“So, you two are official now?” Laurie asked, opening a can of Marshmallow’s food.
“Yeah,” Evan said with a shrug, walking along the counter. “I’m the winner.”
“Congratulations,” Laurie said sarcastically, lowering the dish for the cat, who meowed happily. “I have to admit, she turned out to not be as much of an evil bitch as I expected.”
“As much?” Evan asked, raising an eyebrow.
Laurie rolled her eyes, laying her palm for Evan to walk onto, “I’ve made some peace with the fact that you want a woman who is a little evil.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked as she lowered him towards her purse.
Laurie looked down at him for a long moment, Here I am, she thought, about to go help the only guy who I ever gave a shit about buy a Valentine’s Day gift for another woman… She closed her eyes and forced a laugh.
“Nothing Evan,” Laurie said. “So, what store are we hitting?”
“So I was over at the steakhouse with this guy, right?” Amber laughed, “and there’s some fucking tiny dude at the table over from us.” The redhead stirred her coffee, savoring the attention from the women around her. “So I took a straw, curled up some of the paper wrapper and…” She giggled, pausing for effect, “I shot a fucking spitball at him!”
“Oh my god!” Sandy laughed, “what did he do?”
“He fell over the side after I nailed him in the face,” Amber continued as the girls around her roared with laughter, “his date or girlfriend or whatever was scrambling on the floor looking for him, and they didn’t see who did it!”
“What did your date say?” Diane asked eagerly.
“He thought it was hilarious,” Amber said dismissively, “he loved it so much he’s taking me to his cabin next weekend.”
Because you’re easy, Eve thought bitterly. She smiled in spite of her thoughts, stirring her own coffee and feigning amusement at Amber’s anecdote. She was at the edge of the group in the break room, and while she hated herself for it, she had found life at the office in Amber’s circle far preferable to life outside it.
“So Eve,” Amber said, disturbing her thoughts, “What’s the update on your tiny guy?”
“I’ve got him pretty well housebroken,” Eve lied, “the other day I had a little fun with him…”
“Oh shit,” Diane laughed, “give us details girl!”
“I uh…” Eve stammered. She decided the best move was the truth, or something close to it, “I put him in my underwear while I went to the store, to show him his place!”
“Kinky,” Amber giggled, “front or back?”
“Uh, front,” Eve said quickly, and the women laughed around her, Sandy slapped her back playfully.
“So, when are you getting that little shit chipped?” Amber asked, leaning against the counter.
“Whenever,” Eve said with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes, “I’m still sort of… easing him in to things. He’s mine now, that’s what matters, right?”
“I guess,” Amber said, rolling her eyes, “Personally I’d take him in for it first day, hell I might get my name tattooed on him!” She waved her hand in the air dramatically, “Property of Amber! Or maybe Amber’s Bitch Boy!”
The laughter went on a little longer, then Amber waved for them to be quiet, “Okay gals, our team building retreat is at a mountain spa a couple hours north of here, I think you’re really going to like it.”
“Anything interesting about it?” Diane asked, “skiing or something maybe?”
“It’s got ski rental,” Amber said with a shrug, “but the real special feature is… well it’s a surprise.”
Eve really didn’t like the look on her face when she said that, but giggled along with the rest anyways.
Tell her you don’t want to go, her conscience said, tell her you’re sick or something… But as much as she wanted to say something, she couldn’t. She sighed as she walked back to her desk, cursing herself for being a coward.
Eve walked inside the house, grinning as Marshmallow bounded up to greet her. She gave a quizzical smile as she saw the cat had a pair of red ribbons with heart patterns tied behind his ears. As the cat purred and rubbed against her legs, she took quick photo of him with her phone.
“Are you sure you can’t talk to animals?” Eve called to nowhere in particular.
“I keep telling you, no,” Evan laughed, appearing from behind the easy chair, “Marshmallow listens to me because he’s the best cat there is, I told him to let me put bows in his hair because I thought you’d like it, and so here we are.”
“Seriously, you should train dogs or something,” Eve said, watching the cat scratch at the bow irritably.
