looking through the cans thoughtfully. She Smiled as she walked in, letting the click of her heels announce her presence. With a casual, yet very deliberate, motion, she placed her purse against the wall where she knew one of his exits was, kicking her heels off as she approached him.
“Hi Evan,” she said sweetly, “what are you doing?”
She bundled up her coat and placed in the counter, just to the left of the light switch where she knew the tile was removable. Another exit blocked, but the one he’d probably go for was the one on the floor, as she smiled her mind raced, trying to think of how she could get between him and it.
“Just checking the pantry,” he mused, “I was hoping to make… well I guess I was hoping you would make something for Thanksgiving. Laurie’s taking me to her place, I haven’t exactly been out in a while…”
“What dish did you have in mind?” she asked. She cursed as she noticed his body go tense as she moved around the counter. Too helpful, she realized, too disarming… His eyes glanced at the purse and the coat, and a smile curled at the corner of his mouth as he realized that she hadn’t just haphazardly tossed them randomly.
“Yams,” he said, edging backwards, “with the toasted marshmallows on top.”
“Mrow?” the cat’s head lifted at the mention of his name, but seeing the two humans ignoring him he lay back down and closed his eyes again, returning to his nap.
“That sounds great,” Eve said, eyes glancing at the corner of the room. Evan’s heart skipped a beat, she knew where his exit was! “I’ll just go to the grocery store… on the way back from the vet!” She dove with a scream, and Evan leapt off the counter, but Eve hadn’t gone for him. She grunted as she hit the floor, sliding into the wall, but cutting off Evan’s access to his exit. “HA!” she shouted, a triumphant smile lighting up her face.
Evan turned on his heel, scrambling for the living room. Eve scuttled after him, her nyloned feet struggling for purchase against the tiled floor as she pursued him on all fours. He felt powerful fingers as thick as his legs curl around him, sweeping him off his feet and ending his flight.
“Ha!” Eve shouted, “gotcha!”
“Shit,” Evan wheezed as her grip tightened. He was drawn to her grinning face as she stood up, her brown hair mussed and draped over her eyes from the chase giving her a slightly wild look.
“Just in time for the holidays!” she said. She glanced around at the room, “It took forever to find all of your little hidey holes, but it was worth it, without them you’re not that hard to catch at all…”
“I’ll have to make some new ones,” he grunted, struggling in her grip.
“I think we’re going to have you spend the next few months… contained,” she said with a smile, “when I know you’re going to be a good boy you can have free reign of the house again.” She used her free hand to bend down and pick up her purse. Pulling her phone out, she unlocked it and showed him a page she had saved, “Look at this! Standard opened back dollhouse, but with a nice tiny-proof plastic covering on the open part, all the comfort of a dollhouse and all the inescapability of a cage!”
“So thoughtful,” he said with a smile, “I really like my own bed though.”
“Where do you sleep anyway?” she asked, looking around at the walls.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he retorted.
“Whatever,” she giggled, “now you sleep on my nightstand… or with me, if you promise not to run away.”
He blushed, the warm smell of her floral shampoo washing over him briefly as she fixed her hair. Sleeping in the bed with Eve, cuddled up next to her on a cold night… that didn’t sound bad at all. He fought away the intrusive thought and gave her a cocky grin.
“You know me better than that,” he laughed.
“I can feel the little boner you got at the idea,” she said, squeezing him just a bit harder and causing him to grunt. “You can have that; you just have to stop fighting and let me have you…”
“You can have it too,” he replied, “you’ve just got to stop trying to catch me.”
The two of them glared at each other a moment, then Eve sighed, “whatever Evan, I think I’ve won for real this time.” She tossed him down into her purse, zipping it closed before he could protest. She tapped it once for emphasis, then slipped her shoes back on. A moment later she was forcing her coat back on and going back out to the car, the slow fall of snowflakes having picked up slightly.
Evan was jostled in the darkness of the purse, spare change colliding with him as he bounced upon a bed of receipts and bobby pins. He heard the car start and he grimaced, trying to think of a way out. Eve’s phone was in here with him, and he knew from watching her how to unlock it. Briefly he thought of messaging Laurie to intercept her, but… that was a nuclear option, one he wouldn’t be able to easily walk back from.
The purse unzipped slightly, and he saw her amused gaze peer in at him, “Hi Evan, comfy?”
“You need to clean this thing out!” he shouted defiantly.
