The office Christmas party was almost always a dull affair, and with it being overseen by Amber this year, Eve almost found herself dreading it. Amber’s promotion had come as something of a surprise to the office, a lot of other people apparently thought it was more office politics than merit, something Eve knew for sure was true. The redheaded woman was laughing around the snack table, a new group of cronies around her following her every word. Amber definitely had a way with gathering people around her, and the way she’d deliberately excluded Eve from her conversation was felt.
Eve listened to the laughter, feeling a chill and a bit of anger as the four women glanced in her direction, giggling to themselves again. She was out the outs with Amber now, no doubt about it, for whatever reason the woman had taken Eve’s “failure” with Evan as an almost personal slight. After years of making sure she was in the cool kid’s circle, Eve was suddenly cast out. She took a sip of her punch with a sigh.
“Hey Eve,” Charles called. She glanced down at the table where the tiny man was standing. He had an adorable little suit on, one of the perks of working for a shrinkee-friendly company she supposed, and a small crumb of the holiday cake in one hand. He’d only taken an extra few days off from work after shrinking, impressive all things considered.
“Hey,” she said uncomfortably. She didn’t know how to start a conversation with a man she’d spent so much time tormenting with Amber… “How’s uh, how are things?”
He seemed to notice how she felt, and he gave her a quick smile, “You know it’s funny, I was so scared of being small… now that it’s happened, it’s just a thing, like when I lost my hair.” He brushed his head over his balding head and laughed, Eve joined in.
“Is everyone being nice?” Eve asked quietly.
Charles scowled, “Amber ‘accidentally’ stepped on me after ‘accidentally’ knocking me off my desk this morning. I can’t believe they promoted her, this branch is spiraling, I tell you…”
“Sorry about that,” Eve said quietly.
He rolled his eyes, “work is hell, and hell has some demons.” He gave her a quick grin, “it hasn’t been all bad, some things with my wife have been… interesting.” He gulped and looked away; red faced. “Anyway,” he continued, “try to relax over the holidays Eve, I know it might sound silly coming from someone who’s tiny, but you’ve seemed a little out of it lately.” He took a bite of the cake crumb, “you know the doctors say I can eat as much of this kind of stuff as I want now, silver linings, right?”
“I’d almost take shrinking if it meant no more counting calories,” Eve agreed, looking at her own slice with a frown. She paused, not sure if she’d offended Charles, but he laughed at the joke, and she joined in a moment later.
The sky was a dark grey as she pulled into the driveway of Evan’s house, the snow quickly collecting on her coat as she walked inside. She sighed and dusted herself off, in theory she had one more day of work before she took her holiday leave, but looking at weather report on her phone, she would be taking that vacation a day early.
She kicked off her shoes with a sigh, the slush of the melting snow dripping on the towel she kept by the door for that purpose.
“Welcome home!” Evan said, dangling off the mantle above the fireplace. He had a Christmas cookie half the size of his body sitting next to him, a surprising amount eaten off of it.
“I can already see how this is going to end,” Eve said with a smirk, “you’ll keep snacking on sweets, and then one day you’ll be too fat to run away.”
“Marshmallow will ferry me to safety,” he declared. With a flourish he leapt off the mantle, landing in a crouch next to the cat who jerked awake, looking at him curiously. Stretching the cat let Evan climb on his back, and the tiny man gave her a smug glance as the cat bounded away into the next room.
Eve sighed and rolled her eyes, not bothering to pursue him. He’d spent most of the month making new secret entrances, sealing up some of his old ones with what she was pretty sure was hot glue. How the hell did he manage THAT she wondered? The energy bill was always suspiciously high, what did he get up to behind the drywall?
“Evan!” she called.
“What?” his voice replied from up in the vent.
“Do you want to go get a Christmas tree?” She glanced out at the falling snow, “there’s a lot a few miles up the road, we could get there and back before the storm hits-“
“Christmas truce doesn’t kick in for two days,” he called back, “So… go get a spruce, they last longer than pine.”