“That’s nothing,” Evan said, “I rode on a snake’s back once,” he did a quick surfing pose, pretending to balance on nonexistent waves. “Animals just love us tinies for some reason, all things considered it’s pretty lucky.”
Her eyes went wide, “Evan, what the fuck?”
“Please, that’s not even the scariest thing I’ve ever done,” Evan said, “one time, I wasn’t looking where I was going and stumbled into this spider web-“
“No more,” Eve said weakly, “I think I’m gonna puke…”
“Spiders are pussycats,” he said, and Marshmallow meowed for emphasis, “they’re really less scary at this size than-“
“Enough creepy crawlies!” Eve exclaimed, “It’s Valentine’s Day! I want to do a romantic dinner!” She quickly pulled out her phone and showed him a web advertisement she’d found, “Look, King Albert’s steakhouse, it says here they have special dishes for guys your size, there’s even a tiny chef!”
“Well, all right,” he said with a shrug. “I’ve been excavating a new tunnel system out back, so I need to get cleaned up first-“ He grunted as she swept him off his feet, her warm fingers curling around him as she lifted him to her face. She frowned slightly as she saw just how covered in dirt he was.
“Tunnel system?” She asked, “why do you need a tunnel system if we’re done playing chase?”
He shrugged, “you never know,” he said noncommittally, “besides, I can’t sit around here eating and sleeping all day like chubsy wubsy over there,” he jerked a finger at Marshmallow, who was already heading back to the kitchen for food.
“Hmm…,” Eve muttered, rotating him slightly and grimacing as she saw the mud soaking through his clothes, “Hold still!”
“Hey!” he protested as she pulled his shirt off in one smooth motion. Her hand turned, holding him upside down as her powerful fingers easily stripped the pants off in spite of his kicking legs. He was righted again, fully naked and gripped in Eve’s palm as she walked towards the kitchen, the imperious *click* *clack* of her heels on the tile complimenting her mischievous smile. He was already growing hard just from that, there was just something spectacular about how easily she could take control when she wanted.
“Okay,” Eve mused, “does my tiny boyfriend want…” She looked at the hand soaps by the sink, “Field of Roses?” she held him up to a red hand soap dispenser, and he could already smell the floral scent coming off the dried bits of it crusted around it.
“Uh, what else have you got?” he asked uncertainly.
She rolled her eyes, then reached under the sink, holding him in place as she bent over and withdrew a caramelly brown looking hand soap that seemed to catch the light. His eyes went wide as he read the label, and he couldn’t help but grin, fighting down laughter.
“Dr. Lumberjack’s Manly Soap: Untamed Frontier Scent,” Eve read, “Or as men secure in their masculinity call it, cedar. I got it after you kept complaining about me scrubbing you down with girly soap.”
“I love it!” he said, “now if you’ll let me have the warm tap water my life will be complete.”
“One time,” she said rolling her eyes, “I did the cold tap ONE TIME!” she flipped it on, holding a finger under the stream until she was satisfied the temperature was appropriate. “And for the record,” she said, shoving him under the warm waterfall, “I thought it was adorable how it made you snuggle up in that little towel.”
He tried to answer, but his head was thrust under the faucet, the stream of warm water quickly silencing him. Eve hummed happily to herself as she squirted a few drops of the cedar scented hand soap into her palm.
Her slick and powerful fingers ran up his body, forcefully driving the dirt and grime away as she scrubbed him. She giggled, taking extra time to rub the suds into his hair, then down his back. He yelped as she pinched his bottom, and she fought a laugh at his reaction as she continued lathering the suds into him.
It wasn’t long before those powerful fingers found their way between his legs, and she gave him a smug look as her enormous thumb traced against the side of his erection.
“Hmm…” She playfully mused, “this part here seems like it needs a little extra attention.”
She began rotating her thumb in a slow circular motion, and as Evan gasped and spasmed backwards, she brought her forefinger around, gripping his manhood and slowly picking up speed. The suds of the soap rose higher around him, covering his body as her hand pressed into him, squeezing along his slick skin as her other slowly and powerfully jerked him off.