She giggled, “that might be a fun chore to assign you, we’ll talk all about it when we get back.” She paused, giving him an evil grin, “I’ll get a checkup for you too, you know, get your vitals, temperature…” She bit her lip, “those thermometers don’t go in your mouth…”
He gulped, his face going white, and she laughed at his expression as she zipped the purse closed again. It was complete bullshit of course, they took shrinkee temperatures with a contactless wand, but she was willing to bet Evan didn’t know that.
She thought over the time they’d shared together so far, laughing a bit at the memories. Her smile faltered a bit as she remembered how he’d stayed overnight with her when she was scared… it was a small thing, why did she keep coming back to it? She shook her head, she couldn’t let nerves get to her now, if she kept thinking of every nice thing about Evan, she’d talk herself right out of this!
She pulled up to the vet, then frowned as she saw the parking lot was empty. There was a large ad in the window proclaiming the location had all the necessary amenities for shrinkees, but the office was dark. She pulled around to the front window and scowled at a sign explaining they were closed until the Monday following Thanksgiving. The next office that offered shrinkee services like she wanted was a good hour away at least, and would probably close for the holiday by the time she got there too…
“Shit,” she muttered. There was no way she’d be able to keep Evan contained through the holiday weekend, and Laurie would be by to take him to Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow and would undoubtedly force her to release him from any prison she could devise anyway… No, through no fault of her own, she’d lost again.
She sighed, leaning back in the seat and trying to decide her next move. A part of her was a little relieved, she could just take Evan home and maybe relax, enjoy spending Thanksgiving and the next few days with him as one of their “holiday truces.” She didn’t have to make this decision, whether to get Evan chipped and registered or not had been conveniently decided for her… for now. Another part of her told her she had to salvage SOMETHING from this… A smile crept back over her features.
Inside the purse Evan was typing a hurried message to Laurie on Eve’s phone, the threat of the “checkup” had spurred him to make a decision, but he paused as the purse unzipped.
“Uh, hey,” Eve said slowly, “Evan, I’ve been thinking… maybe we should just call it an early holiday?”
His eyes narrowed, and he stepped away from the phone, “What do you mean?”
“We call this capture a fluke, do another holiday truce, and we start back up on Monday,” she said hesitantly, “but… you do whatever I want for the weekend, no running away, no hiding in the walls, just being a good obedient tiny.”
“No deal,” he called up.
“Fine!” she said, “I’ll just take you right into the vet, get you chipped and collared, and we’ll get a head start on-“
“No cages,” he said, “no leashes, none of that stuff, I want a guarantee that you won’t just keep me on Monday.”
“Oh please,” she said, rolling her eyes, “Every time we’ve made one of these agreements, I’ve held up my end.” She smiled, “I do want my tiny man to trust me, after all! I’ve got all the time in the world to catch you, call this one a… preview.”
He rubbed his chin in thought. It was true, despite everything he was surprised at just how much he did trust her, if she said she’d let him go on Monday and they’d be back to their usual routine… she was probably telling the truth. That would give him time to make new entrances, rework his tunnel network, get the edge again.
The alternatives were letting Eve win by taking him in to the vet now, a non-option really, or calling in Laurie and ending the whole game completely in something that could at its most generous be described as a draw… no, he didn’t want to do that either. If Laurie found out she’d come this close to getting him… well, it wouldn’t matter what he said, his old friend would chase Eve out of his house and life and would probably never let him around any other big people again. Bizarrely, the thought of never seeing Eve again really upset him… almost as much as the thought of losing his freedom in their bizarre game.
“Fine,” he said, crossing his arms and smiling, “I’m your good little pet man until Monday morning, and not a moment longer.”
“Yes!” Eve squealed, “Now no takesies backsies, for real, okay?”
“Okay…” he said slowly, raising an eyebrow.
Giggling she reached into the purse, slowly drawing him up so he could see out the car’s window. As the light snow continued to fall he read the “closed until Monday” sign. His eyes went wide as he went through the entire same thought process Eve had moments ago.
“Son of a bitch!” he swore, “it was fucking closed?”
“Yeah,” Eve said with a sigh, “like I said though, no takebacks.”
“A deal’s a deal,” he muttered, “that was one hell of a bluff…” he looked at her curiously, “were you really going to…”
“Uh, yeah!” she said defensively, “and if I catch you and it’s open next time, that’s game over, you’re mine!” The two of them were quiet a moment. Part of Evan wanted to prod her on that, she sounded pretty unsure… or was it just his imagination?