“I don’t know the difference,” she said, crossing her arms, “I’ve only had like two Christmas trees in my life.”
“They label them,” Evan shouted, “and… only two Christmas trees? Did your parents just hate holidays?”
“I…” she pushed down a quick surge of emotion, “I didn’t spend a lot of Christmases with them.” There was an awkward silence, and she cleared her throat, “Anyways… could you just come with me?”
“No,” Evan replied, “truce is in two days.”
Eve sighed angrily and went to the kitchen. She quickly pulled a box from a storage drawer that she had been saving for a special occasion. Quickly unwrapping the flypaper, she carried it to the garage, flipping on the light and looking for her sporting equipment. She hadn’t played tennis in years, but she still had the racket, and she slowly wrapped the flypaper around it, sticking the end. She waved it through the air a few moments approvingly, the flypaper stayed in place, and as she tapped a finger against it she was pleased with how sticky it was.
She walked back into the living room, seeing that Marshmallow had resumed his usual spot lounging in front of the fireplace. She bent down and gently stroked his head, hearing him purr happily as she positioned herself between him and the vent, cutting off line of sight.
“OH NO, MARSHMALLOW!” she cried in her best terrified voice.
The cat looked at her quizzically, his tail swishing back and forth.
“What!?” Evan called in panic from the vent.
“It’s horrible!” Eve said in faux horror, “h-he’s bad Evan, real bad he’s-“
Evan’s tiny form came running, seemingly from nowhere as usual, all but ignoring Eve as he ran to the cat’s side. Evan’s panic turned to confusion, as Marshmallow meowed at him curiously, then at Eve’s movement the cat darted away, leaving Evan to realize he’d been duped.
“Oof!” he grunted as the wind was knocked out of him as the wide tennis racket came down, pinning him to the floor. There was a ripping sound like a sticker being peeled off a shirt as Eve’s makeshift sticky-racket came up, and with it Evan’s body. He was stuck in a T-shaped pose, his legs below him and his arms out at his sides. He struggled against the flypaper feebly, but the gooey material easily held him as Eve lifted the racket to her face.
“Evan,” she giggled, “I was thinking, I REALLY want to start our truce early, yeah Christmas eve isn’t for another two days… but I think we should just forget about that whole tiny-catching thing and enjoy the extra time, what do you think?”
“That was a low blow, telling me the cat was hurt,” Evan muttered.
Eve giggled and spun the racket in her hand, rotating his body and making him dizzy, “come on Evan,” she pouted, “go with me to the Christmas tree lot! I’ll let you go afterwards!”
“F-FINE!” he said, trying to keep his lunch down. Her spinning the racket was just a slight movement of her hands, for him it was like a theme park ride, and he’d never really liked them.
“That’s the spirit, now hold still.”
She reached for him, her fingers squishing against the gooey flypaper as they curled around him. He grimaced as she started to pull.
“Uh, Eve, wait a sec-“
The sound of his clothing tearing away echoed through the room. He shouted in pain as some of his leghairs came away too, thankfully what was on his head held, but it felt like having someone take a fistful of it and pull as hard as they could.
“FUCK!” he shouted.
“Ah,” Eve muttered, looking at the remains of his clothing on the racket, “sorry…” she brought him over to the sink and turned the water to warm, quickly washing the rest of the goop of his naked body. Evan just looked at her crossly, and her face went red. “I didn’t think it would be THAT sticky… if you want to stay here-“
“You already caught me and destroyed my clothes,” he said, rolling his eyes, “let’s just go to the tree lot…”
She frowned, “do you have a little coat or something?”
“Yeah, but it’s not any good in this kind of weather,” he said, looking out at the falling snowflakes, “at this size you’ve just got to stay inside when it’s cold.”
A smile crossed Eve’s face, and she giggled slightly as she lifted him up higher. She was wearing a festive dark green turtleneck sweater, and with one finger she pulled the neck aside, opening up the chasm inside to Evan. He looked down and his eyes went wide as he saw her waiting breasts, held up by a neat white pushup bra.
“Try to stay warm!” she laughed, dropping him in.