He came in her hand, all of his cum quickly and easily being scrubbed away as she brought him back under the warm rushing water again. He gritted his teeth as the pleasure became overwhelming, and she mercilessly kept going, causing his eyes to roll back in his head as she finished cleaning him. The world almost seemed to blur as the mixed sensations of orgasm and the warm water flowing over him flooded his mind.
He blinked, the world coming back into focus as Eve delicately toweled him off with a small washcloth. She wrapped him up in it, keeping him warm as she held him up to her nose, taking a big whiff of the cedarwood scent she’d permeated his body with.
“There we go, nice and clean,” she said with a smile.
“Do I get to wash you?” He joked.
“Our reservations are in an hour,” Eve said with a smile, “unless you’ve got a tiny fire hose or something, I don’t think you have time. She bit her lip a moment, “I uh, have one other request.”
“What?” he asked, hugging the washcloth around him tightly.
“The tuxedo?” she asked weakly.
Eve hugged her coat around her, the bitter wind of February nipping at her skin as she walked up to the restaurant. Evan was snuggled deep in her purse, as tempting as the cleavage-carry had been, this was a more upscale place, and Evan was wearing a tuxedo that, while adorable, didn’t provide the best protection from the cold weather.
“Reservation for Eve O’Mara!” she said eagerly, pulling Evan out of her purse.
“Wonderful,” the receptionist said, “I assume you’d like shrinkee accommodations?”
“Yes please,” Eve said. The receptionist smiled, and led them to a circular booth style table. The rest of the restaurant had a shockingly high number of mixed-size couples as well, and as she placed Evan down on their table, he was amused to see an even smaller table and chair had been set up on it, complete with a tiny candle. It was still half as tall as he was, but the gesture was nice.
“Hey,” look over there,” Evan said quietly, pointing to another booth across from them. “Is that a tiny woman?”
“Don’t stare, that’s rude!” Eve hissed, but she spared a glance herself. A full-sized man was pushing a small thimble sized drink of something over to a giggling blonde woman Evan’s size, who picked it up with both hands to take a drink. “I’ve never even seen a tiny woman before,” she said after a moment “we’re a lot more resilient to the virus than you guys are…”
“Yeah,” Evan mused, looking at the thimble sized cup next to his own table. With a grunt he heft it up, drinking the ice water from it as best he could. “I think it’s like two percent of us can get it, and only like one in a thousand for you?” He froze a moment, “Eve!” he said quickly, “you’re tested right-“
“Last doctor’s appointment, I requested it specifically because I was trying to catch you at the time,” she said, stifling a laugh, “I had greasy skin all through high school, but I won the genetic lottery on that one at least, I’m totally immune to shrinking.” She gave him a wry grin, “even women who can get it can’t get the airborne one, so women who know they might shrink just avoid prolonged contact with tiny guys.” She shrugged, “I didn’t even think women could get it for a long time, I don’t think most women even think about it.”
“Lucky them,” Evan muttered, “you get that positive result, then you say ‘this time next year I’ll be tiny’ then it’s next month, then next week…” He chuckled and shook his head, “the last few days are the worst, you’re itchy as hell, and you get all feverish and a little crazy.” He smirked, “Laurie took care of me for my last few hours being big, she told me I was ranting about my plans for a new type of car that would run on manure.”
“Sounds cool,” Eve teased, “ever build it?”
He laughed, “no, once I woke up in Laurie’s hand the whole idea seemed a little silly.”
“Oh, come on,” she said reassuringly, “it’s not all bad, your immune system and everything is supercharged now, right?”
“I’ll never get sick again, or so they say,” he said with a shrug as he lifted his tiny menu, “also it’s nice to have shredded abs and never have to do any crunches, like I was always in good shape but I never had a six pack at full size.”
“Are you ready to order?” a waitress asked, walking over to them.
“Uh, I think there’s some kind of mistake,” Evan said, looking up at her, “this menu seems to have full sized prices on it?”