“Right,” he muttered, breaking the silence, “well my benevolent and beautiful goddess, now that I’m yours for the weekend, can I still go to Laurie’s for Thanksgiving tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” she said, blinking and returning to the matter at hand, “we’ll go get the stuff to make those yams you wanted…” she cleared her throat, glancing around the deserted parking lot again, “but first…” She fought down a giggle, “strip!” she commanded, setting him on the dashboard.
Rolling his eyes, he began to pull his shirt off, balling it up and tossing it into her purse. His pants followed a moment later, and he shivered slightly as he looked at the snowfall outside, the click of the window wipers pushing it away.
“Aw,” Eve teased, “cold?”
“Y-Yeah,” he said, his teeth starting to chatter. The car was warm, but at his size… well, he wouldn’t have minded going back in her purse.
“Don’t worry,” she said with a wink, “I’ll take care of you.” She reached to take his body, pleased to feel his hardness as she drew him closer to her. She paused at her chest, considering stuffing him in her bra, that would certainly keep him warm and out of sight… but there was another place that would do the job just as well. She gave a high-pitched giggle as she unbuttoned her pants, shooting a quick look around to make sure the parking lot was still abandoned.
Evan seemed to guess her intentions, and his face went red as she pulled the hem of her panties back, revealing the dark curls of her pubic hair. He could smell the familiar tang of her arousal as she stuffed him in, the back of her panties pressing him into her like a tight hammock. Her powerful fingers pressed against his back, shoving him down as the coarse hair rubbed against his face. His legs, then his torso, and finally his face, were directly in front of a pussy that seemed to emanate heat and humidity, like a portal to some far-off jungle waiting to consume him.
“Goodbye,” she said with a playful wave, letting the panties snap back into place. She buttoned up her pants next, completely cutting off his light.
Eve drove out of the parking lot, struggling to keep a straight face as her tiny captive squirmed inside her underwear. Evan was being embraced by her outer lips, the warmth driving away the brief chill the outside air had given him as the oily juices began to coat his body. He could hear the soft thump of her heartbeat as she shifted in her seat, forcing him tighter into that wet and pungent crevice.
“Oh yeah,” Eve whispered, biting her lip as she pulled into the grocery store parking lot. She cupped the crotch of her pants, grinding Evan against her in his hidden prison. She took a moment to calm herself down. “Hey,” she said with a grin, “try to keep still for the next fifteen minutes or so, I’m going in the store.”
Evan could hear her muffled voice, and coated in her juices he could tell exactly how much she was enjoying even his smallest movements in here. He was rock hard, the powerful pheromones causing his mind to get slightly hazy. Unconsciously he started humping against her, the feeling of her warm wet flesh like heaven against him.
Eve could feel what he was doing, and while his thrusts were too small to really pleasure her on their own, the motion did turn her on a little. She bit her lip and stifled a giggle as she placed a few cans of yams into a shopping basket, along with a bag of marshmallows.
Evan was close to orgasm, the tight warmth and aroma of her womanhood overwhelming all of his senses as he fought against her. Some part of him wanted to rebel against her still though, and so with a grin he reached up, fumbling around the wet folds of flesh until he found a nub of flesh near the top that just a bit smaller than his head. He started rubbing it in a slow circular wax-on motion…
Eve grunted as a jolt of pleasure rocked up her body, and she knocked over a display of green beans by accident. Muttering a quick apology to an annoyed looking store clerk she stumbled towards the front of the store.
“Fuck,” she muttered under her breath, he wasn’t stopping… She took a deep breath and forced herself to focus, she could do this! Another wave of pleasure almost caused her to fall to her knees, and with a pleading look she glanced at a row of cash registers that now looked perilously far away.
Evan felt the warmth from the mammoth opening above him increase, and from his hammock in her panties he could feel the tremors shaking across her body. In the dark he grinned, and reached up another hand, slowly massaging that tender orb like a crystal ball.
“Did you find everything okay?” the bored cashier asked, scanning the yams.
“Yep!” Eve squeaked, glancing to her car in the parking lot. Her body quaked again and she worried that she’d scream. The cashier frowned, slowly running the second can of yams again over the scanner, then again, and again… “COULD YOU HURRY UP!?” Eve almost shouted, drawing the attention of everyone in the store.
“Label looks broken,” he muttered, “I’d better just call a manager or something-“
“Forget that one!” Eve shouted, “J-Just -ohgod- just get the marshmallows!”
The clerk shrugged, and Eve sighed and almost collapsed onto the kiosk as he finished bagging up her groceries. She bolted for the car as fast as she could, fighting the urge to drop to her knees and grind her tiny tormenter into herself. She slammed the door just in time, and she shouted a series of swears as she collapsed into her seat, pleasure rocking her body as her orgasm came in full. Evan’s arrived at the same time, the motion of her quaking body driving him over the edge, his pleasure muffled and concealed from the outside world by the giant woman’s underwear.