He bounced on the warm flesh, sliding easily into her cleavage. There was just the slightest amount of sweat, brought on by Eve’s trip home wearing both the thick sweater and her winter coat, and also the floral smell of the rose body wash she loved.
With a small snapping sound her turtleneck high above him closed up again, sealing him in darkness as he drifted further down into the space between her breasts, the warm flesh sliding against his naked body.
Eve hummed the tune to “Beginning to look a lot like Christmas” as she slipped her coat on. She zipped it up quickly, squeezing Evan even further into his fleshy prison. From outside she felt him squirming against her, and as she started the car, she couldn’t help but reaching up to her chest and giving it a quick shake.
Evan’s world shook, and just as he was finding purchase, he was thrown down, headfirst into the depths of Eve’s cleavage. Between the push up bra and the thick layers of clothing she was wearing, he had little chance of escape. As he felt himself grow hard from the motion of the soft flesh against him, he decided that wasn’t such a bad thing. He settled in, relaxing as the tender embrace of her soft bosom shielded him from the cold outside, with the drumbeat of her heartbeat in his ear he began to feel oddly calm, sleepy even.
Eve drove through the falling snow, wipers clicking in time to Jingle Bells on the radio. Snow wasn’t coming down fast enough to be dangerous yet, and according to the weather reports interspersed with the Christmas songs she probably had a good hour before she really needed to get back home. Eve couldn’t help but rock back and forth, dancing slightly in her seat to the festive music.
For the tiny man stuck deep between her breasts it was a somewhat surreal experience, with the world cut off his senses were dominated by the lingering smell of Eve’s soap mixed with the day’s worth of sweat worked up from wearing layered clothing. The muffled Christmas songs seemed to reverberate along her skin as he fell deeper, almost into a trance as he slid along the soft skin that was molding around him, embracing him. With every one of Eve’s playful movements, she was unknowingly giving him a jolt of pleasure as her breasts slide up and around him, her skin making contact with his most intimate places almost like the deliberate touch of a lover.
Eve had no idea her innocent motions were causing Evan’s world to melt. She felt him squirming, trying to climb out maybe? No, she thought with a chuckle as “Frosty the Snowman” started playing, he wasn’t going anywhere!
Evan felt himself nearing a peak, and powerless to escape the grip of Eve’s boobs or reach for his own manhood, he decided to go limp, surrendering himself to the ravages of the bouncing flesh around him. It had to be his imagination, but his surrender almost seemed to be known by the soft pillows that held him captive, and he smiled as they eagerly pressed in around him, and a moment later he sprayed his seed, unable to see it swallowed up in the darkness of Eve’s cleavage.
Eve froze as she pulled into the tree lot. She felt a small wet spot beneath her sweater and fought down a giggle. Had he really…? She unzipped the front of her coat and reached down the neck of her sweater, fumbling in the confines of her bra for Evan. She found his leg a moment later, and slowly pulled him up. His hair was mussed and he had a slightly dazed look in his eyes, hanging upside down limply from her fingers.
“Evan,” she asked in a playful tone, “did you cum in my tits?”
“Yeah,” he rasped, blinking, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.”
“Us big girls can be kind of overwhelming, huh,” Eve said with a grin, “it’s okay, call it an early Christmas gift.”
Evan blinked and shook his head, collecting himself as she righted him, “Can you stick me in your purse or something? It’s really cold out here,” he shivered a bit, even in her open palm inside the warmed car.
“Don’t you want to see the trees?” she asked with a frown.
“I’m a shrinkee Eve, cold is not my friend,” he explained, “also… there could be people I know out here, I don’t really want to be carried around naked.”
“Oh,” She bit her lip, “give me a minute…” She looked through her purse for a tissue or something. She felt another quick pang of guilt for ruining his clothes. Shrinkees were, in a manner of speaking, always “clothing optional” anyway, a sort of legal leftover from the early days of the shrinking virus when tiny clothes weren’t widespread. Now, years into things, it was hardly a secret that some people kept shrinkees naked as a humiliation tactic, enforcing their status…
She sighed, she was mentally still slotting him as a “shrinkee” rather than a person in spite of her best efforts apparently. She pulled the turtleneck sweater away from her skin, sliding him down until only his head was sticking out, then releasing the tight fabric and letting it contort around her again. Evan’s head stuck out just below her chin, the sweater’s neck covering him while giving him a good view and keeping him warm.