“Oh yes,” The waitress beamed, “the owner was actually a chef before he shrank, and he and his wife decided that this restaurant would be all about equality, so the menus are identical.”
“An interesting take on equality,” Evan muttered.
“Evan just relax and enjoy yourself,” Eve said, “you’re paying for the experience, not the portion.”
“Maybe I’ll just eat off your plate-“ he started.
“Absolutely not!” she laughed, scooting it away from the tiny man.
The two returned to a darkened house after dinner, Marshmallow briefly looked at them as they came in, then scampered off to sleep somewhere else. Eve walked into the living room, setting him down on the easy chair as she winked at him, kicking her shoes off. She’d worn nylons beneath a dark red dress to dinner, and she sauntered her hips, knowing he was watching as she walked to the kitchen to get him his present.
She returned a moment later with a small box and a heart shaped box of chocolates. She set them down on the ground next to him, and hefted another box curiously.
“I don’t remember buying this one,” she said with a sly smile.
“That one’s for you,” he said, walking around his own gift curiously. His eyes lit up, and he laughed, “a chocolate fountain?”
“I’m going to dip you in it later,” she promised, opening her own gift. Her eyes went wide as she saw a gold locket with a heart shaped design. She clicked it open, revealing a small photo from Christmas of her holding him and Marshmallow.
“Well?” He asked, grinning up at her eagerly, “what do you think?”
“I love it,” she breathed, “no one’s ever gotten me anything like this before…” She blinked a tear out of her eye, then leaned down to pick him up. She brought the tuxedo clad tiny up to her face, giving him a kiss that smothered his entire head, staining him with her red lipstick.
Eve twirled her locket casually in her fingers as she drove her car to the team building exercise location. She wondered if she should hide it, but decided against it. It’s not like Amber would know it had a picture of her and a tiny man in a decidedly equal looking relationship in it, she’d just make up something about a new boyfriend if someone asked.
The resort was a massive building with an exterior façade meant to make it look like an enormous log cabin, and the ski hills loomed behind it. She pulled into a parking space and got out, her bag trailing behind her as she looked up at the extravagant accommodations. She wasn’t thrilled about spending the weekend here pretending to be Amber’s friend, but… maybe it wouldn’t be so bad? The resort looked nice at least.
“Eve!” Amber shouted, noticing her from the check in. Eve put on her best smile, and went to greet the other woman as they were assigned rooms.
“Okay,” Amber said with a sigh as they reached the last powerpoint, “I think that’s the last of the stuff corporate wants us to get through.”
“It says here on the handout there’s one about tiny-employee relations?” Sandy asked, looking up.
Amber rolled her eyes, “It’s just a bunch of bullshit about how this is a tiny-friendly company and we’re supposed to treat them like our equals or whatever.” The other girls laughed, and Eve gave a forced chuckle. Amber’s face suddenly lit up in a wicked grin, “Tell you what, in order to properly appreciate how we should treat tinies… let’s go to the next part of our retreat, everyone meet up at the spa in about a half hour.”
Eve frowned, not sure what to make of that, but she followed the tide of giggling office ladies out the conference room door anyway.
“Oh my god they’re so cute!” Diane squealed, seeing the spa’s tiny workforce. The resort had engaged a large number of tiny men, who were all busy working in teams, pampering the feet of the guests. Pedicures seemed to be the most popular option, with one tiny man working on sanding calluses, while another pair painted toenails.
“Corporate party for seven,” Amber said, sliding the company’s expense card to a bored looking full sized attendant.
“If you could all just sign the waiver,” the attendant said, passing them around. The other girls eagerly signed their names, but Eve frowned.
“Uh, why does a spa need a waiver?” Eve asked.
“It’s probably just tiny protection stuff,” Amber said dismissively.
Eve quickly scanned the document, “participant states by signing that they have had appropriate medical counseling prior to exposure to shri-“
“Eve,” Amber snapped, “stop wasting time reading that.” Eve shrugged and quickly scrawled her name, handing the form to the attendant.