“Fuck me,” she panted, looking in the rear-view mirror she saw how flushed she was, and scowled. She patted the crotch of her pants, “hey! You in there! I’m driving now, so if you do that again, you could kill us!”
Evan laughed almost the rest of the way home, enjoying the warmth and softness of her most intimate body heat. As he let himself go limp, falling back into the now very pungent panties, he decided that his holiday as Eve’s slave was off to a good start.
“Look at you,” Eve muttered, holding the still naked and glistening man up to her face. She sniffed him idly and pulled away with a giggle, “you smell like sex,” she teased. She dangled him back and forth from one arm, letting the scent waft slightly through the kitchen.
“Just put me on the counter so I can go wash up,” he said.
“No way!” she said, poking his stomach and causing him to sway back and forth, “you are going to stay smelling like my cunt until your goddess deigns to wash you!”
“Deigns to wash me?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “Seriously Eve, I promise I’ll come right back, I’ve got a little shower set up in the walls and-“
“Tiny pet men do not wash themselves,” she said with an imperious sniff, “you get scrubbed off in the sink with nice girly hand soap and ice-cold tap water.”
“Looking forward to it,” he muttered as she lowered him down to the counter. “Can I have my clothes?”
“Tomorrow? Sure. Today? Not a chance,” she giggled. “Now, tell me the recipe for these yams you wanted to make…”
Laurie pulled up to Evan’s house, idling in the driveway as Eve brought Evan out. The other woman was carrying a covered tray of Thanksgiving yams. Evan was in her gloved hand, shielded from the chilly fall wind by the thick wool. Laurie opened the car door, letting Eve put the dish in and depositing the tiny man in the cupholder.
“Hey Evan,” Laurie said with a smirk, “nice duds!”
“Thanks,” he muttered, a little embarrassed. He was wearing a small tuxedo, and his normally wild hair was styled and combed, courtesy of a shrinkee grooming kit Eve had purchased and insisted he use.
“I picked it out, isn’t it just adorable!?” Eve said, clasping her hands together excitedly.
“Adorable,” Laurie mused, “yeah Evan, you’re adorable…” She sniffed the air a moment, then frowned. She picked up Evan, who protested feebly, and held him up to her nose. “What is that?” she laughed, “you smell like a girl on prom night!”
“It’s Lady Delilah’s peach smoothie deluxe bodywash and shampoo,” Eve said with a giggle, “from their store down at the mall. I picked it out for him.”
“Peach smoothie deluxe,” Laurie repeated, “Evan… is everything okay? Did she… did she get you?”
“Not yet,” Eve muttered.
“I’m letting her have a little fun for the weekend,” Evan said, “Don’t worry about it.”
Laurie’s mouth was a tight line, then she turned to Eve, “well, are you coming?”
Eve blinked, “Am I invited?”
“If you don’t have anyone to spend Thanksgiving with, then yeah, get in,” Laurie said impatiently.
Laurie’s house was a single-story ranch style, and from the cars in the driveway Eve guessed she wasn’t the only guest. As they got out of the car, Evan held in Lauri’s hand and Eve carrying the dish, Laurie stopped.
“Hey Eve,” she said offhandedly, “I know this might not be your kind of crowd, but my family is very pro-tiny rights, so I’m going to introduce you as Evan’s girlfriend, and you should just go with that.”
“Girlfriend!?” Evan and Eve both said at the same time.
“You live together, you’re apparently bumping uglies, I don’t know what else you’d call that,” Laurie muttered.
“I uh-“ Evan began, “we’re not like-“
“He’s not my-“ Eve started.
“Guys,” Laurie chuckled, “you’re giving me second hand embarrassment. Come on, let’s go inside.”
Laurie had what seemed like a dozen family members over, cousins, a mess of brothers, sisters, and cousins, all as blond as she was. Most of them were crowded around a TV, watching a football game eagerly. Several shouted greetings at Evan, and Laurie dumped him off on a couch armrest to catch up with a crowd that didn’t seem to notice or care that he was four inches tall, though as she followed Laurie into the kitchen Eve did hear a lot of teasing about the tuxedo… She felt her face go red, and suddenly felt bad about making him wear it.
She placed the dish in the kitchen with the rest of Laurie’s Thanksgiving Day feast, she turned to go, but Laurie caught her arm. The other woman handed her a beer and a bottle opener, and while Eve didn’t particularly care for the stuff, she popped the cap as Laurie did the same.