“Comfy?” She asked.
“Very,” he called up. The sweater itself was a bit scratchy, but it was thick, and the warmth from her neck kept the cold from biting him too much as she stepped out of the car.
Eve finished setting up the Christmas tree in the living room, taking a moment to admire it. She’d put Evan back on the ground with another apology about the clothes, but he didn’t seem to mind as he did his usual disappearing act. A few moments later he reappeared, a fresh set of doll clothing on as he watched her place a series of store-bought ornaments on the tree.
Marshmallow meowed softly, and gently batted at a few of the bright plastic bulbs. Eve picked him up and then opened another box, a small star shaped ornament that said “first Christmas together!” and had a slot below where a picture could be inserted.
“Evan,” she called, “come over here and take a picture with me and that cat for this.”
“First Christmas together?” He asked, raising an eyebrow, “that’s awfully optimistic, don’t you think?”
She frowned, “What do you mean?”
“Well, the implication is that you’re going to catch me, and we’ll spend every Christmas together,” he said, moving closer.
“Maybe I just renew the lease at the end of the year, and even if I never catch you, we spend every Christmas together anyway?” She said, lowering her hand.
“I don’t know,” Evan said, stepping into her palm, “your capture efforts have been kind of lazy lately, I might need to up my game by letting a crack team of tiny hunting special forces supermodels move in next year.”
“Lazy?” she asked, fighting a laugh, “I got you like a couple hours ago!” She lifted him up on her shoulder and let him grab a strand of her hair for balance.
“By telling me the cat was in trouble!” he protested, “which is cheating!”
“Do you think your elite team of tiny hunting supermodels are going to play by the same silly set of rules I do?” She asked, angling the phone to take the photo.
He smiled with her, listening to the click of the camera, “I guess you’ve got me there,” he joked, “I’ll keep you around until I work my skills up enough to beat the best.”
“Those look great,” Eve said, looking at the photos with a smile. She quickly texted one to him, “I’ll print it off later for the ornament.” She let Marshmallow drop to the floor, and the cat returned to continue his examination of the tree. She looked at it again too, “it really is a nice tree,” she said quietly.
She glanced back at the tiny man on her shoulder, “So Evan, are we officially on early truce?” she asked with a grin.
“I guess,” he said with a shrug, “why?”
“Just a thought I was having,” she laughed, “like, if you were still trying to get away from me, I’d have to keep you somewhere…” She walked towards the door, next to her usual office heels were a pair of winter boots. They had a fuzzy interior, designed to keep the wearer’s feet padded and warm.
Evan thought about leaping off her shoulder and running. She was too slow to grab him if he did, he was pretty sure anyway, but at the same time he felt his manhood stir, and wondered where she was going with this. He shot a glance out the window, seeing the road now fully covered by a thick sheet of snow. She wasn’t going anywhere, he reasoned, even if she did decide to break their truce there wouldn’t be a vet visit today… He was safe to play with her, he decided.
“Where did you have in mind?” he said slowly.
Eve picked up one of the boots, “well that’s the thing Evan, I couldn’t just leave you in a container or something, you’re too smart, you’d figure a way out.” She held the boot up closer to his spot on her shoulder, letting the slight sweaty smell wash over him slightly as the mouth loomed below him.
“Uh, thanks,” he said, fighting the urge to leap into the boot. Damn, that foot thing about shrinkees has GOT to be true…
“Now obviously it’s pretty fun keeping you in my panties,” she giggled, “but then you can pretty easily set me off too… won’t work if I’m stealing you, now will it?”
“Probably not,” he rasped.