The attendant smiled as the card cleared, “right this way, please stay on the designated path to avoid stepping on any of the workers, and once in your chairs, please remain seated until asked to rise.” As the women were assigned spa chairs one by one crews of tiny men, wearing small versions of the hotel’s uniform, appeared, hefting large bottles of nail polish, scented lotion, and other supplies.
Amber frowned as the last of the chairs was filled, leaving just her and Eve, “hey,” she called, “what gives, I thought you could accommodate my whole party?”
“My mistake,” the attendant said demurely, “please follow me to our VIP area, there aren’t any other appointments scheduled there right now, so we’ll place you there for overflow.”
“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Amber laughed, “come on Eve!”
“Uh, okay!” she said, letting the redhead lead her. She spared a glance at the tiny workers, some of them didn’t seem all that upset to be here, others had worn down look to them, refusing to look up and meet her passing gaze.
Amber and Eve were brought to a small circular room with stone walls and a pool of water around the edge. A low ambient lighting gave the room a more relaxed feel, and Amber sighed happily as she sat down and kicked off her shoes and socks, a moment later Eve followed suit.
The two women watched as a line six shrinkees appeared from a small doorway in the wall, three each separating off for them. Eve felt slightly guilty as the tinies propped her feet up on spongy blocks and began their work.
“I’d like red,” Amber said imperiously, “and paint a nice little design down there in gold.”
“Yes Ma’am,” the tiny man with the nail polish bottle said.
“Look at them go,” Amber laughed, “I change my mind, shrinkees should totally get jobs! This should be what every salon in the world is like, tiny guys earning a living in their proper place…” If the tiny men noticed the slight, they didn’t give any sign, continuing their work in silence and refusing to look up at the two women.
“What color would you like Miss?” one of them asked, startling Eve out of her thoughts.
“I uh, pink?” She said, “with… a yellow design?”
“I’ll do my best,” he said with a small smile. She felt the delicate motions as the brush was applied to her big toe, and then she leaned back and sighed as another tiny man began applying a tingling lotion.
“I made sure to wear the same socks a few days in a row to get ready for this,” Amber teased, “does it smell nice tiny?”
“Wonderful ma’am,” the tiny man painting her toenails said, though from the grimace on his face he didn’t think so.
“This is probably like heaven for these guys,” Amber said, smiling at Eve, “do you ever make your tiny guy do stuff like this?”
“Yeah,” Eve said, forcing a smile. That was sort of true, Evan certainly spent a lot of time around her feet, though he’d never painted her toes…
Something to bring up, she decided, turning back to Amber.
“So Eve,” Amber said, leaning back and closing her eyes, “since we’re here alone, I wanted to let you in on something.”
“Oh?” she asked.
“Our CEO, Deandra Clarkson, is coming to tour our branch in April,” Amber said with a grin, “I haven’t been in charge long, but some friends of mine near the top say it’s time for me to move all the way to corporate HQ, can you believe that?” She shrugged, “I’d need someone to take over for me if I moved up the ladder though, and let’s be real, Sandy, Diane, and the rest aren’t up to it.”
Eve started, almost knocking over one of the tiny workers at her feet, “I er-“ she cleared her throat, “You’d recommend me?”
“Bingo,” Amber laughed.
If Amber left for corporate, and I was in charge… She fought a swelling of hope in her chest, it was everything she wanted! More money, a better job, and Amber gone!
“Wow,” she said with a smile, “I uh, I don’t know what to say!”
“I like you Eve,” Amber said with a smile, “you’re always someone a girl like me can count on, the wing woman that makes it all possible.”
The wing girl that makes it all possible, she thought with a sour feeling in her stomach, whatever, soon you’ll be gone and I can do what I want… She thought of Charles and smiled, he’d definitely be moving back up to the main floor, and god help any of those harpies that harassed him.
“Someone’s in a good mood,” Amber chuckled, “but enough business.” She took out her phone, eagerly recording the tiny men working on her feet, “I fucking love watching these guys work, when are you going to bring your tiny guy in to meet us?”
“Oh any time now,” Eve lied, yeah right like I’d ever let YOU near Evan, “I’m just working on building up his trust a little more.”