“I felt like we should have a little chat,” Laurie said quietly, “While Evan is off catching up with my family.”
“Uh, okay,” Eve said, confused.
“I’m curious, why the hell are you still around?” Laurie asked, taking a sip.
“I haven’t got Evan yet,” she said uncertainly.
“You think that’s an okay thing to do to someone?” Laurie asked, “just… kidnap them I guess, and take their stuff?” She chewed her lip, fighting a smile and enjoying how uncomfortable she was making Eve, “Evan’s been pretty nice to you, all things considered. You think he deserves that? Because a law said you could?”
“You know it’s fucked up,” Laurie continued, “you know it’s wrong, just like all the other people doing this, but you’re trying to do it anyway.”
“That’s how it is,” Eve said angrily, “if you’re in a position where people can take from you, they will, it’s not fair but-“
“I’m going to assume you had a pretty shitty childhood if that’s how you think,” Laurie said darkly. Eve started to say something, but Laurie cut her off, “I don’t need to hear about it, things weren’t great for most of us here today. Evan in there?” She gestured to the living room, and the sound of cheering came as the local team scored. Laurie allowed herself a brief smile before turning back to Eve, “Evan is the guy who brought us food when we didn’t have any, and when my mom’s second husband put hands on my brothers, or me?” She smirked at the memory, “he was seventeen then, but he gave a grown ass man with fifty pounds on him the beating of a lifetime.”
The two of them were quiet a moment, and Eve felt an overwhelming sense of guilt, like she hadn’t felt in a long time. She thought of Evan, in there with people who loved him, and she’d dressed him like a Ken doll and used that stupid shampoo on him… Why? To mess with his head? To humiliate him? And he’d just laughed it off…
“I…” she paused, not sure what to say.
“Don’t give me one more line about how everyone’s out for themselves and we’ve got to kick people when they’re down,” Laurie said, “because that guy in there that you’re kicking? He only ever tried to help people back up.”
“What should I do then?” Eve asked quietly, “you’re right, I’ve known you’re right for a while now, but…” she sighed, not sure what else to say.
“Do you care about him?” Laurie asked quietly, “Do you…” she didn’t mention the L word, letting the question hang in the air.
Eve took way longer than she’d expected to answer, “I… maybe I do, I don’t know…”
“Then keep doing what you’re doing,” Laurie said finally, “keep trying to catch him. He was not in a good place before you moved in, and nothing I could give him was helping.” She drained the last of the beer, slamming it on the counter, “Now though? He’s his old self. He no longer thinks being tiny means he’s useless, he’s confident he can stand toe to toe with full sized people. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have come here today if he hadn’t been playing this back-and-forth thing with you.” She paused, “Just maybe… don’t plan on the finishing move, if you get me? No chipping, no vet, none of that shrinkee guardian take-his-shit stuff.”
“Yeah,” Eve said, sipping her own drink, “I guess that makes sense… we’ll leave the law out of it.”
“Not quite what I wanted, but it’s a start,” Laurie growled.
“I’m still going to get him,” Eve insisted, “but… no, he’s not going to be my slave, okay? Not really anyway…” She thought a moment, “Laurie, did you ever have feelings for-“
“Overstepping,” Laurie growled, “Go tell everyone in there the turkey is almost ready.”
Eve held Evan in her hand, watching Laurie’s truck drive away. She’d dropped them off back at home, it was suitably late and after eating an expertly prepared Thanksgiving meal with Laurie and her family both of them were ready to crash.
“It was great to see some of those guys again,” Evan muttered, “I’ve been kind of avoiding gatherings since shrinking… just felt kind of weird.”
“They all seem to care a lot about you,” Eve said, setting him on the ground, “I’ll just uh, get out of here, so you can go in one of your hidey holes…”
He frowned, looking up at her, “I’m yours until Monday, remember?”
“Let’s just forget about it,” she said, yawning, “I feel like I sort of cheated to get you to agree to that…”
“Nope, a deal’s a deal,” Evan said, crossing his arms, “besides, if we start breaking promises to each other, then this game is just a free for all, isn’t it?”
“Yeah…” Eve said, shifting slightly, “Well uh, your goddess orders you to go put on your regular clothes.”
“I usually sleep in the nude,” he said, “they don’t really make good pajamas in doll size.”
Eve fought a blush as she reached for him, “Uh, well then, since you’re sleeping with me... Just let me get those clothes off you then…”
It might still be a fun weekend after all, she decided.