“The bra works, it’ll keep you nice and busy, cumming your little brains out,” she joked, shaking her breasts slightly, “but… still, kind of easy to escape, once you get to that post-nut clarity, huh?”
“Probably would be,” he agreed, looking to the boot again.
“I think I’d probably stuff you in the bottom of some footwear, something like this,” she giggled, wiggling the boot back and forth and letting the smell hit him again. “I’ve actually got to shovel the steps, so I guess I’ll need these for that…” she said, looking outside. She shifted her shoulder slightly, and Evan cried out in surprise as he tumbled down the long tunnel of her winter boot. He landed with a grunt on the faux fur interior, the soft fibers cushioning the blow as the smell of Eve’s sweat grew stronger. “Oh no!” Eve said, covering her mouth, “Evan, you fell in!”
“Okay, I get what you’re doing,” he laughed, very aware of how aroused he’d become.
Eve shrugged, “you should take advantage of this, you might have to escape from this boot someday, try to figure out a strategy!” She laughed at his expression as she lowered the boot back to the ground.
Evan watched, awestruck, as her socked foot crowded out the light of the hole above, slipping into the furred boot with a slow deliberate movement that forced him towards the darkness of the toe. From behind her sock her toes cradled his head, pushing him down into the soft furred interior as she started lacing the winter footwear up.
Eve placed a pair of earbuds in, smiling to herself as she felt Evan squirm against her foot. She lifted her phone, taking a quick look at the picture of her, Evan, and Marshmallow, and after setting it as her background, she started playing another round of Christmas music. The tune of Good King Wenceslas followed her to the garage as she went for the snow shovel.
Evan felt the pressure of her foot pressing down on him, the heat and scent of her socked sole permeating his world as his skin and clothing were marinated in the odor of the well-worn boots. Even through the fabric of the sock and his own pants, ever press and movement was kneading him in just the right way, and he gave a muffled groan of pleasure that never left the confines of the fake fur and foot surrounding him.
Eve shoveled the snow, scrunching her toes playfully around Evan’s head as her head bobbed back and forth to the music. She felt him begin grinding against her through the sock, and she smirked, certain that she’d have to wash the pair, and get her tiny friend a new change of clothes. She pressed down on the freshly shoveled concrete, gently grinding her boot back and forth, really upping the pressure on Evan’s body.
He gasped, the mix of sensations too much as he found himself brought to orgasm for the second time by the smallest movements of Eve’s body. He leaned back, panting, fighting for air as her socked toes came down again, muffling his cries of pleasure. Shrinkees didn’t need much air, he’d never tested quite how long he could go without it, but he was sure that he was in no danger… still, the overwhelming essence of Eve’s feet was making him lightheaded.
Fuck, he thought, exhausted, she really is a goddess… He laughed, the sound unheard by anyone but him and Eve’s sock.
“Merry Christmas to my favorite little stocking stuffer,” Eve said with a smile as she saw Evan appear in the living room on Christmas morning.
“No elf jokes?” he called, “missed opportunity.”
She shrugged, a steaming cup of hot cocoa in her hand and a sleeping grey cat in her lap, “For next year,” she said with a smirk. “Go on, open a present.”
He frowned, looking at a series of boxes that had appeared under the tree, “Where did those come from?” he asked.
“Santa came,” Eve giggled, “seriously, go open one!”
He shrugged, walking over to the space beneath the tree and selecting a box that looked manageable, and by manageable he meant only twice as large as he was. He started ripping the rapping paper off, and his eyes went wide as he saw a series of outfits in his size, sealed in clamshell plastic packaging.
“These look great,” he murmured, looking over a leather jacket and jeans combo, “these aren’t doll clothes, are they?”
“There are a few companies that make real, quality, clothes for people your size,” Eve explained, “kind of pricey, but I figured after all of your doll outfits I’ve ruined you deserved something nice.”
“Thanks,” he said, a smile lighting up his face, “I uh… I got you something too. Or Laurie did, I told her what to get and she went to the mall for me. Go check the empty room upstairs.”