“That’s a weird way to go about it,” Amber said, “but if he’s really as smart as you say, I guess you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.”
“Tiny guys just need some… guidance,” Eve said, thinking quickly, “he doesn’t even realize how much he’s already mine, seriously!”
“Sounds like you’re pretty attached,” Amber commented, giggling as the tiny artist began painting her next toe, “don’t go soft on me again Eve!”
She gulped, “He’s just a tiny Amber! He’s feisty but it’s going to end with him as my slave, I’m just letting him walk into it instead of chasing him!” Even as she said it she cursed herself for being so weak. If Amber gets promoted again… WHEN Amber gets promoted again, then this will all just be a bad dream, she promised herself.
“Hey, whatever works!” Amber laughed, stopping the recording on her phone as the tiny men finished her pedicure.
“All done miss,” one of the tiny men said, bowing appropriately.
“Hmm…” Amber peered down and gripped his head with her toes, surprising him and causing his eyes to bulge. “I don’t like floral patterns,” she said with a cruel giggle, “No tip I’m afraid-“
“M-Miss, we make almost all of our earnings on tips-“ one of the tiny men said feebly.
Amber glared down at him coldly, shut up! shut up! shut up! Eve thought in panic.
Eve released the first tiny man, standing up and walking barefoot towards the second, “I don’t know,” she mused, “let’s see how nice and silky smooth my feet feel.” He shouted in shock as Amber lowered her foot on him, and the familiar *crunch* of a tiny man being crushed echoed throughout the small room. The other five tinies looked on in shock. Amber lifted her foot again, flexing it playfully as the crumpled form of the shrinkee struggled back to his knees.
“Uh, Amber,” Eve said, “maybe you shouldn’t do that-“ Amber looked at her with a frown, “They’re hotel employees!” she said, thinking quickly, “you don’t want to get kicked out-“
“Eve, tinies get stepped on all the time,” she said, rolling her eyes, “they bounce right back, watch.” The tiny men scattered as her foot came down again, pinning another member of the salon crew under it. With a sadistic grin Eve pressed down, producing another loud crunching noise. After a moment of grinding her bare foot against the floor, she stepped back, letting the coughing tiny man recover as his body’s rapid regeneration took effect. “See? Just fine.”
“It uh, still hurts quite a lot miss,” another tiny shouted.
Eve’s heart sunk as Amber looked over him with a smile, “Oh? Did you not adequately moisturize my feet? My skin should be so soft that stepping on you should be like a gentle massage…” She playfully tapped her finger to her chin, “why don’t you come over here and check.”
The man hesitantly walked forward, putting a palm on the foot he’d just finished pampering, “Feels nice,” he said with a forced smile, “very soft!”
“Hm… I don’t know,” Amber said, “maybe, give it a kiss? Just to check.” He looked up at her pleadingly. “You boys want your tip, don’t you?” With one final sigh the man leaned forward, planting a short kiss on the side of Amber’s foot. “Good boy,” she said with a giggle, “I’ll be sure to give you every penny you’re worth!”
With that she started slipping on her shoes again, and Eve did the same. She confidently strode out of the small room, and as she put her own shoes back on, Eve followed her. She gave the tiny men one last apologetic look, but they were just helping up the man Amber had stepped on, and picking up their supplies.
Don’t get in front of the sharks, she reminded herself, swim behind them, this one’s about to swim away…
When the receptionist produced their receipts, Eve watched as Amber put a one cent tip down, “Don’t’ spend it all in one place boys,” she giggled, handing it back to the receptionist, who gave her an angry glare. The other girls saw her, giggled, and also put insultingly low tips. Eve glanced at them as they walked away, then quickly scrawled an outrageously large amount on her own, sighing as she handed it to the receptionist.
“I’m sorry about them,” she murmured quietly.
“It’s not me who deserves an apology,” the receptionist said curtly, refusing to look Eve in the eye.
Eve felt like shit as she hurried down the hallway to meet the others. Suddenly there was nothing she wanted more than to be back home with Evan, and she touched the locket unconsciously, even as the women gossiped and laughed.