Eve gave a curious smile, and setting her cup down and causing the cat to scamper off, she walked up the stairs. The empty bedroom didn’t have anything in it, and she was pretty sure she hadn’t been inside since the first day she’d been here, trying to catch Evan. In the center of the room, she saw a pair of wrapped gifts. She picked them up, carrying them down to where Evan and Marshmallow were waiting.
“I’d have put them under the tree,” he explained, “but…” he gestured to his body, “you know, tiny…”
“It’s fine,” she said, tearing the wrapping paper off her first gift. She frowned as she realized it was a book, a woman in camo fatigues on the cover held a squirming half naked man in her hand. “Tiny Hunting, A Pro’s Guide?” Eve laughed, “you bought a tiny hunting guide for a woman who is actively trying to capture you?”
“It’s the ultimate flex,” he said, hands on his hips, “consider yourself on notice.” She started laughing, a tirade that went so long she was fighting to catch her breath.
“Okay,” she wheezed finally, “let’s see what else we have here…” she unwrapped her next gift, a box of expensive soaps from Lady Delilah’s. She beamed with excitement as she lifted one of the bottles out of the box, opening the cap and sniffing the fragrance. “I love it! How’d you know what store I like?”
“You uh, washed me down with some of that stuff last month,” he said, his face red.
“Oh,” she said with an embarrassed chuckle, “uh, right…” She pursed her lips, “well, if you wanted to try some of this… maybe we could take a bath together later?” She smiled at his reaction, “I mean, if you could stand to be scrubbed down with Lady Delilah’s again.”
“A bath together?” he said, a lustful grin on his face, “if the cost of admission is letting you go to town on me with that stuff, then sure.”
“Goody,” she giggled. “Open your next one!”
Evan was surprised at just how much Eve had gotten him, and his eyes went wide as he saw a condo bedroom in his size, advertising itself as complete with a bed and flushing toilet. He walked around it, amazed at all the features the unit supposedly contained.
“This thing looks pretty nice,” he mused, “is this my cage for if you ever get me?”
“That thing has no security features on it at all,” she said with a chuckle, “there’s a retractable roof if you want me to look in on you, but the switch for it is tiny sized and on the inside.”
“That’s not going to be great at keeping me from escaping,” he said quietly.
“Nope,” she said with a small smile. “If you want to hide it in the attic or something, I can go out for a day and Laurie can do it for you… or if you want, I could just put it on my dresser.”
“Thanks,” he said awkwardly. He stepped away from it, and he didn’t flee as she reached down to pick him up.
“Let’s watch something,” Eve said, turning to the TV and hoping to fill the awkward silence. She clicked the remote, and the opening credits of “It’s a Wonderful Life,” began to play.
What am I doing? Evan wondered, this woman wants to own me… He felt her warm fingers curl around him as he sat in her lap, and as smell of her hand soap wafted up to him, comforting him as he squeezed further into her grip. Does she though? He’d been very sloppy the last few weeks, some of it on purpose, testing what she’d do… He wasn’t sure she was really trying to capture him anymore, at least not like she had been at the start. He felt an odd shame about the fact that he missed it, even if he enjoyed the intimacy brought on in its absence.
How would she react, he wondered, if we just… called it off? Only ever played cat and mouse for fun? It would be a risk, risking everything really… If this was all an act, or she changed her mind…
Eve reached up and stroked his hear with her thumb, enjoying the silky softness as her own thoughts troubled her.
It could just be like this all the time, she thought, this truce thing should just be how we always are… She sighed inwardly, What would he say if I told him I was the one giving up? She smirked slightly, imagining the jokes and the cocky laughter she’d have to endure from him, but it would be worth it.
She would commit to the game a little while longer, she decided, if only because she thought Laurie was right, Evan seemed so happy when he was eluding her. What more was there to do but enjoy the next few days when he’d let her hold him, play with him, and be with him to her heart’s content? Once the holidays were over, she’d have to work for it again… for a little while anyway.
The two sat together as the snow continued to fall outside, sealing them off from the world as they curled together on the couch, washed by the warm glow of the fireplace and the black and white motion picture screen.